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基于结构主义思考的土地学科体系构建设想 被引量:9
作者 郑斌 卢新海 《中国土地科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第11期9-15,共7页
研究目的:从结构主义方法论角度讨论土地学科体系的架构方式。研究方法:文献法,比较法,归纳法。研究结果:(1)土地科学应成为一个具有自我整体特征的学科体系。(2)通过对土地学科的主体功能结构和学科核心体系的结构化重组,提出土地学科... 研究目的:从结构主义方法论角度讨论土地学科体系的架构方式。研究方法:文献法,比较法,归纳法。研究结果:(1)土地科学应成为一个具有自我整体特征的学科体系。(2)通过对土地学科的主体功能结构和学科核心体系的结构化重组,提出土地学科体系建设和完善的思路和方法。研究结论:基于结构化思路构建的土地学科体系更适合学科的长远发展。 展开更多
关键词 土地学科体系 学科建设 评论 结构主义
论土地生态经济学与国土空间用途管制——兼论王万茂教授《土地生态经济学》的学科贡献 被引量:17
作者 黄贤金 《中国土地科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期1-5,共5页
研究目的:论述土地生态经济学理论及其在国土空间用途管制中的应用。研究方法:理论分析及文献研究法。研究结果:阐述了土地生态经济学的学科发展及其对土地学科的贡献,并基于土地生态经济学理论分析了国土空间用途管制的有效性、着力点... 研究目的:论述土地生态经济学理论及其在国土空间用途管制中的应用。研究方法:理论分析及文献研究法。研究结果:阐述了土地生态经济学的学科发展及其对土地学科的贡献,并基于土地生态经济学理论分析了国土空间用途管制的有效性、着力点和系统性特征,从合理配置土地资源、持续增殖土地价值、创建且发展有序的人地关系格局、构筑并保持土地生态经济良性循环等方面提出了创新国土空间用途管制的实施路径。研究结论:国土空间用途管制是土地生态经济系统有序运行的基础,而土地生态经济学是国土空间用途管制的理论支撑。 展开更多
关键词 土地生态经济学 国土空间用途管制 山水林田湖草生命共同体 土地学科
论土地科学学科发展战略——王万茂教授土地科学学科建设思想研究 被引量:12
作者 黄贤金 周建春 +3 位作者 严金明 欧名豪 王洪卫 吴克宁 《中国土地科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第4期52-56,共5页
研究目的:分析王万茂教授关于土地科学学科建设的思想。研究方法:围绕土地科学学科发展战略内容,运用综合分析法进行深入阐述。研究结果:王万茂教授关于中国土地科学学科建设思想着重体现在包容性、标准化、建制化及学科群战略四个方面... 研究目的:分析王万茂教授关于土地科学学科建设的思想。研究方法:围绕土地科学学科发展战略内容,运用综合分析法进行深入阐述。研究结果:王万茂教授关于中国土地科学学科建设思想着重体现在包容性、标准化、建制化及学科群战略四个方面。研究结论:王万茂教授关于中国土地科学学科建设的思想,不仅指导了中国土地科学学科发展的实践,而且也为今后中国土地科学的发展奠定了重要的基础,同样为其他学者尤其是青年学者进一步探索土地科学学科发展路径提供了重要的理论支撑与方法基础。 展开更多
关键词 土地科学学科 包容性战略 标准化战略 建制化战略 学科群战略
土地管理学科的遥感课程教学改革 被引量:3
作者 兰泽英 刘洋 林嘉怡 《地理空间信息》 2016年第2期99-101,9,共3页
针对土地管理实践,对遥感课程的教学改革进行了一系列探索。首先分析土地管理学科中遥感课程的定位,提出了关联课程设置方案。其次采用需求启发的方式动态跟踪市场变化,建立教学框架,并调整教学内容,同时辅以实验信息反馈等教学手段,实... 针对土地管理实践,对遥感课程的教学改革进行了一系列探索。首先分析土地管理学科中遥感课程的定位,提出了关联课程设置方案。其次采用需求启发的方式动态跟踪市场变化,建立教学框架,并调整教学内容,同时辅以实验信息反馈等教学手段,实现理论教学和实验教学的交叉与融合。最后在课程设计中基于Matlab平台培养学生的程序开发技能,从而为土地管理单位输送更加优秀的复合型技术人才。 展开更多
关键词 遥感教学 土地管理学科 需求分析 任务驱动 MATLAB
对土地资源管理学科建设的思考 被引量:5
作者 王华 李江风 +1 位作者 王占歧 张照录 《中国地质教育》 2000年第2期24-26,共3页
一、土地资源管理学科的属性 经新一轮国务院学科建设委员会认定,土地资源管理(二级学科)划归于公共管理(一级学科)系列。土地资源管理是介于工程技术学科与管理学科之间的交叉学科,是一门既年经又具有很强生命力的科学。在科技进步与... 一、土地资源管理学科的属性 经新一轮国务院学科建设委员会认定,土地资源管理(二级学科)划归于公共管理(一级学科)系列。土地资源管理是介于工程技术学科与管理学科之间的交叉学科,是一门既年经又具有很强生命力的科学。在科技进步与人类社会发展进程中,人地矛盾问题已日趋严重。如何合理利用土地是亟待解决的问题,而该问题的解决最终将取决于土地资源科学技术水平的提高。该学科建设及人才的培养便成为其关键。90年代以来。 展开更多
关键词 土地资源管理学科 学科建设 土地信息学 土地生态学 读书报告 师资队伍 国土资源 科学研究 实践能力 规划管理学
从土地现状谈土地工程学科建设 被引量:9
作者 程杰 韩霁昌 +2 位作者 张扬 王欢元 马增辉 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第S1期147-151,共5页
研究目的:建设土地工程学科,解决土地问题。研究方法:围绕土地工程学科建设,运用综合分析法进行深入阐述。研究结果:(1)土地资源存在土地沙化面积不断扩大、水土流失严重、土壤污染总体形势严峻等问题;(2)土地整治与高标准农田建设不能... 研究目的:建设土地工程学科,解决土地问题。研究方法:围绕土地工程学科建设,运用综合分析法进行深入阐述。研究结果:(1)土地资源存在土地沙化面积不断扩大、水土流失严重、土壤污染总体形势严峻等问题;(2)土地整治与高标准农田建设不能从根本上解决土地问题;(3)要解决土地问题,必须有科学的学科体系支撑,并指出目前土地工程学科建设情况。研究结论:要解决土地问题,必须加强土地工程学科建设,用科学的理论指导土地工程实践,以工程实践丰富土地工程理论体系。 展开更多
