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多波束测深系统中凹凸变形地形的分析与处理 被引量:9
作者 董庆亮 崔民勋 +2 位作者 周君华 王继国 徐岩 《海洋测绘》 2011年第1期32-35,共4页
在平坦海区测量工作中,多波束测深系统质量监控窗口经常会显示出凹凸变形地形,如果处理不及时或处理不当,将会导致测量的海底地形呈现凹凸不平的伪地形,严重影响测量工程的质量。分析了多波束系统测量凹凸变形地形的原因,论述了在测量... 在平坦海区测量工作中,多波束测深系统质量监控窗口经常会显示出凹凸变形地形,如果处理不及时或处理不当,将会导致测量的海底地形呈现凹凸不平的伪地形,严重影响测量工程的质量。分析了多波束系统测量凹凸变形地形的原因,论述了在测量中以及数据后处理中解决测量凹凸变形地形故障的方法,实际应用证明方法有效、实用。 展开更多
关键词 多波束测深系统 变形地形 地形处理
复杂地形上扩散模式CTDMPLUS 被引量:2
作者 王卫国 蒋维楣 《电力环境保护》 1993年第3期30-35,共6页
关键词 复杂地形 扩散模式 分流高度 地形变形因子 双高斯模式 大气污染
基于MEMS传感阵列的海底地形形变原位监测装置 被引量:2
作者 葛勇强 曹晨 +5 位作者 陈家旺 徐春莺 周朋 高峰 梁涛 方玉平 《浙江大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第9期1732-1739,共8页
为了满足南海天然气水合物资源试采环境评价的迫切需要,提出基于微机电系统(MEMS)传感阵列的海底地形形变监测技术及装置.开发基于MEMS传感阵列的多点同步采集系统,在实验室理想环境测试中,实现30 m×30 m区域的地形原位监测,地形... 为了满足南海天然气水合物资源试采环境评价的迫切需要,提出基于微机电系统(MEMS)传感阵列的海底地形形变监测技术及装置.开发基于MEMS传感阵列的多点同步采集系统,在实验室理想环境测试中,实现30 m×30 m区域的地形原位监测,地形形变监测分辨率优于5 cm且监测误差小于13 mm.构建三维海底地形变形矢量模型,利用MEMS传感器的扭转角和各节的长度确定传感阵列变形后的空间位置,采用细分算法拟合获得地形的表面形态.所提海底地形形变监测装置在水深为1203 m的天然气水合物试采区完成连续6个月的原位监测.海试结果表明,MEMS传感阵列观测到的地形最大沉降量为2 cm,最大抬升量为10 cm. 展开更多
关键词 微机电系统(MEMS)传感阵列 同步采集 地形变形重构 原位监测
点位错引起的单层密度变化 被引量:7
作者 申重阳 甘家思 +1 位作者 朱思林 徐菊生 《地壳形变与地震》 CSCD 1997年第1期1-9,共9页
采用求解地壳单层密度变化的一般公式,导出其平面近似公式并给出了相应的数值计算方法。在此基础上,将点位错引起的地表形变和重力变化同时解析延拓至Bjerhammar球面上,得到了点位错引起的地壳单层密度变化的图像。分析表... 采用求解地壳单层密度变化的一般公式,导出其平面近似公式并给出了相应的数值计算方法。在此基础上,将点位错引起的地表形变和重力变化同时解析延拓至Bjerhammar球面上,得到了点位错引起的地壳单层密度变化的图像。分析表明:①单层密度变化图像与地表形变、重力变化图像相似;②地表形变对单层密度变化的影响比地表重力变化要大;③若点位错引起地表重力变化为10-6~10-7m/s2量级、高程变化为0.1~1m量级,则单层密度变化可达103~104kg/m2量级;④单层密度变化在隆升区为正。 展开更多
关键词 位错 密度 重力 垂直形变 地形变形
基于Unity3D的疏浚船作业虚拟仿真系统 被引量:6
作者 谢宇 何坤金 +1 位作者 陈义仁 王江坤 《计算机仿真》 北大核心 2022年第7期426-432,共7页
针对传统疏浚船作业仿真的不足与水下地形复杂的问题,设计了疏浚船的三维仿真系统,全方位、多角度的模拟疏浚作业过程。首先,提出了水下地形的生成方法,通过薄板样条插值方法,补充数据点,生成高精度的高程图;其次,构建完整的虚拟场景,... 针对传统疏浚船作业仿真的不足与水下地形复杂的问题,设计了疏浚船的三维仿真系统,全方位、多角度的模拟疏浚作业过程。首先,提出了水下地形的生成方法,通过薄板样条插值方法,补充数据点,生成高精度的高程图;其次,构建完整的虚拟场景,将人员、地形、船体等元素交互融合,实现一端多控的便捷操作;最后,模拟水下疏浚作业,建立水下地形与运动的铰刀头的动态约束关系,实现对水下地形挖掘的实时变形。以天狮号船体与北港地区地形数据验证,上述系统能够有效模拟疏浚作业流程,提前对疏浚工程进行规划与评估,降低疏浚过程的不可控因素,同时为疏浚船培训提供便利。 展开更多
关键词 疏浚船 虚拟仿真 地形生成 铰刀切削 地形变形
全景景观地图中地形局部变形研究 被引量:2
作者 李霖 于忠海 +1 位作者 李桢 向竹君 《武汉大学学报(信息科学版)》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第11期1335-1338,1343,共5页
为了改善全景地图的可视效果,通过分析远近视野局部地形变形特征,提出了基于液化变形的地形水平局部变形方法,改善近视野的地形局部遮挡现象;利用视线追踪的地形局部降低方法和高斯变换的地形局部抬高方法,改善远视野的地形局部遮挡及... 为了改善全景地图的可视效果,通过分析远近视野局部地形变形特征,提出了基于液化变形的地形水平局部变形方法,改善近视野的地形局部遮挡现象;利用视线追踪的地形局部降低方法和高斯变换的地形局部抬高方法,改善远视野的地形局部遮挡及地物缩小现象,避免了视野中地形的扭曲重叠,减小了由于透视投影所造成的地物遮挡及缩小现象,增强了全景景观地图的艺术视觉效果,并提高了生成全景图的算法效率。 展开更多
关键词 全景景观地图 地形局部变形 液化变形 高斯变换 视线追
作者 傅振明 《福建建筑高等专科学校学报》 2001年第3期30-33,共4页
通过某工程事故的沉降计算分析 ,阐明了旧城改造工程中沉降计算的重要性 ,并分析几种常用基础型式的特点 。
关键词 旧城改造 不均匀沉降 小截面静压预制桩 地基承载力 地形变形 沉降计算
Fractal Measures of Drainage Network to Investigate Surface Deformation from Remote Sensing Data: A Paradigm from Hindukush (NE-Afghanistan) 被引量:3
作者 Syed Amer MAHMOOD Richard GLOAGUEN 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第5期641-654,共14页
This approach represents the relative susceptibility of the topography of the earth to active deformation by means of geometrical distinctiveness of the river networks. This investigation employs the fractal analysis ... This approach represents the relative susceptibility of the topography of the earth to active deformation by means of geometrical distinctiveness of the river networks. This investigation employs the fractal analysis of drainage system extracted from ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM-30m resolution). The objective is to mark active structures and to pinpoint the areas robustly influenced by neotectonics. This approach was examined in the Hindukush, NE-Afghanistan. This region is frequently affected by deadly earthquakes and the modern fault activities and deformation are driven by the collision between the northward-moving Indian subcontinent and Eurasia. This attempt is based on the fact that drainage system is strained to linearize due to neotectonic deformation. Hence, the low fractal dimensions of the Kabul, Panjsher, Laghman, Andarab, Alingar and Kocha Rivers are credited to active tectonics. A comprehensive textural examination is conducted to