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作者 熊云霞 吴绮雯 +1 位作者 高开国 王丽 《广东饲料》 2024年第5期13-18,共6页
近年由于国际局势动荡、国际贸易关系复杂,我国畜禽常用饲料资源尤其是蛋白饲料资源短缺矛盾日益尖锐,因此,除常规饲料粮增产外,充分开发利用现有资源,因地制宜,实现种养结合,也是我国畜牧养殖业实现绿色可持续发展的路径之一。地源性... 近年由于国际局势动荡、国际贸易关系复杂,我国畜禽常用饲料资源尤其是蛋白饲料资源短缺矛盾日益尖锐,因此,除常规饲料粮增产外,充分开发利用现有资源,因地制宜,实现种养结合,也是我国畜牧养殖业实现绿色可持续发展的路径之一。地源性饲料是指经过饲料化加工处理后可规模化饲用的地方性饲料资源,其开发与应用将有助于缓解饲料资源紧缺,降低饲料原料运输成本、减少环境污染及碳排放,降低养殖成本,实现生态养殖和循环健康发展。广东省农作物资源丰富,畜牧业发达,本文主要综述广东省地源性各类饲料资源及分布,对促进本省地源性非常规饲料资源的开发及在畜牧业上推广应用提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 广东省 地源性饲料资
作者 熊云霞 吴绮雯 +1 位作者 高开国 王丽 《广东饲料》 2024年第4期17-22,共6页
近年由于国际局势动荡、国际贸易关系复杂,我国畜禽常用饲料资源尤其是蛋白饲料资源短缺矛盾日益尖锐,因此,除常规饲料粮增产外,充分开发利用现有资源,因地制宜,实现种养结合,也是我国畜牧养殖业实现绿色可持续发展的路径之一。地源性... 近年由于国际局势动荡、国际贸易关系复杂,我国畜禽常用饲料资源尤其是蛋白饲料资源短缺矛盾日益尖锐,因此,除常规饲料粮增产外,充分开发利用现有资源,因地制宜,实现种养结合,也是我国畜牧养殖业实现绿色可持续发展的路径之一。地源性饲料是指经过饲料化加工处理后可规模化饲用的地方性饲料资源,其开发与应用将有助于缓解饲料资源紧缺,降低饲料原料运输成本、减少环境污染及碳排放,降低养殖成本,实现生态养殖和循环健康发展。广东省农作物资源丰富,畜牧业发达,本文主要综述广东省地源性各类饲料资源及分布,对促进本省地源性非常规饲料资源的开发及在畜牧业上推广应用提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 广东省 地源性饲料资
基于地源性发酵饲料利用的生猪清洁生产技术模式设计 被引量:1
作者 任瑞 徐红伟 臧荣鑫 《甘肃畜牧兽医》 2019年第2期16-19,共4页
为促进地源性资源尾菜的饲料化和肥料化利用,实现种养殖业循环健康发展,对传统养猪模式进行改进设计,在整体上融合生物发酵技术、粪污无害化处理技术和清洁养殖技术,本文利用现有设备和技术,从发酵饲料生产、发酵饲料饲喂、清洁圈舍结... 为促进地源性资源尾菜的饲料化和肥料化利用,实现种养殖业循环健康发展,对传统养猪模式进行改进设计,在整体上融合生物发酵技术、粪污无害化处理技术和清洁养殖技术,本文利用现有设备和技术,从发酵饲料生产、发酵饲料饲喂、清洁圈舍结构和粪污处理系统全流程设计,将尾菜饲料化和肥料化利用技术融入生猪清洁生产,有利于高原夏菜产区农业废弃资源的综合利用,促进养猪业向生态健康绿色方向发展,减少环境污染。 展开更多
关键词 尾菜 地源性发酵饲料 生猪清洁生产
地源性发酵饲料及其在养猪生产中的应用研究 被引量:10
作者 马现永 田志梅 +7 位作者 邓盾 崔艺燕 余苗 容庭 刘志昌 李书宏 王刚 陈卫东 《广东畜牧兽医科技》 2018年第5期10-15,共6页
随着畜禽养殖业的发展及饲料原料短缺问题的日益严重,开发新型饲料资源已成为当前迫切需要解决的问题。地源性发酵饲料的开发与应用有助于缓解饲料紧缺问题,实现生态循环健康发展。本文综述了地源性发酵饲料开发的意义、其发酵特点、发... 随着畜禽养殖业的发展及饲料原料短缺问题的日益严重,开发新型饲料资源已成为当前迫切需要解决的问题。地源性发酵饲料的开发与应用有助于缓解饲料紧缺问题,实现生态循环健康发展。本文综述了地源性发酵饲料开发的意义、其发酵特点、发酵工艺及在养猪生产上的应用进展,对促进地源性发酵饲料的推广应用,提高饲料价值的同时,减少环境污染,为生态养殖业提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 地源性发酵饲料 发酵特点 养猪业 肠道健康 肉品质
地源性发酵饲料及其在养猪中的应用 被引量:1
作者 张加静 王寿禹 凌静 《中国畜禽种业》 2019年第3期137-137,共1页
关键词 养猪 地源性 发酵饲料 生产管理 应用
作者 梅宁安 李军国 +6 位作者 辛国省 刘自新 云华 丁有仁 丁建宁 闫玉萍 阮建明 《当代畜牧》 2021年第8期7-9,共3页
笔者检测了12种常见宁夏地源性尾菜,薯秧及加工副产物的营养成分、消化率和体外消化产气量,为进一步合理利用提供依据。检测结果:①营养成分总能含量11.57%~18,07%.粗蛋白含量7.29%〜18.02%,粗脂肪含量0.92%〜0.56%,粗灰分含量&44%〜23... 笔者检测了12种常见宁夏地源性尾菜,薯秧及加工副产物的营养成分、消化率和体外消化产气量,为进一步合理利用提供依据。检测结果:①营养成分总能含量11.57%~18,07%.粗蛋白含量7.29%〜18.02%,粗脂肪含量0.92%〜0.56%,粗灰分含量&44%〜23.49%,钙含量0.77%〜3.47%,磷含量0.17%〜0.59%。②粗蛋白消化率为31.44%〜94.77%,西瓜秧、甜瓜秧、黄花菜秸秆较低,黄花菜茎叶较黄花菜秸秆高。中性洗涤纤维消化率28.65%〜90.07%,西瓜秧、甜瓜秧、黄花菜秸秆较低。酸性洗涤纤维消化率26.10%~93.75%,西瓜秧、甜瓜秧、梅豆秧、黄花菜秸秆较低。③西瓜秧、甜瓜秧、黄花菜秸秆产气量高于空白组,其余消化率均高于空白组;尾菜消化率高于薯秧,黄花菜茎叶好于黄花菜秸秆。研究结果表明,宁夏地源性尾菜、薯秧及加工副产物在营养价值方面均适合作为饲料原料使用,但需采取适当的加工方式提高其利用率。 展开更多
关键词 宁夏地源性 尾菜 薯秧 加工副产物 消化试验
柳州地源性镉异常区稻米重金属积累效应与健康风险 被引量:7
作者 朱亮亮 王佛鹏 +4 位作者 唐乐斌 肖乃川 董心月 韦美溜 宋波 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第8期4219-4231,共13页
为探讨地源性镉异常区土壤重金属在稻米中迁移转化特征,并评估水稻安全种植性,以广西柳州市典型地区水田为研究对象,共采集土壤与稻米成对样品91组,测试Cd等重金属、土壤pH和有机质含量.结果表明:(1)与背景值相比,水田土壤Cd、 Cu、 Ni... 为探讨地源性镉异常区土壤重金属在稻米中迁移转化特征,并评估水稻安全种植性,以广西柳州市典型地区水田为研究对象,共采集土壤与稻米成对样品91组,测试Cd等重金属、土壤pH和有机质含量.结果表明:(1)与背景值相比,水田土壤Cd、 Cu、 Ni和Zn分别超背景值92.31%、 34.07%、 36.26%和90.11%;与相关标准中的筛选值相比,Cd和Zn含量的点位超标率为30.53%和25.26%,超标点位主要分布于浮石镇;(2)稻米Cd和Ni含量的点位超标率分别为35.16%和3.30%,其中大良镇稻米Cd富集系数最高且稻米Cd超标率最高;(3)相关性分析显示,土壤pH是稻米重金属的主要影响因子,且稻米Cd和Ni具有相似来源;(4)稻米健康风险评价结果显示,大良镇稻米Cd的THQ值大于1.0,说明该地区稻米Cd存在潜在健康风险.所有乡镇TTHQ值均大于1.0,且显示出儿童高于成年女性,成年女性高于成年男性,表明合理的膳食结构对于预防不同年龄和性别的重金属摄入至关重要.因此,柳州地源性镉异常区水稻种植存在一定的风险,需要针对性采用不同的安全利用措施加以管控. 展开更多
