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作者 黄铁英 《东北水利水电》 2024年第5期37-39,43,共4页
为确保挡土墙结构能够有效支撑不稳固的土壤及岩石,并承受显著的侧向土压力,本文对挡土墙进行了一系列强度验证,验证包括颗粒大小分布分析、单位质量测定、含水率评估、压实度检验及直接剪切与压缩试验等。通过这些综合测试,可确保挡土... 为确保挡土墙结构能够有效支撑不稳固的土壤及岩石,并承受显著的侧向土压力,本文对挡土墙进行了一系列强度验证,验证包括颗粒大小分布分析、单位质量测定、含水率评估、压实度检验及直接剪切与压缩试验等。通过这些综合测试,可确保挡土墙具备必需的结构强度和稳定性,以符合工程设计规范的要求。 展开更多
关键词 挡土墙 土体颗粒 击实试验 直接剪切试验 研究
作者 张建山 仵彦卿 李哲 《干旱地区农业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期45-49,共5页
对于承压含水层单井抽水引起的含水层变形问题,以单元体变形为基础,建立了考虑含水层中颗粒运动的承压含水层单井抽水数学模型;提出了颗粒运动函数的概念,对特定的定解条件给出了解析解;推求出单井抽水含水层颗粒位移量的计算公式,通过... 对于承压含水层单井抽水引起的含水层变形问题,以单元体变形为基础,建立了考虑含水层中颗粒运动的承压含水层单井抽水数学模型;提出了颗粒运动函数的概念,对特定的定解条件给出了解析解;推求出单井抽水含水层颗粒位移量的计算公式,通过算例对该模型进行了分析。结果表明,井壁颗粒逸出易导致井周含水层颗粒的较大位移;当抽水井井壁无颗粒逸出时,颗粒位移量的最大值并不在井壁处,而且,随着抽水时间的延续,其最大值也逐渐增大,其位置也向远离井周的方向推移。该模型可用于对抽水引起的地面沉降进行系统的预测和定量计算。 展开更多
关键词 土体颗粒运动 承压含水层 单井抽水 数学模型 颗粒运动函数 干旱缺水地区 地下水 地面沉降
基于计算接触力学的粗颗粒土体材料细观性质模拟 被引量:8
作者 潘洪武 王伟 张丙印 《工程力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第7期151-158,共8页
采用离散元等数值模拟方法研究粗颗粒土体材料的细观力学行为,是近年来岩土力学的热点研究课题。提出了一种基于计算接触力学的粗颗粒土体材料细观力学行为模拟分析新方法。该法将土体颗粒剖分成一定数量的单元,通过计算接触力学方法模... 采用离散元等数值模拟方法研究粗颗粒土体材料的细观力学行为,是近年来岩土力学的热点研究课题。提出了一种基于计算接触力学的粗颗粒土体材料细观力学行为模拟分析新方法。该法将土体颗粒剖分成一定数量的单元,通过计算接触力学方法模拟颗粒间的多体接触行为,是一种基于有限元变分原理的隐式数值求解方法,具有严格的理论基础。和离散元法方法相比,该方法在描述颗粒本身的力学特性方面具有优势,可以计算得到颗粒内部的应力分布情况,从而为颗粒破碎等细观行为的模拟计算提供依据。利用所发展的粗颗粒土体多体接触有限元计算程序,进行了不同围压的常规三轴数值试验,模拟计算结果符合粗颗粒土体材料三轴试验的一般规律,初步验证了所提出的计算方法的适用性。 展开更多
关键词 计算接触力学 有限元方法 颗粒土体 三轴试验 细观力学性质
作者 丁洲祥 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第20期3559-3562,共4页
关键词 饱和土体 渗流耦合分析 数值模拟 土体颗粒 地下水
作者 蔡国庆(图/文) 刁显锋(图/文) 杨芮(图/文) 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期53-53,共1页
封面图片来自本期论文“基于CFD-DEM的流-固耦合数值建模方法研究进展”,是北京交通大学土木建筑工程学院蔡国庆教授课题组采用CFD-DEM耦合方法对循环荷载作用下土颗粒接触侵蚀问题的研究成果。图片展示了一个加-卸载周期中细颗粒在不... 封面图片来自本期论文“基于CFD-DEM的流-固耦合数值建模方法研究进展”,是北京交通大学土木建筑工程学院蔡国庆教授课题组采用CFD-DEM耦合方法对循环荷载作用下土颗粒接触侵蚀问题的研究成果。图片展示了一个加-卸载周期中细颗粒在不同阶段的迁移速度变化。初始阶段,在粗、细颗粒接触面及其周围大孔隙下方沿细颗粒层延伸分布着明显的颗粒集中迁移带。加载开始后,荷载抑制了细颗粒的迁移,持续加载使得抑制效应更加显著,只有粗颗粒周围孔隙中的少量细颗粒因挤压而发生迁移。卸载过程中,由于应力松弛以及水力梯度作用,粗、细颗粒接触面处细颗粒的迁移速度显著增大,并随着卸载的持续,形成范围更大的细颗粒集中迁移带。研究结果表明:循环荷载作用导致的接触侵蚀过程中,粗、细颗粒接触面的相互作用剧烈,卸载过程极易诱发细颗粒迁移,造成土体颗粒的侵蚀流失。研究成果可为铁路路基翻浆冒泥病害防治等提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 卸载过程 应力松弛 土木建筑工程 迁移速度 颗粒 水力梯度 侵蚀过程 土体颗粒
影响土体冻胀的主要因素及冻胀防治 被引量:1
作者 江帆 《四川建材》 2015年第6期99-100,共2页
随着科学技术的日益发展,资源的匮乏严重影响了人们的日常生活,这使得科学家们不得不转向地下资源。我国的北部大多都属于高寒地区,冻胀原因是水工建筑工程破坏的主要因素,冻结法的应用越来越广泛。了解土地的冻胀因素,分析各因素对土... 随着科学技术的日益发展,资源的匮乏严重影响了人们的日常生活,这使得科学家们不得不转向地下资源。我国的北部大多都属于高寒地区,冻胀原因是水工建筑工程破坏的主要因素,冻结法的应用越来越广泛。了解土地的冻胀因素,分析各因素对土体冻胀的影响,如土体的颗粒对冻胀的影响、水分对土体冻胀的影响、温度对土体冻胀的影响和外部荷载对土体冻胀的影响等,可以有效地消除冻胀带来的有害影响,这在冻害防治技术有重要的理论意义。 展开更多
关键词 冻胀 土体颗粒 水分 温度 外部荷载
作者 薛晓辉 孙文君 孙强 《人民黄河》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第7期120-122,共3页
基于黄土体颗粒结构失稳模型,分析了土体变形失稳的微观力学机制。研究表明,微结构的失稳与其受力状态、含水量、几何尺寸等因素密切相关,当外部应力(含水量)一定时,随着含水量(应力)的增大,微结构的链接刚度发生变化,微结构容易出现失... 基于黄土体颗粒结构失稳模型,分析了土体变形失稳的微观力学机制。研究表明,微结构的失稳与其受力状态、含水量、几何尺寸等因素密切相关,当外部应力(含水量)一定时,随着含水量(应力)的增大,微结构的链接刚度发生变化,微结构容易出现失稳。当微结构模型受到扰动影响时,其失稳分岔呈现出复杂的状态,利用奇异性理论分析讨论其分叉现象,充分揭示了土体变形是内部结构变化与外部因素力量作用共同演化的结果。最后,由尖点突变模型和黄土微观特性求得了微结构失稳所对应的孔隙特性。 展开更多
关键词 黄土 微结构 土体颗粒 变形机制 本构关系
载体桩加固机理和受力分析 被引量:4
