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作者 徐倩倩 《齐鲁学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第4期F0002-F0002,共1页
济阳刘台子墓地出土,现藏济阳区博物馆。通高20.0厘米、长15.0厘米、宽11.5厘米。长方形口,方唇、折沿、束颈较长、鼓腹、圜底,口部两短边有两立耳。四足为象鼻状,足端作象鼻卷曲状。器身纹饰分为三组:颈部四角有高扉棱,四面以云雷纹为... 济阳刘台子墓地出土,现藏济阳区博物馆。通高20.0厘米、长15.0厘米、宽11.5厘米。长方形口,方唇、折沿、束颈较长、鼓腹、圜底,口部两短边有两立耳。四足为象鼻状,足端作象鼻卷曲状。器身纹饰分为三组:颈部四角有高扉棱,四面以云雷纹为地,每面各饰一组相对凤鸟纹,以扉棱为界;腹部和足部纹饰相连,以腹部角部和足为中轴线,铸为象首;象大耳、竖眼、阔嘴、短牙,长鼻上卷,鼻孔张开,额上有一对圆涡纹,鼻上饰卷云纹和麟状纹。立耳外侧饰两道等距凹槽。壁口内壁有铭文“夆”。 展开更多
关键词 云雷纹 圆涡纹 卷云纹 扉棱 凤鸟纹 鼓腹 方鼎 圜底
彩陶纹饰中圆涡纹的探索 被引量:3
作者 吴秀梅 《中国陶瓷》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第11期65-66,72,共3页
彩陶是人类最原始的实用工具,彩陶纹饰也是人类最初的审美表现。圆涡纹作为彩陶装饰纹样的一种具有其本身的象征意义。从彩陶纹饰入手引出圆涡纹并从圆涡纹最初形成的起源及原始崇拜的三个方面,即自然崇拜、生殖崇拜、图腾崇拜与原始审... 彩陶是人类最原始的实用工具,彩陶纹饰也是人类最初的审美表现。圆涡纹作为彩陶装饰纹样的一种具有其本身的象征意义。从彩陶纹饰入手引出圆涡纹并从圆涡纹最初形成的起源及原始崇拜的三个方面,即自然崇拜、生殖崇拜、图腾崇拜与原始审美的关系来论述圆涡纹在彩陶中广泛应用的原因。 展开更多
关键词 彩陶纹饰 圆涡纹 探索
礼器“鼎”的渊源探索 被引量:1
作者 蒋乐平 《南方文物》 1993年第2期102-105,共4页
鼎在新石器时代是一种极为普通的饮具,但它的功能后来发生了变化。西周的“列鼎制度”,成为周礼的重要组成部分。鼎作为一种礼器,开始的时间其实远早于周,殷商著名的司母戊鼎,俨然是贵族气派,而“九鼎”的说法,更来自传说中的夏禹。在... 鼎在新石器时代是一种极为普通的饮具,但它的功能后来发生了变化。西周的“列鼎制度”,成为周礼的重要组成部分。鼎作为一种礼器,开始的时间其实远早于周,殷商著名的司母戊鼎,俨然是贵族气派,而“九鼎”的说法,更来自传说中的夏禹。在中国的奴隶制文明中,鼎被赋予特殊神秘的色彩。笔者认为,礼器鼎的渊源,尚可在新石器时代丈化中寻找。在文明的原初,礼器往往以祭器的形式出现,探讨这一寻常炊具功能、性质的转化过程,当有益于对中华文明起源的理解。 展开更多
关键词 列鼎制度 司母戊鼎 文明起源 良诸文化 饮具 文化区域 夏禹 河姆渡文化 转化过程 圆涡纹
浅析商周青铜器上的圆涡纹 被引量:6
作者 张婷 刘斌 《四川文物》 2006年第5期68-71,共4页
商周时期的青铜器上常会见到圆涡纹,也叫涡纹。涡纹形制简单,不像兽面纹、龙纹或鸟纹这些商周时期非常流行的纹饰引人注目,所以有关涡纹的研究前人虽有所涉及却未深入。本文在前人研究的基础上对商周时期青铜器上的圆涡纹进行归纳梳理,... 商周时期的青铜器上常会见到圆涡纹,也叫涡纹。涡纹形制简单,不像兽面纹、龙纹或鸟纹这些商周时期非常流行的纹饰引人注目,所以有关涡纹的研究前人虽有所涉及却未深入。本文在前人研究的基础上对商周时期青铜器上的圆涡纹进行归纳梳理,提出了粗浅的认识。 展开更多
关键词 商周 青铜器 圆涡纹
略论中国北部长城地带发现的动物纹青铜饰牌 被引量:16
作者 郑绍宗 《文物春秋》 1991年第4期1-32,共32页
北方式青铜饰牌主要是指发现在我国北方长城内外铸有动物纹的青铜饰牌而言。由于最早发现于内蒙鄂尔多斯草原以及河套地区附近,所以又称之为“鄂尔多斯”式青铜器。这种动物纹在国外称之为“野兽纹”。具有动物纹和动物立体造型的青铜器... 北方式青铜饰牌主要是指发现在我国北方长城内外铸有动物纹的青铜饰牌而言。由于最早发现于内蒙鄂尔多斯草原以及河套地区附近,所以又称之为“鄂尔多斯”式青铜器。这种动物纹在国外称之为“野兽纹”。具有动物纹和动物立体造型的青铜器,其出现时间很早,至少在商代中期以前就把动物立体造型运用在武器之上了。北方青铜器上的动物纹,一直延续到西汉或更晚的时间。青铜短剑、刀子、马具、带具、饰牌等,都包含在这一类器物中。就北方式青铜器整体而言,青铜短剑、青铜刀子和动物纹饰牌,是北方式青铜器构成的三要素。而青铜饰牌则是这三个要素之一。 展开更多
关键词 动物纹 青铜文化 饰牌 带钩 夏家店上层文化 连珠纹 鄂尔多斯青铜器 鄂尔多斯草原 兽纹 圆涡纹
扶风出土的西周巨型青铜爬龙及研究 被引量:7
作者 高西省 《文博》 1993年第6期84-89,98,共7页
关键词 东南方向 西周早期 西周晚期 方鼎 商周 商代晚期 圆涡纹 卷尾 圈足 西周中期
Effects of the Blade Shape on the Trailing Vortices in Liquid Flow Generated by Disc Turbines 被引量:9
作者 赵静 高正明 包雨云 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第2期232-242,共11页
