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死尸的威逼:清代自杀图赖现象中的法与“刁民” 被引量:12
作者 段文艳 《学术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期125-129,共5页
清代民间社会广泛存在着纠纷当事人自杀却被家人诬赖是别人所逼的"架尸图赖"现象,手段之奸伪刁诈令人咂舌。本着重视人命事犯的原则,清律中专门设有禁止图赖和禁止威逼的相关条例,乡规族约中也多视此为地方恶习。"刁民&q... 清代民间社会广泛存在着纠纷当事人自杀却被家人诬赖是别人所逼的"架尸图赖"现象,手段之奸伪刁诈令人咂舌。本着重视人命事犯的原则,清律中专门设有禁止图赖和禁止威逼的相关条例,乡规族约中也多视此为地方恶习。"刁民"自杀图赖的现象反映了资源分配不公及人们生存权利的深层社会问题,同时也体现出了民众的法律及权利意识。 展开更多
关键词 刁民 自杀 图赖 威逼
清代社会视野下的图赖现象研究——以嘉道时期题本刑科档案为例 被引量:4
作者 杨扬 《云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2018年第3期146-155,共10页
清代社会存在着广泛利用尸体泄愤或获取利益的图赖行为,这类行为的出现自乾隆朝开始显著增多,从类型学的研究方法来看,案件的处理较为复杂。清代有专门规定禁止图赖、恐吓取财与威逼人致死的律例条文,其中经历了例文与司法实践相互调适... 清代社会存在着广泛利用尸体泄愤或获取利益的图赖行为,这类行为的出现自乾隆朝开始显著增多,从类型学的研究方法来看,案件的处理较为复杂。清代有专门规定禁止图赖、恐吓取财与威逼人致死的律例条文,其中经历了例文与司法实践相互调适并进而修改的立法过程,大体而言,立法旨趣逐渐趋于具体化。图赖案件在清代的具体时空分布,以乾嘉道时期所占比例最高,而嘉道时期社会失范趋势加速,故以嘉道时期刑科题本中"图赖"案为中心的研究,分析图赖者利用尸体的产生方式、尸体与图赖者关系以及图赖发生原因,对清代图赖现象进行微观考察,可以从社会与司法等方面剖析其生成机制,借此展现清代中央司法官员在案件审理中司法运作的实态。 展开更多
关键词 图赖 故杀 尸体 诉讼策略 清代
作者 杨扬 《交大法学》 CSSCI 2019年第3期87-102,共16页
“图赖”现象在传统民间社会虽时有发生,但直至明代,才成为需要法律规制的问题,进而进入律典体系。在此过程中,图赖词意从社会层面的谋图诬赖,发展为法律层面的身尸图赖,亦即由广泛的并不需要尸体媒介产生的社会行为,发展成为须有尸体... “图赖”现象在传统民间社会虽时有发生,但直至明代,才成为需要法律规制的问题,进而进入律典体系。在此过程中,图赖词意从社会层面的谋图诬赖,发展为法律层面的身尸图赖,亦即由广泛的并不需要尸体媒介产生的社会行为,发展成为须有尸体媒介产生命案方能进行图赖的法律行为。这是口语表达向专业术语变化的过程,也是传统社会图赖行为由日常话语转变为法律话语的渐变历程。这种历程概括而言,是一种由“现象规范司法实践”的动态衍变。深入分析明代司法实践中对图赖现象的裁断过程,也许会对传统中国法律体系思维方式特征的具体表现形式有所启示。 展开更多
关键词 图赖 日常话语 法律话语 司法裁判
作者 刘金德 《佳木斯大学社会科学学报》 2013年第3期109-113,共5页
关键词 清代 图赖 事迹
明清时期广东图赖现象探析 被引量:1
作者 任志强 《韶关学院学报》 2011年第3期9-15,共7页
从明末到整个清朝,广东一直存在图赖现象。图赖者主要是衙役、恶棍和其他各色不良之人等。图赖的手段有借端讹诈、直接图赖、设局诈骗等。衙役为非作歹使被图赖者付出的代价太大,以及对图赖者惩处较轻,讼师教唆、图谋金钱、温饱问题得... 从明末到整个清朝,广东一直存在图赖现象。图赖者主要是衙役、恶棍和其他各色不良之人等。图赖的手段有借端讹诈、直接图赖、设局诈骗等。衙役为非作歹使被图赖者付出的代价太大,以及对图赖者惩处较轻,讼师教唆、图谋金钱、温饱问题得不到解决、保甲制度松弛和审判不公等是图赖猖獗和存在的重要原因。州县官员勤政廉洁、严格约束衙役,是当时体制下实现社会治理清明的唯一选择,但是又是难以做到的。 展开更多
关键词 明代 清代 广东 图赖 诈骗
作者 斯琴花 敦布日乐 《蒙医药》 1996年第2期11-12,共2页
关键词 图赖 类风湿性关节炎 蒙医 民族医学
明清徽州官府和地方社会对假命图赖问题的管控与治理 被引量:1
作者 陈瑞 《中国农史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第1期90-101,124,共13页
假命图赖问题是明清时期徽州社会中一度对社会经济秩序产生严重负面冲击的社会问题。由于假命图赖问题的社会危害性较大,明清徽州官府与地方社会十分重视对假命图赖行为和相关人员进行管控与治理,以遏制或消除其对社会造成的危害和负面... 假命图赖问题是明清时期徽州社会中一度对社会经济秩序产生严重负面冲击的社会问题。由于假命图赖问题的社会危害性较大,明清徽州官府与地方社会十分重视对假命图赖行为和相关人员进行管控与治理,以遏制或消除其对社会造成的危害和负面影响。在地方官府和社会力量协同共治之下,明清徽州境内的假命图赖问题在一定时期、一定范围内得到一定程度的遏制。但是,作为长期积淀而成的社会弊俗,假命图赖问题的管控与治理也存在着治而复发、发而复治、久治不愈等难题。对假命图赖问题“难治”这一社会历史现象,从表面看,与谋财牟利的物质冲动有关,从深层次考量,则还应与徽州当地长期积累形成的民俗、民风有关。 展开更多
关键词 明清 徽州 假命图赖 社会问题 社会治理
清代图赖问题的成因、禁革与治理 被引量:2
作者 杨扬 《历史档案》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期74-82,共9页
图赖是清代民间社会经常发生的现象,对此律例规定予以禁止。探究图赖问题的成因,书吏衙役摊派、人地需求加剧、自然条件都是造成图赖频繁发生的重要因素。为制止图赖的发生,地方官府亦采取相应措施,如颁布禁令、设立善堂,从官府到民间... 图赖是清代民间社会经常发生的现象,对此律例规定予以禁止。探究图赖问题的成因,书吏衙役摊派、人地需求加剧、自然条件都是造成图赖频繁发生的重要因素。为制止图赖的发生,地方官府亦采取相应措施,如颁布禁令、设立善堂,从官府到民间进行综合整治。在一定程度上能够有效减少图赖对地方社会秩序的危害,但实质上却很难完全根除图赖问题的发生。 展开更多
关键词 图赖 成因 禁革
道光朝赖懋端京控图赖案中的司法裁判 被引量:1
作者 杨扬 《历史档案》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第1期107-115,共9页
清代人命案件审断过程中诉讼策略的运用、案情事实的构建以及验尸意见的专门知识对司法官员认定事实、适用法律产生影响,是研究清代司法运作实态的重要内容。清代图赖现象不仅以社会风俗的形态存在,民众更是将其作为诉讼策略不断利用,... 清代人命案件审断过程中诉讼策略的运用、案情事实的构建以及验尸意见的专门知识对司法官员认定事实、适用法律产生影响,是研究清代司法运作实态的重要内容。清代图赖现象不仅以社会风俗的形态存在,民众更是将其作为诉讼策略不断利用,从而实现诉讼意图。道光朝对京控图赖问题的讨论,是因应清中后期社会转型的现实需求。本文以发生在江西的一起京控图赖案为例,通过剖析案件的发生背景、纠纷缘起、鉴定意见对司法裁判的影响以及诉讼话语的功能,试图呈现清代人命图赖案件在裁判过程中事实认定的复杂性问题。 展开更多
