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珍惜每寸后备土地资源 被引量:2
作者 侯东民 段成荣 张占录 《科技导报》 CAS CSCD 1997年第12期15-17,共3页
关键词 后备资源 耕地动态平衡 地土资源
合理利用土地 优化土地资源 被引量:1
作者 梁奉辉 《黑龙江科技信息》 2014年第13期239-239,共1页
关键词 地土资源 合理利用 优化
试论市场经济条件下的经营城市 被引量:11
作者 王光荣 《中共杭州市委党校学报》 2003年第1期19-23,共5页
随着城市的发展 ,“经营城市”的理念应运而生。本文结合杭州市的实际情况 ,阐述了经营城市的科学内涵、经营城市的必要性 ,以及如何加快经营城市的步伐 ,对经营城市做了全方位多角度的论述。
关键词 市场经济 经营城市 城市规划 地土资源 生态环境 基础设施投资
Construction of Land Resource Security System for Core Grain Production Region in Henan Province 被引量:1
作者 杨建波 卫华鹏 +1 位作者 王莉 邵红旗 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第12期2435-2439,共5页
To solve the contradiction between supply and demand of land, the con- struction of land resource security guarantee system is an important part to coordi- nate the economic development and cultivated land protection ... To solve the contradiction between supply and demand of land, the con- struction of land resource security guarantee system is an important part to coordi- nate the economic development and cultivated land protection in the core grain pro- duction region. Based on the deep analysis on the land resources characteristics and problems using the combined method of literature review method with qualita- tive and quantitative analysis, we constructed the land resource security system for different categories according to the land use principles of optimization, intensivism, improvement, and overall planning, and proposed the corresponding supporting mea- sures. The results showed that controlling the new increase, promoting the reclama- tion and improvement of land are the basis for land resource security, clearing the idle, improving the utilization rate of stock are the core of the efficient use of land resources, and establishing a unified urban and rural construction land market is the key to promoting the economical and intensive utilization of land resources, provid- ing scientific basis for the sustainable utilization of land resources in the core grain production regions. 展开更多
关键词 core grain production region Land resources Security system Con-struction
Discussion on Green Development of Fenlong for Yield Increase, Quality Enhancing, Water Retaining and Multiple Use of Natural Resources 被引量:7
作者 韦本辉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第9期1631-1637,共7页
Fenlong green ecological agriculture technology (Fenlong technology), a new smash ridging farming method developed by Guangxi Academy of Agdcultural Sciences, has been elected as the recommended cultivation techniqu... Fenlong green ecological agriculture technology (Fenlong technology), a new smash ridging farming method developed by Guangxi Academy of Agdcultural Sciences, has been elected as the recommended cultivation technique by the Ministry of Agriculture of China. It replaces the traditional plowshare with spiral drill, and its tilth depth is twice deeper than that by tractor tilthing. It also extends soil nutrient, moisture, oxygen and microorganism, the so-called "Four pools". Soil nutrient, oxygen, microorganism, light and rainfall use ratio is increased by 10%-100%, creating a platform for natural increase of more than 10% of crop yield. Its application to over 20 kinds of crops in 21 provinces has proved that the yield increases 10-30% with quality enhancing 5% and double water retaining capacity but no more input. When the application area of Fenlong could reach 67 million hm2, the amount of fertilizer can be reduced by 40-50 billion kg, saving 120-150 billion Yuan. In this paper, we put forward the strategy of "4+1" (arable, saline-alkali soil, grasslands, Sponge City + rivers) green development in China, and deepened the Fenlong cultivated tilled layer from 16.5 cm to 35 cm for 67 million hm2 arable land, ridged 13.3 million hm2 of saline-alkali soil for 35 cm, and also 35 cm for 67 million hm2 degraded steppe, which could have the following 3 effects: first, the 147 million hm2 of land with Fenlong cultivation could increase loosing soil to 315.491 billion m3, in* creasing by 159.26% for 120 million hm2 of arable land with the average tilled layer of 16.5 cm, which has loosing soil of only 198.1 billion m3, that is, the space of the land increases 1.6 times. Second, every hectare of plowland could store up to 450 m3/hm2 of natural rainfall, and the unused 60 m3 of saline-alkali soil and grasslands could store water of 102 billion m3, showing an increase of over 88.89% for the current plowland storage of 54 billion m3 at now, that is, double the natural rainfall storage capacity. Third, the two multiple increase of natural resources application can bring trillions of resource activation, environmental cleaning, food security, citizens, health, economic, ecological and social benefits, and makes the Chinese nation move forward in green development. Its application in "big scientific research" and "One Belt And One Road" will contribute Chinese strength to the world. 展开更多
