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作者 刘坤泽 盛益民 《辞书研究》 2023年第4期74-90,I0002,共18页
文章介绍了美国传教士郏爱比(Asa Bruce Cabaniss)以高第丕(Tarleton Perry Crawford)等传教士创制的上海土音新字翻译编写的上海话本《伊娑菩个比方》(即《伊索寓言》),将其内容与罗伯聃(Robert Thom)所翻译的文言本的《意拾喻言》进... 文章介绍了美国传教士郏爱比(Asa Bruce Cabaniss)以高第丕(Tarleton Perry Crawford)等传教士创制的上海土音新字翻译编写的上海话本《伊娑菩个比方》(即《伊索寓言》),将其内容与罗伯聃(Robert Thom)所翻译的文言本的《意拾喻言》进行了比较,并整理分析了该书所反映的19世纪50年代上海话的音系特点。 展开更多
关键词 上海土音新字 郏爱比(Asa Bruce Cabaniss) 《伊娑菩个比方》 《意拾喻言》 上海方言
《休邑土音》音系述略 被引量:1
作者 周赛华 《湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第3期129-133,共5页
在目前发现的徽语文献中,《休邑土音》是最早一部记录全浊声母彻底清化的韵书,也是最早明确记录上去声分阴阳的文献。纵观《休邑土音》音系,在声母、韵母和声调方面跟今休宁方音已经非常接近,如果把相通的韵合并的话,就更加接近了。这... 在目前发现的徽语文献中,《休邑土音》是最早一部记录全浊声母彻底清化的韵书,也是最早明确记录上去声分阴阳的文献。纵观《休邑土音》音系,在声母、韵母和声调方面跟今休宁方音已经非常接近,如果把相通的韵合并的话,就更加接近了。这说明现代徽语休宁话至迟在清雍正初年就基本上形成了。休黟片方言是徽语的本土区(另一本土区为绩歙片)之一,因此《休邑土音》音系对于判断现代徽语形成的时间具有重要的参考价值,书中的许多音变现象是我们研究徽语发展演变的重要资料。 展开更多
关键词 《休邑土音 音系 语音特点 徽语
作者 颜同林 《首都师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期74-80,共7页
土音入韵尾随中国现代新诗的方言入诗而来,因为以白话、口语为本,现代白话新诗与土音入韵构成了杂语共生关系。通过对方言韵(土音韵)流变之梳理与意义之分析,我们不难发现以白话新体诗为正统的现代新诗,在音韵节奏建设上押韵与否既失去... 土音入韵尾随中国现代新诗的方言入诗而来,因为以白话、口语为本,现代白话新诗与土音入韵构成了杂语共生关系。通过对方言韵(土音韵)流变之梳理与意义之分析,我们不难发现以白话新体诗为正统的现代新诗,在音韵节奏建设上押韵与否既失去了古代诗词那样的严肃性、神圣性,又根据自身特点出现了丢弃韵律、自创新韵、借用土韵等艺术特点。土音入韵既是一个自然而至的诗学现象,也是一个颇多争议的诗学命题。 展开更多
关键词 白话诗 方言入诗 土音入韵
作者 王小恒 《西北师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期74-79,共6页
在全祖望的史学、经学研究和碑版、传序及诗歌创作中,均贯穿着征存甬上乡邦文献、表彰忠义节概这一主线。就其诗歌创作来说,《句余土音》在体现这一主线方面具有独特的意义和价值,它主要通过歌颂忠节人物和乡贤循吏、征存史地和古迹文... 在全祖望的史学、经学研究和碑版、传序及诗歌创作中,均贯穿着征存甬上乡邦文献、表彰忠义节概这一主线。就其诗歌创作来说,《句余土音》在体现这一主线方面具有独特的意义和价值,它主要通过歌颂忠节人物和乡贤循吏、征存史地和古迹文献、稽考甬上风物等三方面的内容得以体现。同时,全祖望对于甬上先辈"里社"唱和统绪强烈的继承意识,使《句余土音》不但圆满地实现了"征文征献"、延续六百年"里社"统绪的使命,而且与厉鹗等人创作的《南宋杂事诗》一样,成为清中期浙派诗人群诗文化活动的标志性作品。 展开更多
关键词 全祖望 《句余土音 甬上文献征存 “里社”唱和 继统意识
明正德本《六音字典》“土音”研究(一)——十六世纪初叶闽北政和方言土音考证 被引量:2
作者 马重奇 《古汉语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期18-29,95,共12页
明正德本《六音字典》里有着丰富的"土音"材料,反映了16世纪初叶福建闽北方言方言的底层。全文可分五部分:一、土音与文读音字音节"某同而某、某不同者";二、土音与文读音音节"某、某同而某不同者";三、... 明正德本《六音字典》里有着丰富的"土音"材料,反映了16世纪初叶福建闽北方言方言的底层。全文可分五部分:一、土音与文读音字音节"某同而某、某不同者";二、土音与文读音音节"某、某同而某不同者";三、土音与文读音音节"某、某、某均不同者";四、只有土音字,无文读音者;五、结论。本文着重阐述文章的第一部分。 展开更多
关键词 六音字典 土音研究 音值构拟
作者 马重奇 《福建论坛(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第11期123-129,共7页
清光绪本《六音字典》里有着丰富的"土音"材料,反映了20世纪末福建闽北方言方言的底层。全文可分五部分:一、土音与文读音字音节"某同而某、某不同者";二、土音与文读音音节"某、某同而某不同者";三、土... 清光绪本《六音字典》里有着丰富的"土音"材料,反映了20世纪末福建闽北方言方言的底层。全文可分五部分:一、土音与文读音字音节"某同而某、某不同者";二、土音与文读音音节"某、某同而某不同者";三、土音与文读音音节"某、某、某均不同者";四、只有土音字,无文读音对应者;五、结论。 展开更多
关键词 清光绪年间 土音研究 音值构拟
作者 马重奇 《古汉语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期2-10,共9页
