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红旗渠精神融入“土工设计”课堂教学实践 被引量:1
作者 闫春岭 王立波 +1 位作者 王夏楠 高连强 《安徽建筑》 2023年第9期128-129,共2页
课程思政是目前课程教育改革中的主要方向,“土工设计”是土木工程专业一门实践性较强的专业基础课,研究对象为基础和地基。该课程富有很强的思政哲理,具备开展课程思政的良好条件。文章主要分析了红旗渠精神融入课堂教学的必要性、思... 课程思政是目前课程教育改革中的主要方向,“土工设计”是土木工程专业一门实践性较强的专业基础课,研究对象为基础和地基。该课程富有很强的思政哲理,具备开展课程思政的良好条件。文章主要分析了红旗渠精神融入课堂教学的必要性、思政结合点及融入课堂的益处。该课程起到了专业课中既教学又育人,促进学生全面发展的重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 红旗渠精神 土工设计 课程思政 教学研究
桶形基础的土工设计 被引量:2
作者 朱儒弟 《海岸工程》 1999年第1期95-105,共11页
1994年Europipe16/11E采油导管架平台以及1996年SleipnerT导管架平台的安装成功,证明了利用负压安装的裙板基础(桶形基础)不仅相对于桩来说是具有竞争性的可供选用的方案,而且也是用于粘性土和非粘... 1994年Europipe16/11E采油导管架平台以及1996年SleipnerT导管架平台的安装成功,证明了利用负压安装的裙板基础(桶形基础)不仅相对于桩来说是具有竞争性的可供选用的方案,而且也是用于粘性土和非粘性土的一种辅助基础的解决办法。本文根据已完成的现场试验和模型试验以及用于设计的理论模型的实际分析工具介绍了Europipe16/11E和SleipnerT基础设计分析的背景知识。 展开更多
关键词 海上平台 桶形基础 土工设计
作者 颜利平 Ross Khiabani 《重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第z1期650-654,共5页
介绍了美国加州洛杉矶港口停靠设施两种支挡结构的岩土工程勘探和设计成果,为了在码头提供两个驳船停靠点,要对现有堤坝边坡进行开挖,开挖后的边坡需要有支挡结构支撑。根据现场勘察和室内试验数据,项目地基为砂、泥质砂和黏土层,场地... 介绍了美国加州洛杉矶港口停靠设施两种支挡结构的岩土工程勘探和设计成果,为了在码头提供两个驳船停靠点,要对现有堤坝边坡进行开挖,开挖后的边坡需要有支挡结构支撑。根据现场勘察和室内试验数据,项目地基为砂、泥质砂和黏土层,场地在运行地震水平下(震级5.5,峰值加速度0.28g)和偶发性地震水平下(震级6.5,峰值加速度0.52g)将会发生液化现象。建议支挡结构采用AZ型中心桩和AZ型辅助桩结合的钢板桩,并采用静力和运行震动水平共同作用下的侧压力分布图和极限平衡法分析确定桩长和截面尺寸。 展开更多
关键词 土工设计 支挡结构 港口停靠设施 运行地震水平 偶发性地震水平
土工格栅挡墙在浑河抚顺段城市防洪工程设计中的应用 被引量:1
作者 王凤书 马力 《吉林水利》 2011年第5期34-36,共3页
关键词 浑河 土工格栅挡墙设计 抚顺市
作者 霍尔沃 周静贤 《水电技术信息》 2001年第3期28-38,共11页
气垫式调压室是水电站中替代传统开敞式调压井的一种方案,自1973年开始,挪威就已采用该方法。业已证明,这种调压室能满足水力需求,是使隧洞系统的布置和电站选址具有很大自由度的经济实用的方案。防止漏气是气垫式调压室设计和施工... 气垫式调压室是水电站中替代传统开敞式调压井的一种方案,自1973年开始,挪威就已采用该方法。业已证明,这种调压室能满足水力需求,是使隧洞系统的布置和电站选址具有很大自由度的经济实用的方案。防止漏气是气垫式调压室设计和施工过程中所要考虑的主要问题。本文阐述了如何有效地处理漏气和其它一些土工方面的问题。 展开更多
关键词 气垫式调压室 水电站 土工设计 调压井
土工离心机设计与应用综述 被引量:1
作者 温继伟 陈昊天 +1 位作者 曾现恩 项天 《岩土工程技术》 2023年第4期379-385,共7页
在土木工程、地质工程等领域,为了在实验室内分析现场岩土体或结构物的原型工况,常采用土工离心机开展缩尺模拟试验研究。近年来,随着液压、电控、微型传感器及观测技术等多种科学技术的飞速发展,土工离心模型试验已从定性分析向定量分... 在土木工程、地质工程等领域,为了在实验室内分析现场岩土体或结构物的原型工况,常采用土工离心机开展缩尺模拟试验研究。近年来,随着液压、电控、微型传感器及观测技术等多种科学技术的飞速发展,土工离心模型试验已从定性分析向定量分析过渡,可为滑坡灾害、地下结构开挖与稳定、地基失效、场地液化、桩基破坏等复杂工程难题的解决提供有效的技术途径,并取得了大量的研究成果。以臂式土工离心机为主要探究对象,通过对土工离心机的原理、发展概况、结构组成、现存主要问题等进行系统总结与梳理,对离心机的设计提出改良方案,结合目前土工离心机的发展进程和应用领域,展望了该技术今后的研究和应用方向。 展开更多
关键词 土工离心机 岩土模型试验 土工离心机设计与应用
提高路基设计标准的几点建议 被引量:2
作者 李志顺 《铁道标准设计》 2004年第3期29-31,共3页
强调将路基工程作为土工结构物对待的重要性 。
关键词 铁路工程 铁路路基 铁路设计 设计观念 铁路选线 地质条件 排水系统设计 土工结构设计 过渡段设计
作者 陈永红 陈洁 《港工技术》 2019年第4期50-55,共6页
国内土工布的生产已经趋于流水化,现行国内规范缺少针对单项工程的土工布指标确定方法,而随着海外市场的开拓,国内常用土工材料指标通常不能满足国外大型水工工程设计要求,土工布多需要进口,本文总结了英标、德标等土工布技术指标计算方... 国内土工布的生产已经趋于流水化,现行国内规范缺少针对单项工程的土工布指标确定方法,而随着海外市场的开拓,国内常用土工材料指标通常不能满足国外大型水工工程设计要求,土工布多需要进口,本文总结了英标、德标等土工布技术指标计算方法,并对比GEO等国外成熟的土工布生产厂家产品规格,给出了斜坡堤结构土工布拉伸强度、延伸率、渗透系数等多个指标计算方法,为土工布实现国内生产、采购,降低工程造价提供设计借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 土工设计 倒滤 隔离
市政工程中道路与桥梁连接处设计施工探究 被引量:10
作者 胡宝平 《江西建材》 2017年第1期156-157,共2页
关键词 桥头跳车 桥梁设计 土工格栅设计
作者 梁峰 夏凤鸣 《广东水利水电》 2011年第1期44-45,57,共3页
