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一种抛物反射折射圆像的拟合方法 被引量:3
作者 段慧仙 李光耀 +1 位作者 李超 谭云兰 《计算机学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第10期2063-2071,共9页
基于圆的摄像机标定有着无可比拟的优势.目前,虽有文献证明了圆在反射折射摄像机下的像是一条四次曲线,但由于存在遮挡,仅仅部分封闭曲线在像平面上是可见的,且通过其可见部分无法拟合圆像的方程,进而无法标定摄像机参数.因此,当摄像机... 基于圆的摄像机标定有着无可比拟的优势.目前,虽有文献证明了圆在反射折射摄像机下的像是一条四次曲线,但由于存在遮挡,仅仅部分封闭曲线在像平面上是可见的,且通过其可见部分无法拟合圆像的方程,进而无法标定摄像机参数.因此,当摄像机位率为1且斜率为0时,作者提出了一种抛物反射折射圆像的拟合方法,为研究基于圆的摄像机标定算法奠定了基础.首先,推导出了抛物反射折射圆像需要满足的条件;其次,在这些条件基础上提出了一种抛物反射折射圆像的拟合方法;最后,利用拟合得到的抛物反射折射圆像和通过抛物镜面的投影轮廓线估计得到的摄像机主点直接计算出摄像机焦距,以此评价文中拟合方法的性能.大量的模拟实验和真实实验均验证了文中拟合方法的有效性. 展开更多
关键词 反射折射摄像机 反射折射 摄像机标定 拟合
新疆圆柏枝皮醇提物抗菌活性的测定 被引量:9
作者 祖丽皮亚.玉努斯 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第7期55-58,共4页
本文对新疆圆柏枝皮乙醇提取物的抑菌特性进行了研究,测试了提取物对食品中主要致病、致腐细菌的最低抑菌浓度和最低杀菌浓度、试验了提取成分对热、压力、紫外光和金属离子的稳定性,结果表明:新疆圆柏枝皮乙醇提取物对受试菌均有较低... 本文对新疆圆柏枝皮乙醇提取物的抑菌特性进行了研究,测试了提取物对食品中主要致病、致腐细菌的最低抑菌浓度和最低杀菌浓度、试验了提取成分对热、压力、紫外光和金属离子的稳定性,结果表明:新疆圆柏枝皮乙醇提取物对受试菌均有较低的最低抑菌浓度和最低杀菌浓度,分别为:枯草芽孢杆菌MIC0.25%,MBC0.5%;金黄色葡萄球菌MIC0.125%,MBC0.125%;大肠杆菌MIC0.0625%,MBC0.125%;苏云金杆菌MIC0.125%,MBC0.25%;普通变形杆菌MIC0.0625%,MBC0.125%,产气肠杆菌MIC0.03125%,MBC0.125%。抑菌成分对热、压力、紫外光及金属离子稳定。 展开更多
关键词 新疆柏枝皮乙醇提取 抑菌活性 稳定
作者 李莉 《古代文学理论研究》 2023年第2期45-62,共18页
理学当宋炽盛,儒家纲常与“道理最大”的观念、泛滥经史、格物致知的治学范式,深刻影响了宋诗论。以宋诗论中惯见的圆物而言,其内涵与前代相比,发生了明显的变化,具有极强的反概括性、非替代性:其一,宋人执圆物论诗,一般该切特定圆物体... 理学当宋炽盛,儒家纲常与“道理最大”的观念、泛滥经史、格物致知的治学范式,深刻影响了宋诗论。以宋诗论中惯见的圆物而言,其内涵与前代相比,发生了明显的变化,具有极强的反概括性、非替代性:其一,宋人执圆物论诗,一般该切特定圆物体用,圆合儒家经书义理,诗论圆物多涵义理,且是儒家进退出处之德进入诗学范畴、批评诗歌的枢机。其二,理学强调学习,潜移默化,使宋人相信作诗有法可习,执圆物论诗法,以理学之苦求、活求为诗法。其三,理学内求内应的治学之风约束诗歌审美取向,宋人以圆物言诗贵内在。 展开更多
关键词 圆物 宋诗论 理学
嵌入自适应注意力机制YOLOv3的类圆杆物计数方法研究 被引量:1
作者 谢有浩 魏保良 +2 位作者 姜阔胜 王迪 王济广 《邵阳学院学报(自然科学版)》 2023年第1期24-31,共8页
为解决类圆杆物生产分装过程中传统计数方法计数准确率低和检测速度慢等问题,采用一种融合GIoU优化算法与注意力机制YOLOv3的类圆杆物检测计数方法(adaptive attentional mechanism YOLOv3,AAM-YOLOv3)。首先使用数据增强技术对标定数... 为解决类圆杆物生产分装过程中传统计数方法计数准确率低和检测速度慢等问题,采用一种融合GIoU优化算法与注意力机制YOLOv3的类圆杆物检测计数方法(adaptive attentional mechanism YOLOv3,AAM-YOLOv3)。首先使用数据增强技术对标定数据进行扩增,减少模型过拟合现象;然后,以K-means算法聚类训练数据,自适应确定锚框尺寸,并采用GIoU算法优化回归损失函数;最后,引入混合注意力模块(CBAM)强化检测网络提取目标位置有效特征,忽略不重要特征信息,以克服传统YOLOv3算法中因特征提取不充分而导致目标漏检的问题。结果表明,所提出的AAM-YOLOv3模型检测mAP值为97.5%,计数准确率为98.9%,较改进前分别提高5.8%和4.4%,检测速度达到40 fps。所提算法以及检测计数方法可快速高效地实现类圆杆物的准确计数,能满足生产分装过程检测要求。 展开更多
关键词 YOLOv3网络 计数 K-MEANS聚类 CBAM模块
作者 于化龙 《中国语言文学研究》 2022年第1期138-149,共12页
“触物圆览”是“诗人比兴”的关键谓项。然而,对于怎样理解“触物圆览”,学界意见并不统一。两种观点呈现出认知(尤其是伦理性认知)与审美的差异与对立。因此,本文试图以“触物圆览”为研究焦点,参考符号修辞学、艺术符号学、伦理符号... “触物圆览”是“诗人比兴”的关键谓项。然而,对于怎样理解“触物圆览”,学界意见并不统一。两种观点呈现出认知(尤其是伦理性认知)与审美的差异与对立。因此,本文试图以“触物圆览”为研究焦点,参考符号修辞学、艺术符号学、伦理符号学的相关理论,针对“触物圆览”所蕴含的修辞机制与符号过程进行分析,从而为比兴中修辞、艺术、伦理等内涵的交互关联提供一种证明。 展开更多
关键词 《文心雕龙·比兴》 符号学
作者 吴碧华 《剧影月报》 2000年第2期41-42,共2页
关键词 舞台经验 京剧 表演技巧 脚步技巧 圆物
作者 杨一丹 《大舞台》 2024年第3期48-52,共5页
