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作者 梁艳 董昕 +2 位作者 银本亮 苏孙恺 贾洪杰 《中国新技术新产品》 2023年第13期37-39,共3页
基于图计算技术的影像地图切片和显示方法主要是基于当前视口区域内需要显示的切片的行、列索引,结合地图切片命名规则得到切片完整路径,根据切片路径显示相应的地图切片并进行无缝拼接显示。在显示范围和显示要素判断上,采用地图分块... 基于图计算技术的影像地图切片和显示方法主要是基于当前视口区域内需要显示的切片的行、列索引,结合地图切片命名规则得到切片完整路径,根据切片路径显示相应的地图切片并进行无缝拼接显示。在显示范围和显示要素判断上,采用地图分块动态裁剪显示和缩放的多尺度处理的策略,大大降低了裁剪计算频度,自适应显示或隐藏图元细节。试验表明,该方法在提高影像地图显示效率的同时,保证了显示效果,值得进行实践推广。 展开更多
关键词 图计算技术 影像地切片 动态裁剪 多尺度缩放处理
基于图计算技术的车险团伙欺诈识别研究 被引量:2
作者 董静 韦云健 +1 位作者 李丹丹 杜新凯 《保险理论与实践》 2022年第7期72-85,共14页
随着车险业务的快速发展,车险理赔中的欺诈风险问题呈明显上升趋势。财险公司因车险欺诈支出的高额费用使车险综合赔付率居高不下。本文结合阳光财产保险股份有限公司(以下简称阳光财险)车险理赔数据,基于图计算技术,将智能风险预警、... 随着车险业务的快速发展,车险理赔中的欺诈风险问题呈明显上升趋势。财险公司因车险欺诈支出的高额费用使车险综合赔付率居高不下。本文结合阳光财产保险股份有限公司(以下简称阳光财险)车险理赔数据,基于图计算技术,将智能风险预警、网络模式匹配、人机互动检索功能融合起来落地应用,以解决车险团伙欺诈识别过程中面临的问题,防范内外部欺诈风险,挽回赔款损失。 展开更多
关键词 图计算技术 车险 团伙欺诈识别
作者 赵温霞 欧阳建平 杨力行 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 2003年第2期356-356,共1页
关键词 计算机辅助填技术 区域地质调查 DBS CADS GIS RS GPS ES 运行环境 应用前景
计算机导航技术在肺内小结节定位中的应用 被引量:9
作者 姜淑云 陈炜生 +3 位作者 曹燕飞 陈龙 钱根年 荆俊杰 《中国胸心血管外科临床杂志》 CAS 2009年第3期226-228,共3页
目的探讨计算机图象导航技术(IGS)在术中定位孤立性肺结节(solitary pulmonary nodule,SPN)的临床应用价值。方法术前对患者进行体表标记,使用吸气末屏气技术行CT扫描。手术时将CT扫描数据传输到计算机辅助导航系统,建立两者三维坐标系... 目的探讨计算机图象导航技术(IGS)在术中定位孤立性肺结节(solitary pulmonary nodule,SPN)的临床应用价值。方法术前对患者进行体表标记,使用吸气末屏气技术行CT扫描。手术时将CT扫描数据传输到计算机辅助导航系统,建立两者三维坐标系的重叠,利用体表标记物进行注册,固定有万能适配器的穿刺针在导航仪的指引下穿刺到小结节注入亚甲蓝进行定位,并用胸腔镜切除肺部小结节。结果本组患者的所有结节均被准确定位,无手术并发症发生。结论计算机辅助导航系统可在术中对肺部小结节进行准确定位。 展开更多
关键词 电视胸腔镜 计算象导航技术 肺小结节
微机图象分析的新进展 被引量:2
作者 游志胜 王开平 +2 位作者 高阳 吴宗寰 罗以宁 《计算机应用》 CSCD 1997年第1期1-4,共4页
本文介绍微机图象分析的最新进展。评价了基于PCI和“自主处理”(NSP)概念的新系统结构,数字摄像机、液晶可调光滤波器(LCTF)和IEEE1394总线接口等新技术,以及微机图象分析从中低分辨率向超高分辨率;从黑白、... 本文介绍微机图象分析的最新进展。评价了基于PCI和“自主处理”(NSP)概念的新系统结构,数字摄像机、液晶可调光滤波器(LCTF)和IEEE1394总线接口等新技术,以及微机图象分析从中低分辨率向超高分辨率;从黑白、彩色到多谱图象分析;从单帧分析到图象序列分析; 展开更多
关键词 象分析 多媒体 数字 计算技术
基于数学形态学的免疫细胞图象分割 被引量:22
作者 谢凤英 姜志国 周付根 《中国图象图形学报(A辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第11期1119-1122,共4页
为了实现对免疫细胞图象的分析 ,首先要对该种图象进行正确分割 ,针对这一要求 ,提出了一种有效的免疫细胞图象分割方法 .该方法是根据数学形态学的知识 ,利用直方图势函数来提取标记点 ,并将这些标记点作为种子点来对梯度图进行 Waters... 为了实现对免疫细胞图象的分析 ,首先要对该种图象进行正确分割 ,针对这一要求 ,提出了一种有效的免疫细胞图象分割方法 .该方法是根据数学形态学的知识 ,利用直方图势函数来提取标记点 ,并将这些标记点作为种子点来对梯度图进行 Watershed变换 ,进而实现了细胞图象的分割 .该方法是一种谱信息与空间信息相结合的分割方法 .根据实验结果和分析可见 ,该方法不仅解决了细胞在参数测量前的精确分割问题 ,同时 ,为水域分割的关键步骤——种子点的选取找到了一种有效而可靠的方法 ,实践表明 ,分割的结果与目视感受相一致 。 展开更多
关键词 免疫细胞 数学形态学 水域分割 谱信息 空间信息 直方势函数 象分割 医学诊断 计算技术
作者 孙永杰 《科技潮》 1994年第10期6-7,共2页
当印第安娜波利斯500即将投产时,克莱斯勒公司遇到了问题。它的'蝰蛇速度'牌汽车的新引擎已由计算机设计完成,而用传统方法制造排气管所需时间太长。但是三维造型技术可以解决这个难题。利用计算机对排气管的成象来引导激光束... 当印第安娜波利斯500即将投产时,克莱斯勒公司遇到了问题。它的'蝰蛇速度'牌汽车的新引擎已由计算机设计完成,而用传统方法制造排气管所需时间太长。但是三维造型技术可以解决这个难题。利用计算机对排气管的成象来引导激光束对液态光敏塑料加工,工程师们可以在几小时内制出关键部件的实物复制品,使生产汽车的时间缩短了6个星期。三维造型技术又称桌上制造工艺(Desrt op Manu-facturing)。 展开更多
关键词 三维造型技术 CAD 计算技术 制造业
作者 周朝晖 李永清 +1 位作者 刘忠库 王耀松 《警察技术》 1996年第1期4-7,共4页
X射线图形系统的回顾与发展周朝晖,李永清,刘忠库一、X射线图形系统的回顾自1984年以来,FISCANX射线行李检查设备已经历了四代机型变迁,而该设备的核心图形系统正是代表着FISCAN的图象水平,从黑白图象经历了伪... X射线图形系统的回顾与发展周朝晖,李永清,刘忠库一、X射线图形系统的回顾自1984年以来,FISCANX射线行李检查设备已经历了四代机型变迁,而该设备的核心图形系统正是代表着FISCAN的图象水平,从黑白图象经历了伪彩色、中分辨率、高分辨到计算机图象... 展开更多
关键词 形系统 X射线 象系统 X射线 检查设备 计算技术 炸药探测 象通道 防爆毯 光电倍增管
Thermodynamic assessment of Ni-Yb binary system 被引量:1
作者 朱代漫 李长荣 +2 位作者 郭翠萍 杜振民 李均钦 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第4期1055-1062,共8页
On the basis of the experimental data of phase equilibria and thermochemical properties available from literatures, a critical assessment for the Ni?Yb binary system was carried out using the CALPHAD (calculation of p... On the basis of the experimental data of phase equilibria and thermochemical properties available from literatures, a critical assessment for the Ni?Yb binary system was carried out using the CALPHAD (calculation of phase diagrams) method. The liquid phase is modeled as the associate model with the constituent species Ni, Yb and YbNi3, owing to the sharp change