关键词 Fenlong green development Multiple use of natural resource Increase three-dimensional land space Recommended cultivation technique by the Ministry of Agriculture of China Big scientific research
Potential Effect of Conservation Tillage on Sustainable Land Use: A Review of Global Long-Term Studies 被引量:34
作者 WANG Xiao-Bin CAI Dian-Xiong +2 位作者 W.B.HOOGMOED O.OENEMA U.D.PERDOK 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第5期587-595,共9页
Although understood differently in different parts of the world, conservation tillage usually includes leaving crop residues on the soil surface to reduce tillage. Through a global review of long-term conservation til... Although understood differently in different parts of the world, conservation tillage usually includes leaving crop residues on the soil surface to reduce tillage. Through a global review of long-term conservation tillage research, this paper discusses the long-term effect of conservation tillage on sustainable land use, nutrient availability and crop yield response. Research has shown several potential benefits associated with conservation tillage, such as potential carbon sequestration, nutrient availability, and yield response. This research would provide a better perspective of the role of soil conservation tillage and hold promise in promoting application of practical technologies for dryland farming systems in China. 展开更多
关键词 conservation tillage NO-TILL reduced tillage residue management
作者 LIUJi-yuan DENGXiang-zheng +1 位作者 LIUMing-liang ZHANGShu-wen 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2002年第4期299-308,共10页
Land-use change is an important aspect of global environment change. It is,in a sense, the direct result of human activities influencing our physical environment. Supported bythe dynamic serving system of national res... Land-use change is an important aspect of global environment change. It is,in a sense, the direct result of human activities influencing our physical environment. Supported bythe dynamic serving system of national resources, including both the environment database and GIStechnology, this paper analyzed the land-use change in northeastern China in the past ten years(1990 ― 2000). It divides northeastern China into five land-use zones based on the dynamic degree(DD) of land-use: woodland/grassland ― arable land conversion zone, dry land ― paddy fieldconversion zone, urban expansion zone, interlocked zone of farming and pasturing, and reclamationand abandoned zone. In the past ten years, land-use change of northeastern China can be generalizedas follows: increase of cropland area was obvious, paddy field and dry land increased by 74. 9 and276. 0 thousand ha respectively; urban area expanded rapidly, area of town and rural residenceincreased by 76. 8 thousand ha; area of forest and grassland decreased sharply with the amount of1399. 0 and 1521. 3 thousand ha respectively; area of water body and unused land increased by 148. 4and 513. 9 thousand ha respectively. Besides a comprehensive analysis of the spatial patterns ofland use, this paper also discusses the driving forces in each land-use dynamic zones. The studyshows that some key biophysical factors affect conspicuously the conversion of different land-usetypes. In this paper, the relationships between land-use conversion and DEM, accumulated temperature(≥10℃) and precipitation were analysed and represented. We conclude that the land-use changes innortheast China resulted from the change of macro social and economic factors and local physicalelements. Rapid population growth and management changes, in some sense, can explain the shaping ofwoodland/grassland ― cropland conversion zone. The conversion from dry land to paddy field in thedry land ― paddy field conversion zone, apart from the physical elements change promoting theexpansion of paddy field, results from two reasons: one is that the implementation of market-economyin China has given fanners the right to decide what they plant and how they plant their crops, theother factor is originated partially from the change of dietary habit with the social and economicdevelopment. The conversion from paddy field to dry land is caused primarily by the shortfall ofirrigation water, which in turn is caused by poor water allocation managed by local governments. Theshaping of the reclamation and abandoned zone is partially due to the lack of environmentprotection consciousness among pioneer settlers. The reason for the conversion from grassland tocropland is the relatively higher profits of farming than that of pasturing in the interlocked zoneof farming and pasturing. In northeastern China, the rapid expansion of built-up areas results fromtwo factors: the first is its small number of towns; the second comes from the huge potential forexpansion of existing towns and cities. It is noticeable that urban expansion in the northeasternChina is characterized by gentle topographic relief and low population density. Physiognomy,transportation and economy exert great influences on the urban expansion. 展开更多
