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作者 武玮璘 《上海集邮》 2005年第11期28-28,共1页
美国邮资机符志协会会长Joel A.Hawkins与会刊主编Richard Stambaugh合著的《国际邮资机符志目录》(图1)于2005年4月出版,这部16开1200多页的巨著堪称最全面、最详尽的世界性邮资机符志目录。
关键词 国际邮资符志目录》 美国邮资符志协会 集邮 群众文化活动 背景知识
作者 夏泽平 《中国招标》 2001年第1期8-8,共1页
关键词 国际招标公司 中国 工作方法 经济建设 招标采购工作
《粮油加工与食品机械》 北大核心 2005年第3期41-41,共1页
大连保税区大原粮机国际工贸有限公司推出的NANTA-3000G系列色选机具有高分辨能力的CCD摄像机选别技术,可分选出小至0.14mm的微小杂质,能轻而易举地挑选出透明玻璃、麸皮、透明塑料、白石子等色泽与好米相似的杂质。该色选机配有双面... 大连保税区大原粮机国际工贸有限公司推出的NANTA-3000G系列色选机具有高分辨能力的CCD摄像机选别技术,可分选出小至0.14mm的微小杂质,能轻而易举地挑选出透明玻璃、麸皮、透明塑料、白石子等色泽与好米相似的杂质。该色选机配有双面CCI)摄像头,以确保均匀地检测大米。 展开更多
关键词 色选 大连保税区大原粮国际工贸有限公司 大米 色泽 杂质 挑选 麸皮 选别 分选
《粮油加工与食品机械》 2004年第3期32-32,共1页
关键词 稻谷 塔式烘干 大连保税区大原粮国际工贸有限公司 技术参数
《粮油加工与食品机械》 2004年第6期31-31,共1页
关键词 DCB-60AS去糠 大连保税区大原粮国际工贸有限公司 技术特征 产品介绍
《粮油加工与食品机械》 2004年第7期34-34,共1页
关键词 DBS-500X色选 大连保税区大原粮国际工贸有限公司 GSI集成技术 谷物 产品介绍
《粮油加工与食品机械》 2004年第3期32-32,共1页
关键词 大连保税区大原粮国际工贸有限公司 去糠 真空吸式方式 米糠 技术参数
作者 张凯 《工程机械与维修》 2005年第8期111-111,共1页
关键词 永立建国际贸易有限公司 中国 工程械市场 高空拆除 挖掘 作业效率 日本
作者 高衡 《工程机械与维修》 2006年第11期120-120,共1页
关键词 产品发表会 客户培训 国际贸易 终端用户 代理商 流媒体 天津 永立建(天津)国际贸易有限公司
作者 李伟 《法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第11期180-192,共13页
现代意义上的舰机相遇除了包含传统的军舰相遇或飞行器相遇外,还包括“舰”与“机”相遇的情形。既有的国际航空法里并不包含“舰”与“机”的相遇规则,国际航空三大公约无法满足舰机相遇问题中特殊主体的诉求。现行由澳大利亚、新西兰... 现代意义上的舰机相遇除了包含传统的军舰相遇或飞行器相遇外,还包括“舰”与“机”相遇的情形。既有的国际航空法里并不包含“舰”与“机”的相遇规则,国际航空三大公约无法满足舰机相遇问题中特殊主体的诉求。现行由澳大利亚、新西兰等国主导的《海上相遇规则》虽可减少和平时期各国海空军事行为的误解误判、避免海空意外事故、维护地区安全稳定,但因不具法律效力且在准用语言、自身设计及纠纷解决机制等方面存在显著不足,尚无法实现国际舰机相遇规则在全球范围内的一体化适用。在践行“一带一路”倡议过程中,我国应该积极主动地推动国际舰机相遇一体化规则的构建,遵守海上与航空规则相统一、军用舰机与非军用舰机规则相统一、双边(包含多边)规则相统一的理念,与“一带一路”沿线国家先行协同制定原则性规定,并逐步推广及完善。构建国际舰机相遇一体化规则应当配套建设纠纷解决机制,在无特殊约定或约定有冲突的情况下,以国际仲裁为优选方案,并以外交途径、国际法院、ADR等作为补充方案。 展开更多
关键词 国际 海上相遇规则 一体化 纠纷解决
把握需求 实现双赢——本刊总编辑刘柱与德国西门子自动化与驱动集团运动控制部全球航空航天业务总经理Dirk Rabeneck对话
作者 晓霏 晓立 《航空制造技术》 2008年第17期36-37,共2页
关键词 西门子自动化 Dirk Rabeneck 业务总经理 航空航天 刘柱 运动控制 行业领军企业 国际机
国际产业资本转移的有效承接机制研究 被引量:1
作者 蓝庆新 《国际商务(对外经济贸易大学学报)》 2007年第4期80-84,共5页
从跨国公司和东道国两个角度,分析了国际产业资本转移的动因,指出对于跨国公司和东道国而言,双赢的策略是发展集聚经济。东道国成功承接国际产业资本转移的机制可以分为产业耦合和产业升级。在产业耦合层次,集聚经济应建立承接国际产业... 从跨国公司和东道国两个角度,分析了国际产业资本转移的动因,指出对于跨国公司和东道国而言,双赢的策略是发展集聚经济。东道国成功承接国际产业资本转移的机制可以分为产业耦合和产业升级。在产业耦合层次,集聚经济应建立承接国际产业资本转移的地方协力生产体系;在产业升级层次,集聚经济应克服锁定效应,不断沿着价值链向上攀升。政府吸引国际产业资本转移的重点应该从提供优惠政策转向建立地方协力生产体系;并且要为国内企业创造与外资企业平等的竞争环境,不断地发展、壮大本土企业。 展开更多
关键词 国际产业资本:承接 集聚经济 产业耦合 产业升级
作者 K Dharmarajan 《世界热带农业信息》 2005年第8期21-22,共2页
关键词 花卉业发展 花卉生产 出口花卉 卡纳塔克邦 花卉行业 中国花卉 贸易展 花卉资源 劳动力成本 国际机
牵住“牛鼻子”接下“巨无霸” 上海浦东机场向国际枢纽机场迈进第一步
《航空港》 2011年第11期12-13,共2页
10月27日,上海浦东国际机场迎来了南航空客A380客机执行的北京-上海CZ6000航班。南航是继今年4月阿联酋航空之后,浦东机场保障的第二家采用空客A380客机投入商业运营执飞上海航线的航空公司。长期致力于建设国内最好、世界一流、最具吸... 10月27日,上海浦东国际机场迎来了南航空客A380客机执行的北京-上海CZ6000航班。南航是继今年4月阿联酋航空之后,浦东机场保障的第二家采用空客A380客机投入商业运营执飞上海航线的航空公司。长期致力于建设国内最好、世界一流、最具吸引力的亚太核心航空枢纽机场的上海浦东国际机场经过二期扩建。 展开更多
关键词 上海浦东 枢纽 航空枢纽 阿联酋航空 定期航班 航空服务 二期扩建 浦东国际机
Comparative epidemiology of gastric cancer between Japan and China 被引量:64
作者 Yingsong Lin Junko Ueda +4 位作者 Shogo Kikuchi Yukari Totsuka Wen-Qiang wei You-Lin Qiao Manami Inoue 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第39期4421-4428,共8页
AIM:To clarify the similarities and differences in gastric cancer epidemiology between Japan and China.METHODS:A comprehensive literature search of the PubMed database was performed.The relevant literature published i... AIM:To clarify the similarities and differences in gastric cancer epidemiology between Japan and China.METHODS:A comprehensive literature search of the PubMed database was performed.The relevant literature published in China was also been cited.Data on incidence and mortality rates in 2008 were obtained from the Cancer Mondial database,published by International Agency for Research on Cancer at http://www-dep.iarc.fr/.RESULTS:Gastric cancer remains a