关键词 柳州 地源性 镉异常区 稻米 健康风险
Genetic variations of wood properties and growth characters of Ko-rean pines from different provenances 被引量:3
作者 王慧梅 夏德安 +1 位作者 王文杰 杨书文 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第4期277-280,337,共4页
Totally 26 provenance stands of 17-year-old Korean pine were selected for investigating wood properties and growth characters in Mao抏rshan Experimental Forest Farm of Northeast Forestry University in 1999. The anatom... Totally 26 provenance stands of 17-year-old Korean pine were selected for investigating wood properties and growth characters in Mao抏rshan Experimental Forest Farm of Northeast Forestry University in 1999. The anatomical property indexes, including tracheid length, tracheid diameter and wall-indiameter ratio, and the physical property indexes, such as growth ring width, late wood percentage and growth ring density, were measured for wood properties. Growth character indexes, including tree height and diameter at breast height, were also measured. The analytical results showed that there exited obviously dif-ference in wood property indexes between different provenances, which is suggested that wood properties are controlled by their genetic differences. The growth character indexes of Korean pines presented significant difference and they might also be controlled by their genetic differences. Most parameters of wood properties mainly varied in the direction of longitude, but the parameters of growth characters varied in the direction of latitude. 展开更多
关键词 Korean pine Provenance trial Wood properties Geographical variation Genetic variation
Genetic Diversity of Achnatherum Splendens 被引量:8
作者 徐海霞 张霞 +2 位作者 王绍明 阎平 杜金洲 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2008年第1期21-23,28,共4页
[Objective] Study on the genetic diversities of A.splendens from different areas of xinjiang. [Method] The genetic diversities among seven populations and within two populations were analyzed by RAPD. [Result] Genetic... [Objective] Study on the genetic diversities of A.splendens from different areas of xinjiang. [Method] The genetic diversities among seven populations and within two populations were analyzed by RAPD. [Result] Genetic clustering results presented that the relationships among populations of A. splendens are directly related with geographic positions, and within population are related with habitats. [Conclusion] RAPD technique can be used to study genetic diversity of A. splendens. 展开更多
关键词 Achnatherum splendens RAPD Genetic diversity
Alternate operation characteristics of a solar-ground source heat pump system 被引量:4
作者 杨卫波 陈振乾 施明恒 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第2期327-332,共6页
