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英美土壤污染生态风险评估技术体系研究及启示 被引量:1
作者 李奕杰 许秋云 +2 位作者 柯玲杰 史雅娟 邵秀清 《生态与农村环境学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期1-10,共10页
随着经济的发展,人为活动产生的大量有害物质进入土壤,造成了严重的土壤污染问题。生态风险评估是预测风险源对生态系统产生风险的方法体系,其作为污染土壤生态风险管控及修复治理的重要依据,决定着是否需要采取风险管控和修复治理措施... 随着经济的发展,人为活动产生的大量有害物质进入土壤,造成了严重的土壤污染问题。生态风险评估是预测风险源对生态系统产生风险的方法体系,其作为污染土壤生态风险管控及修复治理的重要依据,决定着是否需要采取风险管控和修复治理措施及目标。由于研究的侧重角度不同,出现了诸多生态风险评估技术体系。英美两国拥有多年的污染地块管理经验,生态风险评估相关技术导则完善、法规健全且配套技术成熟,借鉴其经验有助于管理者从生态系统角度更加科学地分析土壤污染对环境的影响。通过对我国土壤污染生态风险评估现状的分析,以及对美国超级基金生态风险评估技术体系和英国土壤污染生态风险评估技术体系的讨论,得出我国在构建本土化的土壤污染生态风险评估技术体系时需要注意的关键点:(1)构建层次化的生态风险评估技术体系;(2)开发从污染物暴露到产生生态效应整个过程的污染地块生态风险评估概念模型;(3)加强污染物与生态受体所受影响之间的因果关系分析;(4)提高生态风险评估过程的决策参与;(5)推动本土物种的毒理学研究。该文旨在推动我国土壤污染生态风险评估技术体系的构建,保障评估过程的顺利实施及后续污染土壤风险管控或修复治理工作的开展,促进土壤资源可持续安全利用。 展开更多
关键词 土壤污染生态风险评估 层次化技术体系 因果关系 决策 概念模型
磷酸三正丁酯对蚯蚓的生态毒性效应 被引量:1
作者 王倩 杨扬 李梅 《生态毒理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期126-136,共11页
有机磷酸酯(OPEs)作为一种新型的阻燃剂和增塑剂,在环境中普遍存在,尤其在土壤中常被检出,因此其环境和健康风险亟待评估。为探究OPEs对土壤生物的毒性效应,选取磷酸三正丁酯(TnBP)作为受试物,以赤子爱胜蚓(Eisenia fetida)为指示生物,... 有机磷酸酯(OPEs)作为一种新型的阻燃剂和增塑剂,在环境中普遍存在,尤其在土壤中常被检出,因此其环境和健康风险亟待评估。为探究OPEs对土壤生物的毒性效应,选取磷酸三正丁酯(TnBP)作为受试物,以赤子爱胜蚓(Eisenia fetida)为指示生物,采用人工土壤法研究不同浓度TnBP对蚯蚓生长、抗氧化酶系统、乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)活性、体腔细胞DNA损伤及8-羟基脱氧鸟苷(8-OHdG)含量的影响。结果表明,TnBP暴露对蚯蚓生长无明显抑制作用,但TnBP胁迫可引起蚯蚓体内抗氧化酶活性增强,脂质过氧化产物丙二醛含量显著上升,表明蚯蚓受到氧化损伤;彗星试验结果显示,彗尾DNA含量和Olive尾矩均显著上升,表明TnBP暴露能够引起蚯蚓体腔细胞DNA损伤;8-OHdG含量也显著增加,其水平与暴露浓度存在明显的剂量-效应关系,提示TnBP暴露可引起蚯蚓体腔细胞氧化性DNA损伤;AChE活性受到的影响则较为微弱。综上,本研究阐明了TnBP暴露对蚯蚓的毒性效应并为进一步研究OPEs对土壤的生态风险评估提供科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 磷酸三正丁酯 赤子爱胜蚓 氧化应激 DNA损伤 土壤生态风险
天津污灌区水稻土壤汞形态特征及其食品安全评估 被引量:18
作者 武超 张兆吉 +3 位作者 费宇红 吴国庆 钱永 孟素花 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第18期207-212,共6页
选择天津污水灌溉区作为研究区域,该文的主要研究目的是分析土壤不同形态汞对水稻不同组织中总(THg)和甲基汞MeHg富集的影响以及评估污灌区稻米食用汞暴露风险,并对污灌区土壤溶解与可交换态汞安全阀值进行了初步分析。结果表明,北塘... 选择天津污水灌溉区作为研究区域,该文的主要研究目的是分析土壤不同形态汞对水稻不同组织中总(THg)和甲基汞MeHg富集的影响以及评估污灌区稻米食用汞暴露风险,并对污灌区土壤溶解与可交换态汞安全阀值进行了初步分析。结果表明,北塘、大沽和北京污灌区稻田土壤THg和MeHg浓度显著高于对照区海河土壤THg浓度。大沽、北京河污灌区和海河土壤汞的形态为残渣态浓度最高,而北塘污灌区为有机结合态浓度最高。由于水稻地上组织中THg浓度受到大气汞浓度影响,各组织中汞浓度在不同污灌区分布规律不同。水稻籽粒的MeHg富集系数为1.63~3.70,通过人体每天摄入MeHg量的安全值计算得出土壤溶解与可交换态汞质量分数应低于9.19 ng/g。污灌区食用稻米MeHg暴露对居民健康存在较大风险,人体MeHg每天摄入量超标率达到20.83%。因此,可以对超标土壤进行治理或改变耕作方式来降低土壤污染对人体MeHg暴露造成的影响。 展开更多
关键词 重金属 土壤 风险分析 食品安全 甲基汞 溶解与可交换态汞 土壤生态毒理风险
畜禽粪肥还田四环素类抗生素(TCs)在土壤-蔬菜系统的分布特征及风险评估 被引量:4
作者 丁丹 黄晓依 +3 位作者 顾静仪 陈澄宇 龙新宪 曾巧云 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第8期4440-4447,共8页
畜禽粪肥还田引起的土壤抗生素污染对蔬菜安全和土壤生态风险的影响应得到足够的重视.四环素类抗生素(TCs)在畜禽粪肥和蔬菜基地土壤中被普遍检出且含量较高.然而,目前针对土壤TCs污染对蔬菜安全和土壤生态风险的研究主要采用盆栽试验... 畜禽粪肥还田引起的土壤抗生素污染对蔬菜安全和土壤生态风险的影响应得到足够的重视.四环素类抗生素(TCs)在畜禽粪肥和蔬菜基地土壤中被普遍检出且含量较高.然而,目前针对土壤TCs污染对蔬菜安全和土壤生态风险的研究主要采用盆栽试验和田间调查的研究方法,较少开展田间试验.结合盆栽试验和田间试验的研究方法,调查畜禽粪肥还田引起的TCs在土壤-蔬菜系统中的分布特征,采用日允许摄入量-危害商值法(ADI-HQ法)和物种敏感性分布-风险商值法(SSD-RQ法)分别对蔬菜可食部分TCs污染的人体健康风险和土壤TCs污染的生态风险进行评估.结果表明,盆栽试验和田间试验菜心地上部和地下部TCs含量均以OTC为主;盆栽试验和田间试验菜心地上部(以干重计)ω(OTC)分别高达29.25μg·kg^(-1)和45.03μg·kg^(-1),地下部含量(以干重计)ω(OTC)分别高达87.32μg·kg^(-1)和135.44μg·kg^(-1);且田间试验菜心地上部和地下部3种TCs含量均显著高于盆栽试验.土壤TCs的残留以OTC为主,盆栽试验和田间试验土壤ω(OTC)分别高达604.30μg·kg^(-1)和1013.68μg·kg^(-1);3种TCs在田间试验土壤残留含量显著高于盆栽试验.试验条件下,除田间试验菜心OTC含量对儿童的人体健康具有中风险外(HQ>0.1),其它处理菜心3种TCs含量对成年人和儿童的人体健康风险均较低(HQ≤0.1);盆栽试验和田间试验土壤3种TCs残留均具有中等或高生态风险(HQ>0.1或HQ>1).因此,畜禽粪肥还田引起的土壤TCs污染对蔬菜安全和土壤生态风险的影响不容忽视. 展开更多
