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《清華大學藏戰國竹簡(叁)·芮良夫毖》釋讀 被引量:2
作者 王瑜楨 《出土文献》 2015年第1期184-194,共11页
《清華大學藏戰國竹簡(叁)》(以下簡稱《清華叁》)的《芮良夫毖》篇,原整理者趙平安先生已將全篇作了很好的考釋及說明,[1]本文在原考釋及相關學者討論的基礎之上,提出新的釋文。從原考釋的意見,不再加注;採用學者的意見,或筆者的想法,... 《清華大學藏戰國竹簡(叁)》(以下簡稱《清華叁》)的《芮良夫毖》篇,原整理者趙平安先生已將全篇作了很好的考釋及說明,[1]本文在原考釋及相關學者討論的基礎之上,提出新的釋文。從原考釋的意見,不再加注;採用學者的意見,或筆者的想法,都放在脚注。釋文用嚴式隸定(括號注明寬式隸定)。全文有韻處以[]標出上古韻。釋文:第一段:芮良夫指出國家不寧,内憂外患周邦聚(驟)[2]有■(禍),寇(寇)戎[3]方晉(臻)[4][真韻]。 展开更多
关键词 括號 先生 國竹 寬式 整理者 學者 意見
作者 徐新伟 《语言研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期73-75,共3页
《上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书》中未见于《楚文字编》的新字达900余个,它们与《楚文字编》相配合,更完整地揭示了战国楚简的字符集。新补字提前了一些通用汉字的出现时间;它们的一些新见用法丰富了其字义系统;有的新补字形有助于纠正过去... 《上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书》中未见于《楚文字编》的新字达900余个,它们与《楚文字编》相配合,更完整地揭示了战国楚简的字符集。新补字提前了一些通用汉字的出现时间;它们的一些新见用法丰富了其字义系统;有的新补字形有助于纠正过去的某些楚文字误释;大量新补字形更充分地显示了战国楚方域内的一些特殊字词对应关系。 展开更多
关键词 楚简 楚文字 《楚文字编》 《上海博物馆藏战国楚书》
作者 吴祺 《现代语文》 2023年第12期55-60,共6页
战国竹书句读方法既要继承传世古书的句读方法,又要充分考虑到战国竹书的特殊性。具体来说,战国竹书句读应充分吸收传世古书的句读方法,如根据上下文文义以定句读、正确把握词义以定句读、辨明通假以定句读、辨析古书文例以定句读、根... 战国竹书句读方法既要继承传世古书的句读方法,又要充分考虑到战国竹书的特殊性。具体来说,战国竹书句读应充分吸收传世古书的句读方法,如根据上下文文义以定句读、正确把握词义以定句读、辨明通假以定句读、辨析古书文例以定句读、根据押韵以定句读、明语法以定句读等。同时,也应把握战国竹书的特殊性,如竹简自身的句读符号、战国竹书文字的考释成果、竹简拼合与编联成果、战国竹书与传世古书的对读等。 展开更多
关键词 战国 句读 训诂
作者 廖名春 《出土文献》 2010年第1期63-75,共13页
《文物》2009年第6期刊發的《清華大學藏戰國竹簡〈保訓〉釋文》(以下简称《释文》)的原稿我先前已學習過,這次參加清華大學《保訓》簡座談會,匆匆寫了幾條剳記,以供批評。一、王念日之多鬲(簡1)《釋文》:'鬲',讀爲'歷'... 《文物》2009年第6期刊發的《清華大學藏戰國竹簡〈保訓〉釋文》(以下简称《释文》)的原稿我先前已學習過,這次參加清華大學《保訓》簡座談會,匆匆寫了幾條剳記,以供批評。一、王念日之多鬲(簡1)《釋文》:'鬲',讀爲'歷',《說文》:'過也。'[1]按:《書·君奭》有'故殷禮陟配天,多歷年所'說,《國語·吴語》 展开更多
关键词 期刊 國竹 保訓 原稿 歷年
作者 吴振武 《出土文献》 2016年第2期1-2,5-8,共3页
尊敬的李先生和清華大學的領導、老師們、同學們,尊敬的各位來賓和朋友們:大家上午好.今天我們大家來這裏參加《清華大學藏戰國竹簡》第六輯的發布會,都非常高興和感動。在李先生的主持下,在清華大學同道和中西書局的共同努力下,清華簡... 尊敬的李先生和清華大學的領導、老師們、同學們,尊敬的各位來賓和朋友們:大家上午好.今天我們大家來這裏參加《清華大學藏戰國竹簡》第六輯的發布會,都非常高興和感動。在李先生的主持下,在清華大學同道和中西書局的共同努力下,清華簡的保護、整理和刊布,既有質量,又有速度。如果我記得不錯的話,今年已是按計劃連續第六年刊布新簡了。在此,我謹代表中國古文字研究會和業内同道,向清華大學。 展开更多
关键词 中國 研究 來賓 質量 同道 老師 朋友 會和業 國竹
作者 馬楠 《出土文献》 2016年第2期286-286,共1页
在清華簡初期整理的分篇、編連、綴合工作中,由於對整體材料理解把握存在不足,將同一書手所書寫的《鄭文公問太伯(乙篇)》的一枚殘簡編入了即將於《清華大學藏戰國竹簡(柒)》刊布的《越公其事》中。在《越公其事》的整理過程中,程薇老... 在清華簡初期整理的分篇、編連、綴合工作中,由於對整體材料理解把握存在不足,將同一書手所書寫的《鄭文公問太伯(乙篇)》的一枚殘簡編入了即將於《清華大學藏戰國竹簡(柒)》刊布的《越公其事》中。在《越公其事》的整理過程中,程薇老師指出此枚竹簡不屬於該篇。因而我們將此枚竹簡在此公布(見書前插頁)。 展开更多
关键词 過程 書手 整理 老師 殘簡 材料 整體 國竹
Plantation future of bamboo in China 被引量:13
作者 李兆华 小林干夫 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第3期233-242,共10页
In the past, utilization of bamboo resources in China has been traditionally dominated by direct consumption of local farmers as minor forest products with weak linkage with market. In recent years, the over-supply of... In the past, utilization of bamboo resources in China has been traditionally dominated by direct consumption of local farmers as minor forest products with weak linkage with market. In recent years, the over-supply of grains and rapid degradation of agricultural environment call for alternative crops that can be developed through integrating the environmental