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作者 张笑雪 施琴 《标准科学》 2025年第1期59-63,共5页
【目的】分析国际性专业标准组织采用开放式标准制定机制开展国际化运作、提升国际影响力的经验做法,研究上海市推进标准国际化的机遇和挑战,并提出相应的对策建议。【方法】通过文献法、案例分析法和调研分析法,选取ASTM International... 【目的】分析国际性专业标准组织采用开放式标准制定机制开展国际化运作、提升国际影响力的经验做法,研究上海市推进标准国际化的机遇和挑战,并提出相应的对策建议。【方法】通过文献法、案例分析法和调研分析法,选取ASTM International、IEEE、UL、3GPP等国际影响力强的国际性专业标准组织为研究对象,对其标准制定程序、国际定位、会员制度等进行调查研究,对上海市标准国际化的机遇与困难进行调研分析,为我国标准组织国际化运作提供参考依据。【结果】最后,提出推动建立开放式的标准制定与实施机制、为标准制定机构提供国际化运作服务、加强国际标准化人才教育与培养、培育国际性专业标准组织等4方面建议。【结论】本文充分考虑产业技术标准协同发展的实际需求,并首次提出建议制定标准组织国际化运作指南,对于促进和提升上海及我国标准组织及标准成果的开放性和影响力、推进更高水平制度型开放具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 国际性专业标准组织 国际 上海 标准制度型开放
社会道德责任标准(SA8000)对我国外经贸影响及对策 被引量:2
作者 孟祥年 《中国经贸》 2004年第5期22-23,共2页
社会道德责任标准(SocialAccountability8000,简称SA8000)自1997年问世以来,受到公众极大关注,在美欧工商界引起了强烈反响。专家们认为,SA8000是继ISO9000、ISO14000之后出现的又一个重要国际性标准。该标准独特之处在于,它是全球第一... 社会道德责任标准(SocialAccountability8000,简称SA8000)自1997年问世以来,受到公众极大关注,在美欧工商界引起了强烈反响。专家们认为,SA8000是继ISO9000、ISO14000之后出现的又一个重要国际性标准。该标准独特之处在于,它是全球第一个以道德为依据的国际标准,宗旨是确保供应商产品符合社会责任标准要求,保护人类基本权益。 展开更多
关键词 道德责任 SA8000 国际性标准 供应商产品 社会责任标准 保护主义者 技术性贸易壁垒 非关税壁垒
SA8000导入机理 企业之间博弈分析视角
作者 刘克非 《管理观察》 2007年第3期62-63,共2页
1.引言SA8000(Social Accountability 8000)是关于企业社会责任的国际性标准,它由9个要素组成,包括童工、强迫劳动、健康与安全。
关键词 SA8000 国际性标准 最优战略 战略空间 社会责任管理 利润模型 效用函数 帕累托最优 社会利益最大化 产品销售量
劳工标准国际化下我国企业社会责任的履行 被引量:4
作者 郑佳宁 《法学杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第9期61-67,共7页
企业社会责任兼具法律强制性、道德伦理性以及"软法"约束性,劳动者权益是企业社会责任中最直接、最现实而又最迫切实现的内容。近年来,随着企业社会责任运动的深入,国际劳工标准、SA 8000等文件所提出的一系列劳工标准便迅速... 企业社会责任兼具法律强制性、道德伦理性以及"软法"约束性,劳动者权益是企业社会责任中最直接、最现实而又最迫切实现的内容。近年来,随着企业社会责任运动的深入,国际劳工标准、SA 8000等文件所提出的一系列劳工标准便迅速进入中国。在劳工标准国际化的趋势下,应结合我国发展现状,重视国际软法性规则的作用,积极完善我国劳动立法,构建企业社会责任体系,在企业运行中保障社会责任的履行。 展开更多
关键词 企业社会责任 国际性劳工标准 劳动者权益
图像接受的差异性与国际性 被引量:2
作者 高建平 《江西社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第10期78-84,共7页
文字具有民族性而图像具有世界性的说法,容易引起误导。读图与读文一样,都需要学习。不学文,即为文盲,不学图,即为图盲。在观看中国画时,中国人与欧洲人的差异,可以从对书法的接受和仿作的例子中凸显出来。书法的笔墨方向、顺序以及其... 文字具有民族性而图像具有世界性的说法,容易引起误导。读图与读文一样,都需要学习。不学文,即为文盲,不学图,即为图盲。在观看中国画时,中国人与欧洲人的差异,可以从对书法的接受和仿作的例子中凸显出来。书法的笔墨方向、顺序以及其中显示的人的气韵和动作,在绘画中同样存在。当然,文化间的差异,不是天生的,而是教育和文化积淀的结果,由此决定了艺术评价标准的形成和变迁都受文化状况的影响;同时,文化间的差异也并不是不可沟通的。关键还是在于,需要通过学习才能读懂图。借助对艺术的跨文化评价而形成的对艺术的种种解读,不可避免地包含着种种误读。 展开更多
关键词 图盲 文化差异性 艺术标准国际性
《工业工程》 1990年第2期128-,共1页
国际标准期刊编号ISSN(International Standard Serial Number),是国际性的标准连续出版物代号。巴黎国际期刊数据系统ISDS(International Serial DataSystem)负责制定统一的著录规则和向各参加国分配ISSN。ISSN由8位数字组成(4位数为一... 国际标准期刊编号ISSN(International Standard Serial Number),是国际性的标准连续出版物代号。巴黎国际期刊数据系统ISDS(International Serial DataSystem)负责制定统一的著录规则和向各参加国分配ISSN。ISSN由8位数字组成(4位数为一组,分两组),前7位数字构成期刊明确的标题号,而第8位是专门用于计算机操作中的校验数字。使用ISSN可方便地进行国际性标准连续出版物的计算机检索,以及连续出版物的出版、发行和其它管理工作,有利于期刊的国际性交流。 展开更多
关键词 国际期刊 著录规则 国际性标准 校验数字 NUMBER 计算机操作 性交流 数据系统 计算机检索 机械学院
《纺织导报》 CAS 1993年第6期57-58,共2页
关键词 质量体系 信息之窗 国际性标准 产品质量 认证企业 产品生产 批产品 合格证书 价格放开 联合公司
《中国经贸》 2004年第5期5-5,共1页