《圆环物语》中四男三女七位主角的“循环叙事”似乎形成了一个完美的真相闭环,然而戏剧结构中似乎故意遗留的审美符码对表层叙事形成了“颠覆”,又在暗示质疑叙事的真实性。本文将从戏剧结构中审美符码的“悬置”、戏剧循环结构的二元... 《圆环物语》中四男三女七位主角的“循环叙事”似乎形成了一个完美的真相闭环,然而戏剧结构中似乎故意遗留的审美符码对表层叙事形成了“颠覆”,又在暗示质疑叙事的真实性。本文将从戏剧结构中审美符码的“悬置”、戏剧循环结构的二元性、现代性喜剧结构的悲剧意味三个方面开展,从虚构与现实双重视角切入,凝视台湾地区巨大的历史撕裂感而造就的内在生存焦虑。 展开更多
关键词 语》 赖声川 身份意识 循环
《文心雕龙·比兴》赞语的美学意义 被引量:5
作者 张晶 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第8期115-121,共7页
刘勰《文心雕龙》每篇结尾都有赞语,赞语是《文心雕龙》各篇不可分割的部分,有着重要的理论价值。其中《比兴》篇的赞语内涵尤为深刻且丰富。《比兴》篇赞语是正文内容的凝练与升华,其中所提出的命题,可以作为理解《比兴》篇正文的钥匙... 刘勰《文心雕龙》每篇结尾都有赞语,赞语是《文心雕龙》各篇不可分割的部分,有着重要的理论价值。其中《比兴》篇的赞语内涵尤为深刻且丰富。《比兴》篇赞语是正文内容的凝练与升华,其中所提出的命题,可以作为理解《比兴》篇正文的钥匙。《比兴》篇内容颇为复杂,尚有若干难解之义。从赞语中或许可以得到对于正文内容的新解。《比兴》赞语的理论价值不止于此,其中所蕴含的美学阐释空间,是具有当代美学建设意义的。 展开更多
关键词 《文心雕龙》赞语 比兴 拟容取心 断辞必敢
“偶然”:审美感兴作为艺术掌握世界方式的特有属性 被引量:1
作者 张晶 《河北学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第4期120-131,共12页
在中国美学的诸多范畴中,“感兴”是具有核心地位的重要范畴,包含着从艺术创作的发生到表现的基本过程。在“感兴”的诗学文献资料中,可以看到“偶然”是其基本属性与契机。感兴诗论中最基本的界定应为“触物而起情,谓之兴”,最多的词... 在中国美学的诸多范畴中,“感兴”是具有核心地位的重要范畴,包含着从艺术创作的发生到表现的基本过程。在“感兴”的诗学文献资料中,可以看到“偶然”是其基本属性与契机。感兴诗论中最基本的界定应为“触物而起情,谓之兴”,最多的词语则是触、遇、适会等。这些词语都有鲜明的偶然性特征。从诗学的意义上看,“感兴”可被视为艺术掌握世界方式的特有形态,也表征了中国诗学关于艺术发生的基本理念。以现象学的眼光来看“触物”,触发性是引发意向活动的前提条件。中国诗学的“感兴”,是在偶然契机中唤起主体的情感。“偶然”也成为诗人与宇宙造化相通的样态。 展开更多
关键词 偶然 审美感兴 艺术掌握世界方式
新疆圆柏枝条乙醇提取物体外抗菌活性测定 被引量:4
作者 祖丽皮亚.玉努斯 《食品科技》 CAS 北大核心 2006年第4期72-75,共4页
对新疆圆柏枝条乙醇提取物的抑菌特性进行了研究,测试了提取物对食品中主要致病、致腐细菌的最低抑菌浓度和最低杀菌浓度、实验了提取成分对热、压力、紫外光和金属离子的稳定性,并选择了有代表性的食品进行食物实验。结果表明:新疆圆... 对新疆圆柏枝条乙醇提取物的抑菌特性进行了研究,测试了提取物对食品中主要致病、致腐细菌的最低抑菌浓度和最低杀菌浓度、实验了提取成分对热、压力、紫外光和金属离子的稳定性,并选择了有代表性的食品进行食物实验。结果表明:新疆圆柏乙醇提取物对受试菌均有较低的最低抑菌浓度和最低杀菌浓度,分别为:枯草芽孢杆菌MIC0.5%、MBC0.75%;大肠杆菌MIC0.125%、MBC0.25%;金黄色葡萄球菌MIC0.25%、MBC0.25%;苏云金杆菌MIC0.0625%、MBC0.25%;产气肠杆菌MIC0.0625%、MBC0.125%;普通变形杆菌MIC0.25%、MBC0.5%;酵母菌MIC0.5%、MBC1%;黑曲霉MIC1%、MBC2%;青霉MIC1%、MBC2%;根霉MIC1%、MBC2%;毛霉MIC1%、MBC2%。抑菌成分对热、压力、紫外光及金属离子稳定,且食物防腐实验结果良好。 展开更多
关键词 新疆柏枝条乙醇提取 抑菌活性 稳定性
Wall pressure analysis in squat silos
作者 原方 范量 高新南 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2004年第3期356-359,共4页
Rankine theory and Coulomb theory are not suitable for the calculation of wall pressure by bulk materials, so this paper studies the actual distribution and calculation methods for the wall pressure in squat silos. Ba... Rankine theory and Coulomb theory are not suitable for the calculation of wall pressure by bulk materials, so this paper studies the actual distribution and calculation methods for the wall pressure in squat silos. Based on the limits equilibrium theory, the force on unit width of wall exerted by bulk materials is obtained, and the distribution of wall pressure is obtained by accurate mathematical deduction. It is proved that the results are in good agreement with those of the full-sized silo experiment, whether the top of the stored bulk materials is a horizontal plane or a conical pile. 展开更多
