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“震旦系”概念的确立 西南联大地学家群体的推动作用 被引量:1
作者 陶媛媛 《科学文化评论》 2022年第1期80-90,共11页
20世纪20年代初,在华工作的德裔美籍地质学家葛利普根据地质观察正式提出中国地质学上“震旦系”的概念,但是其内涵还不够准确。抗战期间,北京大学、清华大学和南开大学迁址云南组建西南联合大学,整合后的地质地理气象学系,成为当时国... 20世纪20年代初,在华工作的德裔美籍地质学家葛利普根据地质观察正式提出中国地质学上“震旦系”的概念,但是其内涵还不够准确。抗战期间,北京大学、清华大学和南开大学迁址云南组建西南联合大学,整合后的地质地理气象学系,成为当时国内重要的地学教学和研究机构,形成了西南联大地学家群体的学术谱系。该谱系内众多学者从葛利普提出的概念出发,对“震旦系”年代地层系统展开研究,通过分析以晋宁运动还是冰川作用作为确立震旦系下界的标准,不断推动我国震旦系范围的细化和确立。回顾“震旦系”概念确立的过程,认为包括米士、马杏垣、王鸿祯、黄汲清、刘鸿允等人在内的西南联大地学家群体,其研究成果被学界采纳并确立为学术传统,为推动“震旦系”概念被广泛认同发挥了重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 西南联大 震旦系 晋宁运动 冰川作用 地学家群体
作者 汪传华 《地理教育》 1997年第5期43-43,共1页
关键词 东晋 地学家 法显 僧侣 中学 地理教学 备课参考
作者 陈炜 张明明 《科学技术哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期99-104,共6页
中国现代地学家群体是中国近现代地学发展的重要人才支撑。通过从出生年代、出生地域、当选年龄与性别分布、教育经历、所在机构与所在地以及专业方向等多个角度对这一群体进行统计分析,进行共时性与历时性对比相结合的研究,总结概括我... 中国现代地学家群体是中国近现代地学发展的重要人才支撑。通过从出生年代、出生地域、当选年龄与性别分布、教育经历、所在机构与所在地以及专业方向等多个角度对这一群体进行统计分析,进行共时性与历时性对比相结合的研究,总结概括我国现代地学家群体的特征,并得到地学人才乃至科技人才培养的重要启示。 展开更多
关键词 地学家 群体 特征
作者 李大伟 《暨南史学》 2020年第1期40-52,共13页
中世纪时期,诸多阿拉伯史地学家曾记述中国贸易港口Khānfū。关于Khānfū地望,有"澉浦说"与"广州说"之争论。此两种说法各自皆未能提供充分的证据予以自证或反证。通过将阿拉伯史地学家关于Khānfū之数则历史记... 中世纪时期,诸多阿拉伯史地学家曾记述中国贸易港口Khānfū。关于Khānfū地望,有"澉浦说"与"广州说"之争论。此两种说法各自皆未能提供充分的证据予以自证或反证。通过将阿拉伯史地学家关于Khānfū之数则历史记载,与汉籍史料进行互证,则可清晰地证明Khānfū指"广府",即广州。中西文献互证的方法,为考证与解决此争论提供了新的线索。阿拉伯史地学家对Khānfū与关于中国历史事迹之记载,显示出由商人开拓的贸易之路,增加了人们对域外的认识,推动了欧亚各地风土人情、奇闻逸事与历史信息的传播。 展开更多
关键词 阿拉伯史地学家 Khānfū 澉浦 广州 广府
作者 刘嘉麒 《大自然》 2004年第3期10-11,共2页
关键词 斯瓦尔巴德群岛 地学家 格陵兰岛
作者 白屯 《中国地质教育》 1996年第1期6-8,共3页
关键词 地学教育 人与社会 地球科学研究 地球物质科学 地球科学发展 人类社会 气象经济学 学实验 地学家 学能
作者 汪巍 《中国西藏》 1997年第6期49-50,共2页
关键词 青藏高原 喜马拉雅 学合作 深地震反射剖面 合作研究 造山带 野外数据采集 大陆动力学 地学家 地球物理
作者 傅朗云 杨旸 戈锋 《东南文化》 CSSCI 1990年第5期431-432,共2页
我们虽多年从事祖国东北的边疆地理和历史民族的研究,但对楚民族的历史和楚国疆域的变迁知道得很少.最近研读了国家级专家、我国著名的农民史地学家何光岳先生的新作《楚源流史》一书,颇有《红楼梦》中刘姥姥进大观园之感,其书内容之丰... 我们虽多年从事祖国东北的边疆地理和历史民族的研究,但对楚民族的历史和楚国疆域的变迁知道得很少.最近研读了国家级专家、我国著名的农民史地学家何光岳先生的新作《楚源流史》一书,颇有《红楼梦》中刘姥姥进大观园之感,其书内容之丰富,学术气势之磅礴,远非短时期内所能理解透彻的,故此匆匆草就的书评,只能名之口“稿”,即不成熟的意见.因为我们知道何光岳先生的《楚源流史》只是他的一项巨大的史学工程计划中的一个组成部分.是为了迎接1988年度楚史和楚文化的国际学术会议。 展开更多
关键词 何光岳 源流 世系 民族结合 民族史 东北师范大学历史系 历史民族 社会科学院 楚史 地学家
作者 林惠来 《台湾海峡》 CAS 1987年第4期419-420,共2页
为促进台湾海峡及其两岸地学问题的学术交流,推动该区域的国际合作研究,中国海洋学会、中国地震学会,中国地球物理学会、国家自然科学基金会地球科学部和福建省科学技术协会于1987年9月1—4日在福州联合举办了“台湾海峡及其两岸地质与... 为促进台湾海峡及其两岸地学问题的学术交流,推动该区域的国际合作研究,中国海洋学会、中国地震学会,中国地球物理学会、国家自然科学基金会地球科学部和福建省科学技术协会于1987年9月1—4日在福州联合举办了“台湾海峡及其两岸地质与地震研讨会”。来自国内外地学界30个单位的专家、学者携带70多篇论文参加了会议,其中50篇在大会和分组会上报告交流。 展开更多
关键词 石油地质 地球物理 矿产地质 地震 台湾海峡 板块构造 大地构造 地球化学 地球科学 地学学家 海平面变动 太平洋板块 研讨会 地学家 福州 福建
作者 刘家信 《资源导刊》 2023年第20期47-50,共4页
关键词 地图集 光绪十一年 私人收藏 地学 编制出版 邹代钧 地学家 清代
Research Progress on the Problem of Fluid,Heat and Energy Distribution near the Earthquake Source Area 被引量:1
作者 Yan Rui Jiang Changsheng +2 位作者 Shao Zhigang Zhou Longquan Li Yingchun 《Earthquake Research in China》 2011年第4期378-394,共17页
As the basic problems in seismology, fluid, heat and energy distribution near earthquake sources during earthquake generation have been the leading subjects of concern to seismologists. Currently, more and more resear... As the basic problems in seismology, fluid, heat and energy distribution near earthquake sources during earthquake generation have been the leading subjects of concern to seismologists. Currently, more and more research shows fluid around earthquake source areas, which plays an important role in the process of earthquake preparation and generation. However, there is considerable controversy over the source of fluid in the deep crust. As for the problem of heat around earthquake source areas, different models have been proposed to explain the stress heat flow paradox. Among them, the dynamic weakening model has been thought to be the key to solving the heat flow paradox issue. After large earthquakes, energy distribution is directly related to friction heat. It is of timely and important practical significance to immediately implement deep drilling in-site surveying to gain understanding of fluid, friction heat and energy distribution during earthquake generation. The latest international progress in fluid, heat and energy distribution research has been reviewed in this paper which will bring important inspiration for the understanding of earthquake preparation and occurrence. 展开更多
