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作者 叶孝民 《水利科学与寒区工程》 2024年第10期85-90,共6页
为了更好地了解松散粒状火山灰土壤边坡失稳的水力过程,确定最有用的监测变量,以建立有效的预警系统。本文在浅层滑坡模型边坡上分别通过微型张力计和TDR进行土壤吸力和体积含水率的耦合测量,使用光学激光传感器进行坡面沉降测量。结果... 为了更好地了解松散粒状火山灰土壤边坡失稳的水力过程,确定最有用的监测变量,以建立有效的预警系统。本文在浅层滑坡模型边坡上分别通过微型张力计和TDR进行土壤吸力和体积含水率的耦合测量,使用光学激光传感器进行坡面沉降测量。结果发现,在整个入渗过程中含水率增长平稳,而土壤吸力则呈现出突然陡峭的锋面。出于预警应用,土壤体积含水率的监测比土壤吸力监测更有用。同时也表明降雨入渗受到土壤体积塌陷的显著影响,与土壤初始孔隙度有关。 展开更多
关键词 滑坡 火山碎颗粒 物理建模 TDR 预警
千枚岩碎屑土三轴试验剪切带扩展性状的CT研究 被引量:8
作者 左永振 程展林 赵娜 《岩土工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第8期1524-1531,共8页
土体剪切带的产生和发展是岩土工程界一直关注的问题。对千枚岩碎屑土进行了固结排水剪切试验,并在试验过程中采用CT可视化技术进行了实时监测扫描,得到同一断面位置不同应变条件下的系列CT切片,从CT切片中可观测到试样随应变的增加而... 土体剪切带的产生和发展是岩土工程界一直关注的问题。对千枚岩碎屑土进行了固结排水剪切试验,并在试验过程中采用CT可视化技术进行了实时监测扫描,得到同一断面位置不同应变条件下的系列CT切片,从CT切片中可观测到试样随应变的增加而出现的明显的剪切带。采用CT技术真实再现了三轴试样在轴向力作用下,局部裂纹扩展逐渐贯穿形成完整剪切带的过程。对CT切片进行了7个区域的CT数平均值和CT数标准差统计,分析认为,轴向应变在3%~10%范围内是剪切带形成和发展的主要阶段,在应变3%前试样主要被压缩,在应变3%后试样在偏应力的作用下逐渐出现微裂隙,并随应变的增加,微裂隙越来越明显。CT数统计值出现微裂隙的应变和宏观观测到微裂隙的应变不对等,在判断剪切带微裂隙出现应变上建议以CT数统计值为准值。 展开更多
关键词 千枚岩碎 剪切带 CT三轴试验 CT数
巴东组软岩非饱和碎屑土夹层的长期强度 被引量:5
作者 祝艳波 余宏明 《工程地质学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期959-964,共6页
巴东组软岩碎屑土夹层的非饱和蠕变特性明显、强度时间效应显著,研究其长期强度对含碎屑土夹层软岩路堑边坡稳定性分析有所帮助.为研究非饱和碎屑土夹层的长期强度问题,首先利用GDS非饱和三轴仪开展碎屑土夹层的非饱和强度、蠕变试验,... 巴东组软岩碎屑土夹层的非饱和蠕变特性明显、强度时间效应显著,研究其长期强度对含碎屑土夹层软岩路堑边坡稳定性分析有所帮助.为研究非饱和碎屑土夹层的长期强度问题,首先利用GDS非饱和三轴仪开展碎屑土夹层的非饱和强度、蠕变试验,得到其不同基质吸力下的应力应变曲线、应变-时间曲线,分析基质吸力对其强度与蠕变特性的影响;其次基于碎屑土夹层的蠕变曲线,利用等时曲线法确定其不同基质吸力下的长期强度.结果表明碎屑土夹层的长期强度较瞬时强度大幅降低,强度产生折损,损失率在34%~62%之间.碎屑土夹层的基质吸力越小,其长期强度越小,强度损失率越大.即巴东组软岩碎屑土夹层的饱和度越高,其强度越小,在荷载长期作用下的强度损失越大,且强度损失率增加的幅度随饱和度的增高而不断增大. 展开更多
关键词 巴东组 夹层 非饱和 等时曲线 长期强度
基质吸力对巴东组软岩碎屑土夹层强度影响的试验研究 被引量:4
作者 祝艳波 杨艳霞 余宏明 《水文地质工程地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期83-88,104,共7页
