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新疆地区牛和新引进牛大肠埃希菌耐药性比较 被引量:2
作者 林亚军 季建莉 +3 位作者 赵红琼 江萍 帕力达□亚森 夏利宁 《动物医学进展》 北大核心 2016年第11期126-129,共4页
为了解新疆地区牛和新引进牛大肠埃希菌对临床常用抗菌药物的耐药差异,采用微量肉汤稀释法对分离的大肠埃希菌进行耐药性检测,通过卡方检验比较新疆地区牛和引进牛大肠埃希菌耐药性的差异。结果显示,新疆地区牛大肠埃希菌和引进牛大肠... 为了解新疆地区牛和新引进牛大肠埃希菌对临床常用抗菌药物的耐药差异,采用微量肉汤稀释法对分离的大肠埃希菌进行耐药性检测,通过卡方检验比较新疆地区牛和引进牛大肠埃希菌耐药性的差异。结果显示,新疆地区牛大肠埃希菌和引进牛大肠埃希菌除对氨苄西林(地区牛为11.90%、引进牛为6.25%)和阿莫西林(地区牛为5.55%、引进牛为5.21%)有较高的耐药率外,对其他临床常用抗菌药物的耐药率均较低,但引进牛对氟苯尼考、庆大霉素和安普霉素的中度敏感率分别为82.81%、44.79%和33.33%。经卡方检验比较,新疆引进牛对氟苯尼考、庆大霉素、安普霉素、阿莫西林和氨苄西林的中度敏感率显著高于新疆地区牛(P<0.05)。虽然被检牛源大肠埃希菌对常用抗菌药物耐药较低,但引进牛大肠埃希菌高中度敏感率会导致其耐药率短期内迅速增高,因此须在临床治疗引进牛细菌性疾病中避免使用中度敏感率高的抗菌药物。 展开更多
关键词 地区牛 引进 大肠埃希菌 耐药率 比较
大牛地地区致密气田气井积液判断新方法 被引量:11
作者 赵界 李颖川 +3 位作者 刘通 周俊杰 张迪 钟博文 《岩性油气藏》 CSCD 2013年第1期122-125,共4页
大牛地地区致密气田气井普遍产液,严重影响了气井的正常生产,正确判断井筒积液是实施排液工艺的重要内容。采用临界滑脱密度法对气井积液进行了判断,结果表明:使用该方法能够正确判断气井积液,与工程实际相符合,并且还可判断出气井发生... 大牛地地区致密气田气井普遍产液,严重影响了气井的正常生产,正确判断井筒积液是实施排液工艺的重要内容。采用临界滑脱密度法对气井积液进行了判断,结果表明:使用该方法能够正确判断气井积液,与工程实际相符合,并且还可判断出气井发生气液滑脱后不会立即积液,而是当滑脱超过一定程度后才开始积液。 展开更多
关键词 积液判断 临界滑脱密度 气液比 地区
固原地区秦川牛利杂群体生长曲线拟合分析 被引量:9
作者 杨晓冰 陈宏 +3 位作者 滑留帅 杨奇 袁海江 文进宝 《中国牛业科学》 2011年第6期4-7,共4页
[目的]研究固原地区秦川牛的生长发育规律。[方法]本实验采用随机抽样法测定了309头固原地区秦川牛利杂群体不同生长阶段的体尺和体重指标,利用Logistic、Brody、Gompertz、Bertallanffy四种生长曲线模型拟合其生长曲线,分别估算出四种... [目的]研究固原地区秦川牛的生长发育规律。[方法]本实验采用随机抽样法测定了309头固原地区秦川牛利杂群体不同生长阶段的体尺和体重指标,利用Logistic、Brody、Gompertz、Bertallanffy四种生长曲线模型拟合其生长曲线,分别估算出四种曲线方程中的相关参数值。[结果]陕西秦川牛和固原本地秦川牛利杂群体母牛的Brody生长曲线模型的体重指标:成熟体重是428kg/286kg,尺度常数是0.9650/0.8999,成熟指数是0.0553/0.1372。Logistic模型拐点在极限体重的1/2处,拐点体重为0.5K,Gompertz模型拐点在极限体重的1/e处,拐点体重为0.368K。[结论]本地利杂牛群体成熟体重小,生长速度缓慢,生长强度低,较早熟。初步评价了导入利木赞血统杂交后的杂交优势,为本地区肉牛杂交改良提供了基础数据。 展开更多
关键词 固原地区秦川 利木赞 生长曲线
固原地区秦川牛及其利杂群体屠宰性能的研究 被引量:9
作者 滑留帅 陈宏 +5 位作者 杨奇 杨晓冰 张国坪 王统一 刘燕 宋保童 《中国牛业科学》 2008年第5期1-4,共4页