为扩大对外开放,发展对外贸易,维护对外贸易秩序,保护对外贸易经营者的合法权益,促进社会主义市场经济的健康发展,2004年4 月6,日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第八次会议通过修订后的《对外贸易法》。新外贸法允许自然人从事对外... 为扩大对外开放,发展对外贸易,维护对外贸易秩序,保护对外贸易经营者的合法权益,促进社会主义市场经济的健康发展,2004年4 月6,日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第八次会议通过修订后的《对外贸易法》。新外贸法允许自然人从事对外贸易经营活动; 展开更多
关键词 《对外贸易法》 对外贸易经营者 许可管理 国际性标准 国家联盟 社会责任标准 大中华经济圈 双边自由
作者 刘焕煊 《广播电视信息》 2015年第4期33-33,共1页
关键词 数字电视 宽带系统 国际性标准 国际化企业 国际电联 单频网 海外市场 信道传输 线延伸 分前端
Anticoagulation early after mechanical heart valve replacement 被引量:2
作者 Qin Chuan Xiao Yingbin Chen Lin 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2010年第1期24-28,共5页
Objective: To explore the changes of coagulation activity and the characters of anticoagulation early after mechanical heart valve replacement. Methods: All patients only took warfarin orally for anticoagulation. Th... Objective: To explore the changes of coagulation activity and the characters of anticoagulation early after mechanical heart valve replacement. Methods: All patients only took warfarin orally for anticoagulation. The predicted international normalized ratio (INR) was 1.5 to 2.0. Several coagulation markers were monitored early after valve replacement. Complications associated with anticoagulation were recorded and analyzed. The patients were divided into three groups based on the number and position of mechanical valve prothesis, including group M (mitral valve replacement), group A (aortic valve replacement) and group D (mitral and aortic valve replacement).Comparison was made between the three groups. Results: Three events of mild cerebral embolism and five events of mild bleeding occurred during the early postoperative period. One patient suffered from mild cerebral embolism on the 4th day after operation, accompanied by large volume of pericardial drainage. Two patients with bleeding had lower INRs than predicted range. However, INR in one patient with mild cerebral embolism was in the predicted range. There was no significant difference in thrombo time (TT), activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) and 1NR on the 3rd day after operation compared to those before operation; meanwhile, plasma fibrinogen (FIB) concentration was higher than that before operation (P〈0.05). 1NR had no significant changes on the 2nd day after the beginning of anticoagulation compared to that before operation; however, 1NR was significantly elevated on the 4th day (P〈0.05). Warfarin doses and INRs were similar among the three groups, but FIB concentrations in plasma were higher in groups M and D than in group A (P〈0.01). Conclusion: Hypercoagulabale state exists early after mechanical heart valve replacement. When anticoagulation begins is determined by the change of coagulation markers, not by the volume of chest or pericardial drainage. INR can not accurately reflect the coagulation state sometimes, especially during the first 3 days after anticoagulation. The number and position of mechanical valve prothesis could affect coagulation state. Therefore, anticoagulation therapy should be regulated accordingly. 展开更多
关键词 ANTICOAGULATION Mechanical heart valve replacement International normalized ratio WARFARIN