作者 张健 刘茂青 《工程勘察》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第S1期36-39,共4页
关键词 载体桩 土体颗粒 骨架 孔隙水压力 时间效应
浅析软土的工程性质及处理方法 被引量:1
作者 郭晓东 《河北水利》 2015年第7期35-35,共1页
软土是指天然空隙比大于或等于1.0,且天然含水量大于液限的细粒土。包括淤泥、淤泥质土、泥炭、泥炭质土等,分类标准见下表。 1.软土的成因类型 软土的成因类型一般分为:滨海沉积(滨海相、泻湖相、溺谷相和三角洲相);湖泊沉积(湖... 软土是指天然空隙比大于或等于1.0,且天然含水量大于液限的细粒土。包括淤泥、淤泥质土、泥炭、泥炭质土等,分类标准见下表。 1.软土的成因类型 软土的成因类型一般分为:滨海沉积(滨海相、泻湖相、溺谷相和三角洲相);湖泊沉积(湖相、三角洲相);河滩沉积(河漫滩相、牛轭湖相)和湖沼沉积。 展开更多
关键词 三角洲相 泥炭质土 河滩沉积 泻湖相 土体颗粒 空隙比 滨海沉积 湖泊沉积 天然含水量 细粒土
作者 郭丹阳 《中国公路》 2016年第11期136-137,共2页
本文研究的项目为连霍高速公路中的某段工程,路基宽24.5m,全长为151.97km,双向四车道,贯穿西安、咸阳和宝鸡三个城市。全线设有2个服务区、14个收费站,收费系统、通讯等设施配备齐全。全线设计土石方量1800m^2,涵洞550道,通道396座,分... 本文研究的项目为连霍高速公路中的某段工程,路基宽24.5m,全长为151.97km,双向四车道,贯穿西安、咸阳和宝鸡三个城市。全线设有2个服务区、14个收费站,收费系统、通讯等设施配备齐全。全线设计土石方量1800m^2,涵洞550道,通道396座,分离式立交桥52座。 展开更多
关键词 黄土湿陷 分离式立交桥 连霍高速公路 土石方量 路基压实度 设施配备 黄土结构 湿陷变形 地基承载能力 土体颗粒
Wear and corrosion behavior of clay containing coating on AM 50 magnesium alloy produced by aluminate-based plasma electrolytic oxidation 被引量:6
作者 Farideh DAVOODI Masoud ATAPOUR +1 位作者 Carsten BLAWERT Mikhail ZHELUDKEVICH 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第12期3719-3738,共20页
This study aims to examine the effect of clay micro particles addition on the microstructure,wear and corrosion behavior of PEO coatings on AM 50 magnesium alloy.PEO coatings were prepared using an aluminate-based ele... This study aims to examine the effect of clay micro particles addition on the microstructure,wear and corrosion behavior of PEO coatings on AM 50 magnesium alloy.PEO coatings were prepared using an aluminate-based electrolyte with and without the presence of 5 g/L clay particles.The structure and composition of the coatings were evaluated using SEM,EDS and XRD.The wear investigations were conducted using a ball-on-disk tribometer at 2,5 and 10 N loads.The corrosion behavior of the coatings was examined using polarization and EIS tests in 0.5 wt.%NaCl.The results revealed that the addition of clay particles deteriorated the wear resistance of the coatings under the loads of 5 and 10 N.The SEM examinations of the worn surfaces indicated that a combination of adhesive and abrasive wear mechanisms was activated for the coating with clay particles.The poor wear performance of the clay-incorporated coating was related to its lower adhesion strength and higher roughness.The potentiodynamic polarization examinations revealed that the addition of clay particles slightly decreased the corrosion rate of the coatings.Corrosion resistance of the clay-containing coating was attributed to its compactness,as indicated by the results of EIS tests. 展开更多
关键词 WEAR corrosion clay particles plasma electrolytic oxidation Mg alloys
Characteristics of Organo-Mineral Complexing of Microaggregates in Paddy Soils Developed from Purple Soils 被引量:1
作者 WEICHAOFU XIEDETI 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1996年第4期365-372,共8页