Particle image velocimetry technique was used to analyze the trailing vortices and elucidate their rela-tionship with turbulence properties in a stirred tank of 0.48 m diameter,agitated by four different disc turbines... Particle image velocimetry technique was used to analyze the trailing vortices and elucidate their rela-tionship with turbulence properties in a stirred tank of 0.48 m diameter,agitated by four different disc turbines,in-cluding Rushton turbine,concaved blade disk turbine,half elliptical blade disk turbine,and parabolic blade disk turbine.Phase-averaged and phase-resolved flow fields near the impeller blades were measured and the structure of trailing vortices was studied in detail.The location,size and strength of vortices were determined by the simplified λ2-criterion and the results showed that the blade shape had great effect on the trailing vortex characteristics.The larger curvature resulted in longer residence time of the vortex at the impeller tip,bigger distance between the upper and lower vortices and longer vortex life,also leads to smaller and stronger vortices.In addition,the turbulent ki-netic energy and turbulent energy dissipation in the discharge flow were determined and discussed.High turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent energy dissipation regions were located between the upper and lower vortices and moved along with them.Although restricted to single phase flow,the presented results are essential for reliable de-sign and scale-up of stirred tank with disc turbines. 展开更多
关键词 trailing vortices disc turbine particle image velocimetry blade shape
扶风近年征集的商周青铜器 被引量:5
作者 高西省 《文博》 1988年第6期10-15,99,共7页
扶风位于关中西部,是周人迁岐之后活动的中心地区,即史书谓“岐邑”、“岐周”所在的京畿之地。多年来这里出土了大量的商周青铜器,经我们调查仅扶风一县商周遗址即达二十多处,保留着极为丰富的古代文化遗存。扶风县博物馆在这一带发现... 扶风位于关中西部,是周人迁岐之后活动的中心地区,即史书谓“岐邑”、“岐周”所在的京畿之地。多年来这里出土了大量的商周青铜器,经我们调查仅扶风一县商周遗址即达二十多处,保留着极为丰富的古代文化遗存。扶风县博物馆在这一带发现和征集了不少商周青铜礼器、车马器等,现分述如下: 一、青铜礼器 1、乳钉纹簋:Ⅰ式:(标本0080),1975年元月召公乡吕宅村出土。通高16.5、口径2.5、腹深13.5厘米、重3.15公斤,口微侈,尖圆唇,腹壁斜直方折,高圈足上有三小方孔,口沿下饰圆涡纹、夔纹及饕餮面组成的带状纹。腹部饰斜方格乳钉纹。 展开更多
关键词 商周青铜器 青铜礼器 圈足 圆涡纹 乳钉纹 吕宅村 重环纹 方孔 扶风县博物馆 云雷纹
新乡市博物馆藏商代青铜酒器 被引量:2
作者 杨秀清 付山泉 《文博》 1988年第5期3-5,16+102+2,共6页
河南省新乡市博物馆藏有商代青铜器多件,现将其中酒器数件介绍如下: 1、爵:通高14.8、流尾长13.4厘米,重240克。流窄长,柱紧靠流折处,尾尖,腹鼓,鋬扁(图一:1,封二:1)。 2、斝:通高27.8、口径18.7厘米,重1630克,足中空,口微侈,柱顶饰圆涡... 河南省新乡市博物馆藏有商代青铜器多件,现将其中酒器数件介绍如下: 1、爵:通高14.8、流尾长13.4厘米,重240克。流窄长,柱紧靠流折处,尾尖,腹鼓,鋬扁(图一:1,封二:1)。 2、斝:通高27.8、口径18.7厘米,重1630克,足中空,口微侈,柱顶饰圆涡纹,鼓腹饰七个火焰纹。鋬扁小(图一:2、4,封二:2)。 3、觚:通高15.8、口径10.5厘米,重305克,身细短,敞口。腹有三个十字孔。 展开更多