probe the linearization, heterogeneity and connectivity of the drainage patterns. The aspects for these natural textures are computed by using the fractal dimension (FD), lacunarity (LA) and succolarity (SA) approach. All these methods are naturally interrelated, i.e. objects with similar FD can be further differentiated with LA and/or SA analysis. The maps of FD, LA and SA values are generated by using a sliding window of 50 arc seconds by 50 arc seconds (50" × 50"). Afterwards, the maps are interpreted in terms of regional susceptibility to neotectonics. This method is useful to pinpoint numerous zones where the drainage system is highly controlled by Hindukush active structures. In the North-Northeast of the Kabul block, we recognized active tectonic blocks. The region comprising, Kabul, Panjsher, Andrab, Alingar and Badakhshan is more susceptible to damaging events. This investigation concludes that the fractal analysis of the river networks is a bonus tool to localize areas vulnerable to deadly incidents influencing the Earth’s topography and consequently intimidate human lives. 展开更多
关键词 FRACTAL Drainage network LACUNARITY Succolarity Surface deformation and Hindukush
Dynamic subsidence basins in coal mines based on rock mass rheological theory 被引量:4
作者 Yang Yu Gong Zhiqiang Liang Bing 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第3期333-335,共3页
In order to investigate the surface deformation caused by coal mining and to reduce environmental damage, more accurate information of dynamic subsidence basins, caused by coal mining, is needed. Based on theological ... In order to investigate the surface deformation caused by coal mining and to reduce environmental damage, more accurate information of dynamic subsidence basins, caused by coal mining, is needed. Based on theological theory, we discuss surface deformation mechanism of dynamic subsidence on the assumption that both the roof and the coal seam are visco-elastic media, put forward the idea that the principle of surface deformation is similar to that of roofs, except for their parameters. Therefore, a surface deforma- tion equation can be obtained, given the equation of the roof deformation derived.from using a HIM rhe- ological model. In the end, we apply the equation of surface deformation as a practical subsidence prediction in a coal mine. Given the theologic properties of a rock mass, the results of our research of a dynamic subsidence basin can predict the development of surface deformation as a function of time, which is more important than the ultimate subsidence itself. The results indicate that using rheological theory to calculate the deformation of a dynamic subsidence basin is suitable and provides some reference for surface deformation of dynamic subsidence basins. 展开更多
关键词 Coal mining subsidenceDynamic basinRheological theorie sHiM theological model
Totally Geodesic Invariant Subm anifolds of Contact Metric Manifold 被引量:1
作者 万勇 宋鸿藻 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 1998年第4期103-105, ,共3页
The purpose of this paper is to give a sufficient and necessary condition of totally geodesic on invariant submanifold of contact metric manifold and is to generalize the results in [3] and [4].
关键词 contact metric manifold invariant submanifold totally geodesic
Hazard development mechanism and deformation estimation of water solution mining area 被引量:3
作者 贺跃光 李志伟 杨小礼 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2006年第6期738-742,共5页
Based on the hazard development mechanism, a water solution area is closely related to the supporting effect of pressure-bearing water, the relaxing and collapsing effect of orebody interlayer, the collapsing effect o... Based on the hazard development mechanism, a water solution area is closely related to the supporting effect of pressure-bearing water, the relaxing and collapsing effect of orebody interlayer, the collapsing effect of thawless material in orebody, filling effect caused by cubical expansibility of hydrate crystallization and uplifting effect of hard rock layer over cranny belt. The movement and deformation of ground surface caused by underground water solution mining is believed to be much weaker than that caused by well lane mining, which can be predicted by the stochastic medium theory method. On the basis of analysis on the engineering practice of water solution mining, its corresponding parameters can be obtained from the in-site data of the belt water and sand filling mining in engineering analog approach. 展开更多
