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上通流对大陆岩石圈地幔-地壳热结构模式的潜在影响 被引量:4
作者 林舸 赵崇斌 +2 位作者 B.E.HOBBS 张露 周叶 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期393-401,共9页
本文以多孔介质中大尺度传热问题为基础,结合热平衡理论分析与数值计算,探讨了上通流对大陆岩石圈地幔-地壳热结构模式的潜在影响.根据大陆岩石圈中孔隙波传热概念模型的初步理论分析结果,指出了采用理论分析和数值模拟相结合的方法在... 本文以多孔介质中大尺度传热问题为基础,结合热平衡理论分析与数值计算,探讨了上通流对大陆岩石圈地幔-地壳热结构模式的潜在影响.根据大陆岩石圈中孔隙波传热概念模型的初步理论分析结果,指出了采用理论分析和数值模拟相结合的方法在研究大陆岩石圈地幔-地壳热结构模式时的重要性.理论分析方法可用来确定岩石圈尺度范围内大陆岩石圈的厚度和大陆地壳相关的边界条件,从而为地壳范围内数值模型的建立提供一些重要信息.数值模拟方法可以用来模拟地壳尺度范围内地壳的详细结构和复杂几何形状.如果地壳内的热分布是所考虑的主要因素,采用具有地壳尺度的合理数值模型可以有效减少计算机工作量.利用理论分析方法求出的岩石圈尺度范围内大陆岩石圈厚度与地幔传导热流之间关系的理论解,不仅可以用来验证模拟大陆岩石圈内传热问题所采用的数值方法,而且可以用来初步研究大陆岩石圈内热分布的基本规律,为研究岩石圈地幔热事件中大陆岩石圈热减薄过程提供相应的边界条件.本文从理论分析的观点初步探讨了中国大陆不同构造背景下大陆岩石圈的热结构模式,其结果与从地球物理和地质资料中获得的大陆岩石圈热结构模式十分吻合.研究结果表明由大陆岩石圈中孔隙波传播所导致的上通流是影响大陆岩石圈地幔-地壳热结构模式及大陆岩石圈地幔与地壳之间物质和能量交换的可能机制之一. 展开更多
关键词 热结构 热传递 上通流 岩石圈地幔地壳
作者 郭履灿 《CT理论与应用研究(中英文)》 2001年第4期46-49,共4页
中国地区已建立50个宽频带数字化地震台网,在地震活动性较高的地区,在地震活动性较高的地区,还建有北京、上海、山西、兰州等20组区域性数字化地震台网,和青藏高原(兰州)、上海和海拉尔三个数字化台阵,也能记录到清楚的震相... 中国地区已建立50个宽频带数字化地震台网,在地震活动性较高的地区,在地震活动性较高的地区,还建有北京、上海、山西、兰州等20组区域性数字化地震台网,和青藏高原(兰州)、上海和海拉尔三个数字化台阵,也能记录到清楚的震相和相应的波列;本文辑录了有可能利用中国地区丰富的数字化地震台网记录,来探测研究地壳和上地幔震波速度结构的三维分布和品质因数Q值三维分布的有关信息和计算机算法实现途径;可将地震台记录的地动位移谱和速度谱,经过地球介质的吸收衰减校正,换算为震源面上的震级谱,以便帮助判别地震系列类型(孤立型,主震余震型,主震余震型,前震-主震-余震型或震群型)[3,12,12,16] 。希图引起国内外有关专家,包括海外华人学者的关注,参与这方面的研讨,以促进充分利用中国地区丰富的数字化地震台网记录,进行三维速度结构成像的研究、进行地壳和上地幔震波衰减-品质因数Q值三维分布的探测研究、为地震预报研究服务为减轻灾害服务。 2001年8月日本爱媛大学地球动力学研究中心赵大鹏教授在北京大学“地球科学报告会”上报告了他的地震断面成像方法新方法。赵教授方法的最大特点是,对于处理复杂形状的地震速度断面具有突出的优点。 展开更多
关键词 断面成像 数字化地震台 地壳地幔 震波频谱图 震源面震级谱 地震波
渭河盆地岩石圈热结构与地热田热源机理 被引量:49
作者 饶松 姜光政 +2 位作者 高雅洁 胡圣标 汪集旸 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期2176-2190,共15页
岩石圈热结构是盆地现今地温场研究的重要延伸和扩展,是了解大陆岩石圈构造变形及演化等大陆动力学问题的重要窗口,更是地热田热源机理研究的核心问题.本次工作,在系统分析渭河盆地现今地温场和水动力系统基础上,编制了渭河盆地大地热... 岩石圈热结构是盆地现今地温场研究的重要延伸和扩展,是了解大陆岩石圈构造变形及演化等大陆动力学问题的重要窗口,更是地热田热源机理研究的核心问题.本次工作,在系统分析渭河盆地现今地温场和水动力系统基础上,编制了渭河盆地大地热流分布等值线图;通过实测生热率等热物性参数,利用一维稳态热传导方程计算了研究区岩石圈热结构,并分析了渭河盆地岩石圈热结构特征和地热田热源机理.结果表明,渭河盆地现今大地热流值分布范围为62.5-80.2mW·m^-2,平均为70.8±4.8mW·m^-2,西部明显高于东部,西安坳陷最高,咸礼凸起次之;渭河断裂并不是控热断裂,其沟通作用引起的水热循环一定程度上影响了浅部热量再分配,对渭河盆地地温场并没有起到明显的控制作用.西安坳陷—咸礼凸起地壳热流介于32.2-37.5mW·m^-2之间,平均为34.6mW·m^-2;地幔热流分布范围为33.8-38.9mW·m^-2,平均为36.0mW·m^-2;地壳热流和地幔热流的总体变化趋势一致,西安坳陷高于咸礼凸起,分析认为西安坳陷沉积层厚度大于后者,且沉积层放射性生热率更大,是造成西安坳陷地壳热流高于咸礼凸起的原因,而西安坳陷相比咸礼凸起更高的地幔热流,表明西安坳陷深部活动性强于咸礼凸起.西安坳陷和咸礼凸起地壳/地幔热流比值相近,介于0.93-1.01之间,平均为0.96,"热"岩石圈厚度约为95-101km.渭河盆地岩石圈热结构特征与鄂尔多斯盆地在很大程度上具有相似性,暗示着二者具备相似的深部稳定性,这与渤海湾盆地为代表的中国东部中—新生代主动裂谷盆地岩石圈热结构特征截然不同,表明渭河盆地为被动伸展裂陷.从鄂尔多斯盆地、渭河盆地、山西裂谷到华北盆地,"热"岩石圈厚度的有序变化表明太平洋板块俯冲引起的地幔对流对华北地块深部动力学行为的影响主要发生在太行山以东,而太行山以西的鄂尔多斯盆地和渭河盆地则影响甚微,这种空间差异影响从侧面暗示着华北克拉通破坏过程的有序性.综合分析渭河盆地地质—地球物理资料认为,岩石圈表层伸展破裂、深部重力均衡调整进而引起软流圈被动上涌,其产生的相对高地幔热流的热传导和深大断裂沟通的水体热对流相互叠加作用,共同构成了渭河盆地中—低温地热田的热源机理. 展开更多
关键词 岩石圈热结构 地壳/地幔热流比值 渭河盆地 咸阳地热田 裂谷盆地
云南大坪金矿白钨矿惰性气体同位素组成及其成矿意义 被引量:55
作者 孙晓明 熊德信 +2 位作者 王生伟 石贵勇 翟伟 《岩石学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期725-732,共8页
利用高真空气相质谱系统测定了云南大坪金矿白钨矿流体包裹体的惰性气体同位素组成,得出其~3He/~4He为(0.988~1.424)×10^(-6),平均1.205×10^(-6),相应R/R_a为0.706~1.018,平均0.898,^(40)Ar/^(36)Ar为1801.8~2663... 利用高真空气相质谱系统测定了云南大坪金矿白钨矿流体包裹体的惰性气体同位素组成,得出其~3He/~4He为(0.988~1.424)×10^(-6),平均1.205×10^(-6),相应R/R_a为0.706~1.018,平均0.898,^(40)Ar/^(36)Ar为1801.8~2663.8,远高于大气^(40)Ar/^(36)Ar;^(20)Ne/^(22)Ne和^(21)Ne/^(22)Ne分别为9.600~11.56和0.028~0.0467,而^(134)Xe/^(132)Xe和^(136)Xe/^(132)Xe分别为0.394~0.692和0.301~0.462,均高于其相应大气值;He-Ar、Ne和Xe同位素组成显示大坪金矿成矿流体主要由深源地幔流体和地壳流体组成,其中基本不含大气饱和水。大坪金矿的形成与该区壳幔相互作用有关:该区喜山早期地壳拉张引起的地幔岩浆上涌和去气形成深源地幔流体,下地壳在上涌地幔烘烤下形成富含CO_2、^(40)Ar、^(134)Xe、^(136)Xe和~4He的地壳流体,它们混合以后沿韧性剪切带上升,水-岩反应和沸腾作用导致矿质沉淀。因此,大坪金矿属于剪切带控制的深源热液型金矿。 展开更多
