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陕西省略阳县铧厂沟细碧岩浆热液金矿床及地幔射气成矿机制 被引量:10
作者 何大伦 《四川地质学报》 1995年第4期294-303,共10页
关键词 细碧岩浆房 金矿床 地幔作用 铧厂沟
作者 何大伦 《矿物岩石地球化学通报》 CAS CSCD 1995年第3期174-176,共3页
细碧岩浆热液金矿床的地幔射气成矿机制何大伦(成都理工学院,成都610059)关键词细碧岩浆,岩浆房,金矿床,地幔射气成矿本文所讨论的细碧岩浆热液金矿床位于川陕甘交界的勉略断裂带,大地构造位置处于扬子地台北缘基底内的南... 细碧岩浆热液金矿床的地幔射气成矿机制何大伦(成都理工学院,成都610059)关键词细碧岩浆,岩浆房,金矿床,地幔射气成矿本文所讨论的细碧岩浆热液金矿床位于川陕甘交界的勉略断裂带,大地构造位置处于扬子地台北缘基底内的南秦岭海西印支褶皱带和摩天岭加里东褶... 展开更多
关键词 细碧岩浆 岩浆房 金矿床 地幔成矿
作者 王士锋 伊海生 《青海地矿科技信息》 2000年第2期9-10,共2页
关键词 地幔 五道梁群 岩石成因 地幔 灰岩
国外天然气地球科学研究成果介绍与分析——以索科洛夫的著作为主线 被引量:12
作者 杜乐天 《天然气地球科学》 EI CAS CSCD 2007年第1期1-18,共18页
考虑到前人对生物成因天然气来源和泥质岩、碳酸盐岩、煤等作为气源岩问题已有相当深入的研究,文中不再涉及。文中将从更深的气源(例如中、下地壳火成岩、变质岩甚至地幔岩)角度对国外有关科研成果和资料加以搜集和整理(以前苏联学者В... 考虑到前人对生物成因天然气来源和泥质岩、碳酸盐岩、煤等作为气源岩问题已有相当深入的研究,文中不再涉及。文中将从更深的气源(例如中、下地壳火成岩、变质岩甚至地幔岩)角度对国外有关科研成果和资料加以搜集和整理(以前苏联学者ВА索科洛夫的著作为主线)[1-2]①,做出了以下分类并进行了力所能及的分析:①火山气;②热泉气、气泉气和冷泉气;③火成岩气;④金属矿床气;⑤盐层气;⑥石油伴生气;⑦煤层气;⑧泥火山气;⑨地下水中气;10断层气和地震气;11韧性剪切带气;12地幔气。有关资料年代尽管有些久远,但仍希望对现代研究有所启示。 展开更多
关键词 火山 热泉 和冷泉 火成岩 金属矿床 盐层 石油伴生 煤层 泥火山 地下水中 断层 地震 韧性剪切带 地幔气
作者 李卓骐 许成 韦春婉 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期304-319,共16页
地球深部是一个巨大的碳库,含有地球98%以上的碳。在上地幔顶部,碳的主要存在形式是碳酸盐与CO_(2)。在一定的温度和压力条件下,它们可以降低地幔岩的固相线,参与地幔熔融过程,形成含碳的硅酸盐熔体或者碳酸盐熔体。含碳的熔流体是岩石... 地球深部是一个巨大的碳库,含有地球98%以上的碳。在上地幔顶部,碳的主要存在形式是碳酸盐与CO_(2)。在一定的温度和压力条件下,它们可以降低地幔岩的固相线,参与地幔熔融过程,形成含碳的硅酸盐熔体或者碳酸盐熔体。含碳的熔流体是岩石圈地幔中碳迁移的重要形式,也是地球深源碳向地表释放的直接载体。碳酸盐熔体与碳酸盐化硅酸盐熔体在地幔中迁移、上侵过程中可能与橄榄岩发生反应,熔体分解并释放出CO_(2)。在地壳阶段,除了火山作用导致的脱气外,含碳熔体在上侵的过程中,减压导致熔体中CO_(2)溶解度降低,或者熔体与地壳岩石之间的脱碳反应也是CO_(2)释放的重要途径。地表碳可以随板块俯冲等作用进入地球深部,该过程与深源碳释放构成的深部碳循环过程是影响地球历史大气中碳含量与气候变化的重要因素。在现代冷板块俯冲过程中,碳释放的主要形式是俯冲板片释放的流体对板片中碳的溶解和迁移,大部分的俯冲碳能够进入地球深度。深部脱碳过程的复杂性使当前对地史时期深部碳释放的途径与对应的通量仍有争议,对不同脱碳作用的综合研究是进一步厘清地史时期碳释放的重要依据。因此,本文系统地总结了深部碳循环过程中不同脱碳作用与其识别标志,并以华北克拉通东缘中生代脱碳过程为例,探讨了深源碳释放对于古环境变化的指示意义。 展开更多
关键词 脱碳 地球深部 地幔 地壳去 俯冲带脱碳
Thermo-Gravimetric Model for Sedimentary Basins: Case Study of the Pre-Caspian Depression
作者 Valentina Svalova 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2012年第9期538-543,共6页
Formation and evolution of sedimentary basin is the clue for oil-and-gas generation zones of sedimentary cover that makes the problem of sedimentary basins geodynamics of great importance one. Geodynamics of relief is... Formation and evolution of sedimentary basin is the clue for oil-and-gas generation zones of sedimentary cover that makes the problem of sedimentary basins geodynamics of great importance one. Geodynamics of relief is defined by deep mantle movements. Mechanical-mathematical model of the lithosphere dynamics gives possibility to link the basin parameters with mantle diaper upwelling. Analysis of geophysical fields gives opportunity to evaluate the astenosphere upwelling, and the elaborated self-conjugated thermo-gravimetric model makes this evaluation reliable and trustworthy one. 展开更多
关键词 Sedimentary basins modeling GEOTHERMICS GRAVITY Pre-Caspian Depression.