In order to investigate the alternate operation characteristics of a solar-ground source heat pump system(SGSHPS),various alternate operation modes are put forward and defined.A two-dimensional mathematical model wi... In order to investigate the alternate operation characteristics of a solar-ground source heat pump system(SGSHPS),various alternate operation modes are put forward and defined.A two-dimensional mathematical model with freezing/melting phase changes is developed for the heat transfer analysis of the soil.Based on the numerical solution of the model,the variation trends of underground soil temperature of the SGSHPS operated in various alternate operation modes are discussed.The results indicate that,for the day-night and short-time interval alternate operation modes without solar energy,the operation time fraction of a solar heat source should be confined to from 50% to 58% when operated in an alternate period of 24 h.Meanwhile,the disadvantages of a natural resumption of soil temperature can be overcome effectively by solar energy filling,and an optimal operation effect can be achieved by integrating the mode of solar energy filling with other alternate modes.In addition,the accuracy of the presented model is verified by the experimental data of borehole wall temperatures.The conclusions can provide a reference for the optimization operation of the SGSHPS. 展开更多
关键词 solar-ground source heat pump alternate operation characteristics numerical simulation experimental validation
作者 杨正刚 《美与时代(美术学刊)(中)》 2015年第6期16-17,共2页
中国绘画专指中国特色的绘画等艺术,广义上说其范畴涵盖中国书画、中国纹饰、中国剪纸、中国雕刻、中国壁画、中国雕饰、中国岩画等众多领域的艺术。以文化意识为灵魂,以地域文化为内核的中国美术,自然与中国民族的文化进步密切相关的... 中国绘画专指中国特色的绘画等艺术,广义上说其范畴涵盖中国书画、中国纹饰、中国剪纸、中国雕刻、中国壁画、中国雕饰、中国岩画等众多领域的艺术。以文化意识为灵魂,以地域文化为内核的中国美术,自然与中国民族的文化进步密切相关的。最早的中国绘画是以记事和叙事为重要功能的,以现代的思维判断可以视为是我国最早的文字,当然这是以汉字的出现和产生的现象为判断的。从地源角度上看中国美术,是以汉民族文化为根源,以汉民族的历史发展为依托的文化载体。中国绘画的语言性是中国文化中特有的"以画说事"的文化特性。多以抒发情感,以叙事传意为本。故更看重的是绘画的传达作用。中国绘画艺术承载的是中国汉文化的基因,这是中国绘画与中国文化血与肉的关联。 展开更多
关键词 中国绘画 文化思考 民族 地源性 语言 表述 史学
Performance analysis of U-vertical direct-expansion ground-source heat pump 被引量:1
作者 杨伟 周晋 张国强 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第2期209-211,共3页
The performance of a direct-expansion ground-source heat pump(DX GSHP)system is theoretically analyzed.Compared with the conventional ground-source heat pump(GSHP),the DX GSHP has a lower condensing temperature in... The performance of a direct-expansion ground-source heat pump(DX GSHP)system is theoretically analyzed.Compared with the conventional ground-source heat pump(GSHP),the DX GSHP has a lower condensing temperature in the cooling mode and a higher evaporating temperature in the heating mode,and the ground heat exchanger(GHE)in the DX GSHP has a low thermal resistance.Therefore,the coefficient of performance(COP)of the DX GSHP is higher than that of the GSHP.In addition,the system performance of the DX GSHP system is higher than that of the conventional GSHP system because there are no secondary solution loops and water circulating pumps in the DX GSHP system.The experimental energy performance of the DX GSHP system is also investigated based on the actual operational data.The tested DX GSHP system is installed in Xiangtan,China.The U-vertical GHE of the DX GSHP is buried in a water well.The length and the outside nominal diameter of the GHE are 42 m and 12.7 mm,respectively.The experimental results show that the maximum(COP)and the average COP of the DX GSHP system in the heating mode are 5.95 and 4.72,respectively. 展开更多
关键词 direct-expansion ground-source heat pump energy consumption analysis PERFORMANCE