关键词 land use land-use change spatial pattern driving force northeasternchina
Soil Resources and Land Use in Tropical Asia 被引量:7
作者 K. KYUMAGraduate School, Kasetsart University, Bang Khen, Bangkok 10900 (Thailand) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第1期49-57,共9页
Tropical Asia is a region comprising South and Southeast Asia and under strong influence of the Asianmonsoon climate. It is characterized by an extremely high population density and by high land use intensity.Paddy ri... Tropical Asia is a region comprising South and Southeast Asia and under strong influence of the Asianmonsoon climate. It is characterized by an extremely high population density and by high land use intensity.Paddy rice cultivation is the most important form of agriculture in the greater part of the region. Soilresources of tropical Asia have a specific feature in comparison with tropical Africa and America. Ultisolsdominate in uplands, and lowland soils like Inceptisols and Histosols are relatively abundant. The latterpoint is made clearer if we take the landforms of the region with a vast extent of lowlands into consideration.Geologically, tropical Asia with the Himalayan orogeny and active volcanism exhibits a conspicuous contrastto tropical Africa and America with the dominance of the shield structure. This along with the monsoonclimate should have determined the basic features of landforms and soil, and accordingly all the agriculturaland social characteristics of tropical Asia today. Although paddy rice cultivation in the lowland is highlysustainable, upland cultivation in extensive Ultisol areas tends to be handicapped by low fertility and higherodibility of the soil, resulting in low sustainability. Land shortage is compelling people to exploit slopelandsin hills and mountains, on the one hand, and thus far unutilized coastal lowlands, on the other. Both ofthese new reclamations are facing to serious land degradation problems today. Tropical Asia will continueto be the most densely populated region of the world with ever-increasing population. In order to meet theincreasing food demand lowland rice cultivation should be intensified by the infrastructure development toease the stresses on slopelands and vulnerable coastal lowlands. At the same time, upland crop productionin Ultisol areas should be stabilized and enhanced, providing integrated nutrient management and measuresfor soil conservation. 展开更多
关键词 coastal lowland land shortage paddy rice land slopeland sustainableland use
Assessing Sustainability of Land Management Using a Risk Identification Model 被引量:9
作者 P.R.STEPHENS A.E.Hewitt 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第1期41-48,共8页
New Zealand is highly dependent on its soil resource for continued agricultural production. To avoiddepleting this resource, there is a need to identify soils and associated land management practices wherethere is a r... New Zealand is highly dependent on its soil resource for continued agricultural production. To avoiddepleting this resource, there is a need to identify soils and associated land management practices wherethere is a risk of soil degradation. Environmental integrity and ecosystem services also need to be maintained.Accordingly, to ensure sustainable production, the on- and off-site environmental impacts of land managementneed to be identified and managed. We developed a structural vulnerability index for New Zealand soils. Thisindex ranks soils according to their inherent susceptibility to physical degradation when used for agricultural(pasture, forestry and cropping) purposes. We also developed a rule-based model to assess soil compactionvulnerability by characterising the combined effects of resistance and resilience. Other soil attributes havebeen appraised using seven chemical, physical and biological indicators of soil quality. These indicators havebeen applied in a nation-wide project involving data collection from over 500 sites for a range of land uses.These soil quality data can be interpreted via the World Wide Web - through the interactive decision-support tool SINDI. The land-use impact model is a framework to assess agricultural land management andenvironmental sustainability, and may be applied to land units at any scale. Using land resource data andinformation the model explicitly identifies hazards to land productivity and environmental integrity. It utilisesqualitative expert and local knowledge and quantitative model-based evaluations to assess the potentialenvironmental impacts of land-management practices. The model is linked to a geographic informationsystem (GIS), allowing model outputs, such as the environmental impacts of site-specific best managementpractices, to be identified in a spatially explicit manner. The model has been tested in New Zealand in anarea of pastoral land use. Advantages of this risk identification model include: utilising current knowledge ofthe causes and effects of land-management practices on soil degradation; linking land management practiceto both on- and off-site environmental consequences; identifying important gaps in local knowledge; andproviding spatially explicit information on the environmental impact of land-management practices. 展开更多