Geochemical Features of the Hubin Spring Gases from the Northern Caldera Lake of the Tianchi Volcano,Changbai Mountains
作者 Gao Ling Shangguan Zhiguan +1 位作者 Wei Haiquan Zhao Ciping 《Earthquake Research in China》 2011年第3期370-377,共8页
This paper deals with geochemical features of gas emitted from the Hubin Springs. The Hubin Springs zone, a strong thermal emission zone, is are locatedd at the north edge of the Tianchi caldera lake. Very young depos... This paper deals with geochemical features of gas emitted from the Hubin Springs. The Hubin Springs zone, a strong thermal emission zone, is are locatedd at the north edge of the Tianchi caldera lake. Very young deposits with uncertain eruption date are found on the top area of the Tianwenfeng, which might have been formed in one of the recent eruptions or the Millennium Eruption. It is of significance to study the geochemistry features of the emitting gas from the Hubin Springs to understand the activities of the Tianchi Volcano. This paper systematically sampled and analyzed the gases emitted from the Hubin Springs and discussed their geochemistry features. The results show that there is a high content of deep derived gases, such as CO2, He, CH4 and Ar in Hubin Springs zone. The isotopic ratio of He lies between 4. 18 and 5. 95 Ra. The averaged mantle derived gas content calculated from the ^4He/2^20Ne ratio and He content reaches 67.1%. All these show that the Hubin Springs are located on a special belt of deep gases released in high intensity and large scale. The spatial distribution of Helium isotope is characterized by concavity, showing that this special area may be related to the volcanic edifice. It is highly possible that the released gases represent the residual gas samples of the latest eruptions from the Tianchi Volcano. However more detailed studies are demanded. 展开更多
关键词 Tianchi Volcano Hubin strong gas-release zone Gas geochemistry CRATER Residual gas
Mid-mantle water transportation implied by the electrical and seismic properties ofε-FeOOH
作者 Yukai Zhuang Bo Gan +8 位作者 Zhongxun Cui Ruilian Tang Renbiao Tao Mingqiang Hou Gang Jiang Catalin Popescu Gaston Garbarino Youjun Zhang Qingyang Hu 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CSCD 2022年第7期748-754,共7页
Water in the mantle transition zone and the core-mantle boundary plays a key role in Earth’s stratification,volatile cycling,and core formation.If water transportation is actively running between the aforementioned l... Water in the mantle transition zone and the core-mantle boundary plays a key role in Earth’s stratification,volatile cycling,and core formation.If water transportation is actively running between the aforementioned layers,the lower mantle should contain water channels with distinctive seismic and/or electromagnetic signatures.Here,we investigated the electrical conductivity and sound velocity ofε-FeOOH up to 71 GPa and 1800 K and compared them with global tomography data.An abrupt threeorder jump of electrical conductivity was observed above 50 GPa,reaching 1.24(12)×10^(3)S/m at 61 GPa.Meanwhile,the longitudinal sound velocity dropped by 16.8%in response to the high-to-low spin transition of Fe^(3+).The high-conductivity and low-sound velocity ofε-FeOOH match the features of heterogenous scatterers in the mid-lower mantle.Such unique properties of hydrousε-FeOOH,or possibly other Fe-enriched phases can be detected as evidence of active water transportation in the mid-lower mantle. 展开更多
关键词 Mid-lower mantle Electrical conductivity Seismic velocity HETEROGENEITY
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