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中国地下真菌一新记录——古氏地孔菌球孢变型 被引量:3
作者 宋刚 《云南植物研究》 CSCD 1993年第1期105-106,共2页
地孔菌属 Geopora中只有少数种为地下生。其中,古氏地孔菌原变型Geopora cooperi Harkness f. cooperi在我国已有报道。作者对1986年采于贺兰山的一地下真菌标本进行研究,确认该标本是古氏地孔菌球孢变型Geopora cooperi Harkness f. gi... 地孔菌属 Geopora中只有少数种为地下生。其中,古氏地孔菌原变型Geopora cooperi Harkness f. cooperi在我国已有报道。作者对1986年采于贺兰山的一地下真菌标本进行研究,确认该标本是古氏地孔菌球孢变型Geopora cooperi Harkness f. gilkeyae Burdsall,为我国新记录。 古氏地孔菌球孢变型 核桃仁蘑菇,图1 Geopora cooperi Harkness f. gilkeyae Burdsall, Mycologia 60: 518, 展开更多
关键词 古氏地孔 球孢变型 地下真菌
地孔瞬变电磁法超前探测数值模拟响应特征 被引量:14
作者 姚伟华 王鹏 +2 位作者 李明星 苏超 程思远 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第10期3145-3153,共9页
为了避免传统井下瞬变电磁超前探测受巷道中电磁干扰信号、锚网、掘进机等影响,提出一种在地面布设发射回线,在煤矿井下掘进工作面或工作面水平钻孔中测量瞬变电磁场三分量信号的超前探测方法。该方法具有径向探测深度大、三分量接收探... 为了避免传统井下瞬变电磁超前探测受巷道中电磁干扰信号、锚网、掘进机等影响,提出一种在地面布设发射回线,在煤矿井下掘进工作面或工作面水平钻孔中测量瞬变电磁场三分量信号的超前探测方法。该方法具有径向探测深度大、三分量接收探头离异常体近、异常场占总场的比值高而更易发现异常体等特点。基于瞬变电磁三维时域有限差分正演算法,对均匀半空间模型、均匀半空间含孤立异常体模型以及异常体位于水平钻孔不同方位的地孔瞬变电磁三分量的总场和异常场响应特征进行了系统研究。发现三分量总场和异常场之间总体符合烟圈效应,总场和异常场三分量衰减曲线或者多测道曲线形态随时间的变化特征可以采用不同时刻感应电流环相对于测点或者测线的位置来进行分析;在不考虑互感现象的情况下,地下接收的不同时刻的三分量响应完全可以看成是背景电流环和异常电流环的叠加,其中异常场的三分量形态可以采用垂直于一次场方向相同形状的电流环来拟合;另外当异常体位于水平钻孔不同方位时,异常场X分量均表现为S型,Y分量和Z分量表现为单峰异常,且不同象限异常场三分量组合形态不同,据此可以判断异常体所在钻孔的深度和方位。最后在地面进行了地孔瞬变电磁超前探测方法的相似性试验,验证了理论模型响应特征的正确性。 展开更多
关键词 地孔瞬变电磁法 三分量响应特征 超前探测
地孔瞬变电磁超前探测异常体定位技术 被引量:3
作者 苏超 姚伟华 李明星 《煤炭科学技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第7期154-161,共8页
地孔瞬变电磁法,是一种在地面布设发射回线,在钻孔中接收磁感应强度或者衰减电压三分量信号的探测技术,其观测系统置于钻孔中,可有效降低导电覆盖层的信号屏蔽及地面电磁干扰,接收更靠近异常体,可以获得比地面瞬变电磁法更强的异常响应... 地孔瞬变电磁法,是一种在地面布设发射回线,在钻孔中接收磁感应强度或者衰减电压三分量信号的探测技术,其观测系统置于钻孔中,可有效降低导电覆盖层的信号屏蔽及地面电磁干扰,接收更靠近异常体,可以获得比地面瞬变电磁法更强的异常响应,是探测深部隐伏地质体最有效的方法之一,可以考虑用于煤矿孔旁异常体的探测。根据等效涡流理论,地孔瞬变电磁探测中,异常体所产生的二次场,可以用等效电流环来表示,其感应磁场强度三分量Bx、By、Bz具有一定的指向性,通过交会Bx、By的合成矢量Bxy及Bx、Bz的合成矢量Bxz,可以大致获得电流环中心位置坐标,从而实现对异常体的定位,但合成Bxz在XZ平面交会结果存在误差。为此,提出了一种浮动系数矢量交会算法,通过计算水平圆形载流回线(电流环)的磁感应强度三分量Bx、By、Bz,分析其合成矢量Bxy及Bxz在XY、XZ平面的矢量分布特征,计算特征点处的Abs(By)/Bz作为参考值并构建系数库,对Bz分量进行系数修正后再与Bx分量进行矢量交会,可以准确计算出电流环中心位置在XZ平面的坐标。理论模型计算和物理试验结果表明:浮动系数矢量交会算法无需先验信息,可以快速、准确定位异常体的中心位置,是一种超前探测的有效方法。 展开更多
关键词 地孔瞬变电磁 等效涡流 矢量交会 异常体定位
作者 佟刚 《移动通信》 2015年第15期66-69,共4页
手机PCB layout打地孔没有统一的指导原则,打地孔大多是根据以往经验,这导致了手机PCB地孔疏密不一,因此尝试总结PCB地孔间距的最大距离值。首先从空腔谐振理论看,PCB可以认为是由大大小小的空腔组成的,因此根据空腔谐振理论可以找到理... 手机PCB layout打地孔没有统一的指导原则,打地孔大多是根据以往经验,这导致了手机PCB地孔疏密不一,因此尝试总结PCB地孔间距的最大距离值。首先从空腔谐振理论看,PCB可以认为是由大大小小的空腔组成的,因此根据空腔谐振理论可以找到理论的孔间距最大值;其次从器件地回路计算出回路最大电流值,从而可以得出应该打多少个回流地孔;最后从避免EMI发生的角度上可计算出合适的孔间距值。根据这3个方面总结出了一个PCB接地孔最大间距的最大限度值:PCB板上最大频率的二十分之一波长。 展开更多
关键词 地孔 波长 屏蔽避位 PCB
作者 严春妹 周子静 《宜春学院学报》 2023年第1期100-104,共5页
《论语》中的核心概念“礼”是中华传统文化思想精髓,内涵丰富,应用面广。随着时代发展、文化语境的变迁,对“礼”的阐释日趋多元化,相关译介方法多样。跨文化阐释式翻译侧重于对原语文本进行深入解读,并使用目标语读者熟知的文化意象... 《论语》中的核心概念“礼”是中华传统文化思想精髓,内涵丰富,应用面广。随着时代发展、文化语境的变迁,对“礼”的阐释日趋多元化,相关译介方法多样。跨文化阐释式翻译侧重于对原语文本进行深入解读,并使用目标语读者熟知的文化意象替换或解释译者解读过的原语文本。跨文化阐释视角下从“礼”的源考及释义着手,结合“南孔圣地,衢州有礼”城市品牌宣传语,讨论“礼”的内涵及其英译问题,有助于推进中华文化对外传播。 展开更多
关键词 跨文化阐释 “礼” “南圣地 衢州有礼” 英译
库氏地孔菌多糖的提取纯化及抗氧化性 被引量:6
作者 陈琳 糜心怡 +2 位作者 孙月娥 王卫东 李超 《食品科技》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第3期208-213,共6页