significant publichealth burden in both Japan and China.The prevalence of Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori)colonization is high in the adult populations of both countries.Accumulating evidence from intervention studies in both countries has shown the effectiveness of H.pylori eradication in reduc-ing gastric cancer incidence.There are differences,however,in many aspects of gastric cancer,including patterns of incidence and mortality,trends in the prevalence of H.pylori infection,H.pylori strains,the magnitude of risk of gastric cancer related to H.pylori infection,and associations with dietary habits.Compared with China,Japan has seen a more rapid decline in H.pylori infection among adolescents.While Japanese cohort studies have dominated the literature concerning the associations between gastric cancer and dietary habits,numerous case-control studies in China suggest a positive association between a high intake of preserved fish and vegetables and gastric cancer risk.There is a need for a multidisciplinary research approach to understand the interactions between various strains of H.pylori,host factors,and other lifestyle and environmental factors in gastric carcinogenesis in both countries.CONCLUSION:The shared high incidence of gastric cancer and high prevalence of H.pylori,as well as differences in many aspects of gastric cancer,provide an excellent opportunity to establish Sino-Japanese collaborations. 展开更多
关键词 Gastric cancer Risk factor Helicobacter pylori EPIDEMIOLOGY
Global Financial Crisis and Accounting Rules: The Implications of the New Exposure Draft (ED) Financial Instruments: Expected Credit Losses on the Evaluation of Banking Company Loans 被引量:11
作者 Gianluca Risaliti Greta Cestari Mariarita Pierotti 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第9期1141-1162,共22页
During the financial crisis, the delayed recognition of credit losses on loans and other financial instruments was identified as a weakness in existing incurred loss model of impairment stated by International Account... During the financial crisis, the delayed recognition of credit losses on loans and other financial instruments was identified as a weakness in existing incurred loss model of impairment stated by International Accounting Standards (IAS) 39, because it is believed that this delay might generate pro-cyclical effects. In response to the recommendations of G20, Financial Crisis Advisory Group (FCAG), and other international bodies, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has undertaken, since 2009, as a part of the project to replace IAS 39, a project (partially shared with Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)) aimed at introducing an expected loss model of impairment. Within the scope of this subset project, the IASB has previously issued two exposure documents proposing models to account for expected credit losses: an exposure draft (ED) Financial Instrument: Amortized Cost and Impairment, published in November 2009, and a supplementary document (SD) Financial Instrument: Impairment, published jointly with the FASB in January 2011. However, neither of the two proposals received strong support from interested parties. Recently, the IASB, after the FASB's decision to withdraw from the joint project and to develop a separate expected credit loss model based on a single measurement approach consisting in the sole recognition of lifetime expected credit losses, published a third proposal--Ahe so-called expected credit losses model (ED/2013/3 Financial Instruments: Expected Credit Losses). 展开更多
关键词 impairment expected credit losses International Accounting Standards (IAS) 39 financial instruments global financial crisis banking company loans credit quality
