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作者 王宁 刘迎春 +3 位作者 富丰珍 王孟雪 陈宝政 张有利 《黑龙江水利科技》 2009年第3期20-22,共3页
利用实地调查与遥感调查相结合的方法,按照《土壤侵蚀分类分级标准》(SL190-96)和《全国荒漠化监测主要技术规定》及其补充规定,将大庆市杜蒙县他拉哈镇山湾子小流域土地利用类型划分为耕地型和非耕地型,依据指标选取的原则,按不同土壤... 利用实地调查与遥感调查相结合的方法,按照《土壤侵蚀分类分级标准》(SL190-96)和《全国荒漠化监测主要技术规定》及其补充规定,将大庆市杜蒙县他拉哈镇山湾子小流域土地利用类型划分为耕地型和非耕地型,依据指标选取的原则,按不同土壤侵蚀类型,确定了大庆市杜蒙县他拉哈镇山湾子小流域土壤侵蚀程度综合评价指标及评分标准,评价结果为小流域土壤侵蚀程度为中度。 展开更多
关键词 土壤侵蚀程度 综合评价 层次分析法 杜蒙县 山湾子小流域
作者 李若凡 谢云 +3 位作者 辛艳 杨静怡 刘刚 蔺宏宏 《中国水土保持科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期17-24,共8页
土壤入渗与土壤侵蚀密切相关。研究黑土土壤入渗特征对于黑土土壤侵蚀预测与防护有重要作用。为探明不同侵蚀程度黑土的水分运移过程,采用室内土柱实验法观测并评价HYDRUS-1D模型在东北黑土区的适用性。其中,轻度侵蚀土壤表土层A层厚度... 土壤入渗与土壤侵蚀密切相关。研究黑土土壤入渗特征对于黑土土壤侵蚀预测与防护有重要作用。为探明不同侵蚀程度黑土的水分运移过程,采用室内土柱实验法观测并评价HYDRUS-1D模型在东北黑土区的适用性。其中,轻度侵蚀土壤表土层A层厚度和淀积层B层厚度分别为30和25 cm,中度侵蚀土壤A层和B层厚度分别为30和10 cm,重度侵蚀土壤A层和B层厚度分别为0和15 cm。结果表明:轻、中、重3种不同侵蚀程度土壤的稳定入渗率分别为0.16、0.25和0.72 cm/h,湿润锋运移速率为2.52、3.32和9.85 cm/h。由于黑土黏重特性,HYDRUS-1D模型在黑土区的适用性较低,轻、中度侵蚀土壤的稳定入渗率分别高估2.5倍和1.6倍,而重度侵蚀土壤的稳定入渗率低估0.4倍,其中中度侵蚀的土壤入渗的拟合结果相对较好,可为土壤水蚀过程模拟和水土流失治理提供基础依据。 展开更多
关键词 土壤入渗 土柱实验 HYDRUS-1D 黑土 土壤侵蚀程度
基于土壤侵蚀时空演变的县域生态承载力评价 被引量:2
作者 澹腾辉 焦雄 +2 位作者 平原 李雨晨 郭忠录 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期210-216,共7页
[目的]探究土地类型变化背景下土壤侵蚀和生态承载力的时空演变及相关关系,对提高生态承载力水平、优化土地利用结构和水土保持措施配置具有重要意义。[方法]以江西省宁都县为研究区域,基于自然资源和社会经济数据,运用InVEST模型与空... [目的]探究土地类型变化背景下土壤侵蚀和生态承载力的时空演变及相关关系,对提高生态承载力水平、优化土地利用结构和水土保持措施配置具有重要意义。[方法]以江西省宁都县为研究区域,基于自然资源和社会经济数据,运用InVEST模型与空间主成分方法,分析了土壤侵蚀变化对生态承载力的影响。[结果](1)宁都县主要土地利用类型为林地、耕地和草地,9年来土壤侵蚀程度2010年>2015年>2018年,分别为597.42,591.29,583.51 t/(km^(2)·a),侵蚀类型以微度为主,在中部、西北部和东南部等地区,建设用地和耕地土壤侵蚀程度严重。(2)宁都县生态承载力西南低、东北高,9年来生态承载力整体上略有好转;三期土壤侵蚀程度严重的区域,生态承载力水平低。(3)2010—2018年,宁都县开展规模化整地,使林地、荒地(未利用地)转为园地、耕地,增加了土地覆被度,加之降雨量减小,径流冲刷减弱,侵蚀模数大幅降低,分别减少了178.19,876.32,2205.07 t/(km^(2)·a),其他土地利用类型侵蚀模数变化较小,总体来看土壤侵蚀模数变化的主要原因是耕地、园地和未利用地的转化。[结论]宁都县不同土地利用方式下土壤侵蚀强度不同,且对区域承载力有较大影响,未来应加强人类活动对侵蚀及生态承载力的影响研究。 展开更多
关键词 土地利用变化 InVEST模型 土壤侵蚀程度 生态承载力 宁都县
作者 王光辉 《广东水利水电》 2020年第4期89-92,96,共5页
不同的地形条件发生的土壤侵蚀强度会有不同,地形起伏度是控制土壤侵蚀最重要的地形因子之一。该文以广东龙门县为研究区,以资源三号遥感卫星中提取出的DEM数据为资料,来探究地形起伏度与土壤侵蚀的相关性。本文的研究结果可以为地区的... 不同的地形条件发生的土壤侵蚀强度会有不同,地形起伏度是控制土壤侵蚀最重要的地形因子之一。该文以广东龙门县为研究区,以资源三号遥感卫星中提取出的DEM数据为资料,来探究地形起伏度与土壤侵蚀的相关性。本文的研究结果可以为地区的水土保持工作提供科学的建议。 展开更多
关键词 龙门县 地形起伏度 土壤侵蚀程度 相关性
基于GIS和RS技术的辽宁省土壤侵蚀强度空间分析 被引量:4
作者 贾俊姝 计文琦 +1 位作者 周心澄 曹忠杰 《西北林学院学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期46-49,61,共5页
利用GIS和RS技术,以辽宁省为例,提出土壤侵蚀强度危险指数(Soil erosion dangerous index,SEDI),对不同土地利用类型和分市县土壤侵蚀强度空间分布进行了定量分析,实现了对辽宁省土壤侵蚀程度分级。结果表明:辽宁省土壤侵蚀面积4.23... 利用GIS和RS技术,以辽宁省为例,提出土壤侵蚀强度危险指数(Soil erosion dangerous index,SEDI),对不同土地利用类型和分市县土壤侵蚀强度空间分布进行了定量分析,实现了对辽宁省土壤侵蚀程度分级。结果表明:辽宁省土壤侵蚀面积4.23×106hm2,土壤侵蚀区内平均侵蚀模数2801 t.km-2.a-1,以水力侵蚀为主;不同土地利用类型土壤侵蚀程度表现为:草地233>林地122>农地68>城镇用地65>未利用地60>水域55;土壤侵蚀程度等级为较严重是辽宁西部低山丘陵区的朝阳市174、葫芦岛156、阜新市110,这个区域对于辽宁省土壤侵蚀环境的影响是最大的。 展开更多
关键词 土壤侵蚀程度 SEDI 空间分布 土地利用
作者 徐斌 马苏 《中国城市经济》 2011年第3X期107-108,共2页
