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松茸圈扩散与土壤化学元素含量之间的关系 被引量:2
作者 孙刚 徐镜波 王振堂 《吉林农业科学》 CSCD 2001年第1期39-41,共3页
在自然条件下 ,松茸子实体呈环状分布 ,每年向外扩展一定的距离 ,形成松茸圈 ,而圈内成为松茸孢子几年内不能萌发的废弃地。初步研究了松茸圈扩散与土壤中 13种化学元素含量之间的关系。结果表明 ,松茸对Ca、Na、Mg、Mn、Si的消耗较大 ... 在自然条件下 ,松茸子实体呈环状分布 ,每年向外扩展一定的距离 ,形成松茸圈 ,而圈内成为松茸孢子几年内不能萌发的废弃地。初步研究了松茸圈扩散与土壤中 13种化学元素含量之间的关系。结果表明 ,松茸对Ca、Na、Mg、Mn、Si的消耗较大 ,且含量恢复较慢 ,可能是松茸圈扩散的限制因子。 展开更多
关键词 松茸圈扩散 土壤化学元素 限制因子
作者 王彦芹 赵旭阳 +1 位作者 梁军 韩晨霞 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第19期8180-8181,共2页
了解土壤中化学元素的含量、形态和迁移规律,对农业可持续发展有着重要影响。从化学迁移、地形、生物、人类活动4个影响化学元素迁移的因素入手,分析了石家庄地区土壤化学元素的迁移情况。针对石家庄地区土壤化学元素分布规律和分布情况... 了解土壤中化学元素的含量、形态和迁移规律,对农业可持续发展有着重要影响。从化学迁移、地形、生物、人类活动4个影响化学元素迁移的因素入手,分析了石家庄地区土壤化学元素的迁移情况。针对石家庄地区土壤化学元素分布规律和分布情况,提出合理利用土壤、改良土壤、增加肥力及调整农业种植模式等一系列措施,为农业生产的健康发展服务。 展开更多
关键词 石家庄 土壤化学元素 迁移 农业生产
河北省土壤化学元素的背景值与基准值 被引量:6
作者 张丽婷 成杭新 +4 位作者 谢伟明 齐全强 谢晓阳 于文龙 王俊达 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期2817-2828,共12页
地球化学背景值和基准值是了解土壤元素地球化学特征的重要参数,而河北省土壤化学元素背景值和基准值的研究程度尚浅.基于此,收集了河北省2004~2018年间的多目标区域地球化学调查和土地质量地球化学调查数据,覆盖范围约占全省陆域面积的... 地球化学背景值和基准值是了解土壤元素地球化学特征的重要参数,而河北省土壤化学元素背景值和基准值的研究程度尚浅.基于此,收集了河北省2004~2018年间的多目标区域地球化学调查和土地质量地球化学调查数据,覆盖范围约占全省陆域面积的71%.以表层和深层土壤数据为基础,利用科学和稳健的中位值-绝对中位差法,计算了河北全省及11个地级市土壤中54项指标[Ag、Al2O3、As、Au、B、Ba、Be、Bi、Br、CaO、Cd、Ce、Cl、Co、Cr、Cu、F、Fe_(2)O_(3)、Ga、Ge、Hg、I、K_(2)O、La、Li、MgO、Mn、Mo、N、Na_(2)O、Nb、Ni、P、Pb、pH、Rb、S、Sb、Sc、Se、SiO_(2)、Sn、Sr、Th、Ti、Tl、U、V、W、Y、Zn、Zr和总碳(TC)、有机碳(Corg)]的背景值、基准值和它们的变化区间,同时还计算了每个指标的自然背景变化率.结果表明,与全国相比,河北省大多数土壤化学元素的背景值、基准值略低,Ba、Br、Cl、MgO、Na_(2)O、P、pH、S、Sr和TC等略高,以CaO高出程度最大;与华北地区相比,54项指标的背景值、基准值差距不大,比值分别在0.83~1.17和0.79~1.19之间.自然背景变化率计算结果显示,河北省Corg、Hg、N、P、S和Se表现为自然背景显著-极显著的增加,说明这些元素受人为因素影响较大,初步分析认为燃煤排放和农用化学品的使用是两个非常重要的诱导因素. 展开更多
关键词 地球化学背景 地球化学基准 土壤化学元素 诱因分析 河北省
重庆市0~5岁儿童出生缺陷空间地理分布及其与土壤化学元素关系的研究 被引量:6
作者 董燕 钟朝晖 +7 位作者 李红 李杰 王应雄 彭斌 张茂忠 黄巧 闫菊 徐飞龙 《中华流行病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第10期975-979,共5页
目的探讨出生缺陷发生率与土壤化学元素含量的相关性,为筛选致病因子及其防治提供科学依据。方法用Maplnfo7.0软件绘制33个研究区出生缺陷发生率和11种土壤化学元素含量水平的空间分布地图,将两变量地图叠加进行空间相关性分析;采用... 目的探讨出生缺陷发生率与土壤化学元素含量的相关性,为筛选致病因子及其防治提供科学依据。方法用Maplnfo7.0软件绘制33个研究区出生缺陷发生率和11种土壤化学元素含量水平的空间分布地图,将两变量地图叠加进行空间相关性分析;采用SAS8.0软件做两者的单因子、多因子及主成分分析,并综合评价两者的关联程度。结果出生缺陷发生率空间分布图与土壤化学元素铜(Cu)、铬(cr)、碘(I)、硒(se)、锌(Zn)含量异常的分布图呈一定程度的负相关,与铅(Pb)含量水平呈一定程度正相关;主成分回归方程提示:Cu(0.002)、砷(As)(-0.07)、镉(Cd)(0.05)、Cr(-0.001)、Zn(0.001)、I(-0.03)、Pb(0.08)、氟(F)(-0.002)元素含量的高低可能是影响出生缺陷患病率的重要因素。结论出生缺陷发生率与土壤中Cu、Cr、I、Se、Zn、Pb的含量水平在空间地理分布上具有相关性,其中元素Cr、I、Pb可能是出生缺陷发生的原因之一。 展开更多
关键词 出生缺陷 土壤 化学元素 地理信息系统 空间分布
自清式土壤研磨机转速对土壤元素分析值的影响 被引量:2
作者 杜会石 张爽 +1 位作者 王柏 陈智文 《江苏农业科学》 北大核心 2017年第10期170-173,共4页
为评估自清式土壤研磨机样品处理效果,选取我国东北具代表性的黑土、草甸土和风沙土,采用手擀研磨与土壤研磨机转速为1 000、1 200、1 400 r/min研磨土样,并分析各处理土样全氮、速效磷、速效钾等含量差异。结果表明,各土壤类型化学元... 为评估自清式土壤研磨机样品处理效果,选取我国东北具代表性的黑土、草甸土和风沙土,采用手擀研磨与土壤研磨机转速为1 000、1 200、1 400 r/min研磨土样,并分析各处理土样全氮、速效磷、速效钾等含量差异。结果表明,各土壤类型化学元素分析值存在差异,黑土全氮含量较高,草甸土速效磷含量较高,风沙土速效钾含量较高;自清式土壤研磨机转速在1 000~1 400 r/min时与手擀研磨处理的测量值差异不显著,其准确度水平与手擀研磨处理基本一致;研磨机较手擀在样品处理速度上有明显优势,并可有效减少土壤侵入体对测量结果的影响。研究结果可为测土配方施肥推广和土壤研磨机设备改进提供科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 自清式土壤研磨机 研磨方法 土壤化学元素 转速
赣江梅江河河流作用对土壤元素分配的影响 被引量:2
作者 刘雪松 刘金巍 +2 位作者 魏建朋 张智印 边超 《人民长江》 北大核心 2019年第10期69-72,76,共5页
为了研究河流冲洪积作用对地球化学元素的分配影响,基于赣江流域支流梅江河的土地质量地球化学调查数据,采用统计描述和方差检验,对梅江河沿岸土壤的23组元素和土壤酸碱度进行了分配特征的研究。研究发现:河流作用使得元素之间的相关关... 为了研究河流冲洪积作用对地球化学元素的分配影响,基于赣江流域支流梅江河的土地质量地球化学调查数据,采用统计描述和方差检验,对梅江河沿岸土壤的23组元素和土壤酸碱度进行了分配特征的研究。研究发现:河流作用使得元素之间的相关关系增强,整体区域元素分配以及河流沿岸元素分配均在完全独立变量—显著相关变量—高度相关变量这条关系上呈现一种递进的变化;其次河流作用对地球化学元素的分配起到一种集聚和混匀效应,这种效应与区域整体地质作用相比相对较弱。河流沿岸元素分配的特征是河流搬运堆积和人类活动影响共同形成的,其中河流作用是主因。 展开更多