Adult-to-adult living donor liver transplantation for acute liver failure in China 被引量:1
作者 Ding Yuan Fei Liu +6 位作者 Yong-Gang Wei Bo Li Lv-Nan Yan Tian-Fu Wen Ji-Chun Zhao Yong Zeng Ke-Fei Chen 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第48期7234-7241,共8页
AIM:To investigate the long-term outcome of recipients and donors of adult-to-adult living-donor liver transplantation(AALDLT) for acute liver failure(ALF).METHODS:Between January 2005 and March 2010,170 living donor ... AIM:To investigate the long-term outcome of recipients and donors of adult-to-adult living-donor liver transplantation(AALDLT) for acute liver failure(ALF).METHODS:Between January 2005 and March 2010,170 living donor liver transplantations were performed at West China Hospital of Sichuan University.All living liver donor was voluntary and provided informed consent.Twenty ALF patients underwent AALDLT for rapid deterioration of liver function.ALF was defined based on the criteria of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases,including evidence of coagulation abnormality [international normalized ratio(INR) ≥ 1.5] and degree of mental alteration without pre-ex-isting cirrhosis and with an illness of < 26 wk duration.We reviewed the clinical indications,operative procedure and prognosis of AALDTL performed on patients with ALF and corresponding living donors.The potential factors of recipient with ALF and corresponding donor outcome were respectively investigated using multivariate analysis.Survival rates after operation were analyzed using the Kaplan-Meier method.Receiver operator characteristic(ROC) curve analysis was undertaken to identify the threshold of potential risk factors.RESULTS:The causes of ALF were hepatitis B(n = 18),drug-induced(n = 1) and indeterminate(n = 1).The score of the model for end-stage liver disease was 37.1 ± 8.6,and the waiting duration of recipients was 5 ± 4 d.The graft types included right lobe(n = 17) and dual graft(n = 3).The mean graft weight was 623.3 ± 111.3 g,which corresponded to graft-torecipient weight ratio of 0.95% ± 0.14%.The segment Ⅴor Ⅷ hepatic vein was reconstructed in 11 right-lobe grafts.The 1-year and 3-year recipient's survival and graft survival rates were 65%(13 of 20).Postoperative results of total bilirubin,INR and creatinine showed obvious improvements in the survived patients.However,the creatinine level of the deaths was increased postoperatively and became more aggravated compared with the level of the survived recipients.Multivariate analysis showed that waiting duration was independently correlated with increased mortality(P = 0.014).Furthermore,ROC curve revealed the cut-off value of waiting time was 5 d(P = 0.011,area under the curve = 0.791) for determining the mortality.The short-term creatinine level with different recipient's waiting duration was described.The recipients with waiting duration ≥ 5 d showed the worse renal function and higher mortality than those with waiting duration < 5 d(66.7% vs 9.1%,P = 0.017).In addition,all donors had no residual morbidity.Furthermore,univariate analysis did not show that short assessment time induced the high morbidity(P = 0.573).CONCLUSION:Timely AALDLT for patients with ALF greatly improves the recipient survival.However,further systemic review is needed to investigate the optimal treatment strategy for ALF. 展开更多
