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作者 朱琪 《中国美术》 2017年第6期78-91,共14页
关键词 赵之琛 肖形 图像印
作者 朱琪 《中国美术》 2020年第5期106-119,共14页
“肖形印”的概念有其历史局限性,称“肖形图像印”较为准确。以往学者往往忽略了对明代“肖形图像印”的研究,事实上明代有大量此类印章的遗存。从这些实物遗存和印迹出发进行资料搜集、考证研究,将为印学史及明代艺术史的研究补全遗... “肖形印”的概念有其历史局限性,称“肖形图像印”较为准确。以往学者往往忽略了对明代“肖形图像印”的研究,事实上明代有大量此类印章的遗存。从这些实物遗存和印迹出发进行资料搜集、考证研究,将为印学史及明代艺术史的研究补全遗漏的一环。 展开更多
关键词 肖形图像印 明代篆刻 文人艺术
钢坯表面点印字符图像自适应阈值分割方法 被引量:3
作者 张家财 张良力 曾飞 《现代电子技术》 2021年第19期49-54,共6页
因金属表面反光敏感和现场光照条件多变,钢坯表面点印字符图像难以有效分割和识别,文中提出一种基于改进的背景估计和最大熵法的钢坯表面点印字符图像自适应阈值分割方法。利用二维高斯函数与原图像卷积操作得到图像尺度空间与差分尺度... 因金属表面反光敏感和现场光照条件多变,钢坯表面点印字符图像难以有效分割和识别,文中提出一种基于改进的背景估计和最大熵法的钢坯表面点印字符图像自适应阈值分割方法。利用二维高斯函数与原图像卷积操作得到图像尺度空间与差分尺度空间,结合高斯函数特性判断出尺度空间中最佳背景估计层;采用改进的背景差法消除钢坯表面局部反光不均匀干扰,得到前景目标图像;为了进一步提升分割效果,采用一种重构一维直方图的鲁棒最大熵法进行全局阈值分割。利用生产现场采集的钢坯表面点印字符图像进行测试与对比,测试结果表明,所提方法分割所得二值图像噪声小、边缘轮廓清晰,具有较强的鲁棒性和较好的适应性。 展开更多
关键词 自适应阈值分割 字符图像 钢坯表面 背景估计 全局阈值分割 反光消除
作者 张宏志 袁梦尤 +1 位作者 李平立 薛涛 《中国印刷与包装研究》 CAS 2010年第S1期161-165,共5页
图像陷印技术是印前处理的关键技术之一,通常的图像陷印都是基于邻域分析的,不能够从整体上反映一些大尺度趋势,对图像的破坏较大,并且不便于对处理结果进行修改和编辑。本文提出一种基于边界的图像陷印方法,能够从大尺度上反映图像内... 图像陷印技术是印前处理的关键技术之一,通常的图像陷印都是基于邻域分析的,不能够从整体上反映一些大尺度趋势,对图像的破坏较大,并且不便于对处理结果进行修改和编辑。本文提出一种基于边界的图像陷印方法,能够从大尺度上反映图像内容的变化趋势,得到稳定直观的陷印效果,并且方便人工事后编辑。该方法主要包括以下几个步骤:首先通过彩色边缘检测算法得到边界的精准位置和描述,并且计算出边界两侧的像素点与边界的距离关系;其次,分析边界两侧的颜色信息获取边界两侧色块的表征性颜色;然后,根据边界两侧的表征性颜色和陷印参数在边界距离关系的基础上进行整体性的陷印。由于记录了边界的信息及边界距离关系信息,因而能实现中分,自然连续等多种陷印要求,并且可以方便的实现以边界为整体对陷印结果进行编辑。实验表明该方法具有邻域分析方法无可比拟的优越性。 展开更多
关键词 图像 边界 边界检测 边界距离关系 编辑
作者 行婧婧 马晓敏 陈健 《建筑与文化》 2023年第5期257-259,共3页
随着工业陶瓷生产中转印技术的运用日趋成熟,结合版印技艺进行艺术陶瓷创作进入陶艺家的视野。最初版印艺术陶瓷的创作依附于工业制版印刷生产的硬件条件,在小范围内有效地进行尝试。至20世纪中叶,越来越多的艺术家逐渐开启了独立陶瓷... 随着工业陶瓷生产中转印技术的运用日趋成熟,结合版印技艺进行艺术陶瓷创作进入陶艺家的视野。最初版印艺术陶瓷的创作依附于工业制版印刷生产的硬件条件,在小范围内有效地进行尝试。至20世纪中叶,越来越多的艺术家逐渐开启了独立陶瓷版印工作室模式,将陶瓷材料作为承印物和印墨,探索材料与技术跨界融合后的高艺术附加值,营造出多元语义内涵的“意象空间”。当代版印艺术的本质已转化为一种具备当代艺术文化共性的间接性媒介艺术,需要创作者具备全新的媒介化思维以驾驭跨媒介的材料语言。陶瓷上的版印技术本身就具有外化的观念性,与陶瓷技艺语言具备深层的同构性。文章在分析版印图像语言从复现性到艺术性审美向度时代跨越的基础上,例举国外当代陶艺家个性化的创新方法,表征版印语言在当代陶艺创作中的介入所展现出的交融与碰撞。艺术家充分发掘陶瓷与版印的“禀赋”,为当代陶艺创作方法和观念表达提供了新思路。推论版印艺术媒介在西方后现代主义思潮影响下,被重新审视并加以转化,试图以“出位之思”对陶瓷的既定审美再次加以讨论。 展开更多
关键词 图像 语言 当代陶艺 艺术媒介 技艺创新
作者 林其水 《印制电路信息》 2010年第1期37-43,59,共8页
关键词 纳米 图像 电子工业 操作技术
作者 唐克光 《影像材料》 2003年第1期22-23,共2页
关键词 数码技术 制作 彩色网图像 喷绘方法 计算机制作
冷转移印花喷墨样生产常见问题及预防措施 被引量:1
《网印工业》 2020年第4期28-29,共2页
冷转移印花喷墨样生产流程首先简要介绍一下冷转移印花的原理和过程。用溶解性好、固色速率快和水解稳定性好的活性染料把图像印在已涂好离型剂的纸上,烘干打卷。再将棉织物(精炼后不能加柔软剂、平滑剂等拒水性助剂)浸轧碱液,然后与转... 冷转移印花喷墨样生产流程首先简要介绍一下冷转移印花的原理和过程。用溶解性好、固色速率快和水解稳定性好的活性染料把图像印在已涂好离型剂的纸上,烘干打卷。再将棉织物(精炼后不能加柔软剂、平滑剂等拒水性助剂)浸轧碱液,然后与转移印花纸对齐,通过一对均匀轧辊,织物上所带的碱液使转移印花纸上的色浆溶解。 展开更多
关键词 转移花纸 冷转移 柔软剂 离型剂 图像印 固色速率 色浆 浸轧
作者 本刊 《广东印刷》 2022年第4期35-35,共1页
在新产品设计开发过程中,工艺人员为了突出产品主题,往往会使用一种特殊的烫印工艺,即先烫后印工艺。这项工艺在实施过程中经常会出现烫印箔被印刷油墨反拉下来的问题,不但严重破坏设计效果,而且对印刷设备也非常不利。因为反拉下来的... 在新产品设计开发过程中,工艺人员为了突出产品主题,往往会使用一种特殊的烫印工艺,即先烫后印工艺。这项工艺在实施过程中经常会出现烫印箔被印刷油墨反拉下来的问题,不但严重破坏设计效果,而且对印刷设备也非常不利。因为反拉下来的烫印箔粉末会很快堆积在橡皮布上,轻则造成图像网点丢失,重则造成局部图像印不上。 展开更多
关键词 刷油墨 刷设备 橡皮布 图像印 工艺 网点丢失 工艺人员
作者 何颂华 《印刷杂志》 2008年第3期45-47,共3页