以岳阳县为例,应用RS和GIS技术,提取研究区坡度、土地利用类型和植被覆盖度因子信息。运用区域统计分析,栅格计算功能,结合土壤侵蚀强度分级标准进行叠加分析,得到研究区土壤侵蚀强度图。研究表明,岳阳县土壤侵蚀强度,中度以上所占比例... 以岳阳县为例,应用RS和GIS技术,提取研究区坡度、土地利用类型和植被覆盖度因子信息。运用区域统计分析,栅格计算功能,结合土壤侵蚀强度分级标准进行叠加分析,得到研究区土壤侵蚀强度图。研究表明,岳阳县土壤侵蚀强度,中度以上所占比例达53.77%,土壤侵蚀存在潜在威胁,急需加强综合治理。 展开更多
关键词 地理信息系统 遥感 土壤侵蚀程度 岳阳县
水土保持监测及水利工程对土壤侵蚀的影响 被引量:1
作者 裴政宏 《新农业》 2021年第11期75-75,共1页
水土保持监测是重要的水土保持基础性工作,是通过多种方式监测和评估水土流失的成因、数量、危害、强度、影响范围及防治效果。近几年,随着我国城市的不断扩张,人口数量的增加,对农用地的开垦力度不断加大,土壤侵蚀程度也正逐步加深。... 水土保持监测是重要的水土保持基础性工作,是通过多种方式监测和评估水土流失的成因、数量、危害、强度、影响范围及防治效果。近几年,随着我国城市的不断扩张,人口数量的增加,对农用地的开垦力度不断加大,土壤侵蚀程度也正逐步加深。土壤侵蚀制约着各地区生态、农业、工业等方面的可持续发展,土地资源遭到破坏,生产力下降,威胁人类的生存和发展,备受人类关注。 展开更多
关键词 水土保持监测 土壤侵蚀程度 水土流失 可持续发展 监测和评估 农用地 人口数量 生产力下降
作者 王铭 刘复新 《水利经济》 1987年第4期52-54,65,共4页
根据全国水土保持协调小组的要求,为了推动水土保持事业的发展,自1984年以来,我省开展了小流域治理的试点工作,取得了较好的效果。今年3月下旬,省水土保持办公室对试点的四个小流域进行了检查验收,并座谈总结了初步经验。一铜山县二十... 根据全国水土保持协调小组的要求,为了推动水土保持事业的发展,自1984年以来,我省开展了小流域治理的试点工作,取得了较好的效果。今年3月下旬,省水土保持办公室对试点的四个小流域进行了检查验收,并座谈总结了初步经验。一铜山县二十五里沟、东海县朱沟和高山河、赣榆县怀仁山等四个试点的小流域,总面积为53.3平方公里,水土流失面积48.7平方公里,占91%。现有耕地面积28044亩。治理前,这里荒山禿岭,水源奇缺,水土流失严重,群众生活相当困难。经过三年连续治理。 展开更多
关键词 流域水土保持 小流域治理 初步经验 五里沟 怀仁山 小流域综合治理 水保工程 生物措施 治理成果 土壤侵蚀程度
Synthesis Analysis of Soil Erosion for Three-River Headwater Region Based on GIS 被引量:11
作者 陈琼 吴万贞 +3 位作者 周强 杨玉含 Wan-zhen Yu-han 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第5期155-158,共4页
In this paper,based on the common soil erosion model,the Three-River Headwaters region was select for study object. GIS methods are applied to conduct Semi-quantitative assessment for different types of soil erosion,a... In this paper,based on the common soil erosion model,the Three-River Headwaters region was select for study object. GIS methods are applied to conduct Semi-quantitative assessment for different types of soil erosion,and some results are concluded. The water erosion occurs in High Mountain and extra-high mountain of Yushu,Nangqian,Banma and Jiuzhi County in the southeast and south of the Three-River Headwaters region. The degree of erosion is prone to topography,precipitation,river and human activity. The freeze-thaw erosion mainly distributes in the northwest of the Three-River Headwaters region. The area of middle and above middle erosion degree accounts for roughly 50%. 展开更多
关键词 Three-River Headwaters region Soil erosion Comprehensive analysis
作者 张晓光 《水土保持应用技术》 2014年第6期4-6,共3页
用土壤易受侵蚀程度、土壤质地(粘质、壤质、砂质)、4种土壤水文组(A、B、C、D)、管理措施(基本管理、加强管理)等因子对密西西比河上游流域的秸秆生产潜力进行了研究,并用"国家耕地保护效果评估项目评估数据库"的标准进行了... 用土壤易受侵蚀程度、土壤质地(粘质、壤质、砂质)、4种土壤水文组(A、B、C、D)、管理措施(基本管理、加强管理)等因子对密西西比河上游流域的秸秆生产潜力进行了研究,并用"国家耕地保护效果评估项目评估数据库"的标准进行了评价。随着秸秆割除率的增加,土壤侵蚀和SOC损失增加,而粮食和秸秆产量、N和P损失降低。从基本管理处理看,易受侵蚀土地的秸秆产量略低于不易受侵蚀的土地,壤质土产量高于粘质土,砂质土最低,而土壤水文组D>B>C>A;对加强管理而言,可以减少土壤侵蚀和营养损失69%和57%。秸秆割除率对土壤质地反映最明显,其次是土壤水文组、再次是土壤易受侵蚀程度。 展开更多
关键词 玉米秸秆 土壤水文 土壤质地 土壤侵蚀程度
Spatio-temporal Variation of Wind Erosion in Inner Mongolia of China Between 2001 and 2010 被引量:11
作者 JIANG Ling XIAO Yi +1 位作者 ZHENG Hua OUYANG Zhiyun 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第2期155-164,共10页
