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作者 黄开国 《湖南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第6期24-27,共4页
“绝地天通”见于先秦多种文献中,是中国文化史上的重大历史事件。对“绝地天通”,已经有诸多解释。其中“夫人作享,家为巫史”“民神不杂”,实际上是讲两种社会状态的对立,但绝非先有“民神不杂”的“绝地天通”,而后才有“家为巫史”... “绝地天通”见于先秦多种文献中,是中国文化史上的重大历史事件。对“绝地天通”,已经有诸多解释。其中“夫人作享,家为巫史”“民神不杂”,实际上是讲两种社会状态的对立,但绝非先有“民神不杂”的“绝地天通”,而后才有“家为巫史”的天地不通。而其中反映的是中国古代因农业生产的需要,人们对天文地宜认识的飞跃,特别是天文历法的进步,才是绝地天通的根本原因。而绝地天通,则是伏羲画八卦仰观俯察的文化前提。 展开更多
关键词 地天 绝通 历法
作者 孟祥武 苏醒 《建筑设计管理》 2019年第3期72-75,共4页
传统寺庙建筑群往往受到各宗教教义影响而形成一种综合排布方式。各寺庙之间形成意匠的对应与空间的呼应。本文以金石文献为依据,通过梳理历史源流,分析得出白塔山古建筑群经过元明、清以及1958年之后三个大的时间节点的发展演进,在此... 传统寺庙建筑群往往受到各宗教教义影响而形成一种综合排布方式。各寺庙之间形成意匠的对应与空间的呼应。本文以金石文献为依据,通过梳理历史源流,分析得出白塔山古建筑群经过元明、清以及1958年之后三个大的时间节点的发展演进,在此过程中古建筑群的形成自始至终受到易经"地天泰"卦风水学的影响,最终形成了白塔山古建筑群现有的寺庙建筑组群空间格局形态。从而揭示了寺庙古建筑群文化空间形成的一些规律。 展开更多
关键词 白塔山 古建筑群 地天泰”卦 空间格局
试论地天泰、天地否卦所蕴含的哲理 被引量:3
作者 孙宇男 《牡丹江师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第3期63-65,共3页
关键词 地天 地否 蕴含 哲理 价值
关于“绝地天通”的一种新的去神秘化解读 被引量:1
作者 杨权 《湖南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期61-67,共7页
"绝地天通"并非如传统解读那样富有神秘色彩,其中的"地""天"均非指自然之地、天,而分别是东夷和黄帝部落信奉的至上神"帝"和"天",代表着东夷部落和黄帝部落。"绝地天通"... "绝地天通"并非如传统解读那样富有神秘色彩,其中的"地""天"均非指自然之地、天,而分别是东夷和黄帝部落信奉的至上神"帝"和"天",代表着东夷部落和黄帝部落。"绝地天通"反映的是东夷和黄帝两大分别以"帝"和"天"为至上神信仰的部落之间斗争与交往的历史事实,其真实含义是"绝帝天通",即隔绝两大部众间的私自往来。"绝地天通"政令的发出者为代表东夷部落的舜,发生的时间当在舜殛鲧之后。东夷部落以采集、渔猎为主的生产方式落后于黄帝部落的农耕生产方式,鲧"变东夷"带来了先进的农耕生产方式,并吸引东夷部众自发流向黄帝部落。先进农耕生产方式的巨大吸引力正是舜实施"绝地天通"的原因。 展开更多
关键词 “绝地天通” 东夷部落 黄帝部落 农耕生产方式
作者 王渊 《开封文化艺术职业学院学报》 2020年第10期18-20,共3页
《周易》本为西周时期筮占吉凶之书,内容包括《经》和《传》两个部分。《经》中包含64卦和384爻;而《传》则包含解释卦辞和爻辞的七种文辞共十篇。泰卦和否卦是《周易》中较为重要的两卦,从这两部分探究其所包含的心性论的思想渊源具有... 《周易》本为西周时期筮占吉凶之书,内容包括《经》和《传》两个部分。《经》中包含64卦和384爻;而《传》则包含解释卦辞和爻辞的七种文辞共十篇。泰卦和否卦是《周易》中较为重要的两卦,从这两部分探究其所包含的心性论的思想渊源具有重要的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 《周易》 卦爻辞 地否 地天
秦始皇帝陵总体营造与中国古代文明——天人合一整体观 被引量:3
作者 刘九生 《唐都学刊》 2013年第2期1-19,F0003,共20页
秦始皇帝陵秦人自名丽山,仿效昆仑传说,封土埋没了空前绝后的"地天通",地下地面及其上各类埋藏、建构建筑,多与天象对应。地宫、"地天通"、封土及其主人,就这样"常居"天地之中。丽山总体营造的主导思想,... 秦始皇帝陵秦人自名丽山,仿效昆仑传说,封土埋没了空前绝后的"地天通",地下地面及其上各类埋藏、建构建筑,多与天象对应。地宫、"地天通"、封土及其主人,就这样"常居"天地之中。丽山总体营造的主导思想,系以比类取象为核心的天人相应或天人合一整体观。"在野象物,在朝象官,在人象事"。巧意卓立,品物毕图;雕琢性情,隐以藏用。 展开更多
关键词 秦始皇帝陵 丽山 昆仑 地天通”
天王合一与执一无为——竹简《文子》与竹简《老子》合论 被引量:1
作者 张丰乾 《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第4期108-112,共5页
竹简《文子》与竹简《老子》的思想主题多处呼应,该文选取“天地”、“帝王”、“执一”、“无为”等核心范畴进行分析,论述了天地与万物、天地与帝王的关系以及“执一”的具体含义,认为道家的“无为”实际上是“为无为”,越是有地位的... 竹简《文子》与竹简《老子》的思想主题多处呼应,该文选取“天地”、“帝王”、“执一”、“无为”等核心范畴进行分析,论述了天地与万物、天地与帝王的关系以及“执一”的具体含义,认为道家的“无为”实际上是“为无为”,越是有地位的人越需要“无为”。竹简《文子》强调帝王要“执一无为”,以求得“功遂天地”,而不仅仅是“富有天下”,这是对《老子》思想的发展,从中也可以看出中国古典哲学中的“天人合一”在政治领域中的重点在于“天王合一”。 展开更多
关键词 竹简《文子》 竹简《老子》 帝王 执一 无为
“人大制度60年回顾与思考” (地天泰杯)征文评选揭晓
《人民之声》 2014年第10期16-16,共1页
为纪念全国人民代表大会成立60周年和地方人大常委会设立35周年,经省人大常委会机关领导批准,本刊举办了"人大制度60年回顾与思考"征文活动。征文活动得到各级人大代表、人大机关大力支持,共收到作品140多篇。10月17日至18日... 为纪念全国人民代表大会成立60周年和地方人大常委会设立35周年,经省人大常委会机关领导批准,本刊举办了"人大制度60年回顾与思考"征文活动。征文活动得到各级人大代表、人大机关大力支持,共收到作品140多篇。10月17日至18日,本刊组织专家学者成立评委会进行集中评选。共评选出一等奖6篇、二等奖12篇、三等奖23篇,同时还评选出一批好作品和8个组织奖。现将一、二、三等奖和组织奖的篇目名单公布如下。 展开更多
关键词 人大制度 地方人大常委 地天 征文评选 乡镇人大 重大事项决定权 基层人大 街道工委 日至 钟雄
江西宁都方言“X天X地”结构及其历史来源 被引量:1
作者 陈青 《励耘语言学刊》 CSSCI 2018年第2期316-327,共12页
宁都方言“X天X地”构式中,X—般是动词或拟声词。其中由动词V组成的“V天V地”表示动作的反复或持续,为“X天X地”的体貌标记用法;由拟声词组成的“X天X地”表示声音的反复或持续,可称为非体貌标记用法。“X天X地”结构往往蕴含动作或... 宁都方言“X天X地”构式中,X—般是动词或拟声词。其中由动词V组成的“V天V地”表示动作的反复或持续,为“X天X地”的体貌标记用法;由拟声词组成的“X天X地”表示声音的反复或持续,可称为非体貌标记用法。“X天X地”结构往往蕴含动作或声音(或与声音相关的动作状态)程度深、频率快、对象范围广的意味。这一结构在汉语中古已有之,元明时期已部分具备体貌标记的特征,并且在现代汉语方言中发展为成熟的体貌标记。然而该结构的发展演变在此前的汉语史和方言研究中均未被提及。由原始状态发展为成熟的动词体貌标记,“X天X地”的演变包含了修辞化和语法化两个阶段,其语用特点可与学界讨论较为充分的相似结构“V来V去”等进行比较。 展开更多
关键词 宁都 客家方言 XX地 语法化 V来V去
Astronomic background of global huge earthquakes at beginning of 21st century
作者 Hu Hui Su You-Jin 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第3期423-432,616,共11页