关键词 图赖 京控 司法裁判 事实认定 诉讼策略
作者 Sui Yuping Yang Chengyu +3 位作者 Liu Yanjun Wang Jun Wei Zhonghui He Xin 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2008年第5期647-651,共5页
A simple and adaptive lossless compression algorithm is proposed for remote sensing image compression, which includes integer wavelet transform and the Rice entropy coder. By analyzing the probability distribution of ... A simple and adaptive lossless compression algorithm is proposed for remote sensing image compression, which includes integer wavelet transform and the Rice entropy coder. By analyzing the probability distribution of integer wavelet transform coefficients and the characteristics of Rice entropy coder, the divide and rule method is used for high-frequency sub-bands and low-frequency one. High-frequency sub-bands are coded by the Rice entropy coder, and low-frequency coefficients are predicted before coding. The role of predictor is to map the low-frequency coefficients into symbols suitable for the entropy coding. Experimental results show that the average Comprcssion Ratio (CR) of our approach is about two, which is close to that of JPEG 2000. The algorithm is simple and easy to be implemented in hardware. Moreover, it has the merits of adaptability, and independent data packet. So the algorithm can adapt to space lossless compression applications. 展开更多
关键词 Remote sensing image Lossless compression Rice entropy coder Integer Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT)
Analyzing the Interdependence Between Some Certain Gene Loci by Epistasis Measures in Fitness Landscapes of Schemata
作者 李建武 李敏强 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2003年第1期63-67,共5页
GA hardness and interdependence between genes in the chromosome are important questions in the study of genetic algorithms(GA). Traditional methods, which are used to measure the interaction between genes, can only re... GA hardness and interdependence between genes in the chromosome are important questions in the study of genetic algorithms(GA). Traditional methods, which are used to measure the interaction between genes, can only reflect the extent of epistasis between all genes in the chromosome. Therefore, the definition of the fitness landscape of schemata is proposed in this paper, and epistasis measures on this landscape of schemata are used to analyze the degree of interdependence between some certain gene loci in study. Some information between these sites can be reflected by some characters of the fitness landscape of schemata which are composed of these fixed sites. The stronger the interaction between these sites, the larger the variation of the fitness of schemata whose fixed sites correspond to those sites in study, and the more rugged the fitness landscape of these schemata. According to the degree of interaction between these given gene loci, building blocks of GA can be analyzed and determined, and further genetic operators and the structure of GA can be designed and adjusted to improve the performance of GA. At last, a lot of experiments including NK models are done, and results of empirical analysis show that this method is effective. 展开更多