关键词 青铜酒器 博物馆藏 圆涡纹 圈足 鼓腹 火焰纹 铜爵 扉棱 满饰 商代晚期
楚国家具初探 被引量:2
作者 李德喜 陈善玉 《南方文物》 1993年第1期39-45,116,共8页
家具生产是楚国手工业的重要组成部分,也是楚人社会活动的一个主要方面。建国以来,楚国家具先后出土,这些设计新颖、制作精良、造型优美、精美绝伦的稀世之宝,显示着楚国手工业技艺的光辉成就。本文试对楚国家具的种类与用途,制作技艺... 家具生产是楚国手工业的重要组成部分,也是楚人社会活动的一个主要方面。建国以来,楚国家具先后出土,这些设计新颖、制作精良、造型优美、精美绝伦的稀世之宝,显示着楚国手工业技艺的光辉成就。本文试对楚国家具的种类与用途,制作技艺作一初步探讨。 一、楚国家具的种类与用途 家具一词。 展开更多
关键词 家具生产 长台关 贾思勰 制作技艺 云雷纹 精美绝伦 圆涡纹 卷云纹 凤鸟纹 战国时期
古代图案试析 被引量:1
作者 王小勤 张道一 《南京艺术学院学报(美术与设计)》 1982年第3期12-26,48,共16页
一、引言中国图案有着悠久的历史和优秀的传统。古代图案在工艺美术的发展史上具有重要的地位,在它多种多样的形式中,差不多可以找到以后各种图案形式的胚胎和萌芽。没有古代图案的基础,也就没有现代的图案。为了对中国图案的历史渊源... 一、引言中国图案有着悠久的历史和优秀的传统。古代图案在工艺美术的发展史上具有重要的地位,在它多种多样的形式中,差不多可以找到以后各种图案形式的胚胎和萌芽。没有古代图案的基础,也就没有现代的图案。为了对中国图案的历史渊源、风格特点和审美意趣有所了解,本文试析几个古代图案纹样。大凡观物、必观其始。 展开更多
关键词 彩陶图案 绳纹 青莲岗文化 装饰纹样 宽带纹 图案艺术 陶器纹饰 半坡彩陶 原始陶器 装饰部位 圆涡纹 试析
Flow characteristics at low Reynolds number around two in-line circular cylinders with slits 被引量:1
作者 SUN Zhi-qiang ZHANG Yu-zhuo +1 位作者 XING Peng-fei LI Sai-wei 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第8期2021-2028,共8页
This study investigated numerically the characteristics of laminar flow around two identical circular cylinders placed in tandem, with slits of the same width through their respective axis. The center to center distan... This study investigated numerically the characteristics of laminar flow around two identical circular cylinders placed in tandem, with slits of the same width through their respective axis. The center to center distance between the cylinders and the slit orientation were varied to study their effects on the flow structure, lift and drag, and vortex shedding characteristics. It was found that three flow regimes could be distinguished, the transitions between which could be indicated by the sudden changes in drag and lift. Asymmetrically, configured slits destabilized the stagnant region between cylinders;whereas in-line slits connect the two cylinders to act as a single elongated bluff body, even at large cylinder separation, by stabilizing the stagnant region in between. These in turn strongly modified the transition between flow regimes. Vortex shedding was also strongly influenced by both slit configuration and cylinder separation. 展开更多
关键词 two cylinders in tandem circular cylinder with slit vortex shedding laminar wake flow
Mass transfer in gas–liquid stirred reactor with various triple-impeller combinations 被引量:6