plantation with the market demands. Closely associated with forestry and agriculture, bamboo is able to deal with the new challenges which Chinas agriculture is facing. Of 534 documented bamboo species in China, 153 species produce edible-shoots and of which 56 species are recommended for agricultural plantation; 139 species provide timbers and of which 58 species recommended; 116 species can be splited as good strips for weaving and of which 22 species recommended; 88 species are considered as garden bamboos and of which 34 species recommended; 45 species are able to produce paper pulp and of which 18 species recommended. 展开更多
关键词 AGRICULTURE BAMBOO Edible shoot Timber WEAVING China
讀清華簡六札記(五則) 被引量:1
作者 尉侯凱 《出土文献》 CSSCI 2017年第1期124-129,共6页
《清華大學藏戰國竹簡(陸)》於2016年4月正式出版,[1]筆者在拜讀之後,嘗試在竹簡編連、字詞釋讀等方面提出一些新的看法,敬請方家指教。一《鄭武夫人規孺子》的整理者將簡9置於簡8、簡10之間,有三點疑問:第一,簡9云:'臣使禦寇也,布... 《清華大學藏戰國竹簡(陸)》於2016年4月正式出版,[1]筆者在拜讀之後,嘗試在竹簡編連、字詞釋讀等方面提出一些新的看法,敬請方家指教。一《鄭武夫人規孺子》的整理者將簡9置於簡8、簡10之間,有三點疑問:第一,簡9云:'臣使禦寇也,布圖於君。昔吾先君使二三臣,抑早前後之以言,思群臣得執焉。□'按照整理者的這種編連,'布圖於君'的'君'當指鄭武公。 展开更多
关键词 方面 嘗試 方家 整理者 指教 孺子 字詞 筆者 國竹
論清華簡《厚父》應爲《夏書》之一篇 被引量:6
作者 郭永秉 《出土文献》 2015年第2期118-132,共15页
《清華大學藏戰國竹簡(伍)·厚父》一篇近來已經正式公佈。[1]自我拿到清華大學出土文獻研究與保護中心清華簡第五册贈書之後,這篇竹書一直是我讀來最感興趣的,倒不完全是因爲《孟子·梁惠王下》以'《書》曰'的形式引... 《清華大學藏戰國竹簡(伍)·厚父》一篇近來已經正式公佈。[1]自我拿到清華大學出土文獻研究與保護中心清華簡第五册贈書之後,這篇竹書一直是我讀來最感興趣的,倒不完全是因爲《孟子·梁惠王下》以'《書》曰'的形式引過它的文句,[2]主要還是因爲我曾經做過一點古史傳說的東西,而這篇裏面談到禹、啓、皋陶、孔甲等人事迹之故,[3]至可珍異。 展开更多
关键词 東西 中心 古史 贈書 文句 形式 傳說 國竹
Growth behavior of Phyllostachys nigra var. henonis (Bambusoideae) in Central China 被引量:4
作者 LI Zhao-hua Manfred DENICH Thomas BORSCH 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第3期163-168,共6页
In the Shennongjia National Nature Reserve of Central China, the vegetative growth behavior of henon bamboo (Phyllostachys nigra var. henonis (Mitford) Stapf. ex Rendle) was studied from shoot recruitment to culm ... In the Shennongjia National Nature Reserve of Central China, the vegetative growth behavior of henon bamboo (Phyllostachys nigra var. henonis (Mitford) Stapf. ex Rendle) was studied from shoot recruitment to culm establishment. In May, bamboo shoots emerg- ing from the ground achieved an average density of 2.7 shoots m^-2 during the sprouting phase of 16 days. However, about 32% of the new shoots died back before maturity. Insect damage, withering death and rodent predation were responsible for 57%, 29 % and 14% of the total shoot mortality, respectively. From May to June, the shoots attained 400 ± 23 cm during the height growth phase of 34 days, with a daily rate varying from 1 to 56 cm. All branches and leaves unfolded during the branch spreading phase from June to August. Shoot production was positively related to the density of standing culms, but negatively to both coverage and height of herb layers. 展开更多
关键词 Bamboo shoot GROWTH Henon bamboo plantation Shennongjia.
清華簡第六輯中的訛字研究 被引量:1
作者 石小力 《出土文献》 2016年第2期190-197,共8页