关键词 land-use planning soil quality RESILIENCE RESISTANCE sustainableagriculture
Surfactant-Enhanced Phytoremediation of Soils Contaminated with Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants:Potential and Assessment 被引量:11
作者 GAO Yan-Zheng LING Wan-Ting +2 位作者 ZHU Li-Zhong ZHAO Bao-Wei ZHENG Qing-Song 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第4期409-418,共10页
Phytoremediation is becoming a cost-effective technology for the in-situ clean up of sites polluted with hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs). The major factors limiting phytoremediation are the mass transfer, ra... Phytoremediation is becoming a cost-effective technology for the in-situ clean up of sites polluted with hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs). The major factors limiting phytoremediation are the mass transfer, rate of plant uptake, and microbial biodegradation of HOCs. This article discusses the potential of surfactants to enhance desorption, plant uptake, and biodegradation of HOCs in the contaminated sites. Positive effects of surfactants on phytoremediation have been recently observed in greenhouse studies. The presence of some nonionic surfactants including polyoxyethylene sorbltan monooleate (Tween 80) and polyoxyethylene(23)dodecanol (Brij35) at relatively low concentrations resulted in significant positive effects on phytoremediation for pyrene-contaminated soil. However, the anionic surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulfate, SDS) and the cationic surfactant (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, CTMAB) were not useful because of their phytotoxicity or low efficiency for surfactant-enhanced phytoremediation (SEPR). The mechanisms of SEPR for HOC-contaminated sites were evaluated by considering experimental observations. In view of concerns about the cost effectiveness and toxicity of surfactants to plants, more research is needed to enhance the use of SEPR technology. 展开更多
关键词 hydrophobic organic contaminant REMEDIATION SEPR SOIL surfaztant
SPATIAL DIFFERENTIATION OF LAND TRANSFER——Case Study of Shanghai, Nanjing and Taizhou in Changjiang River Delta 被引量:5
作者 DU Wen-xing HUANG Xian-jin +1 位作者 ZHAI Wen-xia PENG Bu-zhuo 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第1期24-31,共8页
The policy of land transfer has greatly influenced the macro economy of China with the commencement of another innovation of land use system. Therefore, it is urgent to put forward some rational and feasible suggestio... The policy of land transfer has greatly influenced the macro economy of China with the commencement of another innovation of land use system. Therefore, it is urgent to put forward some rational and feasible suggestions for local government to manage the market of land transfer. Moreover, it is important in the field of study on agricultural land use change to analyze the spatial differentiation and structural specification of land transfer, which are caused by rural households' behavior. This paper selected I l factors covering four aspects of rural households' family structure, family location, family income structure and the natural quality of land resources, all of which influence the behavior differentiation of rural households, to establish the index model indicating spatial differentiation of land transfer. Results show that the spatial differentiation of land transfer can be divided into four degrees and three categories through analyzing rural households' questionnaires from Shanghai, Nanjing and Taizhou in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River Delta. Since up to 80% of rural households belong to middle degrees, it can be concluded that the rural land market develops evenly in the study areas. And it is also indicated that the natural quality of land resources and the maximum income of rural land are most important factors influencing the spatial differentiation of land transaction. Considering different factors, the countermeasures can be carried out to enhance the spatial differentiation of land transfer so as to promote economic development and social security of rural China. All in all, both micro- factors and macro-factors influencing rural households' behavior of rural land transfer should be taken into account in order to make spatial differentiation and structural specification of rural land transfer notable. 展开更多
关键词 land transfer spatial differentiation land transaction Changjiang River Delta