关键词 FLUID HEAT Energy distribution
作者 LILin-yi LIChun-lin 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2002年第2期182-185,共4页
In this paper,spatial correlation of crop yield in the middle and west of Jilin Province is analyzed by us-ing the method of geostatistics semivariogram,taking the NDVI of NOAA/AVHRR spectrum data as the regionalized ... In this paper,spatial correlation of crop yield in the middle and west of Jilin Province is analyzed by us-ing the method of geostatistics semivariogram,taking the NDVI of NOAA/AVHRR spectrum data as the regionalized vari-able,aiming to provide theory and practical basis for field sampling of crop yield estimation using remote sensing.The ratio of nugget variance and sill of semivariograms are 21.1% and 9.7% in the west and middle regions in Jilin Province respectively.This shows that the crop yields are spatially correlated.The degree and range of correlation are far different in the different situations.In the west test region,the range is 49.9 km and the sill is 0.00019.In the middle testre-gion,the range is 16.5 km and the sill is0.00453.The dissimilarity in the western test region is larger than that in the middle one.The range in which the correlation existed of the former is far larger than the later.Different character is tics of spatial correlation of crop yield are decided by the environmental factors.Samples for crop yield estimation should be extracted according to the characteristic of spatial distribution of crop yield to promote the efficiency of sampling. 展开更多
关键词 spatial correlation crop yield SEMIVARIOGRAM GEOSTATISTICS
Tunnelling through weak and fragile rocks of Himalayas 被引量:1
作者 Goel R.K. 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第6期783-790,共8页
A considerable amount of tunnelling has been going on in India for various projects such as hydroelectric power, irrigation, roads and railways. Most of these projects are located in Himalayas, far away from the urban... A considerable amount of tunnelling has been going on in India for various projects such as hydroelectric power, irrigation, roads and railways. Most of these projects are located in Himalayas, far away from the urban areas. Tunnelling through weak and jointed rock masses such as the one in the Himalayas is a challenging task for the planners, designers, engineers and geologists because of high overburden, thickly vegetated surface, weak, poor and fragile rocks and highly varying geology with the presence of numerous small and big shear zones, faults, etc. Due to these reasons, various tunnelling problems have been faced in the past and are still being encountered. Failures and the problems may be regarded as challenges and opportunities for generating new knowledge base and thereby increasing self-reliance in tunnelling. The experiences of Himalayan tunnelling through weak and fragile rocks covering varying and mixed geology, understanding on tunnelling in squeezing ground conditions and applicability of TBM in Himalayas are presented. It has also been highlighted that the probe holes planning, drilling and monitoring shall be followed seriously to reduce the geological surprises. 展开更多
关键词 Varying geology Mixed geology Weak and fragile rocks Himalayan tunnelling Ground condition Squeezing
From Applied to Pure Science: Midwestern Geological Surveys in the 19th Century