关键词 土地资源 现状 土地工程学科
作者 许成林 《西部素质教育》 2016年第22期133-133,共1页
通过对高职院校建筑工程专业的现状进行分析,发现现阶段的高职建筑工程专业教学所涉及到的知识点完全被限制在了建筑这一相对狭窄的领域,不利于提高高职建筑工程专业人才的社会竞争力。基于此,文章从土地管理学科与高职建筑工程类学科... 通过对高职院校建筑工程专业的现状进行分析,发现现阶段的高职建筑工程专业教学所涉及到的知识点完全被限制在了建筑这一相对狭窄的领域,不利于提高高职建筑工程专业人才的社会竞争力。基于此,文章从土地管理学科与高职建筑工程类学科融合的角度阐述了实现突破的背景、方法及意义。 展开更多
关键词 建筑工程 土地管理学科 高职院校 融合
作者 董庆雷 《经济技术协作信息》 2015年第24期23-23,共1页
我国国土面积广阔,土地资源丰富,土地类型多样化。但由于经济市场的不断发展,城市化建设进程日渐加快,人口增长基数大等众多原因,致使我国现如今可利用土地的比例在不断的缩小,人均占地资源更是少之又少。农业作为我国最大的土地... 我国国土面积广阔,土地资源丰富,土地类型多样化。但由于经济市场的不断发展,城市化建设进程日渐加快,人口增长基数大等众多原因,致使我国现如今可利用土地的比例在不断的缩小,人均占地资源更是少之又少。农业作为我国最大的土地占地产业,农、林、牧、副、渔的发展都离不开土地资源。因此,人地矛盾愈演愈烈。如何能够有效的改善土地资源分配不当造成的土地匮乏的问题,并且能够利用现代化的科技手段来遏止土地资源的流失,成为了本文所要深入研究和探讨的话题。 展开更多
关键词 土地工程科技 土地工程学科 发展
作者 肖瑛 王满银 +2 位作者 程久苗 鲁成树 沈非 《安徽师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第5期486-489,共4页
土地科学学科内容的丰富性与土地科学暂未列入一级学科的现实性导致了土地资源管理专业本科生专业课程学习的盲目性.研究分析表明:围绕学科、专业与课程三者密不可分的关系,以专业课程学科方向的归属性为出发点,注重对分支学科专业课程... 土地科学学科内容的丰富性与土地科学暂未列入一级学科的现实性导致了土地资源管理专业本科生专业课程学习的盲目性.研究分析表明:围绕学科、专业与课程三者密不可分的关系,以专业课程学科方向的归属性为出发点,注重对分支学科专业课程的组合学习;以专业课程学习数据的多源性为着眼点,注重对分支学科专业网站学习数据、专业期刊学习数据的综合学习;以专业课程的实践性为落脚点,注重专业实务操作能力的训练.是当前本科生学好土地资源管理专业课程的关键点. 展开更多
关键词 专业课程 土地资源管理专业 土地科学学科
The spring prediction barrier in ENSO hindcast experiments using the FGOALS-g model 被引量:2
作者 严厉 俞永强 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第6期1093-1104,共12页
The Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System Model-gamil (FGOALS-g) was used to study the spring prediction barrier (SPB) in an ensemble system. This coupled model was developed and maintained at the State Key Lab... The Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System Model-gamil (FGOALS-g) was used to study the spring prediction barrier (SPB) in an ensemble system. This coupled model was developed and maintained at the State Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (LASG). There are two steps in our hindcast experiments. The first is to integrate the coupled model continuously with sea surface temperature (SST) nudging, from 1971 to 2006. The second is to carry out a series of one-year hindcasts without SST nudging, by adopting initial values from the first step on January 1 st , April 1st , July 1st , and October 1st , from 1982 to 2005. We generate 10 ensemble members for a particular start date (1st ) by choosing different atmospheric and land conditions around the hindcast start date (1st through 10th ). To estimate the predicted SST, two methods are used: (1) Anomaly Correlation Coefficient and its rate of decrease; and (2) Talagrand distribution and its standard deviation. Results show that FGOALS-g