关键词 土壤化学元素分配 河流作用 梅江河 赣江流域
Correlation Between Chemical Element Contents in Tree Rings and Soils 被引量:8
作者 QIANJUN-LONG KESHAN-ZHE 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1993年第4期309-319,共11页
The annual growth rings of ten trees and the soils near the tree roots were sampled from the mining area of lead-and zinc-dominant metals in the Xixia Mountain, Nanjing, for the determination of chemical element conte... The annual growth rings of ten trees and the soils near the tree roots were sampled from the mining area of lead-and zinc-dominant metals in the Xixia Mountain, Nanjing, for the determination of chemical element contents. The study results showed that the elemental contents in the tree rings were correlated with those in the soils, i. e., the elemental contents in the tree rings increased with those in the soils, even in the cases of different environments and different tree species. Therefore, a time-concentration sequence could be set up on the basis of determining the elemental contents in the successive annual growth rings of trees to qualitatively reflect the annual variations of relevant elements in the soils, and a time-concentration sequence of elemental contents in soils could also be established in terms of related model to reproduce the dynamic changes of the surroundings. 展开更多
关键词 CORRELATION elemental contents SOILS tree rings
Elemental Composition and Geochemical Characteristics of Iron-Manganese Nodules in Main Soils of China 被引量:11
作者 TAN Wen-Feng LIU Fan +2 位作者 LI Yong-Hua HU Hong-Qing HUANG Qiao-Yun 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第1期72-81,共10页
Elemental composition and geochemical characteristics of iron-manganese nodules from nine main soils in China were studied by chemical and multivariate statistical analyses to better understand the reactions and funct... Elemental composition and geochemical characteristics of iron-manganese nodules from nine main soils in China were studied by chemical and multivariate statistical analyses to better understand the reactions and functions of iron-manganese nodules in soils and sediment. Compared to the corresponding soils, Mn, Ba, Cd, Co and Pb had strong accumulation, Ni had moderate accumulation, while Ca, Cu, Fe, Na, P, Sr and Zn accumulated to a minor degree in the iron-manganese nodules. In contrast, Si, Al, K, Mg and Ti were reduced in the iron-manganese nodules. The contents of Ba, Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn were positively and significantly correlated with that of MnO2 in the iron-manganese nodules, while the contents of Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn were positively and significantly correlated with that of Fe2O3 in soils. Based on a principle component analysis, the elements of iron-manganese nodules were divided into four groups: 1) Mn, Ba, Cd, Co, Cu, Li, Ni, Pb and Zn that were associated with Mn oxides, 2) Fe, Cr and P that were associated with Fe oxides, 3) Si, K, and Mg that were included in the elemental composition of phyllosilicate, and 4) Ca, Na, Al and Ti that existed in todorokite, birnessite, lithiophorite and phyllosilicate. It was suggested that accumulation, mineralization and specific adsorption were involved in the formation processes of soil iron-manganese nodules. 展开更多
关键词 elemental composition geochemical characteristics iron-manganese nodule soil
