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“地时”(Earthtime)研究计划:“深时”(Deep Time)记录的定年精度与时间分辨率 被引量:19
作者 吴怀春 王成善 +2 位作者 张世红 杨天水 万晓樵 《现代地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期419-428,共10页
地质年代的精度、准确度和分辨率的水平决定了人们在多大程度上可以回答一些关于"深时"的生态、气候、生物演化和基础地质问题。目前用于定年和对比的技术主要包括放射性同位素年代学、生物地层学、磁性地层学和旋回地层学等... 地质年代的精度、准确度和分辨率的水平决定了人们在多大程度上可以回答一些关于"深时"的生态、气候、生物演化和基础地质问题。目前用于定年和对比的技术主要包括放射性同位素年代学、生物地层学、磁性地层学和旋回地层学等,但各有优缺点,甚至有时不同定年系统所获得的结果存在一些矛盾。"地时"(Earhtime)研究计划就是要开展广泛的国际合作,通过整合、校正和提高地质年代学和定量地层学方法,发展出一套新的地质年代学技术,使地质年代的误差达到0.1%的水平,实现精确确定地球历史的时间及先后顺序。中国东北松辽盆地发育连续、完整的白垩系为开展高分辨率年代学研究提供了机遇,将是对"地时"研究计划在中生代陆相地层中应用的良好补充和重要贡献。 展开更多
关键词 地时(Earthtime) (Deep Time) 定年精度 间分辨率 松辽盆地 白垩纪
从地层到地时 被引量:13
作者 万晓樵 王成善 +1 位作者 吴怀春 张世红 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期1-7,共7页
地层学作为基础学科,其研究跟随和服务于地球科学,得到了迅猛发展。在中国确立的10枚"金钉子"已经成为国际地层标准的重要内涵,对关键地史转折期和重大地质事件的综合年代学研究已为国际同行瞩目。在地层划分与对比中,时间(... 地层学作为基础学科,其研究跟随和服务于地球科学,得到了迅猛发展。在中国确立的10枚"金钉子"已经成为国际地层标准的重要内涵,对关键地史转折期和重大地质事件的综合年代学研究已为国际同行瞩目。在地层划分与对比中,时间(地质年代)是最基本的要素,其分辨率已在部分地区和时代达到了从百万年级至万年级精度的提升。地层学正在依据自然规律和研究的需要,构建地质学的时间单位谱,提供与人类社会接轨的时间单位和地质时间坐标。国际Earthtime(地时)计划正努力通过对不同定年方法和实验室产生的年龄数据进行校正和整合,逐步提高各种定年的技术和水平。中国定年的技术、流程等尚未统一,精度有待提高,更缺乏国际范围内的技术合作与数据资源整合。要实质性地提高国内精确定年水平,仅靠单个实验室加入国际Earthtime计划是不够的,需要整合国内力量,联合国内实验室合作进行高精度定年,促进国内同位素年代学实验室采用国际标准化实验流程和国际标样稀释剂等办法开展高精度同位素测试;更为重要的是汇集多领域地层学家开展综合研究,于是,"地时-中国"(Earthtime-CN)计划应运而生。"地时-中国"计划的目的是在中国形成一个发展和应用高分辨率地质年代表的研究平台;意义是建立与国际Earthtime组织的联系与合作,组织国内年代学和定年技术之间的联合研究,进一步提高中国高精度地质年代学和定量年代地层学研究的水平和国际影响;任务是在国际Earthtime计划中,更强调不同学科的共同运作。在协助国内同位素年代学实验室更新技术方法,开展高精度同位素定年之外,围绕环境变迁与生物演化对具体地层界线进行多方位年代学和多重地层学研究,致力于强化定年精度及其可比性。"地时-中国"计划不应是单一学科研究,也不仅限于定年技术和水平的提高。单一年代学方法难以彻底提高时间精度和解决对比问题。"地时-中国"计划将比国际Earthtime涉及领域更广泛。在同位素定年之外,更要强调生物地层、磁性地层、旋回地层、化学地层和定量地层学的联合攻关。由此构建的定年标准和工具方可使地质年龄达到前所未有的时间精度和分辨率,并可应用于地学各个领域,从而逐步完成中国与国际地层的准确对比;另外,她将紧密配合"深时"研究,赋予地质历史以多维空间,使一系列有关重大地质历史转折期、重大地质事件、古生态-古气候-古环境突变等重要科学研究具有全球整合的渠道与框架,进而为系统地球科学研究做出应有贡献。 展开更多
关键词 地层学 Earthtime高精度地质年代 地时-中国
地球系统科学时代的高分辨综合地层学 被引量:11
作者 王训练 吴怀春 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期246-252,共7页
高分辨年代地层系统是地球系统科学研究的基础。高分辨综合地层学试图建立分辨率小于一个生物带的地层单元并使地层对比的误差小于一个生物带。本文将目前用于建立年代地层系统的方法划分为三类:生物地层学、现代地层学的不同分支学科... 高分辨年代地层系统是地球系统科学研究的基础。高分辨综合地层学试图建立分辨率小于一个生物带的地层单元并使地层对比的误差小于一个生物带。本文将目前用于建立年代地层系统的方法划分为三类:生物地层学、现代地层学的不同分支学科和同位素年代地层学,讨论了不同地层学方法的优势和不足。任何一种地层学方法的分辨率都是有限的,综合地层学为实现地层高分辨划分和高精度对比提供一个有效的途径。生物地层建立可信的相对年代地层格架,现代地层学手段有助于实现高分辨划分和高精度对比,同位素年代地层学赋予生物地层界线和其他地层界线绝对年龄。三者结合共同构成了高分辨综合地层学。 展开更多
关键词 地球系统科学 地质年代表 国际(年代)地层表 高分辨综合地层学 地时
Future China-Africa research collaboration in geoscience:Challenges and opportunities
作者 Michael H.STEPHENSON Hassina MOURI +5 位作者 Gbenga OKUNLOLA CHENG Li WANG Meng ZHAO Yu GU Liping WANG Chengshan 《地学前缘》 北大核心 2025年第1期459-465,共7页
At the 19th G20 Summit in Brazil in November 2024,China promoted the development of sustainable solutions to climate change,biodiversity loss,and environmental pollution.This continued the theme of the 2016 G20 Hangzh... At the 19th G20 Summit in Brazil in November 2024,China promoted the development of sustainable solutions to climate change,biodiversity loss,and environmental pollution.This continued the theme of the 2016 G20 Hangzhou Summit,at which China placed development at the center of the G20’s macroeconomic policy coordination for the first time,adopting the G20 Action Plan on the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the G20 Initiative on Supporting Industrialization in Africa and Least Developed Countries.In Brazil,China announced actions on advancing modernization in Africa over the next three years with a Chinese commitment of RMB360 billion yuan in financial support.In this article,we examine the potential role of geoscience research and practice in development,particularly in the sustainable use of natural resources,the prevention of climate change impacts,as well as mitigation of geo-hazards and their health implications,indicating the areas where China’s geoscience for Africa is strong and where it requires more effort.We find that although China is the world’s leading publisher of scientific papers,its contribution to geoscience in Africa(the globe’s fastest-growing economic area),as shown by