《六音字典》里有着丰富的"土音"材料,反映了16世纪初叶福建闽北方言方言的底层。全文可分五部分:一、土音与文读音字音节"某同而某、某不同者";二、土音与文读音音节"某、某同而某不同者";三、土音与文... 《六音字典》里有着丰富的"土音"材料,反映了16世纪初叶福建闽北方言方言的底层。全文可分五部分:一、土音与文读音字音节"某同而某、某不同者";二、土音与文读音音节"某、某同而某不同者";三、土音与文读音音节"某、某、某均不同者";四、只有土音字,无文读音者;五、结论。这里着重阐述三、四、五部分。 展开更多
关键词 明正德年间 土音研究 音值构拟
作者 张凯 《语言学论丛》 2021年第1期154-171,共18页
《二十三母土音表》是清中后期宁波人吴善述编撰的反映宁波方音的等韵表,不过尚未引起学界的关注。该表的音系具体包括28个声母、41个韵母、8个声调,再现了200年前的宁波方音,尤其是在声、韵方面的16条语音特征为构建宁波方音史乃至吴... 《二十三母土音表》是清中后期宁波人吴善述编撰的反映宁波方音的等韵表,不过尚未引起学界的关注。该表的音系具体包括28个声母、41个韵母、8个声调,再现了200年前的宁波方音,尤其是在声、韵方面的16条语音特征为构建宁波方音史乃至吴方音史提供了珍贵的文献资料。 展开更多
关键词 二十三母土音 宁波方音 声母 韵母
作者 张细珍 《文化研究》 2023年第1期345-365,共21页
“用耳朵阅读”的莫言,诸根互用、听声类形,聆察乡土地籁、人籁、天籁。其中,主调音“地籁”,编织大地的肉身,确定乡土世界野性、神性的基本调式,体现作者虚而待物、与物同体的齐物思维和以声见人的叙事民主。信号音“人籁”折射作者返... “用耳朵阅读”的莫言,诸根互用、听声类形,聆察乡土地籁、人籁、天籁。其中,主调音“地籁”,编织大地的肉身,确定乡土世界野性、神性的基本调式,体现作者虚而待物、与物同体的齐物思维和以声见人的叙事民主。信号音“人籁”折射作者返归童年,通过言说进行自我救赎的初始情怀。标志音猫腔如“天籁”,是无声中国的渊默雷声,激活五四以来被启蒙话语遮蔽的乡野声音。莫言依凭农民的直觉推动与听觉想象,创造性转化庄子大音希声“听之以气”的传统文化基因,耳目内通,内听自在,外观世音,洞见众“声”平等,用声音恢复乡土中国的肉身,唤醒现代人聆听大地的能力,建构东方式的声响生态学。 展开更多
关键词 地籁 人籁 天籁 莫言 土音
作者 夏远鸣 《赣南师范学院学报》 2013年第5期15-18,共4页
"客家话"是伴随着客家意识产生而产生的一种方言名称,是显示客家族群特征的一个重要载体。从明中叶开始,广肇惠地区出现客家方言的称谓,在同一时期的粤东北地区没有把自己的方言称为客话。清末民初时期,客家方言名称传入粤东... "客家话"是伴随着客家意识产生而产生的一种方言名称,是显示客家族群特征的一个重要载体。从明中叶开始,广肇惠地区出现客家方言的称谓,在同一时期的粤东北地区没有把自己的方言称为客话。清末民初时期,客家方言名称传入粤东北客家人聚居的核心地带,并被客家知识分子接受与传播。 展开更多
关键词 土音 客家意识 客家话
作者 黄迪健 《广西右江民族师专学报》 2006年第1期107-110,共4页
古汉字“牡”,从牛从土,许慎说土声,段玉载及近人说士声,古音莫厚切(今读mǔ),“牡”字的三个音读蕴含着壮语的性文化:“牡”字的土音,义为畜父以阳器去戳畜母的阴器;“牡”字的士音为畜父用阳器推进畜母的阴器;“牡”字的莫厚切音为畜... 古汉字“牡”,从牛从土,许慎说土声,段玉载及近人说士声,古音莫厚切(今读mǔ),“牡”字的三个音读蕴含着壮语的性文化:“牡”字的土音,义为畜父以阳器去戳畜母的阴器;“牡”字的士音为畜父用阳器推进畜母的阴器;“牡”字的莫厚切音为畜父的阳器扎入畜母的阴器。土、士、莫厚切三个音读是以“畜父”的本能为内涵的物质处壳,“畜父”的本能是土、士、莫厚切的共内核。 展开更多
关键词 “牡” 土音 士音 莫厚切音 壮语性文化
Listening to Turkish classical music decreases patients’anxiety,pain,dissatisfaction and the dose of sedative and analgesic drugs during colonoscopy:A prospective randomized controlled trial 被引量:10
作者 Nimet Ovayolu Ozlem Ucan +4 位作者 Seda Pehlivan Yavuz Pehlivan Hakan Buyukhatipoglu M Cemil Savas Murat T Gulsen 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第46期7532-7536,共5页
AIM: To determine whether listening to music decreases the requirement for dosages of sedative drugs, patients' anxiety, pain and dissatisfaction feelings during colonoscopy and makes the procedure more comfortable ... AIM: To determine whether listening to music decreases the requirement for dosages of sedative drugs, patients' anxiety, pain and dissatisfaction feelings during colonoscopy and makes the procedure more comfortable and acceptable. METHODS: Patients undergoing elective colonoscopy between October 2005 and February 2006 were randomized into either listening to music (Group 1, n = 30) or