关键词 畜禽粪肥还田 蔬菜生产基地 TCs污染 农产品安全 土壤生态风险 土霉素(OTC)
水库淹没带土壤有机氯农药分布特征及风险评价 被引量:6
作者 王霞 张青琢 +1 位作者 赵高峰 王晓燕 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第7期3058-3067,共10页
采用GC-MS气相色谱与质谱联用仪,分析了密云水库南水北调来水前高程130~150 m之间的淹没带表层土壤样品中17种有机氯农药(OCPs)的含量、残留特征,讨论了有机氯农药的可能来源,并对OCPs的潜在风险进行了评价.结果表明:①密云水库淹没带... 采用GC-MS气相色谱与质谱联用仪,分析了密云水库南水北调来水前高程130~150 m之间的淹没带表层土壤样品中17种有机氯农药(OCPs)的含量、残留特征,讨论了有机氯农药的可能来源,并对OCPs的潜在风险进行了评价.结果表明:①密云水库淹没带土壤有机氯农药残留以六六六(HCHs)和滴滴涕(DDTs)为主,含量均值分别为1.74 ng·g^-1和1.01ng·g^-1,与国内其他湖库区相比,ΣHCHs含量相近,ΣDDTs含量较低.②水库淹没带土壤有机氯农药残留具有一定的空间分布特征.水陆域交错处土壤OCPs含量普遍高于水域、陆域土壤中含量,且存在显著性差异性.水库东部及潮河入库区、独立小流域淹没区,OCPs残留以DDTs为主;库北山前平原淹没带及库西中部淹没区OCPs则以γ-HCH残留为主;白河入库处河滩淹没区HCHs及DDTs残留均有较高占比,这与其污染来源有关.③源解析结果表明,淹没带土壤HCHs来源主要与林丹类农药的输入有关,而DDTs主要来自于早期农药使用的残留.④生态风险评价表明,水库淹没带土壤中大部分样点OCPs生态风险低,白河入库区及库西中部淹没带滴滴涕有潜在风险性. 展开更多
关键词 水库淹没带 有机氯农药(OCPs) 六六六(HCHs) 滴滴涕(DDTs) 分布特征 土壤生态风险
高位虾池养殖水对沟渠土营养盐的影响 被引量:4
作者 唐少霞 王子爱 +4 位作者 魏伊宁 傅雨萱 袁莹 郑苗 张波 《广东农业科学》 CAS 2018年第10期128-133,共6页
以海口市东营镇高位虾池作为研究靶点,监测及分析养殖水体的理化指标及沟渠土中的营养盐,结果表明:养殖中、后期水体中的pH、水温、盐度、溶解氧都在对虾养殖的适应范围内,但后期的养殖水体与中期相比,氨氮含量增加了137%,COD含量增加了... 以海口市东营镇高位虾池作为研究靶点,监测及分析养殖水体的理化指标及沟渠土中的营养盐,结果表明:养殖中、后期水体中的pH、水温、盐度、溶解氧都在对虾养殖的适应范围内,但后期的养殖水体与中期相比,氨氮含量增加了137%,COD含量增加了33%,与对虾养殖的适应范围上限值相比,氨氮超标1.94倍,COD超标1.17倍;沟渠土沉积物中的营养盐与背景土中的相比,超标6~48倍,沟渠土沉积物中的营养盐基本为深层含量大于表层含量,但沟渠土沉积物中的C/N比值介于2.8~16.0之间,有利于有机物的分解,腐殖化程度高。 展开更多
关键词 高位虾池 养殖水 沟渠土 营养盐 土壤生态风险
Pollution Characteristics and Ecological Risk Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Agricultural Soils of Hohhot,China 被引量:2
作者 张欣昕 张福金 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第4期747-752,共6页
[Objective] This study was conducted to provide a scientific theoretical ba- sis for pollution forewarning and agricultural planning. [Method] 15 PAHs were stud- ied for pollution characteristics, source analysis and ... [Objective] This study was conducted to provide a scientific theoretical ba- sis for pollution forewarning and agricultural planning. [Method] 15 PAHs were stud- ied for pollution characteristics, source analysis and ecological risk assessment at 60 sites in Hohhot farmland. [Result] The results showed that the total contents of 15 PAHs (:EPAHs) in 60 sampling points of Hohhot farmland were in the range of 114-948 ~g/kg, with an average content of 338 pg/kg. According to soil PAH as- sessment standards, more than 70% of soil in Hohhot City was lightly polluted, and there were no heavily-polluted points. The soil of the area was mainly polluted by PAHs with high molecular weights, which accounted for 74% of the total content. The soil in suburban farmland of Hohhot suffered from the heaviest pollution. Quan- titative analysis showed that PAH pollution in Hohhot farmland was mainly from combustion of coal, coke and timber and automotive exhaust emission. [Conclusion] Ecological effect interval method and method of equivalents equivalent to benzo (a) pyrene toxicity benzo [a] pyrene both proved that there is certain potential ecological risk for soil of Hohhot farmland, and PAHs with high molecular weights such as benzo (a) pyrene and dibenzo [a, h] anthracene are main potential pollutants with ecological risk. 展开更多
