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河南愚公泉地下岩溶水资源开发现状与保护探讨 被引量:1
作者 韩政 王悦 《地下水》 2010年第3期59-59,共1页
通过多年资料对愚公泉泉域地下岩溶水资源的开发利用现状、水质变化状况的分析,找出开发利用中存在的问题:近年年均岩溶地下水总开采量为9775×104m3/a,处于超采阶段,水质变化较大,处于逐年恶化趋势。提出开源与节流并重,圈定愚公... 通过多年资料对愚公泉泉域地下岩溶水资源的开发利用现状、水质变化状况的分析,找出开发利用中存在的问题:近年年均岩溶地下水总开采量为9775×104m3/a,处于超采阶段,水质变化较大,处于逐年恶化趋势。提出开源与节流并重,圈定愚公泉重点防护区等一系列的保护措施。 展开更多
关键词 愚公泉 地下岩溶水 开发现状 保护
作者 皮开荣 《水电勘测设计》 2002年第4期27-30,共4页
关键词 TEM法 贵州 山区 地下岩溶水 探测
地表溶蚀盆地-地下岩溶联合成库条件分析——以弄岩水库为例 被引量:4
作者 唐智德 《中国岩溶》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期682-690,共9页
水资源已成为人类社会及经济发展的重要制约因素,国内外都在积极探索不同气候、不同地质条件下水资源的合理开发利用。受地下岩溶发育及气候影响,岩溶地区的地表及地下水资源在时间、空间上分布极不均匀,旱涝并存,通常以单一拦蓄地表水... 水资源已成为人类社会及经济发展的重要制约因素,国内外都在积极探索不同气候、不同地质条件下水资源的合理开发利用。受地下岩溶发育及气候影响,岩溶地区的地表及地下水资源在时间、空间上分布极不均匀,旱涝并存,通常以单一拦蓄地表水或直接抽取地下水来应对,存在较大局限性。文章在总结分析前人的研究成果上,结合弄岩水库,利用水文系列资料进行相关分析,找出地表水与地下水之间的变量关系及相应可开采水资源量;查明地下岩溶蓄水条件,在岩溶通道设置地下拦蓄工程,实现地表水与地下水联合开发,并利用地表及与地下岩溶水库的调蓄功能均衡供水,有效解决旱涝问题,水资源得以最大化合理利用。 展开更多
关键词 地下岩溶水 地表 联合开发 地下岩溶库容 地表库容 面发育率 岩溶通道封堵
作者 李超 韩宝平 +1 位作者 朱雪强 项玮 《水资源保护》 CAS 2009年第3期11-13,共3页
根据某市南郊岩溶地下水水源地2000年受到四氯化碳污染的监测资料,分析了污染羽动态特征,指出距污染源农药厂较近的农药厂井中四氯化碳浓度为各区最高,是南区污染重心,北区果园井污染较中间过渡区严重,成为北区的污染重心,污染羽呈"... 根据某市南郊岩溶地下水水源地2000年受到四氯化碳污染的监测资料,分析了污染羽动态特征,指出距污染源农药厂较近的农药厂井中四氯化碳浓度为各区最高,是南区污染重心,北区果园井污染较中间过渡区严重,成为北区的污染重心,污染羽呈"哑铃型"。经治理,各监测点四氯化碳浓度均呈下降趋势,至2005年4月污染已基本消失。通过此过程,分析研究区四氯化碳浓度随时空变化的控制因素。结果表明,该市地下水四氯化碳污染动态变化主要受污染源输入、降雨、人工开采等因素的影响。 展开更多
关键词 岩溶地下 四氯化碳 污染
福建马坑铁矿主要充水岩层地下水水位动态特征 被引量:5
作者 张文慧 《有色金属(矿山部分)》 2010年第2期39-43,共5页
福建马坑铁矿属国内特大型地下开采铁矿,也是水文地质条件复杂的岩溶充水矿区,对其主要充水岩层地下水动态情况的分析对指导疏干工程和矿区安全生产具有重要意义。本文利用福建马坑铁矿开采阶段获得的自动监测数据,对主要充水岩层水位... 福建马坑铁矿属国内特大型地下开采铁矿,也是水文地质条件复杂的岩溶充水矿区,对其主要充水岩层地下水动态情况的分析对指导疏干工程和矿区安全生产具有重要意义。本文利用福建马坑铁矿开采阶段获得的自动监测数据,对主要充水岩层水位动态影响因素进行了归纳总结,并对3个比较典型的影响因素—大气降雨、突水、疏干试验对地下水位动态影响情况进行分析比较,得出矿区主要充水岩层由于构造、岩溶的影响,地下水动态变化差别较大,各观测孔影响因素不尽相同,各富水性区域之间联系不密切。 展开更多
关键词 地下动态影响因素岩溶矿区
作者 吕献诤 《低碳世界》 2014年第06X期123-124,共2页
关键词 地下岩溶裂隙 裂隙岩溶发育程度 地下系统方向性
作者 刘志峰 林洪孝 王琳琳 《人民黄河》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第1期52-52,54,共2页
关键词 文地质 化学特征 地下岩溶水 西龙河源地
对矿井开采受水害影响程度和防治水工作难易程度的评价及建议 被引量:2
作者 马保林 《科技资讯》 2012年第6期81-81,共1页
关键词 地下岩溶水 文地质 采空区
作者 任金龙 谢荣强 《路基工程》 2017年第2期199-202,共4页
云贵铁路石林隧道穿越滇东高原岩溶区,隧址区岩溶极为发育,对隧道施工影响较大。为了能选择较好的隧道穿越方案,通过对隧址区工程地质条件及地下岩溶水系统发育特征进行深入的调查和分析,最终确定"抬升轨面标高,避开水平循环带,大... 云贵铁路石林隧道穿越滇东高原岩溶区,隧址区岩溶极为发育,对隧道施工影响较大。为了能选择较好的隧道穿越方案,通过对隧址区工程地质条件及地下岩溶水系统发育特征进行深入的调查和分析,最终确定"抬升轨面标高,避开水平循环带,大角度穿越构造"的方案。 展开更多
关键词 地下岩溶水系统 地层岩性 地质构造 穿越方案 石林隧道工程
作者 慕秀琴 李春华 《华北国土资源》 2004年第6期32-34,共3页
关键词 地下岩溶水 锶矿泉 太原市
Environmental Effects of Groundwater Development in Xuzhou City, China 被引量:5
作者 HAN Bao-ping LIU Xi-kun ZHU Xue-qiang FENG Qi-yan SUN Xiao-fei 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2006年第1期13-16,共4页