关键词 白钨矿 惰性气体同位素 流体包裹体 地壳流体和地幔流体 云南大坪金矿
中国东部壳-幔、岩石圈-软流圈之间的相互作用带:特征及转换时限 被引量:24
作者 路凤香 郑建平 +1 位作者 侯青叶 李方林 《中国地质》 CAS CSCD 2006年第4期773-781,共9页
中国东部中—新生代,下部岩石圈存在壳与幔、岩石圈与软流圈两个相互作用带,它们是重要的岩浆源区,在层圈相互作用中,热和物质的交换及其动力学过程是引起中、新生代岩石圈内部层圈间的厚度调整、岩石圈不均匀减薄以及区域构造-岩浆-成... 中国东部中—新生代,下部岩石圈存在壳与幔、岩石圈与软流圈两个相互作用带,它们是重要的岩浆源区,在层圈相互作用中,热和物质的交换及其动力学过程是引起中、新生代岩石圈内部层圈间的厚度调整、岩石圈不均匀减薄以及区域构造-岩浆-成矿作用的重要机理。大陆内部的壳-幔作用有3种类型:地幔来源的底侵熔体与下地壳的作用;下地壳拆沉进入弱化(weakening)了的岩石圈地幔二者发生的作用以及陆-陆碰撞深俯冲带的壳-幔相互作用。它们形成的火山岩组合有一定的差别,但源区都含有地壳组分。岩石圈-软流圈的作用带也是重要的岩浆源区,源区是以软流圈地幔为主,基本不含地壳组分。东部岩石圈的减薄时间大体与出现大规模软流圈来源的玄武岩喷发的时间一致,也与上述两类层圈作用转换的时间一致,大约在100Ma以后。 展开更多
关键词 壳-幔相互作用 岩石圈-软流圈相互作用 地壳与弱化岩石圈地幔的作用 岩石圈减薄
青藏高原东北缘壳、幔深部结构研究的进展与问题 被引量:1
作者 张洪双 张智 《桂林理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第4期623-628,共6页
青藏高原东北缘处于青藏高原向中国大陆内部扩展的前缘部位,其地质构造复杂,岩石圈变形样式丰富,是探索大陆内部岩石圈构造变形与深部过程的天然实验室。半个多世纪以来,该地区已开展了多期次以揭示壳、幔深部结构为目标的地球物理探测... 青藏高原东北缘处于青藏高原向中国大陆内部扩展的前缘部位,其地质构造复杂,岩石圈变形样式丰富,是探索大陆内部岩石圈构造变形与深部过程的天然实验室。半个多世纪以来,该地区已开展了多期次以揭示壳、幔深部结构为目标的地球物理探测,通过收集前人的研究成果,对青藏高原东北缘的壳、幔深部结构研究进展以及存在的问题作了简要介绍和初步讨论。国内外最新研究成果表明:1)青藏高原东北缘地壳较厚,但普遍缺失高速铁镁质下地壳,其低泊松比属性预示该地区下地壳流不发育;2)高原东北缘大部分区域保留有较厚的岩石圈,且上地幔各向异性快轴方向与地表构造走向基本一致,表明该地区壳、幔耦合变形可能性较大;3)昆仑断层南北两侧壳、幔深部结构存在较大差异,预示其是上地幔变形的转换带。 展开更多
关键词 青藏高原东北缘 壳幔结构 地幔各向异性 地壳流和地幔
花岗岩研究的反思 被引量:9
作者 董申保 田伟 《高校地质学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期353-361,共9页
花岗岩是地壳生长、发展以及再循环的地质见证,是地质科学中壳-幔相互作用研究的一个重要课题,同时也是流体与固体地球化学相互作用领域的研究前沿。近二百年来,有关花岗岩的研究经久不衰,大致可分为4个阶段。(1)混合花岗岩派与岩浆花... 花岗岩是地壳生长、发展以及再循环的地质见证,是地质科学中壳-幔相互作用研究的一个重要课题,同时也是流体与固体地球化学相互作用领域的研究前沿。近二百年来,有关花岗岩的研究经久不衰,大致可分为4个阶段。(1)混合花岗岩派与岩浆花岗岩派的论争,代表花岗岩成因研究开始进入理性认识阶段。一派以变质作用条件下地壳重熔的地质观察为基础,另一派以简单的玄武岩浆分异为依据,而展开论争。(2)地壳重熔实验阶段。以地壳岩石为源岩的热力学实验的开展,是花岗岩热力学研究的开始。(3)随着重熔实验的全面开展,包括了微量元素及同位素的研究,促使热力学熔融体系在花岗岩成因研究上进入全面应用阶段,使地质上的共生组合法则得以与热力学接轨。同时由于微量元素应用于花岗岩,它的多元机理(multiple stage mechanism)进一步确立,为动态研究的开展打下了一定的基础。(4)花岗岩成因与大地构造结合阶段,属于近代花岗岩研究的范畴,代表着花岗岩体系与动态地质演化过程的接轨,并开始建立一个地质实际的观察模式,为进一步向动力理论发展做好准备。为此,对花岗岩研究发展过程中出现的几个问题,如平衡热力学的应用,流体在花岗岩中的重要性,花岗岩成因与大地构造的结合以及热在长期的演化过程中的变化等问题进行了讨论。 展开更多
关键词 混合花岗岩vs.岩浆花岗岩 地壳重熔vs.地幔熔融 可逆反应vs.不可逆反应 H2O在花岗岩熔融中的地位 H2O的活度
Computational simulation of convective flow in the Earth crust under consideration of dynamic crust-mantle interactions 被引量:1
作者 赵崇斌 彭省临 +2 位作者 刘亮明 B.E.HOBBS A.ORD 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第6期2080-2084,共5页
The finite element method was used to solve fluid dynamic interaction problems between the crust and mantle of the Earth. To consider different mechanical behaviours, the lithosphere consisting of the crust and upper ... The finite element method was used to solve fluid dynamic interaction problems between the crust and mantle of the Earth. To consider different mechanical behaviours, the lithosphere consisting of the crust and upper mantle was simulated as fluid-saturated porous rocks, while the upper aesthenospheric part of the mantle was simulated as viscous fluids. Since the whole lithosphere was computationally simulated, the dynamic interaction between the crust and the upper mantle was appropriately considered. In particular, the mixing of mantle fluids and crustal fluids was simulated in the corresponding computational model. The related computational simulation results from an example problem demonstrate that the mantle fluids can flow into the crust and mix with the crustal fluids due to the resulting convective flows in the crust-mantle system. Likewise, the crustal fluids can also flow into the upper mantle and mix with the mantle fluids. This kind of fluids mixing and exchange is very important to the better understanding of the governing processes that control the ore body formation and mineralization in the upper crust of the Earth. 展开更多