of the enthalpy of mixing of liquid phase at the composition of around 25% Yb (mole fraction). The terminal solid solutions FCC_A1 (Ni/Yb) and BCC_A2 (Yb) are described by the substitutional solution model with the Redlich?Kister polynomial. The intermetallic compounds, Yb2Ni17, YbNi5, YbNi3, YbNi2, α-YbNi and β-YbNi, are treated as strict stoichiometric compounds, since there are no noticeable homogeneity ranges reported for these compounds. A set of self-consistent thermodynamic parameters for the Ni?Yb binary system are obtained. According to the presently assessed results, the thermochemical properties and the phase boundary data can be well reproduced. 展开更多
关键词 Ni-Yb system thermodynamic assessment CALPHAD technique
Application of Computer Vision Technology in Agriculture 被引量:6
作者 黄喜梅 毕建杰 +3 位作者 张楠 丁筱玲 李飞 侯发东 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第11期2158-2162,共5页
With the development of image processing technology and computer, computer vision technology has been widely used in the production of agriculture,and has made many important achievements. This paper reviews its-resea... With the development of image processing technology and computer, computer vision technology has been widely used in the production of agriculture,and has made many important achievements. This paper reviews its-research progress on diagnosis of agricultural products, water diagnosis, weed identification,product quality testing and grading, agricultural picking and sorting and other as- pects, and finally put forward its existing problems and prospects for the future. 展开更多
关键词 Image processing Computer vision technology Agriculture production PROSPECT
3D Displacement Measurement by White Light Digital Image Analysis in Frequency Domination Area 被引量:1
作者 计欣华 杨新伟 陈金龙 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2008年第1期1-6,共6页
In this paper, white light digital image analysis in frequency domination area for measuring 3D displacement is put forward. The measuring system has the characteristics of whole-field, non-contact and omni-bearing me... In this paper, white light digital image analysis in frequency domination area for measuring 3D displacement is put forward. The measuring system has the characteristics of whole-field, non-contact and omni-bearing measurement. It is simple and the coherent light is not demanded. Gray images before and after deformation are recorded using two CCDs at two different shooting angles, then digitalized and analyzed by frequency domination correlation arithmetic. The 2D displacement obtained is used to formulate 3D displacement via mathematical transformation. The experimental plate is 40,mm in length, 30,mm in width and 10 mm in height. The definite displacement is given using a 3D precise adjusting frame. The 3D displacement is calculated and compared with the definite displacement. The error is 4%-11% and the availability of this method was certified. Using this method, the compression deformation of a thin-wall cylinder with 140 mm in height, 64 mm in inner diameter and 64.6,mm in external diameter, was also measured. This method is proper to measure dynamic deformation. 展开更多
关键词 white light 3D displacement gray image
Image Series Segmentation and Improved MC Algorithm 被引量:1
作者 万卫兵 施鹏飞 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2008年第1期102-106,共5页