宜昌—巴东高速路部分路堑边坡因发育碎屑土夹层而稳定性变差,影响高速公路的建设与运营。水对巴东组软岩碎屑土夹层的强度与变形特性影响显著,而目前针对其非饱和强度特性开展的研究并不多。为探索基质吸力对碎屑土夹层强度的影响,利用... 宜昌—巴东高速路部分路堑边坡因发育碎屑土夹层而稳定性变差,影响高速公路的建设与运营。水对巴东组软岩碎屑土夹层的强度与变形特性影响显著,而目前针对其非饱和强度特性开展的研究并不多。为探索基质吸力对碎屑土夹层强度的影响,利用GDS非饱和三轴仪开展其强度试验研究,得到碎屑土夹层的非饱和强度指标。结果表明基质吸力对巴东组软岩碎屑土夹层强度影响显著,碎屑土夹层的总黏聚力与峰值强度都随基质吸力的增大而呈非线性增长,内摩擦角φb则随基质吸力的增大先减小而后趋于稳定,且都小于有效内摩擦角φ'。研究表明基质吸力碎屑土夹层的强度特性影响较大。 展开更多
关键词 路堑边坡 夹层 基质吸力 非饱和强度
作者 郑贵亮 《中国新技术新产品》 2012年第2期62-63,共2页
关键词 风积砂 掺拌
不同结构参数下盾构切刀切削土体数值模拟研究 被引量:8
作者 申会宇 张威威 张家年 《隧道建设》 北大核心 2016年第7期881-886,共6页
基于ABAQUS有限元分析软件,采用ALE算法和线性Drucker-Prager土体塑性本构模型,利用具有单元删除功能的剪切失效准则,建立盾构切刀切削土体的三维仿真模型,研究不同切削参数条件下刀具切削土体过程中土屑的流动状态和刀具切削力的变化... 基于ABAQUS有限元分析软件,采用ALE算法和线性Drucker-Prager土体塑性本构模型,利用具有单元删除功能的剪切失效准则,建立盾构切刀切削土体的三维仿真模型,研究不同切削参数条件下刀具切削土体过程中土屑的流动状态和刀具切削力的变化规律。研究结果表明:在不同的切深状况下,总的切削力变化并不大,但随着切深的增大,已切削土屑的分离度降低甚至不分离;随着刀宽的增大,切削力也随之增大,但土屑的流动性降低;随着前角的增大,切屑的破碎状态和流动性降低,导致堆积在切刀的刀刃处,阻碍切削的持续进行。 展开更多
关键词 盾构切刀 仿真模拟 土屑 切削力 切深 刀宽 前角
土壤板结对植苗成活的影响与分析 被引量:3
作者 王俊杰 张继强 +1 位作者 鲁玉超 孟少童 《甘肃林业科技》 2014年第4期7-10,共4页
在课题研究中,我们注意到黄土造林地植苗成活率低于千枚岩碎屑土造林地,直观相差悬殊。通过植苗成活率,以及露茎、根系存活与枯槁情况调查,结合环境分析,提出板结致死效应解释植苗枯死原因,开春后黄土造林地土壤板结诱发根段凋枯,导致... 在课题研究中,我们注意到黄土造林地植苗成活率低于千枚岩碎屑土造林地,直观相差悬殊。通过植苗成活率,以及露茎、根系存活与枯槁情况调查,结合环境分析,提出板结致死效应解释植苗枯死原因,开春后黄土造林地土壤板结诱发根段凋枯,导致植苗茎枯而丧失发芽活力。 展开更多
关键词 千枚岩碎 植苗成活 壤板结 根段凋枯 板结致死效应
锚固斜孔长螺旋钻进技术研究 被引量:1
作者 徐成宇 郑午 曹振新 《西部探矿工程》 CAS 2002年第3期29-30,共2页
分析螺旋叶片的结构参数 ,为设计提供依据。根据斜孔钻进土屑运移情况 ,建立力学模型 ,确定钻进合理工艺参数。
关键词 斜孔长螺旋钻进技术 锚固 螺旋叶片 结构参数 土屑 力学模型
巴东组碎屑土夹层的非饱和蠕变经验模型 被引量:8
作者 祝艳波 余宏明 《中国公路学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期22-29,共8页
为预测基质吸力对巴东组碎屑土夹层蠕变行为的影响,开展其非饱和蠕变经验模型的研究。基于碎屑土夹层的非饱和蠕变试验,尝试改进Singh-Mitchell蠕变模型、Mesri蠕变模型:首先选取幂函数分段描述应变-时间关系曲线的各阶段,拟合模型参数... 为预测基质吸力对巴东组碎屑土夹层蠕变行为的影响,开展其非饱和蠕变经验模型的研究。基于碎屑土夹层的非饱和蠕变试验,尝试改进Singh-Mitchell蠕变模型、Mesri蠕变模型:首先选取幂函数分段描述应变-时间关系曲线的各阶段,拟合模型参数与基质吸力关系,建立包含基质吸力的改进Singh-Mitchell蠕变模型、Mesri蠕变模型;其次根据蠕变曲线特点,对应力-应变曲线、应变-时间曲线进行非线性拟合,构建包含基质吸力-应力-应变-时间的非饱和蠕变经验模型;最后对比了3种蠕变模型的预测精度。结果表明:改进的Mesri模型基本能预测碎屑土夹层的蠕变全过程,虽然当偏应力水平增高时,预测值与试验值存在偏差,但其精度基本能够满足工程应用要求;提出的非饱和蠕变模型预测效果一般,改进的Singh-Mitchell模型预测效果最差。 展开更多
关键词 道路工程 非饱和蠕变 蠕变模型 夹层 基质吸力
作者 刘自闯 高钢锤 《水运工程》 北大核心 2017年第4期172-175,180,共5页