bibliometric research,appears to be rather small and inconsistent with the research priorities of Africa.Amongst the priorities for geoscience research in Africa,which are not addressed substantially by the research conducted so far,are sustainable mineral and hydrocarbon development,hydrology and hydrogeology,climate change and resilience,natural hazards,medical geology,agrominerals,and geoscience education and training.A particular opportunity for African nations is the presence of critical minerals-minerals needed for the energy transition and for batteries for electric cars in particular.Africa is well-endowed with many of these critical materials,such as rare earth elements and platinum group metals.Several research groups stress the need for the agency on the part of African institutions to map out these valuable resources,understand their value and the economics and sustainability of their extraction,encourage local business,attract investment,and scrutinize proposals from potential international investors to get the best deals.A strong point of existing China-led geoscience development includes the Deep-time Digital Earth(DDE)program online computing platform and its artificial intelligence tool GeoGPT,which is being developed in partnership with Zhejiang Laboratory.These are being developed with strong China funding support for free and wide global access,with a particular focus on Africa.These advanced tools will help to place the agency of development squarely in the hands of African scientists and institutions.In summary,the following are recommended:(1)a more coordinated and strategic approach to China-led geoscience research in Africa;(2)an Africa-centered,geoscience funding initiative that concentrates on relevant topics to the continent such as critical minerals exploration and other geological resources,materials and processes and their health implications on the populations and ecosystems in general,as well as climate change and climate change resilience;and(3)continued support for China-led international initiatives that seek to increase the agency and capacity of Africa geoscience researchers,for example the Deep-time Digital Earth platform. 展开更多
关键词 open science sustainable development digital empowerment China-Africa geo-collaboration Deep-Time Digital Earth
作者 李维静 《电子与自动化仪表信息》 1996年第5期51-53,共3页
关键词 间计量仪器 三路主地时 微机 医用电气机械
Trends of surface ozone based on hourly concentrations in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei region during 2017–2021 被引量:1
作者 Xiaoyan Wang Huihui Zheng +3 位作者 Bing Liu Shuyan Xie Yonghai Huang Shuai Wang 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2024年第6期26-32,共7页
As a typical secondary air pollutant,surface ozone has been monitored routinely since 2013 in China.Most studies on the spatiotemporal variation of ozone have been centered around the daily maximum 8-h average,with li... As a typical secondary air pollutant,surface ozone has been monitored routinely since 2013 in China.Most studies on the spatiotemporal variation of ozone have been centered around the daily maximum 8-h average,with little attention paid to the trends of hourly ozone,especially hourly ozone exceedances.Focusing on hourly ozone exceedances and peak values,the spatiotemporal trends of hourly ozone at 77 sites in 13 cities of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei(BTH)region during 2017-2021 were analyzed in this study.The number of hours with exceedances(N_(H200))in 2019 was nearly three times that of 2021.On a five-year average,the percentage of cumulative NH200 in June accounted for up to 40.5%of all hourly exceedances.Cities in central Hebei Province had the highest cumulative annual N_(H200).June had the highest average hourly ozone exceeded multiples of 0.158.The top two cities with the highest average exceeded multiple were Tangshan(0.166)and Beijing(0.158).Tangshan and Xingtai ranked as the top two in terms of the mean of the 10 highest daily maximum ozone concentrations(MTDM),with 286.74 and 285.37μg m^(−3),respectively.The gap between the MTDM and the daily maximum of hourly ozone averaged over all sites had narrowed to 97.88μg m^(−3) in 2021,much lower than that in other years,which indicated that the stability and convergence of ozone pollution in BTH region had been enhanced in 2021 to some extent. 展开更多
