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对少数民族地区土医土药问题的调查与思考——以恩施土家族苗族自治州来凤县枫香村等五个村为例 被引量:3
作者 沈再新 谭晓静 《三峡大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2011年第3期12-16,共5页
关键词 土家族 土医土药 调查与思考
植壤、技术与生存策略:晚清民国的宁波土医——以1870至1936年的报纸材料为中心 被引量:2
作者 邹赜韬 《地方文化研究》 2017年第1期79-88,共10页
土医是晚清民国宁波医疗的重要组成部分。由于宁波地区传统中医、新式西医在诊疗技术及运营方式上存在特定短板,兼之地域社会固有择医观念的影响,晚清宁波土医的需求性植壤颇为丰沃。宁波土医的主要技术手段有灵符治疗、仪式治疗、秘方... 土医是晚清民国宁波医疗的重要组成部分。由于宁波地区传统中医、新式西医在诊疗技术及运营方式上存在特定短板,兼之地域社会固有择医观念的影响,晚清宁波土医的需求性植壤颇为丰沃。宁波土医的主要技术手段有灵符治疗、仪式治疗、秘方治疗、托物治疗,在服务过程中注意综合运用技术,并可针对某些尴尬部位进行违背传统伦理的治疗;为扩大客户源,晚清土医进行了夸张的广告宣传;在民国的医疗变局中,宁波土医生存空间出现了向边缘地区逃离的趋势,一些宁波城镇土医假借中医名号继续行医,并取得了一定市场,部分民国的宁波城市土医,以参与应对治疗疑难杂症、生产保健品为生存契机,继续维系。 展开更多
关键词 土医 宁波 植壤 医疗技术 生存策略
20世纪浙南山区土医口述史访谈工作初探——基于庆元县30例田野采访的思考 被引量:1
作者 邹赜韬 吴学清 《丽水学院学报》 2018年第6期7-14,共8页
基于2017年9月至2018年2月间开展的30例庆元县土医田野采访,总结分析20世纪浙南山区土医口述史工作的流程、问题意识。土医口述史是重要的浙南山区人地关系、社会生活文化资料。系统开展20世纪浙南山区土医口述史工作不仅可以"存史... 基于2017年9月至2018年2月间开展的30例庆元县土医田野采访,总结分析20世纪浙南山区土医口述史工作的流程、问题意识。土医口述史是重要的浙南山区人地关系、社会生活文化资料。系统开展20世纪浙南山区土医口述史工作不仅可以"存史",更可以对当下"健康中国"的推进提供浙南民间智慧,并助力"两山"理念引领下的浙南山区人地和谐文化建构。 展开更多
关键词 土医 口述史 浙南山区 庆元县
作者 严国进 《医师在线》 2017年第33期3-3,共1页
近日,山东中医药学会民间中医药传承工作委员会成立大会暨民间中医药发展研讨会在济南市举行。国医大师张志远传承工作室负责人、山东中医药大学刘桂荣教授当选为山东中医药学会民间中医药传承工作委员会主任委员。工作委员会将为“乡... 近日,山东中医药学会民间中医药传承工作委员会成立大会暨民间中医药发展研讨会在济南市举行。国医大师张志远传承工作室负责人、山东中医药大学刘桂荣教授当选为山东中医药学会民间中医药传承工作委员会主任委员。工作委员会将为“乡土医”接续根脉,首要工作包括整理总结山东省民间中医的基本状况,挖掘民间中医的经验与特色,搭建民间中医药传承平台,着力培训、提高民间中医学术水平,总结整理民间中医学术思想,推广特色医疗技术。(济南日报)各地有一技之长的民间中医很多,有的子承父业,几代人都是;有的是爱好中医,自学成才。但不管怎样,他们都在与病魔搏斗的过程中,以古代中医理论作为指导思想探索出了一套“偏方”“手法”,因在临床上有疗效而被传承下来。 展开更多
关键词 土医 山东中医药学会 民间中医药 山东中医药大学 中医药发展 中医学术思想 委员会 国医大师
土家医外治法研究(续完) 被引量:7
作者 田华咏 《中国民族医药杂志》 2000年第1期23-24,共2页
10 提风法提风法是一种治疗小儿风寒、风热以及伤食等疾病的外治方法。此法主要治疗小儿因风寒、风热而致的发烧,抽筋或屙肚子、肚子胀、肚子痛及消化不良等症。用一鲜鸡蛋煮熟,在蛋的中间开一小圆孔(约1.5cm),把蛋黄取出,尽量保持蛋... 10 提风法提风法是一种治疗小儿风寒、风热以及伤食等疾病的外治方法。此法主要治疗小儿因风寒、风热而致的发烧,抽筋或屙肚子、肚子胀、肚子痛及消化不良等症。用一鲜鸡蛋煮熟,在蛋的中间开一小圆孔(约1.5cm),把蛋黄取出,尽量保持蛋壳不破损,在小孔中镶入一大小与蛋孔适... 展开更多
关键词 土医 外治法 放痧 提风法 药浴法
湘西土家族菊科降压药物概述 被引量:3
作者 杨德胜 《中国民族医药杂志》 1997年第1期24-24,共1页
关键词 降压药 植物药 土医 湘西 菊科
湘西民族药炮制概说 被引量:2
作者 瞿显友 杨赛兰 《中国民族医药杂志》 1996年第2期10-11,共2页
湘西民族药炮制概说湖南省湘西自治州民族医药研究所(416000)瞿显友湖南省药材公司(410005)杨赛兰湘西土家族、苗族,在长期的生活实践中,孕育出各自的医药学,为本民族的繁荣生息起着巨大作用,也是各自民族优秀文化... 湘西民族药炮制概说湖南省湘西自治州民族医药研究所(416000)瞿显友湖南省药材公司(410005)杨赛兰湘西土家族、苗族,在长期的生活实践中,孕育出各自的医药学,为本民族的繁荣生息起着巨大作用,也是各自民族优秀文化的重要组成部分。近年来已整理问世,... 展开更多
关键词 中药炮制学 民族医药学 土医 苗医
土苗医“碧蓉散”治疗胃脘痛 被引量:1
作者 姜玲 雷永恕 《中国民族医药杂志》 1996年第2期26-27,共2页
土苗医“碧蓉散”治疗胃脘痛湖北恩施民族学院医院(445000)姜玲湖北恩施医专附院(445000)雷永恕自制“碧蓉散”治疗胃脘痛,长期用于临床验证,疗效满意。药物组成碧血莲120g、地不容60g、鸡心七60g、白芨1... 土苗医“碧蓉散”治疗胃脘痛湖北恩施民族学院医院(445000)姜玲湖北恩施医专附院(445000)雷永恕自制“碧蓉散”治疗胃脘痛,长期用于临床验证,疗效满意。药物组成碧血莲120g、地不容60g、鸡心七60g、白芨120g、毛山药100g、明天麻80... 展开更多
关键词 胃脘痛 民族医药学 土医 苗医 碧蓉散
土家药配合黄体酮治治泌尿系结石68例 被引量:1
作者 洪东升 王珍莲 《中国民族医药杂志》 2007年第2期17-17,共1页
目的:观察土家药配合黄体酮对泌尿系结石的治疗效果。方法:采用土医草药水煎服配合黄体酮肌注。结果:治疗治疗68例,治愈42例,有效20例,无效6例,总有效率91.2%。结论:土医草药配合黄体酮治疗泌尿系结石效果好,毒副作用少,可免受手术痛苦... 目的:观察土家药配合黄体酮对泌尿系结石的治疗效果。方法:采用土医草药水煎服配合黄体酮肌注。结果:治疗治疗68例,治愈42例,有效20例,无效6例,总有效率91.2%。结论:土医草药配合黄体酮治疗泌尿系结石效果好,毒副作用少,可免受手术痛苦,治疗方便,经济实用。 展开更多
关键词 泌尿系结石 土医草药 黄体酮 临床观察
作者 王珍莲 洪东升 《中国民族医药杂志》 2007年第2期18-18,共1页
关键词 跟病症 熏蒸 浸泡 土医草药
Study of the similarities and differences between TCM and Tujia medicine in clinical diagnosis and treatment of liver cancer 被引量:1