作者 Jinjin Zhang Zhengming Gao +3 位作者 Yating Cai Ziqi Cai Jie Yang Yuyun Bao 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第6期703-710,共8页
The gassed power demand and volumetric mass transfer coefficient (kca) were investigated in a fully baffled, dished-base stirred vessel with a diameter of 0.30 m agitated by five triple-impeller combinations. Six ty... The gassed power demand and volumetric mass transfer coefficient (kca) were investigated in a fully baffled, dished-base stirred vessel with a diameter of 0.30 m agitated by five triple-impeller combinations. Six types of impellers (six-half-elliptical-blade disk turbine (HEDT), four-wide-blade hydrofoil impeller (WH) pumping down (D) and pumping up (U), parabolic-blade disk turbine (PDT), and CBY narrow blade (N) and wide blade (W)) were used to form five combinations identified by PDT + 2CBYN, PDT + 2CBYw, PDT + 2WHD, HEDT + 2WHD and HEDT + 2WHo, respectively. The results show that the relative power demand of HEDT + 2WHu is higher than that of other four impeller combinations under all operating conditions. At low superficial gas velocity (uc), kLa differences among impeller combinations are not obvious. However when UG iS high, PDT + 2WHD shows the best mass transfer performance and HEDT + 2WHu shows the worst mass trans- fer performance under all operating conditions. At high uc and a given power input, the impeller combinations with high agitation speed and big projection cross-sectional area lead to relatively high values of kLa. Based on the experimental data, the regressed correlations of gassed power number with Froude number and gas flow number, and kLa with power consumption and superficial gas velocity are obtained for five different impeller combinations, which could be used as guidance for industrial design. 展开更多
关键词 Stirred vesselGassed powerMass transferTriple-impeller combinationGas-liquid system
中国南方青铜器及中原商王朝与南方的关系 被引量:3
作者 张玉石 《南方文物》 1994年第2期1-7,共7页
中国南方青铜器及中原商王朝与南方的关系张玉石中国南方商代青铜器,迄今主要发现于长江中下游地区的四川、湖北、湖南、江西、安徽等省,出土地点主要分布于长江及其支流岷江、汉水、湘江、赣江沿线。近年来,尤以四川广汉三星堆、江... 中国南方青铜器及中原商王朝与南方的关系张玉石中国南方商代青铜器,迄今主要发现于长江中下游地区的四川、湖北、湖南、江西、安徽等省,出土地点主要分布于长江及其支流岷江、汉水、湘江、赣江沿线。近年来,尤以四川广汉三星堆、江西新干大洋洲的发现格外引人注目。南... 展开更多
关键词 商王朝 青铜文化 兽面纹 出土地点 吴城遗址 殷墟妇好墓 三星堆 商代晚期 青铜礼器 圆涡纹
Fractal Uniform Circular Arrays Based Multi-Orbital-Angular-Momentum-Mode Multiplexing Vortex Radio MIMO 被引量:2
作者 Linjun Zhao Hailin Zhang Wenchi Cheng 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第9期118-135,共18页