关键词 computational simulation crustal fluids mantle fluids fluid dynamic interaction
地震学全波形反演进展 被引量:6
作者 祝贺君 刘沁雅 杨继东 《地球与行星物理论评(中英文)》 2023年第3期287-317,共31页
全波形反演是一种基于声波/弹性/黏弹性波动方程来反演三维地球模型的高分辨率成像方法.目前该方法已经被广泛应用于油气勘探、地壳与上地幔结构以及地幔对流的研究当中.使用该方法,可以建立一个统一的理论和算法框架来反演地球内部的... 全波形反演是一种基于声波/弹性/黏弹性波动方程来反演三维地球模型的高分辨率成像方法.目前该方法已经被广泛应用于油气勘探、地壳与上地幔结构以及地幔对流的研究当中.使用该方法,可以建立一个统一的理论和算法框架来反演地球内部的多个地震学参数模型,主要包括P波和S波速度、各向异性、黏滞性衰减、密度以及反射系数等.通过联合解释这些地震学多参数结果,可以更好地约束地球内部的温度变化、物质构成、地幔对流以及水和挥发成分的分布.目前,关于全波形反演的研究前沿主要包括目标函数的选取、多参数联合反演、模型正则化约束、分辨率和不确定性分析,以及其在新型地震数据,例如背景噪声和线性密集台阵中的应用.此外,为了更好地解释反演所得到的地震学多参数模型以及探讨相关的地球科学问题,需要多学科之间的交叉合作,包括结合地震学以及岩石矿物实验和地球动力学模拟等的结果.相关的成果对更好地认识油气储层构造、盆地结构、断层分布以及地幔对流具有重要的科学意义. 展开更多
关键词 全波形反演 地壳地幔结构 地震波速度
作者 张健 董淼 +3 位作者 姜程浩 方桂 褚伟 何雨蓓 《地质学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期1-15,共15页
苏拉威西岛北部属于马鲁古海板块,其主体是北苏拉威西海沟俯冲带与帕卢-科洛左旋走滑断裂所围限的岛北支和岛东支。大约5 Ma前,苏拉群岛沿Sorong断层与苏拉威西岛东支碰撞,导致北苏拉威西海沟俯冲后撤,引起了岛北支顺时针旋转约20°... 苏拉威西岛北部属于马鲁古海板块,其主体是北苏拉威西海沟俯冲带与帕卢-科洛左旋走滑断裂所围限的岛北支和岛东支。大约5 Ma前,苏拉群岛沿Sorong断层与苏拉威西岛东支碰撞,导致北苏拉威西海沟俯冲后撤,引起了岛北支顺时针旋转约20°~25°,同时,西侧的帕卢-科洛断层发生了约4 cm/a的左旋走滑。本文利用综合地球物理方法,计算了该区三维温度、速度、黏性特征,认为:苏拉威西岛北部在左旋走滑、俯冲后撤过程中,地壳以脆性变形为主,但由于北苏拉威西海沟俯冲带在地壳内形成南向倾斜的软弱层,Moho面和地形“镜像”区域内形成脆、韧变形共存的组合。地幔变形为韧性变形,深度约100 km的上地幔低速流变层是地幔韧性变形的主控层位。在周边板块边界不断移动的动力学背景中,苏拉威西岛北部在地壳尺度以收缩-伸展变形为主,在岩石圈尺度以旋转变形为主。 展开更多
关键词 苏拉威西岛北部 左旋走滑 俯冲后撤 地球物理计算分析 地壳地幔变形
Research on the 3-D Seismic Structures in Qinghai-Xizang Plateau 被引量:1
作者 Ding Zhifeng, He Zhengqin, Wu Jianping, and Sun WeiguoInstitute of Geophysics, China Seismological Bureau, Beijing 100081, China 《Earthquake Research in China》 2002年第1期27-38,共12页
Based on the recording data from the analogue and broadband digital seismic stations in and around Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau, the three dimensional (3-D) seismic velocity structures in Qinghai-Xizang Plateau were... Based on the recording data from the analogue and broadband digital seismic stations in and around Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau, the three dimensional (3-D) seismic velocity structures in Qinghai-Xizang Plateau were obtained by using the regional body wave tomography and surface wave tomography. The results from these two tomography methods have similar characteristics for P- and S-wave velocity structures in crust and upper mantle. They show that there are remarkable low velocity zones in the upper crust of Lhasa block in the southern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and the lower crust and upper mantle of Qiangtang block in the northern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. These phenomena may be related to the different steps of collision process in southern and northern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. 展开更多
关键词 Qinghai-Xizang Plateau Seismic tomography 3-D velocity structure
Review on Deep Geophysical Exploration and Research in China
