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作者 赵程 张志斌 +1 位作者 郭嘉丰 刘丁玮 《高技术通讯》 CAS 2022年第8期825-835,共11页
现有外存图计算系统中,外存I/O带宽不足成为性能瓶颈。使用整体并行模型将导致冗余计算,使用异步并行模型则将引入额外的优先级计算开销和负载不均衡。本文提出了基于块坐标下降法(BCD)的外存异步图计算系统(BCDG),设计了一次选择多轮... 现有外存图计算系统中,外存I/O带宽不足成为性能瓶颈。使用整体并行模型将导致冗余计算,使用异步并行模型则将引入额外的优先级计算开销和负载不均衡。本文提出了基于块坐标下降法(BCD)的外存异步图计算系统(BCDG),设计了一次选择多轮优先的调度策略,降低了优先级计算的平均开销;设计了基于优先级的块预取策略,解决了优先选择会破坏顺序执行流水线的问题;设计了计算调度分离的划分策略,实现了均衡地按边计算和按点调度。实验结果表明,相较于目前最先进的外存图计算系统GridGraph和Lumos,所提系统平均性能分别提升10.30倍与8.72倍。整体计算过程中,中央处理器(CPU)等待外存I/O的时间仅占10%~30%。 展开更多
关键词 图计算系统 外存 异步并行计算 块坐标下降(BCD) 划分
图数据分析系统计算模型综述 被引量:5
作者 刘梦雅 刘燕兵 +2 位作者 于静 郭莉 孙志刚 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第11期3204-3213,共10页
为适应图数据规模巨大、耦合性强、动态变化等特点,实现大规模图数据的高效分析计算,对图计算系统计算模型的研究现状进行了调研和综述。介绍了图计算系统的产生和发展,然后将主流图计算系统中的计算模型按照计算对象分为节点中心计算... 为适应图数据规模巨大、耦合性强、动态变化等特点,实现大规模图数据的高效分析计算,对图计算系统计算模型的研究现状进行了调研和综述。介绍了图计算系统的产生和发展,然后将主流图计算系统中的计算模型按照计算对象分为节点中心计算模型、边中心计算模型、路径中心计算模型和子图计算模型四类,重点介绍节点中心模型的应用和性能。最后对图计算模型的发展过程进行总结,并展望图计算模型未来的发展方向。 展开更多
关键词 算法 数据 图计算系统 计算模型 数据一致性
作者 王建 华蓓 《电子技术(上海)》 2017年第7期78-83,共6页
图计算在大数据时代有着广泛的应用,高性能图计算系统已经成为一种重要的信息处理平台。随着众核处理器计算性能迅速提高,多核/众核处理器协同已成为实现高性能计算系统的重要途径之一。Intel Xeon Phi是与X86架构兼容的众核处理器,具... 图计算在大数据时代有着广泛的应用,高性能图计算系统已经成为一种重要的信息处理平台。随着众核处理器计算性能迅速提高,多核/众核处理器协同已成为实现高性能计算系统的重要途径之一。Intel Xeon Phi是与X86架构兼容的众核处理器,具有很高的并行计算能力和访存带宽。然而,目前除文献中报道的Cgraph系统外,少有在CPU-Phi架构上实现的图计算系统。本文针对Cgraph系统的诸多不足,重新设计并实现了CPU-Phi上的图计算系统Pgraph。Pgraph重点针对图迭代处理过程进行了优化,提出了兼顾并行度和访存效率的消息缓冲区设计,对迭代处理过程进行了高度的并行化和向量化,设计了考虑负载均衡的任务分配和线程调度机制等。在本文的实验设置中,Pgraph系统的性能均优于Cgraph。 展开更多
关键词 图计算系统 CPU-Phi异构平台 系统优化
我国铁路计算机编图系统的组成及运作模式构想 被引量:3
作者 柳进 《铁道运输与经济》 北大核心 2004年第1期42-45,共4页
关键词 计算机编系统 列车运行 数据库 铁路运输 中国
作者 刘令斌 任龙 +1 位作者 黄建强 黄东强 《青海大学学报》 2022年第4期61-68,共8页
图计算系统是处理大规模图数据的重要工具,在城市交通规划、社交网络分析、消费统计等领域都具有重要意义。针对传统的图计算算法无法高效处理大规模图数据与普通用户难以实现并行算法等问题,文中实现了多个并行图计算接口,使用push和p... 图计算系统是处理大规模图数据的重要工具,在城市交通规划、社交网络分析、消费统计等领域都具有重要意义。针对传统的图计算算法无法高效处理大规模图数据与普通用户难以实现并行算法等问题,文中实现了多个并行图计算接口,使用push和pull的混合计算模型,拓展了原子操作,并基于Ligra图计算系统实现深度优先搜索及子图匹配算法。拓展后的并行图计算算法比传统的图计算算法提速1000倍左右。 展开更多
关键词 大规模数据 处理 图计算系统 CPU 并行计算
作者 严余松 杜文 《中国铁路》 1999年第12期16-19,共4页
关键词 列车运行 计算机编系统 管理体制
计算机客货流图处理系统的研究 被引量:1
作者 周全学 刘伟 《铁路计算机应用》 2002年第10期13-15,共3页
关键词 计算机客货流处理系统 AUTOCAD 铁路运输 客流 货流
作者 左仁广 《地质与资源》 CAS 2004年第3期178-180,共3页
关键词 计算机辅助地质填系统 面向对象 程序化设计 层管理 数据库
虚拟现实技术中视景建模快捷实现的软件 被引量:3
作者 郭恒业 李晗静 王力明 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 2000年第3期52-53,共2页
关键词 虚拟现实 视景建模 软件 计算象生成系统
复杂野外地质属性数据的快速采集方法探讨 被引量:5
作者 张夏林 汪新庆 +1 位作者 刘刚 吴冲龙 《地质科技情报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第3期101-104,共4页
研究、开发计算机辅助填图系统的野外数据采集子系统的关键是要解决快速采集数据的问题。通过编制特别的野外数据录入专用软件 ,把数据库的前端和后端分离 ,使用多数据表单界面录入技术和标准词条的屏幕提示录入技术 ,大量使用组合快捷... 研究、开发计算机辅助填图系统的野外数据采集子系统的关键是要解决快速采集数据的问题。通过编制特别的野外数据录入专用软件 ,把数据库的前端和后端分离 ,使用多数据表单界面录入技术和标准词条的屏幕提示录入技术 ,大量使用组合快捷键 ,采用动态数据模型技术 ,综合集成先进设备和空间坐标的实时自动捕获等方法 ,可以有效提高野外地质数据的采集速度。 展开更多
关键词 计算机辅助填系统 野外数据采集系统 地矿点源信息系统 地质属性数据 数据库
环丁砜芳烃抽提体系界面性质的研究 被引量:1
作者 魏海国 费维扬 朱慎林 《高校化学工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期6-12,共7页