以库氏地孔菌为原料,优化多糖的提取工艺并对其进行初步纯化,研究纯化对多糖体外抗氧化性的影响。以多糖提取率为指标,采用热水浸提法,通过单因素和响应面试验优化库氏地孔菌多糖提取工艺,结果表明,库氏地孔菌多糖最优提取条件为提取时... 以库氏地孔菌为原料,优化多糖的提取工艺并对其进行初步纯化,研究纯化对多糖体外抗氧化性的影响。以多糖提取率为指标,采用热水浸提法,通过单因素和响应面试验优化库氏地孔菌多糖提取工艺,结果表明,库氏地孔菌多糖最优提取条件为提取时间71 min、提取温度70℃、液料比40 mL/g,此时多糖提取率为14.92%,与模型预测值一致。将提取后的粗多糖依次采用三氯乙酸(TCA)脱蛋白、H_(2)O_(2)脱色以及透析等方法获得精多糖,比较纯化前后多糖的体外抗氧化能力,发现粗多糖和精多糖对DPPH自由基、ABTS自由基以及羟基自由基都有一定的清除能力,说明库氏地孔菌多糖具有抗氧化活性,但是2种多糖对自由基的清除能力均显著小于Vc,且精多糖小于粗多糖。 展开更多
关键词 库氏地孔 多糖 抗氧化性
中国地孔菌属(盘菌目)分类研究 被引量:2
作者 张斌成 余永年 《真菌学报》 CSCD 北大核心 1992年第1期8-14,共7页
本文报道盘菌目地孔菌属(Geopora Harkn.)我国种类的分类研究成果,共描述4个种即砂生地孔菌(Geopora arenicola(Lév.)Kers),库氏地孔菌(Geopora cooperi Harkn.),叶质地孔菌(Geopora foliacea(Schaef.)Ahmad)和梭椭孢地孔菌(Geopor... 本文报道盘菌目地孔菌属(Geopora Harkn.)我国种类的分类研究成果,共描述4个种即砂生地孔菌(Geopora arenicola(Lév.)Kers),库氏地孔菌(Geopora cooperi Harkn.),叶质地孔菌(Geopora foliacea(Schaef.)Ahmad)和梭椭孢地孔菌(Geopora perprolata B.C.Zhang,sp.nov.)。叶质地孔菌为中国新记录种。文中对各个种给予了详细的描述,并附有分种检索表。 展开更多
关键词 盘菌目 地孔菌属 分类
新纪录种Geopora cooperi的形态解剖学特征与分子生物学鉴定
作者 赵艳玲 樊永军 +1 位作者 蔚阿龙 王宁 《东北林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第9期106-108,110,共4页
对采自内蒙古贺兰山的可食用大型真菌子囊果进行了形态解剖学和分子生物学鉴定。结果表明:该菌株地下生、半地下生;呈不规则块状;内部子实层扭曲折叠,由单侧排列的子囊及具横隔的侧丝组成;子囊内含8个单列排布的、外壁光滑无色的椭圆形... 对采自内蒙古贺兰山的可食用大型真菌子囊果进行了形态解剖学和分子生物学鉴定。结果表明:该菌株地下生、半地下生;呈不规则块状;内部子实层扭曲折叠,由单侧排列的子囊及具横隔的侧丝组成;子囊内含8个单列排布的、外壁光滑无色的椭圆形子囊孢子,子囊孢子内具有一个大油滴;同时结合分子生物学鉴定结果确认该菌株为库氏地孔菌(Geopora cooperi),为内蒙古地区新纪录种。 展开更多
关键词 新纪录种 库氏地孔 形态解剖学 分子生物学
几种水土保持措施调控地表径流试验研究 被引量:2
作者 马占东 《山西水土保持科技》 2008年第1期16-18,共3页
针对黄土高原地区水土流失与干旱缺水并存的矛盾,在分析研究现有坡地径流规律和总结己有研究成果的基础上,从消除坡地产生径流原动力的角度出发,研究了不同水土保持措施对地表径流的调控效果。研究表明,除打地孔较裸地径流量、侵蚀量增... 针对黄土高原地区水土流失与干旱缺水并存的矛盾,在分析研究现有坡地径流规律和总结己有研究成果的基础上,从消除坡地产生径流原动力的角度出发,研究了不同水土保持措施对地表径流的调控效果。研究表明,除打地孔较裸地径流量、侵蚀量增加,不符合常规外,种植帕特草和四翅滨藜均具有明显的减少地表径流、增强土壤防蚀能力的作用。从对地表径流调控能力来看,种草比种灌木更好。 展开更多
关键词 地表径流 帕特草 四翅滨藜 地孔 黄土高原
作者 马占东 《山西水利》 2008年第4期17-18,52,共3页
针对黄土高原地区水土流失与干旱缺水并存的矛盾,在分析研究现有坡地径流规律和在均一坡度试验研究的基础上,进一步研究了不同水土保持措施下复合坡度的地表径流的调控效果。研究表明,单纯在裸地上打地孔的坡面径流的调控效果要比裸地... 针对黄土高原地区水土流失与干旱缺水并存的矛盾,在分析研究现有坡地径流规律和在均一坡度试验研究的基础上,进一步研究了不同水土保持措施下复合坡度的地表径流的调控效果。研究表明,单纯在裸地上打地孔的坡面径流的调控效果要比裸地对照的坡面径流的调控效果差,而"帕特草+PAM"则是一种理想的措施。 展开更多
关键词 雨水集蓄利用 帕特草 四翅滨藜 PAM 地孔
Rock skeleton models and seismic porosity inversion 被引量:3
作者 贺锡雷 贺振华 +2 位作者 王绪本 熊晓军 蒋炼 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第3期349-358,363,共11页
By substituting rock skeleton modulus expressions into Gassmann approximate fluid equation, we obtain a seismic porosity inversion equation. However, conventional rock skeleton models and their expressions are quite d... By substituting rock skeleton modulus expressions into Gassmann approximate fluid equation, we obtain a seismic porosity inversion equation. However, conventional rock skeleton models and their expressions are quite different from each other, resuling in different seismic porosity inversion equations, potentially leading to difficulties in correctly applying them and evaluating their results. In response to this, a uniform relation with two adjusting parameters suitable for all rock skeleton models is established from an analysis and comparison of various conventional rock skeleton models and their expressions including the Eshelby-Walsh, Pride, Geertsma, Nur, Keys-Xu, and Krief models. By giving the two adjusting parameters specific values, different rock skeleton models with specific physical characteristics can be generated. This allows us to select the most appropriate rock skeleton