A semiautomatic segmentation method based on active contour is proposed for computed tomography (CT) image series. First, to get initial contour, one image slice was segmented exactly by C-V method based on Mumford-Sh... A semiautomatic segmentation method based on active contour is proposed for computed tomography (CT) image series. First, to get initial contour, one image slice was segmented exactly by C-V method based on Mumford-Shah model. Next, the computer will segment the nearby slice automatically using the snake model one by one. During segmenting of image slices, former slice boundary, as next slice initial contour, may cross over next slice real boundary and never return to right position. To avoid contour skipping over, the distance variance between two slices is evaluated by an threshold, which decides whether to initiate again. Moreover, a new improved marching cubes (MC) algorithm based on 2D images series segmentation boundary is given for 3D image reconstruction. Compared with the standard method, the proposed algorithm reduces detecting time and needs less storing memory. The effectiveness and capabilities of the algorithm were illustrated by experimental results. 展开更多
关键词 image series active contour image segmentation isosuface marching cubes
Semi-Fragile Audio Watermarking Algorithm in DWT Domain 被引量:3
作者 LEI Min YANG Yu +1 位作者 LUO Shoushan NIU Xinxin 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第4期71-75,共5页
A novel semi-fragile audio watermarking algorithm in DWT domain is proposed in this paper.This method transforms the original audio into 3-layer wavelet domain and divides approximation wavelet coefficients into many ... A novel semi-fragile audio watermarking algorithm in DWT domain is proposed in this paper.This method transforms the original audio into 3-layer wavelet domain and divides approximation wavelet coefficients into many groups.Through computing mean quantization of per group,this algorithm embeds the watermark signal into the average value of the wavelet coefficients.Experimental results show that our semi-fragile audio watermarking algorithm is not only inaudible and robust against various common images processing,but also fragile to malicious modification.Especially,it can detect the tampered regions effectively. 展开更多
关键词 Semi-fragile Watermarking Wavelet Transform Mean Quantization Tamper Detection
Multiscale edge detection of noisy images using wavelets 被引量:1
作者 FAROOQ M 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2007年第5期737-740,共4页
The classical edge detectors work fine with the high quality pictures, but often are not good enough for noisy images because they cannot distinguish edges of different significance. The paper presented a novel approa... The classical edge detectors work fine with the high quality pictures, but often are not good enough for noisy images because they cannot distinguish edges of different significance. The paper presented a novel approach to multiscale edge detection for noisy images using wavelet transforms based on Lipschitz regularity coefficients and a cascade algorithm. The relationship between wavelet transform and Lipschitz regularity was established. The proposed wavelet based edge detection algorithm combined the coefficients of wavelet transforms along with a cascade algorithm which significantly improves the result. The comparison between the proposed method and the classical edge detectors was carried out. The algorithm was applied to various images and its performance was discussed. The results of edge detection of contaminated images using the proposed algorithm show that it works better than the classical edge detectors. 展开更多
关键词 edge detection WAVELET lipschitz regularity cascade algorithm
High densities of serotonin and peptide YY cells in the colon of patients with lymphocytic colitis 被引量:6
作者 Magdy El-Salhy Doris Gundersen +1 位作者 Jan Gunnar Hatlebakk Trygve Hausken 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第42期6070-6075,共6页