陷印也叫补漏白,就是采用计算机软件来解决实际印刷生产过程中不可能做到的(各色印刷图纹之间)绝对套准,从而在不准确中求得准确的效果,以达到提供完美印刷画面的目的。换句话说,陷印主要是为了解决印刷套印不准确而形成的白边或... 陷印也叫补漏白,就是采用计算机软件来解决实际印刷生产过程中不可能做到的(各色印刷图纹之间)绝对套准,从而在不准确中求得准确的效果,以达到提供完美印刷画面的目的。换句话说,陷印主要是为了解决印刷套印不准确而形成的白边或花边问题。包装印刷专色应用的兴起,使得陷印成为印前工艺中必不可少的一部分。由于文字、图形和图像等对象在相互叠合时有多种情形,因此针对这些叠合对象的陷印工艺也有多种处理方式。 展开更多
关键词 前技术 图像处理 黑色陷 图像 多色陷 渐变陷 APOGEEX
作者 Vincent 《中国制衣》 2015年第1期26-27,共2页
图像印花全面升级,文字运用大受追捧Anthony Vaccarello整个系列真正的创新在于那些醒目的撞色字母装饰,根据设计师的解释,它们是用激光切割的塑料薄膜通过热传导印到布料上的。Ashish Gupta设计师对亮片的喜爱人尽皆知,但是今天他用大... 图像印花全面升级,文字运用大受追捧Anthony Vaccarello整个系列真正的创新在于那些醒目的撞色字母装饰,根据设计师的解释,它们是用激光切割的塑料薄膜通过热传导印到布料上的。Ashish Gupta设计师对亮片的喜爱人尽皆知,但是今天他用大量的珍珠带给我们更大的惊喜,设计师将这些珍珠优雅地点缀在服装里,而这些衣服带有某些对观众来说非常新鲜的元素。 展开更多
关键词 图像印 激光切割 Gupta 高级定制 哥特风格 超现代 层次感 灰色调 罗茨 人生态度
《印刷经理人》 2014年第1期13-13,共1页
兰达与EFI推进纳米数字印刷机数字前端研发  EFI公司年度客户交流会日前在美国洛杉矶召开。会议期间,兰达集团和EFI公司签署战略合作伙伴协议,后者将负责为兰达纳米数字印刷设备提供数字前端(DFE)解决方案研发工作。据悉,兰达新... 兰达与EFI推进纳米数字印刷机数字前端研发  EFI公司年度客户交流会日前在美国洛杉矶召开。会议期间,兰达集团和EFI公司签署战略合作伙伴协议,后者将负责为兰达纳米数字印刷设备提供数字前端(DFE)解决方案研发工作。据悉,兰达新款数字前端部分采用EFI Fiery技术后表现力将会更强,即可为兰达单张纸和卷筒纸纳米数字印刷机提供独立的新功能。 展开更多
关键词 纳米数字 兰达 数字前端 EFI 《纽约时报》 美能达 图像印 数字刷机 网络版 柯尼卡
《今日印刷》 2019年第6期8-9,共2页
得世和高宝组建合资公司开发数字包装印刷系统近日,意大利得世公司(Durst)和德国高宝公司(Koenig&Bauer)签署协议,将组建持股各占50%的合资公司,为折叠纸盒和瓦楞纸板行业开发单纸路数字印刷系统。该协议的签署为折叠纸盒和瓦楞纸... 得世和高宝组建合资公司开发数字包装印刷系统近日,意大利得世公司(Durst)和德国高宝公司(Koenig&Bauer)签署协议,将组建持股各占50%的合资公司,为折叠纸盒和瓦楞纸板行业开发单纸路数字印刷系统。该协议的签署为折叠纸盒和瓦楞纸板行业的单纸路数字印刷系统的联合开发和销售铺平了道路。合资公司名为高宝得世公司(Koenig&Bauer Durst GmbH),从5月底开始正式运营。 展开更多
关键词 柯尼卡 IST 美能达 设计中心 海德堡 欧洲公司 丹尼森 智能标签 折叠纸盒 刷机 图像印
作者 吴富贵 《国际人才交流》 1991年第11期47-47,共1页
世界上许多国家的美术工作者,往往别出心裁地将树或者树叶的形象,作为本国国旗的图案设计,由此可以看出,各国人民对树木的重视和珍爱。亚洲西部的黎巴嫩人民,把枝叶繁茂的雪松作为国树。在她的红白两种颜色的国旗中央,有一棵挺立的松树... 世界上许多国家的美术工作者,往往别出心裁地将树或者树叶的形象,作为本国国旗的图案设计,由此可以看出,各国人民对树木的重视和珍爱。亚洲西部的黎巴嫩人民,把枝叶繁茂的雪松作为国树。在她的红白两种颜色的国旗中央,有一棵挺立的松树图案,黎巴嫩雪松,木质坚硬,纹理细致。黎巴嫩人民酷爱雪松,常常把雪松的图像印在书刊或者各种商品的包装上。倘若你有机会去黎巴嫩旅游,雪松的照片随时会映入眼帘。抬头环顾四周,有以雪松为背景的各类商品广告;海港、码头各种进出口商品货物的大型集装箱、海轮上,无不标有雪松的图案。 展开更多
关键词 亚洲西部 美术工作者 进出口商品 图像印 商品广告 大型集装箱 图案设计 特有植物资源 香料植物 香料之岛
Turbo-Based DNW Algorithm for Compressed Video in VLC Domain 被引量:3
作者 LINGHe-fei LUZheng-ding ZOUFu-hao 《Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences》 EI CAS 2005年第1期297-302,共6页
In order to improve the robustness of the differential number watermarking (DNW) algorithm proposed by us before, we proposed turbo-based DNW (T-DNW) in which the turbo code was employed in the DNW algorithm. The turb... In order to improve the robustness of the differential number watermarking (DNW) algorithm proposed by us before, we proposed turbo-based DNW (T-DNW) in which the turbo code was employed in the DNW algorithm. The turbo code was used to encode the message prior to watermark embedding and decode the watermark posterior to watermark detection. From the analysis and experiments, the following conclusion could be drawn. The T-DNW algorithm has little higher computational complexity than DNW. And both algorithms have the same performance in terms of watermark visual quality impact. Furthermore, the T-DNW algorithm is much more robust against some common attack than DNW. Although the T-DNW algorithm sacrifices a half payload, we think the achievements are encouraging. 展开更多