根据施工条件及工程布置特点,该工程对沥青心墙和土工膜防渗做了设计比较,后采用土工膜防渗心墙的防渗形式。钻孔灌浆平台以下部位(高程639.3m)采用高喷防渗板墙防渗,防渗墙最小厚度为0.4m,灌浆平均深度为15m,深入岩石1.0m。河床以上采... 根据施工条件及工程布置特点,该工程对沥青心墙和土工膜防渗做了设计比较,后采用土工膜防渗心墙的防渗形式。钻孔灌浆平台以下部位(高程639.3m)采用高喷防渗板墙防渗,防渗墙最小厚度为0.4m,灌浆平均深度为15m,深入岩石1.0m。河床以上采用复合土工膜心墙防渗,围堰迎水面设厚1.0m块石护坡。 展开更多
关键词 围堰设计 高喷灌浆 土工设计 基础防渗设计
作者 王蕊 《甘肃科技》 2021年第6期111-114,共4页
文章以高台县生态经济林南部绿色通道水源塘坝为研究对象,通过现场实地踏勘、地质勘查资料研究,在4个水源坝塘的选址和选型分析的基础上,进行1#典型坝塘的结构设计和坝塘防渗设计,为其他3个坝塘选址、选型和设计提供技术参考和依据,也... 文章以高台县生态经济林南部绿色通道水源塘坝为研究对象,通过现场实地踏勘、地质勘查资料研究,在4个水源坝塘的选址和选型分析的基础上,进行1#典型坝塘的结构设计和坝塘防渗设计,为其他3个坝塘选址、选型和设计提供技术参考和依据,也为同类型坝塘设计提供参考和借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 绿色通道 水源塘坝 选址及选型 结构设计 土工设计
作者 曹锋军 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)工程技术》 2017年第1期127-127,共1页
随着时代的进步,城市道路建设飞速发展,立交桥成文城市道路的重要组成部分,本文通过对道路与桥梁连接处设计与施工重要性的分析,结合当前我国市政工程中常见的道路与桥梁连接处的问题,最终提出了有效的应对策略,期待能够成为我国市政工... 随着时代的进步,城市道路建设飞速发展,立交桥成文城市道路的重要组成部分,本文通过对道路与桥梁连接处设计与施工重要性的分析,结合当前我国市政工程中常见的道路与桥梁连接处的问题,最终提出了有效的应对策略,期待能够成为我国市政工程设施与施工不断完善的有效参考,以为城市工程的质量安全提供更加有力的保障。 展开更多
关键词 桥头跳车 桥梁设计 土工格栅设计
作者 张晓帆 《重庆建筑》 2008年第8期21-23,共3页
关键词 路基不均匀沉降 土工格栅设计施工
A case study of seismic response of earth embankment foundation on liquefiable soils 被引量:4
作者 黄雨 YASHIMA A +1 位作者 SAWADA K 张锋 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第6期994-1000,共7页
A case study of seismic response of an earth embankment foundation on liquefiable soils in Kansai area,western Japan was presented. Based on a calibrated cyclic elasto-plastic constitutive model for liquefiable sand a... A case study of seismic response of an earth embankment foundation on liquefiable soils in Kansai area,western Japan was presented. Based on a calibrated cyclic elasto-plastic constitutive model for liquefiable sand and Biot dynamic coupled theory,the seismic analysis was carried out by using a dynamic effective stress finite element method under plane strain condition. A recent design study was illustrated in detail for a river earth embankment subjected to seismic excitation on the saturated deposits with liquefiable sands. Simulated results of the embankment foundation during liquefaction were obtained for acceleration,displacement,and excess pore water pressures,which were considered to yield useful results for earthquake geotechnical design. The results show that the foundation soil reaches a fully liquefied state with high excess pore pressure ratios approaching to 1.0 due to the earthquake shaking. At the end of the earthquake,the extensive liquefaction causes about 1.0 m lateral spreading at the toe and 60 cm settlement at the crest of the earth embankment. 展开更多
关键词 earth embankment earthquake liquefaction cyclic plasticity finite element method case study
Study on the FEM design of reinforced earth retaining wall with geogrid 被引量:4
作者 Song Yakun Zheng Yingren +1 位作者 Tang Xiaosong Zhang Yufang 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2010年第3期71-80,共10页