为了分析利木赞牛对固原地区秦川牛的改良效果,本实验对固原地区秦川牛及其利杂群体的屠宰性能进行了测定。结果表明:24月龄组利杂牛的屠宰率、净肉率、胴体产肉率和肉骨比高于固原地区秦川牛(P<0.05或P<0.01),分别提高了4%、4%... 为了分析利木赞牛对固原地区秦川牛的改良效果,本实验对固原地区秦川牛及其利杂群体的屠宰性能进行了测定。结果表明:24月龄组利杂牛的屠宰率、净肉率、胴体产肉率和肉骨比高于固原地区秦川牛(P<0.05或P<0.01),分别提高了4%、4%、3%和0.72;而12月龄组利杂牛和固原地区秦川牛的屠宰率、净肉率、胴体产肉率和肉骨比均差异不显著(P>0.05)。利杂牛在眼肌面积、大理石花纹评分、脂肪色泽评分、肌肉附着和pH2 4指标上优于固原地区秦川牛(P<0.05)。利杂牛和固原地区秦川牛肉品中常规成分含量和脂肪酸分布差异不显著(P>0.05)。 展开更多
关键词 固原地区秦川 利木赞 屠宰性能 肉品质
用Wood模型拟合长三角地区中国荷斯坦牛产奶量及乳成分变化曲线 被引量:8
作者 孙先枝 安朋朋 +3 位作者 郭美 孙咏梅 金婷 刘光磊 《动物营养学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期2136-2142,共7页
本研究旨在采用Wood模型拟合长三角地区中国荷斯坦牛产奶量、乳脂率、乳蛋白率和乳中体细胞评分(SCS)的变化曲线。以长三角地区10个大中型牧场中国荷斯坦牛(1~3胎)的104 368条数据为基础,利用Wood模型对产奶量、乳脂率、乳蛋白率和乳中... 本研究旨在采用Wood模型拟合长三角地区中国荷斯坦牛产奶量、乳脂率、乳蛋白率和乳中体细胞评分(SCS)的变化曲线。以长三角地区10个大中型牧场中国荷斯坦牛(1~3胎)的104 368条数据为基础,利用Wood模型对产奶量、乳脂率、乳蛋白率和乳中SCS数据进行曲线拟合。结果表明:1)中国荷斯坦牛产奶量为标准泌乳曲线,而乳脂率、乳蛋白率和乳中SCS变化则为倒抛物线形。2)Wood模型对产奶量的拟合度最高,各胎次均在0.98以上,其次为乳中SCS,各胎次的拟合度均在0.93以上,而各胎次的乳脂率的拟合度也均在0.92以上。3)1、2胎产奶量高峰出现时间与乳中SCS最低值出现时间相近,而乳脂率最低值出现时间相对较晚。4)1胎高峰产奶量(32.426 3 kg/d)较2、3胎低,而1胎维持高产奶量(4.98)及乳蛋白率的持续力(4.19)较2、3胎强。综合各指标可以得出,Wood模型适用于长三角地区中国荷斯坦牛产奶量、乳脂率、乳蛋白率及乳中SCS变化曲线的拟合。 展开更多
关键词 WOOD模型 产奶量 乳成分 体细胞评分 泌乳曲线 长三角地区中国荷斯坦
太古宇潜山油气成藏控制因素分析——以辽河断陷大民屯凹陷法哈牛—曹台地区为例 被引量:13
作者 李军生 庞雄奇 +1 位作者 宁金华 初振淼 《油气地质与采收率》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期17-19,23,共4页
从油气形成条件分析入手,对大民屯凹陷法哈牛—曹台地区太古宇潜山油气成藏控制因素进行研究。研究结果表明,油源条件是决定基岩潜山圈闭能否成藏的关键,研究区具备良好的油源条件;在侧向供油的情况下,与潜山接触的烃源岩的深度控制了... 从油气形成条件分析入手,对大民屯凹陷法哈牛—曹台地区太古宇潜山油气成藏控制因素进行研究。研究结果表明,油源条件是决定基岩潜山圈闭能否成藏的关键,研究区具备良好的油源条件;在侧向供油的情况下,与潜山接触的烃源岩的深度控制了潜山油气藏的底界深度。储层是控制油气富集程度的重要因素,太古宇潜山储层岩性主要为变质岩,储层类型为裂缝型,以构造裂缝为主,裂缝控制着油气的富集程度。构造条件在潜山圈闭形成及储层发育过程中起到了重要的作用,同时,构造运动过程中形成的断层在沟通烃源岩及油气在潜山内部的运移中起到了通道作用。封闭条件是油气成藏的必要条件之一,对油气藏的分布起到一定的控制作用。研究区发育的泥岩、非渗透层及凝固的高凝油层等为油气藏的形成提供了良好的封闭条件。 展开更多
关键词 太古宇 古潜山 高凝油油藏 法哈-曹台地区 大民屯凹陷 辽河断陷
固原地区秦川牛及其与利木赞杂交牛育肥性能研究 被引量:2
作者 滑留帅 陈宏 +7 位作者 杨奇 杨晓冰 张国坪 宋宝同 袁海江 文进宝 张永军 马富平 《中国牛业科学》 2008年第3期45-47,共3页
