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用Kriging方法评价地下水监测网密度 被引量:25
作者 陶月赞 郑恒强 汪学福 《水文》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期46-48,28,共4页
关键词 地下水观测井 密度 KRIGING方法 五点法
地下水监测站网自动监测系统设计 被引量:4
作者 吴法伟 孔庆辉 +1 位作者 王宏伟 田文英 《东北水利水电》 2006年第9期29-31,42,共4页
如何建立经济实用、科学可靠的地下水自动监测系统,是地下水自动监测站网建设中首先必须考虑的一个重要问题,目前尚处于探索阶段。本文就辽宁省地下水动态监测站网建设的实践,对地下水自动监测系统通信方式的选择、信息流程的设计、监... 如何建立经济实用、科学可靠的地下水自动监测系统,是地下水自动监测站网建设中首先必须考虑的一个重要问题,目前尚处于探索阶段。本文就辽宁省地下水动态监测站网建设的实践,对地下水自动监测系统通信方式的选择、信息流程的设计、监测设备的配置以及管理系统的功能要求等方面进行了系统的分析和研究。 展开更多
关键词 地下水监测站 自动监测系统 设计探讨 辽宁省
Kriging插值法在大沽河地下水监测站网优化中的应用 被引量:3
作者 时青 崔峻岭 张聿洵 《人民珠江》 2014年第6期67-69,共3页
Kriging优化模型即充分考虑了水文地质条件和地下水动态的影响,避免了因人为因素而造成的随意性,利用该优化模型可以得到较为准确合理的优化结果,是分析评价与优化地下水监测网密度行之有效的方法。应用Kriging优化模型评价大沽河地下... Kriging优化模型即充分考虑了水文地质条件和地下水动态的影响,避免了因人为因素而造成的随意性,利用该优化模型可以得到较为准确合理的优化结果,是分析评价与优化地下水监测网密度行之有效的方法。应用Kriging优化模型评价大沽河地下水源地现行地下水监测网,提出大沽河流域现行地下水监测网存在的问题,然后提出站网优化布局的整体方案。 展开更多
关键词 KRIGING模型 地下水监测站 优化 应用
济宁市地下水监测站网优化探讨 被引量:1
作者 李振 陈国浩 +1 位作者 牛淼 尹树霞 《治淮》 2023年第11期10-11,共2页
为了让济宁市地下水监测站网更好地服务于水资源管理工作,在水资源开发利用、水资优化配置、水环境和生态保护等方面提供充分的信息,满足经济社会可持续发展要求下的地下水监测网能力建设,对济宁市现有地下水监测站网的代表性、合理性... 为了让济宁市地下水监测站网更好地服务于水资源管理工作,在水资源开发利用、水资优化配置、水环境和生态保护等方面提供充分的信息,满足经济社会可持续发展要求下的地下水监测网能力建设,对济宁市现有地下水监测站网的代表性、合理性以及站网密度进行了统计分析,以水文地质单元与区域相结合,行政区域服从水文地质,以布局科学、经济合理、防止重复、适度超前的原则探讨区域水文监测站点优化方案。 展开更多
关键词 济宁市 地下水监测站 优化探讨
作者 孔晓 《地下水》 2011年第1期61-62,共2页
关键词 地下水监测站 规划 调整
作者 马宇 《中国水运》 2023年第11期154-156,共3页
现阶段开采地下水为我国水补给的缓解水资源紧张的重要措施之一,因此地下水监测站显得极为重要。本文以张家口地区的地下水监测站网为例,分析并研究其发展现状,阐述其采用的监测技术和监测管理策略,为了解决目前张家口地区地下水监测站... 现阶段开采地下水为我国水补给的缓解水资源紧张的重要措施之一,因此地下水监测站显得极为重要。本文以张家口地区的地下水监测站网为例,分析并研究其发展现状,阐述其采用的监测技术和监测管理策略,为了解决目前张家口地区地下水监测站网存在的问题,从多方面进行论述,并提出针对性的优化策略。 展开更多
关键词 地下水监测站 现状 优化策略
地下水利工程战略构想及关键技术展望 被引量:24
作者 谢和平 许唯临 +1 位作者 刘超 杨兴国 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第4期781-791,共11页
全球人口增长、资源短缺、环境污染等给人类发展带来前所未有的挑战,尤其是作为"生命之源、生产之要、生态之基"的水资源,面临着地球浅表部水资源短缺、水污染未有效控制、地下水位下降等突出问题,而地球深部水资源却极为丰... 全球人口增长、资源短缺、环境污染等给人类发展带来前所未有的挑战,尤其是作为"生命之源、生产之要、生态之基"的水资源,面临着地球浅表部水资源短缺、水污染未有效控制、地下水位下降等突出问题,而地球深部水资源却极为丰富。围绕"向地球深部进军"的国家战略,以解决地表水资源短缺、地下水资源可持续开发利用以及为地下空间利用提供水资源保障为目标,将传统地表水利工程向地下发展,实施地下水利工程战略,提出地下水利工程的内涵与开发原则,凝练深部地下水补给、赋存与运移规律、地下水资源的工程调控、地下水利工程安全保障三大关键科学问题,以及地下水廊、地下水库、地下水网与蓄调水、地下水位调控、地下水体储能与发电和地下水生态环境监测、保护与修复等核心关键技术。以上战略构想和相应关键技术有望为地下空间绿色利用、国家生态文明建设等提供解决思路。 展开更多
关键词 水利工程 地下水 地下水 地下水网 地下水位调控 地下储能 地下水生态环境
都匀凯口溶洞群的发育特征及旅游开发 被引量:5
作者 陈建庚 《中国岩溶》 CAS CSCD 2001年第1期58-63,共6页
都匀市南的凯口溶洞群包括凯口、凯酉、凯阳及石龙四个片区 ,溶洞发育受区域构造及地下水文网的控制 ,洞穴的侵蚀和堆积均十分旺盛 ,次生碳酸盐沉积形态丰富多彩 。
关键词 旅游开发 地貌 侵蚀 洞穴 区域构造 地下水
石棉川—02井改造效果分析 被引量:1
作者 胡先明 李正中 +1 位作者 韩世康 彭万星 《四川地震》 2000年第4期42-47,共6页
石棉川— 0 2井系国家基本井 ,经过 1996年 7月对井口装置改造后 ,所记录到的固体潮潮差明显加大 ,观测精度和观测质量都有较大提高 ,观测资料在地震预测中的应用也更加广泛。从 1995年起 ,连续
关键词 深井水位 固体潮 地下水观测台 地震预测
乌江彭水水电站坝址岩溶渗漏研究 被引量:1
作者 高宇 樊长华 《资源环境与工程》 2008年第B10期1-4,共4页
乌江彭水水电站坝址岩溶发育规律在高倾角岩层地区具有一定的典型性,通过地质调查、钻探、物探等手段查明岩溶发育规律,利用地下水文网、压水试验、连通试验、水化学成分分析、水温测量、CT电磁波检测等手段分析岩溶系统的水力联系,证... 乌江彭水水电站坝址岩溶发育规律在高倾角岩层地区具有一定的典型性,通过地质调查、钻探、物探等手段查明岩溶发育规律,利用地下水文网、压水试验、连通试验、水化学成分分析、水温测量、CT电磁波检测等手段分析岩溶系统的水力联系,证明相对隔水性的可靠性及岩溶发育程度,查明坝址可能的渗漏通道,提出最优防渗线路,反映了彭水水电站在岩溶渗漏研究的水平。 展开更多
关键词 岩溶系统 相对隔水层 水力联系 连通试验 地下水 CT电磁波检测
Groundwater level prediction based on hybrid hierarchy genetic algorithm and RBF neural network 被引量:1
作者 屈吉鸿 黄强 +1 位作者 陈南祥 徐建新 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2007年第2期170-174,共5页
As the traditional non-linear systems generally based on gradient descent optimization method have some shortage in the field of groundwater level prediction, the paper, according to structure, algorithm and shortcomi... As the traditional non-linear systems generally based on gradient descent optimization method have some shortage in the field of groundwater level prediction, the paper, according to structure, algorithm and shortcoming of the conventional radial basis function neural network (RBF NN), presented a new improved genetic algorithm (GA): hybrid hierarchy genetic algorithm (HHGA). In training RBF NN, the algorithm can automatically determine the structure and parameters of RBF based on the given sample data. Compared with the traditional groundwater level prediction model based on back propagation (BP) or RBF NN, the new prediction model based on HHGA and RBF NN can greatly increase the convergence speed and precision. 展开更多
