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南水北调前后北京平原区地下水和地面沉降演变特征 被引量:5
作者 雷坤超 《地质学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期591-610,共20页
超量开采地下水引发的地面沉降已成为制约北京区域社会经济可持续发展的重要因素之一。2014年12月,南水北调中线工程正式通水,每年向北京输水超过10×10^(8)m^(3),改变了北京供水格局,也为地下水压采、涵养及控制地面沉降创造了条... 超量开采地下水引发的地面沉降已成为制约北京区域社会经济可持续发展的重要因素之一。2014年12月,南水北调中线工程正式通水,每年向北京输水超过10×10^(8)m^(3),改变了北京供水格局,也为地下水压采、涵养及控制地面沉降创造了条件。本文利用多种监测数据,分析南水进京前后,北京平原区地下水和地面沉降的变化;研究不同水位变化模式下不同岩性及深度土层的变形特征;计算土层不同变形阶段的弹性和非弹性储水率;并对黏性土层产生较大残余变形和滞后变形的原因进行了探讨。结果表明:①2015~2020年,平原区大部分地区第一至第四含水层组地下水位逐渐上升,地面沉降呈减缓的趋势。②第二和第三压缩层组是沉降主要贡献层,除平各庄和榆垡站外,其余各站第三压缩层组沉降占比逐渐增大,沉降主控层有向深部转移的规律。③平原区北部和东部,第二和第三压缩层组对应的地下水位由降转升。在水位下降阶段,土层呈塑性和蠕变变形;水位上升阶段,土层以塑性变形为主,部分时间出现弹性变形,具有黏弹塑性。平原区南部,地下水位始终持续下降,土层变形始终呈塑性和蠕变变形。含水砂层则主要呈弹性变形。④土层变形的不同阶段,弹性和非弹性储水率并不是恒定的,随着地下水位下降,储水率呈减小的趋势。⑤黏性土层存在较大残余变形和变形滞后的原因,一是非弹性储水率大于弹性储水率,二是黏性土层的弱渗透性。 展开更多
关键词 北京平原区 南水北调工程 地下水和地面沉降 土层变形 储水率
天津市滨海新区地下水开采与地面沉降优化控制数值模型 被引量:5
作者 徐鸣 王威 于强 《城市地质》 2010年第1期11-16,共6页
天津滨海新区地处京津和环渤海两大城市带的交汇点,逐渐成为北方经济开发开放中心,战略地位重要。由于区内广泛分布有巨厚的松散第四纪沉积层,地下水持续超采,滨海新区当前的地面沉降速率及累计地面沉降量均不容忽视。本文将建立滨海新... 天津滨海新区地处京津和环渤海两大城市带的交汇点,逐渐成为北方经济开发开放中心,战略地位重要。由于区内广泛分布有巨厚的松散第四纪沉积层,地下水持续超采,滨海新区当前的地面沉降速率及累计地面沉降量均不容忽视。本文将建立滨海新区地下水-地面沉降土水数值模型,运用GMS软件,模拟南水北调工程天津段通水前后,滨海新区三种不同地下水压采方案下的地面沉降发展趋势,分析预测结果,确定最优化地下水开采方案,实现地面沉降的有效控制。 展开更多
关键词 天津滨海新区 地下水开采与地面沉降优化控制数值模型 GMS 地下水开采方案
地下水变化对大地原点重力影响的估算 被引量:3
作者 何志堂 闫会杰 +2 位作者 雷鹏 唐志明 康胜军 《测绘标准化》 2010年第3期10-12,共3页
地下水是影响重力变化的重要外部因素之一。从理论上分析了大地原点地下水变化对重力变化的影响,并采用Visual Basic.NET2005实现了模拟估算,得出了二者之间在理论上的函数关系。该结果可为消除地下水变化对大地原点高精度重力测量成果... 地下水是影响重力变化的重要外部因素之一。从理论上分析了大地原点地下水变化对重力变化的影响,并采用Visual Basic.NET2005实现了模拟估算,得出了二者之间在理论上的函数关系。该结果可为消除地下水变化对大地原点高精度重力测量成果的影响提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 地下水沉降 重力测量 大地原点 重力变化
作者 三浦哲彦 遭信孚 《水文地质工程地质译丛》 1991年第4期26-33,共8页
关键词 地面沉降地下水 水质 佐贺平原
城市化进程下北京平原渗流场与地面沉降发展演化模拟 被引量:11
作者 成建梅 柳璨 +3 位作者 李敏敏 薛琪 宫辉力 梁腾飞 《地质科技通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期43-52,共10页
北京地面沉降已有60多年的历史,其发生发展与半个多世纪城市的快速扩张密不可分.从整个北京平原地下水系统出发,梳理多年时间序列(1950-2015年)的城市发展规模、人口、水资源及开采动态等数据,结合遥感技术解译不同年代北京平原的不透... 北京地面沉降已有60多年的历史,其发生发展与半个多世纪城市的快速扩张密不可分.从整个北京平原地下水系统出发,梳理多年时间序列(1950-2015年)的城市发展规模、人口、水资源及开采动态等数据,结合遥感技术解译不同年代北京平原的不透水面变化,分析其对降雨入渗补给量的影响;构建整个北京平原含水层-弱透水层三维结构系统,借助PMWIN软件建立区域尺度的地下水流-地面沉降耦合模型,利用长期水位及沉降观测数据对模型进行识别验证;开展长时间序列的北京平原地下水水头场与地面沉降演化模拟,研究快速城市化进程下北京平原多层含水层系统渗流场演变与地面沉降响应特征.研究表明:长时间尺度区域地下水流场-地面沉降演化模拟基本再现了地面沉降形成和发展演化的过程;北京地下水开采历史与地面沉降发展历史具有一致性,而不同沉降区地面沉降发展受地下水开采和城市发展双重控制,是二者综合作用的结果. 展开更多
关键词 地下水流-地面沉降耦合模型 城市化 遥感 长时间序列 演化模拟
作者 楚泽涵 李艳华 李艳丽 《同位素》 CAS 2002年第z1期83-86,共4页
对地面沉降和塌陷的概念、产生的危害进行了阐述,着重说明人类活动对地面沉降的影响以及目前对此进行的研究.与第四系的新构造运动、沉积物的固结及日地关系引起的海平面变化产生的地面海拔标高损失相比,人类活动是我国发生的沉降与塌... 对地面沉降和塌陷的概念、产生的危害进行了阐述,着重说明人类活动对地面沉降的影响以及目前对此进行的研究.与第四系的新构造运动、沉积物的固结及日地关系引起的海平面变化产生的地面海拔标高损失相比,人类活动是我国发生的沉降与塌陷的主要原因,其中主要的是地下水过量开采.应该认识到,地面的海拔标高是一种资源,应以此为依据,建立完善的研究、监测及防治体系. 展开更多
关键词 地面沉降与塌陷 地下水开采 海拔标高
作者 FrancescaCigna 赵玉军(摘译) 《水文地质工程地质技术方法动态》 2013年第1期24-44,共21页
利用常规合成孔径雷达干涉测量技术(InSAR)和永久散射体干涉测量技术,对在2003至2010年问获取的23幅ENVISAT合成孔径雷达(SAR)图进行处理,以调查墨西哥莫雷利亚市地面沉降的时空分布模式。这些沉降区以地下水超采导致的集中圆形... 利用常规合成孔径雷达干涉测量技术(InSAR)和永久散射体干涉测量技术,对在2003至2010年问获取的23幅ENVISAT合成孔径雷达(SAR)图进行处理,以调查墨西哥莫雷利亚市地面沉降的时空分布模式。这些沉降区以地下水超采导致的集中圆形模式(例如格兰德河曲流区域;最大变形为7-8cm/yr)分布,或者以沿东北.西南或东一西向以及与主要断层平行方向延伸的模式分布(例如LaColina、LaPaloma和CentralCamionera断层;最大变形为4-5cm/yr)。在一些主要正断层上盘区也测量出较高的沉降速率,而在这些断层上盘区出露的第四系可压缩沉积层序厚度最大。横跨主要断层鉴别出明显的沉降速率差异,这表明这些断层起到地下水水平运动的阻挡层的作用。沉降速率与可压缩沉积层总厚度之间显示弱正相关性,而与抽水速率或静水位变化之间无任何相关性。利用常规InSAR对地面变形进行的延时分析揭示了LaColina断层和格兰德河曲流区北部地面沉降随时间的变化。对于格兰德河曲流区,InSAR测量的横剖面和三维视图以及沉降速率随时间变化的分析结果表明,沉降速率自2005年以来开始增大;这与PradosVerdesII井的再次下套管有关,因为该井井位处于最大沉降区中部。 展开更多
关键词 合成孔径雷达(SAR)干涉测量InSAR永久散射体沉降构造地质地下水GPS莫雷利亚市墨西哥
作者 程鲁星 李旭 吴艺强 《福建建筑》 2000年第3期43-44,32,共3页
本文介绍在深基础围护结构设计和施工中 ,采用桩间止水帷幕新工艺 ,有效地控制了基坑外地下水的沉降 ,保护了周边建 (构 )筑物安全 。
关键词 深基础 桩间止水帷幕 地下水沉降 围护结构