关键词 Surface ozone Hourly concentration Ozone exceedance Peak value Beijing-tianjin-hebei region
Quantifying the Effects of Near-Surface Viscosity on Seismic Acquisition Geometry: A case study from Chepaizi Exploration Area, Junggar Basin (NW China)
作者 Hongqin Ren Tao Liu +2 位作者 Xu Zhang Jian Zhang Renwei Ding 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第3期433-439,616,共8页
The Chepaizi Exploration Area,Junggar Basin(NW China)holds substantial importance for seismic exploration endeavors,yet it poses notable challenges due to the intricate nature of its subsurface and near-surface condit... The Chepaizi Exploration Area,Junggar Basin(NW China)holds substantial importance for seismic exploration endeavors,yet it poses notable challenges due to the intricate nature of its subsurface and near-surface conditions.To address these challenges,we introduce a novel and comprehensive workflow tailored to evaluate and optimize seismic acquisition geometries while considering the impacts of near-surface viscosity.By integrating geological knowledge,historical seismic data,and subsurface modeling,we conduct simulations employing the visco-acoustic wave equation and reverse-time migration to produce detailed subsurface images.The quality of these images is quantitatively evaluated using a local similarity metric,a pivotal tool for evaluating the accuracy of seismic imaging.The culmination of this workflow results in an automated optimization strategy for acquisition geometries that enhances subsurface exploration.Our proposed methodology underscores the importance of incorporating near-surface viscosity effects in seismic imaging,offering a robust framework for improving the accuracy of subsurface imaging.Herein,we aim to contribute to the advancement of seismic imaging methodologies by providing valuable insights for achieving high-quality seismic exploration outcomes in regions characterized by complex subsurface and near-surface conditions. 展开更多
关键词 seismic acquisition visco-acoustic reverse-time migration local similarity
Redox mechanism of geobattery and related electrical signals using a novel real-time self-potential monitoring experimental platform
作者 XIE Jing CUI Yi-an +4 位作者 ZHANG Li-juan GUO You-jun CHEN Hang ZHANG Peng-fei LIU Jian-xin 《Journal of Central South University》 CSCD 2024年第11期4155-4173,共19页
Controlled laboratory experiments are proved to be a valuable tool for investigating changes in underground physical properties and the related response of surface geophysical signals.The self-potential(SP)method is w... Controlled laboratory experiments are proved to be a valuable tool for investigating changes in underground physical properties and the related response of surface geophysical signals.The self-potential(SP)method is widely used in mineral resource exploration due to its direct correlation with underground electrochemical gradients.This paper presented the design and construction of an experimental platform based on a multi-channel SP monitoring system.The proposed platform was used to monitor the anodizing corrosion process of different metal blocks from a laboratory perspective,record the real-time SP signal generated by the redox reaction,as well as investigate the geobattery mechanism associated with the natural polarization process of metal mineral resources.The experimental results demonstrate that the constructed SP monitoring platform effectively captures time-series SP signals and provides direct laboratory evidence for the geobattery model.The measured SP data were quantitatively interpreted using the simulated annealing algorithm,and the inversion results closely match the real model.This finding highlights the potential of the SP method as a promising tool for determining the location and spatial distribution of underground polarizers.The study holds reference value for the exploration and exploitation of mineral resources in both terrestrial and marine environments. 展开更多