Using Geographic Information System(GIS), based on wind speed, precipitation, topographic, soil, vegetation coverage and land use data of Inner Mongolia between 2001 and 2010, we applied the revised wind erosion equat... Using Geographic Information System(GIS), based on wind speed, precipitation, topographic, soil, vegetation coverage and land use data of Inner Mongolia between 2001 and 2010, we applied the revised wind erosion equation(RWEQ) model to simulate wind erosion intensity. The results showed that an area of approximately 47.8 × 10~4 km^2 experienced wind erosion in 2010, 23.2% of this erosion could be rated as severe, and 46.0% as moderate. Both the area and the intensity of wind erosion had decreased from 2001 to 2010, the wind erosion area reduced 10.1%, and wind erosion intensity decreased by 29.4%. Precipitation, wind speed, population size and urbanization in rural areas, and gross domestic product of primary industry(GDP1) were the main factors influencing wind erosion. Overall, these factors accounted for 88.8% of the wind erosion. These results indicated that the decrease in wind erosion over the past decade related to the increase in precipitation and the decrease in the number of windy days, while modest urban development and optimization of the economic structure might partially reduced the level of ecological pressure, highlighting the importance of human activities in controlling wind erosion. 展开更多
关键词 wind erosion revised wind erosion equation(RWEQ) driving factor
Mapping the Risk of Water Erosion in the Watershed of the Ningxia-Inner Mongolia Reach of the Yellow River, China 被引量:3
作者 DU He-qiang XUE Xian WANG Tao 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期70-84,共15页
Mapping and assessing soil-erosion risk can address the likelihood of occurrence of erosion as well as its consequences. This in turn provides precautionary and relevant suggestions to assist in disaster reduction. Be... Mapping and assessing soil-erosion risk can address the likelihood of occurrence of erosion as well as its consequences. This in turn provides precautionary and relevant suggestions to assist in disaster reduction. Because soil erosion by water in the watershed of the Ningxia-Inner Mongolia reach of the Yellow River is closely related to silting of the upper reaches of the Yellow River, it is necessary to assess erosion risk in this watershed. This study aims to identify the soil-erosion risk caused by water in the watershed of the Ningxia-Inner Mongolia reach of the Yellow River from 2ool to aOlO. Empirical models called Chinese Soil Loss Equation (CSLE) and Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE) were used to predict the erosion modulus in slope surfaces and gullies. Then the soil erosion risk in this watershed was assessed according to the classification criteria of soil erosion