Spatial-temporal Characteristics of Land Subsidence Corresponding to Dynamic Groundwater Funnel in Beijing Municipality,China 被引量:14
作者 CHEN Beibei GONG Huili +5 位作者 LI Xiaojuan LEI Kunchao ZHANG Youquan LI Jiwei GU Zhaoqin DANG Yanan 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第6期753-764,共12页
Due to long-term over-exploitation of groundwater in Beijing Municipality, regional groundwater funnels have formed and land subsidence has been induced. By combining a groundwater monitoring network, GPS monitor- ing... Due to long-term over-exploitation of groundwater in Beijing Municipality, regional groundwater funnels have formed and land subsidence has been induced. By combining a groundwater monitoring network, GPS monitor- ing network data, radar satellite SAR data, GIS and other new technologies, a coupled process model based on the dy- namic variation of groundwater and the deformation response of land subsidence has been established. The dynamic variation of groundwater fimnels and the land subsidence response process were analyzed systematically in Beijing. Study results indicate that current groundwater funnel areas are distributed mainly in the southwest of Shunyi District, the northeast of Chaoyang District and the northwest of Tongzhou District, with an average decline rate of groundwa- ter level of 2.66 rn/yr and a maximum of 3.82 m/yr in the center of the funnels. Seasonal and interannual differences exist in the response model of land subsidence to groundwater funnels with uneven spatial and temporal distribution, where the maximum land subsidence rate was about --41.08 mm/yr and the area with a subsidence rate greater than 30 mm/yr was about 1637.29 km2. Although a consistency was revealed to exist between a groundwater funnel and the spatial distribution characteristics of the corresponding land subsidence funnel, this consistency was not perfect. The results showed that the response model of land subsidence to the dynamic variation of groundwater was more revealing when combining conventional technologies with InSAR, GIS, GPS, providing a new strategy for environmental and hydrogeological research and a scientific basis for regional land subsidence control. 展开更多
关键词 land subsidence groundwater funnel over-exploitation of groundwater INSAR deformation response
Land subsidence induced by groundwater extraction and building damage level assessment—a case study of Datun, China 被引量:4
作者 FENG Qi-yan LIU Gang-jun +3 位作者 MENG Lei FU Er-jiang ZHANG Hai-rong ZHANG Ke-fei 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2008年第4期556-560,共5页
As in many parts of the world, long-term excessive extraction of groundwater has caused significant land-surface sub- sidence in the residential areas of Datun coal mining district in East China. The recorded maximum ... As in many parts of the world, long-term excessive extraction of groundwater has caused significant land-surface sub- sidence in the residential areas of Datun coal mining district in East China. The recorded maximum level of subsidence in the area since 1976 to 2006 is 863 mm, and the area with an accumulative subsidence more than 200 mm has reached 33.1 km2 by the end of 2006. Over ten cases of building crack due to ground subsidence have already been observed. Spatial variation in ground subsi- dence often leads to a corresponding pattern of ground deformation. Buildings and underground infrastructures have been under a higher risk of damage in locations with greater differential ground deformation. Governmental guideline in China classifies build- ing damages into four different levels, based on the observable measures such as the width of wall crack, the degree of door and window deformation, the degree of wall inclination and the degree of structural destruction. Building damage level (BDL) is esti- mated