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考虑土体流变时土压力计算的条分法 被引量:1
作者 马石城 林琳 李峰 《湘潭大学自然科学学报》 CAS CSCD 2003年第4期49-53,共5页
当土体具有流变特性时,支挡结构上的土压力将随时间发生变化.在描述土体的两个重要参数中引入时间参数以描述土体的流变特性,并应用条分法计算土体具有流变特性时支挡结构上的土压力.土体的流变特性的两个参数可由实验得出,在此基础上,... 当土体具有流变特性时,支挡结构上的土压力将随时间发生变化.在描述土体的两个重要参数中引入时间参数以描述土体的流变特性,并应用条分法计算土体具有流变特性时支挡结构上的土压力.土体的流变特性的两个参数可由实验得出,在此基础上,对于任意形状、堆载及分层的土体.都可以由本方法计算出支挡结构上任意时刻的土压力,从而为支挡结构的设计及施工提供理论依据. 展开更多
关键词 土体 土压力 条分法 滑裂面
考虑土体流变特性的盾构机-土体相互作用研究 被引量:1
作者 金慧 袁大军 金大龙 《土木工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第S01期57-62,共6页
针对掘进状态下盾构机-土体相互作用问题,考虑土体流变特性,基于黏弹性理论和叠加原理,建立了盾构机-土体相互作用模型,提出了考虑盾构机结构特点,掘进速度和土体流变时效性的盾构机和周围土体间接触应力的计算方法,得到盾构机-土体接... 针对掘进状态下盾构机-土体相互作用问题,考虑土体流变特性,基于黏弹性理论和叠加原理,建立了盾构机-土体相互作用模型,提出了考虑盾构机结构特点,掘进速度和土体流变时效性的盾构机和周围土体间接触应力的计算方法,得到盾构机-土体接触应力与地层初始应力,开挖半径和时间成正比,与土体位移成反比。将黏弹性解与弹性解进行了对比,结果显示考虑流变作用推导的黏弹性解大于弹性解。对土体黏性系数、盾构机掘进速度和停机时间对盾构机-土体接触应力的影响规律进行了分析,结果显示盾构机-土体接触应力随着黏性系数的增大逐渐减小并趋于稳定,随掘进速度的增大逐渐减小并逼近于弹性接触应力分布曲线,随着停机时间的增加逐渐增大并逐渐达到稳定。 展开更多
关键词 盾构 土体特性 盾构机-土体相互作用 黏弹性解
作者 宫志清 陈庆峰 《工程与试验》 2019年第3期11-12,20,共3页
关键词 土体试验 围压 负荷传感器
一个基于广义塑性力学的土体三屈服面模型 被引量:10
作者 孔亮 郑颖人 王燕昌 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 2000年第2期108-112,共5页
按照广义塑性力学原理 ,以前人试验结果为依据 ,首次提出应力洛德角方向上剪切屈服面γpθ 的数学表达式 ,并建立土体的三屈服面模型。结合数值算例 ,设计多种计算方案 ,通过对计算结果的分析和比较 ,表明模型的合理性和有效性 。
关键词 广义塑性力学 rθ^p剪切屈服面 本构模型 土体变
上海软土地区某逆作法地铁深基坑变形 被引量:18
作者 康志军 黄润秋 +1 位作者 卫彬 谭勇 《浙江大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第8期1527-1536,共10页
以上海软土地区某逆作法地铁车站深基坑项目为工程背景,通过分析现场监测数据,研究逆作法深基坑的变形性状及对周围环境的影响.研究结果发现:该基坑变形表现出显著的空间效应:中间标准段围护结构最大侧移的统计范围为(0.25%~0.45%)H,明... 以上海软土地区某逆作法地铁车站深基坑项目为工程背景,通过分析现场监测数据,研究逆作法深基坑的变形性状及对周围环境的影响.研究结果发现:该基坑变形表现出显著的空间效应:中间标准段围护结构最大侧移的统计范围为(0.25%~0.45%)H,明显大于端头井的(0.10%~0.25%)H,中间标准段立柱隆起的上限为0.26%H,明显大于端头井的上限0.18%H,中间标准段开挖引起的管线沉降明显大于端头井开挖引起的管线沉降;既有地下结构对基坑变形有明显的遮拦效应,导致中间标准段西侧的围护结构侧向变形较小;基坑开挖导致邻近浅基础建筑物发生较大的沉降,甚至破坏建筑物的结构整体性,引发墙体开裂;受软土流变特性的影响,浅基础建筑物和地下管线都产生一定程度的工后沉降. 展开更多
关键词 软土地区 逆作法深基坑 形性状 空间效应 遮拦效应 土体
岩石流变力学及其工程应用研究的若干进展 被引量:550
作者 孙钧 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期1081-1106,共26页
讨论岩石流变力学及其工程应用研究近年来的若干进展,主要内容包括:对岩石工程流变学问题的综述性介绍、软岩和节理裂隙发育岩体的流变试验研究、流变模型辨识与参数估计、流变力学手段在收敛约束法及隧道结构设计优化中的应用、高地应... 讨论岩石流变力学及其工程应用研究近年来的若干进展,主要内容包括:对岩石工程流变学问题的综述性介绍、软岩和节理裂隙发育岩体的流变试验研究、流变模型辨识与参数估计、流变力学手段在收敛约束法及隧道结构设计优化中的应用、高地应力隧洞围岩非线性流变及其对洞室衬护的力学效应,以及岩石流变损伤与断裂研究。此外,还对土力学与土工流变方面的一些进展作了简要介绍,并就今后岩土工程流变研究的展望阐述了一点认识。 展开更多
关键词 岩石力学 特性 试验研究 黏弹塑性 非线性 隧洞围岩–支护系统 损伤与断裂 土体
作者 张凯 刘旭锴 +2 位作者 周燕 管青海 李自林 《河北水利电力学院学报》 2020年第1期7-13,共7页
根据桩基础与沉井之间的荷载分配比例关系,确定了主次受力构件,构建了带桩沉井复合地基基础简化计算模型;基于基础的力学平衡关系,推导了带桩沉井基础的计算公式;讨论了带桩沉井的破坏极限状态;分析了持续高水平荷载作用下土体流变效应... 根据桩基础与沉井之间的荷载分配比例关系,确定了主次受力构件,构建了带桩沉井复合地基基础简化计算模型;基于基础的力学平衡关系,推导了带桩沉井基础的计算公式;讨论了带桩沉井的破坏极限状态;分析了持续高水平荷载作用下土体流变效应对带桩沉井复合基础的影响。基于工程实例,分析比较了沉井基础及带桩沉井复合基础变位差异。研究结果表明带桩沉井结构与沉井基础相比,基础顶部水平位移可以减小20%~30%,箱体转角可以减小35%~45%;沉井后背土体性质显著影响基础的变位,沉井后背土体由流塑状态逐步改善到坚硬状态,基础顶部水平位移将减小50%~70%,箱体转角减小20%~50%;带桩沉井基础中水平荷载的分配关系与沉井后背土体的刚度、桩基础刚度比例有关,沉井后背土体分担的荷载随着后背土体刚度增加而加大;软土地基带桩沉井基础相比沉井基础虽然能够降低基础的变形,但仍存在台后土体承载能力不足的问题,应对箱体背部采取加固措施改善土体性能,以提高土体承载能力并进一步降低基础的长期变形与短期变形。 展开更多
关键词 带桩沉井复合基础 沉井基础 解析方法 基础 土体效应 承载性能
作者 严佳梁 《中国市政工程》 2014年第1期48-51,94,共4页