为了分析利木赞牛对固原地区秦川牛的改良效果,本试验对固原地区秦川牛及其利杂群体的育肥性能进行了测定,结果表明:6月龄组利杂牛的日增重、精料采食量高于固原秦川牛(P<0.05)。相同年龄下,利杂牛的体重、体高、十字部高、胸围、管... 为了分析利木赞牛对固原地区秦川牛的改良效果,本试验对固原地区秦川牛及其利杂群体的育肥性能进行了测定,结果表明:6月龄组利杂牛的日增重、精料采食量高于固原秦川牛(P<0.05)。相同年龄下,利杂牛的体重、体高、十字部高、胸围、管围等指标大于固原秦川牛(P<0.05或P<0.01)。18月龄组利杂牛140 d精料采食量高于固原秦川牛(P<0.05)。 展开更多
关键词 固原地区秦川 利木赞 育肥性能
阿尔金山前带东坪—牛中地区新生代构造解析及其油气意义 被引量:2
作者 杜威 陈琰 +2 位作者 王振东 卞青 郭召杰 《石油勘探与开发》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期929-936,共8页
利用高精度三维地震数据,对柴达木盆地阿尔金山前带东坪牛中地区新生代北西南东向和近东西向两组断裂构造演化过程及其油气意义进行研究。牛中地区北西南东向断裂发育于渐新世,渐新世至中新世在东坪、牛中地区发育一系列压扭断裂相关褶... 利用高精度三维地震数据,对柴达木盆地阿尔金山前带东坪牛中地区新生代北西南东向和近东西向两组断裂构造演化过程及其油气意义进行研究。牛中地区北西南东向断裂发育于渐新世,渐新世至中新世在东坪、牛中地区发育一系列压扭断裂相关褶皱;中新世之后,随着阿尔金走滑断裂带的持续扩展,阿尔金山前带近东西向断裂开始大规模发育,近东西向断裂的活动及牛中北部基岩的大规模隆起承受了牛中地区的大部分压扭分量,导致牛中地区北西南东向断裂于中新世后活动明显减弱。继承性的侏罗系凹陷中发育了良好的烃源岩,断裂是东坪、牛中地区油气运移的有效通道,油气充注时间与北西南东向断裂及其相关构造形成时期匹配较好,断裂相关背斜成为油气聚集的有利目标;其中,牛中地区中新世以来受新生代构造影响较小,有利于气藏保存。 展开更多
关键词 柴达木盆地 阿尔金山前带 新生代 构造解析 走滑断裂 油气意义 东坪地区
鄂尔多斯盆地大牛地地区奥陶系马家沟组马五_(5)亚段白云岩地球化学特征及成因 被引量:2
作者 于春勇 贾雨萌 +2 位作者 任战利 王起琮 任虎俊 《海相油气地质》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期375-383,共9页
鄂尔多斯盆地大牛地地区马五_(5)亚段发育优质白云岩储层,白云岩成因是天然气勘探中储层预测的关键。结合岩石学特征,通过对碳氧同位素、微量元素及流体包裹体等测试资料的分析,深入探讨了大牛地地区马五_(5)亚段白云岩的地球化学特征... 鄂尔多斯盆地大牛地地区马五_(5)亚段发育优质白云岩储层,白云岩成因是天然气勘探中储层预测的关键。结合岩石学特征,通过对碳氧同位素、微量元素及流体包裹体等测试资料的分析,深入探讨了大牛地地区马五_(5)亚段白云岩的地球化学特征及成因机制。研究表明:①马五_(5)亚段主要发育泥晶白云岩和粉细晶白云岩,泥晶白云岩主要发育于马五_(5)亚段底部,粉细晶白云岩主要发育于马五_(5)亚段中上部。②泥晶白云岩中发育水平藻纹层、鸟眼及针状膏岩假晶等原始沉积构造,孔隙不发育;白云石有序度较低;微量元素Sr、Na含量高,Fe、Mn含量低;岩石形成时期的盐度与泥晶灰岩基本一致。推断泥晶白云岩为准同生阶段的产物。③粉细晶白云岩中常见残余砂屑和雾心亮边结构,孔隙发育且以晶间孔为主;白云石有序度相对偏高,与泥晶白云岩相比,Sr、Na含量低,而Fe、Mn含量高;岩石形成时期盐度与泥晶灰岩相似。推断粉细晶白云岩为回流渗透作用下的产物。④马五5亚段白云石化流体主要为海源性流体,无大气淡水及热液流体的参与。基于上述岩石学和地球化学特征,建立了大牛地地区马家沟组马五5亚段准同生和回流渗透白云石化模式,为研究区优质白云岩储层的预测及地质勘探方向选择提供了理论指导。 展开更多
关键词 微量元素 流体包裹体 白云岩成因 奥陶纪 地区 鄂尔多斯盆地
鄂尔多斯盆地大牛地气田马家沟组储层类型成因及其主控因素 被引量:3