by means of ground deformation analysis in terms of variations in slope gradient and curvature. Ground deformation analysis in terms of variations in slope gradient has shown that the areas of BDL III and BDL II sites account for about 0.013 km2 and 0.284 km2 respectively in 2006, and the predicted areas of BDL (define this first) III and II sites will be about 0.029 km2 and 0.423 km2 respectively by 2010. The situation is getting worse as subsidence continues. That calls for effective strategies for subsidence miti- gation and damage reduction, in terms of sustainable groundwater extraction, enhanced monitoring and the establishment of early warning systems. 展开更多
关键词 land subsidence groundwater extraction ground deformation slope gradient building damage level Datun China
Influence of underground water seepage flow on surrounding rock deformation of multi-arch tunnel 被引量:11
作者 李夕兵 张伟 +1 位作者 李地元 王其胜 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2008年第1期69-74,共6页
Based on a typical multi-arch tunnel in a freeway, the fast Lagrangian analysis of continua in 3 dimensions(FLAC3D) was used to calculate the surrounding rock deformation of the tunnel under which the effect of underg... Based on a typical multi-arch tunnel in a freeway, the fast Lagrangian analysis of continua in 3 dimensions(FLAC3D) was used to calculate the surrounding rock deformation of the tunnel under which the effect of underground water seepage flow was taken into account or not. The distribution of displacement field around the multi-arch tunnel, which is influenced by the seepage field, was gained. The result indicates that the settlement values of the vault derived from coupling analysis are bigger when considering the seepage flow effect than that not considering. Through the contrast of arch subsidence quantities calculated by two kinds of computation situations, and the comparison between the calculated and measured value of tunnel vault settlement, it is found that the calculated value(5.7-6.0 mm) derived from considering the seepage effect is more close to the measured value(5.8-6.8 mm). Therefore, it is quite necessary to consider the seepage flow effect of the underground water in aquiferous stratum for multi-arch tunnel design. 展开更多
关键词 multi-arch tunnel underground water seepage flow coupling flow and stress surrounding rock deformation vault settlement
Numerical Simulation of Land Subsidence at Tanggu District in Tianjin, China 被引量:2
作者 董国凤 张建军 +1 位作者 赵全 赵新华 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2006年第6期457-462,共6页
Based on observed data from Tanggu District in Tianjin, a back-propagation neural network (BPNN) model was introduced to predict possible land subsidence due to exploitation of groundwater. According to model estimati... Based on observed data from Tanggu District in Tianjin, a back-propagation neural network (BPNN) model was introduced to predict possible land subsidence due to exploitation of groundwater. According to model estimation under various hypothetical extraction scenarios, patterns of land subsidence at Tanggu District were studied and discussed.The predicted average background land subsidence rate of Tanggu is 9.47 mm/a.The significance of contribution of aquifers to land subsidence descends in order of units Ⅳ,Ⅲ,Ⅴ,Ⅱ.Land subsidence tends to deteriorate with the increase in total extraction rate. 展开更多
关键词 groundwater exploitation confined aquifer land subsidence neural network Tanggu District
Land subsidence monitoring by D-InSAR technique 被引量:15
作者 Fan Hongdong Deng Kazhong Ju Chengyu Zhu Chuanguang Xue Jiqun China 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第6期869-872,共4页