关键词 REAL time video watermarking TURBO based DNW (T DNW) VLC domain
Chaotic system and QR factorization based robust digital image watermarking algorithm 被引量:9
作者 宋伟 侯建军 +1 位作者 李赵红 黄亮 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第1期116-124,共9页
In order to protect copyright of digital images,a new robust digital image watermarking algorithm based on chaotic system and QR factorization was proposed.The host images were firstly divided into blocks with same si... In order to protect copyright of digital images,a new robust digital image watermarking algorithm based on chaotic system and QR factorization was proposed.The host images were firstly divided into blocks with same size,then QR factorization was performed on each block.Pseudorandom circular chain(PCC) generated by logistic mapping(LM) was applied to select the embedding blocks for enhancing the security of the scheme.The first column coefficients in Q matrix of chosen blocks were modified to embed watermarks without causing noticeable artifacts.Watermark extraction procedure was performed without the original cover image.The experimental results demonstrate that the watermarked images have good visual quality and this scheme is better than the existing techniques,especially when the image is attacked by cropping,noise pollution and so on.Analysis and discussion on robustness and security issues were also presented. 展开更多
关键词 digital watermarking QR factorization pseudorandom circular chain logistic mapping
Semi-Fragile Audio Watermarking Algorithm in DWT Domain 被引量:3
作者 LEI Min YANG Yu +1 位作者 LUO Shoushan NIU Xinxin 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第4期71-75,共5页
A novel semi-fragile audio watermarking algorithm in DWT domain is proposed in this paper.This method transforms the original audio into 3-layer wavelet domain and divides approximation wavelet coefficients into many ... A novel semi-fragile audio watermarking algorithm in DWT domain is proposed in this paper.This method transforms the original audio into 3-layer wavelet domain and divides approximation wavelet coefficients into many groups.Through computing mean quantization of per group,this algorithm embeds the watermark signal into the average value of the wavelet coefficients.Experimental results show that our semi-fragile audio watermarking algorithm is not only inaudible and robust against various common images processing,but also fragile to malicious modification.Especially,it can detect the tampered regions effectively. 展开更多
关键词 Semi-fragile Watermarking Wavelet Transform Mean Quantization Tamper Detection