intensities (SL19o-2oo7). The study results showed that the range of values of the erosion modulus in this watershed was o-44,733 t/km2/a. More than 20% of the total watershed area was found to present an erosion risk, with the regions at risk mainly located in channels and their upper reaches, and in mountainous areas. To determine the regression coefficients of the erosion factors with respect to erosion modulus, a GWR (geographically weighted regression) was carried out using the ArcGIS software. It was found that the topographic factor has the highest contribution rate to the soil erosion modulus, while the highest contribution rate of the erosion factors to the erosion modulus and the largest values of the factors were not located in the same places. Based on this result, the authors propose that slope management is the most important task in preventing soil loss in this watershed, and the soil- conservation projects should be built according to the eontribution rate of the erosion factors. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese Soil Loss Equation (CSLE) Erosion risk Geographically weighted regression(GWR) Yellow River
Rainfall and Tillage Impacts on Soil Erosion of Sloping Cropland with Subtropical Monsoon Climate- A Case Study in Hilly Purple Soil area, China 被引量:9
作者 TANG Jia-liang CHENG Xun-qiang +5 位作者 ZHU Bo GAO Mei-rong WANG Tao ZHANG Xi-feng ZHAO Pei YOU Xiang 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期134-144,共11页
Under global warming, storm events tend to intensify, particularly in monsoon-affected regions. As an important agricultural area in China, the purple soil region in the Sichuan Basin, where it has a prevailing monsoo... Under global warming, storm events tend to intensify, particularly in monsoon-affected regions. As an important agricultural area in China, the purple soil region in the Sichuan Basin, where it has a prevailing monsoon climate, is threatened by serious soil erosion. Tillage operations alter runoff and soil erosion processes on croplands by changing the physical properties of the soil surface. To clarify the relationship between tillage and soil erosion in the purple soil region, three different tillage practices in this region were investigated at the plot scale over 4 years: bare land with minimum tillage (BL), conventional tillage (CT) and seasonal no-tillage ridges (SNTR) which was initially designed to prevent soil erosion by contoured ridges and no-tillage techniques. The results showed that although there were no significant differences in the surface runoff and soil erosion among the three oractices, BL caused relatively high surface runoff and soil erosion, followed by CT and SNTR. Classification and comparison of the rainfall events based on cluster analysis (CA) verified that the surface runoff was not significantly different between most intensive event and long intensive events