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土壤环境风险管控制度体系构建路径 被引量:1
作者 张国文 《环境与发展》 2019年第1期255-256,共2页
关键词 土壤环境风险预警 土壤环境风险管理
土壤环境风险的法律规制 被引量:11
作者 吴贤静 《法商研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期140-149,共10页
土壤环境风险的来源和特质预设了土壤环境风险法律规制的内在要求:土壤环境标准确定土壤环境风险规制的定量目标,与法律规范形成功能互补;构建土壤环境风险规制制度体系应当理解不同制度在土壤环境风险全过程管理中的功能;土壤环境风险... 土壤环境风险的来源和特质预设了土壤环境风险法律规制的内在要求:土壤环境标准确定土壤环境风险规制的定量目标,与法律规范形成功能互补;构建土壤环境风险规制制度体系应当理解不同制度在土壤环境风险全过程管理中的功能;土壤环境风险规制具有沟通维度。通过三种路径可以为土壤环境风险规制提供规范基础:以风险为基础定义土壤污染、以环境风险为导向界定环境损害和适用彻底的预防原则。完备的土壤环境风险法律规制体系应贯彻"事前严防"理念的土壤环境风险评估制度、"事中严管"理念的土壤环境事件应急制度和"事后处置"理念的土壤环境修复制度。 展开更多
关键词 土壤环境风险 法律规制 法律规范基础 制度架构
土壤环境风险评估的法理重述与制度改良 被引量:9
作者 吴贤静 《法学评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期165-174,共10页
在我国缺失专门性土壤污染防治法律的状况下,《环境保护法》、单行环境法、行政法规和部门规章、地方立法以及技术规范是土壤环境风险评估制度的规范依据。通过对现有法律规范和技术规范的梳理,可以发现我国土壤环境风险评估制度存在一... 在我国缺失专门性土壤污染防治法律的状况下,《环境保护法》、单行环境法、行政法规和部门规章、地方立法以及技术规范是土壤环境风险评估制度的规范依据。通过对现有法律规范和技术规范的梳理,可以发现我国土壤环境风险评估制度存在一些缺失和不恰当。应当基于对土壤环境风险根源和土壤风险评估制度逻辑的剖析,改良现有的土壤环境风险评估制度。在程序层面应当保障程序正当和广泛的利益相关者参与,同时土壤环境风险评估实体内容也应当延展至生态风险评估。 展开更多
关键词 土壤环境风险评估 制度现状 制度逻辑 制度改良
基于旱地土壤环境风险的农药毒死蜱的施用限值研究 被引量:1
作者 韩智广 邓艳玲 +1 位作者 袁雪红 薛南冬 《环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期1584-1592,共9页
通过开展田间试验,研究毒死蜱在玉米、小麦和大豆3种作物田土壤中的降解及环境风险,基于毒死蜱及其降解产物TCP的残留特征和环境风险,计算毒死蜱施用限值.研究表明玉米田土壤中的毒死蜱残留量大于大豆田和小麦田;毒死蜱在农田土壤中的... 通过开展田间试验,研究毒死蜱在玉米、小麦和大豆3种作物田土壤中的降解及环境风险,基于毒死蜱及其降解产物TCP的残留特征和环境风险,计算毒死蜱施用限值.研究表明玉米田土壤中的毒死蜱残留量大于大豆田和小麦田;毒死蜱在农田土壤中的降解速率随着施用浓度的增加而提高.小麦、大豆、玉米3种作物种植土壤中毒死蜱及TCP的短期和长期生态风险均有差异.玉米、大豆和小麦3种作物农田中,当超过推荐剂量施用毒死蜱,毒死蜱及TCP均具有较高短期风险和长期生态风险,相对于毒死蜱,TCP对土壤的生态风险更高.基于旱地土壤的毒死蜱及TCP的环境风险,通过模型计算农药毒死蜱在大豆田中的施用限值为0.4412 kg·hm^(-2),在小麦田中的施用限值为0.5034 kg·hm^(-2),在玉米田中的施用限值为0.5487 kg·hm^(-2). 展开更多
关键词 毒死蜱 旱地 3 5 6-三氯-2-吡啶酚 土壤环境风险 施用限值
搬迁医药企业用地土壤调查与环境风险分析 被引量:2
作者 刘宏立 李强 李世龙 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2007年第20期6209-6210,共2页
对药厂搬迁后原址土壤污染状况进行了调查。结果表明:该地块土壤有机质含量较低,为0.45%~1.15%;表层土壤(20cm)酸化,pH值为5.82~5.62;土壤中镍含量23.0~64.3mg/kg,超标,污染表现为表层>中层,深层基本未受到污染;土壤苯系物均未检... 对药厂搬迁后原址土壤污染状况进行了调查。结果表明:该地块土壤有机质含量较低,为0.45%~1.15%;表层土壤(20cm)酸化,pH值为5.82~5.62;土壤中镍含量23.0~64.3mg/kg,超标,污染表现为表层>中层,深层基本未受到污染;土壤苯系物均未检出;该地块残存的恶臭气体经定性分析检出多环芳烃及有机类污染物,包括菲、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯、荧蒽、芘、安眠酮、麝香吡啶等;药厂污水处理厂污泥通过急性毒性初筛试验鉴别为危险废物,土壤环境风险分析表明该土地只能用于一般城市建设,已不适用于农业耕作。 展开更多
关键词 土壤质量 土壤污染 土壤环境风险
高产田养分平衡及其环境风险特征研究 被引量:3
作者 叶灵 张丽娟 +2 位作者 刘文菊 刘树庆 刘楠 《生态环境学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期1338-1342,共5页
选择连续四年产量20000kg·hm-2以上的高产田为研究对象,并以当地常规农田为对照,分析了秸秆还田条件下冬小麦-夏玉米高产轮作体系中养分平衡及环境风险特征。结果表明,高产田和常规农田的氮、磷、钾素在冬小麦-夏玉米轮作体系中都... 选择连续四年产量20000kg·hm-2以上的高产田为研究对象,并以当地常规农田为对照,分析了秸秆还田条件下冬小麦-夏玉米高产轮作体系中养分平衡及环境风险特征。结果表明,高产田和常规农田的氮、磷、钾素在冬小麦-夏玉米轮作体系中都有盈余,分别盈余130和202、122和162、315和119kg·hm-2。高产田氮素和磷素的盈余量小于常规农田,钾素盈余量高于常规农田。在冬小麦-夏玉米轮作体系的各生育期,高产田0~100cm土体硝态氮均存在大量累积,小麦季大于玉米季,高产田大于常规农田,存在较高的淋溶风险。土壤电导率均小于土壤盐渍化的临界值,尚未出现土壤盐渍化的现象。 展开更多
关键词 高产田 养分平衡 土壤硝态氮 土壤环境风险
Analytical Methods for Environmental Risk Assessment of Acid Sulfate Soils: A Review 被引量:5
