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余量称重法在土壤蒸散测量中的应用 被引量:1
作者 李秋平 张建国 《气象与环境科学》 2013年第4期84-87,共4页
土壤水分的蒸散能力与蒸散量的大小是研究干旱灾害的一个重要参数。由于没有长时间大范围的观测数据资料,目前水文气象研究干旱结果仍然局限在单点或者小范围的实验研究及数值模式中,没有时空变化的代表性。余量称重法的方式,可以较为... 土壤水分的蒸散能力与蒸散量的大小是研究干旱灾害的一个重要参数。由于没有长时间大范围的观测数据资料,目前水文气象研究干旱结果仍然局限在单点或者小范围的实验研究及数值模式中,没有时空变化的代表性。余量称重法的方式,可以较为直观地得到土壤中水分蒸散的量及其量值变化规律,对土壤蒸散能力有一个量化的概念。此方法操作简便,代表性强,对干旱研究将起到一定的作用。与数模测量法相比较,余量称重法的测量数据无需考虑气象环境中辐射与空气气温、湿度、风速大小和降水四个方面因素的影响,可以直接运用到气象、水文、水利及相关需要的测量与研究行业当中。 展开更多
关键词 余量称重法 土壤蒸散 测量应用
不同生态修复草种对土壤水分蒸散的影响 被引量:1
作者 孙铁军 聂明鹤 +1 位作者 滕文军 侯新村 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第3期71-78,共8页
以紫花苜蓿、结缕草、青绿苔草和无芒雀麦为试材,通过人工草地建植对退化植被进行生态修复,实时监测植被NDVI指数、根系体积、土壤含水量及水分蒸散动态变化,研究不同草种植被覆盖效果及其对土壤蒸散特征的影响,揭示植被土壤水分吸收的... 以紫花苜蓿、结缕草、青绿苔草和无芒雀麦为试材,通过人工草地建植对退化植被进行生态修复,实时监测植被NDVI指数、根系体积、土壤含水量及水分蒸散动态变化,研究不同草种植被覆盖效果及其对土壤蒸散特征的影响,揭示植被土壤水分吸收的主要作用机理,以期为我国北方地区适宜生态修复草种选择提供参考依据。结果表明:4种生态修复草种均可快速增加植被生物量,减少非生长季土壤水分蒸散,但生长季植被生物量增加,土壤水分吸收增强,土壤蒸散明显增加,且不同草地月蒸散量峰值排序为青绿苔草(112.65 mm)>结缕草(107.42 mm)>紫花苜蓿(98.19 mm)>无芒雀麦(86.69 mm)。另外,植被根系分布及其体积变化是土壤水分吸收的关键,根系体积越大,分布越集中,土壤水分吸收能力越强,其中,青绿苔草与结缕草土壤水分吸收的主要区域在0~20 cm土层,紫花苜蓿与无芒雀麦在20~40 cm土层。综上所述,由于生长季植被增加土壤水分蒸散,建议北方干旱缺水地区生态修复过程中尽量选择水土保持能力强但水分消耗相对较少的植物种类,就供试植物优先选择无芒雀麦,其次是紫花苜蓿。 展开更多
关键词 生态修复草种 土壤蒸散 生物量 根系 水分吸收
低定额灌溉条件下农田土壤水蒸散模型的研究 被引量:1
作者 韩雄 张强 安静华 《华北水利水电学院学报》 2000年第1期20-23,共4页
在低定额灌溉条件下 ,农田土壤水分常处在水分胁迫条件下 ,对水分胁迫下农田土壤水分蒸散模型进行了研究 ,在水分胁迫下实际蒸散量 (ET)与潜在蒸散量 (ETm)之间关系为 :ET =KW·ETm·KW,与根层土壤有效水含量具有直线相关性 .... 在低定额灌溉条件下 ,农田土壤水分常处在水分胁迫条件下 ,对水分胁迫下农田土壤水分蒸散模型进行了研究 ,在水分胁迫下实际蒸散量 (ET)与潜在蒸散量 (ETm)之间关系为 :ET =KW·ETm·KW,与根层土壤有效水含量具有直线相关性 .模型中考虑根系分布的影响 ,能明显提高模型精度 ,为低定额灌溉确定农田实际耗水量提供科学依据 。 展开更多
关键词 低定额灌溉 蒸散模型 农田灌溉 土壤蒸散
我国土壤水分状况的估算 被引量:17
作者 于东升 史学正 《自然资源学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 1998年第3期229-233,共5页
关键词 土壤潜在蒸散 土壤水分状况 土壤系统分类
农作物对表层土壤水分的影响 被引量:3
作者 解智涵 《太原师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2017年第1期73-79,共7页
文章在对山西省农业科学院东阳试验示范基地的大豆、玉米、向日葵、谷子、棉花、小麦等作物进行表层土壤水分测定的基础上,采用方差分析和多重比较方法分析了同一作物不同深度和不同作物同一深度中土壤水分含量的差异性.结果显示:这6种... 文章在对山西省农业科学院东阳试验示范基地的大豆、玉米、向日葵、谷子、棉花、小麦等作物进行表层土壤水分测定的基础上,采用方差分析和多重比较方法分析了同一作物不同深度和不同作物同一深度中土壤水分含量的差异性.结果显示:这6种作物在不同深度水分含量的变化趋势不同,但差异较小.同深度由于作物不同土壤水分差异明显,但不同作物之间差异显著性不同,其中小麦和向日葵的水分含量与其他作物水分含量的差异极显著.通过水分测定与分析最终为该区域的作物种植提供一定参考意见. 展开更多
关键词 表层土壤水分 不同作物 水分含量 农作物根系 土壤水分蒸散强度
基于HYDRUS-1D模型的河套灌区典型夹砂层耕地水分利用分析 被引量:3
作者 冯壮壮 史海滨 +3 位作者 苗庆丰 孙伟 刘美含 代丽萍 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第18期90-99,共10页
为研究夹砂层耕地水分利用规律,以河套灌区典型夹砂层土壤耕地为研究对象,利用在春玉米生育期田间监测数据,应用土壤水分运动数值模型,探究对夹砂层土壤田间蒸散发、作物耗水及深层土壤水分的补给与深层渗漏规律。选择2种土壤的夹砂层... 为研究夹砂层耕地水分利用规律,以河套灌区典型夹砂层土壤耕地为研究对象,利用在春玉米生育期田间监测数据,应用土壤水分运动数值模型,探究对夹砂层土壤田间蒸散发、作物耗水及深层土壤水分的补给与深层渗漏规律。选择2种土壤的夹砂层埋深梯度S1(40~95 cm)、S2(60~110 cm),设置了3个灌水水平W1(252.5 mm)、W2(315.85 mm)、W3(378.75 mm)开展田间试验,同不含夹砂层处理B作对照,并应用HYDRUS-1D模型模拟春玉米生育期田间蒸散发,土壤水分深层渗漏及地下水补给耕层水量与根系吸水量,与不含夹砂层处理对比分析夹砂层对田间水分利用影响。结果表明:随着砂层埋深增加,棵间蒸发损失减小,叶面蒸腾水量增加;不含夹砂层处理玉米田间毛管向上补给水量较浅埋砂层与深埋砂层处理分别大57.01%、118.53%,灌水量为315.85 mm时含夹砂层处理的土壤水分深层渗漏最小;玉米生育期内根系吸水量随砂层埋深的增加而减少,不含夹砂层处理根系吸水量最大。浅埋砂层与深埋砂层处理分别为蒸散量的55.51%、61.31%,不含夹砂层处理为66.69%;暂时性亏缺水量从大到小依次为:S2、S1、B,水分从大到小依次为:B、S2、S1。综合考虑夹砂层土壤水分迁移、作物水分利用规律,建议在夹砂层耕地春玉米灌溉根据砂层分布因地制宜定灌溉制度,当夹砂层埋深在40~110 cm范围时,推荐春玉米在生育期灌溉定额为315.85 mm。该研究结果可为河套灌区含有夹砂层农田灌溉制度的制定提供理论指导。 展开更多