Relationships Between Agronomic and Environmental Soil Test Phosphorus in Three Typical Cultivated Soils in China 被引量:2
作者 WANG Xin-Min JIE Xiao-Lei +2 位作者 ZHU Yong-Guan HOU Yan-Lin ZHANG Tie-Quan 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第6期795-800,共6页
A study was conducted to determine the relationships between agronomic soil test P and environmental soil test P in three soils predominately distributing in three typical agricultural production areas of China. Soil ... A study was conducted to determine the relationships between agronomic soil test P and environmental soil test P in three soils predominately distributing in three typical agricultural production areas of China. Soil P was analyzed using Bray-1 (BP), Olsen (OP), and Mehlich-3 (MP) methods as agronomic tests, and using Fe-oxide impregnated filter paper (FeP), anion-exchange resin membrane (RP), and water (WP) as environmental tests. There were linear relationships between soil P extractable with all the tests evaluated. The regression coefficients, R^2, ranged from 0.8164 to 0.9409 between each two of the agronomic soil test P, and ranged from 0.4702 to 0.8990 between each two of the environmental soil test P, when the three soils were considered separately. When soil test P was analyzed across all the three soils, the highest regression R^2 was found between OP and MP (0.7940) amongst agronomic soil test P, and between FeP and RP amongst environmental soil test P (0.8842). While all of the three agronomic soil test P was linearly related to each of the environmental soil test P across the three soils, strongest relationships were found between OP and environmental soil test P. Agronomic OP may be adopted as an analytical tool for environmental prediction of soil P. 展开更多
关键词 environment PHOSPHORUS testing methods
Study on Model of Correlation Between Chemical Ele-ment Contents in Tree Rings and Soils near Tree Roots 被引量:3
作者 KESHAN-ZHE QIANJUN-LONG 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1994年第1期19-26,共8页
The chemical element contents in tree rings are correlated with those in the soils near the tree roots. Theresults in the present study showed that the correlation between them could be described using the followinglo... The chemical element contents in tree rings are correlated with those in the soils near the tree roots. Theresults in the present study showed that the correlation between them could be described using the followinglogarithmic linear correlation model:lgC'(Z) = α(Z) + b(Z)lgC(Z).Therefore, by determining the chrono-sequence C(Z, t), where Z is the atomic number and t the year ofelemental contents in the annual growth rings of trees, we could get the chrono-sequence C'(Z, t) of elementalcontents in the soil, thus inferring the dynamic variations of relevant elemental contents in the soil. 展开更多
关键词 correlation model elemental contents SOILS tree rings
Distribution of Chemical Forms for Co, Cr, Ni and V in Typical Soils of China 被引量:2
作者 SHAOXIAO-HOU XINGGUANG-XI 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1993年第4期289-298,共10页