关键词 SELF-POTENTIAL real-time monitoring laboratory experiment geobattery mechanism quantitative inversion
Variable-coordinate forward modeling of irregular surface based on dual-variable grid 被引量:5
作者 黄建平 曲英铭 +3 位作者 李庆洋 李振春 李国磊 步长城 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期101-110,123,共11页
The mapping method is a forward-modeling method that transforms the irregular surface to horizontal by mapping the rectangular grid as curved; moreover, the wave field calculations move from the physical domain to the... The mapping method is a forward-modeling method that transforms the irregular surface to horizontal by mapping the rectangular grid as curved; moreover, the wave field calculations move from the physical domain to the calculation domain. The mapping method deals with the irregular surface and the low-velocity layer underneath it using a fine grid. For the deeper high-velocity layers, the use of a fine grid causes local oversampling. In addition, when the irregular surface is transformed to horizontal, the flattened interface below the surface is transformed to curved, which produces inaccurate modeling results because of the presence of ladder-like burrs in the simulated seismic wave. Thus, we propose the mapping method based on the dual-variable finite-difference staggered grid. The proposed method uses different size grid spacings in different regions and locally variable time steps to match the size variability of grid spacings. Numerical examples suggest that the proposed method requires less memory storage capacity and improves the computational efficiency compared with forward modeling methods based on the conventional grid. 展开更多
关键词 MAPPING irregular surface BOUNDARY GRID forward modeling
Temporal-spatial Changes in Inner Mongolian Grassland Degradation during Past Three Decades 被引量:10
作者 张清雨 吴绍洪 +1 位作者 赵东升 戴尔阜 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第4期676-683,共8页
[Objective] This study aimed to analyze the temporal-spatial variation of Inner Mongolian grassland degradation during past three decades. [Method] The dis- tribution characteristics of grassland were described by lan... [Objective] This study aimed to analyze the temporal-spatial variation of Inner Mongolian grassland degradation during past three decades. [Method] The dis- tribution characteristics of grassland were described by land use types supervised classification with TM/ETM. Then, temporal-spatial changes of grassland coverage were quantified by the mean of maximum vegetation coverage in last 30 years. Lastly, the grassland degradation reasons were explored through statistic analysis between the grassland coverage and precipitation, temperature and grazing intensity. [Result] The grassland degradation index of Inner Mongolia was increased from 1.38 to 1.68, and the smallest was 1.28 in 2005s. Grassland degradation and improve- ment were concurrent after 1980s, but grassland degradation was the major change trend for Inner Mongolia grassland. The area of grassland degradation was enlarged from 18.08×10^4 km2 in 1980s to 22.47×10^4 km2 in 2010s on the whole and distribu- tion range was shifted from central-eastern to west in Inner Mongolia that mainly distributed on Hulun Buir and Xilin Gol grassland in 1980s and Ordos and Alax grassland in 2010s. The grassland area of degradation had a rising trend form 1980s to 1995s, then reduced to 10.8x104 km2 in 2005s, and decreased in 2010s, which mainly speared in the west of Xilin Gol grassland. [Conclusion] Inner Mongo-lian grassland degradation were become more seriously in last 30 years because that temperature, precipitation and graze intensities change, which not performance on decreasing coverage but grassland areas. 展开更多
关键词 Grassland degradation Temporal-spatial change Influencing factor Inner Mongolia
The influence of sea water velocity variation on seismic traveltimes,ray paths,and amplitude 被引量:9
作者 韩复兴 孙建国 王坤 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第3期319-325,361,362,共9页