offers a reliable ensemble system with realistic initial atmospheric and oceanic conditions, and high anomaly correlation (>0.5) within 6 month lead time. Further, the ensemble approach is effective, in that the anomaly correlation of ensemble mean is much higher than that of most individual ensemble members. The SPB exists in the FGOALS-g ensemble system, as shown by anomaly correlation and equal likelihood. Nevertheless, the role of the ensemble mean in reducing the SPB of ENSO prediction is significant. The rate of decrease of the ensemble mean is smaller than the largest deviations by 0.04-0.14. At the same time, the ensemble system "equal likelihood" declines during spring. An ensemble mean helps give a correct prediction direction, departing from largely-deviated ensemble members. 展开更多
关键词 spring prediction barrier ensemble ENSO hindcast experiments equal likelihood
Overview of Abandoned Mines in the Limpopo Province, South Africa: Rehabilitation Challenges
作者 Khodani Matshusa Mosidi Makgae 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2014年第3期156-161,共6页
South Africa is facing enormous financial, environmental and social challenges posed by abandoned mines. This investigation focused on field verification of 850 abandoned mines and associated rehabilitation challenges... South Africa is facing enormous financial, environmental and social challenges posed by abandoned mines. This investigation focused on field verification of 850 abandoned mines and associated rehabilitation challenges in the Limpopo Province. The investigations included desktop studies, standardised field-based ranking system and sampling. The waste material samples were analysed using XRF (X-ray fluorescence spectrometry) at the Council for Geoscience Laboratory. Approximately 5% of 850 abandoned mines in the Limpopo Province require urgent rehabilitation either due to high concentrations of metals from mine dumps or presence of open shafts. For example, copper concentrations at Messina and Spoedwel were 9,719 ppm and 56,160 ppm, respectively. Birthday Gold Mine in Giyani area is characterised by un-safe open shafts and un-stable grounds which poses safety problems and limits the future land-use. Although these investigations have been conducted, it is not possible to rehabilitate all abandoned mines mainly due to limited financial resources. The abandoned mines close to human settlement are given priority due to their immediate threat to people. This study recommends that rehabilitation of abandoned mines should take cognisance of the sustainable future land use that will favour the creation of jobs and nature conservation. 展开更多
关键词 Abandoned mines rehabilitation challenges Limpopo Province.