作者 兰浩翔 伏美燕 +4 位作者 邓虎成 雷涛 吴冬 胥旺 李依林 《沉积学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期1609-1621,共13页
鄂尔多斯盆地大牛地地区奥陶系马家沟组油气勘探持续获得突破,实践表明马五段整体含气,但储层类型多,成因复杂。为系统归纳该段储层成因类型,通过岩心观察、薄片鉴定、阴极发光薄片观察、全岩X射线衍射分析、碳氧同位素分析等方法,对储... 鄂尔多斯盆地大牛地地区奥陶系马家沟组油气勘探持续获得突破,实践表明马五段整体含气,但储层类型多,成因复杂。为系统归纳该段储层成因类型,通过岩心观察、薄片鉴定、阴极发光薄片观察、全岩X射线衍射分析、碳氧同位素分析等方法,对储集空间类型和储层发育主控因素进行了研究。结果表明,研究区马家沟组储层发育晶间孔、晶间溶孔、微裂缝、残余粒间孔和粒内溶孔等。储层发育的有利沉积相为局限台地藻云坪和蒸发台地膏云坪,并受回流渗透白云石化机制控制。表生岩溶作用对马五5亚段储层无明显控制作用。研究区储层根据成因可分为四种类型:膏溶型储层、弱改造破裂型云岩储层、粉晶白云岩储层和同生溶蚀颗粒型储层。膏溶型储层和粉晶白云岩储层是主要的储层类型,膏溶型储层与沉积环境盐度和表生期岩溶作用有关,主要发育膏模孔;粉晶白云岩储层主要受海平面下降期的回流渗透白云石化控制,以晶间孔为主。以上四类储层成因类型的认识,对下一步鄂尔多斯盆地马五段的优质储层预测具有指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 鄂尔多斯盆地 马家沟组 地区 储层类型 储层成因
岩性指示曲线重构及其在储层预测中的应用 被引量:41
作者 于文芹 邓葆玲 周小鹰 《石油物探》 EI CSCD 2006年第5期482-486,共5页
大牛地上古生界岩性气藏主要发育在三角洲分流河道沉积的下石盒子组、海陆交互沉积的山西组及以潮坪相沉积为主的太原组,储层是储集性能较差的致密砂岩,平均孔隙度小于10%,渗透率小于1×10-2μm2,储层单层厚度一般小于10 m,砂体横... 大牛地上古生界岩性气藏主要发育在三角洲分流河道沉积的下石盒子组、海陆交互沉积的山西组及以潮坪相沉积为主的太原组,储层是储集性能较差的致密砂岩,平均孔隙度小于10%,渗透率小于1×10-2μm2,储层单层厚度一般小于10 m,砂体横向连通性较差。由于低孔、低渗特征导致储层与围岩的波阻抗差异微弱,用地震资料进行储层预测困难。为此,针对大牛地石板太工区优质储层的岩性特征和测井响应特征进行了测井综合分析,利用对岩性粒度敏感的自然伽马曲线,以及对岩性粒度响应频率较低,且与波阻抗有较好对应关系的中子曲线重构了岩性指示曲线。岩性指示曲线不仅可以有效地识别优质砂体,划分不同岩性,为地震、测井信息结合的岩性反演建立桥梁,同时也为反演结果识别气层打下了基础。利用岩性指示曲线、波阻抗和电阻率曲线进行的地震、测井联合反演技术在石板太工区取得了较好的效果,同时,对石板太工区下石盒子组盒2段、山2段进行了储层和含气性预测,划分了有利含气区带,部署的2口开发井和1口探井有2口井见气,其中1口井获高产气流。 展开更多
关键词 地区 岩性气藏 致密砂岩 测井资料 岩性曲线重构 地震岩性反演 储层预测
Evaluation of Productive and Reproductive Performance of Cattle in Major Dairy Production Area of Chitwan and Nawalparasi Districts
作者 Uddhav Paneru Mohan Sharma +1 位作者 Mana Raj Kolachhapati Bhola Shanker Shrestha 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2016年第1期69-75,共7页