Design and Applications of Land Resources and Ecological Environment Information System: A Case Study of Zigui County in the Three Gorges Area of China 被引量:25
The design and applications of a land information system built upon ARC/INFO and ArcView are presented. The proposed system not only maintains all the advantages of the more conventional implementations but also enhan... The design and applications of a land information system built upon ARC/INFO and ArcView are presented. The proposed system not only maintains all the advantages of the more conventional implementations but also enhances them in the following ways: 1) the application program interfaces (API) are used to transmit data and messages among different parts of the system; 2) the integrated system can support studies on land evaluations and ecological analyses by efficient management of attribute and spatial data and 3) correspondingly, spatial records and attributive records are linked by the same identifiers (ID). A case study application in Zigui County of the Three Gorges Area in China demonstrates that the system could employ land-use maps and land property data to predicate and analyze the land utilization changes in the past, present and future. The ecological environment analysis can be carried out with the data of land, economics and terrain map used, showing that the system can be widely applied, especially to survey land and environment resources in the countryside area. 展开更多
关键词 attribute database ecological environment land resources spatial database
作者 LIANGYong LUXiu-shan +2 位作者 ZHANGDe-gui LIANGFu RENZhi-bo 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2003年第1期15-19,共5页
China is a great agricultural country with large population, limited soilresources and traditional farming mode, so the central government has been attaching greatimportance to the development of agriculture and put f... China is a great agricultural country with large population, limited soilresources and traditional farming mode, so the central government has been attaching greatimportance to the development of agriculture and put forward a new agricultural technologyrevolution ― the transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture and fromextensive farming to intensive farming. Digital agriculture is the core of agriculturalinformatization. The enforcement of digital agriculture will greatly promote agricultural technologyrevolution, two agricultural transformations and its rapid development, and enhance China'scompetitive power after the entrance of WTO. To carry out digital agriculture, the frame system ofdigital agriculture is required to be studied in the first place. In accordance with the theory andtechnology of digital earth and in combination with the agricultural reality of China, this articleoutlines the frame system of digital agriculture and its main content arid technology support. 展开更多
关键词 digital agriculture framework system 3S technology spatial data
作者 SHAO Jing-an WEI Chao-fu XIE De-ti 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第2期176-182,共7页
The studies of driving forces of regional land use change (LUC) are to reveal the real motivation behind the LUC and its interacting mechanism, so as to simulate and predict the process of LUC. Presently, studies root... The studies of driving forces of regional land use change (LUC) are to reveal the real motivation behind the LUC and its interacting mechanism, so as to simulate and predict the process of LUC. Presently, studies rooting from different natural and socio-economic backgrounds and from different scales have deepened the people’s understanding and cognition to driving forces of regional LUC. Biophysical driving forces are relatively stable, and have the cumulating effects. Human driving forces are relatively active, and are main driving forces of short-term regional LUC. Existing regional LUC models can answer the three main problems: which contribution (why), which location (where) and what rate (when). But, regional land use system is defined as the self-organized system, usually affected by the cri- tical value area and sudden change, and controlled by different stages. To reduce the impact of critical threshold and break on land use system, the studies of LUC driving forces will aim at following priority areas: data linkage between remote sensing and no-remote sensing data; underlying driving force identification; driving factor quantification; driving factor scale dependence; and driving process integration simulation. 展开更多
关键词 land use change driving forces driving mechanism process simulation regional scale
Improving Land Resource Evaluation Using Fuzzy Neural Network Ensembles 被引量:11
作者 XUE Yue-Ju HU Yue-Ming +3 位作者 LIU Shu-Guang YANG Jing-Feng CHEN Qi-Chang BAO Shi-Tai 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第4期429-435,共7页