Weighted-elastic-wave interferometric imaging of microseismic source location 被引量:4
作者 李磊 陈浩 王秀明 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第2期221-234,275,共15页
Knowledge of the locations of seismic sources is critical for microseismic monitoring. Time-window-based elastic wave interferometric imaging and weighted- elastic-wave (WEW) interferometric imaging are proposed and... Knowledge of the locations of seismic sources is critical for microseismic monitoring. Time-window-based elastic wave interferometric imaging and weighted- elastic-wave (WEW) interferometric imaging are proposed and used to locate modeled microseismic sources. The proposed method improves the precision and eliminates artifacts in location profiles. Numerical experiments based on a horizontally layered isotropic medium have shown that the method offers the following advantages: It can deal with Iow-SNR microseismic data with velocity perturbations as well as relatively sparse receivers and still maintain relatively high precision despite the errors in the velocity model. Furthermore, it is more efficient than conventional traveltime inversion methods because interferometric imaging does not require traveltime picking. Numerical results using a 2D fault model have also suggested that the weighted-elastic-wave interferometric imaging can locate multiple sources with higher location precision than the time-reverse imaging method. 展开更多
关键词 Microseismic monitoring seismic source location elastic wave interferometric imaging time-reverse imaging
Case study of underground pipe ground coupled heat pump system 被引量:1
作者 郑敏 李百毅 乔振勇 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第3期664-668,共5页
Aiming to give some advices on the ground coupled heat pump system design in Siehuan Province, China, a typical ground source heat pump (GSHP) system in Sichuan Province was tested in a whole operational year, and t... Aiming to give some advices on the ground coupled heat pump system design in Siehuan Province, China, a typical ground source heat pump (GSHP) system in Sichuan Province was tested in a whole operational year, and the parameters of temperature and flow rate in different parts of system were measured during this period. The seasonal energy efficiency ratio was calculated and the performance of heat pump system in summer was compared with that in winter. The result shows that the coefficient of performance of the system reaches 3.63 in summer and 3.49 in winter, respectively. The heat balance in underground rock mass is acquired basically throughout the year, and the heat accumulation in the earth tends to be zero. 展开更多
关键词 ground coupled heat pump operational test parameters measurement
Analysis of geological conditions and thermal reservoir characteristics of Guantao Formation in new coastal region 被引量:1
作者 JIANG Guosheng HUANG Xianlong +3 位作者 HU Liangjun ZHANG Liandi LIU Zan LU Bao 《Global Geology》 2013年第4期201-206,共6页
