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大湄公河次区域中尺度行政区划地理信息系统数据库(GMS_AdmBnd)开发标准研究 被引量:1
作者 刘闯 王晋年 +2 位作者 吕婷婷 赵晋陵 戴丽君 《地理信息世界》 2010年第1期17-26,42,共11页
大湄公河次区域是自1992年起由亚洲开发银行启动的区域性长期合作计划涉及的区域。在大湄公河次区域经济合作数字化分析过程中,行政区划地理信息系统数据库就成为其中基础性数据库,也是应用面最宽的数据库。本文重点是在现有的行政区划... 大湄公河次区域是自1992年起由亚洲开发银行启动的区域性长期合作计划涉及的区域。在大湄公河次区域经济合作数字化分析过程中,行政区划地理信息系统数据库就成为其中基础性数据库,也是应用面最宽的数据库。本文重点是在现有的行政区划地理信息系统数据库的基础上,建立大湄公河次区域中尺度行政区划地理信息系统数据库(GMS-AdmBnd)的开发标准,包括:主要技术指标,开发流程和成果质量比对指标。本论文内容的发表,将便于用户在使用该数据时根据数据库特点,了解其适用性和局限性,有针对性地加以应用。 展开更多
关键词 大湄公河次区域 中尺度行政区划地理信息系统数据库 开发标准
数字城市基础地理信息系统数据库建设要点分析 被引量:5
作者 张智华 《资源信息与工程》 2018年第6期112-113,共2页
数字城市基础地理信息系统数据库建设是实现"数字城市"的基础,是社会经济信息化发展的基础平台,也是城市数据共享平台,为城市规划、城市资源利用、决策的主要依据之一,对推动城市科学建设及信息化建设有着积极的推动作用。数... 数字城市基础地理信息系统数据库建设是实现"数字城市"的基础,是社会经济信息化发展的基础平台,也是城市数据共享平台,为城市规划、城市资源利用、决策的主要依据之一,对推动城市科学建设及信息化建设有着积极的推动作用。数字城市基础地理信息系统数据库是城市地理信息系统定位的基础,它的建设制约着各种专题城市地理信息系统的建设与发展。本文从7个方面分析了数字城市基础地理信息系统数据库建设的要点,为推动数字城市基础地理信息系统数据库建设提供一定的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 数字城市 基础地理信息系统数据库 建设 要点分析
GIS数据库与普通地理数据库 被引量:2
作者 刘颖 李树军 《海洋测绘》 2001年第3期52-54,共3页
关键词 地理信息系统 海量数据 地理信息系统数据库 普通地理数据库
作者 叶宗达 焦利民 刘耀林 《测绘信息与工程》 2007年第6期31-33,共3页
关键词 邻近分析 地理信息系统数据库综合 农用地分等 聚合 融合
中国卫生地理信息系统基础数据库的构建 被引量:25
作者 周晓农 胡晓抒 +9 位作者 杨国静 洪青标 孙乐平 孙宁生 汪天平 JB Malong JC McCarroll 林丹丹 张治英 徐德忠 《中华流行病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第4期253-256,共4页
目的 构建可用于中国卫生地理信息系统 (GIS)应用研究的基础数据库 ,以合理应用已有的数据资源 ,并成为一个空间决策系统。方法 采集不同资料来源 ,经统一标化后构成基本资料源。主要的资料源包括 :(1 )覆盖中国地区的卫星遥感图片库 ... 目的 构建可用于中国卫生地理信息系统 (GIS)应用研究的基础数据库 ,以合理应用已有的数据资源 ,并成为一个空间决策系统。方法 采集不同资料来源 ,经统一标化后构成基本资料源。主要的资料源包括 :(1 )覆盖中国地区的卫星遥感图片库 ;(2 )GIS数字化地图库 ;(3)疾病资料库与相关模型库。结果 已获卫星遥感图片库中的植被指数遥感图片、地面温度遥感图片、数字化高程图片、数字化土地利用图片等 ;GIS数字化地图库中的中国行政区划数字化地图、环境数据矢量地图、人口分布图、气象资料分布图等 ;疾病资料库与相关模型库中包括了多种疾病的调查报告、疾病防治年报表等资料 ,以及疾病的传播模型和媒介 中间宿主潜在自然孳生地模型 ,及恶性肿瘤发病因素相关图。结论 该数据库的构建使不同来源的数据达到统一性 ,数据库收集的数据量以足能为国内卫生专业人员应用为前提 ,希望通过更多疾病的应用 。 展开更多
关键词 中国卫生地理信息系统基础数据库 血吸虫病 疟疾 肿瘤 地理信息系统 数据库
基于GIS的多用途城乡一体化地籍管理信息系统设计研究 被引量:4
作者 陈龙高 陈龙乾 杨小艳 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第30期15033-15034,15049,共3页
探讨了建立以基础地理信息数据为依据的一体化管理系统的设计思路,对基于基础地理信息数据的一体化管理系统设计的目标进行了分析,明确了多用途城乡一体化地籍管理信息系统数据库结构,设计出城乡一体化地籍管理业务流程和M-ICMIS系统总... 探讨了建立以基础地理信息数据为依据的一体化管理系统的设计思路,对基于基础地理信息数据的一体化管理系统设计的目标进行了分析,明确了多用途城乡一体化地籍管理信息系统数据库结构,设计出城乡一体化地籍管理业务流程和M-ICMIS系统总体结构,最后对以基础地理信息数据为依据的一体化管理系统的发展趋势和作用进行了分析。 展开更多
关键词 地理信息系统 地籍管理 城乡一体化土地管理 基础地理信息数据库系统
作者 蒋文颖 《中国建材科技》 2009年第2期79-82,共4页
高质量的空间基础数据的应用和管理一直是城市规划中地理信息系统建设及应用的瓶颈。提出了城市规划建设管理信息系统的基本解决方案,以武进高新区城市规划建设管理信息系统为例,设计并实现了独立的应用程序,并对其中实现的关键技术及... 高质量的空间基础数据的应用和管理一直是城市规划中地理信息系统建设及应用的瓶颈。提出了城市规划建设管理信息系统的基本解决方案,以武进高新区城市规划建设管理信息系统为例,设计并实现了独立的应用程序,并对其中实现的关键技术及查询分析、版本管理、制图输出、元数据管理、地图符号化几个功能模块的实现做了重点详细的介绍。 展开更多
关键词 地理信息系统:空间数据库 数据 城市规划
《河南省人民政府公报》 2002年第11期12-13,共2页
关键词 河南 基础测绘 空间信息基础设施 地理空间信息技术 数字技术 基础地理信息系统空间数据库
中国农田的温室气体排放 被引量:181
作者 李长生 肖向明 +11 位作者 S.Frolking B.Moore Ⅲ W.Salas 邱建军 张宇 庄亚辉 王效科 戴昭华 刘纪远 秦小光 廖柏寒 R.Sass 《第四纪研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期493-503,共11页