作者 Wang ChunyongInstitute of Geophysics, China Seismological Bureau, Beijing 100081, China 《Earthquake Research in China》 2002年第3期283-292,共10页
The status of deep geophysical exploration and research in China is summarized in this paper. New achievements in the study of the velocity structure, seismotectonics and geodynamics of the crust and upper mantle are ... The status of deep geophysical exploration and research in China is summarized in this paper. New achievements in the study of the velocity structure, seismotectonics and geodynamics of the crust and upper mantle are also briefly described. 展开更多
关键词 Deep geophysical exploration Velocity structure SEISMOTECTONICS GEODYNAMICS Crust and mantle
Bicharacteristic Curves in Modeling of the Earth Crust and Upper Mantle
作者 Georgi Boyadzhiev 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2014年第3期167-172,共6页
The aim of this paper is the introduction of a new approach to 3D modelling of elastic piecewise homogeneous media, in particular Earth crust and upper Mantle. The method is based on the principle of tomography with E... The aim of this paper is the introduction of a new approach to 3D modelling of elastic piecewise homogeneous media, in particular Earth crust and upper Mantle. The method is based on the principle of tomography with Earthquake as a source of the signal and receiver stations on the surface. The wave propagation in solid media is described by a system of three strongly coupled hyperbolic equations with piece - wise constant coefitients. The characteristic set and hi-characteristic curves of this system are computed in a homogeneous half-space with free boundary and the formulae of reflection and diffraction of the hi-characteristics on the internal boundaries of the media. Applications of the characteristic set and bi-eharacteristic curves for the inverse problem in geophysics and Earth modelling are given. 展开更多
关键词 3D modeling of Lithosphere BICHARACTERISTICS strongly coupled linear systems of PDE
南海张裂过程及其对晚中生代以来东南亚构造的启示--IODP建议书735-Full介绍 被引量:20
作者 李春峰 汪品先 +16 位作者 Dieter Franke 李家彪 Randell Stephenson 许树坤 Peter Michael 周祖翼 翦知湣 李前裕 刘志飞 耿建华 木村学 阎贫 丘学林 王嘹亮 解习农 吴时国 吴能友 《地球科学进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第12期1339-1351,共13页
南海的形成揭示了大陆边缘张裂和盆地形成的复杂模式,尽管已经进行了广泛研究,但是关于基底岩石和深海盆沉积层的精确年代数据还很缺乏,这使得对南海张裂年代的估计存在很大的误差,对张裂机制和历史的各种假设没有得到验证。同时只有对... 南海的形成揭示了大陆边缘张裂和盆地形成的复杂模式,尽管已经进行了广泛研究,但是关于基底岩石和深海盆沉积层的精确年代数据还很缺乏,这使得对南海张裂年代的估计存在很大的误差,对张裂机制和历史的各种假设没有得到验证。同时只有对南海的张裂过程有了精确地分析与刻画,才能更好地理解西太平洋边缘海盆地的形成以及它们在印支块体受印度—欧亚板块碰撞而向东南挤出、青藏高原隆升中可能起到的作用。2009年正式提交的国际综合大洋钻探计划(IODP)建议书735-Full建议在南海深海盆内的4个站位上实施钻探。这4个站位分布在南海盆地4个不同的次级构造单元上(南海东北部、西北次海盆、东部次海盆和西南次海盆),这样的站位设计会确保完成本建议书的整体研究目标,即揭示南海的张裂历史和它对晚中生代以来东南亚构造的启示。位于南海盆地最东北部的站位有助于确定该区域地壳的属性和验证古南海是否存在,位于西北次海盆的站位可能会提供南海的最早张裂年代,另外2个分别位于东部次海盆和西南次海盆的站位将重点确定2个次海盆的绝对年龄、基底矿物成分与磁化率以及2个次海盆的相对张裂次序。这些站位的水深大约在2910~4400m,钻探深度预计到海底以下大约700~2200m,总的钻透深度为5959m,其中5359m穿透沉积层,另外600m或400m钻入基底。所有这些站位的位置是由已有的地球物理观测数据所确定,目前计划收集更多的地质与地球物理数据以满足IODP对井位调查数据的要求。 展开更多
关键词 南海 大陆破裂 盆地形成 海底扩张 地壳演化和地幔
Upper mantle anisotropy and crust-mantle deformation pattern beneath the Chinese mainland 被引量:21
作者 WANG ChunYong CHANG LiJun +3 位作者 DING ZhiFeng LIU QiongLin LIAO WuLin Lucy M FLESCH 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第1期132-143,共12页