Migration-associated secretion of melanoma inhibitory activity at the cell rear is supported by KCa3.1 potassium channels 被引量:3
作者 Jennifer Schmidt Kristin Friebel +2 位作者 Roland Schoenherr Marc G Coppolino Anja-Katrin Bosserhoff 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第11期1224-1238,共15页
Malignant melanoma, characterized by invasive local growth and early formation of metastases, is the most aggressive type of skin cancer. Melanoma inhibitory activity (MIA), secreted by malignant melanoma cells, int... Malignant melanoma, characterized by invasive local growth and early formation of metastases, is the most aggressive type of skin cancer. Melanoma inhibitory activity (MIA), secreted by malignant melanoma cells, interacts with the cell adhesion receptors, integrins a4131 and 05131, facilitating cell detachment and promoting formation of me- tastases. In the present study, we demonstrate that MIA secretion is confined to the rear end of migrating cells, while in non-migrating cells MIA accumulates in the actin cortex. MIA protein takes a conventional secretory pathway including coat protein complex I (COPI)- and coat protein complex II (COPII)-dependent protein transport to the cell periphery, where its final release depends on intracellular Ca2+ ions. Interestingly, the Ca2+-activated K+-channel, subfamily N, member 4 (KCa3.1), known to be active at the rear end of migrating cells, was found to support MIA secretion. Secretion was diminished by the specific KCa3.1 channel inhibitor TRAM-34 and by expression of dominant- negative mutants of the channel. In summary, we have elucidated the migration-associated transport of MIA protein to the cell rear and also disclosed a new mechanism by which KCa3.1 potassium channels promote cell migration. 展开更多
关键词 MIA protein KCa3.1 potassium channel MIGRATION directed transport regulated secretion
Population sizes and group characteristics of Siberian Crane(Leucogeranus leucogeranus) and Hooded Crane(Grus monacha) in Poyang Lake Wetland 被引量:3
作者 Ming-Qin SHAO Hong GUO +1 位作者 Jian-Hong JIANG 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期373-379,共7页
Both the Siberian Crane(Leucogeranus leucogeranus) and Hooded Crane(Grus monacha) have limited population sizes and are considered endangered by domestic Chinese and international agencies.To document the current size... Both the Siberian Crane(Leucogeranus leucogeranus) and Hooded Crane(Grus monacha) have limited population sizes and are considered endangered by domestic Chinese and international agencies.To document the current size of their respective populations and characterize their groups,between October 2012 and April 2013 we undertook fieldwork at four nature reserve areas within the Poyang Lake wetlands.We divided Poyanghu National Nature Reserve(PYH) into the Wucheng(PWC) and Hengfeng areas(PHF),because each are each located in different counties.Our fieldwork showed that the Siberian Crane occurred mainly in PYH(364 in the PHF,158 in the PWC) and the Nanjishan Wetland National Nature Reserve(NJS,with 200 individuals).The Hooded Crane was mainly distributed in PYH(302 in the PHF and 154 in the PWC).Family groups accounted for more than 50% of the total number of groups among both species,with Hooded Cranes forming more family groups than Siberian Cranes.Typically,these groups were formed of two adults with one offspring(Siberian Crane),and two adults with two offspring(Hooded Crane),with the mean family group size of the Siberian Crane and Hooded Crane being respectively 2.65±0.53(n=43) and 3.09±0.86(n=47) individuals per group.The mean collective group size of the Siberian Crane and Hooded Crane included 28.09±24.94(n=23) and 28.94±27.97(n=16) individuals per group,respectively,with the proportion of juveniles among Hooded Cranes being more than double that seen among the Siberian Cranes. 展开更多