Xuzhou City is located in the most northwestern portion of Jiangsu Province, P. R. China. Karst groundwater in the Ordovician and Cambrian Limestone aquifers is the main source of water supply. There are 527 wells in ... Xuzhou City is located in the most northwestern portion of Jiangsu Province, P. R. China. Karst groundwater in the Ordovician and Cambrian Limestone aquifers is the main source of water supply. There are 527 wells in urban areas to exploit the karst groundwater, yielding up to 35 000 m^3 per day. After 1978, urbanization and industrialization of Xuzhou City have continued at a greatly accelerated pace; the population increased from 670 700 (1978) to 1 645 500 (2002), its GDP from 0.71 × 10^9 $ to 42.7× 10^9 $ and the urban area from 184 km^2 to 1,038 km^2 (built-up city area from 41.3 km^2 to 81.9 km^2). The volume of karst groundwater withdrawal increased yearly before the operation of a supply plant of surface water in 1992, from 3.85x 10^7 m^3(1978) to 1.34× 10^8 m^3 (1991) and now maintained at 0.1× 10^9 m^3 (2002). Intensive overexploitation of karst groundwater has caused a continuous descending of the piezometric level and the area of the depression cone increases year after year. These changes have increased the vulnerability of the karst groundwater system and have induced environmental problems such as depletion of water resources, water quality deterioration, groundwater contamination and karst collapse. The largest buried depth of karst groundwater is up to 100 m in the dry season in some areas, while 66 exhausted wells have been abandoned. A change in the thickness of the unsaturated zone due to the drawdown of the piezometric level has caused a change of the chemical environment which has an impact on the physical state and major chemical compositions in groundwater. The contents of Ca^2+, Mg^2+, NO3^-, SO4^2- and C1^- in karst groundwater has increased significantly, total hardness (CaCO3 content) rises annually in most pumping wells and exceeds the Standard of Drinking Water of P.R. China. Point source pollution and belt-like pollution along the rivers has caused water quality deterioration. The sudden loss of buoyant support due to rapid drawdown of the piezometric level has induced 7 karst collapses to form 17 pits and has caused an estimated US$ 10 million economic loss. These problems have influenced the quality of development in the city. 展开更多
关键词 Xuzhou City karst groundwater vulnerability of groundwater environmental problem
Analysis of Surface and Ground Water Exchange in Two Different Watersheds
作者 Miriam Bogdani Ndini 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第4期434-439,共6页
Water regime of Albanian rivers is a Mediterranean typical one. During the wet period, it flows 85%-90% of the annual flow and the dry period represents only 10%-15% of the annual amount. In this paper the water regim... Water regime of Albanian rivers is a Mediterranean typical one. During the wet period, it flows 85%-90% of the annual flow and the dry period represents only 10%-15% of the annual amount. In this paper the water regime of the Semani and Vjosa River is analyzed. These are two rivers with total different hydro-geological characteristics. Vjosa river watershed is mainly composed of massif calcareous rocks that are streaky and karstifled. A totally different view is in the other river, in Seman where the impermeable rocks dominate. Even the distribution of