作者 Cui-Ying Miao Feng-Xi Long +2 位作者 Dong-Xin Tang Qi-Liang Chen Guang-Hui Ran 《TMR Cancer》 2018年第3期87-93,共7页
At present,for the treatment of liver cancer is not limited to western medicine chemotherapy.With the development of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM),more patients choose Chinese medicine conservative treatment.TCM h... At present,for the treatment of liver cancer is not limited to western medicine chemotherapy.With the development of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM),more patients choose Chinese medicine conservative treatment.TCM has the theoretical system and treatment system.Tujia medicine,as a branch of TCM,has its own unique treatment methods in the treatment of disease.The author found in the exploration of the diagnosis and treatment of liver cancer,TCM,and Tujia medicine has the effect of different approaches but equally satisfactory results in the treatment of liver cancer,the collation,and research of comparison,in order to provide a reference for the diagnosis and treatment of liver cancer. 展开更多
关键词 Traditional Chinese medicine Tujia medicine Liver cancer Internal therapy External treatment
Mobile Health Applications User Trends in Turkey
作者 Seray Oney Doganyigit Elgiz Yilmaz 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第1期44-49,共6页
Due to the rapid rise of mobile phones around the globe, many consumers, researchers, clinicians, and health services are starting to see their utility in health. As well as a health informatics role in improving the ... Due to the rapid rise of mobile phones around the globe, many consumers, researchers, clinicians, and health services are starting to see their utility in health. As well as a health informatics role in improving the uptake and efficiency of current health services, mobile communication-assisted health care (m-health) also opens opportunities for services that are strikingly new and curative, in particular delivering personal health behaviour change programmes. Herein, we report the preliminary findings of a health-promotion survey titled "Mobile Apps User Trend Analysis of Turkish People". The survey examines the information needs and media preferences of women and men who research health information and use mobile apps for their healthcare in everyday life. Also this study tries to recover the behaviour of people and what applications they are downloading with respect to health, wellness, and medical mobile applicaitons. In looking the data, it appears that adoption of mHealth is growing at a furious pace. In this context, improvements to health communication have the potential to make a significant role to a promising new medium for health education and communication. 展开更多
关键词 health communication mobile health mobile applications acceptance behaviors
Healthcare Risk Management and Patient Safety in Turkish Hospital
作者 Aysegul Yildirim Kaptanoglu Emre isci Serpil Kaplan Yalcinkaya 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第8期760-766,共7页