but was significantly different between most intensive and short and medium-duration events. Only the rainfall events with the highest rainfall intensity could trigger serious soil erosion, up to 1000 kg ha^-1 in the region. Further detailed investigations on the effects of tillage operations on the soil erosion in a subtropical region with a monsoon climate are needed to provide a basis for modeling catchments and designing better management practices. 展开更多
关键词 Soil erosion Purple soil Tillage types Rainfall intensity Cluster analysis.
作者 成训妍 《新农村》 1998年第5期25-25,共1页
在美国农村的一场耕作革命中,几百年来一直使用的播种前先耕地,把土地完全翻过来的种田方法,如今已一去不复返。这一变革的目的,是为了让土壤减少侵蚀。一些土壤专家认为,在美国2.8亿英亩耕地中,有一半是受到侵蚀的,尤其是丘陵地带和坡... 在美国农村的一场耕作革命中,几百年来一直使用的播种前先耕地,把土地完全翻过来的种田方法,如今已一去不复返。这一变革的目的,是为了让土壤减少侵蚀。一些土壤专家认为,在美国2.8亿英亩耕地中,有一半是受到侵蚀的,尤其是丘陵地带和坡地。土壤表土层含有车富的有机质和营养成分。当风吹或雨水冲刷掉能帮助农作物生长的表土层,只留下较粗糙的不肥沃的底土时,土壤就受到了侵蚀,需要施用更多的肥料,并在相当长的时间内。 展开更多
关键词 农作物生长 土壤侵蚀程度 耕地 营养成分 表土层 有机质 农民 雨水冲刷 美国 农村
Variation of Sediment Concentration and Its Drivers Under Different Soil Management Systems 被引量:5
作者 ZHANG Wen-Tai YU Dong-Sheng +2 位作者 SHI Xue-Zheng TAN Man-Zhi LIU Liu-Song 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第5期578-585,共8页
In order to prevent soil erosion in southern China,a study was performed to determine the drivers of sediment concentration variation using simulated rainfall and four soil management systems under field condition.Fou... In order to prevent soil erosion in southern China,a study was performed to determine the drivers of sediment concentration variation using simulated rainfall and four soil management systems under field condition.Four soil management systems,i.e.,forest and grass coverage(FG),forest coverage with disturbed soil surface(FD),contour tillage(CT) and downslope tillage(DT),were exposed to two rainfall intensities(40 and 54 mm h-1) using a portable rainfall simulator.The drivers of sediment concentration variation were determined by the variations of runoff rate and sediment concentration as well as their relationships.The effects of the four soil management systems in preventing water and soil losses were compared using runoff rates and sediment concentrations at steady state.At runoff initial stage,sediment concentration variation was mainly driven by rainfall and management.The degree of sediment concentration variation driven by flow varied with different soil management systems.Three best relationships between runoff rate and sediment concentration were identified,i.e.,reciprocal(CT),quadratic(FG and FD) and exponential(DT).At steady state,runoff rates of the four soil management systems varied slightly,whereas their sediment concentrations varied greatly.FG and CT were recommended as the best soil management systems for preventing water and soil losses. 展开更多
关键词 runoff rate runoff steady state simulated rainfall soil erosion
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