SH-Mode Seismic-Reflection Imaging of Earthfill Dams
作者 Edward W. Woolery 《Engineering》 2018年第5期694-701,共8页
Assessing subsurface characteristics and imaging geologic features (e.g., faults, cavities, low-velocity lay- ers, etc.) are typical problems in near-surface geophysics. These questions often have adverse geotechni-... Assessing subsurface characteristics and imaging geologic features (e.g., faults, cavities, low-velocity lay- ers, etc.) are typical problems in near-surface geophysics. These questions often have adverse geotechni-cal engineering implications, and can be especially acute when associated with high-hazard structures such as large earthen flood-control dams. Dam-related issues are becoming more frequent in the United States, because a large part of this major infrastructure was designed and constructed in the early- to mid-twentieth century; these dams are thus passing into the latter stages of their design life, where minute flaws that were overlooked or thought to be insignificant in design/construction are now proving problematic. The high-hydraulic heads associated with these structures can quicken degra-dation of weak areas and compromise long-term integrity. Addressing dam-related problems solely with traditional invasive drilling techniques is often inadequate (i.e., lack of lateral resolution) and]or econom- ically exorbitant at this scale. However, strategic geotechnical drilling integrated with the broad utility of near-surface geophysics, particularly the horizontally polarized shear-wave (SH-mode) seismic-reflection technique for imaging the internal structural detail and geological foundation conditions of earthfill embankment dams can cost-effectively improve the overall subsurface definition needed for remedial engineering. Demonstrative evidence for this supposition is provided in the form of SH-wave seismic-reflection imaging of in situ and engineered as-built components of flood-control embankment dams at two example sites in the central United States. 展开更多
关键词 GEOPHYSICS Seismic reflection SHEAR-WAVE NEAR-SURFACE Dam safety
以改革为动力 开创学会工作新局面
《科协论坛》 2003年第4期15-16,共2页
在当前新的发展时期,学会的发展面临着难得的历史机遇,具有广阔的发展前景。为使学会适应新形势,中国土地学会根据自己的实际情况,也制定了学会改革方案。一年来,我会认真落实改革方案,对学会的组织体制、活动方式和运行方式等方面的改... 在当前新的发展时期,学会的发展面临着难得的历史机遇,具有广阔的发展前景。为使学会适应新形势,中国土地学会根据自己的实际情况,也制定了学会改革方案。一年来,我会认真落实改革方案,对学会的组织体制、活动方式和运行方式等方面的改革进行了积极探索,从而增强了我会的影响力、凝聚力与活力。提高学术活动质量,这是学会改革的重点,也是改革的口的。学会工作的最主要内容就是开展学术活动,学会如果不开展学术活动,对会员就没有吸引力和凝聚力,也就没有存在的意义。因此,我会将提高学术交流活动的质量和水平作为学会改革的主要目标。一、以服务经济建设和国土资源管理为中心开展学术交流2002年我会一方面组织重点学术会议。 展开更多
关键词 学会工作 中国土地学会 学术交流 土地科学学科建设 网上学术活动
Scientific Land Reform in Nepal: Question of Equity and Efficiency
作者 P. B. Nepali K. N. Pyakuryal S. R. Sharma 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第3X期315-325,共11页
Scientific Land Reform is at centre of decades' conflict and even during Peace Process in Nepal. In this regards, land reform attempts to address equity and efficiency so as to address historical inequity and injusti... Scientific Land Reform is at centre of decades' conflict and even during Peace Process in Nepal. In this regards, land reform attempts to address equity and efficiency so as to address historical inequity and injustices for promoting peace process in Nepal. From equity perspective, landlessness, unequal power structure and social relation, injustices and discrimination for long centuries are key land issues. Along with this, economic efficiency is the fundamental for enhancing agricultural growth leading to economic growth. In particular, this article argues that, in the given prevailing condition, i.e. traditional and subsistence and rampant rural poverty and unequal power structure and injustices, small farms perform better leading to food and livelihood security at household level. Consequently, 'Scientific Land Reform' has been defined by taking into account the essence of equity and efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 Scientific land reform equity and efficiency.
Decision support for integrated river basin management—Scientific research challenges 被引量:7
作者 CAI XiMing Landon MARSTON GE YingChun 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期16-24,共9页
Integrated River Basin Management(IRBM)has been a long discussed way to sustainably manage water and land resources;yet,very few examples of effective IRBM are found because there is a lack of sufficient scientific su... Integrated River Basin Management(IRBM)has been a long discussed way to sustainably manage water and land resources;yet,very few examples of effective IRBM are found because there is a lack of sufficient scientific support,as well as institutional accommodation,to successfully implement it.This paper overviews the major challenges with IRBM,the promising scientific approaches for the implementation of IRBM,and the areas of needed research,with considerable issues and experiences from China.It is expected that novel research will draw together disparate disciplines into an integrated scientific framework,upon which better modeling tools,stakeholder involvement,and decision-making support can be built.Cutting-edge new technologies will bring ideas of IRBM forward to theory and finally to practice.The paper will prompt scientists to undertake research to fill in the gaps in the current IRBM knowledge base and provide practitioners guidance on how to incorporate scientifically based information within the IRBM decision process. 展开更多
关键词 integrated river basin management scientific framework decision support China
Chinese Soil Taxonomy:A Milestone of Soil Classification in China 被引量:3
作者 Gong Zitong Zhang Ganlin 《Science Foundation in China》 CAS 2007年第1期41-45,共5页
1 Background Taxonomy is the branch of science dedicated to discovering,characterizing,naming,and classifying objects or organisms so as to understand relationships between them and the factors of their formation.The ... 1 Background Taxonomy is the branch of science dedicated to discovering,characterizing,naming,and classifying objects or organisms so as to understand relationships between them and the factors of their formation.The aims of classification are to identify and understand the objects for establishing an orderly system for the grouping objects. 展开更多
关键词 soil classification Chinese soil taxonomy diagnostic horizons and diagnostic characteris Anthropedogensis
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