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基于无人机影像和高程数据的地形构造线确定方法 被引量:1
作者 郑昕 《北京测绘》 2021年第8期1055-1059,共5页
目前传统的地形数据定量分析在图层提取应用中,存在误差较大的问题,为此提出一种基于无人机影像和高程数据的地形构造线确定方法。通过无人机遥感系统对高程数据进行获取,利用图像灰度化、平滑处理、山轮廓提取以及转化为坡度数据,实现... 目前传统的地形数据定量分析在图层提取应用中,存在误差较大的问题,为此提出一种基于无人机影像和高程数据的地形构造线确定方法。通过无人机遥感系统对高程数据进行获取,利用图像灰度化、平滑处理、山轮廓提取以及转化为坡度数据,实现对地形高程数据的预处理。基于坡度数据提取山脊线,借助反地形思想提取山谷线,由此确定地形构造线。实验结果证明,设计方法在坡度为35.47°~51.47°时,图层提取误差低于现有方法,具有较优越的图层提取性能。 展开更多
关键词 无人机影像 高程数据 地形构造线 平滑处理 像片重叠度
作者 Bas,H.G. 胡永胜 《武测译文》 1989年第1期16-17,15,共3页
关键词 数字高程数据 地形构造线
作者 刘侃 陈超辉 何宏让 《气象科技进展》 2024年第5期22-28,70,共8页
复杂地形是导致数值天气预报不确定性产生的重要来源之一,特别是陡峭且不连续的山峰和峡谷地形,其形态和表面性质的差异对大气运动会产生极其复杂的影响,而基于对流尺度的集合预报是减少地形引起的模式预报不确定性的有效手段。因此,细... 复杂地形是导致数值天气预报不确定性产生的重要来源之一,特别是陡峭且不连续的山峰和峡谷地形,其形态和表面性质的差异对大气运动会产生极其复杂的影响,而基于对流尺度的集合预报是减少地形引起的模式预报不确定性的有效手段。因此,细致全面地梳理对流尺度集合预报在复杂地形背景下的应用研究至关重要。本文重点从模式地形的扰动设计出发,围绕地形效应对数值模式的影响,关注模式地形转换过程的不确定性,全面梳理高分辨率数值模拟中处理复杂地形的方法,涵盖构造不同垂直坐标系、使用平滑插值方法、搭建地形因子与降水之间的模型、考虑相同的初始场和侧边界条件并插值到不同地形高度等,克服梯度、高度、起伏度等地形因子的背景误差缺陷,从而改善预报质量。 展开更多
关键词 集合预报 复杂地形 对流尺度 模式地形构造 地形因子 地形扰动设计 降水预报
动态LOD四叉树虚拟地形绘制 被引量:1
作者 黄霆 赵红武 《现代计算机》 2010年第3期56-59,共4页
关键词 LOD 虚拟地形 四叉树 地形构造 实时绘制
淤泥固化-微地形构建在河湖治理工程中的应用 被引量:1
作者 李世汩 陈文峰 +1 位作者 王龙涛 罗伟 《水利水电快报》 2021年第10期32-37,共6页
受污染河湖淤泥大规模处理处置一直是河湖治理工程的重难点,近年来兴起的淤泥固化技术在规模化处理受污染淤泥中的工程应用是河湖治理工程关注焦点。根据固化淤泥重塑土的性质,淤泥固化-微地形构建技术将淤泥的改性固化与土地利用相结合... 受污染河湖淤泥大规模处理处置一直是河湖治理工程的重难点,近年来兴起的淤泥固化技术在规模化处理受污染淤泥中的工程应用是河湖治理工程关注焦点。根据固化淤泥重塑土的性质,淤泥固化-微地形构建技术将淤泥的改性固化与土地利用相结合,在符合土壤环境质量标准的前提下,使淤泥固化中拌和、闷料养护等环节与微地形构建协同,种植林木,增强了区域的水土保持与碳中和能力。提出了河湖淤泥大规模处理处置的新途径,相关指标可为今后同类工程提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 淤泥固化 河湖治理 地形构造 二次重塑
丝绸之路经济带空间布局地形地势地质基础探析 被引量:1
作者 王伯礼 《工程研究(跨学科视野中的工程)》 2021年第6期563-579,共17页
基于侏罗纪白垩纪以来“南散北聚”板块运动趋势的亚欧大陆区域一系列自北向南的巨型地质构造运动及大陆形成过程,是大陆中部区域一系列东西向巨大山脉及盆地群乃至盆山耦合带形成的逻辑起点;而亚欧大陆中部区域东西向巨型山链又是大陆... 基于侏罗纪白垩纪以来“南散北聚”板块运动趋势的亚欧大陆区域一系列自北向南的巨型地质构造运动及大陆形成过程,是大陆中部区域一系列东西向巨大山脉及盆地群乃至盆山耦合带形成的逻辑起点;而亚欧大陆中部区域东西向巨型山链又是大陆中部区域东西向巨型地形雨带、径流带、冰川带等一系列东西向巨型地理廊带的逻辑起点;亚欧大陆中部区域东西向巨型山链及其所附随的一系列东西向巨型地理廊带,是丝绸之路经济带空间布局的最主要地形地势地质基础及自然地理廊带基础。 展开更多
关键词 丝绸之路经济带 空间布局 地形地势与地质构造基础
作者 陳彥傑(Yen-Chieh Chen) 《地理學報》
集水盆地的测高曲线与高程频率分布形态,可反应该集水盆地的地形演育期与其内所残留的土地体积分布狀态。台湾造山带的中央山脉地形区,其测高曲线呈现S形,而次集水盆地的高程频率分布则以x^2-检定证明爲近似常态分布,显示此地形区... 集水盆地的测高曲线与高程频率分布形态,可反应该集水盆地的地形演育期与其内所残留的土地体积分布狀态。台湾造山带的中央山脉地形区,其测高曲线呈现S形,而次集水盆地的高程频率分布则以x^2-检定证明爲近似常态分布,显示此地形区的抬升与剥蚀作用达到Ohmori(1993)的巅峰期。海岸山脉的面积高度积分值偏低,测高曲线呈现凹形,高程频率分布主要在低高程的部分。综合以上结果,台湾造山带山脉地形的测高曲线形态变化呈现出一个Ohmori循环,而高程频率分布的形态则终将演化至常态分布。 展开更多
关键词 均衡山脈 構造地形指標 測高曲線 高程頻率分佈 x^2卡方檢定
作者 郑度 《遥感信息》 CSCD 1992年第3期4-5,共2页
“世界屋脊”青藏高原是全球海拔最高的巨型构造地貌单元,它的强烈隆起是近几百万年以来欧亚大陆的重大自然历史事件之一。高原的存在对其本身及毗邻地区的自然环境有巨大影响,与全球变化也有密切关系。无论是高原南部的喜马拉雅山区还... “世界屋脊”青藏高原是全球海拔最高的巨型构造地貌单元,它的强烈隆起是近几百万年以来欧亚大陆的重大自然历史事件之一。高原的存在对其本身及毗邻地区的自然环境有巨大影响,与全球变化也有密切关系。无论是高原南部的喜马拉雅山区还是北部的喀喇昆仑山区,其强烈隆起的时代基本一致,始于上新世末至第四纪初的转折时期。第四纪以来青藏高原整体的大幅度上升。 展开更多
关键词 环境 变迁 青藏高原 构造地形
作者 郑涛 《世界有色金属》 2022年第22期121-123,共3页
矿产企业的快速发展,致使金属找矿勘查工作的水平显著提升,为了更好的满足新时期工作发展要求,企业应该加强对找矿勘查工作的管理,积极引用先进技术手段为金属勘察工作的高质量与标准化开展提供技术保障,以便于为后期金矿开采效益以及... 矿产企业的快速发展,致使金属找矿勘查工作的水平显著提升,为了更好的满足新时期工作发展要求,企业应该加强对找矿勘查工作的管理,积极引用先进技术手段为金属勘察工作的高质量与标准化开展提供技术保障,以便于为后期金矿开采效益以及经济收益的提高奠定基础。目前,我国的金矿勘查工作存在诸多缺陷,例如前期勘查力度不足以及勘查不全面等,又或者是所选设备误差过大,在一定程度上影响着金矿勘查的工作效率。鉴于此,文章主要结合甘肃省肃北县双尖山实际情况,先是探究了其金矿勘查工作中的问题,并在此基础上对其问题的解决制定了合理且有效的解决方案,以此为后续产业的发展提供参考,有助于企业谋求更高层次的发展。 展开更多
关键词 金矿勘查 勘查技术 矿产资源 影响因素 地形构造
Dual influence of the rejuvenation of Southern Tianshan and Western Kunlun orogen on the Cenozoic structure deformation of Tarim Basin,northwestern China:A superposition deformation model from Bachu Uplift 被引量:2
作者 HE Guang-yu HE Zhi-liang +4 位作者 ZHANG Hong-an ZHU Zhi-xin CHEN Qiang-lu QIAN Yi-xiong GU Yi 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第9期1388-1394,共7页