The main factors affecting seismic exploration is the propagation velocity of seismic waves in the medium. In the past, during marine seismic data processing, the propagation velocity of sea water was generally taken ... The main factors affecting seismic exploration is the propagation velocity of seismic waves in the medium. In the past, during marine seismic data processing, the propagation velocity of sea water was generally taken as a constant 1500 m/s. However, for deep water exploration, the sound velocity varies with the season, time, location, water depth, ocean currents, and etc.. It also results in a layered velocity distribution, so there is a difference of seismic traveltime, ray paths, and amplitude, which affect the migration imaging results if sea water propagation velocity is still taken as constant for the propagation wavefield. In this paper, we will start from an empirical equation of seismic wave velocity in seawater with changes of temperature, salinity, and depth, consider the variation of their values, build a seawater velocity model, and quantitatively analyze the impact of seawater velocity variation on seismic traveltime, ray paths, and amplitude in the seawater velocity model. 展开更多
关键词 Sea water velocity TRAVELTIMES ray paths AMPLITUDE
Seismic attribute extraction based on HHT and its application in a marine carbonate area 被引量:5
作者 黄亚平 耿建华 +4 位作者 钟广法 郭彤楼 蒲勇 丁孔芸 麻纪强 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第2期125-133,177,共10页
The Hilbert-Huang transform(HHT) is a new analysis method suitable for nonlinear and non-stationary signals.It is very appropriate to seismic signals because they show both non-stationary and nonlinear characteristi... The Hilbert-Huang transform(HHT) is a new analysis method suitable for nonlinear and non-stationary signals.It is very appropriate to seismic signals because they show both non-stationary and nonlinear characteristics.We first introduce the realization of HHT empirical mode decomposition(EMD) and then comparatively analyze three instantaneous frequency algorithms based on intrinsic mode functions(IMF) resulting from EMD,of which one uses the average instantaneous frequency of two sample intervals having higher resolution which can determine that the signal frequency components change with time.The method is used with 3-D poststack migrated seismic data of marine carbonate strata in southern China to effectively extract the three instantaneous attributes.The instantaneous phase attributes of the second intrinsic mode functions(IMF2) better describe the reef facies of the platform margin and the IMF2 instantaneous frequency attribute has better zoning.Combining analysis of the three IMF2 instantaneous seismic attributes and drilling data can identify the distribution of sedimentary facies well. 展开更多
关键词 Hilbert-Huang transform empirical mode decomposition instantaneous frequency seismic attributes
Wigner-Ville distribution and its application in seismic attenuation estimation 被引量:9
作者 李艳东 郑晓东 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第4期245-254,共10页
The attenuation of seismic signals is often characterized in the frequency domain using statistical measures of the power spectrum. However, the conventional Fourier transform-based power spectrum estimation methods s... The attenuation of seismic signals is often characterized in the frequency domain using statistical measures of the power spectrum. However, the conventional Fourier transform-based power spectrum estimation methods suffer from time-frequency resolution problems. Wigner-Ville distribution, which is a member of Cohen class time-frequency distributions, possesses many appealing properties, such as time-frequency marginal distribution, time-frequency localization, etc. Therefore, Wigner-Ville distribution offers a new way for estimating the attenuation of seismic signals. This paper initially gives a brief introduction to Wigner-Ville distribution and the smoothed Wigner-Ville distribution that is effective in reducing the cross-term effect, and then presents a method for seismic attenuation estimation based on the instantaneous energy spectrum of the Wigner-Ville distribution. A real data example from central Tarim Basin in western China is presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The results show that the Wigner-Ville distribution-based seismic attenuation estimation method can effectively detect the difference between reef, shoal and lagoon facies by their attenuation properties, indicating that the estimated seismic attenuation can be used for reef and shoal carbonate reservoir characterization. 展开更多