model based on geological and geophysical conditions, and to develop more wise seismic porosity inversion. As an example of using this method for hydrocarbon prediction and fluid identification, we apply this improved porosity inversion, associated with rock physical data and well log data, to the ZJ basin. Research shows that the existence of an abundant hydrocarbon reservoir is dependent on a moderate porosity range, which means we can use the results of seismic porosity inversion to identify oil reservoirs and dry or water-saturated reservoirs. The seismic inversion results are closely correspond to well log porosity curves in the ZJ area, indicating that the uniform relations and inversion methods proposed in this paper are reliable and effective. 展开更多
关键词 Rock physics rock skeleton models adjusting parameters seismic porosityinversion Gassmann's equation
Rock-physics models of hydrate-bearing sediments in permafrost,Qilian Mountains,China 被引量:1
作者 刘杰 刘江平 +2 位作者 程飞 王京 刘肖肖 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第1期31-39,188,189,共11页
Rock-physics models are constructed for hydrate-bearing sediments in the Qilian Mountains permafrost region using the K–T equation model, and modes I and II of the effective medium model. The K–T equation models the... Rock-physics models are constructed for hydrate-bearing sediments in the Qilian Mountains permafrost region using the K–T equation model, and modes I and II of the effective medium model. The K–T equation models the seismic wave propagation in a two-phase medium to determine the elastic moduli of the composite medium. In the effective medium model, mode I, the hydrate is a component of the pore inclusions in mode I and in mode II it is a component of the matrix. First, the P-wave velocity, S-wave velocity, density, bulk modulus, and shear modulus of the sediment matrix are extracted from logging data.. Second, based on the physical properties of the main components of the sediments, rock-physics model is established using the K–T equation, and two additional rock-physics models are established assuming different hydrate-filling modes for the effective medium. The model and actual velocity data for the hydrate-bearing sediments are compared and it is found that the rock-physics model for the hydrate-filling mode II well reproduces the actual data. 展开更多
关键词 HYDRATES rock-physics seismic wave velocity density porosity
Geostress measurements near fault areas using borehole stress-relief method 被引量:5
作者 黄明清 吴爱祥 +1 位作者 王贻明 韩斌 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第11期3660-3665,共6页
To minimize negative effects of geostress distribution on mining safety near the fault areas, the UPM40 triaxial geostress testing system was introduced to conduct in-situ geostress measurements at three sites and nin... To minimize negative effects of geostress distribution on mining safety near the fault areas, the UPM40 triaxial geostress testing system was introduced to conduct in-situ geostress measurements at three sites and nine points by the borehole stress-relief method. The results of strain?confining pressure curves show that rock masses at the three measuring sites exhibit comprehensive linear elasticity