Based on new high-resolution seismic profiles and existing structural and sedimentary results, a superposition deformation model for Cenozoic Bachu Uplift of northwestern Tarim Basin, northwestern China is proposed. T... Based on new high-resolution seismic profiles and existing structural and sedimentary results, a superposition deformation model for Cenozoic Bachu Uplift of northwestern Tarim Basin, northwestern China is proposed. The model presents the idea that the Bachu Uplift suffered structure superposition deformation under the dual influences of the Cenozoic uplifting of Southern Tianshan and Western Kunlun orogen, northwestern China. In the end of the Eocene (early Himalayan movement), Bachu Uplift started to be formed with the uplifting of Western Kunlun, and extended NNW into the interior of Kalpin Uplift. In the end of the Miocene (middle Himalayan movement), Bachu Uplift suffered not only the NNW structure deformation caused by the Western Kunlun uplifting, but also the NE structure deformation caused by the Southern Tianshan uplifting, and the thrust front fault of Kalpin thrust system related to the Southern Tianshan orogen intrudes southeastward into the hinterland of Bachu Uplift and extends NNE from well Pil to Xiaohaizi reservoir and Gudongshan mountain, which resulted in the strata folded and denuded strongly. In the end of the Pliocene (late Himalayan movement), the impact of Southern Yianshan orogen decreased because of the stress released with the breakthrough upward of Kalpin fault extending NE, and Bachu Uplift suffered mainly the structure deformation extending NW-NNW caused by the uplifting of Western Kunlun orogen. 展开更多
关键词 Superposition deformation model Bachu Uplift Southern Tianshan Western Kunlun CENOZOIC
Detection and treatment of water inflow in karst tunnel:A case study in Daba tunnel 被引量:7
作者 LI Xiang-hui ZHANG Qing-song +3 位作者 ZHANG Xiao LAN Xiong-dong DUAN Chong-hao LIU Jian-guo 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第7期1585-1596,共12页
In a karst tunnel, fissures or cracks that are filled with weathered materials are a type of potential water outlet as they are easily triggered and converted into groundwater outlets under the influence of high groun... In a karst tunnel, fissures or cracks that are filled with weathered materials are a type of potential water outlet as they are easily triggered and converted into groundwater outlets under the influence of high groundwater pressure. A terrible water inrush caused by potential water outlets can seriously hinder the project construction. Potential water outlets and water sources that surrounding the tunnel must be detected before water inflow can be treated. This paper provides a successful case of the detection and treatment of water inflow in a karst tunnel and proposes a potential water outlet detection(PWOD) method in which heavy rainfall(>50 mm/d) is considered a trigger for a potential water outlet. The Daba tunnel located in Hunan province, China, has been constructed in a karst stratum where the rock mass has been weathered intensely by the influence of two faults. Heavy rain triggered some potential water outlets, causing a serious water inrush. The PWOD method was applied in this project for the treatment of water inflow, and six potential water outlets in total were identified through three heavy rains. Meanwhile, a geophysical prospecting technique was also used to detect water sources. The connections between water outlets and water sources were identified with a 3-D graphic that included all of them. According to the distribution of water outlets and water sources, the detection area was divided into three sections and separately treated by curtain grouting. 展开更多
关键词 Karst tunnel Water inrush Potential water outlet detection Geophysical prospecting technique Water inflow GROUTING
The application of combined gravity and seismic data formation separation for revealing deep structure 被引量:2
作者 WeiYan Yang Zhanjun 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第4期255-259,共5页
