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作者 张健 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)自然科学》 2022年第6期87-89,共3页
现阶段所含有有机污染物最常见的就是农药,该物质对于人类的生产生活以及身体健康等各个方面均会造成较为显著的恶劣影响与威胁。并且在最近几年的时间内,使用农药的次数不断增加,但是利用率相对较低,大多是的农药在进入到土壤之后,会... 现阶段所含有有机污染物最常见的就是农药,该物质对于人类的生产生活以及身体健康等各个方面均会造成较为显著的恶劣影响与威胁。并且在最近几年的时间内,使用农药的次数不断增加,但是利用率相对较低,大多是的农药在进入到土壤之后,会对土壤造成较为严重的破坏,也因此对受到农药污染的土壤所实施的修复工作成为了研究学者所重点关注的问题。本文主要讲述了我国现阶段农业污染现状,并通过物理、化学以及生物修复手段所具有的原理、优势和不足,对目前所开展的土壤农药污染修复技术的研究提出了新的展望。本文章认为,土壤修复技术是一项具有较高挑战性和前景的修复技术,该项工作的开展能够对人类健康以及经济可持续发展起到了非常重要的作用。 展开更多
关键词 土壤农药污染 现状 修复技术
作者 张献文 《现代农业科技》 2024年第9期132-136,共5页
农药在保障农业安全生产和杀灭病虫草害方面有重要的作用,但长期大量使用化学农药,会造成病虫害耐药性增强、防治成本增加、农产品农药残留升高、农业环境破坏等问题。生物修复方法具有适用性强、经济性好且不会产生二次污染等优点,在... 农药在保障农业安全生产和杀灭病虫草害方面有重要的作用,但长期大量使用化学农药,会造成病虫害耐药性增强、防治成本增加、农产品农药残留升高、农业环境破坏等问题。生物修复方法具有适用性强、经济性好且不会产生二次污染等优点,在污染土壤修复领域具有较大的应用潜力。本文从植物修复和微生物修复方面总结了农药污染土壤的生物修复方式,阐述了修复机理及相关研究进展,并对生物修复领域的未来发展进行了展望,以期为生物修复方法的推广和应用提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 农药污染土壤 生物修复 植物修复 微生物修复 展望
关于土壤中农药污染残留及降解途径研究 被引量:9
作者 侯洪刚 《现代农业》 2012年第5期50-51,共2页
关键词 土壤农药污染 残留 降解 途径
作者 姜春龙 《现代农业》 2012年第8期74-75,共2页
关键词 土壤农药污染 途径 残留 降解
农药污染对土壤影响的现状分析 被引量:3
作者 李广龙 《新疆农业科技》 2012年第6期51-52,共2页
化学农药作为保障农业丰收的重要手段,在农业生产中发挥着重要的作用。国家质检总局公布的数据显示,目前我国农药年产量已达40万吨,居世界第二位。据统计我国被污染的土壤面积已达到1300"1600万hm。,经济损失达10亿元之巨。1农药... 化学农药作为保障农业丰收的重要手段,在农业生产中发挥着重要的作用。国家质检总局公布的数据显示,目前我国农药年产量已达40万吨,居世界第二位。据统计我国被污染的土壤面积已达到1300"1600万hm。,经济损失达10亿元之巨。1农药污染土壤的主要途径及原因1.1农药污染土壤的主要途径农药污染土壤的主要途径:一是在病虫害的防治过程中,有些农药直接撒人土壤中,用于消灭土壤中的病菌和害虫;二是施用于田间的各种农药大部分落入土壤中,附着于植物体上的部分农药因风吹雨淋落入土壤中;三是使用浸种、拌种等施药方式,通过种子携带的方式进入土壤;四是近年来采用喷施农药的方法,如飞机喷射使用农药,估计有50%以上的农药从叶片落入土壤;五是大量撒在或蒸发到空气中的农药,随雨水降落到土壤中,污染土壤。 展开更多
关键词 农药污染土壤 土壤影响 国家质检总局 农业丰收 化学农药 农业生产 数据显示 经济损失
长三角地区土壤中有机氯农药残留量及其分布特征 被引量:22
作者 邵波 刘勇 +3 位作者 李鑫 田磊 林岩 贺美 《环境化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期824-835,共12页