关键词 CALCULATIONS PRESSURE Pressure distribution Walls (structural partitions)
Recent insights into physiological responses to nutrients by the cylindrospermopsin producing cyanobacterium,Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii 被引量:6
作者 Michele A.BURFORD Anusuya WILLIS +2 位作者 Ann CHUANG Xiao MAN Philip T.ORR 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第4期1032-1039,共8页
The harmful cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii is a widespread species increasingly being recorded in freshwater systems around the world. Studies have demonstrated some key attributes of this species which... The harmful cyanobacterium Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii is a widespread species increasingly being recorded in freshwater systems around the world. Studies have demonstrated some key attributes of this species which may explain its global dominance. It has a high level of flexibility with respect to light and nutrients, being capable of growth under low and variable light conditions. However, it is the strategy with respect to nutrient utilization that has received more attention. Unlike many bloom forming species, the dominance of this species is not simply linked to higher nutrient loads. In fact it appears that it is more competitive when phosphorus and nitrogen availability is low and/or variable. An important component of this flexibility appears to be the result of within-population strain variability in responses to nutrients, as well as key physiological adaptations. Strain variability also appears to have an effect on the population-level cell quota of toxins, specifically cylindrospermopsins(CYNs). Field studies in Australia showed that populations had the highest proportion of toxic strains when dissolved inorganic phosphorus was added, resulting in stoichiometrically balanced nitrogen and phosphorus within the cells. These strategies are part of an arsenal of responses to environmental conditions, making it a challenging species to manage. However, our ability to improve bloom prediction will rely on a more detailed understanding of the complex physiology and ecology of this species. 展开更多
关键词 nitrogen PHOSPHORUS cylindrospermopsins STRAINS
Influence of infilling stiffness on mechanical and fracturing responses of hollow cylindrical sandstone under uniaxial compression tests 被引量:5
作者 WU Qiu-hong WENG Lei +1 位作者 ZHAO Yan-lin FENG Fan 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第8期2485-2498,共14页