At present,limit equilibrium method is often adopted in the design of reinforced earth retaining wall. Geotechnical engineers home and abroad have done a lot of work to improve the traditional calculation methods in r... At present,limit equilibrium method is often adopted in the design of reinforced earth retaining wall. Geotechnical engineers home and abroad have done a lot of work to improve the traditional calculation methods in recent years,while there are lots of defects. This paper first identifies the location of failure surface and safety factor through the finite element program of PLAXIS and then analyses the influencing factors of the stability of reinforced earth retaining wall with geogrid. The authors adopt strength reduction FEM (finite element method)in the design and stability analysis of reinforced earth retaining wall and have achieved some satisfying results. Without any assumptions,the new design method can automatically judge the failure mode of reinforced earth retaining wall,consider the influence of axial tensile stiffness of the reinforcement stripe on the stability of retaining wall,identify reasonable distance and length of the reinforcement stripe,and choose suitable parameters of reinforcement stripe,including strength,stiffness and pseudo-friction coefficient which makes the design optimal. It is proved through the calculation examples that this method is more reasonable,reliable and economical in the design of reinforced earth retaining wall. 展开更多
关键词 FEM strength reduction methods earth retaining walls optimization design
The construction design and practice of Three Gorges Project 被引量:1
作者 Weng Yonghong Xie Xiangrong Fan Wuyi 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2011年第3期96-103,共8页
The construction of Three Gorges Project (TGP) is characterized by large construction scale,high construction intensity and complexity in technology.In view of various technical difficulties such as navigation in cons... The construction of Three Gorges Project (TGP) is characterized by large construction scale,high construction intensity and complexity in technology.In view of various technical difficulties such as navigation in construction period,two river closures,high-intensity concrete and earth-rock construction,high-intensity construction and demolition of RCC (roller compacted concrete) cofferdam in stage III and immediate navigation of double-line five-step shiplock after impoundment of reservoir,the scheme of river diversion during construction is adopted,namely "diversion in 3 stages,open channel navigation and cofferdam power generation".The practice and innovation achievements in river diversion during construction as well as earth-rock and concrete construction are presented emphatically. 展开更多
关键词 Three Gorges Project CONSTRUCTION DIVERSION earth-rock CONCRETE
Key Technologies in the Design and Construction of 300 m Ultra-High Arch Dams 被引量:14
作者 RenkunWang 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2016年第3期350-359,共10页