关键词 Wigner-Ville distribution time-frequency analysis seismic attenuation reservoir characterization
Joint 3D traveltime calculation based on fast marching method and wavefront construction 被引量:5
作者 孙辉 孙建国 +5 位作者 孙章庆 韩复兴 刘明忱 刘志强 高正辉 石秀林 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第1期56-63,189,共9页
3D traveltime calculation is widely used in seismic exploration technologies such as seismic migration and tomography. The fast marching method (FMM) is useful for calculating 3D traveltime and has proven to be effi... 3D traveltime calculation is widely used in seismic exploration technologies such as seismic migration and tomography. The fast marching method (FMM) is useful for calculating 3D traveltime and has proven to be efficient and stable. However, it has low calculation accuracy near the source, which thus gives it low overall accuracy. This paper proposes a joint traveltime calculation method to solve this problem. The method firstly employs the wavefront construction method (WFC), which has a higher calculation accuracy than FMM in calculating traveltime in the small area near the source, and secondly adopts FMM to calculate traveltime for the remaining grid nodes. Due to the increase in calculation precision of grid nodes near the source, this new algorithm is shown to have good calculation precision while maintaining the high calculation efficiency of FMM, which is employed in most of the computational area. Results are verified using various numerical models. 展开更多
关键词 Seismic wave propagation 3D traveltime computation fast marching method wavefront construction method
Temporal and Spatial Variation Characteristics of Precipitation during Crop Growing Season in Northeast China 被引量:2
作者 李秀芬 李帅 +2 位作者 纪瑞鹏 郭春明 姜丽霞 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第6期137-140,168,共5页
[Objective] The aims were to understand variation characteristics of water resources and provide theoretical guidance for the formulation of agricultural irrigation methods.[Method] Taking the precipitation records du... [Objective] The aims were to understand variation characteristics of water resources and provide theoretical guidance for the formulation of agricultural irrigation methods.[Method] Taking the precipitation records during crop growing season(from April to September)observed by 177 weather stations from 1971 to 2008 in the three provinces of Northeast China(Heilongjiang,Jilin and Liaoning)as research data,annual change and spatial distribution characteristics of precipitation during crop growing season were analyzed by means of small grid interpolation and climatic trend rate.[Result] The precipitation during crop growing season general exhibited the decreasing trend and the precipitation trend rate was-8.6 mm/10a in Northeast China.In addition,there was lack of rain from 1971 to 1980 and relatively abundant of rain during 1981 and 1990 respectively.Moreover,the precipitation obviously exhibited decreasing trend from 1991 to 2008.But the decreasing trend was inconsistent in spatial distributions,that was,the precipitation slightly increased in relatively rainless areas and obviously decreased in relatively rainy areas.[Conclusion] The areas with obvious decreasing trend of precipitation during crop growing season are the main grain producing zones in Northeast China,so the problem of food production security caused by the precipitation changes should be paid enough attention. 展开更多
关键词 Regions in the Northeast China Precipitation during crop growing season Temporal and spatial Variations
Joint inversion of P-wave velocity and Vp–Vs ratio: imaging the deep structure in NE Japan 被引量:5
作者 王志 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第2期119-127,252,共10页