This paper deals with characteristics of organo-mineral complexing of microaggregates in the paddy soils developed from purple soils in Sichuan, China. Results show that the contents of organic matter in microaggregat... This paper deals with characteristics of organo-mineral complexing of microaggregates in the paddy soils developed from purple soils in Sichuan, China. Results show that the contents of organic matter in microaggregates are in the order of 1--0.25 mm > smaller than 0.05 mm > 0.05-0.25 mm. But the organic matter in 1-0.01 mm microaggregates accounts for 68.1%-78.7% of that in soil. The organic matter in<0.05 mm microaggregates is complexed humus on the whole, of which the degree of organo-mineral complexing varies between 96.1% and 99.5%, which is higher than that of the soil or>0.05 mm microaggregates. The contents of loosely combined humus and the ratios of loosely and tightly combined humus markedly decline with the size of microaggregates. Fresh soil humus formed from semi-decomposed organic material or organic manure added is combined first with<0.001 mm clay, and then aggregated with other organic and mineral particles to form larger microaggregates, in which the aging of humus happens at the same time; whereas organic matter of the light fraction is mainly involved in the formation of>0.05 mm microaggregates. 展开更多
关键词 combined humus microaggregate organo-mineral complexing paddy soils from purple soils
Dust Acoustic Solitary Waves in Saturn F-ring's Region
作者 E.K.El-Shewy M.I.Abo el Maaty +1 位作者 H.G.Abdelwahed M.A.Elmessary 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第1期143-150,共8页
Effect of hot and cold dust charge on the propagation of dust-acoustic waves (DAWs) in unmagnetized plasma having electrons, singly charged ions, hot and cold dust grains has been investigated. The reductive perturb... Effect of hot and cold dust charge on the propagation of dust-acoustic waves (DAWs) in unmagnetized plasma having electrons, singly charged ions, hot and cold dust grains has been investigated. The reductive perturbation method is employed to reduce the basic set of fluid equations to the Kortewege-de Vries (KdV) equation. At the critical hot dusty plasma density Nho, the KdV equation is not appropriate for describing the system. Hence, a set of stretched coordinates is considered to derive the modified KdV equation. It is found that the presence of hot and cold dust charge grains not only significantly modifies the basic properties of solitary structure, but also changes the polarity of the solitary profiles. In the vicinity of the critical hot dusty plasma density Nho, neither KdV nor mKdV equation is appropriate for describing the DAWs. Therefore, a further modified KdV (fmKdV) equation is derived, which admits both soliton and double layer solutions. 展开更多
关键词 dust-acoustic waves hot and cold dust charge double layer solutions
Probabilistic analysis of geomembrane puncture from granular material under liquid pressure 被引量:1
作者 姜晓桢 束一鸣 朱俊高 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第11期3256-3264,共9页