Starting with the Ertan arch dam (240 m high, 3300 MW) in 2000, China successfully built a total of seven ultra-high arch dams over 200 m tall by the end of 2014. Among these, the ]inping 1 (305 m), Xiaowan (294... Starting with the Ertan arch dam (240 m high, 3300 MW) in 2000, China successfully built a total of seven ultra-high arch dams over 200 m tall by the end of 2014. Among these, the ]inping 1 (305 m), Xiaowan (294.5m), and Xiluodu (285.5 m) arch dams have reached the 300 m height level (i.e., near or over 300 m), making them the tallest arch dams in the world. The design and construction of these 300 m ultra-high arch dams posed significant challenges, due to high water pressures, high seismic de- sign criteria, and complex geological conditions. The engineering team successfully tackled these chal- lenges and made critical breakthroughs, especially in the area of safety control. In this paper, the author summarizes various key technological aspects involved in the design and construction of 300 m ultra- high arch dams, including the strength and stability of foundation rock, excavation of the dam base and surface treatment, dam shape optimization, safety design guidelines, seismic analysis and design, treatment of a complex foundation, concrete temperature control, and crack prevention. The experience gained from these projects should be valuable for future practitioners. 展开更多
关键词 Ultra-high arch dam Shape optimization Arch dam overall safety Seismic safety Concrete temperature contro
Geotechnical investigations and remediation design for failure of tunnel portal section: a case study in northern Turkey 被引量:7
作者 Ayberk KAYA Kadir KARAMAN Fikri BULUT 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第6期1140-1160,共21页
Mass movements are very common problems in the eastern Black Sea region of Turkey due to its climate conditions, geological, and geomorphological characteristics. High slope angle, weathering, dense rainfalls, and ant... Mass movements are very common problems in the eastern Black Sea region of Turkey due to its climate conditions, geological, and geomorphological characteristics. High slope angle, weathering, dense rainfalls, and anthropogenic impacts are generally reported as the most important triggering factors in the region. Following the portal slope excavations in the entrance section of Cankurtaran tunnel, located in the region, where the highly weathered andesitic tuff crops out, a circular toe failure occurred. The main target of the present study is to investigate the causes and occurrence mechanism of this failure and to determine the feasible remedial measures against it using finite element method(FEM) in four stages. These stages are slope stability analyses for pre-and postexcavation cases, and remediation design assessments for slope and tunnel. The results of the FEM-SSR analyses indicated that the insufficient initial support design and weathering of the andesitic tuffs are the main factors that caused the portal failure. After installing a