not listening to music (Group 2, n = 30). Anxiolytic and analgesic drugs (intravenous midazolam and meperidine) were given according to the patients' demand. Administered medications were monitored. We determined their levels of anxiety using the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Test form. Patients' satisfaction, pain, and willingness to undergo a repeated procedure were self-assessed using a visual analog scale. RESULTS: The mean dose of sedative and analgesic drugs used in group 1 (midazolam: 2.1 ± 1.4, meperidine: 18.1 ± 11.7) was smaller than group 2 (midazolam: 2.4 ± 1.0, meperidine: 20.6 ± 11.5), but without a significant difference (P 〉 0.05). The mean anxiety level in group 1 was lower than group 2 (36.7 ± 2.2 vs 251.0 ± 1.9, P 〈 0.001). The mean satisfaction score was higher in group 1 compared to group 2 (87.8 ± 3.1 vs 58.1 ± 3.4, P 〈 0.001). The mean pain score in group i was lower than group 2 (74.1 ± 4.7 vs 39.0 ± 3.9, P 〈 0.001). CONCLUSION: Listening to music during colonoscopy helps reduce the dose of sedative medications, as well as patients' anxiety, pain, dissatisfaction during the procedure. Therefore, we believe that listening to music can play an adjunctive role to sedation in colonoscopy. It is a simple, inexpensive way to improve patients' comfort during the procedure. 展开更多
关键词 COLONOSCOPY Turkish classical music Sedative medications Anxiety PAIN Satisfaction
Music in Prehistoric Armenia
作者 Ani Petrosyan Arsen Bobokhyan 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第4期259-265,共7页
Within the syncretic world view of prehistoric people, there was an inseparable link between word, song, and dance Hence it is not easy for the modern researcher to outline the border between these spheres. Using inte... Within the syncretic world view of prehistoric people, there was an inseparable link between word, song, and dance Hence it is not easy for the modern researcher to outline the border between these spheres. Using interdisciplinary methods, present paper touches the case of Armenian monodic music. Through analysis of song types (concerning labour, funeral, wedding, belief, worship, magic, mythology, epic, and dance), music representatives, music performance places, and musical instruments, an attempt is made to consider the phenomenon within certain temporal borders. It turns out that the folk and folk-professional realistic music is simple and static in its essence and includes the invariant component of local culture, going back to the period of formation of early farming communities. Meanwhile with emerging social complexity since the Bronze Age, new and various forms of musical performance come to existence. 展开更多
