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基于地热钻孔资料探讨北京黄庄-高丽营断裂的构造活动特征 被引量:3
作者 刘元章 刘凯 +5 位作者 刘久荣 王树芳 王丽亚 崔一娇 王旭 孙赵爽 《地震工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期1521-1528,共8页
根据地热深井的地层资料,绘制了横穿黄庄-高丽营断裂带的地质剖面图,对断裂带的深部构造特点进行了探讨。结合已有研究成果分析,发现黄庄-高丽营断裂曾经至少有过4次正、逆构造转换,具有反复震荡性。认为断裂的成因是区域板块开裂,后由... 根据地热深井的地层资料,绘制了横穿黄庄-高丽营断裂带的地质剖面图,对断裂带的深部构造特点进行了探讨。结合已有研究成果分析,发现黄庄-高丽营断裂曾经至少有过4次正、逆构造转换,具有反复震荡性。认为断裂的成因是区域板块开裂,后由于板块间的水平运动方向多次转变,形成拉张与挤压的反复转变,不断产生上盘的下降及逆冲运动,而呈现出构造活动的反复震荡特征,分析认为其断裂形成时代约在1.6~1.4亿年间的晚侏罗世(J3)。后来岩体的活动产生局部挤压和抬升,使得南、北两端上盘活动受限,产生掀斜抬升现象;而中段断块的活动自由度相对更大,根据水准监测当前中段上盘平均每年下降3 mm左右。结合构造特征及历史地震结果分析,认为应当注重对断裂带两侧板块的水平运移状况加以监测。 展开更多
关键词 地热钻孔 板块运动 正逆构造转换 断裂形成时代 地震监测
作者 张浩 《能源与环境》 2024年第2期77-80,共4页
浅层地热凭借其丰富的资源储量、成熟的地源热泵技术,已在建筑供能方面得到了大量推广应用。该文对西安市某产业基地供暖制冷负荷需求及项目基础条件进行分析研究,提出了经济合理、绿色低碳的浅层地热能供暖/制冷优化设计。结果表明:采... 浅层地热凭借其丰富的资源储量、成熟的地源热泵技术,已在建筑供能方面得到了大量推广应用。该文对西安市某产业基地供暖制冷负荷需求及项目基础条件进行分析研究,提出了经济合理、绿色低碳的浅层地热能供暖/制冷优化设计。结果表明:采用浅层地热能用能,运行费用较其他设计可节省1.13×10^(5)元/a,相比空气源系统、分体式空调系统和燃气锅炉+中央空调系统增量静态投资回收期分别为3.1、2.6、2.4 a,长期经济效益和环保效益显著。研究成果为西安市区域内地热能综合开发利用提供了基础依据。 展开更多
关键词 浅层地热 地源热泵 地热钻孔 供暖/制冷 效益分析
Development of a Research Probe for Geothermal Boreholes
作者 Joerg Isele Benedict Holbein 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2013年第12期815-828,共14页
This paper introduces the idea of a framework for the implementation of novel downhole probes. A couple of examples (e.g. a tracer detector, a casing smear test probe or a casing repair probe) demonstrate that many ... This paper introduces the idea of a framework for the implementation of novel downhole probes. A couple of examples (e.g. a tracer detector, a casing smear test probe or a casing repair probe) demonstrate that many components can be reused. These are the "bricks" of the ZWERG toolkit which is developed to match the environment in boreholes. Two "bricks" are described in detail: The housing (1) has to resist the pressure and other mechanical stress in deep holes. The selection of the material and the calculation of the wall thickness are the main interests. In many applications, a thermal management (2) of the inside of the probe is absolutely necessary. A dewar vessel can uncouple the heat of the geothermal reservoir and the temperature in the probe. It is important to understand the physical heat flow mechanisms. A set of formulas allows a good estimation of the quantity of heat that warms up the probe. The toolkit contains some immaterial "bricks" like blueprints of proven designs or support for the logistic process of finding and purchasing compatible components. The intention to drill near magma chambers calls for a common eflbrt of the geothermal community to gather compatible components, assemblies and knowhow and makes it widely available. ZWERG could be a starting point. 展开更多
关键词 Borehole tools platform for engineering monitoring logging.
Development of a Cooling System for Geothermal Borehole Probes
作者 Benedict Holbein Joerg Isele 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2014年第2期73-79,共7页
The high potential of geothermal energy in quantity and availability can be a great option, facing the huge problem of growing energy use linked with the climatic problems. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce costs a... The high potential of geothermal energy in quantity and availability can be a great option, facing the huge problem of growing energy use linked with the climatic problems. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce costs and risks for the use of geothermal energy sources. Because most of the problems have to do with insufficient knowledge about the conditions in the earth crust, the key to take root of geothermal energy is widespread research. The cooling system allows the use of all needed devices in deep boreholes without strict time or temperature limitations, which promotes the achieving of comprehensive information. To develop the purpose-built components among conducting experiments about the thermodynamic processes, a prototype is provided step by step. 展开更多
关键词 MONITORING heat protection borehole tools engineering.
作者 业编 《云南电业》 2000年第9期45-45,共1页
地热资源是指来自地球内部目前技术条件可以开采利用的地下岩石和水中所携带的热能。云南水热活动强烈,温、热水泉孔分布广,类型多,地热资源潜量位居中国前列,开发利用前景广阔。全省124个县(市)有温泉分布,多以热水型热储为主。共有温... 地热资源是指来自地球内部目前技术条件可以开采利用的地下岩石和水中所携带的热能。云南水热活动强烈,温、热水泉孔分布广,类型多,地热资源潜量位居中国前列,开发利用前景广阔。全省124个县(市)有温泉分布,多以热水型热储为主。共有温泉、热泉、过热水泉822处。 展开更多
关键词 地热资源 太阳能资源 天然热流量 云南 热水泉 日照时数 地热钻孔 水热活动 开发利用 技术条件
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