Geothermal resources is one of the most practical and competitive new energy at present,and there is abundant geothermal resources in the new coastal region.The article get the three following conclusion through the g... Geothermal resources is one of the most practical and competitive new energy at present,and there is abundant geothermal resources in the new coastal region.The article get the three following conclusion through the geothermal geological condition by the drilling strata and the condition of the reducing test:stratigraphic division is done by the analysis of formation lithology and the drilling aging;the water yield is higher than 100m3/h,the flow temperature is 67℃--71℃;the average geothermal gradient of the overlying strata is 3.08℃--3.33℃/100 m. 展开更多
关键词 the new coastal region geothermal well Guantao Formation drilling time aging
Seismological method for prediction of areal rockbursts in deep mine with seismic source mechanism and unstable failure theory 被引量:23
作者 唐礼忠 XIA K W 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第5期947-953,共7页
The research on the rock burst prediction was made on the basis of seismology,rock mechanics and the data from Dongguashan Copper Mine(DCM) ,the deepest metal mine in China.The seismic responses to mining in DCM were ... The research on the rock burst prediction was made on the basis of seismology,rock mechanics and the data from Dongguashan Copper Mine(DCM) ,the deepest metal mine in China.The seismic responses to mining in DCM were investigated through the analyses of the spatio-temporal distribution of hypocenters,apparent stress and displacement of seismic events,and the process of the generation of hazardous seismicity in DCM was studied in the framework of the theory of asperity in the seismic source mechanism.A method of locating areas with hazardous seismicity and a conceptual model of hazardous seismic nucleation in DCM were proposed.A criterion of rockburst prediction was analyzed theoretically in the framework of unstable failure theories,and consequently,the rate of change in the ratio of the seismic stiffness of rock in a seismic nucleation area to that in surrounding area,dS/dt,is defined as an index of the rockburst prediction.The possibility of a rockburst will increase if dS/dt>0,and the possibility of rock burst will decrease if dS/dt<0.The correctness of these methods is demonstrated by analyses of rock failure cases in DCM. 展开更多
关键词 areal rockburst prediction seismic source mechanism unstable failure deep mine seismic stiffness seismic nucleation
Comparison between Conventional and Improved Gas Engine-Driven VRF under Same Climate Conditions 被引量:1
作者 Taku Shimizu Kyosuke Yamada +1 位作者 Shigeki Kametani Tatsuo Nobe 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第2期326-330,共5页
This paper reports the on-site performance evaluation of conventional and improved gas engine-driven VRF (variable refrigerant flow) units and (abbreviated as GHP) units. The study aims to elucidate two actual GHP... This paper reports the on-site performance evaluation of conventional and improved gas engine-driven VRF (variable refrigerant flow) units and (abbreviated as GHP) units. The study aims to elucidate two actual GHP units by using the probe insertion method. There is a tendency to decrease energy efficiency compared to a high loading factor. GHP operation was almost all part load operation. This on-site evaluation indicates a clear difference between conventional and improved GHP. 展开更多
关键词 VRF system the probe insertion method GHP APF.