in spite of various fissures or cracks within rocks. Horizontal and vertical stress components distribute discrepantly near the fault areas, and the maximum lateral pressure coefficient is as high as 6.15. The maximum principle stress ranges from 8.01 to 14.93 MPa, and stress directions are in the range of N78.07°W?N17.55°W. Geostresses near fault areas are dominated by the horizontal tectonic stresses, while the lower values, compared to those under similar geological conditions are due to stress release by the fault. Additionally, the fault and shear stress nearby are partially responsible for asymmetric elongation and southwesterly migration of orebodies. 展开更多
关键词 fault areas geostress distribution borehole stress-relief method lateral pressure coefficient horizontal tectonic stress
Influence of Perforation on Formation Fracturing Pressure 被引量:7
作者 张广清 陈勉 +1 位作者 王学双 赵冲 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第3期56-61,共6页
Hydraulic fracturing treatments of oil wells are greatly affected by the perforation parameters selected. The three-dimensional finite element model together with the tensile criterion of rock materials is employed t... Hydraulic fracturing treatments of oil wells are greatly affected by the perforation parameters selected. The three-dimensional finite element model together with the tensile criterion of rock materials is employed to systematically investigate the influence of perforation parameters, such as perforation density, perforation orientation, perforation diameter, and perforation length as well as wellbore ellipticity, in vertical wells on the formation fracturing pressure. Based on a six-month simulation research in the University of Petroleum, China, several conclusions are drawn for the first time. Perforation density and perforation orientation angle are the most important parameters controlling the formation fracturing pressure. As the perforation density increases, the fracturing pressure decreases, not linearly but progressively. The fracturing pressure increases with the perforation orientation angle only when the angle is less than 45 degrees, and the relationship becomes very flat when the angle is 45 degrees. However, with regards to the perforation diameter and perforation length, their influences are much slighter. The wellbore ellipticity has a significant effect on the formation fracturing pressure. It is obvious that fracturing pressure increases linearly with the ellipticity of the wellbore. 展开更多
关键词 Fracturing pressure three-dimensional finite element perforation parameter
Propagation and attenuation of P-waves in patchy saturated porous media
作者 张会星 何兵寿 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第3期401-408,468,469,共10页
We establish a patchy saturation model and derive the seismic wave equations for patchy saturated porous media on the basis of Biot's equations and Johnson's bulk modulus. We solve the equations, obtain the attenuat... We establish a patchy saturation model and derive the seismic wave equations for patchy saturated porous media on the basis of Biot's equations and Johnson's bulk modulus. We solve the equations, obtain the attenuation coefficients, and analyze the characteristics