A new inversion scheme is presented to obtain three-dimensional images of P-wave velocity(Vp) and P–S-wave velocity ratio(Vp/Vs) using P- and S-phase pairs, i.e., the same source–receiver pairs for the P- and S-... A new inversion scheme is presented to obtain three-dimensional images of P-wave velocity(Vp) and P–S-wave velocity ratio(Vp/Vs) using P- and S-phase pairs, i.e., the same source–receiver pairs for the P- and S-wave arrival-time data. The S-wave velocity(Vs) was separately inverted using the S-phase arrival times. The earthquake hypocenters were simultaneously relocated in the joint inversion. The method considers the Vp/Vs anomaly as a model parameter in the inversion. The proposed method thus provides a more robust calculation of the Vp/Vs anomaly than the conventional method of dividing Vp by Vs. The method also takes into account the ray path difference between P- and S-waves, and hence yields a less biased Vp–Vs ratio than the method of inverting S–P-wave data for Vp and Vp/Vs anomalies under the assumption of identical P and S ray paths. The proposed method was used to image the crust and upper mantle in northeastern(NE) Japan taking advantage of a large number of high-quality arrival times of P- and S-wave source–receiver pairs. The inverted structures suggest that the subducting slab of the Pacific plate is an inclined zone of high-Vp and Vs anomalies with low Vp/Vs perturbation. The mantle wedge is characterized by low-Vp, low-Vs, and high-Vp/Vs anomalies at shallow depths beneath active volcanoes. These features are also observed at greater depths in the back-arc region. Although these features have been previously reported, the Vp/Vs anomaly pattern obtained in this study shows much less scatter and is much better correlated with the seismic velocity perturbation patterns than previous studies. The proposed method can be used, in conjunction with velocity anomaly patterns, to quantify thermal processes associated with plate subduction. 展开更多
关键词 Seismic tomography P and S source–receiver pairs Pacific subduction zone Mantle wedge
A study on the temporal and spatial characteristics of droughts following earthquakes
作者 张凯 汤懋苍 高晓清 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第4期488-495,513,共9页
According to the "jacking-up" theory, which relates the cause of earthquakes to outer core convection ascension bodies, the crust will gradually recover after an earthquake. In such cases, the crust is stretched, th... According to the "jacking-up" theory, which relates the cause of earthquakes to outer core convection ascension bodies, the crust will gradually recover after an earthquake. In such cases, the crust is stretched, the underground temperature is reduced, precipitation decreases, and drought occurs. In this paper, precipitation is compared with ground temperature and seismic data to determine the spatial and temporal relationship between earthquakes and subsequent droughts. Our objective is to develop a new method of drought prediction. With a few exceptions in location, the analysis of the first drought to occur after the Ms 〉 7 earthquakes in China's Mainland and the adjacent areas since 1950 shows that droughts tended to occur in regions near earthquake epicenters and in the eastern regions of the epicenters at the same latitude within six months after the earthquakes. In addition, and the differences between the starting time of the earthquakes and the droughts nearly share the same probability of 0 to 6 months. After careful analysis of 34 Ms 〉 6.5 earthquakes occurring in western China from 1980 to 2011, we determined that a second drought tends to occur approximately six months following the first drought, indicating a quasi-half-year period. Moreover, the duration of the quasi-half-year fluctuation increases with the magnitude of earthquake, at approximately 2.5 years for Ms 6.5 earthquake and approximately 5 years for Ms 8 earthquake. 展开更多
关键词 EARTHQUAKE crust recovery quasi-half-year period epicenter drought area side drought area
Research on High-Accuracy Programmable Timer Used in Acquiring UWB Signals 被引量:1
作者 苏红旗 杨峰 +1 位作者 马凯 康文献 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2005年第2期127-130,F0003,共5页