Since the beginning of the 21st century,major earthquakes have frequently occurred worldwide.To explore the impact of astronomical factors on earthquakes,in this study,the statistical analysis method of correlation is... Since the beginning of the 21st century,major earthquakes have frequently occurred worldwide.To explore the impact of astronomical factors on earthquakes,in this study,the statistical analysis method of correlation is used to systematically analyze the effects of astronomical factors,such as solar activity,Earth’s rotation,lunar declination angle,celestial tidal force,and other phenomena on M≥8 global earthquakes at the beginning of the 21st century.With regard to solar activity,this study focuses on the analysis of the 11-year and century cycles of solar activity.The causal relationship of the Earth’s rotation is not obvious in this work and previous works;in contrast,the valley period of the solar activity century cycle may be an important astronomical factor leading to the frequent occurrence of global earthquakes at the beginning of the 21st century.This topic warrants further study. 展开更多
关键词 M≥8.0 earthquake astronomical factors solar activity Earth’s rotation lunar declination angle tidal force phenomena
论鲁迅《故事新编》的神话重写 被引量:1
作者 祝宇红 《同济大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第2期97-106,共10页
鲁迅《故事新编》用两种不同笔墨重写了两类神话人物:以灿烂、瑰奇的风格描写“神格”的女娲;以更多掺杂油滑和审视语调的笔触讲述更具“人性”的后世“新出之神”。鲁迅对神话的重写体现了他的神话观和宗教观,其与德国浪漫派的“新神... 鲁迅《故事新编》用两种不同笔墨重写了两类神话人物:以灿烂、瑰奇的风格描写“神格”的女娲;以更多掺杂油滑和审视语调的笔触讲述更具“人性”的后世“新出之神”。鲁迅对神话的重写体现了他的神话观和宗教观,其与德国浪漫派的“新神话”观念、日本明治时期学者姉崎正治致力于文明探究的神话学理念都有着深刻联系。 展开更多
关键词 鲁迅 “神格” “绝地天通” 德国浪漫派 姉崎正治
Advances in Grassland Ecosystem Research in Northern Tibetan Plateau 被引量:25
作者 武建双 沈振西 张宪洲 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第3期148-152,共5页
With the aggravation of global change, the response and adaptation of the unique ecosystem in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to global change have been increasingly concerned by scientific community day by day, which makes the... With the aggravation of global change, the response and adaptation of the unique ecosystem in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to global change have been increasingly concerned by scientific community day by day, which makes the sensitivity and fragility of this ecosystem in response to global change widely recognized by scholars. On the basis of introducing the present research process on the degenerate mechanisim, measures of and approaches to recovery, carbon cycle and primary productivity toward global change, we put forward several propositions on studying the alpine grassland ecosystem in Northern Tibetan Plateau. 展开更多
关键词 Northern Tibetan Plateau Grassland degeneration Global changes Carbon cycle Primary productivity
兼和相配,包容共生——论中华民族共同体精神的当代价值 被引量:8
作者 纳日碧力戈 《西北师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期22-30,共9页
雅思贝尔斯提出"轴心时代"说,认为公元前500年前后出现了具有共性的世界文明,涉及中国、印度、伊朗、巴勒斯坦、希腊,代表人物有佛陀、孔子、耶稣等等,此后东西文明走上了不同的道路。中国和印度止步不前,欧洲因不断突破而获... 雅思贝尔斯提出"轴心时代"说,认为公元前500年前后出现了具有共性的世界文明,涉及中国、印度、伊朗、巴勒斯坦、希腊,代表人物有佛陀、孔子、耶稣等等,此后东西文明走上了不同的道路。中国和印度止步不前,欧洲因不断突破而获得新生。孔子代表的文论传统注重审美,是形质与神韵合一的文明连续体的本色,与柏拉图代表的理性诗学特征形成对照。时至20世纪,皮尔士的"万象生态"和贝特森的"万物生态"以强调关联为特色,号称是对心物二元对立的纠正,却暗合于中国古代物感物觉不脱离象征意义的文明连续性之中。地天相通、兼和相配是中国文明的核心理念,也可以成为中华民族共同体核心价值的根基,具有重要的当代价值。中华民族共同体精神要和其他民族的共同体精神交流互鉴,培育和发展重叠共识的价值观。 展开更多
关键词 中华民族共同体精神 核心价值 地天相通 兼和相配 守正创新
Fenlong Cultivation-the Fourth Set of Farming Methods Invented in China 被引量:18
作者 韦本辉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第11期2045-2048,2052,共5页