of wave attenuation in the seismic frequency range. The results suggest that seismic waves show attenuation and dispersion in partially saturated rocks in the low frequency range. With frequency increasing, attenuation increases. The attenuation of P-waves of the second kind is more pronounced in agreement with Biot's theory. We also study the effect of porosity, saturation, and inner sphere radius on the attenuation of the P-waves of the first kind and find that attenuation increases with increasing frequency and porosity, and decreases with increasing frequency and degree of saturation. As for the inner sphere radius, wave attenuation is initially increasing with increasing frequency and inner sphere radius less than half the outer radius. Subsequently, wave attenuation decreases with increasing frequency and inner sphere radius is higher than half the outer sphere radius. 展开更多
关键词 Patchy saturated-porous medium propagation equation seismic wave attenuation
Measurements of in situ stress and mining-induced stress in Beiminghe Iron Mine of China 被引量:8
作者 欧阳振华 李长洪 +1 位作者 徐万才 李昊洁 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第1期85-90,共6页
In order to obtain the distribution rules of in situ stress and mining-induced stress of Beiminghe Iron Mine, the stress relief method by overcoring was used to measure the in situ stress, and the MC type bore-hole st... In order to obtain the distribution rules of in situ stress and mining-induced stress of Beiminghe Iron Mine, the stress relief method by overcoring was used to measure the in situ stress, and the MC type bore-hole stress gauge was adopted to measure the mining-induced stress. In the in situ stress measuring, the technique of improved hollow inclusion cells was adopted, which can realize complete temperature compensation. Based on the measuring results, the distribution model of in situ stress was established and analyzed. The in situ stress measuring result shows that the maximum horizontal stress is 1.75-2.45 times of vertical stress and almost 1.83 times of the minimum horizontal stress in this mineral field. And the mining-induced stress measuring result shows that, according to the magnitude of front abutment pressure the stress region can be separated into stress-relaxed area, stress- concentrated area and initial stress area. At the -50 m mining level of this mine, the range of stress-relaxed area is 0-3 m before mining face; the range of stress-concentrated area is 3-55 m before mining face, and the maximum mining-induced stress is 16.5-17.5 MPa, which is 15-20 m from the mining face. The coefficient of stress concentration is 1.85. 展开更多
关键词 in situ stress mining-induced stress Beiminghe Iron Mine stress measurment
Finite element modeling of convective pore-fluid flow in fluid-saturated porous rocks within upper crust:An overview 被引量:2
作者 ZHAO Chong-bin Bruce HOBBS Alison ORD 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第3期501-514,共14页