关键词 hybrid hierarchy genetic algorithm radial basis function neural network groundwater level prediction model
Application of neural network model coupling with the partial least-squares method for forecasting watre yield of mine 被引量:2
作者 陈南祥 曹连海 黄强 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2005年第1期40-43,共4页
Scientific forecasting water yield of mine is of great significance to the safety production of mine and the colligated using of water resources. The paper established the forecasting model for water yield of mine, co... Scientific forecasting water yield of mine is of great significance to the safety production of mine and the colligated using of water resources. The paper established the forecasting model for water yield of mine, combining neural network with the partial least square method. Dealt with independent variables by the partial least square method, it can not only solve the relationship between independent variables but also reduce the input dimensions in neural network model, and then use the neural network which can solve the non-linear problem better. The result of an example shows that the prediction has higher precision in forecasting and fitting. 展开更多
关键词 water yield of mine partial least square method neural network forecasting model
Chemical and Organic Contamination of Phreatic Aquifer of Sidi Bouzid (Center West of Tunisia) 被引量:1
作者 S. Chaibi N. Khlif +1 位作者 M. Chalbaoui W. Aydi 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第5期6-13,共8页
An understanding of the long-term changes in the nitrate and microbial contamination pattern of the groundwater of Sidi Bouzid (Centre West of Tunisia) is critical to conservation of drinking water in rural areas su... An understanding of the long-term changes in the nitrate and microbial contamination pattern of the groundwater of Sidi Bouzid (Centre West of Tunisia) is critical to conservation of drinking water in rural areas supporting mixed land-use activities such as cropping, livestock farming, and residence. The phreatic aquifer was revealed polluted by domestic disposals of the wastewaters in the urban zone. The average nitrate concentration in the groundwater of the east of the mioplioquaternary aquifer of Saddaguia (Sidi Bouzid) rose from 50 mg NO3- during 1996 to over 100 mg in 2003, which represents an increase of some 10 mg per year. Nitrate groundwater pollution during the period 1996-2003 was the result of the abusive use of fertilizers.In the cultivated zone, we must reduce the effects of the excessive use of the nitrogen fertilizers on the basis of monitoring soil once a year, managing water resources, rationalizing the use of the chemical substances. In urban zones, most of lost wells located in the perimeter reveal the gravity of the state of the aquifer. This last is organically polluted and requires an immediate action for the generalization of the purification network. We need to take into account the reality of under soil in all future planning's and arrangements. A scheme of sanitation seems necessary before all plans of arrangement. The extension of the sewer network must give the priority to the most vulnerable zones. 展开更多
关键词 AQUIFER WASTEWATER chemical substances microbial contamination Sidi Bouzid (Tunisia).
Geotube Application in Land Reclamation from Sea
作者 靳向煜 朱远胜 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2004年第1期96-99,共4页