Patient safety is an important component of risk management in hospitals. The aim of the study is to measure physician and nurse awareness about four selected patient safety indicators by authors and events reported a... Patient safety is an important component of risk management in hospitals. The aim of the study is to measure physician and nurse awareness about four selected patient safety indicators by authors and events reported about these relevant indicators in the hospital. The study uses standardized four patientsafety indicators like "needle sticks, cut wounds, dressing allergy, infections indicators". Cross section study was conducted through three month period in 2011-2012 based on voluntary response to the questionnaire that intend to measure knowledge about four health indicators. Studypopulations consisted of accessible sample of 146 different specialty physicians and 108 nurses present on duty during survey period. The association between the patient safety indicators and events reported about indicators in questionswere analyzed. Meanpatient safety knowledge questionnaire scores of health staff (nurse and physician) for needle sticks, cut wounds, dressing allergy, infections indicators were 47.13(11.8), 39.04(14.5), 38.02(10.5), 39.72(9.7), respectively. Significant statistical differences were also found between the frequency of events reported according to department and patient safety indicators (F = 8.34; p 〈 0.05) Measuring patient safety culture via safety indicators is essential in improving patient safety. This matter is perfectly influence the financial management of the hospital. 展开更多
关键词 patient safety risk management hospital management safety indicators
Preanalytic Error Rates for the Central Laboratory of a Large-scale Public Hospital in Turkey
作者 Kemal TOrker ULUTAS Metin CELIK +2 位作者 Beril AKCIMEN Esin Damla Z. KARACOR Fatma KARAZiNDiYANOGLU 《Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology》 2016年第7期318-321,共4页
Abstract: The pre and post analytical phase in a testing cycle contributes up to 93% of total laboratory errors. However, pre-analytical phase is primarily responsible for errors. Hence, it is of precise importance f... Abstract: The pre and post analytical phase in a testing cycle contributes up to 93% of total laboratory errors. However, pre-analytical phase is primarily responsible for errors. Hence, it is of precise importance for the laboratory to study error occurrence rates during the testing cycle and implement a quality improvement plan to release an accurate result. The present study was conducted during the period Jan-Nov 2014 in the Central Clinical Lab in Osmaniye State Hospital, Turkey. During period of 11 months, 626897 samples were monitored for major preanalytical problems at the receiving counter of the Central Clinical Laboratory. Among all preanalytic laboratory errors, 35.4% of the errors were associated with clotted sample, 25.5% errors with inadequate sample, and 25.3% errors with hemolysed sample in the laboratory. Assessment considering the departments showed that emergency unit had the highest error rates (hemolysis: 52.5%, lipemic: 42.9%, damaged: 34.6%, clotted: 34.2%, inadequate: 26.8%, wrong material: 17.6%, wrong barcode: 16.7%). There was significant difference among the departments in terms of preanalytic errors (p 〈 0.001). Based on these observations, major preanalytic errors are of great concern and needs corrective approach via proper educational programs to related personals. If this area is ignored, that can lead to negative patient outcome. However, a better specimen quality and patient satisfaction are achieved with the high quality personal-based education regarding pre-analytical errors. 展开更多