关键词 early music ethno-historical approach ARMENIA
Melody- Usul - Poetic Prosodic Meter Relations in Ottoman-Turkish Music
作者 Gozde Colakoglu SARI 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第2期128-140,共13页
Language, literature, customs and traditions, music and art are cultural items that were transmitted from generation to generation throughout history. In this context, literature is an important source of music cultur... Language, literature, customs and traditions, music and art are cultural items that were transmitted from generation to generation throughout history. In this context, literature is an important source of music culture that takes inspiration from the customs and traditions of a society. Prosodic meter is echoed in form, usul and general structure in works composed from the divan literature and almost lives in the work. In the same way, when examples of folk literature composed by composers and performed by poets and a^lks are examined, it is observed that there are parallels between literary features and form, structure and rhythmic features. The aim of this paper is to reveal the integral link between Melody-Usul and Meter in Ottoman Turkish Music 展开更多
关键词 MELODY usul Aruz Prosodic Metters Meek
A Contemporary Turkish Composer: Mete Sakplnar
作者 Esra Karaol 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第9期689-701,共13页
Mete Sakpmar, who was born in Ankara, May 5, 1954, is a contemporary Turkish composer. His compositions were played in various countries like Turkey, France (1980-1983), Canada, Australia, Sweden, Norway, Hungary, A... Mete Sakpmar, who was born in Ankara, May 5, 1954, is a contemporary Turkish composer. His compositions were played in various countries like Turkey, France (1980-1983), Canada, Australia, Sweden, Norway, Hungary, Albania, Belgium, Holland, and German, and he also joined lots of seminars, radio, and television programs. His inspirational sources are traditional Turkish music, modern French music, American cultural traditions, as well as jazz, acoustic, and electronic music. His music, in summary, is about taking a little from tonality, twelve-note system, coincidences, improvisations, etc., and joining them with his own experiences like emotions, knowledge, and intelligence. Sakpmar always defends that the composer of the day has to benefit from lots of various sources. He is doing this as well as trying new forms in every new piece. It does not matter if these are tonal, atonal, serial, or modal but it must be personal. All the borders and capacities of the instruments have to be forced. 展开更多