作者 Tong Ming Hu Jia Ji Hongbing 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2009年第3期417-422,共6页
An adaptive digital image watermark algorithm with strong robustness based on gray-scale morphology is proposed in this paper.The embedded strategies include:The algorithm seeks and extracts adaptively the image stron... An adaptive digital image watermark algorithm with strong robustness based on gray-scale morphology is proposed in this paper.The embedded strategies include:The algorithm seeks and extracts adaptively the image strong texture regions.The algorithm maps the image strong texture region to the wavelet tree structures, and embeds adaptively watermark into the wavelet coefficients corresponding to the image's strong texture regions.According to the visual masking features, the algorithm adjusts adaptively the watermark-embedding intensity.Experimental results show the algorithm is robust to compression, filtering, noise as well as strong shear attacks.The algorithm is blind watermark scheme.The image strong texture region extraction method based on morphology in this algorithm is simple and effective and adaptive to various images. 展开更多
关键词 Gray-scale morphology Strong texture region Adaptive control Image watermark
作者 郝红杰 吴一全 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2007年第4期335-342,共8页
To protect the copyright of the image as well as the image quality, a kind of image zero-watermark method based on the Krawtchouk moment invariants and timestamp is proposed. A method is used to protect the image, in ... To protect the copyright of the image as well as the image quality, a kind of image zero-watermark method based on the Krawtchouk moment invariants and timestamp is proposed. A method is used to protect the image, in which features are drawn out from the image as the watermarking. The main steps of the method are presented. Firstly, some low-order moment invariants of the image are extracted. Secondly, the moment invariants and the key are registered to a fair third party to gain the timestamp. Finally, the timestamp can be used to prove who the real owner is. The processing method is simple, only with a few low-order moment invariants to be computed. Experimental results are obtained and compared with those of the method based on geometric moment invariants. Results show that the scheme can well withstand such geometrical attacks as rotating, scaling, cropping, combined attack, translating, removing lines, filtering, and JPEG lossy compression. 展开更多
关键词 image copyright protection digital watermarking geometrical attack Krawtchouk moment invariant
A new image watermarking framework based on levels-directions decomposition in contourlet representation
作者 M.F.Kazemi M.A.Pourmina A.H.Mazinan 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期521-532,共12页