Nowadays, the researches of using Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (D-InSAR) tech- nique to monitor the land subsidence are mainly on how to qualitatively analyze the subsidence areas and values, ... Nowadays, the researches of using Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (D-InSAR) tech- nique to monitor the land subsidence are mainly on how to qualitatively analyze the subsidence areas and values, but the analysis of subsidence process and mechanism are insufficient. In order to resolve these problems, 6 scenes of ERS1/2 images captured during 1995 and 2000 in a certain place of Jiangsu province were selected to obtain the subsidence and velocities in three time segments by ''two-pass'' D- InSAR method. Then the relationships among distributions of pumping wells, exploitation quantity of groundwater, and confined water levels were studied and the subsidence mechanism was systematically analyzed. The results show that using D-InSAR technique to monitor the deformation of large area can obtain high accuracies, the disadvantages of classical observation methods can be remedied and there is a linear relationship among the velocities of land subsidence, the water level and the exploitation quantity. 展开更多
关键词 InSAR "Two-pass" differential Land subsidence Confined water level Groundwater
Influence and Control Strategy for Local Settlement for High-Speed Railway Infrastructure 被引量:5
作者 Gaoliang Kang 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2016年第3期374-379,共6页
This paper discusses the main impact factors of the local settlement and differential settlement of high- speed railway lines. The analysis results show that groundwater exploitation is the direct cause of differ- ent... This paper discusses the main impact factors of the local settlement and differential settlement of high- speed railway lines. The analysis results show that groundwater exploitation is the direct cause of differ- ential settlement. Based on the study of ballastless track additional load and of vehicle, track, and bridge dynamic responses under different differential settlements, a control standard of differential settlement during operation is proposed preliminarily. 展开更多
关键词 Local settlement Differential settlement Additional load of ballastless track Vehicle and track dynamics
Evaluating Land Surface Changes of Makassar City Using DInSAR and Landsat Thematic Mapper Images
作者 Ilham Alimuddin Luhur Bayuaji +2 位作者 Rohaya Langkoke Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo Hiroaki Kuze 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第10期1287-1294,共8页
Urban growth has been a major issue in environmental monitoring and changes occurred on land surfaces have been monitored by applying remote sensing as well as ground measurement. Most major cities in the world have e... Urban growth has been a major issue in environmental monitoring and changes occurred on land surfaces have been monitored by applying remote sensing as well as ground measurement. Most major cities in the world have experienced land subsidence phenomena on some parts of them due to the load of development and modernization. Excessive extraction of groundwater for the needs of industry has led to the condition where the water table drops, and this can possibly trigger subsidence, as observed in Indonesian cities. In this study the authors have shown that the application of DInSAR (differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar) technique using Japanese Earth Resources Satellite-I Synthetic Aperture Radar JERS-I SAR data can reveal subsidence conditions in the studied Makassar city area. Landsat TM (thematic mapper) images were used to evaluate the change of land cover during the observation period of 1994-1999. Makassar is fiat, covered mainly by alluvium deposit that is vulnerable to the load of constructions, and volcanic formations which is porous and will easily be degraded by groundwater extraction. It is found that mostly the subsidence has occurred in the western part of the city, including the industrial district, reclamation area, trading center area and the seaport area. The ground survey has indicated that high human activity exists in every point of subsidence. It is likely that various human activities such as ground water pumping and construction work should have affected the local subsidence phenomena in Makassar, as in the case of other large-scale cities in Indonesia. 展开更多