为了解长三角地区的有机氯农药的残留状况及空间分布特征,本研究选取南京、上海、吴江以及启东作为试验区域,采用加速溶剂萃取技术(ASE)和EPA 8081a-有机氯气相色谱法对该区域34个采样点的土壤样品进行检测.结果表明,该区域普遍检测出... 为了解长三角地区的有机氯农药的残留状况及空间分布特征,本研究选取南京、上海、吴江以及启东作为试验区域,采用加速溶剂萃取技术(ASE)和EPA 8081a-有机氯气相色谱法对该区域34个采样点的土壤样品进行检测.结果表明,该区域普遍检测出有机氯农药的残留,且表层土壤为主要残留层,随着深度增加,有机氯农药的残留量逐渐减少.表层土壤中,∑OCPs残留量介于ND—157.66μg·kg^(-1)之间.其中DDTs的检出率为91%,残留范围为ND—119.85μg·kg^(-1),均值为7.6μg·kg^(-1),占∑OCPs的81%.HCHs和六氯苯的检出率分别为60%、44%,残留范围分别为ND—15.79μg·kg^(-1)、ND—22.02μg·kg^(-1).有机氯农药类别中主要的残留物为p,p'-DDE,占OCPs残留总量的45%以上,(DDD+DDE)/DDTs>0.5的样点约占样点数的88%.受试点均未检测到七氯、艾氏剂、环氧七氯、氯丹、狄氏剂、异狄氏剂等组分.对于农业区不同利用类型区域,表层土壤中∑OCPs残留均值为:农业区树林、水果林(5.37μg·kg^(-1))>农业区菜地(3.93μg·kg^(-1))>农业区农田(2.98μg·kg^(-1))>农业区稻田(2.48μg·kg^(-1)).对于不同功能区表层土壤中∑OCPs残留均值为:江滩沉积物(37.92μg·kg^(-1))>农业区(7.99μg·kg^(-1))>工业区(5.03μg·kg^(-1)).本次调查对该地区的污染水平做出初步评价,所得数据可为该地区的生态环境建设及生态风险评价提供理论依据. 展开更多
关键词 有机氯农药 残留量 分布特征 生态风险 土壤农药污染 长三角地区
水泥窑共处置污染土壤的污染排放研究 被引量:21
作者 李璐 黄启飞 +2 位作者 张增强 蔡木林 闫大海 《环境工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期891-896,共6页
以被DDT和六六六污染的土壤为研究对象,开展了利用水泥窑进行共处置的工程试验研究,分析了共处置过程对尾气排放的影响。结果表明,水泥窑共处置对农药污染物的焚毁去除率很高,DDT达到99.99991%,六六六达到99.99964%,均高于我国危险废物... 以被DDT和六六六污染的土壤为研究对象,开展了利用水泥窑进行共处置的工程试验研究,分析了共处置过程对尾气排放的影响。结果表明,水泥窑共处置对农药污染物的焚毁去除率很高,DDT达到99.99991%,六六六达到99.99964%,均高于我国危险废物焚烧炉规定99.99%的焚烧效率;与空白处理相比,尾气排放中有机污染物(包括二恶英/呋喃,简称PCDD/F、多氯联苯PCB、六氯苯HCB、挥发性有机物VOC)、酸性气体和重金属的排放在共处置过程中没有显著增加,且都低于相应的规定限值。试验结果表明,水泥窑共处置固体废物不会导致污染负荷的增加。 展开更多
关键词 水泥窑 共处置 农药污染土壤 焚毁去除率
作者 肖璐 胡靓 彭阳 《大众标准化》 2020年第23期134-135,共2页
"土地是山川之根,是万物之本,土地是人类衣食父母,是一切财富之源"。伴随着经济的日益发达,环境污染日趋严重,土壤污染也严重威胁到我国居民的生活水平。东江是珠江的一大支流,发源于江西省安远、寻乌、定南三县,这三个县共... "土地是山川之根,是万物之本,土地是人类衣食父母,是一切财富之源"。伴随着经济的日益发达,环境污染日趋严重,土壤污染也严重威胁到我国居民的生活水平。东江是珠江的一大支流,发源于江西省安远、寻乌、定南三县,这三个县共同位于江西省南部,地处闽、粤、赣三省交界处,是香港同胞饮用水东江的发源地,是珠江三角洲的直接腹地和内地通向东南沿海的重要通道之一。文章结合赣州市东江源保护区土壤污染的实际情况,探讨了区域存在的环境问题,介绍了保护区修复治理方法,并对修复治理结果进行了评价。 展开更多
关键词 东江源保护区 稀土矿区土壤修复 农药化肥土壤污染
In Vitro Detection of Herbicide-Tolerant Fungi Isolated from Pesticides Polluted-Soil
