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综合农艺措施实现东北玉米生产和环境效益及土壤肥力的同步提升 被引量:4
作者 曹玉军 姚凡云 +7 位作者 吕艳杰 魏雯雯 刘小丹 刘志铭 徐文华 梁杰 王立春 王永军 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期18-30,共13页
【目的】东北春玉米生产中普遍存在种植密度偏低、肥料施用不合理、耕层质量差等问题,严重制约了玉米持续增产及养分效率的提升。研究综合农艺措施下玉米产量、植株氮素吸收与利用及土壤氮素平衡,为春玉米高效生产提供参考依据。【方法... 【目的】东北春玉米生产中普遍存在种植密度偏低、肥料施用不合理、耕层质量差等问题,严重制约了玉米持续增产及养分效率的提升。研究综合农艺措施下玉米产量、植株氮素吸收与利用及土壤氮素平衡,为春玉米高效生产提供参考依据。【方法】2017—2019年,以玉米品种‘富民108’为供试材料,在吉林省农安县进行田间试验。整合密度、耕作方式、氮素施用量和施用时期等技术要素,设置了高产高效模式(HH)和超高产模式(SH),同时设置农户模式(FP)和基础地力模式(CK)作为对照;为计算肥料利用率及土壤氮素平衡,在FP、HH和SH模式下各自增设不施氮肥空白处理。在玉米6个生育期,取植株样品测定氮素含量和吸收量,同时取0—40 cm土壤样品测定铵态氮和硝态氮含量。在成熟期考种、测产。【结果】3年试验玉米籽粒产量均表现为SH>HH>FP(P<0.05),SH比HH、FP处理平均提高了8.76%、20.16%。氮素偏生产力(PFPN)3年均以HH处理最高,SH处理最低,HH比FP、SH处理平均分别提高37.92%、45.65%;氮素农学效率(AEN)和氮素回收效率(REN)均表现为HH>SH>FP,HH处理的AEN和REN分别比SH、FP处理提高了21.21%、35.72%和9.69%、63.56%。植株氮积累量在苗期至拔节期FP、HH、SH处理间无显著差异。生殖生长阶段(R1至R6)植株氮素积累量占氮素总积累量的比例为SH(36.21%)>HH(34.60%)>FP(29.75%)>CK(26.33%)。籽粒氮素积累量来自花后吸收的比例随着产量的增加而提高,SH、HH、FP、CK处理花后氮素吸收量的贡献率分别为48.43%、44.78%、40.40%、35.39%。0—20 cm、20—40 cm土层土壤无机氮含量在玉米开花期前均以FP处理最高,而开花期到成熟期以SH处理最高,与FP、HH处理相比,SH处理的0—20 cm土层土壤无机氮含量平均分别提高了12.00%、4.05%,20—40 cm土层土壤无机氮含量分别提高了14.81%、4.93%。HH处理氮素表观损失量显著低于FP和SH处理,而土壤氮素盈余量均以FP处理最高,比HH、SH处理分别平均高了23.36%、5.25%。玉米净收益HH比FP、SH处理分别提高了14.38%、18.30%。【结论】高产高效模式显著提高了玉米氮素利用率,降低了土壤氮残留率和氮损失量,而超高产模式虽然使产量进一步显著增加,但降低了氮素利用效率,增加了土壤氮素残留与表观损失量。综合考虑产量、氮素利用率、经济效益及潜在环境风险,将种植密度由6.0万株/hm2提高至7.5万株/hm2,氮肥播前一次性基施改为减量分次施用,配套秋季深翻、夏季深松的高产高效模式,可以实现春玉米产量和氮效率的同步提高。 展开更多
关键词 春玉米 综合农艺措施 氮素效率 产量 土壤氮损失 氮素平衡
Nitrogen recovery and nitrate leaching of controlled release nitrogen fertilizer in irrigated paddy soil 被引量:3
作者 郑圣先 聂军 +1 位作者 戴平安 郑颖俊 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2004年第3期2-10,共9页
Ordinary high nitrogen fertilizer often results in nitrate (NO3--N) leaching and low recovery. Microplot and field plot experiments were conducted to determine the effect of controlled release nitrogen fertilizer (CRN... Ordinary high nitrogen fertilizer often results in nitrate (NO3--N) leaching and low recovery. Microplot and field plot experiments were conducted to determine the effect of controlled release nitrogen fertilizer (CRNF) on reco very and nitrate leaching on paddy soils. During two early rice cropping seasons (2002 and 2003), a single basal application of CRNF at 90 kg N ha-1 increased grain yields by 7.7%to 11.6%compared with two applications of urea. Estimated by the difference method fertilizer N recovery of CRNF (mean 76.3%) was 38.9 pe rcentage point higher than that of urea (mean 37.4%); estimated by 15N isotope method (mean 49.6%) CRNF (mean 67.1%) was 35.9 percentage point higher than ur ea (mean 31.2%). NO3--N leaching losses were 9.19 and 6.70 kg ha-1 for urea and CRNF, respectively. NO3--N leaching during the early rice cropping season was 27.1 %lower from CRNF than from two applications of urea. These losses repr esent 10.2%and 7.4%of applied urea-N and CRNF-N. Results from this study ind icate that CRNF improves N recovery and reduces NO3--N leaching and increases rice yield. 展开更多
关键词 controlled release nitrogen fertilizer nitrogen recovery nitrate leaching rice yield
Gaseous Nitrogen Losses from Coastal Acid Sulfate Soils:A Short-Term Study 被引量:1
作者 B.C.T.MACDONALD O.T.DENMEAD +1 位作者 I.WHITE G.BYRANT 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第2期197-206,共10页
NOx and N2O emissions from coastal acid sulfate soils (CASS) cultivated for sugarcane production were investigated on the coastal lowlands of northern New South Wales, Australia. Two series of short-term measurement... NOx and N2O emissions from coastal acid sulfate soils (CASS) cultivated for sugarcane production were investigated on the coastal lowlands of northern New South Wales, Australia. Two series of short-term measurements were made using chambers and micrometeorological techniques. Series i occurred during the wet season, the water-filled pore space (WFPS) was between 60%-80% and the site flooded during the measurements. Measurements were made directly after the harvest of soybean crop, which fixed an estimated 100 kg N ha-1, and the emission amounted to 3.2 kg NOx-N ha-1 (12 d) and 1.8 kg N20-N ha-1 (5 d). Series 2 was made towards the end of the dry season when the WFPS was less than 60%. In Series 2-1 after an application of 50 kg N ha-1, emissions were markedly less, amounting to 0.9 kg N ha 1 over 10 d. During both series when the soil was moist, emissions of NOx were larger than those of N2O. The emission of NOx appeared to be haphazard, with little time dependence, but there was a clear diurnal cycle for N2O, emphasising the need for continuous measurement procedures for both gases. These results suggest that agricultural production on CASS could be important sources of greenhouse gases and nitrogen practices will need to be optimised to reduce the offsite effects of atmospheric warming, acidification or nitrification. Many questions still remain unanswered such as the emissions during the soybean bean filling stage and crop residue decomposition, the longer-term losses following the fertiliser application and emissions from CASS under different land uses. 展开更多
关键词 DENITRIFICATION greenhouse gases NITRIFICATION nitrogen oxides nitrous oxide
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