关键词 DINSAR JERS-I surface changes urban growth Landsat TM.
SAR-based Subsidence Monitoring and Assessment of the Factors Involved in the Occurrence of Subsidence,Lahore City
作者 Atif AHMAD WANG Chao +4 位作者 TANG Yixian Mubbashra SULTAN Attia FALAK DUAN Wei WANG Jing 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2022年第5期826-841,共16页
The judicious use and management of natural resources is vital to achieve sustainable development.Land and water are prime natural resources,and their depletion and degradation can lead to serious threats like land su... The judicious use and management of natural resources is vital to achieve sustainable development.Land and water are prime natural resources,and their depletion and degradation can lead to serious threats like land subsidence.Land subsidence is a phenomenon of the alteration of elevation at a point on the earth through the sinking of the surface.It occurs when the earth’s surface loses its support.The major causes of land subsidence include groundwater extraction,mining,construction overload,and other similar factors that increase pressure on the surface and eventually subsidize the land.Urban centers with excessive groundwater extraction and infrastructure development are at a high risk of subsidence.Lahore,the second-largest city in Pakistan,is undergoing an enormous increase in population density,uncontrolled urbanization with very large-scale construction projects,and intensive groundwater extraction which are responsible for subsidence directly or indirectly.Therefore,studies on groundwater status and unplanned urban appraisals have seriously urged monitoring of the subsidence in Lahore.Herein,we used freely available Sentinel-1 data for one year(from August 2018 to August 2019),with a high spatial and temporal resolution,to monitor subsidence in Lahore.The data were processed using the SNAP/Sta MPS approach for Persistent Scatterer Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar(PSI)analysis,which is an advanced InSAR technique.The displacement velocity map from InSAR processing shows a significant land deformation in the area with values ranging from-114 to 15 mm yr^(-1).Along with the Sentinel-1 data,we also used supplementary data obtained from various government agencies of Pakistan to study the land cover map,transportation network and waterways of Lahore,soil types,population density,and field points for assessing the results and understanding the roles of various factors in the occurrence of uplift or subsidence.A strong correlation was established between subsidence and various parameters such as groundwater extraction and lowering of the water table,soil type variations,land cover changes,surface water channels,and population density.The deformation map confirms the greatest subsidence in the central part of Lahore,while the uplift is observed in the less populated and rural areas situated near Ravi River.The land subsidence and uplift could be attributed to groundwater extraction and recharge through the canal system and the river,respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Sentinel-1 SUBSIDENCE PSI groundwater extraction URBANIZATION Lahore
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