The basic theory and effect of the new farming method of "Fenlong" cultivation which has been included in the main extension technology of Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China is fully illustra... The basic theory and effect of the new farming method of "Fenlong" cultivation which has been included in the main extension technology of Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China is fully illustrated for the first time, and it is the fourth set (generation) of farming modes and methods following manpower, animal and mechanical (tractor) farming. It follows the natural law to achieve soil activation, water saving, oxygen increase, warming and desalination through the active use of natural resources like soil, rainfall and solar energy, thereby promoting a new round of natural agricultural production and quality improvement and water con- servation, which has crop yield increase by 10%-30%, quality improvement of 5%, natural precipitation retaining increase by100%. The characteristics and mechanism are the use of spiral drill for one-time completion of the land preparation by drilling vertically to 30-50 cm of soil layer through high speed peeling. After instant high temperature and many fierce impacts, mechanical frictions, it could achieve the multiplication of the number of loose soil, soil physical modification and expansion of the soil nutrients, reservoirs, oxygen, microorganisms ("Four pools"). Fenlong cultivation can give birth to new farming culture and civilization, and it can achieve the physical "desalinized" transformation and utilization of saline soil. The formation of Fenlong green farming technology system makes it possible to invent the farming tools of "serf-propelled Fenlong machinery" that has got the patent, and it is the method for farmland (dry land, paddy field) Fenlong cultivation, saline-alkali soil smash-ridging cultivation and for the abundance of grass ecology on degraded grassland. The application of Fenlong "4+1" (arable, saline-alkali soil, grasslands, Sponge City+rivers) green development in China can achieve the "double safety" of food and living space. 展开更多
关键词 Fenlong cultivation The fourth set (generation) of new farming methods Activation and utilization of natural resources Improvement of production and quality Water conservation ecology
Sea level change and forecast in the future — climate of the past,today and the future 被引量:1
作者 岳军 DONG yue +3 位作者 陈满春 韩芳 段焕春 王国明 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2011年第2期33-50,共18页
The sea-level change is resulted from superposition of sun, moon and other planeries, and earth itself, biological process, atmosphere and oceanography, as well as artificial actions. As a result, the sea level change... The sea-level change is resulted from superposition of sun, moon and other planeries, and earth itself, biological process, atmosphere and oceanography, as well as artificial actions. As a result, the sea level change is really a sensitive integral variation value of many variations, or a combined function of coupling effects of various big systems. Therefore the above mentioned superposed action of different systems and the coupling effect of sun earth and biological aspects may be called as sun earth biological coupling effect system. Based on this hypothesis, the corresponding sun dynamic, air dynamic, water dynamic and earth dynamic conceptional models are established in order to research the multiple coupling effects and feedback machsnism between these big systems. In order to determine the relations, effectness and coherent relation of different variations, the quantity, analysis is conducted through collective variation and stage division. The quantity analysis indicates that the earths spindle rotation speed is the dynamic mechanism controlling the sea