AIM: TO investigate colonic endocrine cells in lympho- cytic colitis (LC) patients. METHODS: Fifty-seven patients with LC were in- cluded. These patients were 41 females and 16 males, with an average age of 49 yea... AIM: TO investigate colonic endocrine cells in lympho- cytic colitis (LC) patients. METHODS: Fifty-seven patients with LC were in- cluded. These patients were 41 females and 16 males, with an average age of 49 years (range 19-84 years). Twenty-seven subjects that underwent colonoscopy with biopsies were used as controls. These subjects underwent colonoscopy because of gastrointestinal bleeding or health worries, where the source of bleed- ing was identified as haemorrhoids or angiodysplasia. They were 19 females and 8 males with an average age of 49 years (range 18-67 years). Biopsies from the right and left colon were obtained from both patients and controls during colonoscopy. Biopsies were fixed in 4% buffered paraformaldehyde, embedded in paraffin and cut into 5 μm-thick sections. The sections immunostained by the avidin-biotin-complex method for se- rotonin, peptide YY (PYY), pancreatic polypeptide (PP) enteroglucagon and somatostatin cells. The cell densi- ties were quantified by computerised image analysis using Olympus software. RESULTS: The colon of both the patient and the control subjects were macroscopically normal. Histo- pathological examination of colon biopsies from con- trols revealed normal histology. All patients fulfilled the diagnosis criteria required for of LC: an increase in intraepithelial lymphocytes (〉 20 lymphocytes/100 epithelial cells) and surface epithelial damage with increased lamina propria plasma cells and absent or minimal crypt architectural distribution. In the colon of both patients and control subjects, serotonin-, PYY-, PP-, enteroglucagon- and somatostatin-immunoreac- tive cells were primarily located in the upper part of the crypts of Lieberk0hn. These cells were basket- or flask-shaped. There was no statistically significant dif- ference between the right and left colon in controls with regards to the densities of serotonin- and PYY- immunoreactive cells (P = 0.9 and 0.1, respectively). Serotonin cell density in the right colon in controls was 28.9 ± 1.8 and in LC patients 41.6±2.6 (P = 0.008). In the left colon, the corresponding figures were 28.5± 1.9 and 42.4± 2.9, respectively (P = 0.009). PYY cell density in the right colon of the controls was 10.1 ± 1 and of LC patients 41 ± 4 (P = 0.00006). In the left colon, PYY cell density in controls was 6.6± 1.2 and in LC patients 53.3 ± 4.6 (P = 0.00007). CONCLUSION: The change in serotonin cells could be caused by an interaction between immune cells and serotonin cells, and that of PYY density might be sec- ondary. 展开更多
关键词 COLON Computer image analysis IMMUNO-HISTOCHEMISTRY Lymphocytic colitis Peptide YY SEROTONIN
Computation and measurement for distributions of temperature and soot volume fraction in diffusion flames 被引量:1
作者 张引弟 娄春 +2 位作者 谢明亮 方庆艳 周怀春 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第4期1263-1271,共9页
A combined computational and experimental investigation to examine temperature and soot volume fraction in coflow ethylene-air diffusion flames was presented.A numerical simulation was conducted by using a relatively ... A combined computational and experimental investigation to examine temperature and soot volume fraction in coflow ethylene-air diffusion flames was presented.A numerical simulation was conducted by using a relatively detailed gas-phase chemistry and complex thermal and transport properties coupled with a semi-empirical two-equation soot model.Thermal radiation was calculated using the discrete ordinates method.An image processing technique and a decoupled reconstruction method were used to simultaneously measure the distributions of temperature and soot volume fraction.The results show that the maximum error for temperature does not exceed 10% between the prediction and the measurement.And the maximum error is 6.9% for soot volume fraction between prediction and measurement.Additional simulations were performed to explore the effects of global equivalence ratio on diffusion flames and the soot formation.The results display that the soot formation increases with decreasing the coflow air velocity.And the soot formation in each case appears in the annular region,where the temperature ranges from about 1 000 K to 2 000 K and the profile becomes taller and wider when the coflow air is decreased. 展开更多