Co, Ni, Cr and V in 25 typical soils of China were fractionated into exchangeable, carbonate bound (calcareous soils), Mn oxide bound, organically bound, amorphous Fe oxide bound, crystalline Fe oxide bound and residu... Co, Ni, Cr and V in 25 typical soils of China were fractionated into exchangeable, carbonate bound (calcareous soils), Mn oxide bound, organically bound, amorphous Fe oxide bound, crystalline Fe oxide bound and residual forms using a seven-step sequential extraction procedure, so as to study the distribution of chemical forms of these metals as well as the effects of soil properties on the distribution. The results showed that most of soil Co, Ni, Cr and V were present in residual forms, and the distribution ratio averaged 48.2% for Co, 53.0% for Ni, 81.5% for Cr and 68.7% for V. The speciation of heavy metals was greatly influenced by soil physico-chemical properties and the chemistry of elements. The results also indicated that the recovery of metal elements by the sequential extraction procedure was satisfactory, with the relative difference between the sum of seven forms and the total content in soils averaging 9.5% for Co, 12.8% for Ni, 6.6% for Cr and 7.2% for V. 展开更多
关键词 distribution ratio metal element forms sequential extraction SOILS
Prediction of Chemical Element Contents in Soils
作者 KESHAN-ZHE QIANJUN-LONG 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1994年第2期105-117,共13页
Assuming that the regularity for the dynamic changes of the chrono-sequences of chemical element contents intree rings follows a k-order constant coefficient differential equation and substituting the differential wit... Assuming that the regularity for the dynamic changes of the chrono-sequences of chemical element contents intree rings follows a k-order constant coefficient differential equation and substituting the differential with the differ-ence, we could obtain the inferred value y_(m+k+1) by the formula: Each coefficient c_i in the formula may be ascertained by use of the measured data in the chrono-sequences. Ex-tending the chrono-sequences on the assumption that the regularity of dynamic changes wouldn't change in the nearfuture, the contents of chemical elements in the soils may be predicted in termis of a logarithmic linear correlationmodel. Also, this extension method could be used for the reproduction of the contents of chemical elements in soilsduring different periods of time in the past. 展开更多
关键词 Chrono-sequences of elemental contents EXTENSION PREDICTION SOILS tree rings
Some Biogeochemical Characteristics of Tea Soils
作者 WANGXIAOJU HUXUEFENG 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1997年第3期275-280,共6页
Characteristics of the element abundance, material cycling, element budget in tea soils were discussed based on investigations of six tea plantations and the adjacent waste lands in the Three Gorges region.The plantat... Characteristics of the element abundance, material cycling, element budget in tea soils were discussed based on investigations of six tea plantations and the adjacent waste lands in the Three Gorges region.The plantations have different soil-forming parent materials, but similar landforms, and the same tea variety and close ages. The results showed that tea growing could increased the contents of organic matter,total and available N, P, Al and Mn; the elements enriched by tea trees were in the following descending Sequence: P > Ca> K > Mn > Mg > Zn > Al > Fe; elements returned through litter of tea were in the sequence of Ca> Mn > P > Zn > Mg > K > Al > Fe; in the nutrient budget of the soil-tea system, P and K were in deficit,whereas Al, Ca, Fe and Mn in surplus. 展开更多
关键词 BIOGEOCHEMISTRY element budget tea plantations waste lands
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