分析复杂多因素影响下基坑开挖周边土体位移特性,建立弹塑性有限元模型对地连墙刚度、地连墙插入比、土体流变的时效特性、基坑开挖方式4个因素进行模拟。通过计算,研究了地连墙刚度、地连墙插入比、基坑开挖方式和基坑周边土体水平位... 分析复杂多因素影响下基坑开挖周边土体位移特性,建立弹塑性有限元模型对地连墙刚度、地连墙插入比、土体流变的时效特性、基坑开挖方式4个因素进行模拟。通过计算,研究了地连墙刚度、地连墙插入比、基坑开挖方式和基坑周边土体水平位移的关系以及基坑开挖后周边土体的位移随时间的推移而增大的土体流变特性。 展开更多
关键词 基坑 地连墙 土体 开挖方式
盾构机近距离侧穿初支状态下暗挖隧道施工技术研究 被引量:4
作者 曾恕辉 《铁道建筑技术》 2017年第5期23-26,共4页
以郑州某标段盾构机在进洞过程中近距离侧穿暗挖初支隧道为背景,研究暗挖区间与盾构区间近距离之间增设隔断桩+土体变位跟踪分析施工技术。结果表明:该技术妥善解决了地面旋喷加固困难的问题,避免了盾构机近距离平行侧穿暗挖初支隧道的... 以郑州某标段盾构机在进洞过程中近距离侧穿暗挖初支隧道为背景,研究暗挖区间与盾构区间近距离之间增设隔断桩+土体变位跟踪分析施工技术。结果表明:该技术妥善解决了地面旋喷加固困难的问题,避免了盾构机近距离平行侧穿暗挖初支隧道的风险,省略了地面开挖、进场设备旋喷加固、等待强度,施工协调、盾构停工等一系列繁琐工序,确保了盾构机安全、快速的通过暗挖初支隧道,缩短盾构施工工期近2个月。同时,该技术获得了业主及业内人士的高度评价,综合效益显著,也为类似地铁施工提供了借鉴和参考。 展开更多
关键词 隔断桩 土体变位跟踪 初支暗挖隧道 近距离侧穿 盾构姿态控制
软土基坑分步开挖时地层移动规律探讨 被引量:1
作者 高文华 沈蒲生 《湘潭矿业学院学报》 2002年第1期1-4,共4页
通过对软土基坑现场位移监测资料的比较分析 ,提出了三元件线性粘弹性土体本构模型及其模型参数的反分析方法 .在此基础上 ,建立了可考虑土体流变性态的二维施工模拟有限元模型 .同时依据所提出的计算模型 ,详细探讨了不同的分步开挖工... 通过对软土基坑现场位移监测资料的比较分析 ,提出了三元件线性粘弹性土体本构模型及其模型参数的反分析方法 .在此基础上 ,建立了可考虑土体流变性态的二维施工模拟有限元模型 .同时依据所提出的计算模型 ,详细探讨了不同的分步开挖工况条件下坑底和坑周地层移动的规律 .其结论可为施工技术及坑周环境保护提供指导性依据和对策 .图 3。 展开更多
关键词 基坑 土体 分步开挖 地层移动 有限元 本构模型
作者 吴可 展福兴 《山西建筑》 2008年第25期156-157,共2页
关键词 转角码头 土体变 破损
上海中山医院基坑逆作法施工时间效应分析 被引量:9
作者 王国粹 梁志荣 魏详 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第S2期495-500,共6页
软土具有流变性,因此,分析基坑开挖时需要考虑时间效应。逆作法施工时,由于出土条件和结构施工条件的限制,导致施工周期延长,因此,基坑施工的时间效应尤为显著。以上海中山医院工程为例,考虑软土流变效应,建立有限元模型对逆作法基坑的... 软土具有流变性,因此,分析基坑开挖时需要考虑时间效应。逆作法施工时,由于出土条件和结构施工条件的限制,导致施工周期延长,因此,基坑施工的时间效应尤为显著。以上海中山医院工程为例,考虑软土流变效应,建立有限元模型对逆作法基坑的施工过程进行模拟,分析了施工期间各工况的围护和土体的内力与变形性状,并与实测结果进行了对比分析。结果表明,考虑土体流变的分析方法能较好的模拟逆作法施工的时间效应,并合理地反映基坑开挖过程对围护以及周边环境的影响。逆作法基坑施工过程复杂,开挖周期相对较长,应合理安排施工流程和施工速度,以达到控制围护结构及土体变形、保护周边环境的目的。 展开更多
关键词 基坑 逆作法 时间效应 土体
Stress variation of soil surrounding tunnel and grouting reinforcement effect based on stress release 被引量:1
作者 张印涛 陶连金 +1 位作者 王沛霖 边金 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2007年第1期8-12,共5页
With FLAC, a criteria of stress release ratio (SRR), i.e., about 10% of the relative difference of the ground settlement before and after the supporting system is installed, is incorporated into stress release meth... With FLAC, a criteria of stress release ratio (SRR), i.e., about 10% of the relative difference of the ground settlement before and after the supporting system is installed, is incorporated into stress release method (SRM). At the same time, the Mohr-Coulomb Criterion is used to analyze stress changes around the tunnel induced by excavation. It shows that the surrounding soil around shallow tunnels can be partitioned by loosened zones (unloading zones) and plastic zones among which the shear stresses in the soil are less than 10 kPa below the M-C yield line. Both types of zones are separated. With the increasing of the SRR, the areas of plastic zones and loosen zones gradually increase. The surrounding soil is equally divided into 24 regions in order to study the influence of different grouting regions on the ground settlement. The reinforcing effect of grouting can be modeled by enhancement of the soil strength around the tunnel. By the approach of the SRM, numerical analysis indicates that, in the upper area (top of the surrounding soil about 210°), the reinforcing effect gradually decreases as the reinforcing region moves from arch springing to the vault of the crown; when reinforcing regions lie in the upside of the surrounding soil, the influence on the ground settlement is generally greater than in the lower part; at the same time, with the increase of the SRR, the influential differences are more and more obvious. 展开更多