采用悬滴张力仪和计算机图象采集系统研究了环丁砜芳烃抽提体系的界面性质及其对传质的影响。结果表明:在存在传质的条件下,相界面存在强烈的Marangoni现象。界面张力随芳烃浓度的增加而减小,但苯、甲苯和对二甲苯等组分的变化幅度不同... 采用悬滴张力仪和计算机图象采集系统研究了环丁砜芳烃抽提体系的界面性质及其对传质的影响。结果表明:在存在传质的条件下,相界面存在强烈的Marangoni现象。界面张力随芳烃浓度的增加而减小,但苯、甲苯和对二甲苯等组分的变化幅度不同。非平衡液的界面张力与组分所在的相及传递方向有关,平衡液的界面张力则与芳烃初始所在的相无关。实验还表明,非平衡液产生界面扰动所需的浓度与芳烃的分配系数(即Marangini数Ma)有关。传质推动力越大,Ma越大,界面扰动的程度也越剧烈。 展开更多
关键词 环丁砜 芳烃 抽提体系 界面性质 MARANGONI效应 分配系数 悬滴张力仪 计算象采集系统 化工分离
作者 袁中芳 魏增涛 +5 位作者 牟国营 王晓燕 陶祥臣 李新 王红梅 朱丽贞 《中国眼耳鼻喉科杂志》 2004年第1期10-12,共3页
目的探讨重组内皮抑素(Endostatin)对兔角膜新生血管(corneal neovascularization,CNV)形成的影响。方法新西兰白兔18只,随机分为三组,每组6只12眼,采用角膜缝线法制备兔CNV模型,其中两组分别以浓度为10 μg/ml、50μg/ml重组内皮抑素点... 目的探讨重组内皮抑素(Endostatin)对兔角膜新生血管(corneal neovascularization,CNV)形成的影响。方法新西兰白兔18只,随机分为三组,每组6只12眼,采用角膜缝线法制备兔CNV模型,其中两组分别以浓度为10 μg/ml、50μg/ml重组内皮抑素点眼,4次/d,连续19 d,并以生理盐水点眼作对照。CNV生长面积采用计算机图像分析系统进行分析比较。结果10μg/ml、50μg/ml重组内皮抑素实验组自第7d开始CNV平均生长面积明显低于对照组(P<0.05),两实验组CNV面积比较,差异无显著意义(P>0.05)。角膜组织病理学检查,实验组新生血管明显稀少,实验组与对照组炎性细胞成分及浸润程度相似。结论浓度10 μg/ml、50μg/ml重组内皮抑素具有明显抑制角膜新生血管生长的作用,而无毒副作用,为临床防治CNV提供了一种新的途径. 展开更多
关键词 角膜新生血管 重组内皮抑素 计算象分析系统 组织病理学检查
Infrared Real-time Thermal System Based on DSP 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Xiao-fei, LIU Cheng-kang, YUAN Xian-hui (Photoelectricity Information College, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, CHN) 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2001年第2期76-79,共4页
An infrared real-time imaging system using DSP(digital signal processor) as the kernel of digital signal processing board is presented. In this system, the imaging difference and nonuniformity correction method is dev... An infrared real-time imaging system using DSP(digital signal processor) as the kernel of digital signal processing board is presented. In this system, the imaging difference and nonuniformity correction method is developed on the chip taking advantage of DSP with high speed. The method combines hardware and software together, so that the difficulty for realizing such a method with other hardware can be overcome. 展开更多
Quantitative Detection of Screening for Cervical Lesions with ThinPrep Cytology Test
作者 Hong-xin ZHANG Yi-min SONG Su-hong LI Yu-hui YIN Dong-ling GAO Kui-sheng CHEN 《Clinical oncology and cancer researeh》 CAS CSCD 2010年第5期299-302,共4页
OBJECTIVE To investigate the available parameters in gynecological screening for cervical lesions by liquid-based cytology technology (ThinPrep Cytology Test, TCT) and The Bethesda System (TBS), also with computer... OBJECTIVE To investigate the available parameters in gynecological screening for cervical lesions by liquid-based cytology technology (ThinPrep Cytology Test, TCT) and The Bethesda System (TBS), also with computer image analysis. METHODS With application of the image analysis system, all grades of cervical lesion cells were detected quantitatively and sorted in atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS), atypical squamous cells-cannot exclude HSIL (ASC-H), low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL), high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) and cervical squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) with the mean optical density (MOD), average grey (AG), positive units (PU), and nucleus to