关键词 Acute liver failure Adult-to-adult liver donor liver transplantation Recipient Donor Risk factors
Electromagnetic Compatibility Technology of Electric Vehicles and Its Development Trend
作者 文宝忠 李波 周荣 《China Standardization》 2012年第2期58-61,共4页
The electromagnetic compatibility of electric vehicles is not only the important technology issue in researches,development and industrialization of electric vehicles,but also the key research area of ISO.In this pape... The electromagnetic compatibility of electric vehicles is not only the important technology issue in researches,development and industrialization of electric vehicles,but also the key research area of ISO.In this paper,both national and international standards of electromagnetic compatibility of electric vehicles are analyzed;it is also suggested that our standards of electromagnetic compatibility of electric vehicles be improved from several aspects such as testing items,test procedures,limit value,etc.The electromagnetic environment of electric vehicles is analyzed in terms of interfering sources,providing the solutions to electromagnetic compatibility and measures of reducing electromagnetic interference.Advanced equipments introduced into Chinese electromagnetic compatibility testing laboratories accelerate the pace of the researches on related technologies and standards;China will develop the standards system which covers from the complete electric vehicle to the key components,promote the technology improvement and industrialization work of Chinese electric vehicles,transform the latest achievements and advanced experiences of Chinese electric vehicles industry to the related standards and contribute the development of international standards. 展开更多
关键词 electric vehicles electromagnetic compatibility standards system TREND
作者 罗伊.琼.谢泼德 《上海教育科研》 1986年第6期32-,共1页
这本书是论述身体形态、机体能力、身体素质及运动能力评价方面的论文集.其内容包括四部分:一、身材、生理学特性、种族、季节、环境因素、学习和习惯作用及测验方法等对体力测验的影响,以及体力测验的各种国际性标准的比较.二、通过实... 这本书是论述身体形态、机体能力、身体素质及运动能力评价方面的论文集.其内容包括四部分:一、身材、生理学特性、种族、季节、环境因素、学习和习惯作用及测验方法等对体力测验的影响,以及体力测验的各种国际性标准的比较.二、通过实验室和现场测验、无氧能力及有氧能力试验推测运动能力.三、学校体育计划的评价:比利时、日本和以色列学校体育计划的分析和季节、骨骼成熟、年龄、社会文化及生态因素对学生体力的影响. 展开更多
关键词 学校体育 无氧能力 身体素质 国际性标准 有氧能力 生理学特性 测验方法 生态因素 环境因素
上海银星皇冠假日酒店团队 “电影节大本营”故事多
作者 詹同玲 《东方电影》 2015年第7期82-83,共2页
了解上海国际电影节的影迷一定知道,上海银星皇冠假日酒店与上海国际电影节有着密不可分的联系。20世纪80年代中期,秦怡、张瑞芳、吴贻弓等电影艺术家希望能在上海举办国际性的电影节,上海市政府在得知艺术家们的这一诉求后,极力促成这... 了解上海国际电影节的影迷一定知道,上海银星皇冠假日酒店与上海国际电影节有着密不可分的联系。20世纪80年代中期,秦怡、张瑞芳、吴贻弓等电影艺术家希望能在上海举办国际性的电影节,上海市政府在得知艺术家们的这一诉求后,极力促成这件盛事。举办国际电影节首先要具备符合国际性标准的场所,于是上海银星皇冠假日酒店应需而建。 展开更多
关键词 皇冠假日酒店 银星 酒店总经理 电影艺术家 吴贻弓 国际性标准 张瑞芳 国际电影节 秦怡 韩祥
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