作者 Ahmed Abdel-Megeed Al-Meshal Areej Suliman +1 位作者 Ashour Eman Essam Sholkamy 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2013年第12期960-972,共13页
Forty-five rhizofungal isolates were isolated, identified and characterized from 11 herbicides polluted-soil. Among the isolates, 10 fungal species proved to be the most potent and promising ones in herbicides toleran... Forty-five rhizofungal isolates were isolated, identified and characterized from 11 herbicides polluted-soil. Among the isolates, 10 fungal species proved to be the most potent and promising ones in herbicides tolerance. The herbicides exhibited severe and dramatic effect and modulation on fungal DNA and protein represented in DNA and protein profile. Severely loss in the total soluble cell ions (SCI) and total cell protein percentage (TCPC) concentrations were observed. The loss of SCI by glyphosate, Aspergillus flavus (86,30%) was the most affected one, followed by Penicillium spiculisporus (76,30%), Penicilliurn verruculosum (64.40%) and Alternaria tenuissima (64%), respectively. For pendimethalin, Alternaria tenuissima (54.01%) was the most affected fungi. For diclofop-methyl, Penicillium spiculisporus (74.20%) was the most affected fungi. The loss of TCPC by glyphosate, Alternaria tenuissima (64.71%) was the most effected fungi, followed by Penicillium spiculisporus (57.14%), respectively. For pendimethalin, A. terreus (54.29%) w, as the most affected fungi. For diclofop-methyl, Penicillium spiculisporus (60%) was the most affected fungi, fbllowed by Alternaria tenuissima (58.82%), Aspergillus tamarii (55.56%), respectively. The results proved severe reductions and alteration in protein, SCI, TCPC and DNA in fungal strains exposed to these herbicides which might reflex a degree of tolerance occurred during the assimilation of those toxic compounds from the pesticides polluted-soil. 展开更多
关键词 HERBICIDES tolerance FUNGI polluted-soil DNA protein.