中国是一个农业大国 ,拥有约 1 .33百万平方公里的农田。这些田地的种植、翻耕、施肥、灌溉等管理措施不仅长期改变着农田生态系统中的化学元素循环 ,而且给全球气候变化带来影响。农业生态系统对全球变化的影响主要是通过改变 3种温室... 中国是一个农业大国 ,拥有约 1 .33百万平方公里的农田。这些田地的种植、翻耕、施肥、灌溉等管理措施不仅长期改变着农田生态系统中的化学元素循环 ,而且给全球气候变化带来影响。农业生态系统对全球变化的影响主要是通过改变 3种温室气体 ,即二氧化碳(CO2 )、甲烷 (CH4)和氧化亚氮 (N2 O)在土壤 -大气界面的交换而实现的。为了分析多种因素(如气候、土壤质地、农作物品种及各种农田经营管理措施等 )对农业土壤释放CO2 ,CH4和N2 O的综合影响 ,一个生物地球化学过程模型 (DNDC)近年发展起来 ,用于预测这一复杂系统的动态。DNDC模型可对农业生态系统中的碳 (C)、氮 (N)循环进行计算机模拟 ,并计算农田温室气体的释放量。通过与一个地理信息系统数据库的连接 ,DNDC完成了对中国农田 1 990年温室气体排放的估算。结果表明中国农业生态系统的CO2 净排放量约 95百万吨C/年、CH4约 9.2百万吨C/年、N2 O约 1 .3百万吨N/年。根据全球增温潜势 (GWP)计算 ,中国农田释放的N2 O对全球增温的影响高于CO2 和CH4。模拟结果还发现中国农业对减缓全球温室效应的最大贡献发生在 1 980~ 2 0 0 0年间 ,在这 2 0年中 ,全国水稻田的灌溉方法由持续淹灌逐渐改为晒田间灌 ,DNDC计算的中国农田CH4的年排放量由 1 980年的 1 2百? 展开更多
关键词 中国农业 农田 温室气体 生物地球化学 DNDC 地理信息系统数据库
作者 吴珍英 《兰台世界(上旬)》 北大核心 2001年第8期7-8,共2页
关键词 数字地球 城市建设 城建档案工作 地理信息系统数据库 档案管理人才 培养
试论生态环境建设中的“数字林业” 被引量:1
作者 李云平 《山西林业》 2002年第6期25-26,共2页
关键词 数字林业 计算机 林业专业 森林防火管理 数据库 数据库系统 基础地理信息数据库系统
Landslide Susceptibility Assessment of the Youfang Catchment using Logistic Regression 被引量:6
作者 BAI Shi-biao LU Ping WANG Jian 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第4期816-827,共12页
A detailed landslide susceptibility map was produced in the Youfang catchment using logistic regression method with datasets developed for a geographic information system(GIS).Known as one of the most landslide-prone ... A detailed landslide susceptibility map was produced in the Youfang catchment using logistic regression method with datasets developed for a geographic information system(GIS).Known as one of the most landslide-prone areas in China, the Youfang catchment of Longnan mountain region,which lies in the transitional area among QinghaiTibet Plateau, loess Plateau and Sichuan Basin, was selected as a representative case to evaluate the frequency and distribution of landslides.Statistical relationships for landslide susceptibility assessment were developed using landslide and landslide causative factor databases.Logistic regression(LR)was used to create the landslide susceptibility maps based on a series of available data sources: landslide inventory; distance to drainage systems, faults and roads; slope angle and aspect; topographic elevation and topographical wetness index, and land use.The quality of the landslide susceptibility map produced in this paper was validated and the result can be used fordesigning protective and mitigation measures against landslide hazards.The landslide susceptibility map is expected to provide a fundamental tool for landslide hazards assessment and risk management in the Youfang catchment. 展开更多
关键词 LANDSLIDE Susceptibility map Logistic regression Geographic Information System(GIS) Youfang catchment
作者 YAN Hao-wen LI Zhi-lin AI Ting-hua 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第2期165-170,共6页
With the construction of spatial data infi'astructure, automated topographic map generalization becomes an indispensable component in the community of cartography and geographic information science. This paper descri... With the construction of spatial data infi'astructure, automated topographic map generalization becomes an indispensable component in the community of cartography and geographic information science. This paper describes a topographic map generalization system recently developed by the authors. The system has the following characteristics: 1) taking advantage of three levels of automation, i.e. fully automated generalization, batch generalization, and interactive generalization, to undertake two types of processes, i.e. intelligent inference process and repetitive operation process in generalization; 2) making use of two kinds