Convective pore-fluid flow (CPFF) plays a critical role in generating mineral deposits and oil reservoirs within the deep Earth. Therefore, theoretical understanding and numerical modeling of the thermodynamic process... Convective pore-fluid flow (CPFF) plays a critical role in generating mineral deposits and oil reservoirs within the deep Earth. Therefore, theoretical understanding and numerical modeling of the thermodynamic process that triggers and controls the CPFF are extremely important for the exploration of new mineral deposits and underground oil resources. From the viewpoint of science, the CPFF within the upper crust can be treated as a kind of thermodynamic instability problem of pore-fluid in fluid-saturated porous media. The key issue of dealing with this kind of problem is to assess whether a nonlinear thermodynamic system under consideration is supercritical. To overcome limitations of using theoretical analysis and experimental methods in dealing with the CPFF problems within the upper crust, finite element modeling has been broadly employed for solving this kind of problem over the past two decades. The main purpose of this paper is to overview recent developments and applications of finite element modeling associated with solving the CPFF problems in large length-scale geological systems of complicated geometries and complex material distributions. In particular, two kinds of commonly-used finite element modeling approaches, namely the steady-state and transient-state approaches, and their advantages/disadvantages are thoroughly presented and discussed. 展开更多
关键词 convective flow steady-state approach transient-state approach numerical modeling upper crust porous rock
Spatial Structure Characteristics Detecting of Landform based on Improved 3D Lacunarity Model 被引量:4
作者 TAO Yang TANG Guo'an Josef STROBL 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第1期88-96,共9页
The spatial structure characteristics of landform are the foundation of geomorphologic classification and recognition.This paper proposed a new method on quantifying spatial structure characteristics of terrain surfac... The spatial structure characteristics of landform are the foundation of geomorphologic classification and recognition.This paper proposed a new method on quantifying spatial structure characteristics of terrain surface based on improved 3D Lacunarity model.Lacunarity curve and its numerical integration are used in this model to improve traditional classification result that different morphological types may share the close value of indexes based on global statistical analysis.Experiments at four test areas with different landform types show that improved 3D Lacunarity model can effectively distinguish different morphological types per texture analysis.Higher sensitivity in distinguishing the tiny differences of texture characteristics of terrain surface shows that the quantification method by 3D Lacu-narity model and its numerical integration presented in this paper could contribute to improving the accuracy of land-form classifications and relative studies. 展开更多
关键词 digital elevation model (DEM) 3D Lacunarity model spatial pattern terrain texture LANDFORM
Approach to increasing the quality of pressure-relieved gas drained from protected coal seam using surface borehole and its industrial application 被引量:14
作者 Yingke Liu Fubao Zhou +1 位作者 Jianlong Wang Jun Liu 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2015年第1期46-51,共6页