A study was conducted to determine the productive and reproductive performance of dairy cattle reared in major milk production area of Chitwan and Nawalparasi districts of Nepal, as well as determining the existing br... A study was conducted to determine the productive and reproductive performance of dairy cattle reared in major milk production area of Chitwan and Nawalparasi districts of Nepal, as well as determining the existing breeding scenario of cattle farming followed by the farmers. Five years (2008-2012) of data of 728 animals send to data management section of Animal Breeding Division under Dairy Cattle Improvement Program (DCIP) were reviewed and analyzed. Similarly, monthly data recording of 380 animals taken from May 2012 to April 2013 were used to find out information on reproductive performance. Average milk yield, fat percentage and protein percentage of cattle were observed 2,841 ± 84.9 kg, 4.43% ± 0.66% and 3.33% ± 0.17%, respectively, and the effect of genotype on these traits were found significant (P 〈 0.001, P 〈 0.001 and P 〈 0.01, respectively). Similarly, calving interval, post-partum estrus, post-partum conception, age at maturity and age at first calving were observed 422.8 ± 7.71, 108.9 ± 6.13, 149.93 ± 27.04, 498.5 ±16.32 and 816.0 ±17.41 d, respectively. Age at maturity and age at first calving was significantly affected by genotype (P 〈 0.01 and P 〈 0.05, respectively). In addition, average number of insemination per conception was observed 1.38 in survey household. Breeding system of cattle followed by the farmers were found satisfactory in the survey household, but needs gradual improvement. It was observed that offspring of cross between Jersey and Holstein performed better in terms of productive and reproductive performance in farmer managed condition of Nepal. Therefore, rotational crossing of Jersey and Holstein for maintaining blood level between 50% and 75% of either breed is the best choice for farmers. 展开更多
关键词 Calving interval post-partum estrus rotational crossing blood level.