关键词 water solution mining hazard ground surface deformation and movement probability integral method
An investigation of surface deformation after fully mechanized,solid back fill mining 被引量:24
作者 Li Jian Zhang Jixiong +2 位作者 Huang Yanli Zhang Qiang Xu Junming 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 2012年第4期453-457,共5页
The surface deformation after fully mechanized back filling mining was analyzed.The surface deformation for different backfill materials was predicted by an equivalent mining height model and numerical simulations.The... The surface deformation after fully mechanized back filling mining was analyzed.The surface deformation for different backfill materials was predicted by an equivalent mining height model and numerical simulations.The results suggest that:(1) As the elastic modulus,E,of the backfill material increases the surface subsidence decreases.The rate of subsidence decrease drops after E is larger than 5 GPa;(2) Fully mechanized back fill mining technology can effectively control surface deformation.The resulting surface deformation is within the specification grade I,which means surface maintenance is not needed.A site survey showed that the equivalent mining height model is capable of predicting and analyzing surface deformation and that the model is conservative enough for engineering safety.Finally,the significance of establishing a complete error correction system based on error analysis and correction is discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Back filling mining Back filling materials Surface deformation Equivalent mining height
Research and Practice on the Crustal Deformation Mobile Monitoring Network Layout in the Hydropower Station Reservoir Area
作者 Shang Hong Liu Tianhai Zhang Jincheng Zhang Chengqiang Yu Haisheng Sun Baicheng Yang Huaining Du Xiaoxia 《Earthquake Research in China》 2010年第3期320-334,共15页
According to the construction project of the crustal deformation mobile monitoring network in the cascade hydropower stations built in the lower reaches of Jinsha River,this paper analyzes the design ideas and layout ... According to the construction project of the crustal deformation mobile monitoring network in the cascade hydropower stations built in the lower reaches of Jinsha River,this paper analyzes the design ideas and layout principles of crustal deformation mobile monitoring used in the monitoring of reservoir induced earthquakes. This paper introduces three types of monitoring networks used in the Xiluodu reservoir and Xiangjiaba reservoir, as well as the work already undertaken,in order to provide a kind of reference for the related engineering construction and comprehensive monitoring of reservoir induced earthquakes. 展开更多
关键词 Jinsha River Hydropower station Reservoir induced earthquake Crustaldeformation monitoring
The Recent Crustal Deformation on the Sichuan-Yunnan Rhombic Block Boundaries
作者 Lü Yipei 1), Liao Hua 2), Su Qin 2) and Wang Lan 2) 1)Seismological Bureau of Sichuan Province, Chengdu 610041, China 2)Geodetic Brigade of Seismological Bureau of Sichuan Province, Ya’an 625000, China 《Earthquake Research in China》 2002年第4期304-314,共11页
Based on data from an across-fault survey along the Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block boundaries, the recent deformation characteristics on each fault have been analyzed. It was found that the rate of crustal deformation i... Based on data from an across-fault survey along the Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block boundaries, the recent deformation characteristics on each fault have been analyzed. It was found that the rate of crustal deformation is slowing down along the northern segment and increasing along the southern segment. Each fault has different features of deformation. The horizontal deformation is mainly characterized by left-lateral strike-slip. The rate of vertical deformation is less than that of the horizontal deformation. The faults have the feature of upper wall uplifting alternated with descending. The anomaly changes of crustal deformation at some sites are closely related to the seismicities near the sites. 展开更多