During mining of lower protective coal seam, a surface borehole can efficiently extract not only the pressure-relieved gas from the protected layer, but also the gas from the mining layer gob. If the distance between ... During mining of lower protective coal seam, a surface borehole can efficiently extract not only the pressure-relieved gas from the protected layer, but also the gas from the mining layer gob. If the distance between the borehole and gob is too large, the quantity of gas drained from the protected layer decreases substantially. To solve this problem, a mathematical model for extracting pressure-relieved gas from a protected coal seam using a surface borehole was established, based on the radial gas flow theory and law of conservation of energy. The key factors influencing the quantity of gas and the drainage flow network using a surface borehole were presented. The results show that the quantity of pressure-relieved gas drained from the protected layer can be significantly increased by increasing the flow resistance of the borehole bottom. Application of this method in the Wulan Coal Mine of the Shenhua Group significantly increased the flow of pure gas and the gas concentration (by factors of 1.8 and 2.0, respectively), thus demonstrating the remarkable effects of this method. 展开更多
关键词 Surface borehole Gas drainage Borehole bottom resistance Pressure-relieved gas
Potential mechanisms of pore-fluid movement from continental lithospheric mantle into upper continental crust 被引量:2
作者 赵崇斌 彭省临 +2 位作者 刘亮明 B. E. HOBBS A. ORD 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2008年第1期81-88,共8页
Through integrating the state of the art scientific knowledge in different research fields, some potential mechanisms of large-scale movements of underground pore-fluids such as H2O and CO2 in the continental lithosph... Through integrating the state of the art scientific knowledge in different research fields, some potential mechanisms of large-scale movements of underground pore-fluids such as H2O and CO2 in the continental lithosphere were presented and discussed. The results show that the generation and propagation of porosity waves are important mechanisms to transport mass and heat fluxes from the continental lithospheric mantle into the lower continental crust; the generation and propagation of porosity waves, pore-fluid flow focusing through lower and middle crustal faults, advection of pore-fluids through the lower and middle crust, and whole-crust convection in some particular cases are important mechanisms to transport mass and heat fluxes from the lower into the upper continental crust; heat and mass transport through convective pore-fluid flow is the most effective mechanism of ore body formation and mineralization in hydrothermal systems; due to heat and mass exchange at the interface between the earth surface, hydrosphere and atmosphere, it is very important to consider the hydro-geological effect of the deep earth pore-fluids such as H2O and CO2 on the global warming and climate change in future investigations. 展开更多
关键词 underground pore-fluid porosity wave continental crust heat and mass transport
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