关键词 stress release plastic zone loosen zone SETTLEMENT FLAC
福建永安大湖岩溶塌陷形成机制与塌陷模式研究 被引量:2
作者 黄光明 《资源环境与工程》 2020年第3期404-407,447,共5页
为探讨大湖岩溶盆地岩溶塌陷形成机制及塌陷模式,通过实地调查和实测地质剖面,采用野外钻探、取样、室内试验分析,对研究区的岩溶塌陷成因及机制进行综合分析,提出区内岩溶塌陷机制模型。研究表明,大湖镇坑源村塌陷主要是因区内矿坑涌排... 为探讨大湖岩溶盆地岩溶塌陷形成机制及塌陷模式,通过实地调查和实测地质剖面,采用野外钻探、取样、室内试验分析,对研究区的岩溶塌陷成因及机制进行综合分析,提出区内岩溶塌陷机制模型。研究表明,大湖镇坑源村塌陷主要是因区内矿坑涌排水,使塌陷区的地下水水位降低和改变流向,地下水原有的浮托作用减弱直至产生失托,并产生冲蚀及土体流变,在有地下溶洞发育且上覆土层较薄处发生地面岩溶塌陷。在对大湖镇坑源村发生的多起地面塌陷成因详细分析的基础上,提出“失托—土体流变效应”的致塌模式。 展开更多
关键词 岩溶塌陷 塌陷模式 失托—土体效应 大湖盆地
Variation analysis of ultimate pullout capacity of shallow horizontal strip anchor plate with 2-layer overlying soil based on nonlinear M-C failure criterion 被引量:7
作者 ZHAO Lian-heng TAN Yi-gao +2 位作者 NIE Zhi-hong YANG Xin-ping HU Shi-hong 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第11期2802-2818,共17页
Based on the nonlinear Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion and an associated flow rule,a kinematic admissible velocity field of failure mechanism of the 2-layer soil above a shallow horizontal strip anchor plate is constru... Based on the nonlinear Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion and an associated flow rule,a kinematic admissible velocity field of failure mechanism of the 2-layer soil above a shallow horizontal strip anchor plate is constructed.The ultimate pull-out force and its corresponding failure mechanism through the upper bound limit analysis according to a variation principle are deduced.When the 2-layer overlying soil is degraded into single-layer soil,the model of ultimate pullout force could also be degraded into the model of single-layer soil.And the comparison between results of single-layer soil variation method and those calculated by rigid limit analysis method proves the correctness of our method.Based on that,the influence of changes of geotechnical parameters on ultimate pullout forces and failure mechanism of a shallow horizontal strip anchor with the 2-layer soil above are analyzed.The results show that the ultimate pull-out force and failure mechanism of a shallow horizontal strip anchor with the 2-layer soil above are affected by the nonlinear geotechnical parameters greatly.Thus,it is very important to obtain the accurate geotechnical parameters of 2-layer soil for the evaluation of the ultimate pullout capacity of the anchor plate. 展开更多
关键词 shallow strip anchor plate 2-layer soil ultimate pullout capacity variation analysis nonlinear failure criterion
Double linear strain distribution assumption of RC beam strengthened with external-bonded or near-surface mounted fiber reinforced plastic 被引量:4
作者 任振华 刘汉龙 周丰峻 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第12期3582-3594,共13页