针对厄立特里亚马萨瓦新港工程的总体规划,进行专项岩土工程勘察工作,根据历史资料并结合工程实践,获得拟建工程的地质特征及岩土工程参数。对该工程实践中揭示的火山成因地层进行调查分析,尤其对上部火山岩地层及下部揭示的含火山碎屑... 针对厄立特里亚马萨瓦新港工程的总体规划,进行专项岩土工程勘察工作,根据历史资料并结合工程实践,获得拟建工程的地质特征及岩土工程参数。对该工程实践中揭示的火山成因地层进行调查分析,尤其对上部火山岩地层及下部揭示的含火山碎屑的黏土层进行钻探、原位测试及试验,并对其勘察结果进行分析,得出火山岩地层作为地基基础持力层的依据,并给出其承载力,为项目的设计施工提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 厄立特里亚马萨瓦 火山岩 含火山碎黏性 承载力
Flame Retardancy Evaluation of Nanocomposites Prepared from Sawdust and Montmorillonite Clay
作者 Lavern Tendayi Nyamutswa Lilian Tichagwa 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2014年第9期580-586,共7页
Composites of montmorillonite clay and sawdust were prepared with the desired result being having new materials which burn longer than unmodified sawdust. The three forms of clay used for preparation of composites wer... Composites of montmorillonite clay and sawdust were prepared with the desired result being having new materials which burn longer than unmodified sawdust. The three forms of clay used for preparation of composites were unmodified montmorillonite, mono-ionic montmorillonite and organically modified montmorillonite. Montmorillonite clay was converted to mono-ionic clay by ion exchange with sodium using a sodium chloride solution. The mono-ionic clay was organically modified with an organic surfactant, methyl triphenyl phosphonium bromide. Nanocomposites were then prepared by combining the modified and raw forms of the clay with sawdust. The solution blending method was used to make the nanocomposites. The samples were analysed using thermogravimetric analysis and cone calorimetry. The studies showed that the nanocomposite which was made from sawdust and 1% organically modified clay had the most improved results in terms of burning time and thermal stability, as well as giving a calorific value closest to unmodified sawdust and the least amount of residue. 展开更多
关键词 NANOCOMPOSITES ion exchange solution blending MONTMORILLONITE organic modification.