Hollow cylindrical sandstone specimens filled with Al,Pb and polymethyl methacrylate(PMMA),as well as hollow and solid specimens were tested under monotonic unconfined compression.The discrepancies in the elastic modu... Hollow cylindrical sandstone specimens filled with Al,Pb and polymethyl methacrylate(PMMA),as well as hollow and solid specimens were tested under monotonic unconfined compression.The discrepancies in the elastic modulus,unconfined compressive strength and failure pattern of the specimens were studied and then illustrated.The interaction stress threshold and localized failure stress threshold were identified by the strain gauges on the rock and filling rod.The results indicated that unobvious changes in the strength and elastic modulus were found between the solid and hollow specimens,while for the hollow specimens with infillings,the strength decreases with increasing the stiffness of the infilling material.The filling material with a higher stiffness leads to a high hoop stress,and hence a stronger interfacial force.The specimens coupled with filling rod are mainly fractured with tensile cracks,while the solid and hollow specimens are typically split into blocky fragments with dominated shear fractures.Finally,the equivalent inner pressure in the opening was theoretically derived.The findings suggested in the experiments can be well explained using the theoretical thick-walled cylinder model. 展开更多
关键词 mechanical properties hollow cylinder INFILLING hoop stress uniaxial compression
“拟容取心”释 被引量:1
作者 裘惠楞 《浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 1983年第2期80-82,8,共4页
“拟容取心”一语,出自《文心雕龙》《比兴》篇的赞语中。对“拟容取心”的解释,长期以来,多以为是既描绘其外貌,又摄取其实质的意思。如1963年出版的,陆侃如、牟世金两位先生合著的《文心雕龙选译》(下),就已将“拟容取心”翻译作“比... “拟容取心”一语,出自《文心雕龙》《比兴》篇的赞语中。对“拟容取心”的解释,长期以来,多以为是既描绘其外貌,又摄取其实质的意思。如1963年出版的,陆侃如、牟世金两位先生合著的《文心雕龙选译》(下),就已将“拟容取心”翻译作“比拟事物的外表,摄取其精神实质”。而首先把“拟容取心”作为“拟容取心说”来提出的,则是王元化先生的文章《释【比兴篇】拟容取心说》(发表在1978年第一期《文学评论》上,后收入《文心雕龙创作论》)。因此,要解释“拟容取心”的含义,还得从王元化先生的文章谈起。 展开更多
关键词 拟容取心 文心雕龙 王元化 文学评论 赞语 陆侃如 新概念 共同特点 肝胆
Some New Solutions of Jacobi Elliptic Functions to mBBM Equation 被引量:2
作者 GONG Lun-Xun PAN Jun-Ting 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第5X期787-790,共4页
The modified mapping method is further improved by the expanded expression of u(ξ) that contains the terms of the first-order derivative of function f(ξ). Some new exact solutions to the mBBM equation are determ... The modified mapping method is further improved by the expanded expression of u(ξ) that contains the terms of the first-order derivative of function f(ξ). Some new exact solutions to the mBBM equation are determined by means of the method. We can obtain many new solutions in terms of the Jacobi elliptic functions of the equation. 展开更多
关键词 further improved modified mapping method traveling wave solutions Jacobi elliptic functions
Two new species of the genus Cobitis Linnaeus(Teleostei:Cobitidae) from southern China 被引量:1
作者 陈咏霞 隋晓云 +1 位作者 梁娜 陈毅峰 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第3期517-525,共9页