Rehabilitation of existing structures with fiber reinforced plastic(FRP)has been growing in popularity because they offer superior performance in terms of resistance to corrosion and high specific stiffness.The strain... Rehabilitation of existing structures with fiber reinforced plastic(FRP)has been growing in popularity because they offer superior performance in terms of resistance to corrosion and high specific stiffness.The strain coordination results of 34 reinforced concrete beams(four groups)strengthened with different methods were presented including external-bonded or near-surface mounted glass or carbon FRP or helical rib bar in order to study the strain coordination of the strengthening materials and steel rebar of RC beam.Because there is relative slipping between concrete and strengthening materials(SM),the strain of SM and steel rebar of RC beam satisfies the double linear strain distribution assumption,that is,the strain of longitudinal fiber parallel to the neutral axis of plated beam within the scope of effective height(h0)of the cross section is in direct proportion to the distance from the fiber to the neutral axis.The strain of SM and steel rebar satisfies the equation εGCH=βεsteel,where the value of β is equal to 1.1-1.3 according to the test results. 展开更多
关键词 double linear strain distribution assumption external-bonded structure near-surface mounted structure fiber reinforced plastic strengthening concrete beam
Apparent Mobilities of Na^+, K^+and Ca^(2+) Ions in Variable Charge Soil Colloid Systems
作者 LI CHENG-BAOInstitute of Soil Science, A cademia Sinica, Nanjing 210008 (China) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1992年第1期43-49,共7页
In this paper a simple method for determination of the apparent mobility of cation in a soil colloid system was described. With this method apparent mobilities of Na+, K+, and Ca2+ ions in the systems of the ferric lu... In this paper a simple method for determination of the apparent mobility of cation in a soil colloid system was described. With this method apparent mobilities of Na+, K+, and Ca2+ ions in the systems of the ferric luvisol, acrisol, and ferralsol were determined, and the reduction percentages of the mobilities were calculated. The results showed that the apparent mobilities of different cations at the same normality in a given soil system were in the order UNa> UK> UCa; those of the same cations among different soil systems were in the order ferralsol > acrisol > ferric luvisol, but the reduction percentages were in a reverse order, which among different cations at the same normality was Ca2+> K+> Na+ for ferric luvisol and acrisol systems, but was K+> Ca2+> Na+ for farralsol system. These results were interpreted in terms of different amounts of negative charge the clay fraction of different soils carries, and different mechanisms by which the soils adsorb the cations. 展开更多
关键词 apparent mobility DC conductivity method mobility reduction variable charge soil
作者 王颖轶(文/供图) 《中国公路》 2023年第11期94-95,共2页
针对施工卸载的时效特性与土体流变耦合缺乏合理力学模型的科学解算方法,围绕沿海软土地层施工扰动与蠕变耦合位移风险预控的复杂理论和关键技术,项目组开展了系统、深入的研究,最终形成“沿海软土地层施工扰动与蠕变耦合位移预控技术... 针对施工卸载的时效特性与土体流变耦合缺乏合理力学模型的科学解算方法,围绕沿海软土地层施工扰动与蠕变耦合位移风险预控的复杂理论和关键技术,项目组开展了系统、深入的研究,最终形成“沿海软土地层施工扰动与蠕变耦合位移预控技术与应用”创新成果,理论、方法及工程技术都取得了创新突破。 展开更多