level change of fluctuation. The change rate of sea level in the world is +1.32 + 0.22 mm/a, while the sea level change rate in China is only+1.39 + 0.26 mm/a in average. If take the CO2 content as the climate marker, eight cold stages (periods) are grouped out since two hundreds years AC. The extreme cold of the eighth cold stage started approximately at 1850 years AC. and if the stage from the extreme cold to extreme warm is determined as long as 200 years, the present ongoing warm stage will end at about 2050 years, there after the temperature will begin to tower. If the stage between cold and warm extremes lasts for 250 years, then the temperature will become lower at about 2100 year. Until to that time, the sea-level is estimated to raise +7 - +11 + 3.5 cm again, and there after, the sea level will begin the new lowering trend. In the same time, the climate will enter into next new cold stage subsequently. 展开更多
关键词 Sun earth biological coupling effect system sea-level change mechanism change rate of the sea-level climate cold stage forecast of the sea-level changes in the future
Spatial connectivity and distribution of landscape type in the natural secondary forests of eastern mountainous region,northeast China——a case study of Mao'ershan region in Heilongjiang Province
作者 李淑娟 隋玉正 +2 位作者 冯海清 王凤友 李玉文 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第2期141-144,i003,共5页
Mao'ershan region is representative in the natural secondary forested region of the eastern mountainous region, northeast China. The landscape nearest neighbor index and landscape connectivity index were calculate... Mao'ershan region is representative in the natural secondary forested region of the eastern mountainous region, northeast China. The landscape nearest neighbor index and landscape connectivity index were calculated with ARC/INFO software for Mao'ershan region. The spatial distribution of the landscape of the region was analyzed. The results showed that the landscape connectivity index of non-woodland was significantly higher than that of woodland. The landscape connectivity index of natural forest was nearly equal to zero, which means its fragmentation degree is high. The nearest neighbor index of plantation was lower than that of natural forest and non-forestland. Among the man-made forests, the distance index of the coniferous mixed plantation is the lowest, and its pattern is nearly glomeration. The landscape pattern of natural forest presented nearly random distribution. Among non-forest land, the distance index of cut blank was the lowest, and its pattern was also nearly glomeration. Keywords Landscape type - Landscape pattern - Nearest neighbor index - Landscape connectivity index - Natural secondary forest - Northeast China CLC number S759.92 Document code A Foundation item: This paper was supported by the Key Project of State Department of Science Technology (2002BA515B040).Biography: LI SHu-juan (1977), female. Lecture in Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, P. R. China.Responsible editor: Zhu Hong 展开更多
关键词 Landscape type Landscape pattern Nearest neighbor index Landscape connectivity index Natural secondary forest Northeast China
Fault detection based on microseismic events 被引量:5
作者 尹陈 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第3期363-371,460,共10页