作者 Michael D. Severs 《History Research》 2012年第2期146-163,共18页
Between 1850 and 1900, state geological surveys in the Midwest underwent an ideological shift by transforming from institutions based on applied science to those based on pure science. Three factors influenced this pr... Between 1850 and 1900, state geological surveys in the Midwest underwent an ideological shift by transforming from institutions based on applied science to those based on pure science. Three factors influenced this process: the acquisition of permanent status from state governments, the establishment of the USGS (United States Geological Survey), and the increase in regional professional scientific societies and publications in the Midwest. These factors aided in the transformation of research projects by state geologists. These projects grew more focused, of higher quality, and increased in number during this time-period. State governments still expected Midwestern geological surveys to meet the practical needs of their respective states as this transformation continued, but surveys complemented these goals with projects more closely related to pure science. This shift encouraged the research goals of surveys to investigate projects more closely related to pure scientific pursuits, and significantly aided in the growth of the earth sciences in the nineteenth Century and early twentieth Century. 展开更多
关键词 Midwestern Geological Surveys Pure and Applied Science Nineteenth Century Scientific Institutions History of American Science
Communicating Geologically-Underpinned Issues: Drivers and Mechanisms
作者 Lucien S. Lyness Claire V. Lvness 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2012年第7期387-394,共8页
Geologists can offer key insights in regard to several high profile environmental issues that are faced today. At the same time, like scientists in most other disciplines, many geologists are not naturally adept at co... Geologists can offer key insights in regard to several high profile environmental issues that are faced today. At the same time, like scientists in most other disciplines, many geologists are not naturally adept at communicating in an effective manner with non-geologists. This paper firstly identifies the more subtle facets of topical major issues (the drivers) where geologists can contribute important perspectives. Next, the detractions to effective communication are identified, along with the recommended means to overcome them (the mechanisms). Many topical issues are in fact geologically-underpinned (e.g. obviously, geohazards), so geologists ought to have something meaningful to say. By the same token, if geologists have difficulty communicating with other scientists, how can they possibly hope to communicate with journalists and with the public at large? Proper scientific contextualization is an ideal starting point, but this fundamental framing step does not always suit protagonists who have non-scientific agendas. Thus, geologists not only have to convey their science (geology) in an understandable way, but to do so in a truly effective manner must recognize and take into account possible predispositions that their audience may have. 展开更多
关键词 Communication GEOLOGY environmental issues climate change.
Detection of Hazard Zones over Abandoned Mines of Albania through Geophysical Methods
作者 Idriz Jata Hamza Reci Vladimir Kavaia 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2012年第12期704-711,共8页
