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明代“土达”及其归宿 被引量:1
作者 刘斌 《阿坝师范高等专科学校学报》 2008年第4期75-76,共2页
明代的"土达"又可以称为"土人",广泛分布于西北地区,她的历史同蒙古族有着一定的关联,并在历史的发展与磨合中同其逐渐疏远。缺乏稳定性的这一"民族碎片"在其他民族的文化同化、宗教吸引的影响下,渐次累... 明代的"土达"又可以称为"土人",广泛分布于西北地区,她的历史同蒙古族有着一定的关联,并在历史的发展与磨合中同其逐渐疏远。缺乏稳定性的这一"民族碎片"在其他民族的文化同化、宗教吸引的影响下,渐次累进的融合于其中。历史上有过她的记录,也有其重要历史作用的记载,消失了族名的"土达"并未消失一切,西北的诸民族有她生命的延续,中国民族史和民族关系史中也应该有她的一页。 展开更多
关键词 明代 土达 归宿
土达坂铅锌矿地质特征及其找矿标志 被引量:4
作者 许文进 李长龙 马振武 《资源与产业》 北大核心 2009年第4期96-98,共3页
肃北县土达坂铅锌矿地处祁连造山带与敦煌地块的交接部位,太古宙—古元古代敦煌岩群第二岩组第二岩段是其主要赋存层位。构造和地层是控制土达坂铅锌矿形成的重要因素,其中EW向断裂构造是主要次级控矿构造。Pb元素的富集主要与敦煌岩群... 肃北县土达坂铅锌矿地处祁连造山带与敦煌地块的交接部位,太古宙—古元古代敦煌岩群第二岩组第二岩段是其主要赋存层位。构造和地层是控制土达坂铅锌矿形成的重要因素,其中EW向断裂构造是主要次级控矿构造。Pb元素的富集主要与敦煌岩群有关,而Zn元素可能不但受控于敦煌岩群,而且还叠加了后期花岗质伟晶岩浆热液的影响。敦煌岩群第二岩组第二岩段、蚀变断裂破碎带、地表呈黄色的黄钾铁矾带和铁冒是土达坂铅锌矿的重要找矿标志。 展开更多
关键词 敦煌岩群 土达坂铅锌矿 地质特征 找矿标志 肃北县
作者 李艳华 《赤峰学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2011年第2期21-23,共3页
关键词 宁夏地区 土达 抗争
作者 李艳华 《西部蒙古论坛》 2010年第4期37-41,127,共9页
元室北迁,朱明王朝建立后,在明政府的招抚政策下,大批蒙古人自漠北归附到明朝统治下,宁夏地区土达即由此而来。明初,土达或耕或牧,一时安居乐业,与各方相安无事。明朝中后期,朝廷日渐黑暗,宦官把持朝政,贪官污吏巧取豪夺,人民生活困苦,... 元室北迁,朱明王朝建立后,在明政府的招抚政策下,大批蒙古人自漠北归附到明朝统治下,宁夏地区土达即由此而来。明初,土达或耕或牧,一时安居乐业,与各方相安无事。明朝中后期,朝廷日渐黑暗,宦官把持朝政,贪官污吏巧取豪夺,人民生活困苦,以致发生兵变。 展开更多
关键词 明代 宁夏 土达 生活状况
论土达在明代西北边防中的双重角色 被引量:1
作者 魏梓秋 《求索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期236-238,59,共4页
明代分布在今甘宁青地区的"土达"主要由蒙古人和色目人组成,他们处于农耕与游牧空间的边缘,在明朝对外防御蒙古的战略中起着积极作用,同时又被视为明朝外部防御和内部稳定的隐患。"土达"问题从一个侧面反映了明代... 明代分布在今甘宁青地区的"土达"主要由蒙古人和色目人组成,他们处于农耕与游牧空间的边缘,在明朝对外防御蒙古的战略中起着积极作用,同时又被视为明朝外部防御和内部稳定的隐患。"土达"问题从一个侧面反映了明代西北边境复杂的民族形势,并对甘宁青地区多民族格局的形成产生了深远的影响。 展开更多
关键词 明代 甘宁青地区 土达 西北边防
对西藏札达土林国家地质公园旅游业发展的思考 被引量:4
作者 朱仁鹏 石晨霞 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第13期7900-7901,7922,共3页
西藏札达土林是世界上分布面积最大的新近系土林,具有20多种地貌形态,文化底蕴深厚浓郁。西藏札达土林旅游产品存在位置偏远、可进入性差,宣传手段欠缺,人为造成"环境恶劣不适宜进入"的认识误区等问题。针对这些问题,笔者提... 西藏札达土林是世界上分布面积最大的新近系土林,具有20多种地貌形态,文化底蕴深厚浓郁。西藏札达土林旅游产品存在位置偏远、可进入性差,宣传手段欠缺,人为造成"环境恶劣不适宜进入"的认识误区等问题。针对这些问题,笔者提出以保护为前提,以体验为导向,将地质和文化体验相结合的旅游开发措施,同时提倡多渠道、有针对性的景区宣传策略。以期达到繁荣当地就业市场,推动当地经济发展的目的。 展开更多
关键词 地质公园 提升 旅游竞争力
作者 樊檩 《世界有色金属》 2017年第11期114-115,共2页
吉土落达铅锌矿矿区位于著名的"三江"构造成矿带,康滇地轴中段东侧,大地构造位置为扬子地台陆块西缘凉山陷褶束宁南凹褶束。矿床产于震旦系灯影组的上部白云岩内,区域性大断裂四开—交际河断裂从矿区内通过,区内的铅锌矿体产... 吉土落达铅锌矿矿区位于著名的"三江"构造成矿带,康滇地轴中段东侧,大地构造位置为扬子地台陆块西缘凉山陷褶束宁南凹褶束。矿床产于震旦系灯影组的上部白云岩内,区域性大断裂四开—交际河断裂从矿区内通过,区内的铅锌矿体产出特征严格受地层、构造控制。矿床成因为中低温热液充填型。提出了矿区地层、岩性、构造、围岩蚀变、地貌等找矿标志和下一步工作建议。 展开更多
关键词 铅锌矿 地质特征 找矿标志和前景 布拖吉
作者 叶强 王红 +3 位作者 杨昭颖 蒋校 尼玛次仁 路文嘉 《自然资源遥感》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期148-154,共7页
札达土林位于西藏自治区札达县和普兰县境内,主要由托林组及香孜组弱固结-半固结的碎屑岩构成,受河流及雨水的长期冲刷侵蚀,形成了峰丛林立、沟壑纵横的特殊地质景观。为进一步发掘札达土林分布区的旅游资源,充分展现研究区内地质景观... 札达土林位于西藏自治区札达县和普兰县境内,主要由托林组及香孜组弱固结-半固结的碎屑岩构成,受河流及雨水的长期冲刷侵蚀,形成了峰丛林立、沟壑纵横的特殊地质景观。为进一步发掘札达土林分布区的旅游资源,充分展现研究区内地质景观的科学价值、美学价值,主要利用高分一号卫星遥感影像开展工作区地质解译工作,重点解译构成土林地貌的香孜组、托林组地层及能够指示板块俯冲作用的蛇绿岩、构造混杂岩。根据解译成果,依托“航空物探遥感多元数据加工与产品展示平台”提供的三维解译环境,提取研究区土林地貌、岩石类型、断裂构造等典型地质景观。遥感技术的应用更加准确地圈定了土林的分布范围,三维展示平台使土林地貌、洋壳残余、不整合界线等代表区域沧海桑田剧烈变化之演化历史的地质遗迹更加生动形象地展示在荧屏之上,利用现代信息化技术为札达土林世界地质公园的整体规划部署提供有力支撑。 展开更多
关键词 地质景观 遥感
作者 张剑鸣 《有色金属(选矿部分)》 CAS 北大核心 1991年第3期47-48,共2页