Over the past 10 years, the number of broadband seismic stations in China has increased significantly. The broadband seismic records contain information about shear-wave splitting which plays an important role in reve... Over the past 10 years, the number of broadband seismic stations in China has increased significantly. The broadband seismic records contain information about shear-wave splitting which plays an important role in revealing the upper mantle anisotropy in the Chinese mainland. Based on teleseismic SKS and SKKS phases recorded in the seismic stations, we used the analytical method of minimum transverse energy to determine the fast wave polarization direction and delay time of shear-wave splitting. We also collected results of shear-wave splitting in China and the surrounding regions from previously published papers. From the combined dataset we formed a shear-wave splitting dataset containing 1020 parameter pairs. These splitting parameters re- veal the complexity of the upper mantle anisotropy image. Our statistical analysis indicates stronger upper mantle anisotropy in the Chinese mainland, with an average shear-wave time delay of 0,95 s; the anisotropy in the western region is slightly larger (1.01 s) than in the eastern region (0.92 s). On a larger scale, the SKS splitting and surface deformation data in the Tibetan Plateau and the Tianshan region jointly support the lithospheric deformation mode, i.e. the crust-lithospheric mantle coherent deformation. In eastern China, the average fast-wave direction is approximately parallel to the direction of the absolute plate motion; thus, the upper mantle anisotropy can be attributed to the asthenospheric flow. The area from the Ordos block to the Sichuan Basin in central China is the transition zone of deformation modes between the east and the west regions, where the anisotropy images are more complicated, exhibiting "fossil" anisotropy and/or two-layer anis^3trc^py. The c^llisi(3n between the Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plate is the main factor of upper mantle anisotropy in the western region of the Chinese mainland, while the upper mantle anisotropy in the eastern region is related to the subduction of the Pacific Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate beneath the Eurasian Plate. 展开更多
关键词 shear-wave splitting upper mantle anisotropy lithosphere deformation asthenospheric flow absolute plate motion
Continental crust formation at arcs, the arclogite ‘‘delamination''cycle, and one origin for fertile melting anomalies in the mantle 被引量:17
作者 Cin-Ty A.Lee Don L.Anderson 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第13期1141-1156,共16页
The total magmatic output in modern arcs,where continental crust is now being formed, is believed to derive from melting of the mantle wedge and is largely basaltic. Globally averaged continental crust, however, has a... The total magmatic output in modern arcs,where continental crust is now being formed, is believed to derive from melting of the mantle wedge and is largely basaltic. Globally averaged continental crust, however, has an andesitic bulk composition and is hence too silicic to have been derived directly from the mantle. It is well known that one way this imbalance can be reconciled is if the parental basalt differentiates into a mafic garnet pyroxenitic residue/cumulate(‘‘arclogite'') and a complementary silicic melt, the former foundering or delaminating into the mantle due to its high densities