清華大學藏戰國竹簡是戰國中晚期文物,内容多屬於經史類典籍,爲我們展現了先秦古書的真實面貌,這其中有不少書手寫錯之字,即我們所說的訛字,系統研究其中的訛字,對於整理研究先秦古書具有十分重要的作用。筆者曾對清華簡第五輯中出現的... 清華大學藏戰國竹簡是戰國中晚期文物,内容多屬於經史類典籍,爲我們展現了先秦古書的真實面貌,這其中有不少書手寫錯之字,即我們所說的訛字,系統研究其中的訛字,對於整理研究先秦古書具有十分重要的作用。筆者曾對清華簡第五輯中出現的訛字進行過梳理,[1]最近清華簡出版了最新一輯——《清華大學藏戰國竹簡(陸)》[2],本文不揣淺陋,對其中的訛字進行了梳理,不當之處。 展开更多
关键词 研究 訛字 系統 内容 古書 文物 戰國 國竹
《赤鵠之集湯之屋》的“赤鵠”或當是“赤鳩” 被引量:1
作者 侯乃峰 《出土文献》 2015年第1期195-197,共3页
2012年第8期《文物》刊發了李學勤先生《新整理清華簡六種概述》一文,[1]介紹了正在進行整理的清華大學藏戰國竹簡第三批的情况。此文指出,在這批竹簡中,'有一種記湯與伊尹之事的佚書《赤鵠之集湯之屋》'。同期《文物》的封三... 2012年第8期《文物》刊發了李學勤先生《新整理清華簡六種概述》一文,[1]介紹了正在進行整理的清華大學藏戰國竹簡第三批的情况。此文指出,在這批竹簡中,'有一種記湯與伊尹之事的佚書《赤鵠之集湯之屋》'。同期《文物》的封三同時公佈了本篇其中兩支竹簡的照片,其中有一支是第15簡的簡背,寫有標題'赤■之集湯之屋'。[2]李先生在文章中指出,'‘■’字從‘咎’聲,在見母幽部,讀爲覺部的‘鵠’。 展开更多
关键词 照片 集湯 佚書 整理 情况 標題 文物 國竹
Carbon storage of bamboo forest ecosystem in China
作者 WANG Bing WEI Wen-jun +3 位作者 LI Shao-ning GUO Hao ZHOU Mei BAI Xiu-lan 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2008年第1期48-54,共7页
National forest inventory materials and data from China Forest Ecosystem Location Research Network (CFERN) were obtained for estimating four periods of carbon storage of Bamboo forest ecosystem from 1977 to 2003 in ... National forest inventory materials and data from China Forest Ecosystem Location Research Network (CFERN) were obtained for estimating four periods of carbon storage of Bamboo forest ecosystem from 1977 to 2003 in China. The spatial and temporal patterns, vertical distribution and potential carbon storage of the bamboo forest ecosystem were analyzed. The results showed that carbon storage of Chinese bamboo forest ecosystem was 537.6 Mt C during 1977 and 1981, 598.61 Mt C during 1984 and 1988, 710.14 Mt C during 1994 and 1998, and 837.92 Mt C during 1999 and 2003. It showed that the carbon storage was increasing during that time. Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Hunan, Guangdong and Sichuan were the major carbon pools in China, with the percentages of carbon storage between 80.04 and 83.13 percent in all. The percentages of carbon storage of vegetation, litter, and soil were between 23.85 and 24.48 percent, between 0.92 and 0.96 percent, and between 74.56 and 75.23 percent respectively. Therefore, it is concluded that the carbon storage in different layers were similar vertically. Carbon storage was 837.92 Mt C from 1999 to 2003, and it will be increased to 947.54 Mt C after one age period with a rate of 54.81Mt carbons stored in ecosystem every year. 展开更多
关键词 China bamboo forest ecosystem carbon storage
The Application of Bamboo Elements in “New Chinese-Style” Landscape Design
作者 LOU Gang 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2018年第4期72-77,共6页
Bamboo is dosdy related to Chinese traditional gardens in terms of culture and application. This research analyzed tiie application value of bamboo elements in landscapes, compared methods of using bamboo in tra... Bamboo is dosdy related to Chinese traditional gardens in terms of culture and application. This research analyzed tiie application value of bamboo elements in landscapes, compared methods of using bamboo in traditional gardens and cenew Chinese-styie" gardens, and summarised the application method of bamboo elements in the Wnew Chinese-style" landscape from three aspects of modern constitution techniques, texture blending, and landscape continuation and softening, and put forward the development and application directions of bamboo elements. 展开更多