许多过滤过程的目的在于澄清浓度高低不同的悬浮液。法国FiltersGaudfrin公司最近发明了一种新型过滤器——带士达(Diastar)过滤器。据介绍,这种过滤器具有很多优点。例如过滤效率高、滤液澄清度好、操作简单、工作连续、结构紧凑、占... 许多过滤过程的目的在于澄清浓度高低不同的悬浮液。法国FiltersGaudfrin公司最近发明了一种新型过滤器——带士达(Diastar)过滤器。据介绍,这种过滤器具有很多优点。例如过滤效率高、滤液澄清度好、操作简单、工作连续、结构紧凑、占用空间少、重量轻和成本低等。 展开更多
关键词 过滤器 土达过滤器 结构
徐国仟辨治臌胀学术思想探析 被引量:3
作者 郝菲菲 田虎 田思胜 《山东中医药大学学报》 2020年第6期635-639,共5页
深入阅读徐国仟先生的学术著作,采用归纳整理、辨证分析的方法,从病因病机、辨证论治、临证典型医案分析3个方面进行总结。徐老提出治疗臌胀重在调理肝脾,认为酒湿虫毒、营养不良、情志六淫等皆可导致肝气郁滞、脾失健运进而发为臌胀,... 深入阅读徐国仟先生的学术著作,采用归纳整理、辨证分析的方法,从病因病机、辨证论治、临证典型医案分析3个方面进行总结。徐老提出治疗臌胀重在调理肝脾,认为酒湿虫毒、营养不良、情志六淫等皆可导致肝气郁滞、脾失健运进而发为臌胀,其病位在脾肝,久则及肾。因此,徐老以"去水疏土达木""利水祛邪不伤正"为治法,总的原则是"病初多实宜夺,病久多虚宜补"。"肾主司开阖,肾气从阳则开从阴则关,阳太盛则水道大开,阴太盛则水道常闭",在臌胀后期,徐老认为常规"补肾火壮脾土以制水"收效甚慢,"放水"才能"全土",故择时而用"放水"泻肾之阴水以"全土",以利尿泻肾之阴水。臌胀多属本虚标实,徐老强调治疗时尤应注意攻补兼施、标本兼顾,健脾温肾利水择时而用,"衰其大半而不伤正",中病即止。 展开更多
关键词 徐国仟 臌胀 酒湿虫毒 营养不良 情志六淫 去水疏土达 利水祛邪不伤正
石城——明代满俊起兵抗明的天然屏障与旅游开发 被引量:1
作者 薛正昌 《西北第二民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2000年第2期35-39,共5页
关键词 石城 明朝 满俊起义 旅游开发 丹霞地貌 土达 文化旅游
作者 仇王军 《宁夏社会科学》 CSSCI 2021年第6期208-216,共9页
明朝万历三十九年(1611),宁夏镇半个城(今宁夏回族自治区同心县城)居民马守连等人在土窑熏死庆王府"挂民",明廷命有司处理这一事件。礼部精膳清吏司主事蒯谏撰《敕赐庆王牧地重建香山碑记》,记载了事件始末及有司的处置意见,... 明朝万历三十九年(1611),宁夏镇半个城(今宁夏回族自治区同心县城)居民马守连等人在土窑熏死庆王府"挂民",明廷命有司处理这一事件。礼部精膳清吏司主事蒯谏撰《敕赐庆王牧地重建香山碑记》,记载了事件始末及有司的处置意见,并申明庆王府香山牧场的四至,立石于鸣沙州安庆寺内。清代文献称其为"香山牧马碑"。目前所见各版本《乾隆中卫县志》中,只有美国哈佛大学汉和图书馆藏本保留了香山牧马碑碑记的主体内容。民国时期,中卫县修志局曾实地抄录了香山牧马碑碑记全文,可与哈佛大学汉和图书馆藏《乾隆中卫县志》所收内容进行部分对勘,并可补其阙文部分。香山牧马碑反映了明代宁夏镇中卫香山地区畜牧业发展情况,也反映了庆王府、宁夏镇官员、土达、地方豪姓等各方势力之间的利益关系。 展开更多
关键词 《敕赐庆王牧地重建香山碑记》 《乾隆中卫县志》 蒯谏 挂民 土达
Expression Activity of CLCuV Bidirectional Promoter in Agrobacterium tumefaciens 被引量:1
作者 谢迎秋 孟蒙 +3 位作者 徐鸿林 吴茜 陈蕾 朱祯 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2001年第10期1052-1054,共3页
Cotton leaf curl virus (CLCuV) belongs to the subgroup III of geminiviruses with single strand DNA genome. Study demonstrated that the bidirectional promoter of CLCuV had activity in Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Smith e... Cotton leaf curl virus (CLCuV) belongs to the subgroup III of geminiviruses with single strand DNA genome. Study demonstrated that the bidirectional promoter of CLCuV had activity in Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Smith et Townsend) Conn. This is the first report for the activity of the bidirectional promoter of geminivirus in A. tumefaciens. Results showed that the activity of the complementary sense promoter was stronger than that of virion sense promoter, and was detected 2-fold higher than that of CaMV 35S promoter in A. tumefaciens. Moreover, the promoter 5' deletion analysis indicated that the mean GUS activity driven by a 287 nucleotides complementary sense promoter fragment (from-287 to the translation initiation site) is 4 times higher than that driven by the whole complementary sense promoter in A. tumefaciens. This result suggested that there might exist negative regulatory elements in this deleted fragment. The function of other cis-elements included in CLCuV complementary sense promoter was also discussed in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 GUS cotton-leaf curl virus (CLCuV) PROMOTER CIS-ELEMENT