In unconventional reservoirs, small faults allow the flow ofoil and gas as well as act as obstacles to exploration; for, (1) fracturing facilitates fluid migration, (2) reservoir flooding, and (3) triggering of ... In unconventional reservoirs, small faults allow the flow ofoil and gas as well as act as obstacles to exploration; for, (1) fracturing facilitates fluid migration, (2) reservoir flooding, and (3) triggering of small earthquakes. These small faults are not generally detected because of the low seismic resolution. However, such small faults are very active and release sufficient energy to initiate a large number of microseismic events (MEs) during hydraulic fracturing. In this study, we identified microfractures (MF) from hydraulic fracturing and natural small faults based on microseismicity characteristics, such as the time-space distribution, source mechanism, magnitude, amplitude, and frequency. First, I identified the mechanism of small faults and MF by reservoir stress analysis and calibrated the ME based on the microseismic magnitude. The dynamic characteristics (frequency and amplitude) of MEs triggered by natural faults and MF were analyzed; moreover, the geometry and activity types of natural fault and MF were grouped according to the source mechanism. Finally, the differences among time-space distribution, magnitude, source mechanism, amplitude, and frequency were used to differentiate natural faults and manmade fractures. 展开更多
关键词 microseismic (MS) monitoring FAULTING MAGNITUDE FRACTURING unconventional reservoirs source mechanism
Discussion on Green Development of Fenlong for Yield Increase, Quality Enhancing, Water Retaining and Multiple Use of Natural Resources 被引量:7
作者 韦本辉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第9期1631-1637,共7页
Fenlong green ecological agriculture technology (Fenlong technology), a new smash ridging farming method developed by Guangxi Academy of Agdcultural Sciences, has been elected as the recommended cultivation techniqu... Fenlong green ecological agriculture technology (Fenlong technology), a new smash ridging farming method developed by Guangxi Academy of Agdcultural Sciences, has been elected as the recommended cultivation technique by the Ministry of Agriculture of China. It replaces the traditional plowshare with spiral drill, and its tilth depth is twice deeper than that by tractor tilthing. It also extends soil nutrient, moisture, oxygen and microorganism, the so-called "Four pools". Soil nutrient, oxygen, microorganism, light and rainfall use ratio is increased by 10%-100%, creating a platform for natural increase of more than 10% of crop yield. Its application to over 20 kinds of crops in 21 provinces has proved that the yield increases 10-30% with quality enhancing 5% and double water retaining capacity but no more input. When the application area of Fenlong could reach 67 million hm2, the amount of fertilizer can be reduced by 40-50 billion kg, saving 120-150 billion Yuan. In this paper, we put forward the strategy of "4+1" (arable, saline-alkali soil, grasslands, Sponge City + rivers) green development in China, and deepened the Fenlong cultivated tilled layer from 16.5 cm to 35 cm for 67 million hm2 arable land, ridged 13.3 million hm2 of saline-alkali soil for 35 cm, and also 35 cm for 67 million hm2 degraded steppe, which could have the following 3 effects: first, the 147 million hm2 of land with Fenlong cultivation could increase loosing soil to 315.491 billion m3, in* creasing by 159.26% for 120 million hm2 of arable land with the average tilled layer of 16.5 cm, which has loosing soil of only 198.1 billion m3, that is, the space of the land increases 1.6 times. Second, every hectare of plowland could store up to 450 m3/hm2 of natural rainfall, and the unused 60 m3 of saline-alkali soil and grasslands could store water of 102 billion m3, showing an increase of over 88.89% for the current plowland storage of 54 billion m3 at now, that is, double the natural rainfall storage capacity. Third, the two multiple increase of natural resources application can bring trillions of resource activation, environmental cleaning, food security, citizens, health, economic, ecological and social benefits, and makes the Chinese nation move forward in green development. Its application in "big scientific research" and "One Belt And One Road" will contribute Chinese strength to the world. 展开更多