and the latter remaining as the crust.Using the Sierra Nevada batholith in California as a case study, the composition of mature continental arc crust is shown in part to be the product of a cyclic process beginning with the growth of an arclogite layer followed by delamination of this layer and post-delamination basaltic underplating/recharge into what remains of the continental crust.A model is presented, wherein continuous arc magmatism and production of arclogites in continental arcs are periodically punctuated by a delamination event and an associated magmatic pulse every *10–30 My. The recycling flux of arclogites is estimated to be *5 %–20 % that of oceanic crust recycling by subduction. Delaminated arclogites have the necessary trace-element compositions to yield time-integrated isotopic compositions similar to those inferred toexist as reservoirs in the mantle. Because of their low melting temperatures, such pyroxenites may be preferentially melted, possibly forming a component of some hotspot magmas. 展开更多
The gravity field and crustal thickness of Venus 被引量:4
作者 WEI DaiYun YANG An HUANG JinShui 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第9期2025-2035,共11页
The gravity and topography of Venus obtained from observations of the Magellan mission, as well as the gravity and topography from our numerical mantle convection model, are discussed in this paper. We used the hypoth... The gravity and topography of Venus obtained from observations of the Magellan mission, as well as the gravity and topography from our numerical mantle convection model, are discussed in this paper. We used the hypothesis that the geoid of degrees 2–40 is produced by sublithospheric mantle density anomalies that are associated with dynamical process within the mantle. We obtained the model dynamical admittance(the geoid topography ratio based on a convection model) by a numerical simulation of the Venusian mantle convection, and used it to correct the dynamical effect in the calculation of crustal thickness. After deducting the dynamical effect, the thickness of the Venusian crust is presented. The results show that the gravity and topography are strongly correlated with the Venusian mantle convection and the Venusian crust has a significant influence on the topography. The Venusian crustal thickness varies from 28 to 70 km. Ishtar Terra, and Ovda Regio and Thetis Regio in western Aphrodite Terra have the highest crustal thickness(larger than 50 km). The high topography of these areas is thought to be supported by crustal compensation and our results are consistent with the hypothesis that these areas are remnants of ancient continents. The crustal thickness in the Beta, Themis, Dione, Eistla, Bell, and Lada regiones is thin and shows less correlation with the topography, especially in the Atla and Imdr regiones in the eastern part of Aphrodite Terra. This is consistent with the hypothesis that these highlands are mainly supported by mantle plumes. Compared with the crustal thickness calculated with the dynamical effect, our results are more consistent with the crust evolution and internal dynamical process of Venus. 展开更多
关键词 gravity field of Venus crustal thickness of Venus Venusian mantle dynamics admittance between the geoid and topography
Experimental study of the electrical conductivity of hydrous minerals in the crust and the mantle under high pressure and high temperature 被引量:5