Quantifying Environmental Sustainability of Buildings through Its Carbon Foot-Print: An Analytical Approach
作者 Suchandra Bardhan Monideep Chattopadhyay Sugata Hazra 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2010年第1期20-34,共15页
It is known that the building sector consumes about 40% of earth's resources in their process of commissioning, erection and subsequent operation. As a consequence there is significant amount of CO2 emission to the a... It is known that the building sector consumes about 40% of earth's resources in their process of commissioning, erection and subsequent operation. As a consequence there is significant amount of CO2 emission to the atmosphere. Assessment of environmental performances of buildings has assumed immense significance in such backdrop and calls for assessing the "Carbon Footprint" of building systems for estimating their environmental compatibility. The present paper discusses a case specific environmental evaluation exercise by estimating the Carbon Footprint of a conventionally constructed tourist accommodation by tracking its resource consumption pattern during both the execution and operational phases in the hot and humid climatic zone of Indian sea-side. The result of the analysis is compared against the average carrying capacity of Earth to develop a method of measuring and quantifying the building's environmental performance with respect to Earth's reported threshold of tolerance and check the extent of failure or success, as the case may be. This process also leads to a tool named 'Sustainability Quotient'. The method of quantification is simple and can be adopted for environmental assessment of both new and old buildings. 展开更多
关键词 Energy environment water carbon footprint sustainability quotient.
WISE EXPLOITATION OF NEWLY GROWING LAND RESOURCES——An Assessment on Land-use Change of Chongming Island Using GIS 被引量:11
作者 ZHAOBin LIBo +2 位作者 MAZhi-jun CHENJia-kuan NAKAGOSHINobukazu 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2003年第2期134-141,共8页
Chongming Island, the third largest island in China and the largest alluvialisland in the world, is situated in the north of Shanghai Municipality at the mouth of theChangjiang (Yangtze) River. Along the fertile and p... Chongming Island, the third largest island in China and the largest alluvialisland in the world, is situated in the north of Shanghai Municipality at the mouth of theChangjiang (Yangtze) River. Along the fertile and prosperous sea coast there are a total area ofover 120 x 10~3ha, with a population of 735 000, accruing some 500ha of new tidal land resourcescome from silt, sand and mud carried by the Changjiang River every year, extending about 140m peryear. This dynamic process of alluvial growth has run for some 1500 years. Mudflat on ChongmingIsland at the mouth of the Changjiang River is a resting ground for migratory birds and host morethan a hundred species, including rare cranes and geese. But the local people keep reclaiming thetidal land for economic development. Obviously, it is crucial to have a well-concerted plan forfuture exploitation. In this study, we attempted to investigate the status changes of land use andwild life habitats on Chongming Island in recent 10 years, and then analyzed different humanactivities and their effects on wild life habitats using satellite image data (1990, 1997 and 2000)as well as field survey. Based on the analysis, this study explored the relationships between islandgrowth and land use/cover change (LUCC), predicted what the habitat would be like in the future andtried to find more effective use of this new growing resource. At last, this study provided somepreliminary management plans for Chongming Island that will coordinate the development of localeconomies and the conservation of wild life and their habitats. 展开更多
关键词 RECLAMATION land use/cover change markov model biodiversityconservation chongming island
Fabrication and thermal performance of grooved-sintered wick heat pipe 被引量:3
作者 蒋乐伦 汤勇 +2 位作者 武汇岳 周伟 蒋琳珍 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第2期668-676,共9页
Some novel grooved-sintered composite wick heat pipes(GSHP) were developed for the electronic device cooling.The grooved-sintered wicks of GSHP were fabricated by the processes of oil-filled high-speed spin forming an... Some novel grooved-sintered composite wick heat pipes(GSHP) were developed for the electronic device cooling.The grooved-sintered wicks of GSHP were fabricated by the processes of oil-filled high-speed spin forming and solid state sintering.The wick could be divided into two parts for liquid capillary pumping flow:groove sintered zone and uniform sintered zone.Both of the thermal resistance network model and the maximum heat transfer capability model of GSHP were built.Compared with the theoretical values,the heat transfer limit and thermal resistance of GSHP were measured from three aspects:copper powder size,wick thickness and number of micro grooves.The results show that the wick thickness has the greatest effect on the thermal resistance of GSHP while the copper powder size has the most important influence on the heat transfer limit.Given certain copper powder size and wick thickness,the thermal resistance of GSHP can be the lowest when micro-groove number is about 55. 展开更多
关键词 WICK heat pipe electronics cooling thermal resistance heat transfer limit
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