Large-area Analysis of Soil Erosion and Landslides Induced by Rainfall: A Case of Unsaturated Shallow Deposits 被引量:1
作者 CUOMO Sabatino DELLA SALA Maria 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第4期783-796,共14页
Unsaturated shallow soil deposits may be affected by either superficial soil erosion or shallow landslides in adjacent or overlapping source areas and in different seasons when a different soil suction exists.The trig... Unsaturated shallow soil deposits may be affected by either superficial soil erosion or shallow landslides in adjacent or overlapping source areas and in different seasons when a different soil suction exists.The triggering analysis of both these processes is a relevant issue for the hazard analysis while the literature mostly provides specific approaches for erosion or for landslides.The paper proposes a largearea analysis for a case study of Southern Italy,consisting of unsaturated shallow deposits of loose pyroclastic(air-fall) volcanic soils that have been repeatedly affected by erosion and landslides in special seasons.For a past catastrophic event, the simulated source areas of shallow landslides are smaller than those observed in the field while the simulated eroded areas with thickness greater than 5cm are comparable with the in-situ evidences, if the analysis takes into account high rainfall intensity and a spatially variable soil cover use.More in general, the results of the paper are consistent with the previous literature and also provide a methodological contribution about the application of distinct tools over large area.The added value is that the paper shows how the combination of distinct large-area analyses may help with understanding the dominant slope instability mechanisms.Only once this goal is fully achieved, can specific physically-based analyses be confidently performed at detailed scales and for smaller specific areas. 展开更多
关键词 Soil Erosion LANDSLIDE Soil Suction Slope instability mechanism Modelling
Geochemistry of Neoproterozoic mixosedimentite in northern Anhui and its geological significance
作者 SUN Linhua GUI Herong CHEN Song 《Global Geology》 2010年第3期128-134,共7页
Major oxides,as well as trace elements (including rare earth elements) compositions have been analyzed for the mixosedimentites from Neoproterozoic Jiayuan Formation in northern Anhui,China. The results show that the ... Major oxides,as well as trace elements (including rare earth elements) compositions have been analyzed for the mixosedimentites from Neoproterozoic Jiayuan Formation in northern Anhui,China. The results show that the concentrations of elements are closely related to the relative proportions of carbonates and terrigenous detritus (varying from 2/3 to 1/9 based on petrographic study). The ratios between some immobile elements (e.g. La,Th,Zr and Sc) are constant and then can be used as tracers for the discrimination of provenance and tectonic setting of terrigenous detritus. The results indicate that the terrigenous detritus mainly came from the felsic volcanics related to continental arc,with minor contribution from the old basement. Combined with recent research progresses,these mixosedimentites imply that the Neoproterozoic sedimentation in northern Anhui was probably taken place in a back arc basin during the convergence of Rodinia super continent between 1.0 and 0.8 Ga. 展开更多
关键词 PROVENANCE tectonic setting mixosedimentites NEOPROTEROZOIC northern Anhui
Diagenesis tectonic setting and U-Pb dating for zircon from Tanjianshan Group in northern margin of Qaidam Basin
作者 ZHANG Shanming SUN Huashan +2 位作者 ZHU Zhexin LIU Hongwei CHI Hongxin 《Global Geology》 2013年第3期130-143,共14页
The shape,texture,content and REE characteristics of zircons from the O2tnd-1,O3tnd-2,O3tnd-3pyroclastic rock of Tanjianshan Group on the north margin of Qaidam Basin indicate that the O2-3tndis the product of volcani... The shape,texture,content and REE characteristics of zircons from the O2tnd-1,O3tnd-2,O3tnd-3pyroclastic rock of Tanjianshan Group on the north margin of Qaidam Basin indicate that the O2-3tndis the product of volcanism during the transitional period from ocean-land interim crust to oceanic crust.The U-Pb surface ages obtained from O3tnd-2and O3tnd-3can be divided into 9 groups,every age group coincides with the period when significant tectonic-heat event took place at Oulongbuluke micro-continental base of northern Qaidam,suggesting that the base rocks have provided materials for the formation of sedimentary