In some oilfields with 3D seismic data, the deeper structure cannot be observed due to poor quality deep seismic data. Layer stripping using both seismic and gravity data is a solution for this problem but it cannot g... In some oilfields with 3D seismic data, the deeper structure cannot be observed due to poor quality deep seismic data. Layer stripping using both seismic and gravity data is a solution for this problem but it cannot get satisfactory results because the horizontal variations in formation density are ignored. We present a variable-density formation separation technique to address this problem. Based on 3D seismic depth data and laterallyvariable density derived from 3D seismic velocity data, the upper formation gravity effect is calculated by forward modeling and removed from the Bouguer gravity. The formation-separated gravity anomaly with variable density is obtained, which mainly reflects the deeper geological structure. In block XX of North Africa, the shallow formations seismic data is excellent but the data at the top of basement is poor. The formation-separated gravity anomaly processed under the control of 3D seismic data fits well with the known seismic interpretation and wells. It makes the geological interpretation more reliable. 展开更多
关键词 Formation separation technique variable-density
作者 严家平 唐修义 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 1998年第1期1-4,共4页
In the analysis of some in-seam slip fold structures in the area of Xuzhou and Huaibei Districta it is noted that there exist some in-seam roof and footwall rock layers extremely incompatible to the existence of coal ... In the analysis of some in-seam slip fold structures in the area of Xuzhou and Huaibei Districta it is noted that there exist some in-seam roof and footwall rock layers extremely incompatible to the existence of coal seams. Some of them are tbe slip fold structures that are wedged into coal seam by folding, but all of them are passively generated by in-seam shearing forces. In this paper, a discussion is put forward of the damage to coal seams by slip folds and the coal mining significance resulted from the study of slip fold structures. 展开更多
关键词 slip fold structure in-seam shearing passive folding mining geology
The Effect of Active Tectonic to Morphology of Alluvial Fan of Shahdad in Kerman-lran 被引量:1
作者 Somayeh Sadat shaahzeidi Mojgan Entezari 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2014年第3期141-145,共5页
The alluvial fan of the Shahdad in Derakt-Tangan River is one of the biggest alleviation in total dry area in the north eastern Kerman. This alluvial fan is formed effected by different materials erosion in drainage b... The alluvial fan of the Shahdad in Derakt-Tangan River is one of the biggest alleviation in total dry area in the north eastern Kerman. This alluvial fan is formed effected by different materials erosion in drainage basin of Derakt-Tangan River and laying these materials in the final part of this drainage basin called Lut. Tectonics activate with efficacy in the place of the settlement of the alluvial fan. The region, which is being studied, is one of the active tectonic regions. The severe tectonic activities in the studying region have been proved by several observations. One of the most important evidences in the region is the various faults in the area and implies to fan alluvium (from head to end), study line profile in past and present. The most important fault of the region is the great fault of "Nay band", the southern fault of Shahdad and the series of faults having the direction of north-western to south-eastern and northern and southern. The drainage basin of alluvial fan of the Derakt-Tangan River leads from east to Kavir-lut, from west to the Baghe-Bala Mountains and Kalisaky from The aim of this article is the morphology of Derakt-Tangan north to the altitutes of Dahran and from south to the mountains of Jeffan river fan indicative on neotectonics in the region. 展开更多