作者 GUO XinZhuan 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第4期696-706,共11页
Hydrous minerals are important water carriers in the crust and the mantle, especially in the subduction zone. With the recent development of the experimental technique, studies of the electrical conductivity of hydrou... Hydrous minerals are important water carriers in the crust and the mantle, especially in the subduction zone. With the recent development of the experimental technique, studies of the electrical conductivity of hydrous silicate minerals under controlled temperature, pressure and oxygen fugacity, have helped to constrain the water distribution in the Earth's interior. This paper introduces high pressure and temperature experimental study of electrical conductivity measurement of hydrous minerals such as serpentine, talc, brucite, phase A, super hydrous phase B and phase D, and assesses the data quality of the above minerals. The dehydration effect and the pressure effect on the bulk conductivity of the hydrous minerals are specifically emphasized. The conduction mechanism of hydrous minerals and the electrical structure of the subduction zone are discussed based on the available conductivity data. Finally, the potential research fields of the electrical conductivity of hydrous minerals is presented. 展开更多
关键词 Electrical conductivity High pressure and temperature experiment Hydrous minerals Conduction mechanism Subduction zone High conductivity anomalies
S-wave Q structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath Yunnan from surface waves 被引量:4
作者 CHEN Jia HU JiaFu +3 位作者 YANG HaiYan ZHANG XiaoMan WEN LiMin PENG HengChu 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第5期858-868,共11页
A phase-matched filtering technique is applied to extract fundamental mode signals from Rayleigh waves recorded at 62 digital seismic stations in the Yunnan and Sichuan regions.We use the fundamental mode of vibration... A phase-matched filtering technique is applied to extract fundamental mode signals from Rayleigh waves recorded at 62 digital seismic stations in the Yunnan and Sichuan regions.We use the fundamental mode of vibrations at two stations that are located on the same great circle as the focus to calculate an inter-station attenuation coefficient of the Rayleigh wave with periods between 0.40 and 80.64 s,and invert for the inter-station S-wave Q-factor (Qβ) at depths of 0-200 km.The results indicate that Qβ in Yunnan is 20-140,presenting a low Qβ background with apparent lateral variation.Taking the Honghe Fault as the boundary,Qβ of the crust is only 20 on the west side,extending to a depth of 120 km.The distribution of Qβ is consistent with large-scale Cenozoic volcanic and intrusive rocks in western Yunnan,implying that the crust and mantle are in the thermally active state.In the eastern Yunnan Block,east of the Xiaojiang Fault,Qβ in the upper 120 km is 140 in the south but only 20 in the north.Additionally,around the Dukou-Chuxiong in the mid-Yunnan Block,Qβ in the lithosphere is relatively high at 60-100,corresponding to a stiff crust.This is because the suture between the Indian and Eurasian plates reversed the tension in the rifting stage into the compression of orogenesis,leading to the closure of a gap in the crust.After some time,interstitial fluids