of sources for generalizing rule library, i.e. written specifications and cartographers' experiences, to define a six-element structure to describe the rules; 3) employing a hierarchical structure for map databases, logically and physically; 4) employing a grid indexing technique and undo/redo operation to improve database retrieval and object generalization efficiency. Two examples of topographic map generalization are given to demonstrate the system. It reveals that the system works well. In fact, this system has been used for a number of projects and it has been found that a great improvement in efficiency compared with traditional map general- ization process can be achieved. 展开更多
关键词 map generalization system map database rule library topographic map
Event-based incremental updating of spatio-temporal database 被引量:10
作者 周晓光 陈军 +2 位作者 蒋捷 朱建军 李志林 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 2004年第2期192-198,共7页
Based on the relationship among the geographic events, spatial changes and the database operations, a new automatic (semi-automatic) incremental updating approach of spatio-temporal database (STDB) named as (event-bas... Based on the relationship among the geographic events, spatial changes and the database operations, a new automatic (semi-automatic) incremental updating approach of spatio-temporal database (STDB) named as (event-based) incremental updating (E-BIU) is proposed in this paper. At first, the relationship among the events, spatial changes and the database operations is analyzed, then a total architecture of E-BIU implementation is designed, which includes an event queue, three managers and two sets of rules, each component is presented in detail. The process of the E-BIU of master STDB is described successively. An example of building’s incremental updating is given to illustrate this approach at the end. The result shows that E-BIU is an efficient automatic updating approach for master STDB. 展开更多
关键词 incremental updating geographic event spatial change database operation MANAGER
The Development of a Geographic Information System(GIS) Database for Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve and Its Application 被引量:3
作者 DI Bao-feng ZHANG Kai-shan +2 位作者 TANG Ya ZHANG Ming-hua Susan L.USTIN 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第3期398-409,共12页
The objective of this paper is to develop a GIS(Geographic Information System) database for Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve(Jiuzhaigou,hereafter) in China and demonstrate its application as a research tool.A cost-e... The objective of this paper is to develop a GIS(Geographic Information System) database for Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve(Jiuzhaigou,hereafter) in China and demonstrate its application as a research tool.A cost-effective procedure was developed to compile a variety of geographical and biological data of the study area in terms of popular GIS format such as shape files.These files were further calibrated and validated using field surveys data.The developed GIS database was used to quantify the distributions of the wildlife(amphibians,mammals,and birds) using the distances of the wildlife to the centerline of the bus-tour routes.The Pearson correlation coefficient was used to quantify the correlation in