Obsolete Pesticides and Phytoremediation of Polluted Soil in Kazakhstan 被引量:1
作者 Asil Nurzhanova Kabyl Zhambakin Issbacar Rakhimbayev Anatoly Sedlovskiy Sergey Kalugin 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2011年第7期524-535,共12页
In Kazakhstan, there are obsolete pesticides which should be buried in special dedicated and prepared burial sites or neutralized for minimization of dangerous genetic and ecological risks. The work in two years was i... In Kazakhstan, there are obsolete pesticides which should be buried in special dedicated and prepared burial sites or neutralized for minimization of dangerous genetic and ecological risks. The work in two years was identifying the obsolete pesticides in 91 the former warehouses of chemical plant protection products. In two regions (Almaty and Akmola regions) of Kazakhstan, the total amount of 388.6 tones of obsolete pesticides and unidentified stockpile material was observed, along with 513 pesticide containers. Results of the study have shown that soil around storehouses polluted by organochlorine pesticides residues in soil included metabolites of DDT (p, p'-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) and HCH (hexachlorocyclohexane). The strategy was to identify pesticide-tolerant plant genotypes which can be used for phytoremediation of pesticide-contaminated soils in Almaty regions of Kazakhstan. The results have shown that selected wild species plants demonstrated ability to phytoaccumulation of organochlorine metabolites and reduce pesticide concentrations in soil (control without plant). It was shown that accumulation of pesticides depended on the species of plants, plant biomass and pesticide concentrations in soil. The use of mineral fertilizers resulted in stimulation of growth and biomass accumulation followed by an increasing phytoextraction. 展开更多
关键词 Obsolete pesticides mctabolitcs dichlorodiphcnyltrichlorocthanc ISOMERS hcxachlorocyclohcxanc phytorcmcdiation.
Ecological Risk Assessment of Combined Pollution of Heavy Metals and Pesticides in Urban Soils
作者 Kang An Xiaoping Xie 《International English Education Research》 2014年第7期104-108,共5页
Urban soil is the main component of urban ecological systems and the key risk receptor from urbanization. Heavy metal and green pesticide pollutions in urban soils have been widely reported with the expanding of urban... Urban soil is the main component of urban ecological systems and the key risk receptor from urbanization. Heavy metal and green pesticide pollutions in urban soils have been widely reported with the expanding of urbanization. Since urban soil pollution comes from various resources, application of integrated thinking and methods is needed in ecological risk assessment of urban soil pollution. This paper synthetically reviewed the combined pollution of heavy metals and pesticide, and ecological risk assessment, and then proposed some research trends and areas in the future that are required to carry out intensively according to the present situation of environmental pollution and international research fronts. 展开更多
关键词 Urban soil Heavy metal PESTICIDE Combined pollution Integrated eco-risk assessment
Comparison of Persulfate Activation and Fenton Reaction in Remediating an Organophosphorus Pesticides-Polluted Soil 被引量:11
作者 ZHU Changyin ZHU Fengxiao +4 位作者 WANG Fuwang GAO Juan FAN Guangping ZHOU Dongmei FANG Guodong 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期465-474,共10页
Organophosphorus pesticides (OPs) are one of the most regular pollutants and frequently detected in the contaminated sites, so developing an efficient method for the treatment of OPs is highly required. The aim of t... Organophosphorus pesticides (OPs) are one of the most regular pollutants and frequently detected in the contaminated sites, so developing an efficient method for the treatment of OPs is highly required. The aim of the present study was to compare the effectiveness of persulfate (PS) activation and Fenton reaction in remediating the soil polluted with OPs. The polluted soil used in this study was sampled from an abandoned insecticide factory in Nantong, Jiangsu Province of China, mainly containing chloropyrifos (CP) and 4-bromo-2-chlorophenol (BCP, the raw material of profenofos) with total concentration of about 30 000 mg kg- 1. The results showed that both BCP and CP were efficiently degraded by base activation of PS, and increasing the ratio of NaOH/PS enhanced CP degradation, but slightly decreased BCP degradation. The greatest degradation rates for CP and BCP were 92% and 97%, respectively, with 7.0 tool L-1 NaOH and 0.21 tool L-1 PS and a soil-to-liquid ratio of 1:1. Furthermore, ferrous iron activation of PS also degraded BCP efficiently, but only 60% of CP was degraded under the same reaction conditions. These results indicated that base activation of PS was more feasible than Fe2+ activation and Fenton reaction in remediating the soil polluted with OPs. The high degradation rate for CP may be linked to the initial hydrolyzation of CP by base to 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol, which can be further rapidly degraded by free radicals generated from base activation of PS. 展开更多