关键词 The Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block Crustal deformation EARTHQUAKE Across-fault survey
作者 ZHANGJin MAZongjin +1 位作者 RENWenjun LEIYongliang 《Geotectonica et Metallogenia》 2003年第1期165-178,共14页
There are many thrust-related structures occurring in the Paleozoic strata of the Niushou Mountain in the central part of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. The fault-related folds are the typical structures in this area.... There are many thrust-related structures occurring in the Paleozoic strata of the Niushou Mountain in the central part of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. The fault-related folds are the typical structures in this area. Based on the analysis about these structures and their relationships, the processes by which these structures of the Miboshan Formation were formed are reconstructed, and the strata underwent about three stages of deformation: (1) horizontal shortening, (2) folding, and (3) thrusting. And the fact that the Niushou Mountain is the leading edge of an old thrust sheet was proved, the Niushou Mountain,the Daluo Mountain and the Xiaoluo Mountain together constitute the front part of this old thrust zone,so the Niushou Mountain and the Ordovician strata in the central and southern parts of Ningxia now are likely allochthons. In the period from middle Ordovician to Devonian, the areas of the central and southern Ningxia belonged to the back-arc foreland basin of North Qilianshan orogen, which was adjacent to the continent in the north. In the later part of the early Paleozoic period, the Niushou Mountain was formed after the closure of the back-arc foreland basin. 展开更多
关键词 the Niushou Mountain fault-related fold CLEAVAGE
Numerical Analysis of the Interaction between Shallow (Square, Circular and Strip) Foundations and Subsoil
作者 L'ubos Hrustinec 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第7期875-886,共12页
In this paper, the effects of the stiffness of circular, square and strip foundation structures and bonding effects were analyzed. Presented analysis was oriented on the influence of stiffness system "foundation--sub... In this paper, the effects of the stiffness of circular, square and strip foundation structures and bonding effects were analyzed. Presented analysis was oriented on the influence of stiffness system "foundation--subsoil" and bonds (bi-directional bond and one-directional bond with and without friction). The results of numerical calculations have proved that the relative stiffness of system "foundation--subsoil" affect considerably the value and the distribution of contact stresses (vertical normal and shear stresses) in the foundation gap and value of the displacements (settlement, deflection and relative deformations) of foundation. From the numerical point of view, this problem was solved by deformation variant of the FEM (finite element method). The numerically obtained results were presented in the graphical and tabular forms. Obtained results were qualitative and quantitative compared with one another. From the calculation results it is obvious that relative stiffness of the system "foundation structure--subsoil" substantially affects distribution of contact stresses in the foundation subsoil and displacements (settlement, deflection and relative deformations, flexibility) of foundation. In the case of flexible foundations, the bond on the contact surfaces must be considered during the calculation. On the other hand, the effects of friction on the contact surface between the foundation and subsoil affect the distribution of contact stresses and deformations only to smaller extent. 展开更多
关键词 Shallow foundations contact stresses displacements stiffness of foundations FEM modeling.