作者 C. LIN School of Environmental Science and Management, Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW (Australia) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第4期301-310,共10页
Assessment of acid sulfate soil risk is an important step for acid sulfate soil management and its reliability depends very much on the suitability and accuracy of various analytical methods for estimating sulfide-der... Assessment of acid sulfate soil risk is an important step for acid sulfate soil management and its reliability depends very much on the suitability and accuracy of various analytical methods for estimating sulfide-derived potential acidity, actual acidity and acid-neutralizing capacity in acid sulfate soils. This paper critically reviews various analytical methods that are currently used for determination of the above parameters, as well as their implications for environmental risk assessment of acid sulfate soi1s. 展开更多
关键词 acid risk assessment acid sulfate soils analytical methods
苹果园常用农药施用期土壤残留研究 被引量:3
作者 师荣光 郑向群 +4 位作者 李晓华 刘爱风 贾皎皎 许萌萌 赵宗山 《土壤通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期1224-1231,共8页
探究农药施用数量、方式对果园土壤农药残留的影响可以为果树栽培农药减施提供依据。针对陕西长武苹果产区的高频施用农药类型,在4月(花期)和8月(套袋期)对11种农药土壤残留浓度进行了调查。研究结果表明,表层土壤的农药残留浓度范围为N... 探究农药施用数量、方式对果园土壤农药残留的影响可以为果树栽培农药减施提供依据。针对陕西长武苹果产区的高频施用农药类型,在4月(花期)和8月(套袋期)对11种农药土壤残留浓度进行了调查。研究结果表明,表层土壤的农药残留浓度范围为N/D^887.9 ng g^-1dw,检出率均大于78%,其中8种农药的表层土壤残留检出率为100%。喷施吡虫啉和戊唑醇会在短期内显著提升表层土壤该两种农药残留水平。由于农户喷施农药行为具有相似性,致使在4月和8月试验区和对照区的土壤残留特征相似,农药残留不同月份的差异主要受到农户用药习惯和用药量的影响。农药主要残留于表层(0~5 cm)土壤。因喷施过程中农药更多地落到树木覆盖稀疏地面,故试验区和对照区果园地面农药残留均呈点状分布,致使表层土壤和残留聚集点具有更高的生态风险。在11种常用农药中,吡虫啉和多菌灵的浓度较低、但生物(蚯蚓)毒性大,使计算得到的风险商(RQ)值大于1,成为环境风险高于其他农药的种类。 展开更多
关键词 土壤 农药 调查问卷 残留量 土壤环境风险
Fate Processes of Chlorobenzenes in Soil and Potential Remediation Strategies: A Review 被引量:10
作者 Ferdi BRAHUSHI Fredrick Orori KENGARA +3 位作者 SONG Yang JIANG Xin Jean Charles MUNCH WANG Fang 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期407-420,共14页
Chlorobenzenes (CBs) are a group of organic pollutants that pose a high environmental risk due to their toxicity, persistence and possible transfer in the food chain. Available data in literature show that CBs axe d... Chlorobenzenes (CBs) are a group of organic pollutants that pose a high environmental risk due to their toxicity, persistence and possible transfer in the food chain. Available data in literature show that CBs axe detected in different environmental compartments such as soil, water, air and sediment. The widespread presence of CBs in the environment is related to their former extensive use in agriculture and industry. Some CBs are ranked in the list of priority pollutants by the Stockholm Convention, and their reduction or elimination from the environment is therefore of high importance. Environmental risk assessment of CBs requires knowledge on the role and importance of the main environmental fate processes, especially in soil. Furthermore, development of remediation strategies for reduction or