gradually disappeared,resulting in a high velocity layer in the crust and low heat flow on the surface.The Yunnan region consists of an obvious block of elevated Qβ,distributed within the low background,consistent with the distribution of heat-flow values on the surface.The Honghe and Xiaojiang faults are tectonic boundaries in addition to being boundaries between regions of high and low crustal Qβ.The low Qβ is probably the result of crustal rupture and disturbance caused by strong earthquakes and the upwelling of hot substances along the deep fault zones. 展开更多
关键词 Yunnan region attenuation of surface wave phase-matched filtering S-wave Q-factor
Crustal and upper mantle structure and deep tectonic genesis of large earthquakes in North China 被引量:20
作者 WANG ChunYong WU QingJu +2 位作者 DUAN YongHong WANG ZhiShuo LOU Hai 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第5期821-857,共37页
From the 1960 s to 1970 s, North China has been hit by a series of large earthquakes. During the past half century,geophysicists have carried out numerous surveys of the crustal and upper mantle structure, and associa... From the 1960 s to 1970 s, North China has been hit by a series of large earthquakes. During the past half century,geophysicists have carried out numerous surveys of the crustal and upper mantle structure, and associated studies in North China.They have made significant progress on several key issues in the geosciences, such as the crustal and upper mantle structure and the seismogenic environment of strong earthquakes. Deep seismic profiling results indicate a complex tectonic setting in the strong earthquake areas of North China, where a listric normal fault and a low-angle detachment in the upper crust coexist with a high-angle deep fault passing through the lower crust to the Moho beneath the hypocenter. Seismic tomography images reveal that most of the large earthquakes occurred in the transition between the high-and low-velocity zones, and the Tangshan earthquake area is characterized by a low-velocity anomaly in the middle-lower crust. Comprehensive analysis of geophysical data identified that the deep seismogenic environment in the North China extensional tectonic region is generally characterized by a low-velocity anomalous belt beneath the hypocenter, inconsistency of the deep and shallow structures in the crust, a steep crustalal-scale fault,relative lower velocities in the uppermost mantle, and local Moho uplift, etc. This indicates that the lithospheric structure of North China has strong heterogeneities. Geologically, the North China region had been a stable craton named the North China Craton or in brief the NCC, containing crustal rocks as old as ~3.8 Ga. The present-day strong seismic activity and the lower velocity of the lower crust in the NCC are much different from typical stable cratons around the world. These findings provide significant evidence for the destruction of the NCC. Although deep seismic profiling and seismic tomography have greatly enhanced knowledge about the deep-seated structure and seismogenic environment, some fundamental issues still remain and require further work. 展开更多
关键词 North China Craton Crust and upper mantle structure Deep seismic sounding profile Deep seismic reflection profile Broadband seismic array Seismogenic environment
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