作者 戴华阳 王金庄 吴立新 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 1999年第2期20-24,共5页
This paper deals with the shape and influenced factors of surface non-continuous deformation due to mining. With finite element method, analysis are made to derive the relations between discontinuous deformation and m... This paper deals with the shape and influenced factors of surface non-continuous deformation due to mining. With finite element method, analysis are made to derive the relations between discontinuous deformation and mining affection, weak plane’s position & thickness, and mechanical property of weak-plane medium. The mutual affection of multiple weak-planes is also discussed. The results of the paper lay a foundation for constructing the calculation method of surface discontinuous deformation. 展开更多
关键词 steeply-inclined seam mining weak stratum discontinuous deformation influenced factors finite element method
全景景观地图的计算机辅助制作 被引量:3
作者 张志军 邱俊武 +2 位作者 孙晓玮 仉明 王文旭 《测绘科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第9期125-128,148,共5页
针对全景景观地图制作过程复杂、效果差等问题,该文研究了全景景观地图计算机辅助制作的关键技术,包括渐进式投影的地形几何弯曲算法、地形高程垂直夸张、地物模型配置的滚落线生成算法等;完善了全景景观地图的机助制图过程和方法,提高... 针对全景景观地图制作过程复杂、效果差等问题,该文研究了全景景观地图计算机辅助制作的关键技术,包括渐进式投影的地形几何弯曲算法、地形高程垂直夸张、地物模型配置的滚落线生成算法等;完善了全景景观地图的机助制图过程和方法,提高了全景景观地图制图的效率,最后实现了全景景观地图制图原型系统。 展开更多
关键词 全景景观地图 地形可视化 三维制图 地形变形
Structural feature and its significance of the northernmost segment of the Tertiary Biluoxueshan-Chongshan shear zone,east of the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis 被引量:11
作者 ZHANG Bo ZHANG JinJiang +3 位作者 ZHONG DaLai WANG XiaoXian QU JunFeng GUO Lei 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第7期959-974,共16页
Here we describe ductile, ductile-brittle and brittle deformation styles in the northern segment of the Tertiary Biluoxue- shan-Chongshan shear zone lying to the east of the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis. In the northern... Here we describe ductile, ductile-brittle and brittle deformation styles in the northern segment of the Tertiary Biluoxue- shan-Chongshan shear zone lying to the east of the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis. In the northernmost part of the zone in the vi- cinity of the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis, it consists of mylonitic gneiss, granite, and schist. Based on field relations and min- eral assemblages, the rocks are classified into gneiss belt in the west limb, including banded gneiss, augen mylonite and mig- matite gneiss, and schist belt in the east limb. Except for the massive granite pluton, the other three tectonites are affected by polystage deformation (D1-D4). Fold deformation of the first stage D1 is isoclinal to tight pattern with nearly N-S fold axes and steeply axial planar cleavage S 1, which resulted in the local crustal thickening under a contractive setting. D2 overprinted D1 and is characterized by tight folds with steep axes and N-S fold axial planar, which are also characterized by large-scale ductile strike-slip shear foliation $2, parallel to the nearly N-S trending axial planes of D1 and D2. The structural pattern of D2 represents a transpression along the zone. D3 occurred during the late stage of the transpression or post-transpression, produc- ing the NW-SE and NE-SW trending strike-slip faults of the third stage D3. Following the D3 deformation, the zone was ex- humed to shallow crustal level where the various tectonites underwent a brittle transtensional deformation D4, combined with one N-S trending strike-slip component and one normal faulting component. Structures and previous geochronologies pre- sented in the paper suggest that the study area is correlated with those in the adjacent tectonic zones, Ailaoshan-Red River shear zone and Gaoligong shear zone in the western Yunnan. It underwent intensive polyphase deformation, namely, crustal thickening, transpression, and transtension, responding to syn-collision and post-collision of India-Eurasia from 65 Ma to cur- rent period east of the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis. 展开更多
关键词 Biluoxueshan-Chongshan shear zone TERTIARY structure polystage deformation
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