space between pairs of different wildlife using the number of habitats for given space contexts.An ArcObject-based macro was developed to perform the analysis.The results showed the majority of the habitats of wildlife are located in the proximity of the tour-bus routes with an average distance ranging from 564 to 894 m depending on types of wildlife.This indicates a possibility of the disturbance to the wildlife by human activities.The correlation coefficient of the wildlife ranged from 0.36 to 0.64 depending on pairs of wildlife,indicating some correlations in space.However,due to the limited sample size,the statistical significances need to be further investigated.This paper has successfully demonstrated the use of the GIS-based database as a research tool for environmental study. 展开更多
关键词 Geographic Information System (GIS) DATABASE Remote sensing WILDLIFE CorrelationCoefficient Jiuzhaigou
历史建筑测绘在北京古建筑保护中的应用 被引量:1
作者 乔琳茹 《北京测绘》 2022年第11期1587-1593,共7页
北京的历史文化资源丰富,建筑特点鲜明、建筑种类多。本文基于第一批历史建筑建档测绘成果,结合建成市级历史建筑数据库并与住建部联网。明确了保护范围和利用重点要素,提高了北京市历史建筑与文化街区的管理的规范化程度,为申报单位在... 北京的历史文化资源丰富,建筑特点鲜明、建筑种类多。本文基于第一批历史建筑建档测绘成果,结合建成市级历史建筑数据库并与住建部联网。明确了保护范围和利用重点要素,提高了北京市历史建筑与文化街区的管理的规范化程度,为申报单位在历史建筑的保护、规划和管理等方面起到了良好的作用。 展开更多
关键词 历史建筑 建筑平面图 地理信息系统(GIS)数据库 建筑保护 基础测绘
IMHD-ST: an Algorithm for 3-Dimensional Spatial-Temporal Trajectory Matching 被引量:1
作者 Shao Fei Gu Junzhong 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第6期128-140,共13页
With the development of mobile technology, Internet and GIS, LBS plays an important role in various applications. From the perspective of LBS, it is one of the main tasks of matching 3-dimensional spatial-temporal tra... With the development of mobile technology, Internet and GIS, LBS plays an important role in various applications. From the perspective of LBS, it is one of the main tasks of matching 3-dimensional spatial-temporal trajectories. We present an interpoiation based Modified Hausdorff Distance algorithm for 3-dimensional spatial-temporal Trajectory Matching (IMHD-ST). It adopts interpolation algorithm to shield the impact to the distance between trajectories due to different position updating porices, sampling granularity, initial position and so on in Moving Object Database (MOD). Besides, it uses MHD to deal with the implicit spatial information and structural information of weighted position updating points in various trajectories and reflects the discrepancy of moving results through the spatial distance between trajectories. In addition, it adopts temporal distance corresponding to the spatial distance between trajectories to reflect the differences including direction, speed and so on during moving process. The experimental results show that the algorithrn can reflect the trajectory similarity between 3-dimensional mobile objects more correctly, accurately and robustly. 展开更多
关键词 Hausdorff distance moving object TRAJECTORY SIMILARITY
Spatial Land Evaluation for Oil Palm Cultivation Using GIS (Geographic Information System) 被引量:1
作者 Adzemi Mat Arshad Abdullah Md. Zain Mustika Edi Armanto 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2013年第3期177-182,共6页