A radio wave driven by Orbital angular momentum(OAM) is called a vortex radio and has a helical wavefront. The differential helical wavefronts of several vortex radios are closely related to their topological charges ... A radio wave driven by Orbital angular momentum(OAM) is called a vortex radio and has a helical wavefront. The differential helical wavefronts of several vortex radios are closely related to their topological charges or mode numbers. In physics, two or more radio waves with different mode numbers are orthogonal to their azimuth angles. With the development of radio communication technologies, some researchers have been exploring the OAM-based multi-mode multiplexing(multi-OAM-mode multiplexing) technologies in order to enhance the channel spectrum efficiency(SE) of a radio communication system by using the orthogonal properties of vortex radios. After reviewing the reported researches of OAM-based radio communication, we find that some breakthroughs have been made in the combination of OAM and traditional Multi-Input-Multi-Output(MIMO). However, the existing technology is not sufficient to support OAM-based MIMO system to achieve maximum the channel SE. To maximize the spectrum efficiency of OAM-based MIMO system, we present a reused multi-OAM-mode multiplexing vortex radio(RMMVR) MIMO system, which is based on fractal uniform cir-cular arrays(UCAs). The scheme described in this study can effectively combine multiOAM-mode multiplexing with MIMO spatial multiplexing. First, we present the generation of RMMVR MIMO signals. Second, under line-of-sight(LOS) propagation conditions, we derive the channels of the RMMVR MIMO system. Third, we separate the RMMVR MIMO signals using an orthogonal separation method based on full azimuth sampling. Finally, we introduce the method for calculating the channel capacity of the RMMVR MIMO system. Theoretical analysis shows that the scheme proposed in this study is feasible. Moreover, the simulation results show that spatial and mode diversity are obtained by exploiting fractal UCAs. However, to enhance the channel SE of RMMVR MIMO system, an interference cancellation method needs to be introduced for zero-mode vortex radios, and some methods of multi-OAM-mode beams convergence and mode power optimization strategy should be introduced in the future. 展开更多
关键词 vortex radio reused multi-OAM-mode multiplexed vortex radio (RMMVR) MIMO fractal uniform circular arrays(UCAs) signal orthogonal separation.