elimination of CBs from the environment is related to the enhancement of fate processes that increase their dissipation in various environmental compartments. The main objectives of the current review were to present up-to-date data on fate processes of CBs in the soil environment and to explore possible remediation strategies for soils contaminated with CBs. Dechlorination of highly-chlorinated benzenes is the main degradation pathway under anaerobic conditions, leading to the formation of lower-chlorinated benzenes. Biodegradation of lower-chlorinated benzenes is well documented, especially by strains of adapted or specialized microorganisms. Development of techniques that combine dechlorination of highly-chlorinated benzehes with biodegradation or biomineralization of lower-chlorinated benzenes can result in useful tools for remediation of soils contaminated with CBs. In addition, immobilization of CBs in soil by use of different amendments is a useful method for reducing the environmental risk of CBs. 展开更多
关键词 BIODEGRADATION chlorinated benzenes environmental risk IMMOBILIZATION MINERALIZATION organic pollutant reductivedechlorination
A Fuzzy-based Methodology for an Aggregative Environmental Risk Assessment of Restored Soil 被引量:7
作者 WANG Shi-Zhong ZHAO Zhi-Hao +3 位作者 XIA Bing QIU Hao J.L.MOREL QIU Rong-Liang 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第2期220-231,共12页
Environmental risks pertaining to contaminated soils have been well studied,while little attention has been paid to the risks of the soils after remediation. In this study,a concept model developed based on fuzzy set ... Environmental risks pertaining to contaminated soils have been well studied,while little attention has been paid to the risks of the soils after remediation. In this study,a concept model developed based on fuzzy set theory was applied to evaluate the uncertainties of three risk indicators,namely,plant growth,groundwater safety and human health,of a restored site that had been previously polluted by heavy metals. The concept model classified the grade and importance of risk factors by an 11-level ranking system and was able to yield a comprehensive risk result rather than multi-risk results for complex risk indicators. Modeling results showed that the risks to the three indicators were effectively reduced after the remediation. Moreover,great sensitivity of the risks was found related to the weight distribution among the three risk indicators. In general,the risks of both polluted and restored soils to the environment were in the order of groundwater safety > plant growth > human health. The model was proved to solve the problems of multi-risk results due to complex risk indicators that previously encountered by other researchers,which made it helpful in decision-making and management of restored soils. 展开更多
关键词 fuzzy set theory heavy metals remediated risk assessment weight distribution
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