Genetic Parameters for Yields and Reproductive Traits of Chinese Holstein Cows in Heilongjiang Province
作者 Kewei DING Takeo KAYABA 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第3期520-522,526,共4页
[Objective] This study aimed to estimate the genetic parameters for milk yield, fat percentage, fat yield and age at first freshening of Chinese Holsteins first lactation cows in Heilongjiang under frigid-temperature ... [Objective] This study aimed to estimate the genetic parameters for milk yield, fat percentage, fat yield and age at first freshening of Chinese Holsteins first lactation cows in Heilongjiang under frigid-temperature and temperature zone. [Method] Records of yield and reproduction from 8 868 Chinese Holstein first lacta- tion cows from 21 herds were utilized to evaluate genetic parameters for Hei- Iongjiangs' Chinese Holsteins. Restricted maximum likelihood (REML) method was used with an animal model. [Result] The heritabilities were 0.16 to 0.34 for yields and fat percentage, 0.38 for reproduction (age at the first freshening), which were similar to estimates for temperate areas from similar methods, except for constituent percentage. Also, the estimates of genetic correlation were high between milk yield and fat yield (0.97), but were low between milk yield and fat percentage (-0.24), age at the first freshening (-0.29) and generally antagonistic. [Conclusion] Thus, es- timates of genetic parameters in this frigid and frigid-temperate environment did not differ appreciably from those that occur in temperate dairy areas. 展开更多
关键词 Heilongjiang Chinese Holsteins PRODUCTION REPRODUCTION Genetic pa rameters
Application of Interval Newton Method to Solve Nonlinear Equations and Global Optimization
作者 LI Shuang XU Caijun WANG Xinzhou 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2003年第1期24-27,33,共5页
The basic principle of interval arithmetic and the basic algorithm of the interval Newton methods are introduced.The prototype algorithm can not find any zero in an interval that has zero sometimes,that is,it is insta... The basic principle of interval arithmetic and the basic algorithm of the interval Newton methods are introduced.The prototype algorithm can not find any zero in an interval that has zero sometimes,that is,it is instable.So the prototype relaxation procedure is improved in this paper.Additionally,an immediate test of the existence of a solution following branch_and_bound is proposed,which avoids unwanted computations in those intervals that have no solution.The numerical results demonstrat that the improved interval Newton method is superior to prototype algorithm in terms of solution quality,stability and convergent speed. 展开更多
关键词 interval algorithm interval Newton method global optimization
Estimating the Consumers' Benefits of the Demand for Organic Fresh Milk in Taiwan
作者 Huang Chin-Huang 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第11期1284-1291,共8页
Certified agricultural standards (CAS) of the organic food label serve to increase food safety and restore the confidence and consumption level in Taiwan. The organic CAS represents food quality without the use of s... Certified agricultural standards (CAS) of the organic food label serve to increase food safety and restore the confidence and consumption level in Taiwan. The organic CAS represents food quality without the use of synthetic chemicals to protect consumers' health. As a consequence, production costs and consumer prices have increased. The aim of this study is to analyze consumers' perception of the organic CAS label and how purchasing behavior for the product is influenced by converting the Fresh Milk Logo to the organic CAS certified label, which is based on contingent behavior analysis. This study adopts factor analysis to extract the perceptions and preferences of the respondents. In addition, the on-site Poisson model to revise the truncated and endogenous stratification and assess consumer welfare precision. The incremental consumer surplus for consumer consumed organic fresh milk is approximately NT$8,979. 展开更多
关键词 food quality organic food contingent behavior consumer surplus
作者 ZHANGJin MAZongjin +1 位作者 RENWenjun LEIYongliang 《Geotectonica et Metallogenia》 2003年第1期165-178,共14页
There are many thrust-related structures occurring in the Paleozoic strata of the Niushou Mountain in the central part of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. The fault-related folds are the typical structures in this area.... There are many thrust-related structures occurring in the Paleozoic strata of the Niushou Mountain in the central part of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. The fault-related folds are the typical structures in this area. Based on the analysis about these structures and their relationships, the processes by which these structures of the Miboshan Formation were formed are reconstructed, and the strata underwent about three stages of deformation: (1) horizontal shortening, (2) folding, and (3) thrusting. And the fact that the Niushou Mountain is the leading edge of an old thrust sheet was proved, the Niushou Mountain,the Daluo Mountain and the Xiaoluo Mountain together constitute the front part of this old thrust zone,so the Niushou Mountain and the Ordovician strata in the central and southern parts of Ningxia now are likely allochthons. In the period from middle Ordovician to Devonian, the areas of the central and southern Ningxia belonged to the back-arc foreland basin of North Qilianshan orogen, which was adjacent to the continent in the north. In the later part of the early Paleozoic period, the Niushou Mountain was formed after the closure of the back-arc foreland basin. 展开更多