作者 徐倩倩 《齐鲁学刊》 CSSCI 2021年第6期F0002-F0002,共1页
1986年山东青州苏埠屯出土。通宽32.0厘米、通高30.5厘米、口径15.0厘米、底径13.4厘米,重5.286干克。方唇、卷沿、束颈、圆肩、下腹斜收,小平底、矮圈足。肩部有两对称兽首环耳,下腹部—侧有—兽首鋬。颈部两道凸棱,颈、肩分界明显,肩... 1986年山东青州苏埠屯出土。通宽32.0厘米、通高30.5厘米、口径15.0厘米、底径13.4厘米,重5.286干克。方唇、卷沿、束颈、圆肩、下腹斜收,小平底、矮圈足。肩部有两对称兽首环耳,下腹部—侧有—兽首鋬。颈部两道凸棱,颈、肩分界明显,肩、腹部有一周宽凹槽,肩部略圆鼓,上有6个凸起的圆涡纹。口沿内侧有"融"字铭文。现藏山东省考古研究院。 展开更多
关键词 圆涡纹 圈足 圆鼓 肩部 下腹部 山东青州 商代 兽首
作者 王小勤 张道一 《南京艺术学院学报(音乐与表演版)》 1982年第3期12-26,48,共16页
关键词 彩陶图案 绳纹 纹样 宽带纹 图案艺术 陶器纹饰 半坡彩陶 原始陶器 装饰部位 圆涡纹 试析
ERT Imaging of Gas-Liquid Mixing in Agitated Vessel
作者 Mohd Sobri Takriff Azmi Ahmad Siti Kartom Kamaruddin 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2010年第4期24-28,共5页
An investigation using Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT) was carried out in order to characterize gas-liquid mixing in an agitated vessel. The experimental work was carried out in a 400 mm diameter agitated ves... An investigation using Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT) was carried out in order to characterize gas-liquid mixing in an agitated vessel. The experimental work was carried out in a 400 mm diameter agitated vessel that was fitted with four planes, 16 stainless steel electrodes. Agitation was carried out using the Lightnin Labmaster and Rushton turbine while conductivity data acquisition was carried out using the ITS P2000 ERT system. A Mathlab code was developed to construct a surface plot for gas hold-up from the ERT data. Various gas dispersion conditions such as flooded, loaded and fully dispersed were successfully characterized using the ERT technique. 展开更多
关键词 Electrical resistance tomography gas-liquid mixing IMPELLER gas holdup.
神秘古滇国 伟人郑和乡 晋宁
作者 本刊编辑 《风光》 2007年第1期105-109,共5页
15世纪上半叶,当世界近代史的序幕尚未拉开,海洋还是人类不可逾越的障碍时,我们的祖先就已创造了七下西洋的奇迹,在世界文明史上写下了灿烂的篇章。敢为人先,创造七下西洋的这位伟人,出生于美丽的滇池湖畔,名叫郑和。晋宁,便是郑和的故... 15世纪上半叶,当世界近代史的序幕尚未拉开,海洋还是人类不可逾越的障碍时,我们的祖先就已创造了七下西洋的奇迹,在世界文明史上写下了灿烂的篇章。敢为人先,创造七下西洋的这位伟人,出生于美丽的滇池湖畔,名叫郑和。晋宁,便是郑和的故乡。晋宁,亦与泱泱华夏同脉,她同中华文明的历史长河源远流长。 展开更多
关键词 滇国 下西洋 晋宁县 世界近代史 世界文明史 石寨山 青铜文化 圆涡纹 副将军 三宝太监
Experimental Study and 3D CFD Analysis on the Optimization of Throttle Angle for a Convergent Vortex Tube
作者 Seyed Ehsan Rafiee M.M.Sadeghiazad 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2016年第4期388-404,共17页
Seven adjustments of convergent-type Vortex Tube (VT) with different throttle angles were applied. The adjustments were made to analyze the influences of such angles on cold and hot temperature drops as well as flow... Seven adjustments of convergent-type Vortex Tube (VT) with different throttle angles were applied. The adjustments were made to analyze the influences of such angles on cold and hot temperature drops as well as flow structures inside the VTs. An experimental setup was designed, and tests were performed on different convergent VT configurations at injection pressures ranging from 0.45 to 0.65 MPa. The angles of the throttle valve were arranged between 30° to 90°, and the numbers of injection nozzles ranged between 2 and 6. Laboratory results indicated that the maximum hot and cold temperature drops ranged from 23.24 to 35 K and from 22.87 to 32.88 K, respectively, at four injection nozzles. Results also showed that temperature drop is a function of hot throttle valve angle with the maximum hot and cold temperature drops depending on the angle applied. We used graphs to demonstrate the changes in the cold and hot temperature drops with respect to hot throttle angle values. These values were interpreted and evaluated to determine the optimum angle, which was 60°. The CFD outputs agreed very well with the laboratory results. The proposed CFD results can help future researchers gain good insights into the complicated separation process taking place inside the VTs. 展开更多
关键词 convergent vortex tube throttle valve CFD conical valve angle injection pressure slots number OPTIMIZATION
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