关键词 Alluvial fan of the Shahdad active tectonic morph of fan effect of faults.
The Deformation of Active Tectonic Blocks on the Chinese Mainland and Its Relationship with Seismic Activity 被引量:1
作者 WangHui ZhangGuomin +1 位作者 WuYun MaHongsheng 《Earthquake Research in China》 2004年第1期54-66,共13页
Based on the hypothesis of the active tectonic blocks on the Chinese continent and its adjacent regions (both the method of the DDA on a spherical surface and the GPS survey results observed from 1991 to 2001 are used... Based on the hypothesis of the active tectonic blocks on the Chinese continent and its adjacent regions (both the method of the DDA on a spherical surface and the GPS survey results observed from 1991 to 2001 are used), the movements and deformations of each active tectonic block are calculated. The calculation results show that although the movements and deformations of active tectonic blocks in the eastern region and in the western region of China are different, active tectonic blocks in the same active tectonic block region are coherent. Then, the relative velocities of the active tectonic blocks’ boundary zones are calculated, and the relationship between current crustal motion and strong seismic activities is discussed. Earthquakes ( M S≥7 0) on the Chinese continent since 1988 all occurred on boundary zones of active tectonic blocks with high slipping speed. 展开更多
关键词 Active tectonic blocks DDA on spherical surface GPS survey results Seismic activity
Implication of Surface Fractal Analysis to Evaluate the Relative Sensitivity of Topography to Active Tectonics,Zagros Mountains, Iran 被引量:4
作者 Ali Faghih Ahmad Nourbakhsh 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期177-185,共9页
Fractal geometry is increasingly becoming a useful tool for modeling and quantifying the complex patterns of natural phenomena. The Earth's topography is one of these phenomena that have fractal characteristics. T... Fractal geometry is increasingly becoming a useful tool for modeling and quantifying the complex patterns of natural phenomena. The Earth's topography is one of these phenomena that have fractal characteristics. This paper investigates the relative sensitivity of topography to active tectonics using ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model. The covering divider method was used for direct extraction of surface fractal dimension(D surf) to estimate the roughness-surface of topography with aid of geographic information system(GIS)techniques. This evaluation let us highlight the role of the geomorphic and tectonic processes on the spatial variability of fractal properties of natural landforms.Geomorphic zones can be delineated using fractal dimension mapping in which variability of surface fractal dimension reflects the roughness of the landform surface and is a measure of topography texture. Obtained results showed this method can be a quick and easy way to assess the distribution of land surface deformation in different tectonic settings. The loose alluvial deposits and irregularities derived by tectonic activity have high fractal dimensions whereas the competent formations and higher wavelength folded surfaces have lower fractal dimensions.According to the obtained results, the Kazerun Fault Zone has a crucial role in the separation of the Zagros Mountain Ranges into the different lithological,geomorphological and structural zones. 展开更多
关键词 Surface fractal analysis TOPOGRAPHY Active tectonics Kazerun Fault Zone ZAGROS Iran
Erosion and Sediment Disasters in Cambodia1
作者 Bun Hean Vin Bun Pov 《Earthquake Research in China》 2002年第3期207-209,共3页
This report first gives a general description of Cambodia and then discusses its topographic and geological features. Finally, the current situation concerning erosion and sediment disasters is discussed.