关键词 Pre-analytical errors biochemistry laboratory hemolysis.
Recent progress in the green synthesis of rare-earth doped upconversion nanophosphors for optical bioimaging from cells to animals 被引量:3
作者 Yuan Pu Jingning Leng +3 位作者 Dan Wang Jiexin Wang Neil R.Foster Jianfeng Chen 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第10期2206-2218,共13页
Rare-earth doped upconversion nanophosphors(UCNPs), which convert low energy near-infrared(NIR) photons into high energy photons such as ultraviolet, visible light and NIR light, have found various applications in opt... Rare-earth doped upconversion nanophosphors(UCNPs), which convert low energy near-infrared(NIR) photons into high energy photons such as ultraviolet, visible light and NIR light, have found various applications in optical bioimaging. In this review article, we summarize recent advances in the synthesis and applications of UCNPs achieved by us and other groups in the past few years. The approaches for the synthesis of UCNPs are presented,with an emphasis on the role of green chemistry in the advancement of this field, followed by a focused overview on their latest applications in optical bioimaging from subcellular structures through cells to living animals. Challenges and opportunities for the use of UCNPs in biomedical diagnosis and therapy are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Green synthesis Upconversion luminescence NANOMATERIALS Biomedical engineering Imaging
Observation on the Curative Effect of Acupuncture on Child Tourette's Syndrome
作者 杜革术 朱函亭(翻译) 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 2007年第5期294-296,共3页
To investigate the efficacy of earth-reinforcing and wood-reducing acupuncture tbr child Tourette's syndrome. Methods: Forty-five children with Yourette's syndrome were randomly allocated, according to a random num... To investigate the efficacy of earth-reinforcing and wood-reducing acupuncture tbr child Tourette's syndrome. Methods: Forty-five children with Yourette's syndrome were randomly allocated, according to a random number table, into an acupuncture group (23 cases) and a Western medicine group (22 cases). Points Zhongwan (CV 12) and Siguan were selected in co-operation with acupuncture of other routine points in the acupuncture group. Haloperidol was orally administered for routine treatment in the Western medicine group. Results: The cure rate was 65.2% in the acupuncture group and 31.8% in the Western medicine group. There was a significant difference in cure rate between the two groups (P〈0.05). Conclusion: Earth-reinforcing and wood-reducing acupuncture has an exact curative effect on child Tourette's syndrome. 展开更多
关键词 CHILDREN Tourette's Syndrome AcupunctureTherapy
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