关键词 EPISTASIS fitness landscapes GA hardness NK models schemata
Thickness-dependent patterning of MoS2 sheets with well-oriented triangular pits by heating in air 被引量:11
作者 Haiqing Zhou Fang Yu +9 位作者 Yuanyue Liu Xiaolong Zou Chunxiao Cong Caiyu Qiu Ting Yu Zheng Yan Xiaonan Shen Lianfeng Sun Boris I. Yakobson James M. Tour 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第10期703-711,共9页
Patterning ultrathin MoS2 layers with regular edges or controllable shapes is appealing since the properties of MoS2 sheets are sensitive to the edge structures. In this work, we have introduced a simple, effective an... Patterning ultrathin MoS2 layers with regular edges or controllable shapes is appealing since the properties of MoS2 sheets are sensitive to the edge structures. In this work, we have introduced a simple, effective and well-controlled technique to etch layered MoS2 sheets with well-oriented equilateral triangular pits by simply heating the samples in air. The anisotropic oxidative etching is greatly affected by the surrounding temperature and the number of MoS2 layers, whereby the pit sizes increase with the increase of surrounding temperature and the number of MoS2 layers. First-principles computations have been performed to explain the formation mechanism of the triangular pits. This technique offers an alternative avenue to engineering the structure of MoS2 sheets. 展开更多
关键词 layered MoS2 oxidative etching thickness-dependent triangular pits
Image space analysis for variational inequalities with cone constraints and applications to traffic equilibria 被引量:5
作者 LI Jun 1,& HUANG NanJing 2 1 College of Mathematics and Information,China West Normal University,Nanchong 637009,China 2 Department of Mathematics,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610064,China 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2012年第4期851-868,共18页
In this paper,the image space analysis (for short,ISA) is employed to investigate variational in- equalities (for short,VI) with cone constraints.Linear separation for VI with cone constraints is characterized by usin... In this paper,the image space analysis (for short,ISA) is employed to investigate variational in- equalities (for short,VI) with cone constraints.Linear separation for VI with cone constraints is characterized by using the normal cone to a regularization of the image,and saddle points of the generalized Lagrangian func- tion.Lagrangian-type necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for VI with cone constraints are presented by using a separation theorem.Gap functions and weak sharpness for VI with cone constraints are also investi- gated.Finally,the obtained results are applied to standard and time-dependent traffic equilibria introduced by Daniele,Maugeri and Oettli. 展开更多
关键词 variational inequality image space analysis linear separation necessary and sufficient optimalitycondition traffic equilibrium
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