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作者 牛力 《高等学校文科学术文摘》 2024年第2期150-151,共2页
竺可桢被公认为“我国近代地理学和气象学的奠基者”,是推动我国大学地理学学科建制的关键人物。1921年,他在东南大学创设了中国第一个地学系,创建了统合地理学和地质学于一系的学科模式,培养了中国最早的一批地理学人才。1929年前后,... 竺可桢被公认为“我国近代地理学和气象学的奠基者”,是推动我国大学地理学学科建制的关键人物。1921年,他在东南大学创设了中国第一个地学系,创建了统合地理学和地质学于一系的学科模式,培养了中国最早的一批地理学人才。1929年前后,在竺可桢及其弟子的推动下,中央大学地理门独立成系,地理学与地质学分道扬镶。民国时期的中央大学,以其地理学教育的精英模式,成为中国培养地理学者的重要学术机构。 展开更多
关键词 学科建制 近代地理学 学术机构 中央大学 地理学系 地理学 精英模式 气象学
科属的地理分布式样与其起源的关系──以广东和中国兰科的分布为例 被引量:2
作者 周云龙 廖文波 张宏达 《中山大学学报论丛》 1995年第1期8-14,共7页
以世界广布的兰科植物为例.它在广东和中国的分布是非常复杂和有趣的.在中国169属当中.世界广布占2.95%.泛热带分布占4.73%.热带美洲和热带亚洲间断分布占0.6%.旧大陆热带分布6.5%.热带亚洲至热带大洋洲分布9.46%,热... 以世界广布的兰科植物为例.它在广东和中国的分布是非常复杂和有趣的.在中国169属当中.世界广布占2.95%.泛热带分布占4.73%.热带美洲和热带亚洲间断分布占0.6%.旧大陆热带分布6.5%.热带亚洲至热带大洋洲分布9.46%,热带亚洲至热带非洲分布2.95%.热带亚洲(印度-马来西亚)分布38.46%,北温带分布7.69%.东亚和北美间断分布2.36%.旧大陆温带分布1.18%,温带亚洲分布、地中海分布和中亚分布不存在,东亚分布14.79%.中国特有8.28%.但进一步的分析表明兰科的原始分布中心主要在东亚热带至亚热带地区.即主要是在华夏植物区系发生和发展起来的. 展开更多
关键词 科属区地理学 地理成分 分布区类型 起源 兰科 广东 中国
中山大学地理科学与规划学院 被引量:1
《地理学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第1期i001-i001,共1页
关键词 中山大学 地理学系 师资力量 学科体 机构设置
《地理学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第11期1218-1229,共12页
关键词 学院 地理科学 地理学 地理学系 学报 连续出版物 英文版 中国地理 机构名录
作者 司徒尚纪 《岭南文史》 1992年第1期29-33,共5页
近代地理学传入我国以后,涌现了一批成就卓著的地理学家,中山大学地理学系吴尚时教授(1904—1947年)即为其中一位佼佼者。他对华南地理研究,可谓筚路蓝缕,披荆斩棘,硕果累累,当之无愧为近代地理学在华南的开山大师;他献身科学,坚持在实... 近代地理学传入我国以后,涌现了一批成就卓著的地理学家,中山大学地理学系吴尚时教授(1904—1947年)即为其中一位佼佼者。他对华南地理研究,可谓筚路蓝缕,披荆斩棘,硕果累累,当之无愧为近代地理学在华南的开山大师;他献身科学,坚持在实践中探索真理的精神令人感动;他不慕虚荣,鄙视权贵,对科学和教育事业忠贞不渝的情操堪为旧中国知识分子的典范。先生壮年病逝,是我国地理学界的重大损失。但他的成就和为人,却使后来者时常感到他的存在,至今仍在激励着人们沿着他开创的科学道路拼搏前进。 展开更多
关键词 近代地理学 地理学系 区域地理 地理学 侵蚀面 地理科学 葛德石 自然地理学 吴尚 地理研究
Molecular Phylogeny and Phylogeography of Suidae 被引量:1
作者 吴桂生 庞峻峰 张亚平 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期197-201,共5页
Although the Suidae animals were one of the most prosperous mammals, their taxa and phylogeny were poorly studied. To bridge this research gap, the complete mitochondrial DNA cyt b sequences (1140 bp)of one red rive... Although the Suidae animals were one of the most prosperous mammals, their taxa and phylogeny were poorly studied. To bridge this research gap, the complete mitochondrial DNA cyt b sequences (1140 bp)of one red river pig ( Potamochoerus porcus ), one bearded pig ( Sus barbatus ), and several Eurasian wild boars ( Sus scorfa ) were determined with direct PCR