and volcanic rock in O2-3tnd.The volcanic rocks of O3tnd-3formed at 440 Ma,with time gap 46 Ma to those of O1tna-1and O3tnd-3may represent the minor period that Xitieshan back-arc extension have lasted,the scale of back-arc basin that formed in Xitieshan extension may approach to 1 400 km.Based on the test of ithochemistry data for major elements and analysis of Sr isotope geochemistry for the clastic sedimentary rock in O1tna-2and O3tnd-2,the authors get the conclusion that the O1tna-2and O3tnd-2of Tanjianshan Group may form in back-arc basin environment,while the lithology difference between these two formations may reflect the changes of geodynamic processes as the diagenesis tectonic environment transformed from continental margin depression to adjacent sea basin. 展开更多
关键词 detrital zircon U-Pb age tectonic setting Tanjianshan
Methods and application of using detrital zircons to trace the provenance of loess 被引量:11
作者 XIE Jing YANG ShiLing DING ZhongLi 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第11期1837-1846,共10页
The composition of single-grain detrital zircons is an effective provenance indicator of loess,and sheds new light on dust formation and transportation.Here we review the features of detrital zircons and their use as ... The composition of single-grain detrital zircons is an effective provenance indicator of loess,and sheds new light on dust formation and transportation.Here we review the features of detrital zircons and their use as a provenance indicator,including internal structure,trace element,U-Pb age spectrum and Hf isotopic compositions,and present a case study from the Horqin sandy land and its surrounding loess.The loess samples have detrital zircon age peaks in range of 2600-2300,2100-1600,and 600-100 Ma,of which the 2600-2300 Ma zircon grains mainly have positive Hf(t) values(3.4-8.7),the 2100-1600 Ma zircon grains mainly have negative Hf(t) values(10.1-6.8),and the 600-100 Ma zircon grains have a variable Hf(t) values ranging from 21 to 15.9.The detrital zircon signatures of the loess are similar to the Horqin sandy land,but clearly different from the Chinese Loess Plateau and central-western deserts,implying that the loess is transported mainly from the Horqin sandy land in the Last Glacial period.Comparing these with neighboring tectonic units,we found that zircon populations at 2600-2300,2100-1600,and 600-100 Ma with negative Hf(t) values may come from the northeast North China Craton(NCC),and those at 600-100 Ma with positive Hf(t) values may come from the east Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB).It is estimated that the two sources contribute equally to the Horqin sandy land and the surrounding loess. 展开更多
关键词 loess provenance detrital zircon U-Pb age Hf isotope Horqin sandy land
Structure of weathered clastic crust and its petroleum potential 被引量:7
作者 ZOU CaiNeng HOU LianHua +4 位作者 YANG Fan YANG Chun TAO ShiZhen YUAN XuanJun ZHU RuKai 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第12期3015-3026,共12页
Weathered clastic crust can be subdivided into weathered clay and leached zone in terms of variable weathering of different minerals and mobility of weathered products.On the basis of clastic outcrops and well cores i... Weathered clastic crust can be subdivided into weathered clay and leached zone in terms of variable weathering of different minerals and mobility of weathered products.On the basis of clastic outcrops and well cores in the Junggar Basin,the dark red Fe-rich weathered clay is formed in an arid environment,whereas the light blue Al-rich weathered clay under humid conditions.According to the geochemical analysis,a new weathering index for weathered clastic crust is built mainly on Fe and Al contents,accurately indicating the weathered clay,sandy leached zone,and muddy leached zone in the Junggar Basin.The breaking pressure of weathered clay is rather large,the same as that of normal muddy cap,effectively to seal oil or gas.The porosity of underlying leached zone is greatly enhanced by weathering and leaching,but its permeability is a function of clay mineral content,i.e.,the higher the clay content,the worse the permeability.Weathered crust provides effective sealing conditions for both top and bottom layers of a petroleum reservoir,and is important in the clastic hydrocarbon exploration. 展开更多
关键词 structure of weathered crust weathering index Junggar Basin reservoir properties hydrocarbon exploration
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