Two new species of the genus Cobitis from southern China,C.hereromacula from the Luohe River in Guangdong Province and C.baishagensis from the Nandujiang River in Hainan Province,are described and illustrated here.C.h... Two new species of the genus Cobitis from southern China,C.hereromacula from the Luohe River in Guangdong Province and C.baishagensis from the Nandujiang River in Hainan Province,are described and illustrated here.C.hereromacula can be distinguished from its congeners by possessing the following combination of characteristics;absence of the second and third pigmentary zones of Gambetta;13–16 oval blotches on the dorsum and 10–13 vertical,elongated triangular blotches below the midlateral line with more than 20 vertical dark brown bars between them;6–7 narrow rows of dark spots on the caudal fin;a vertical oval spot smaller than the eye diameter on the upper part of the caudal peduncle;pointed mental lobes of the lower lip pointed with a slightly filiform tip;one slender and long needle-shaped lamina circularis at the base of the first branched ray of the male pectoral fins.C.baishagensis can be distinguished from its congeners by the fourth Gambetta zone being covered by 10–12 transverse elongated blotches;4–5 narrow rows of dark spots on the caudal fin;a vertical blotch smaller than the eye diameter on the upper part of the caudal peduncle;males with a slender and long needle-shaped lamina circularis at the second branched pectoral fin ray in males;large scales with a slightly large focal zone;undeveloped mental lobes with a lower lip that does not end posteriorly in a filiform tip. 展开更多
关键词 spined loach taxonomy Guangdong HAINAN
Uniform Convergence Analysis for Singularly Perturbed Elliptic Problems with Parabolic Layers 被引量:2
作者 Jichun Li Yitung Chen 《Numerical Mathematics(Theory,Methods and Applications)》 SCIE 2008年第2期138-149,共12页
In this paper, using Lin's integral identity technique, we prove the optimal uniform convergence θ(Nx^-2ln^2Nx+Ny^-2ln^2Ny) in the L^2-norm for singularly perturbed problems with parabolic layers. The error esti... In this paper, using Lin's integral identity technique, we prove the optimal uniform convergence θ(Nx^-2ln^2Nx+Ny^-2ln^2Ny) in the L^2-norm for singularly perturbed problems with parabolic layers. The error estimate is achieved by bilinear finite elements on a Shishkin type mesh. Here Nx and Ny are the number of elements in the x- and y-directions, respectively. Numerical results are provided supporting our theoretical analysis. 展开更多
关键词 Finite element methods singularly perturbed problems uniformly convergent
作者 赵盛德 《广西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1985年第3期12-17,共6页