The geotubes have been widely applied in the engineering of land reclamation from sea. At present three kinds of material can be used to make geotubes: splitting film, fibrillated splitting film and multifilament. The... The geotubes have been widely applied in the engineering of land reclamation from sea. At present three kinds of material can be used to make geotubes: splitting film, fibrillated splitting film and multifilament. The geotubes made of these materials have their advantages and disadvantages. In engineering application to know the rule of forces change is very important. Based on geometry way, limit-filling height of geotubes is determined. Experiment in Pudong International Airport reflects that packing soil height of small-size geotubes will be smaller than that of large-size geotubes. 展开更多
The Jinsha River Groundwater Observation Network and Discussion about Its Earthquake Precursor Monitoring Capability
作者 Li Wanming Che Yongtai +2 位作者 Liu Chenglong Yu Jinzi He Anhua 《Earthquake Research in China》 2012年第2期181-200,共20页
A groundwater observational network for monitoring seismic precursors has been established at the reservoirs on the lower reaches of the Jinsha River in southwestern China, where a series of hydropower stations are un... A groundwater observational network for monitoring seismic precursors has been established at the reservoirs on the lower reaches of the Jinsha River in southwestern China, where a series of hydropower stations are under construction. It is the second network in China that is operated by enterprises with the purpose to observe and study earthquake precursors in reservoir areas. This paper presents the layout and technical constitution of the network, features of its observational wells and aquifers and the preliminary result of its experimental operation. Its capability to monitor seismic precursor is evaluated based on an analysis of the well-aquifer system as well as the multiple-monthly, monthly, daily and hourly variations of water levels and water temperatures observed by this network. 展开更多
关键词 Groundwater observational network Reservoirs in lower reaches of JinshaRiver Earthquake precursor monitoring
Delineation of Groundwater and Soil Contamination Using EM Survey at an Industrial Abandoned Site
作者 S.H. Zhang X. Wang 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第5期545-549,共5页
It is important to evaluate and monitor the environmental impacts by the activity in our hand with appropriate methods, and the geophysical techniques have often been used in the subsurface environmental monitoring an... It is important to evaluate and monitor the environmental impacts by the activity in our hand with appropriate methods, and the geophysical techniques have often been used in the subsurface environmental monitoring and remediation processes. In the study an electromagnetic survey (EM) is performed to delineate deeply the extent of contamination at an industrial abandoned site, to detect the spread of groundwater and soil contamination, to locate possible pathways of leachate plumes. Based on the analysis of the geophysical anomaly of electrical conductivity, the survey area is delineated into three zones: original zone, transitional zone and contaminated zone. It was inferred that the high conductivity zones correspond to the contaminated zones of groundwater and soil. The survey demonstrates that EM method has the ability to measure small changes in subsurface properties involving ground water and is sensitive to the conductive layers. The measurement shows the behavior of groundwater and soil contamination and the position of groundwater pipelines, and it is beneficial to help waste management processes and to determine possible locations of monitoring wells so as to monitor the environment in the survey area in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Electromagnetic survey POLLUTION ground water monitoring.