The objective of the study was to establish spatial land evaluation for oil palm cultivation using GIS (geographic information system). The study area is situated in the KESEDAR region in the state of Kelantan, Mala... The objective of the study was to establish spatial land evaluation for oil palm cultivation using GIS (geographic information system). The study area is situated in the KESEDAR region in the state of Kelantan, Malaysia. The evaluation of the land in terms of the suitability classes were based on the method of FAO (Food and Agriculture Oganization of the United Nations). Five land qualities are important for determining the physical land suitability for oil palm; these are nutrient availability, oxygen availability, water availability, workability and availability of foothold for roots. Each of the above mentioned land qualities with associated attribute data were digitally encoded in a GIS database to create thermatic layers. Overlay operation on the layer produced resultant polygonal layer each of which is a land unit with characteristics of the land. The results from GIS overlay analyses showed that Bungor, Chat, Chempaka, Alluvium, Musang and Tok Yong series are highly suitable while Kawang series is moderately suitable for oil palm cultivation. The same results were obtained by using parametric-limitation method. 展开更多
关键词 Land evaluation oil palm GIS.
GIS island Knowledge: Documenting and Managing Catania's Historic Urban Heritage
作者 Mariateresa Galizia Cettina Santagati 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第8期1014-1020,共7页
The present study shows the results of a research aimed at the knowledge of the significant features of Catania's urban environment. The complexity of the different features of the city, the several scales of represe... The present study shows the results of a research aimed at the knowledge of the significant features of Catania's urban environment. The complexity of the different features of the city, the several scales of representation, the multi-dimensional objects and the historical, anthropic, formal relations have produced different kinds of information requiring a flexible instrument that is able to transcribe images, charts, texts and symbols in a single model of representation. In the perspective of creating a fundamental cognitive framework, the research team paid attention at drawing up a GIS (Geographic Information System) for documenting and managing historic urban heritage. The idea is to have a structure able to collect data like a logic archival system or an open database, which can immediately be consulted and constantly implemented. Indeed, the aim of this GIS is to organize, manage, query and visualise the peculiar aspects which characterize Catania's architectures. Thanks to multi-directional "access-windows" it is possible to navigate through its contents (texts, drawings, 3D rendering, pictures, historical documents). The system will also allow the integration of several documents in a common geo-database up to visualise the most meaningful details. Its use could assure suitable proposals of urban transformations and coherent plans in using and/or managing heritage goods for a sustainable city development. 展开更多
关键词 Urban and architectural heritage GIS SAFEGUARD knowledge.
《测绘科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期212-216,共5页
关键词 GIS 空间数据库 基础地理信息数据库系统 测绘科学 线状要素 地图符号 导航电子地图 目次
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