cytoplasmic ratio (N: C). Differences between each group of cells were compared and analyzed statistically. RESULTS Apart from four stereologic parameters in LSIL and HSIL groups there were no differences among them, in the other groups, there was statistically significant in differences between MOD, AG and PU values. Differences between them in the ratio of nucleus to cytoplasm were highly statistically significant. CONCLUSION Stereological indexes may serve as a screening tool for cervical lesions. The image analysis system is expected to become a new means of cytological assisted diagnosis. 展开更多
关键词 cell biology uterine cervical neoplasms TBS image analysis computer-assisted.
Cast shadow detection for moving objects based on binocular stereo vision 被引量:2
作者 彭祺 仲思东 屠礼芬 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第2期651-658,共8页
A novel cast shadow detection approach was proposed.A stereo vision system was used to capture images instead of traditional single camera.It was based on an assumption that cast shadows were on a special plane.The im... A novel cast shadow detection approach was proposed.A stereo vision system was used to capture images instead of traditional single camera.It was based on an assumption that cast shadows were on a special plane.The image obtained from one camera was inversely projected to the plane and then transformed to the view from another camera.The points on the plane shared the same position between original image and the transformed image.As a result,the cast shadows can be detected.In order to improve the efficiency of cast shadow detection and decrease computational complexity,the obvious object areas in CIELAB color space were removed and the potential shadow areas were obtained.Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach can detect cast shadows accurately even under various illuminations. 展开更多
关键词 cast shadow detection stereo vision moving objects flat ground
Wear Debris Identification Using Feature Extraction and Neural Network
作者 王伟华 马艳艳 +1 位作者 殷勇辉 王成焘 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2004年第4期42-45,共4页
A method and results of identification of wear debris using their morphological features are presented. The color images of wear debris were used as initial data. Each particle was characterized by a set of numerical ... A method and results of identification of wear debris using their morphological features are presented. The color images of wear debris were used as initial data. Each particle was characterized by a set of numerical parameters combined by its shape, color and surface texture features through a computer vision system. Those features were used as input vector of artificial neural network for wear debris identification. A radius basis function (RBF) network based model suitable for wear debris recognition was established, and its algorithm was presented in detail. Compared with traditional recognition methods, the RBF network model is faster in convergence, and higher in accuracy. 展开更多
关键词 wear debris CHARACTERIZATION neural network pattern recognition.