This study consists to the detection of cavities that could be present over abandoned mines of Albania with the use of SP (self potential) and ERT (electrical resistance tomography). In general, natural and artifi... This study consists to the detection of cavities that could be present over abandoned mines of Albania with the use of SP (self potential) and ERT (electrical resistance tomography). In general, natural and artificial cavities represent an important investigation target in geotechnical, environmental and scientific studies. These studies could be engineering, archaeological or speleological. For the detection and localization of such cavities during the last 20 years, several geophysical studies have been used worldwide. In this field study, several geophysical methods could be used such as electrical, electromagnetic, gravimetric and seismic ones. Now days, the ground penetrating radar technique and ERT are widely used. Depending on geological formation conditions every used method is more or less effective. As a result of actual conditions of works on ore mines, the dynamic regime of the surroundings areas has undergone changes creating superficial cavities and funnels and as consequence the geological risk to the community is present. The detection of cavities is a challenge for geophysicists and in these cases the ambiguity on interpretation of geophysical data has to be solved properly. The simultaneous application of different geophysical methods and monitoring in time are necessary in order that the field data interpretation could be significant. Geophysical investigations were carried out as tests over galleries of ore mines of Albania. In this study, we present the SP and ERT results in two sites, in Dhrovjan and Perrenjas region. The effectiveness of the used geophysical methods was present. 展开更多
关键词 ERT geological risk self potential FUNNELS CAVITIES geophysical investigation engineering geology
Sensitivity Analysis of Geological Parameters Influencing a Solute Transport from a Deep Repository of Spent Nuclear Fuel
作者 Josef Chudoba 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2015年第5期250-261,共12页
When evaluating Nuclear Waste DGR Safety, it is necessary to confirm its safety in a long run and above all its safety towards the biosphere which is more precisely that the biosphere will not be in any hazard caused ... When evaluating Nuclear Waste DGR Safety, it is necessary to confirm its safety in a long run and above all its safety towards the biosphere which is more precisely that the biosphere will not be in any hazard caused by radioactive substances, With the aid of geologists, a model of a hypothetical area was elaborated and described with the use of geological and hydrogeological parameters. The volume of isotopes released out of the massif at the borderline of the near/far field from the DGR was determined. The paper results showed that ground water flow and transport of substances within the area were first to be determined. The Flow123D SW was used for the determination. The resulting outcome represents a determination of transported substances concentration depending on time. The disadvantage of the model is the fact that all the input parameters were set deterministically. The problem is solved by using the sensitivity analysis (changing the input parameters) or using the Monte Carlo Method. The major results are: calculations of the radionuclide concentrations in the elements depending on time and determination of parameters that have the biggest impact on the sensitivity of the whole model. 展开更多
关键词 Deep repository waste safety model Flow 123D sensitivity analysis
Pitfalls in interpretation of shallow seismic data
作者 Ahmed Ismail Edward Smith +1 位作者 Andrew Phillips Andrew Stumpf 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第1期87-94,117,共9页