rock retaining wall with jet grout columns and reinforced slope benching applications, the factor of safety increased from 0.83 to 2.80. In addition toslope stability evaluation, the Rock Mass Rating(RMR), Rock Mass Quality(Q) and New Austrian Tunneling Method(NATM) systems were also utilized as empirical methods to characterize the tunnel ground and to determine the tunnel support design. The performance of the suggested empirical support design, induced stress distributions and deformations were analyzed by means of numerical modelling. Finally, it was concluded that the recommended stabilization technique was essential for the dynamic long-term stability and prevents the effects of failure. Additionally, the FEM method gives useful and reasonably reliable results in evaluating the stability of cut slopes and tunnels excavated both in continuous and discontinuous rock masses. 展开更多
关键词 Portal failure Stability analysis Finite element method Tunnel support design Remedial measures Rock Mass Rating(RMR) Rock Mass Quality(Q) New Austrian Tunneling Method(NATM)
The Role of Soil Investigation on Performance-based Design in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
作者 Antonio Cavallaro Salvatore Grasso Michele Maugeri 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2010年第2期33-40,共8页
The spatial variability of geotechnical earthquake engineering critical parameters obtained by laboratory and in situ tests in the same area is affected by different measurements. The paper provides a brief synthesis ... The spatial variability of geotechnical earthquake engineering critical parameters obtained by laboratory and in situ tests in the same area is affected by different measurements. The paper provides a brief synthesis of ground motion and site effects analysis procedures within a Performance-Based Design framework. In particular it focuses about the influence on the evaluation of site effects in some active regions by different shear waves velocity measurements (Down Hole D-H and Seismic Dilatometer Marchetti Test SDMT). Moreover the variation of shear modulus and damping ratio with strain level and depth from different laboratory dynamic or cyclic tests for soil characterisation (Resonant Column Test RCT) was evaluated. The available data enabled one to compare the shear waves velocity profile obtained by laboratory and in situ tests (Cone Penetration Tests CPT) with empirical correlations proposed in literature. 展开更多
关键词 Seismic Dilatometer Marchetti Test (SDMT) shear wave velocity St. Giuliano di Puglia (Italy) seismic response analysis.
加强中小河流治理 提高抗洪防洪系数
作者 詹来旗 《黑龙江水利科技》 2013年第12期241-243,共3页
近年来,我国大多地区出现了洪涝灾害。针对这一情况,文章首先简单分析了我国中小河流的治理现状,然后结合出现的问题提出了相应的对措施并进行重点分析,最后结合江西省地区的一些案例,围绕土工袋围堰设计与施工展开分析,希望能够提高我... 近年来,我国大多地区出现了洪涝灾害。针对这一情况,文章首先简单分析了我国中小河流的治理现状,然后结合出现的问题提出了相应的对措施并进行重点分析,最后结合江西省地区的一些案例,围绕土工袋围堰设计与施工展开分析,希望能够提高我国中小河流的抗洪防洪系数。 展开更多
关键词 中小河流治理 抗洪防洪系数 土工袋围堰设计 施工
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