关键词 灌溉 土壤含水率 夹砂层土壤 土壤蒸散 地下水补给 深层渗漏 HYDRUS-1D模型
内蒙古典型草原区光伏电板降水再分配与土壤水分蒸散分异规律 被引量:4
作者 翟波 党晓宏 +2 位作者 陈曦 刘湘杰 杨世荣 《中国农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第9期144-155,共12页
针对草原地区光伏电站投产使用后光伏电板下不同位置降水、气候环境和土壤水分运移过程发生改变的问题,以内蒙古中部地区典型草原光伏电站为研究对象,采用野外观测及试验的方法对单次降水事件中光伏电板对雨水的再分配作用进行量化,并... 针对草原地区光伏电站投产使用后光伏电板下不同位置降水、气候环境和土壤水分运移过程发生改变的问题,以内蒙古中部地区典型草原光伏电站为研究对象,采用野外观测及试验的方法对单次降水事件中光伏电板对雨水的再分配作用进行量化,并对光伏电板下不同位置土壤水分蒸散量及大气温、湿度进行逐日测定。最终通过相关分析及线性回归方程得出光伏电板下土壤水分和土壤蒸散量对降水事件的响应过程,确定其耦合关系。结果表明:1)光伏电板对地面水分收集产生了重新分配,光伏电板前檐下方由于电板的汇水作用降水量较未架设电板处平均增加了111.33mm,电板遮挡下方降水量较未架设电板区域显著降低;2)光伏电板下各土层体积含水率整体高于未架设电板区域的土壤体积含水率,其中对照处0~10cm土层体积含水率分别占光伏电板前檐下方和电板拼接缝隙下方土层体积含水率的47.61%和38.08%。光伏电板下的2个螺栓下方和电板后檐下方的土壤累积蒸发量仅为3.52、2.76和2.91mm,均低于未架设电板区域的土壤蒸发量;3)光伏电板下0~10cm和10~20cm土层蓄水量与降水量的回归系数R^2分别为0.7166和0.8292,表层0~20cm土层蓄水量受降水影响较为明显。光伏电板下土壤累计蒸发量与降水量拟合R2为0.7716。土壤逐日蒸发量与初始土壤体积含水率具有较强的相关关系,且随时间推移相关性逐渐增强。 展开更多
关键词 光伏电站 降水量 土壤含水率 土壤蒸散 分异规律
Study on the Characteristics of Ecological Water Requirement in Maijishan Scenic Spot
作者 蒲金涌 李晓薇 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第9期1971-1976,1996,共7页
[Objective] This study aimed to explore the characteristics of ecological water requirement in Maijishan Scenic Spot. [Methed] The characteristics of ecologi- cal water requirement in Maijishan Scenic Spot were analyz... [Objective] This study aimed to explore the characteristics of ecological water requirement in Maijishan Scenic Spot. [Methed] The characteristics of ecologi- cal water requirement in Maijishan Scenic Spot were analyzed based on,the data of soil humidity and meteorology of the spot. [Result] The result showed that the actual annual ecological water requirement in the spot was 678×10^6 m^3, and the proportion of soil water and evapotranspiration were 21% and 79%, respectively; the minimum annual ecological water requirement quota in the spot was 480.27×10^6 m^3, and the proportion of soil water and evapotranspiration were 16% and 84%, respectively; the minimum annual suitable ecological water requirement quota in the spot was 624.22×10^6 m^3, and the proportion of soil water and evapotranspiration were 18% and 82%, respectively. The precipitation was 614×10^6 m^3, and consumptive water surplus reached up to 78×10^6 m^3. The years when the precipitation was higher than the evapotranspiration accounted for 76%. Since 1980s, the evapotranspiration showed a linearly increasing trend. The precipitation was higher than the evapotranspiration from Jun. to Oct. and less than the evapotranspiration from Nov. to Dec. and Jan. to May. Evapotranspiration water requirement was regulated by soil water. The dis- parity between precipitation and evapotranspiration was huge in spring, thus having certain influence on waterfalls and streams in the spot. [Conclusion] The results of this study provided a basis for the rational use and long-term planning of the water sources in Maijishan Scenic Spot. 展开更多
关键词 Maijishan Scenic Spot Ecological Water Requirement CHARACTERISTICS
Leaf Temperature as Thermal Bio-indicator of Heavy Metal Pollutants 被引量:1