UWB signal digitization depends, to a large extent, on the accuracy of sampling time. A highaccuracy programmable timer is therefore the key to implementing UWB signal data acquisition. A high-accuracy programmable ti... UWB signal digitization depends, to a large extent, on the accuracy of sampling time. A highaccuracy programmable timer is therefore the key to implementing UWB signal data acquisition. A high-accuracy programmable timer based on the principle of ramp generators is described in this paper. The counting range of the timer is up to 16 bits, the timing precision is 8 ps, and the equivalent sampling rate is up to 50G Hz. No other identical product has been reported so far. This timer was successfully used in the data acquisition system for geological radar signals developed by us. 展开更多
关键词 high-accuracy timing UWB signal data acquisition and ramp generator
Effects of Gabor transform parameters on signa time-frequency resolution
作者 尹陈 贺振华 黄德济 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第3期169-173,共5页
In this paper, it is described that the time-frequency resolution of geophysical signals is affected by the time window function attenuation coefficient and sampling interval and how such effects are eliminated effect... In this paper, it is described that the time-frequency resolution of geophysical signals is affected by the time window function attenuation coefficient and sampling interval and how such effects are eliminated effectively. Improving the signal resolution is the key to signal time-frequency analysis processing and has wide use in geophysical data processing and extraction of attribute parameters. In this paper, authors research the effects of the attenuation coefficient choice of the Gabor transform window function and sampling interval on signal resolution. Unsuitable parameters not only decrease the signal resolution on the frequency spectrum but also miss the signals. It is essential to first give the optimum window and range of parameters through time-frequency analysis simulation using the Gabor transform. In the paper, the suggestions about the range and choice of the optimum sampling interval and processing methods of general seismic signals are given. 展开更多
关键词 Gabor transform time-frequency analysis RESOLUTION Gaussion window sampling interval.
Spatial-temporal Evolution and Driving Force of Cultivated Land Quality in Henan Province
作者 宋艳华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第11期2106-2112,2126,共8页
The purpose of this study was to find out the spatial-temporal rules and driving force of cultivated land quality in Henan Province in the last ten years. Agricultural land grading factor evaluation was used to evalua... The purpose of this study was to find out the spatial-temporal rules and driving force of cultivated land quality in Henan Province in the last ten years. Agricultural land grading factor evaluation was used to evaluate the cultivated land quality of 2002 and 2012 in Henan Province, and to research the change laws. Method of correlation coefficient was employed to select the driving forces affecting cultivated land quality evolution. The results indicated that the cultivated land quality in Henan Province increased slightly in the last ten years in general, and in spatial there were unchanged regions, increased regions and decreased regions. The cultivated land quality in spatial presented the trend of good becoming better, bad becoming worse, which should be highly valued in cultivated land quality protection and management. Land development and consolidation projects had significant contributions to increasing the cultivated land quality. Driving forces between the sudden change regions and gradual change regions were significantly different. The paper concluded that the research on the spatial-temporal evolution and driving force of cultivated land quality based on cultivated land quality evolution had important academic significance and practical value. 展开更多
关键词 Cultivated land quality Spatial-temporal evolution Driving force Sudden change region Gradual change region Henan Province
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