关键词 BAMBOO "New Chinese-style" landscape Landscape design
Morphological Variation of Donax spp. from Five Beaches in Prachaupkhirikhan, Thailand
作者 S. Manatrinon O. U. Thonglor A. Boonyapakdee 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第8期1109-1111,共3页
Five hundred samples ofDonax spp. were collected from five beaches (Khao Tao, Sea Pine Garden, Pran Buri Forest Park, Sam Roi Yod, and Sam Phraya) in Prachaupkhirikhan province, Thailand. Five morphological variable... Five hundred samples ofDonax spp. were collected from five beaches (Khao Tao, Sea Pine Garden, Pran Buri Forest Park, Sam Roi Yod, and Sam Phraya) in Prachaupkhirikhan province, Thailand. Five morphological variables of each individual were measured and analyzed to reveal morphological variation. The discriminant function analysis of morphology suggested a clear separation into two groups. The individuals from Khao Tao and Sea Pine Garden were grouped together while individuals from Pran Buri Forest Park, Sam Roi Yod and Sam Phraya were classified into the same group. The classification function of discriminant function analysis suggested that 70% of Khao Tao population, 70% of Sea Pine Garden population, 67% of Pran Buri Forest Park population, 64% of Sam Roi Yod population and 34% of Sam Phraya population of Donax spp. could be correctly reassigned by morphology. The misclassification individuals of Sam Phraya population were assigned to Pran Buri Forest Park and Sam Roi Yod population with the correct assignment 38% and 27%, respectively. The results obtained in this study based on morphological variation indicated that Khao Tao and Sea Pine Garden populations ofDonax spp. should be treated as separated units from the other three populations for conservation management. However, the result should be confirmed again as genetic level. 展开更多
关键词 Morphological variation discriminant function analysis Donax spp. Prachaupkhirikhan
Climate Warming-induced Upward Shift of Moso Bamboo Population on Tianmu Mountain,China 被引量:8
作者 SONG Xin-zhang PENG Chang-hui +3 位作者 ZHOU Guo-mo JIANG Hong WANG Wei-feng XIANG Wen-hua 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第3期363-369,共7页
Although paid to upward shift response to global phenomenon at low zones did not receive increasing attention has been of plant species in altitude as a warming, research on this altitudinal and low latitudinal enoug... Although paid to upward shift response to global phenomenon at low zones did not receive increasing attention has been of plant species in altitude as a warming, research on this altitudinal and low latitudinal enough attention. In this study, an investigation was carried out to test the relationship between the upward spread of Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) along