作者 Anil Kumar Thakur Kamal Jit Singh 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第1期131-137,共7页
Enviromnental pollution is serious social concern. The inflow of heavy metals in the ecological food chain and their subsequent bio-magnification in human bodies is cascading its harmful effects. The metabolism of pla... Enviromnental pollution is serious social concern. The inflow of heavy metals in the ecological food chain and their subsequent bio-magnification in human bodies is cascading its harmful effects. The metabolism of plants is being hampered by these heavy metals. In the present studies, effect of heavy metal especially cadmium has been studied on stomatal diffusive resistance (SDR), transpiration rate, leaf surface humidity and leaf temperature of soybean plants growing in hydroponic cultures. Cadmium treatment decelerates the rate of transpiration. The inhibition of transpiration associated with increased SDR leads to dehydration of leaf surface, thereby, increasing temperature of leaves in comparison to control plants. In the present study, temperature difference between stressed and non-stressed plant leaves was as high as 3℃ Moreover, any such rise in leaf temperature due to uptake and induced toxicity of heavy metals can possibly be a good bio-indicator having wide applications in thermal remote sensing and geospatial monitoring of metal polluted soils. 展开更多
关键词 SOYBEAN heavy metal pollutants CADMIUM leaf temperature BIO-INDICATOR
光学信息分解被动微波土壤湿度方法 被引量:3
作者 王安琪 施建成 +1 位作者 阿多 宫辉力 《地球信息科学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期652-657,共6页
土壤水分是一个重要生态参量,以被动微波反演土壤水分,不受天气影响,且其算法成熟。但是星载被动微波数据的空间分辨率较低,可适合大区域尺度研究。本文将1km分辨率光学数据MODIS和25km分辨率被动微波数据AMSR-E2级土壤湿度产品结合,利... 土壤水分是一个重要生态参量,以被动微波反演土壤水分,不受天气影响,且其算法成熟。但是星载被动微波数据的空间分辨率较低,可适合大区域尺度研究。本文将1km分辨率光学数据MODIS和25km分辨率被动微波数据AMSR-E2级土壤湿度产品结合,利用NDVI-Ts特征空间,去除植被影响,结合前人提出的裸土蒸散模型,将研究区被动微波土壤湿度数据分解,得到1km分辨率土壤体积含水量。将其反演结果与1km温度植被干旱指数(TVDI)进行趋势和数值比较,其相关性达到0.569。同时,利用实测样点的土壤重量含水量,与得到的1km分辨率土壤体积含水量数据进行比较,其增减趋势一致,结果具有可信度。但对定量结果尚需进一步验证和提高。 展开更多
关键词 土壤湿度 被动微波 MODIS TVDI 土壤蒸散效率
Evapotranspiration and ratio of soil evaporation to evapotranspiration of winter wheat and maize in north China
作者 Zheng Wei Yu Liu +1 位作者 Di Xu Jiabing Cai 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第2期100-103,共4页
Evapotranspiration (ETc) is an important quantity for hydrological cycle. This study shows evapotranspiration, the ratio of evaporation to evapotranspiration (E/ETc) of winter wheat and maize in north China. Sever... Evapotranspiration (ETc) is an important quantity for hydrological cycle. This study shows evapotranspiration, the ratio of evaporation to evapotranspiration (E/ETc) of winter wheat and maize in north China. Several relationships, namely, E/ET0 and soil surface moisture, E/ET0 and leaf area index (LAI), are also analyzed. The average seasonal ETc values for winter wheat, maize (2008) and maize (2009) are 431.21,456.3 and 341.4mm. The value of E/ET0 varied from 1 at initial growth stage to 0.295 at the later growth for winter wheat, and from 1 to 0.492, from 1 to 0.566 for maize (2008) and maize (2009). The relationship between E/ET0 and surface soil water content, and E/ET0 and LAI are fitted to a quadratic parabola equation with significant correlation coefficients, respectively, for wheat and maize. These results should help the precise planning and efficient management of irrigation for these crops in this region. 展开更多