赋、比、兴是我国先秦时期运用的三种艺术表现手法,它们在造美中起着重要的作用.刘勰在《文心雕龙》的《诠赋篇》和《比兴篇》里对于赋、比、兴进行了专题论述.本文就刘勰怎样继承和发展了我国具有民族特色的赋、比、兴理论,提出些粗浅... 赋、比、兴是我国先秦时期运用的三种艺术表现手法,它们在造美中起着重要的作用.刘勰在《文心雕龙》的《诠赋篇》和《比兴篇》里对于赋、比、兴进行了专题论述.本文就刘勰怎样继承和发展了我国具有民族特色的赋、比、兴理论,提出些粗浅的看法.一、赋、比、兴的渊源及魏晋前的发展概况赋、比、兴是前人归纳、总结《诗经》里的三种艺术表现手法.在上古时期,六经是太师讲学的主要教材.六经包括《礼》、《乐》、《书》、《诗》、《易》、《春秋》;太师指教师.《周礼·春官宗伯·大师》里说:“太师教六诗:曰风、曰赋、曰比、曰兴、曰雅、曰颂”.六诗是从《诗经》里总结出来的诗的三种类型和三种手法.《周礼》亦称《周官》 展开更多
关键词 赋比兴 “兴” 起情 郑玄 刘勰 拟容取心 继承和发展 艺术表现手法 六诗
Numerical Simulation of Unsteady-State Flowsin Bubble Column Reactors 被引量:1
作者 张金利 包佳琨 +2 位作者 李韡 胡瑞杰 韩振亭 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2003年第4期283-288,共6页
Unsteady-state operation has been widely applied in chemical engineering, such as optimizing a process, increasing yield and saving energy, etc. But the knowledge of the flow characteristics in bubble column reactors(... Unsteady-state operation has been widely applied in chemical engineering, such as optimizing a process, increasing yield and saving energy, etc. But the knowledge of the flow characteristics in bubble column reactors(BCRs) under unsteady state control is far from enough. In order to study the flow structures in this operation, the volume of fluid (VOF) model and the standard k-ε model to simulate the evolution of gas-liquid flow in BCRs under the start-up state are combined. For both the symmetry and asymmetry flow, the layout of the gas-inlets, the gas-in velocity, the liquid viscosity and the aspect ratio of the BCR all have effects on the liquid velocity distribution. The simulation results could provide some information for the design and scale-up of the BCRs. 展开更多
关键词 bubble column reactor numerical simulation gas-liquid flow flow structure
The Filtration Problems of Fluid Containing Solute Through Layered Porous Media
作者 邓聚成 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 1992年第3期77-87,共11页
In this paper, we consider the problem (θ(x,U))_t=(K(x,U)U_x)_x-(K(x,U))_x (x,t)∈G_T (θ(x,U)V(x,t))_t=(DθV_x)_x+(V(KU_x-K))_x,(x,t)∈G_T, u(x,0)=u_0(x),V(x,0),(x,0)=V_0(x),0≤x≤2, U(0,t)=h_0(t),U(2,t)=h_2(t),0≤t... In this paper, we consider the problem (θ(x,U))_t=(K(x,U)U_x)_x-(K(x,U))_x (x,t)∈G_T (θ(x,U)V(x,t))_t=(DθV_x)_x+(V(KU_x-K))_x,(x,t)∈G_T, u(x,0)=u_0(x),V(x,0),(x,0)=V_0(x),0≤x≤2, U(0,t)=h_0(t),U(2,t)=h_2(t),0≤t≤T, V(0,t)=g_0(t),V(2,t)=g_2(t),0≤t≤T. Where, θ(x,U)=θ_1(x,U) when (x,t)∈D_1={0≤x<1,0≤t≤T};θ(x,U)=θ_2(x,U),(x,t)∈D_2={1<x≤2,0≤t≤T}.K(x,U)=K_i(x,U),(x,t)∈D_i. θ_i, K_i are the Moisture content and hy draulic conductivity of porous Media on D_i respectively. V be the the concentration of solute in the fluid. In addition we also require that U, V, (K(x,U)U_x-1) and DθV_x+V(KU_x-K) are continu ous at x=1. We prove the exisence, uniqueness and large time behavior of the problem by the method of reg ularization. 展开更多
关键词 porous Media FILTRATION weak solution
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