关键词 contemporary Turkish composer Mete Sakpmar modem composing
Synthesis and characterization of Nd doped M-type hexagonal barium ferrite ultrafine powders
作者 GUO Rui qian, LI Hong gui, SUN Pei mei, LI Yun jiao, ZHAO Zhong wei, LIU Mao sheng (Department of Metallurgical Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China) 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2001年第2期130-134,共5页
The hexagonal BaNd x Fe12?x O19(x=0.1?1.0) fine powders with M-type structure were synthesized by sol-gel auto-combustion high-temperature synthesis method. The structure of powders, gels’ combustion and magnetic pro... The hexagonal BaNd x Fe12?x O19(x=0.1?1.0) fine powders with M-type structure were synthesized by sol-gel auto-combustion high-temperature synthesis method. The structure of powders, gels’ combustion and magnetic properties of powders were respectively studied by means of X-ray diffractometer (XRD), differential thermal analysis-thermogravimetric analysis (DTA-TG) and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). The powders before and after combustion and calcination at 450–850 °C with different mole ratio of Nd to Ba (0.1–1.0) were compared in terms of XRD. In addition, the effects of different synthesis conditions on magnetic properties of powders were also discussed. The results show that at pH 7.0 or so, mole ratio of citrate to nitrate (1–3) and calcination temperature of 850 °C for 1 h, M-type BaNd x Fe12?x O19(x=0.1?1.0) fine powders can be obtained, and the coercive force reaches 436880 A·m?1 at x=1, which is far greater than that of barium permanent ferrite (BaFe12O19). 展开更多
关键词 sol-gel method rare earth element permanent ferrite citate ultrafine powder
作者 汪超 吉星 《中国古代小说戏剧研究丛刊》 2023年第1期137-152,共16页
古代曲家创作戏曲文本善用“土语”,并成为古代戏曲批评的突出话题。其衍生出“错用乡语”的是非之辨,既凸显戏曲人物的性格特征,又促成活泼闹热的舞台效果,甚至成为戏曲声腔及表演艺术的特色之一。而以吴中地区为核心的南方曲家,又围... 古代曲家创作戏曲文本善用“土语”,并成为古代戏曲批评的突出话题。其衍生出“错用乡语”的是非之辨,既凸显戏曲人物的性格特征,又促成活泼闹热的舞台效果,甚至成为戏曲声腔及表演艺术的特色之一。而以吴中地区为核心的南方曲家,又围绕“土音”对张凤翼与汤显祖等曲家展开批评,进而辨析戏曲创作的“词”“意”问题。“土语”作为古代戏曲批评的关键切入口,对重新审视戏曲艺术启示深远。 展开更多
关键词 戏曲 土语 乡语 土音
近两百年前的宁波方言韵母系统及其演变特征 被引量:1
作者 李军 《古汉语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期18-30,103,共14页
清代宁波镇海吴善述《二十三母土音表》以韵图的形式、以符号说明的方式,对土音与正音进行了细致的比较和辨析。论文以韵图列字为基础,通过对相关说明及韵图列字符号进行综合考察,参考作者的另一部稿本韵书《音韵书图》,归纳了《二十三... 清代宁波镇海吴善述《二十三母土音表》以韵图的形式、以符号说明的方式,对土音与正音进行了细致的比较和辨析。论文以韵图列字为基础,通过对相关说明及韵图列字符号进行综合考察,参考作者的另一部稿本韵书《音韵书图》,归纳了《二十三母土音表》所记录反映的实际语音(即土音)韵母系统,并将其所反映的韵母系统特征归纳为20条。通过与现代宁波、镇海方言的比较,可以确认,《二十三母土音表》真实记录反映了近两百年前宁波地区方言的韵母语音特征。在此基础上,将《二十三母土音表》实际语音韵母系统与现代宁波、镇海方言进行了比较,归纳了近两百年来宁波地区方言韵母演变的基本特征,如山咸摄鼻韵尾的丢失,与阴声韵归并;入声韵大量归并;臻摄合口三等与通摄合流;同一韵母因声母不同而产生分化,如山咸摄开口一等见组与晓组韵母分化等。 展开更多