关键词 EVAPOTRANSPIRATION soil evaporation surface soil water content winter wheat MAIZE
Evapotranspiration and its main controlling mechanism over the desert riparian forests in the lower Tarim River Basin 被引量:14
作者 YUAN GuoFu LUO Yi +2 位作者 SHAO MingAn ZHANG Pei ZHU XuChao 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第6期1032-1042,共11页
Evapotranspiration(ET) and its controlling mechanism over the desert riparian forests in arid regions are the important scientific basis for the water resources managements of the lower reaches of the inland rivers of... Evapotranspiration(ET) and its controlling mechanism over the desert riparian forests in arid regions are the important scientific basis for the water resources managements of the lower reaches of the inland rivers of China. Nearly three years of continuous measurements of surface ET, soil water content at different depths and groundwater table over a typical Tamarix spp. stand and a typical Populus euphratica stand were conducted in the lower reach of the Tarim River. The ET seasonal trends in the growing season were controlled by plant phenology, and ET in non-growing season was weak. The diurnal variations of ET resulting from the comprehensive effects of all atmospheric factors were significantly related with reference ET. The spatial pattern of ET was determined by vegetation LAI, more vegetation coverage, more ET amount. Groundwater is the water source of surface ET, and the soil water in shallow layers hardly took part in the water exchange in the groundwatersoil-plant-air system. The temporal processes of ET over the Tamarix stand and the Populus stand were similar, but the water consumption of the well-grown Populus euphratica was higher than that of the well-grown Tamarix spp. Further analysis indicates that plant transpiration accounts for most of the surface ET, with soil evaporation weak and negligible; groundwater table is a crucial factor influencing ET over the desert riparian forests, groundwater influences the processes and amounts of ET by controlling the growth and spatial distribution of desert riparian forests; quantifying the water stress of desert riparian forests using groundwater table is more appropriate, rather than soil water content. Based on the understanding of ET and water movements in the groundwater-soil-plant-air system, a generalized framework expressing the water cycling and its key controlling mechanism in the lower reaches of the inland rivers of China is described, and a simple model to estimate water requirements of the desert riparian forests is presented. 展开更多
关键词 lower reaches of the Tarim River water cycling EVAPOTRANSPIRATION desert riparian forests Tamarix spp. Populus eu-phratica
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