关键词 TEMPERATURE soot volume fraction SIMULATION MEASUREMENT diffusion flame
作者 Chu Ying Mi Hua +2 位作者 Ji Zhen Shao Zibo Q. H. Wu 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2008年第3期405-408,共4页
A novel Bacterial Foraging Algorithm (BFA) based neural network is presented for image compression. To improve the quality of the decompressed images, the concepts of reproduction, elimination and dispersal in BFA are... A novel Bacterial Foraging Algorithm (BFA) based neural network is presented for image compression. To improve the quality of the decompressed images, the concepts of reproduction, elimination and dispersal in BFA are firstly introduced into neural network in the proposed algorithm. Extensive experiments are conducted on standard testing images and the results show that the pro- posed method can improve the quality of the reconstructed images significantly. 展开更多
关键词 Bacterial Foraging Algorithm (BFA) Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Back Propagation(BP) Image compression
Image Registration Based on Improved Mutual Information with Hybrid Optimizer 被引量:3
作者 TANG Min 《Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering(English Edition)》 2008年第1期18-25,共8页
An improved image registration method is proposed based on mutual infor- mation with hybrid optimizer. Firstly, mutual information measure is combined with morphological gradient information. The essence of the gradie... An improved image registration method is proposed based on mutual infor- mation with hybrid optimizer. Firstly, mutual information measure is combined with morphological gradient information. The essence of the gradient information is that locations a large gradient magnitude should be aligned, but also the orientation of the gradients at those locations should be similar. Secondly, a hybrid optimizer combined PSO with Powell algorithm is proposed to restrain local maxima of mutual information function and improve the registration accuracy to sub-pixel level. Lastly, muhlresolution data structure based on Mallat decomposition can not only improve the behavior of registration function, but also improve the speed of the algorithm. Experimental results demonstrate that the new method can yield good registration result, superior to traditional optimizer with respect to smoothness and attraction basin as well as convergence speed. 展开更多
关键词 image registration mutual information muhiresolution data structure particle swarm optimization powell algorithm
作者 王小敏 何福仙 卢运萍 《现代妇产科进展》 CSCD 2003年第1期28-30,共3页
目的 :探讨单核细胞趋化蛋白 1(MCP 1)在子宫内膜异位症发生发展中的作用。方法 :采用免疫组织化学链酶亲和素 生物素 过氧化酶复合物染色法 (SABC法 )及电子计算机图象分析技术 ,分析 2 0例子宫内膜异位症患者的异位内膜与在位内膜... 目的 :探讨单核细胞趋化蛋白 1(MCP 1)在子宫内膜异位症发生发展中的作用。方法 :采用免疫组织化学链酶亲和素 生物素 过氧化酶复合物染色法 (SABC法 )及电子计算机图象分析技术 ,分析 2 0例子宫内膜异位症患者的异位内膜与在位内膜中MCP 1的表达 ,并以 2 0例正常子宫内膜作对照组。结果 :MCP 1分布在子宫内膜腺上皮和间质细胞的细胞质中 ,且在腺上皮中的表达高于间质 (P <0 .0 1) ,与月经周期无关。子宫内膜异位症异位内膜与在位内膜中MCP 1呈高表达状态 ,与正常内膜相比 ,差异有高度显著性 (P <0 .0 1)。而在位内膜与异位内膜之间差异亦有高度显著性 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 :MCP 展开更多
关键词 子宫内膜异位症 单核细胞趋化蛋白-1 免疫组织化学 电子计算象分析技术
Three dimensional modeling and developing of tunnel based on objectarx technique 被引量:1
作者 张和生 姬阳瑞 +1 位作者 温志勇 石秀伟 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2006年第2期62-65,共4页
Studied the methods of 3D modeling in tunnel of underground and realized the3D visual expression of tunnel using language Object ARX CAD.
关键词 tunnel of underground 3D methodof model Object ARX
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