altitudinal gradient and the increasing air temperature over the past decade within the Tianmu Mountain region, situated in southeastern China. Results showed that the peak elevation of Moso bamboo population establishment rose by an average of 9.8 m (±2.7 m) during the past decade and significant correlation existed with mean annual temperature (P 〈 0.0001, n = 339) but not with annual precipitation (P = 0.7, n = 339), indicating that the upward shift of Moso bamboo along altitudinal gradients was driven primarily by warming temperatures. This upward shift could potentially reduce biodiversity by altering the species composition of the ecosystem. However, there is also the potential for increased carbon sequestration capacity of local forest systems, which would produce an additional carbon sink to combat rising atmospheric C02 concentrations and future global warming. 展开更多
关键词 Moso bamboo Climate change Global warming Upward shift Carbon sequestration
Slope Seismic Response Monitoring on the Aftershocks of the Wenchuan Earthquake in the Mianzhu Section 被引量:6
作者 WANG Yunsheng LUO Yonghong +4 位作者 WANG Fuhai WANG Dong MA Xiao LI Shun DENG Xi 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第4期523-528,共6页
Previous investigations have shown that the seismic response of slopes during the Wenchuan earthquake was highly variable. The present study tries to give an answer to the question: Which are the main factors affecti... Previous investigations have shown that the seismic response of slopes during the Wenchuan earthquake was highly variable. The present study tries to give an answer to the question: Which are the main factors affecting the seismic response degree of slopes? With the support of the China Geological Survey Bureau, we set 3 monitoring sections in Jiulong slope, Mianzhu city, China with the aim to record the site response of the slope during the affershoeks of the Wenehuan earthquake. After the Wenchuan earthquake, which happened on 12 May 2008, 30 aftershocks have been recorded in these monitoring points. We analyzed 11 records, with magnitudes ranging from ML = 4.6 to ML = 3.1. The amplification factors of the horizontal compound PGA and 3D compound PGA have been determined for the 3 points at different elevations on the slope. Results showed that the dynamic response of the slope on the earthquake was controlled by factors such as topography and the thickness of the Quaternary overburden. 展开更多
关键词 Seismic response SLOPE MONITORING Longmen Mountains AFTERSHOCKS Wenchuanearthquake
A Study of the Styles of Early Taiwan Residents Bamboo Chairs According to the Methodology of Style
作者 Shih-Hsing Wu Ying-Pin Cheng Chi-Hsiung Chen 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第5期359-374,共16页