关键词 Fenlong green development Multiple use of natural resource Increase three-dimensional land space Recommended cultivation technique by the Ministry of Agriculture of China Big scientific research
Comparison of stand structure and growth between artificial and natural forests of Pinus sylvestiris var. mongolica on sandy land 被引量:22
作者 朱教君 范志平 +2 位作者 曾德慧 姜凤岐 MATSUZAKI Takeshi 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第2期103-111,共9页
Mongolian pine (Pinus sylvestiris Linnaeus var. mongolica Litvinov) as a valuable conifer tree species has been broadly introduced to the sandy land areas in 揟hree North?regions (North, northwest and northeast of Chi... Mongolian pine (Pinus sylvestiris Linnaeus var. mongolica Litvinov) as a valuable conifer tree species has been broadly introduced to the sandy land areas in 揟hree North?regions (North, northwest and northeast of China), but many problems occurred in the earliest Mongolian pine plantations in Zhanggutai, Zhangwu County, Liaoning Province (ZZL). In order to clarify the reason, comprehensive investigations were carried out on differences in structure characteristics, growth processes and ecological factors between artificial stands (the first plantation established in ZZL in 1950s) and natural stands (the origin forests of the tree species in Honghuaerji, Inner Mongolia) on sandy land. The results showed that variation of diameter-class distributions in artificial stands and natural stands could be described by Weibull and Normal distribution models, respectively. Chapman-Richards growth model was employed to reconstruct the growth process of Mongolian pine based on the data from field investigation and stem analysis. The ages of maximum of relative growth rate and average growth rate of DBH, height, and volume of planted trees were 11, 22 years, 8, 15 years and 35, 59 years earlier than those of natural stand trees, respectively. In respect of the incremental acceleration of volume, the artificial and natural stands reached their maximum values at 14 years and 33 years respectively. The quantitative maturity ages of artificial stands and natural stands were 43 years and 102 years respectively. It was concluded that the life span of the Mongolian pine trees in natural stands was about 60 years longer than those in artificial stands. The differences mentioned above between artificial and natural Mongolian pine forests on sandy land were partially attributed to the drastic variations of ecological conditions such as latitude, temperature, precipitation, evaporation and height above sea level. Human beings' disturbances and higher density in plantation forest may be ascribed as additional reasons. Those results may be potentially useful for the management and afforestation of Mongolian pine plantations on sandy land in arid and semi-arid areas. 展开更多
关键词 Pinus sylvestiris var. mongolica Mongolian pine Sandy land COMPARISON Growth model
《中国证券期货》 2010年第11X期155-159,共5页
一德期货经纪有限公司(First Futures BrokerageCo.,Ltd.)成立于1995年7月,是经中国证监会批准,在天津工商局登记注册的,从事商品期货经纪和金融期货经纪业务的专业期货经营机构法人。一德期货注册资本现为一亿三千万元人民币,股东包括... 一德期货经纪有限公司(First Futures BrokerageCo.,Ltd.)成立于1995年7月,是经中国证监会批准,在天津工商局登记注册的,从事商品期货经纪和金融期货经纪业务的专业期货经营机构法人。一德期货注册资本现为一亿三千万元人民币,股东包括天津市财政投资管理中心、天津一德投资集团有限公司、地天泰集团有限公司、天津市春鹏预应力钢绞线有限公司和天津市恒兴钢业有限公司。 展开更多
关键词 地天 中国证监会 经营机构 三千万 任职要求 市场信息 预应力钢绞线 津市区 职位要求 合规管理
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