关键词 Agriculture soils Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Ecological risk Ho- hhot
Dissipation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in crop soils amended with oily sludge 被引量:1
作者 Shaoping Kuang Wenjuan Yu +3 位作者 Yan Song Yaqing Su Huihui Wang Lina Wang 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2016年第4期437-444,共8页
Oil fields present a potential ecological risk to nearby farmland soil. Here we present a new method designed to evaluate the ability of winter wheat(Triticum aestivum) to contribute to the dissipation of polycyclic a... Oil fields present a potential ecological risk to nearby farmland soil. Here we present a new method designed to evaluate the ability of winter wheat(Triticum aestivum) to contribute to the dissipation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs), which are priority pollutants in soils contaminated by oily sludge. The influence of different doses of oily sludge on the dissipation of PAHs was studied along with individual PAH profiles in soils after different periods of plant growth. Five soil samples were artificially contaminated with different percentages of oily sludge(0 %, 5 %, 10 %, 15 % and 20 %). Winter wheat grew in the oily sludge–amended soils for 265 days.PAH content in the soils was monitored over the course of the study. The rate of PAH dissipation is related to the properties of different PAHs, period of winter wheat growth, and oily sludge application dose. Analysis for treated soils indicates that the dissipation of PAHs increased significantly over the first 212 days, followed by minimal changes over the final 53 days of treatment. In contrast, PAH dissipation slowed with increasing oily sludge application. For each PAH, the experimental results showed a significant compound-dependent trend. Winter wheat in the present study significantly enhanced the dissipation of PAHs in oily sludge–contaminated soil. 展开更多
关键词 Oily sludge SOIL Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons DISSIPATION BIOREMEDIATION
Potential Ecological Risks of Heavy Metals in Soils of Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone 被引量:2
作者 DAI Jie-rui 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2019年第1期42-48,共7页
In this research, soil samples were collected from Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone to investigate heavy metal pollutions in this region and to evaluate the potential ecological risks of heavy metal pollutants ba... In this research, soil samples were collected from Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone to investigate heavy metal pollutions in this region and to evaluate the potential ecological risks of heavy metal pollutants based on Hakanson Potential Ecological Risk Indexes. According to the results, Hg was the primary heavy metal pollutant in Blue Economic Zone, followed by Cd, Cu, and Pb as prevalent pollutants. Heavy metals ranked in order of their pollution degrees are: Hg>Cd>Cu>Pb>Zn>Cr>As;the potential ecological risks of heavy metals follow the order of Hg>Cd>As>Pb>Cu>Cr>Zn. Heavy metal pollutions did exist in this region to a certain extent, and