Land evaluation factors often contain continuous-, discrete- and nominal-valued attributes. In traditional land evaluation, these different attributes are usually graded into categorical indexes by land resource exper... Land evaluation factors often contain continuous-, discrete- and nominal-valued attributes. In traditional land evaluation, these different attributes are usually graded into categorical indexes by land resource experts, and the evaluation results rely heavily on experts' experiences. In order to overcome the shortcoming, we presented a fuzzy neural network ensemble method that did not require grading the evaluation factors into categorical indexes and could evaluate land resources by using the three kinds of attribute values directly. A fuzzy back propagation neural network (BPNN), a fuzzy radial basis function neural network (RBFNN), a fuzzy BPNN ensemble, and a fuzzy RBFNN ensemble were used to evaluate the land resources in Guangdong Province. The evaluation results by using the fuzzy BPNN ensemble and the fuzzy RBFNN ensemble were much better than those by using the single fuzzy BPNN and the single fuzzy RBFNN, and the error rate of the single fuzzy RBFNN or fuzzy RBFNN ensemble was lower than that of the single fuzzy BPNN or fuzzy BPNN ensemble, respectively. By using the fuzzy neural network ensembles, the validity of land resource evaluation was improved and reliance on land evaluators' experiences was considerably reduced. 展开更多
关键词 back propagation neural network (BPNN) data types fuzzy neural network ensembles land resource evaluation radial basis function neural network (RBFNN)
作者 QIAO Jia-jun LI Xiao-jian KONG Yun-feng 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第1期9-17,共9页
A micro-level analysis on man-land system is important in understanding the content of human geography in rural areas, particularly in the different regions. This paper is based on a survey undertaken in the three vil... A micro-level analysis on man-land system is important in understanding the content of human geography in rural areas, particularly in the different regions. This paper is based on a survey undertaken in the three villages of Wugou Village, Hutuo Village, and Xiaonan Village of Gongyi City, ltenan Province in April 2003. The survey covers three types of economic and social activities from 214 households. Data collected include 120 attributes for each household. By using theories from the relevant disciplines such as geography, mathcmatics, physics, ecology, and system sciences, this paper develops a framework employing the concept of system entropy in the status function of the man-land system. In this framework, the entropy change is used to show the evolution of the system, and the entropy flow to express the flow among the spatial parts of the system. Following the framework, and using a large set of household data from surveys, the paper makes a quantitative analysis of the village-level man-land system from a micro-perspective. After a theoretical investigation, the corresponding strategies in the paper are then put forward in order to adjust the unbalanced trend of the village man-land system from both perspectives of small-area and individual actors. 展开更多
关键词 man-land system village-level region system entropy
WISE EXPLOITATION OF NEWLY GROWING LAND RESOURCES——An Assessment on Land-use Change of Chongming Island Using GIS 被引量:11
作者 ZHAOBin LIBo +2 位作者 MAZhi-jun CHENJia-kuan NAKAGOSHINobukazu 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2003年第2期134-141,共8页
Chongming Island, the third largest island in China and the largest alluvialisland in the world, is situated in the north of Shanghai Municipality at the mouth of theChangjiang (Yangtze) River. Along the fertile and p... Chongming Island, the third largest island in China and the largest alluvialisland in the world, is situated in the north of Shanghai Municipality at the mouth of theChangjiang (Yangtze) River. Along the fertile and prosperous sea coast there are a total area ofover 120 x 10~3ha, with a population of 735 000, accruing some 500ha of new tidal land resourcescome from silt, sand and mud carried by the Changjiang River every year, extending about 140m peryear. This dynamic process of alluvial growth has run for some 1500 years. Mudflat on ChongmingIsland at the mouth of the Changjiang River is a resting ground for migratory birds and host morethan a hundred species, including rare cranes and geese. But the local people keep reclaiming thetidal land for economic development. Obviously, it is crucial to have a well-concerted plan forfuture exploitation. In this study, we attempted to investigate the status changes of land use andwild life habitats on Chongming Island in recent 10 years, and then analyzed different humanactivities and their effects on wild life habitats using satellite image data (1990, 1997 and 2000)as well as field survey. Based on the analysis, this study explored the relationships between islandgrowth and land use/cover change (LUCC), predicted what the habitat would be like in the future andtried to find more effective use of this new growing resource. At last, this study provided somepreliminary management plans for Chongming Island that will coordinate the development of localeconomies and the conservation of wild life and their habitats. 展开更多