With the development of digital information technologies,robust watermarking framework is taken into real consideration as a challenging issue in the area of image processing,due to the large applicabilities and its u... With the development of digital information technologies,robust watermarking framework is taken into real consideration as a challenging issue in the area of image processing,due to the large applicabilities and its utilities in a number of academic and real environments.There are a wide range of solutions to provide image watermarking frameworks,while each one of them is attempted to address an efficient and applicable idea.In reality,the traditional techniques do not have sufficient merit to realize an accurate application.Due to the fact that the main idea behind the approach is organized based on contourlet representation,the only state-of-the-art materials that are investigated along with an integration of the aforementioned contourlet representation in line with watermarking framework are concentrated to be able to propose the novel and skilled technique.In a word,the main process of the proposed robust watermarking framework is organized to deal with both new embedding and de-embedding processes in the area of contourlet transform to generate watermarked image and the corresponding extracted logo image with high accuracy.In fact,the motivation of the approach is that the suggested complexity can be of novelty,which consists of the contourlet representation,the embedding and the corresponding de-embedding modules and the performance monitoring including an analysis of the watermarked image as well as the extracted logo image.There is also a scrambling module that is working in association with levels-directions decomposition in contourlet embedding mechanism,while a decision maker system is designed to deal with the appropriate number of sub-bands to be embedded in the presence of a series of simulated attacks.The required performance is tangibly considered through an integration of the peak signal-to-noise ratio and the structural similarity indices that are related to watermarked image.And the bit error rate and the normal correlation are considered that are related to the extracted logo analysis,as well.Subsequently,the outcomes are fully analyzed to be competitive with respect to the potential techniques in the image colour models including hue or tint in terms of their shade,saturation or amount of gray and their brightness via value or luminance and also hue,saturation and intensity representations,as long as the performance of the whole of channels are concentrated to be presented.The performance monitoring outcomes indicate that the proposed framework is of significance to be verified. 展开更多
关键词 contourlet based watermarking framework levels-directions decomposition embedding process de-embedding process peak signal-to-noise ratio structural similarity indices normal correlation bit error rate
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