关键词 Topographic and geological features Erosion and sediment disasters
Contemporary Crustal Motion and Deformation of South America Plate
作者 JIN Shuanggen ZHU Wenyao JIN Shuanggen, Ph.D, Shanghai Astronomy Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 80 Nandan Road, Shanghai 200030, China. 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2003年第2期8-12,共5页
This paper presents the contemporary motion and active deformation of South America plate and relative motion of Nazca-South America plate using space geodetic data. The South America plate is moving at average 14.5 m... This paper presents the contemporary motion and active deformation of South America plate and relative motion of Nazca-South America plate using space geodetic data. The South America plate is moving at average 14.5 mm/a with an azimuth of 15.2° and shrinking in the west-east at 10.9 mm/a. The geodetic deformations of sites with respect to the South America plate are in quite good agreement with the estimated deformations from NNR-NUVEL1A, but the deformation of the western South America regions is very large. 展开更多
关键词 south america plate plate motion active deformation euler parameter
Characteristics of Tectonic Deformation and Mechanisms for the Active Maxianshan-Xinglongshan Fault System in the Lanzhou Area
作者 Yuan Daoyang, Liu Xiaofeng, Zheng Wenjun, Liu Xiaolong and Liu BaichiLanzhou Institute of Seismology, China Seismological Bureau, Lanzou 730000, China 《Earthquake Research in China》 2003年第4期315-323,共9页
A detailed investigation permitted us to obtain quantitative data concerning fine geometric structures of 4 faults of the active Maxianshan-Xinglongshan fault system and the latest movement along them. Of them the nor... A detailed investigation permitted us to obtain quantitative data concerning fine geometric structures of 4 faults of the active Maxianshan-Xinglongshan fault system and the latest movement along them. Of them the northern Maxianshan border fault is a large-scale, strongly active Holocene reverse sinistral strike-slip fault, the other 3 faults, the southern Maxianshan border fault and the southern Xinglongshan border and the northern Xinglongshan border faults are the accompanying active late-Pleistocene thrust faults, which are incorporated into the main strike-slip fault, the northern Maxianshan border fault at depth. It is the most important earthquake-controlling fault in the Lanzhou area, the fault influences and constrains the seismic activity in the area. 展开更多
关键词 LANZHOU Maxianshan-Xinglongshan mountains Active fault system Tectonic deformation
作者 严兴鹏 《中国金属通报》 2020年第14期51-52,共2页
由于目前青海五龙沟金矿矿床地质相关研究没有形成比较系统的理论,为此提出青海五龙沟金矿矿床地质特征研究。青海五龙沟金矿矿床地形地貌较为复杂,地形高差较大,地形类型主要为构造侵蚀地形;矿床出露地层主要为中元古界和新生界地层;... 由于目前青海五龙沟金矿矿床地质相关研究没有形成比较系统的理论,为此提出青海五龙沟金矿矿床地质特征研究。青海五龙沟金矿矿床地形地貌较为复杂,地形高差较大,地形类型主要为构造侵蚀地形;矿床出露地层主要为中元古界和新生界地层;矿区地质褶皱构造和断裂构造比较发育,区内占主导地位的是NNW向构造;矿区内地下水按埋藏条件和含水层性质可分为基岩裂隙水和孔隙潜水;矿区岩浆岩主要以侵入岩为主,侵入时期有元古代、寒武纪、三叠纪以及泥盆纪,具有多其次特征。 展开更多
关键词 青海五龙沟金矿 地质特征 构造侵蚀地形 基岩裂隙水 孔隙潜水
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