Design and implementation of web fast sharing platform of massive geological map 被引量:2
作者 YAN Yan XUE Linfu ZHANG Wei LI Wenqing 《Global Geology》 2012年第2期114-119,共6页
It is still a laborious work to consult massive multidisciplinary geological maps which are scattered in different geological departments,and hard to give full play to the potential application value of geological map... It is still a laborious work to consult massive multidisciplinary geological maps which are scattered in different geological departments,and hard to give full play to the potential application value of geological map. Along with the network,the development of communication and computer technology,especially with the Web2.0 technology arisen,provides opportunities to the web for sharing of geological maps. Web fast sharing platform of massive geological maps( WSPGM) is based on the Flex technology development,using B/S architecture,with map navigation,search,display,security and other functions of the software system. Through the map pretreatment and asynchronous communication the system can display any size of geological map,and through the range limits,rights management,sharing system and watermark logo to take effective security on geological map. On the basis of this system,with the Jilin University web sharing system of geological map,the system can greatly improve the efficiency of using geological map. for research. 展开更多
关键词 geological map sharing platform WSPGM
Computational Intelligence-Based System in the Support of the Diagnosis of Brain Tumors: An Approach through Fuzzy C-Means Method
作者 Rodrigo Gondim Miranda 《Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology》 2018年第6期626-628,共3页
Brain tumor is a major cause of an increased transient between children and adults. This article proposes an improved method based on magnetic resonance (MRI) brain imaging and image segmentation. Automated classifi... Brain tumor is a major cause of an increased transient between children and adults. This article proposes an improved method based on magnetic resonance (MRI) brain imaging and image segmentation. Automated classification is encouraged by the need for high accuracy in dealing with a human life. Detection of brain tumor is a challenging problem due to the high diversity in tumor appearance and ambiguous tumor boundaries. MRI images are chosen for the detection of brain tumors as they are used in the determination of soft tissues. First, image preprocessing is used to improve image quality. Second, the multi-scale decomposition of complex dual-wavelet tree transformations is used to analyze the texture of an image. Resource extraction draws resources from an image using gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM). Therefore, the neuro-fuzzy technique is used to classify brain tumor stages as benign, malignant, or normal based on texture characteristics. Finally, tumor location is detected using Otsu threshold. The performance of the classifier is evaluated on the basis of classification accuracies. The simulated results show that the proposed classifier provides better accuracy than the previous method. 展开更多
TrueType Font Symbol Library for Cartography of Emergency Situations
《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第1期114-120,共7页
This contribution deals with the process of creation of symbol libraries for emergency situations cartography. The libraries were created as a TrueType font files. Two symbol libraries were created. The first one is a... This contribution deals with the process of creation of symbol libraries for emergency situations cartography. The libraries were created as a TrueType font files. Two symbol libraries were created. The first one is a set of symbols for description of map orientation (compass roses and north arrows) with correct national (in this case Czech) description. The second one is a set of symbols for description of CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear) threats and another CBRN issues. The TrueType font files are used as symbol libraries in various ESRI products. The font libraries created in this form are easily transferable between various operating systems and GIS programs and also can be easily converted into various different vector graphics formats. The whole process of font creation has taken place under Linux environment. Fortunately main programs used in this process are multiplatform and could be used under Linux, MS Windows and other various computer operating was part of Ubuntu repository and it was obtained free of charge. systems. All software used during the process of font creation 展开更多
关键词 TTF TrueType font font creation map symbology emergency situations DISASTER cartography.
Pattern Formation Control Using QR-Code for Mobile Robots
作者 Kuo-Lan Su Jr-Hung Guo Bo-Yi Li 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2012年第10期594-600,共7页
The article presents multi-pattern formation exchange of mobile robots according to the image signals, programs motion paths using A* searching algorithm, and avoids the collision points of motion paths. The system c... The article presents multi-pattern formation exchange of mobile robots according to the image signals, programs motion paths using A* searching algorithm, and avoids the collision points of motion paths. The system contains an image system, a grid based motion platform, some wireless Radio Frequency (RF) modules and five mobile robots. We use image recognition algorithm to classify variety pattern formation according to variety Quick Response (QR) code symbols on the user interface of the supervised computer. The supervised computer controls five mobile robots to execute formation exchange and presents the movement scenario on the grid based motion platform. We have been developed some pattern formations according to game applications, such as long snake pattern formation, phalanx pattern formation, crane wing pattern formation, sword pattern formation, cone pattern formation, sward pattern tbrmation, T pattern formation, rectangle pattern formation and so on. We develop the user interface of the multi-robot system to program motion paths for variety pattern formation exchange according to the minimum displacement. In the experimental results, the supervised computer recognizes the various QR-code symbols using image system and decides which pattern formation to be selected on real-time. Mobile robots can receive the pattern formation command from the supervised computer, present the movement scenario from the original pattern formation to the assigned pattern formation on the motion platform, and avoid other mobile robots on real-time. 展开更多
关键词 Multi-pattern formation exchange A* searching algorithm snake pattern formation wireless RF (radio frequency)interface.
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