关键词 《二十三母土音表》 宁波方言 韵母系统 演变特征
作者 張偉麗 《历史语言学研究》 2020年第1期57-69,共13页
信瑞撰《淨土三部經音義集》所據《玉篇》爲宋本,所引《玉篇》107條中轉引25條,轉引率23.4%,信瑞大量轉引前人典籍中的《玉篇》條目,體現了宋本《玉篇》相對於原本《玉篇》的缺憾,這不僅表現於因輾轉謄抄帶來的文字譌、脱、倒問題,如宋... 信瑞撰《淨土三部經音義集》所據《玉篇》爲宋本,所引《玉篇》107條中轉引25條,轉引率23.4%,信瑞大量轉引前人典籍中的《玉篇》條目,體現了宋本《玉篇》相對於原本《玉篇》的缺憾,這不僅表現於因輾轉謄抄帶來的文字譌、脱、倒問題,如宋本《玉篇》沿今本《説文》"牀"字條誤、"陷"字條字誤,更表現在釋雙音節詞不足、義項不足、釋義苛簡、釋義不明等問题.爲了滿足實用型工具書的需要,宋本《玉篇》大幅度增字減注,以刪改、合併、提取、概括等方法刪改上元本,猶以刪書證、刪野王案、刪併義項爲主,反令其實用性受到影響. 展开更多
关键词 《淨土三部經音義集》 原本《玉篇》 宋本《玉篇》 實用性
Soil Characteristics and Nutrients in Different Tea Garden Types in Fujian Province, China
作者 徐萍 杨丽韫 +1 位作者 刘某承 彭飞 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2014年第4期356-363,共8页
Anxi is the largest producing area of Tie Guanyin tea in China. “The cultural system of Tie Guanyin tea in Anxi” was selected as “Nationaly Important Agricultural Heritage Systems” (China-NIAHS) in 2014. Tea gar... Anxi is the largest producing area of Tie Guanyin tea in China. “The cultural system of Tie Guanyin tea in Anxi” was selected as “Nationaly Important Agricultural Heritage Systems” (China-NIAHS) in 2014. Tea gardens in this region are organic, ecological or non-ecological. After sampling the soil in these three kinds of tea gardens, we compared soil properties and nutrient content at different soil depths using physical and chemical analyses. Our aim was to provide a scientiifc basis for the management of tea plantations. We measured and analyzed soil in two organic, three ecological and one non-ecological tea gardens at depths of 0–10 cm and 10–20 cm in Anxi County. According to Duncan multiple comparisons and t tests, soil nutrients differed between organic and ecological or non-ecological tea gardens at 0–10 cm. Organic matter and total nitrogen differed between organic and non-ecological tea garden soils at 10–20 cm. In organic tea gardens, soil bulk density, porosity, relative water content, soil organic matter, total nitrogen and total phosphorus were advantageous for tea tree growth. In ecological tea gardens, the indicators were appropriate and relatively advantageous for tea tree growth at a soil depth of 0–10 cm. For non-ecological tea garden, the nutrients were at a compact level and negatively affect tea growth. These results show that soil properties and nutrient content in organic and ecological tea gardens are superior to non-ecological tea garden. The development of organic tea gardens is the most suitable strategy for the growth of tea trees. 展开更多
关键词 organic tea garden ecological tea garden non-ecological tea garden soil properties soil nutrient content Tie Guanyin tea ANXI China-NIAHS
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