关键词 base activation 4-bromo-2-chlorophenol chioropyritbs degradation rate terrous iron
Use of Organic Solvents to Extract Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPs) from Aged Contaminated Soils 被引量:7
作者 YE Mao YANG Xing-Lun +8 位作者 SUN Ming-Ming BIAN Yong-Rong WANG Fang GU Cheng-Gang WEI Hai-Jiang SONG Yang WANG Lei JIN Xin JIANG Xin 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第1期10-19,共10页
Problems associated with organochlorine pesticide (OCP)-contaminated sites in China have received wide attention. To solve such problems, innovative ex-situ methods of site remediation are urgently needed. We invest... Problems associated with organochlorine pesticide (OCP)-contaminated sites in China have received wide attention. To solve such problems, innovative ex-situ methods of site remediation are urgently needed. We investigated the feasibility of the extraction method with different organic solvents, ethanol, 1-propanol, and three fractions of petroleum ether, using a soil collected from Wujiang (W J), China, a region with long-term contamination of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs). We evaluated different influential factors, including organic solvent concentration, washing time, mixing speed, solutiomto-soil ratio, and washing temperature, on the removal of DDTs from the WJ soil. A set of relatively better parameters were selected for extraction with 100 mL L-1 petroleum ether (60-90 ℃): washing time of 180 min, mixing speed of 100 r min-I, solution-to-soil ratio of 10:1, and washing temperature of 50 ℃. These selected parameters were also applied on three other seriously OCP-polluted soils. Results demonstrated their broad-spectrum effectiveness and excellent OCP extraction performance on the contaminated soils with different characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 DICHLORODIPHENYLTRICHLOROETHANE ex-situ soil washing extraction performance petroleum ether site remediation
Contamination of Harvested Organs in Root Crops Grown on Chlordecone-Polluted Soils
作者 Y. M. CABIDOCHE M. LESUEUR-JANNOYER 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第4期562-571,共10页
Chlordecone, one of the most persistent organochlorine pesticides, was applied between 1972 and 1993 in banana fields in the French West Indies, which results in long-term pollution of soils and contamination of water... Chlordecone, one of the most persistent organochlorine pesticides, was applied between 1972 and 1993 in banana fields in the French West Indies, which results in long-term pollution of soils and contamination of waters, aquatic biota, and crops. As human exposure to chlordecone is mainly due to food contamination, early research was focused on chlordecone transfer to crops. Field trials were conducted to investigate chlordecone contamination of yam, sweet potato, turnip, and radish grown on a Ferralic Nitisol polluted by chlordecone. We also carried out trials on yam, courgette, and tomato under greenhouse conditions with homogenized Andosol and Nitisol, polluted by chlordecone to various extents. Our results indicated that i) all tubers were contaminated in accordance with the chlordecone content of the soils; ii) the plant contamination capacity of the Nitisol was greater than that of the Andosol; and iii) whatever the soil type, tuber contamination was related to the soil volumetric content of dissolved chlordecone. Nevertheless, no tubers showed sufficient chlordecone uptake for efficient soil decontamination by means of plant extraction. Soil contact accounted for most of the root crop contamination, which was inversely proportional to the tuber size. Internal transfer might also increase root crop contamination when the root central cylinder contained raw sap flow, as in the case of turnip or radish. Courgette fruits showed high contamination without soil contact. Thus, further research is needed to explore the pattern of both below- and aboveground plant chlordecone contamination and assess the hypothesis of its correlation with sap flow. Finally, we used our results to build a decisionmaking tool for farmers, relating soil pollution with the maximal contamination of the harvested organs to predict crop contamination and thus assisting farmers in making crop choices at planting in order to conform with the European Union's regulations. 展开更多
关键词 crop contamination FRUIT organochlorine pesticide soil pollution tuberbidoche. Y. M. and Lesueur-Jannover. M. 2012. Contamination of harvested organs in
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