the precipitation is quite different. In the Vjosa River the amount of the precipitation varies from 1,500 mm to 2,500 mm per year and in Semani River only 1,100 mm per year. The flow in the wet period is mainly a result of the precipitation and the minimum discharge occurs during the dry period representing the base flow that is the contribution from the groundwater. In this point of view the flow in the dry period is also an indicator of the underground water resource. During the dry period the watershed gives what it received and what has cumulated during the wet period. This is more evident in the case of a karstic watershed. The recession curves were analysed for all the hydrometric stations in both river basins and the parameters of these curves are evaluated. These results are analyzed and compared between the two different watersheds reflecting the differences on water exchange of surface and ground water. Finally, an assessment of groundwater resources in both hydro geological basins is worked out. 展开更多
关键词 Minimum discharge INFILTRATION recession curves water storage.
Development of Karst Formation in Area 4 of Tahe Oilfield
作者 周英杰 杜玉山 +3 位作者 张敬轩 曲全工 李竞好 王强 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 2003年第2期218-222,共5页
The main oil-bearing formation of Area 4 of Tahe oilfield is in Yingshan Group of Ordovician consisted of thick pure limestone. The types of the pore space contain the pore, fissure, cave as well as fracture formed by... The main oil-bearing formation of Area 4 of Tahe oilfield is in Yingshan Group of Ordovician consisted of thick pure limestone. The types of the pore space contain the pore, fissure, cave as well as fracture formed by solution collapse. The primary porosity and tectonic fracture are of poor growth. Therefore, the formation growth is mainly controlled by hydraulic units of the palaeo-karst. There are three palaeo-hydraulic zones: vadose zone (including infiltration sub-zone and percolation sub-zone), phreatic zone and tranquil zone. They are identified by retrieving the palaeo-geographical karst environment. The pore space of the infiltration zone is mainly solution fissures, small solution cavities and solution pores. The growth and lateral connection of the formation are favorable. The reservoir/formation ratio is 0. 54. The pore space of the phreatic zone developed large size cavities and fractures related to cave collapse. The height of the cavity can reach 71m. The fractures by collapse have a influencing range of more than 100m, and its reservoir/formation ratio is 0. 51. But the lateral connection is unfavorable. The percolation subzone and the tranquil zone are of relatively poor growth with the reservoir/ formation ratio less than 0. 3. 展开更多
关键词 Tahe Oilfield infiltration zone phreatic zone tranquil zone Karst formation formation growth law
作者 赵若辰 《当代矿工》 1996年第1期42-42,共1页
关键词 娘子关 平阳 平定县 娘子军 公主 地下岩溶水 娘子关泉 下切侵蚀 定景
多种电法在抗旱应急找水中的应用效果 被引量:4
作者 秦军付 《勘察科学技术》 2012年第3期58-61,共4页
关键词 高密度电法 甚低频电磁法 电测深法 地下岩溶管道 岩溶裂隙 岩性分界面
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