关键词 施工扰动 软土地层 风险预控 地层位移 土体 工程技术 时效特性 预控技术
The Creeping Shores of the Golden Horn
作者 Ergtin Togrol Yalgun Eyigtin Serkan Ktiman 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第2期174-181,共8页
In a soft clay layer overlain by a thick man made ground layer, as in the case of the Unkapam shores of the Golden Horn, excess pore pressures have remained for long periods and the soft clay layer has hardly undergon... In a soft clay layer overlain by a thick man made ground layer, as in the case of the Unkapam shores of the Golden Horn, excess pore pressures have remained for long periods and the soft clay layer has hardly undergone few volumetric deformations. Along the shores of the Golden Horn such creep of the soil towards the sea has been detected at more than 40 mm in the last 26 months. The measurements of those movements are examined in this paper. Our research points out that the local failure of a soil element or of a particular layer differs from the general failure of the soil mass. Furthermore, the large masses of unfailed soil which overlie the soft layer along the shores of the Golden Horn delay the general failure of the slopes. We conclude that the shear strains producing excessive pore pressures is the cause of the creep observed. Because a proper solution still need to be found for a sustainable stability of the area, it is necessary to continue with the measurements of the Golden Horn's creeping shores. 展开更多
关键词 Pore pressure dissipation CREEP slope stability.
Chicken Anatomical Composition Prediction in Madagascar: Indigenous Race and Starbro Strain
作者 Isabelle Herisoa Hantanirina Rivo Nirina Rabearimisa +1 位作者 Jean de Neupomuscene Rakotozandriny Claude Mazel 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2016年第3期156-162,共7页
Consumer requirement evolution in time necessitates a good control on product features. The present study aims at providing a better knowledge about the different broiler body composition characteristics found in Mada... Consumer requirement evolution in time necessitates a good control on product features. The present study aims at providing a better knowledge about the different broiler body composition characteristics found in Madagascar poultry farms. Data about 8,262 heads of indigenous race or Starbro strain chickens, raised in a suburban setting have been collected. At the end of the raising cycle, measurements by individual weighing of the animal anatomical composition were performed. The results showed that chicken live weight variation depends upon liver, thigh, wing, breast and abdominal fat weight variation. Chicken age at slaughtering doesn't have any effect on the variable. The derived multilinear regressions make up relevant simulations on observed data due to their significance (p 〈 1‰) and present some satisfactory statistical estimate indices, especially with a steady adjusted R^2 value. 展开更多
关键词 Poultry indigenous race Starbro broiler strain anatomical composition prediction model Madagascar.
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