the percentage of potential ecological risk in “strong” and “severe” degree reached up to 13.75%. This composite risk characteristic was subject to the restriction of Hg and Cd mainly distributed in Laizhou-Zhaoyuan- Yantai, Muping-Rushan Goldmine, and other densely-populated regions, threatening the safety production of crops. The combined effects of geological background and human activities, e.g. gold mining and domestic pollutants, were the main causes of high potential ecological risks of heavy metals in local environment. 展开更多
关键词 SOIL Heavy metal pollution Potential ecological risk Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone
Heavy metal pollution and potential ecological risk in reclaimed soils in Huainan mining area 被引量:27
作者 YAO Duo-xi MENG Jun ZHANG Zhi-guo 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2010年第3期316-319,共4页
In order to determine the environmental quality condition of reclaimed soils inHuainan mining area, soil samples were collected from three representative mines, suchas Panyi Mine, Xinzhuangzi Mine and Datong Mine.The ... In order to determine the environmental quality condition of reclaimed soils inHuainan mining area, soil samples were collected from three representative mines, suchas Panyi Mine, Xinzhuangzi Mine and Datong Mine.The total concentration of Cd, Hg, Cu,Pb and As in the samples were analyzed.The potential ecological risk was used to evaluatethe heavy metals pollution.The investigation reveals that the reclaimed soils are contaminatedto a certain degree and the trace elements in coal gangue transferred to thesurface soil.The order of potential ecological risk is Cd>Hg>Cu>Pb>As; the pollution degreeof each sampling site is arranged in the following order: Xinzhuangzi Mine>DatongMine>Panyi Mine, and the multiform of heavy metals of potential ecological risk index is at357.35~484.62. 展开更多
关键词 heavy metal pollution potential ecological risk reclaimed soils
Ecological Risk Assessment of Combined Pollution of Heavy Metals and Pesticides in Urban Soils
作者 Kang An Xiaoping Xie 《International English Education Research》 2014年第7期104-108,共5页
Urban soil is the main component of urban ecological systems and the key risk receptor from urbanization. Heavy metal and green pesticide pollutions in urban soils have been widely reported with the expanding of urban... Urban soil is the main component of urban ecological systems and the key risk receptor from urbanization. Heavy metal and green pesticide pollutions in urban soils have been widely reported with the expanding of urbanization. Since urban soil pollution comes from various resources, application of integrated thinking and methods is needed in ecological risk assessment of urban soil pollution. This paper synthetically reviewed the combined pollution of heavy metals and pesticide, and ecological risk assessment, and then proposed some research trends and areas in the future that are required to carry out intensively according to the present situation of environmental pollution and international research fronts. 展开更多
关键词 Urban soil Heavy metal PESTICIDE Combined pollution Integrated eco-risk assessment
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