Fine Measurements and Analysis of Temperature Gradients in the Wells of the Jinsha River Groundwater Observational Network
作者 Che Yongtai He Anhua +2 位作者 Yu Jinzi Liu Chenglong Li Wanming 《Earthquake Research in China》 2012年第1期59-72,共14页
Fine measurements have been conducted to temperatures and their gradients of six wells of the Jinsha River Groundwater Observational Network.The results show that the influence depths of sun radiation heat are 50m to ... Fine measurements have been conducted to temperatures and their gradients of six wells of the Jinsha River Groundwater Observational Network.The results show that the influence depths of sun radiation heat are 50m to 125m,average temperature gradients in the wells range from 0.11 to 2.81℃/hm and most are 1~2℃/hm,and the temperature gradients on varied depth sections of one well are highly changeable.Lithology of strata and their integrity,particularly high-angle crashed fault zones,have imposed major effects on the influence depths of sun radiation heat and temperature gradients of the wells.The micro dynamic characteristics of water temperature,such as coseismic effects,tidal effects and anomalies of the wells prior to earthquakes,probably depend,to a large degree,on the temperature gradients of the depths at which the water temperature sensors are settled. 展开更多
关键词 Temperature Temperature gradient Observational well Jinsha RiverGroundwater Observational Network
作者 黄升峰 《当代艺术》 2009年第3期34-35,共2页
县桃坪羌寨被人们誉为"神奇的东方古堡",至今已有两千多年的历史,是世界上唯一保存完好的古羌寨落。羌寨建筑既各自为阵,又浑然一体,是世界军事史和建筑史上一颗耀眼的明珠。水网、路网和屋顶通道的巧妙设计,形成了地下、地... 县桃坪羌寨被人们誉为"神奇的东方古堡",至今已有两千多年的历史,是世界上唯一保存完好的古羌寨落。羌寨建筑既各自为阵,又浑然一体,是世界军事史和建筑史上一颗耀眼的明珠。水网、路网和屋顶通道的巧妙设计,形成了地下、地上和空中三位立体交叉的通行网路,构成严密的战略防御体系,是"依山居止,垒石为石"的典型杰作,更是羌族建筑史上的"活化石" 展开更多
关键词 庄房 碉楼 白石 地下水网
作者 比尔.布伦 张守忠 《世界》 2003年第10期7-9,共3页
在墨西哥尤卡坦地区分布着许多纵横交错的地下河流和洞穴,由于这里地形复杂,极具挑战性,每年都会引来许多探险者。韦斯·斯基尔思,43岁,是一名水下探险老手,曾3000多次潜入水下洞穴探险。现在他已装备齐全,即将进行一次水下... 在墨西哥尤卡坦地区分布着许多纵横交错的地下河流和洞穴,由于这里地形复杂,极具挑战性,每年都会引来许多探险者。韦斯·斯基尔思,43岁,是一名水下探险老手,曾3000多次潜入水下洞穴探险。现在他已装备齐全,即将进行一次水下探险活动。令天的探险内容是绘制一张地下水网图。 展开更多
关键词 墨西 哥尤卡坦地区 地下河流 洞穴 地下水网 水下洞穴探险 奇异世界 馅饼理论
An Range-free Localization Scheme for Large Scale Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks 被引量:2
作者 周异 顾宝军 +2 位作者 陈凯 陈剑波 管海兵 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2009年第5期562-568,共7页
In this paper, we study an area localization problem in large scale underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs). The limited bandwidth, the severely impaired channel and the cost of underwater equipment all make the... In this paper, we study an area localization problem in large scale underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs). The limited bandwidth, the severely impaired channel and the cost of underwater equipment all make the underwater localization problem very challenging. Exact localization is very difficult for UWSNs in deep underwater environment. We propose a range free method based on mobile detachable elevator transceiver (DET) and 3D multi-power area localization scheme (3D-MALS) to address the challenging problem. In the proposed scheme, the ideas of 2D multi-power area localization scheme (2D-ALS) and utilizing DET are used to achieve the simplicity, location accuracy, scalability and low cost performances. The DET can rise and get down to broadcast its position. And it is assumed that all the underwater nodes underwater have pressure sensors and know their z coordinates. We evaluate the performances of 2D-ALS and our proposed 3D-MALS schemes under both ideal and non-ideal channel propagation conditions, in terms of localization error and localization ratio. The simulation results show that our proposed scheme is much more efficient than the 2D-ALS. 展开更多
关键词 underwater sensor networks LOCALIZATION MULTI-POWER mobile beacons range free
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