《通信世界》 2005年第21期50-50,共1页
英华OK 4款机卡分离小灵通通过测试;BEA公司在北京成立解决方案中心;科土达UPS为青海建行DCC工程提供保护;华硕服务器进军动漫产业;
关键词 英华公司 机卡分离 小灵通 土达公司 UPS
《电子商务世界》 2003年第7期30-31,共2页
不断增长的市场需求使各UPS厂商之间的竞争越加激烈。各厂商打破原有的条块分割。不再固守原有的领地,纷纷推出全线产品,并不断在产品质量、管理软件、整体解决方案和售后服务上下功夫,想尽各种办法,在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出。我们在这... 不断增长的市场需求使各UPS厂商之间的竞争越加激烈。各厂商打破原有的条块分割。不再固守原有的领地,纷纷推出全线产品,并不断在产品质量、管理软件、整体解决方案和售后服务上下功夫,想尽各种办法,在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出。我们在这里介绍几个在市场中有一定特色并做出成绩的UPS厂商,从他们的发展里程和经营策略中把握UPS技术和市场的动向。 展开更多
关键词 UPS 不间断电源 产品质量 管理软件 APC公司 山特公司 梅兰日兰公司 土达科技发展有限公司
Dissolution of lateritic nickel ore using ascorbic acid as synergistic reagent in sulphuric acid solution 被引量:4
作者 Sait KURSUNOGLU Zela Tanlega ICHLAS Muammer KAYA 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第8期1652-1659,共8页
The dissolution of nickel and cobalt from Caldag lateritic nickel ore using the combination of sulphuric and ascorbic acids was investigated. The use of other organic acids, namely citric, maleic and stearic acids, as... The dissolution of nickel and cobalt from Caldag lateritic nickel ore using the combination of sulphuric and ascorbic acids was investigated. The use of other organic acids, namely citric, maleic and stearic acids, as synergistic reagents was studied for comparison. The results revealed that the use of ascorbic and citric acids markedly improved the dissolution of cobalt compared to the other two organic acids that only showed slight synergistic effect on the leaching rate. In terms of nickel dissolution, ascorbic acid is the most effective synergist, followed by citric, maleic and stearic acids in descending order. Under the most optimized conditions found in this study, i.e., using 1 mol/L of sulphuric acid with the presence of 4 g/L of ascorbic acid at 80 ℃and solid-to-liquid ratio of 1/10, more than 99% and 98% leaching rates of cobalt and nickel, respectively, can be achieved within 4 h of leaching. In addition, the leaching performance is relatively insensitive to the change of ascorbic acid concentration from 2 to 4 g/L which is highly desirable from operational perspective. 展开更多
关键词 laterite ore Caldag lateritic nickel ore synergistic reagent ascorbic acid nickel COBALT
Exploring Soil Layers and Water Tables with Ground-Penetrating Radar 被引量:12
作者 K.ROTH U.WOLLSCHLAGER +1 位作者 CHENGZhu-Hua ZHANGJia-Bao 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第3期273-282,共10页
Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) has been used predominantly for environments with low electrical conductivity like freshwater aquifers, glaciers, or dry sandy soils. The objective of the present study was to explore it... Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) has been used predominantly for environments with low electrical conductivity like freshwater aquifers, glaciers, or dry sandy soils. The objective of the present study was to explore its application for mapping in subsurface agricultural soils to a depth of several meters. For a loamy sand and a clayey site on the North China Plain, clay inclusions in the sand were detected; the thickness, inclination, and continuity of the confining clay and silt layers was assessed; and a local water table was mapped. Direct sampling (soil coring and profiling) in the top meter and independent measurement of the water table were utilized to confirm the findings. Also, effective estimates of the dielectric number for the site with the dielectric number of moist clayey soils depending strongly on frequency were obtained. Thus, important properties of soils, like the arrangement and type of layers and in particular their continuity and inclination, could be explored with moderate efforts for rather large areas to help find optimal locations for the time-consuming and expensive measurements which would be necessary to detail a model of the subsurface. 展开更多
关键词 ground-penetrating radar soil layers water table
One-dimensional consolidation of double-layered soil with non-Darcian flow described by exponent and threshold gradient 被引量:10
作者 李传勋 谢康和 +1 位作者 胡安峰 胡白香 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第2期562-571,共10页
Based on non-Darcian flow law described by exponent and threshold gradient within a double-layered soil, the classic theory of one-dimensional consolidation of double-layered soil was modified to consider the change o... Based on non-Darcian flow law described by exponent and threshold gradient within a double-layered soil, the classic theory of one-dimensional consolidation of double-layered soil was modified to consider the change of vertical total stress with depth and time together. Because of the complexity of governing equations, the numerical solutions were obtained in detail by finite difference method. Then, the numerical solutions were compared with the analytical solutions in condition that non-Darcian flow law was degenerated to Dary's law, and the comparison results show that numerical solutions are reliable. Finally, consolidation behavior of double-layered soil with different parameters was analyzed, and the results show that the consolidation rate of double-layered soil decreases with increasing the value of exponent and threshold of non-Darcian flow, and the exponent and threshold gradient of the first soil layer greatly influence the consolidation rate of double-layered soil. The larger the ratio of the equivalent water head of external load to the total thickness of double-layered soil, the larger the rate of the consolidation, and the similitude relationship in classical consolidation theory of double-layered soil is not satisfied. The other consolidation behavior of double-layered soil with non-Darcian flow is the same as that with Darcy's law. 展开更多
关键词 one-dimensional consolidation double-layered soil non-Darcian flow depth dependent vertical total stress timedependent loading
Influences affecting the soil-water characteristic curve 被引量:9
作者 周建 俞建霖 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第8期797-804,共8页
The soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC) is the primary partially saturated soil information as its behavior and properties can be derived from it. Although there have been many studies of unsaturated soils and the ... The soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC) is the primary partially saturated soil information as its behavior and properties can be derived from it. Although there have been many studies of unsaturated soils and the SWCC, there is still no combined constitutive model that can simulate soil characteristics accurately. In cases when hydraulic hysteresis is dominant (e.g. under cyclic loading) it is particularly important to use the SWCC. In the past decades, several mathematical expressions have been proposed to model the curve. There are various influences on the SWCC as a source of information, so the curves obtained from conventional tests often cannot be directly applied; and the mathematical expressions from one scenario cannot be used to simulate another situation. The effects of void ratio, initial water content, stress state and high suction were studied in this work revealing that water content and stress state are more important than the other effects; but that the influences tend to decrease when suction increases. The van Genuchten model was modified to simulate better the changes in the degree of saturation at low values of suction. Predictions were compared with experimental results to determine the simulation capability of the model. 展开更多
关键词 Soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC) Unsaturated soil Mathematical expression
Micro-Pulse Lidar Measurements of Aerosol Vertical Structure over the Loess Plateau 被引量:27
作者 HUANG Jian-Ping HUANG Zhong-Wei BI Jian-Rong ZHANG Wu ZHANG Lei 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2008年第1期8-11,共4页
Knowledge of the vertical distribution of aerosols in the free troposphere is important for estimating their impact on climate. In this study, direct observations of the vertical distribution of aerosols in the free t... Knowledge of the vertical distribution of aerosols in the free troposphere is important for estimating their impact on climate. In this study, direct observations of the vertical distribution of aerosols in the free troposphere are made using surface Micro-Pulse Lidar (MPL) measurements. The MPL measurements were made at the Loess Plateau (35.95°N, 104.1°E), which is near the major dust source regions of the Taklimakan and Gobi deserts. The vertical distribution of the MPL backscattering suggested that nondust aerosols floated from ground level to an altitude of approximately 9 km around the source regions. Early morning hours are characterized by a shallow aerosol layer of a few hundred meters thick. As the day progresses, strong convective eddies transport the aero- sols vertically to more than 1500 m. 展开更多
关键词 LIDAR AEROSOL vertical structure Loess Plateau
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