Acupuncture points or acupressure points have been popularly used for thousands years for Chinese to cure various illness or pains. The method comes with less or no side effects, comparing the western medicine chemica...Acupuncture points or acupressure points have been popularly used for thousands years for Chinese to cure various illness or pains. The method comes with less or no side effects, comparing the western medicine chemicals. With the new computer information technologies, the ancient Chinese healing tool could be very convenient for people to take care of themselves at home or work. In this paper, the authors present their online database system for locating the acupressure points. A case study shows the details of the design and structure of the online system.展开更多
The exploration of Mars, alike of other planets, would be oriented on a so called on-line tracking. At this approach the development of structural indicators can be followed at time using geological receptors. The pri...The exploration of Mars, alike of other planets, would be oriented on a so called on-line tracking. At this approach the development of structural indicators can be followed at time using geological receptors. The principle on what stays this exploration stems from the fact, that a planet is an object, where interactions among its elements are to some extent organized. It means that it goes about an object with a hidden system of control aiming to augment its level of existence and that it is not a "stack of stones". In advance it is necessary to establish some ways-out for the on-line tracking. The first way-out is the fact, that this is an object been monitored, it means a system of organized elements, which has its proper existence and its strategies for a cultivation of this existence. These elements are primarily atoms and for a monitoring of their activities it is possible to use their complexes, e.g. crystals and of course occasionally higher structures, too. Another way-out is the fact, that elements have their proper satisfaction and successfulness and that on basis of those quantities stays the existence of the overall object. These quantities are for new observable mainly on higher structures.展开更多
文摘Acupuncture points or acupressure points have been popularly used for thousands years for Chinese to cure various illness or pains. The method comes with less or no side effects, comparing the western medicine chemicals. With the new computer information technologies, the ancient Chinese healing tool could be very convenient for people to take care of themselves at home or work. In this paper, the authors present their online database system for locating the acupressure points. A case study shows the details of the design and structure of the online system.
文摘The exploration of Mars, alike of other planets, would be oriented on a so called on-line tracking. At this approach the development of structural indicators can be followed at time using geological receptors. The principle on what stays this exploration stems from the fact, that a planet is an object, where interactions among its elements are to some extent organized. It means that it goes about an object with a hidden system of control aiming to augment its level of existence and that it is not a "stack of stones". In advance it is necessary to establish some ways-out for the on-line tracking. The first way-out is the fact, that this is an object been monitored, it means a system of organized elements, which has its proper existence and its strategies for a cultivation of this existence. These elements are primarily atoms and for a monitoring of their activities it is possible to use their complexes, e.g. crystals and of course occasionally higher structures, too. Another way-out is the fact, that elements have their proper satisfaction and successfulness and that on basis of those quantities stays the existence of the overall object. These quantities are for new observable mainly on higher structures.