关键词 Siberian Crane Hooded Crane Group characteristics Poyang Lake wetland
Percutaneous transgastric computed tomography-guided biopsy of the pancreas using large needles 被引量:11
作者 Hsiuo-Shan Tseng Chia-Yuen Chen +1 位作者 Wing P Chan Jen-Huey Chiang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第47期5972-5975,共4页
AIM:To assess the safety,yield and clinical utility of percutaneous transgastric computed tomography(CT)-guided biopsy of pancreatic tumor using large needles, in selected patients. METHODS:We reviewed 34 CT-guided bi... AIM:To assess the safety,yield and clinical utility of percutaneous transgastric computed tomography(CT)-guided biopsy of pancreatic tumor using large needles, in selected patients. METHODS:We reviewed 34 CT-guided biopsies in patients with pancreas mass,of whom 24(71%)had a direct path to the mass without passing through a major organ.The needle passed through the liver in one case(3%).Nine passes(26%)were made through the stomach.These nine transgastric biopsies which used a coaxial technique(i.e.a 17-gauge coaxial introducer needle and an 18-gauge biopsy needle)were the basis of this study.Immediate and late follow-up CT images to detect complications were obtained. RESULTS:Tumor tissues were obtained in nine pancreatic biopsies,and histologic specimens for diagnosis were obtained in all cases.One patient,who had a rare sarco-matoid carcinoma,received a second biopsy.One patient had a complication of transient pneumoperitoneum but no subjective complaints.An immediate imaging study and clinical follow-up detected neither hemorrhage nor peritonitis.No delayed procedure-related complication was seen during the survival period of our patients.CONCLUSION:Pancreatic biopsy can be obtained by a transgastric route using a large needle as an alternative method,without complications of peritonitis or bleeding. 展开更多
关键词 BIOPSY Computed tomography PANCREAS STOMACH
Experimental Study on Calculation of Hydro-Geological Parameters for Unsteady Flow 被引量:1
作者 熊春宝 陈雯 叶作安 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2013年第5期351-355,共5页
After the linear analytical method of unsteady flow theory is further improved,an innovative and faster algorithm is introduced.The water storage in a confined aquifer is derived from the water transmissivity coeffici... After the linear analytical method of unsteady flow theory is further improved,an innovative and faster algorithm is introduced.The water storage in a confined aquifer is derived from the water transmissivity coefficient and the water-pressure conductivity coefficient.The water transmissivity coefficient is approximated by a Taylorseries expansion of drawdown,and the water-pressure conductivity coefficient is obtained by the average drawdown.In this algorithm,the distance of the observation points from the pumping well must be short.When the distance is as short as the radius of the main pumping well,the data of the drawdown difference between the sidewall and the center of pumping well are difficult to measure,but the same results can be achieved based on the assumption that the drawdown difference approximates to the drawdown of the observation wells at a radial distance from the pumping well according to the algorithm.Without the help of charts,this algorithm is more concise and efficient,which has been verified by the test of water pumping project in Tianjin Binhai International Airport. 展开更多
关键词 pumping test unsteady flow theory improved linear analytical method hydro-geological parameter
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