A simplified probabilistic analysis of geomembrane punctures from granular material was presented when subjected to liquid pressure.The probability distribution of contact force between geomembrane and granular materi... A simplified probabilistic analysis of geomembrane punctures from granular material was presented when subjected to liquid pressure.The probability distribution of contact force between geomembrane and granular material was obtained based on the principle of equal probability and assumptions that grains are spheres with constant size.A particle flow code PFC3Dwas employed to simulate the contact process which indicates a good agreement with the theoretical probabilistic analysis.The odds of geomembrane puncture from grains of constant size were obtained by evaluating the puncture force which should not exceed the puncture resistance of geomembrane.The effects of grain radius,grain rigidity and liquid pressure were studied in more detail and displayed in graphs.Both high-level of liquid pressure and large grain can result in high risk of geomembrane puncture.The influence of grain rigidity on the geomembrane puncture odds is significant.For granular material with a grain size distribution,the geomembrane puncture odds can be estimated by the grain size distribution,served as weight function and it is a cautious design if the largest grain is chosen as the design grain size. 展开更多
关键词 geomembrane puncture probability distribution contact force
Reconstruction of Soil Particle Composition During Freeze-Thaw Cycling: A Review 被引量:40
作者 ZHANG Ze MA Wei +2 位作者 FENG Wenjie XIAO Donghui HOU Xin 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第2期167-179,共13页
Studies conducted over several decades have shown that the freeze-thaw cycles are a process of energy input and output in soil, which help drive the formation of soil structure, through water expansion by crystallizat... Studies conducted over several decades have shown that the freeze-thaw cycles are a process of energy input and output in soil, which help drive the formation of soil structure, through water expansion by crystallization and the movement of water and salts by thermal gradients. However, most of these studies are published in Russian or Chinese and are less accessible to international researchers. This review brought together a wide range of studies on the effects of freezing and thawing on soil structure. The following findings are summarized: i) soil structure after freeze-thaw cycles changes considerably and the changes are due to the mechanical fragmentation of soil coarse mineral particles and the aggregation of soil fine particles; ii) the particle size of soil becomes homogeneous and the variation in soil structure weakens as the number of freeze-thaw cycles increases; iii) in the freezing process of soil, an important principle in the variation of soil particle bonding is presented as: condensation →aggregation→ crystallization; iv) the freeze-thaw cycling process has a strong effect on soil structure by changing the granulometric composition of mineral particles and structures within the soil. The freeze-thaw cycling process strengthens particle bonding, which causes an overall increase in aggregate stability of soil, showing a process from destruction to reconstruction. 展开更多
关键词 aggregate stability AGGREGATION FRAGMENTATION mineral particle soil granulometric composition soil structure
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