关键词 RECLAMATION land use/cover change markov model biodiversityconservation chongming island
A GIS-based Tupu Analysis of Dynamics of Saline-alkali Land in Western Jilin Province 被引量:1
作者 REN Chunying ZHANG Bai +3 位作者 WANG Zongming SONG Kaishan LIU Dianwei LIU Zhiming 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第4期333-340,共8页
Based on Tupu theory, this paper studied the dynamic changes, conversion modes, expansion intensity and landscape attributes of the saline-alkali lands in Changling County, Zhenlai County and Da'an City of the wes... Based on Tupu theory, this paper studied the dynamic changes, conversion modes, expansion intensity and landscape attributes of the saline-alkali lands in Changling County, Zhenlai County and Da'an City of the western Jilin Province in 1980-2000 with the help of GIS. The results show that the saline-alkali land rather sharply increased in Da'an during 1995-2000; the main conversion processes in the three counties were from grassland to saline-alkali land and from saline-alkali land to grassland; and the typical shapes, spatial expansion speed and mode, and landscape attributes of the saline-alkali land were different in the three counties, which were closely related to local topography, predominant wind orientation, water resources distribution, etc. The corresponding spatial expansion mode was marginality in Changling, random in Zhenlai and more kernels in Da'an, respectively. Landscape attributes also responded to the spatial-temporal dynamic changes of the saline-alkali land and the landscape indices of Da'an fluctuated greatly. The frame of this research may provide fundamental reference for landscape analysis and give some suggestions for regional sustainable development. 展开更多
关键词 Tupu saline-alkali land GIS Jilin Province
A Study on Marine Region Carrying Capacity and Eco-compensation 被引量:4
作者 MA Caihua YOU Kui +2 位作者 MA Weiwei XIE Jun LI Fengqi 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2012年第2期253-256,共4页
With the using up of land resources, people are beginning to pay attention to the exploitation of the ocean and the use of marine resources is becoming more and more intense. Whether and how the ocean can be sustainab... With the using up of land resources, people are beginning to pay attention to the exploitation of the ocean and the use of marine resources is becoming more and more intense. Whether and how the ocean can be sustainably exploited as it is being exploited is an academic hot topic. This question is addressed in this paper based on the theories of carrying capacity of a marine region and marine eco-compensation, and the amount of the loss is calculated by the method of Time Value of Capital. This thesis covers the study of eco-compensation between two specific subjects with clear compensation objects, and as a defined approach and standard, the proposed method has good operability and positive practical significance in the good use of the ocean. 展开更多
关键词 carrying capacity of marine region marine eco-compensation time value of capital
Comparison of Soil Fauna (Oribatids and Enchytraeids)Between Conventional and Organic (Tillage and No-Tillage Practices) Farming Crop Fields in Japan 被引量:7
作者 M.FUJITA S.FUJIYAMA 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第1期11-20,共10页
The major soil animal groups, enchytraeid worms and oribatid mites, were compared in the abundance and diversity between conventional fields (CT) and organic farming fields with tillage (OT) or no-tillage (ON) practic... The major soil animal groups, enchytraeid worms and oribatid mites, were compared in the abundance and diversity between conventional fields (CT) and organic farming fields with tillage (OT) or no-tillage (ON) practices. The values of abundance, species richness, diversity and evenness were significantly larger in OT and ON than in CT, indicating that the abundance and diversity in organic farming fields were greater than those in conventional farming. The community structure of enchytraeid genera was different between OT and ON. Enchytraeus was the most abundant in OT, while Fridericia in ON. The abundance of oribatids in OT was similar to that in ON, while the species richness and diversity in the former were smaller. These results suggested that no-tillage practice under organic management might contribute to the improvement in quality of soil mesofauna. 展开更多
关键词 ENCHYTRAEIDAE organic farming ORIBATIDA soil management TILLAGE
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