High-resolution shallow seismic methods are the most widely used geophysical methods in near surface characterization. However, in many cases interpreting the seismic images can be misleading. In this article, we pres... High-resolution shallow seismic methods are the most widely used geophysical methods in near surface characterization. However, in many cases interpreting the seismic images can be misleading. In this article, we present three case studies where results from P-wave seismic reflection, SH-wave seismic reflection, and multi-channel analysis of surface wave (MASW) surveys were incorrectly interpreted because of inadequate constraints on either the surveyed sites surface or subsurface conditions. A P-wave reflection survey feature was first interpreted as a shallow fault zone but it was later determined to result from a high level of background noise as the acquisition passed through a road intersection. A SH-wave seismic reflection survey feature was interpreted to be a reverse dip-slip fault but targeted drilling showed it was deep local erosion into the bedrock surface. Finally, in an MASW survey, a steeply dipping feature was first interpreted as a bedrock valley. However, later exploratory drilling showed the feature to be a shallow layer of very soft lake sediment that severely damped most of the applied surface wave frequency band. Although initial interpretations were incorrect, they stimulated discussions among geophysicists and geologists and underscored the need for meaningful cooperation and discourse between the scientists before, during, and after geophysical data acquisition. 展开更多
关键词 Seismic reflection multi-channel analysis of surface wave INTERPRETATION PITFALLS
The dawn of successful prediction of major earthquakes
作者 Li Ping Yang Mei' e 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2010年第4期2-12,共11页
Since 1949, Chinese scientists have successfully predicted occurrence of many major earthquakes, such as the Haicheng MT. 3 event in 1975 and the Asian Game Village shock of 1990. In recent 20 years, however, some sei... Since 1949, Chinese scientists have successfully predicted occurrence of many major earthquakes, such as the Haicheng MT. 3 event in 1975 and the Asian Game Village shock of 1990. In recent 20 years, however, some seis-mologists abroad have taken a disappointed and pessimistic view to earthquake prediction because of several failures. They suggest that the efforts should turn toward other fields, such as identification of building' s earthquake-proof capability, enhancement of house strength, and development of precise observational systems which will facilitate fast loca- ting of future major temblors and emergent relief on site. Such a pessimistic feeling has also influenced some Chinese researchers of the seismological community who attempted to give up efforts for earthquake prediction. Meanwhile other scientific workers are insisting in experiments and practices in this field and achieved some inspiring results. In this paper, we present several representative cases to illustrate that earthquakes are predictable under some conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Wenchuan Earthquake strong earthquake prediction generating fault for major earthquake
Quality index of bedded and joint-bearing rock mass and its applications
作者 姜福兴 秦忠诚 蒋国安 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2002年第2期12-16,共5页
Based on the theory of Fuzzy Mathematics and Expert System, this paper presents the quantitative expression method of bedded and joint bearing rock mass quality "Stratum Quality Index"(SQI for short), and al... Based on the theory of Fuzzy Mathematics and Expert System, this paper presents the quantitative expression method of bedded and joint bearing rock mass quality "Stratum Quality Index"(SQI for short), and also introduces the successful application of the method in estimating stratum movement parameters. 展开更多
关键词 ground control bedding and joint bearing rock mass quality index of stratum
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