关键词 the Niushou Mountain fault-related fold CLEAVAGE
Production of Afyon Kaymak with Traditional and Technological Methods
作者 Goekhan Akarca Oktay Tomar Abdullah Caglar 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2014年第3期115-119,共5页
Afyon kaymak (milk cream) is traditional dairy product of Afyon city which is a junction of Middle Anatolia and West regions and famous with its thermal tourism and food. However, challenging production process led ... Afyon kaymak (milk cream) is traditional dairy product of Afyon city which is a junction of Middle Anatolia and West regions and famous with its thermal tourism and food. However, challenging production process led Afyon kaymak to lose its importance. Although buffalo milk is the raw material of traditional Afyon kaymak, cow milk can be used in the process. In traditional process, milk is filtered with double cheesecloth and gotten into the aluminum or tinned copper milk cream pans where the capacity is around 2.5-3.0 L. Half-filled pan is warm up to 90-95 ℃. Pans are carried to cool area and left until cooling. Milk cream on the cooled pans is lined by a pin. New milked milk is added to the lined cream in pans and heated for 1 h. It is covered and held on for 6-8 h. While holding period is until afternoon on summer time, it is until mid-afternoon in winter. Covers of the pans are opened and hold in a cool place until morning and, thus, cream is chilled. Cream layer on pans are lined and gotten out of pans. Cream as circle is divided into four pieces and left to the cream package after turning down. In this review, we aimed to give some information about Afyon kaymak and its production methods. 展开更多
关键词 Milk cream kaymak BUFFALO Afyon COW quality.
Design and Validation of Strategy to Increasing the Rate Calving in Traditional Production System Livestock of Michoac^n M^xico Tropical Dry
作者 G. Salas E. Garcia +4 位作者 M. Perea R. Garciduefias E. Gutierrezl A. Caratachea J. P. Flores 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第8期1204-1206,共3页
Michoacan brings 2.1% of national GDP, which is 12.5% to agriculture, Livestock is the fourth activity in economic importance in the State and develops in 43% of the territory (58,643 km:) using 27% of the populati... Michoacan brings 2.1% of national GDP, which is 12.5% to agriculture, Livestock is the fourth activity in economic importance in the State and develops in 43% of the territory (58,643 km:) using 27% of the population economically active. Michoacfin ranks third in national cattle inventory (1,608,523 heads) with fifth place in meat production (145,221 ton/year). The production model is extended cow-breed, subject to season and availability of food (few rains shortage of forage during drought), with 0.60 production of breed/cow/year, and a marked traditionalism in the form of production; also a high dependency to food based on the grazing. The inadequate national public policy expressed in the paternalism has limited the adoption of strategies to contribute to the solution of this problem. Therefore this study objective was to design and validate a strategy to increase the number of cow breeding/cow/year to season reproduction program, based on the use of synthetic progesterone "melengestrol acetate" (MGA) as a technology available, secure, easy to use, low cost and likely to be adoptable to the traditional model of production. Work was done in the dry tropics in the municipalities of Churumuco and Tzitzio, Michoacfin State, Mdxico. Used 133 bovine females with crossbreeding Bos indicus, diagnosed as not pregnant, 6.7 and 6.38 years old respectively for each municipality. Oral doses of 0.05 rag/day/cow of MGA during nine days then exposed to the presence of male. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance of a single way. The results indicate that the delivery rate was 58.33% in Churumuco and 61.86% in Tzitzio. This delivery rate represents an increase of 14%-16% of born per year considering that treated females become pregnant with traditional production system management. We concluded that the MGA is an appropriate strategy to the traditional production of tropical dry in MichoacO, n system that increases the rate of births and is likely to be accepted despite the paternalistic public policy prevailing in the country. 展开更多
关键词 Melengestol acetate Michoac/m tropic dry LIVESTOCK percentage of births
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