Handicrafts and furniture of bamboo once flourished in Taiwan during the 1970s and 80s but have since gradually declined after that period of time. The viability of the handicrafts industry was greatly threatened alon... Handicrafts and furniture of bamboo once flourished in Taiwan during the 1970s and 80s but have since gradually declined after that period of time. The viability of the handicrafts industry was greatly threatened along with there being a real possibility of losing this traditional heritage. Nowadays, green products are a growing trend in the fashion industry, and thus some Asian countries have realized the importance of using green products and its development of cultural creative assets. The literature/study of the styles of traditional Taiwan bamboo arts are rare but they are worth exploring. Therefore, the purposes of this study are as follows: (1) to explore the category of traditional Taiwan Residents bamboo column furniture; and (2) to explore the backgrounds, forms, and contents of traditional Taiwan Residents bamboo column furniture. The results show that: (1) traditional Taiwan Residents bamboo chairs can be divided into eight categories: stool, side chair, slant-back reclining chair, tai-shi armchair, pair of gong-po chairs, two-seat chairs, "mother & child" chairs, and other styles of chairs; and (2) traditional Taiwan Residents bamboo column chairs styles originate from early Chinese Fujian and Guangdong provinces, and these bamboo chairs' forms have imitated the wood furniture of the Ming and Qing dynasty furniture. However, the technology of the enclosed-pipe structure is a special handicraft skill that reflects the early Taiwan Residents' resourcefulness in farming and fishing. We hope this paper can promote relevant and practical foundation research and studies. 展开更多
关键词 STYLE bamboo furniture cultural identity industry HANDICRAFT
清華簡《保訓》與三體石經古文——科斗體的淵源 被引量:1
作者 白雨田 《出土文献研究》 2014年第1期47-61,共15页
一、《保訓》的特異性清華簡《保訓》爲2010年刊行的《清華大學藏戰國竹簡(壹)》~①所收九篇文獻中的一篇,内容爲身患重病的周文王留給太子發(其後的武王)的遺言。該文獻還是一篇迄今完全未知的逸書,具有極高的學術價值,中國古代歷史及... 一、《保訓》的特異性清華簡《保訓》爲2010年刊行的《清華大學藏戰國竹簡(壹)》~①所收九篇文獻中的一篇,内容爲身患重病的周文王留給太子發(其後的武王)的遺言。該文獻還是一篇迄今完全未知的逸書,具有極高的學術價值,中國古代歷史及思想等諸多領域的學者均對其進行了研究。 展开更多
关键词 中國 思想 重病 特異性 文獻 保訓 遺言 國竹
Ideas on Policy Framework of China’s Bamboo Industry Development 被引量:2
作者 LI Zhiyong WANG Dengju FAN Baomin XIAO Jianming CHEN Yong LIU Yan BAO Yingshuang 《Chinese Forestry Science and Technology》 2006年第4期33-45,共13页
This paper firstly analyzes the current situation of China’s bamboo industry, the major policy issues, future development trends and policy orientation. And then with industry policy theory as a guide, the paper prop... This paper firstly analyzes the current situation of China’s bamboo industry, the major policy issues, future development trends and policy orientation. And then with industry policy theory as a guide, the paper propounds the basic framework and policy proposals in resources cultivation and management, industrial structure and pattern, markets and trade, industrial organization system, finance and taxes, industrial technology and so forth. 展开更多
关键词 industry policy bamboo industry policy framework MACRO-CONTROL sector management industry promotion
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