sequencing method. Incorporated with the sequences of other Suidae species obtained from GenBank, the phylogentic trees of Suidae species were constructed by Neighbor-Joining and Most Parsimony method. Our resuits showed that the babirousa was sister group of all other species. The African species clustered into a single clade, while the Eurasian species formed the other clade. The phylogenetic positions of the Sus species were consistent with their geographical distribution. Based on our phylogeographical results, the Sus species could be classified into three groups: (1) the relatively primitive animals from Philippine Islands (such as S. cebifrons and S. philippensis ), Sulawesi and it's adjacent islands (S. celebensis), (2) the Eurasian wild boars (S. scrofa and the mysterious S. salvanius), and (3) other pigs (such as S. barbatus and S. verrucosus), which might further diverged as the islands type (such as S. barbatus from Sumatra and Borneo) and the continental type (such as Malay Peninsula wild boar). 展开更多
作者 徐象平 《西北大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第4期492-492,共1页
关键词 可持续发展 曹明明 教授 学术成果 自然地理学 资源评价 资源开发 西北大学 地理学系
作者 那仲良 普拉西多·冈萨雷斯·马丁内斯 顾心怡(译) 《建筑遗产》 2020年第1期124-128,共5页
引言那仲良(Ronald G.Knapp)教授多年来致力于中国研究,是美国在中国建筑知识领域的权威专家.他早年先后在史丹森大学(Stetson University)和匹兹堡大学(the University of Pittsburgh)学习地理学和历史学,之后通过令人瞩目的学术成果... 引言那仲良(Ronald G.Knapp)教授多年来致力于中国研究,是美国在中国建筑知识领域的权威专家.他早年先后在史丹森大学(Stetson University)和匹兹堡大学(the University of Pittsburgh)学习地理学和历史学,之后通过令人瞩目的学术成果推进了西方对中国乡土建筑的了解,其中最重要的是他的开拓性研究著作《中国传统乡村建筑:普通住宅的文化地理研究》(China's Traditional Rural Architecture:A Cultural Geography of the Common House,1986年),这是第一本向西方读者介绍中国乡土建筑的英文书.那仲良教授1968—2001年期间任教于约州立大学新帕尔兹分校(State University of New York,New Paltz)的地理学系,1995—2001年间担任系主任职务,同时也是亚洲研究项目的成员.现为纽约州立大学杰出荣休教授.他至今保持着对中国的浓厚兴趣和为加强中美文化交流贡献力量的热情. 展开更多
关键词 中美文化交流 纽约州立大学 匹兹堡大学 乡土建筑 开拓性研究 地理学系
《东南亚南亚研究》 1992年第2期6-6,共1页
1992年1月23日,澳大利亚国立大学地理学系高级讲师泰德·查普曼博士和悉尼大学人类学系高级讲师、澳大利亚国家人类学杂志主编彼德·辛顿博士访问了我所。澳大利亚客人是为了开展一项研究工作而来中国的。他们与陈吕范所长等人... 1992年1月23日,澳大利亚国立大学地理学系高级讲师泰德·查普曼博士和悉尼大学人类学系高级讲师、澳大利亚国家人类学杂志主编彼德·辛顿博士访问了我所。澳大利亚客人是为了开展一项研究工作而来中国的。他们与陈吕范所长等人就云南省的经济社会发展、边境贸易等情况交换了意见。 展开更多
关键词 地理学系 吕范 悉尼大学 边境贸易 历史教授 研究工作 圣达 赖特 美国俄亥俄州 副所长
牵手共赢 绿色发展——专访韩国驻华大使柳佑益
作者 桂振华 仇颖 刘佳航 《中国绿色画报》 2010年第8期27-31,26,共6页
他,韩国国内公认的李明博总统最信任的政策顾问之一;他,曾受聘担任韩国总统咨询21世纪委员会委员、韩国总统咨询政策企划委员会干事委员、韩国总统室室长;他,2004年以来,一直担任国际地理学联合会(IGU)副会长、秘书长;他,曾在美国Berke... 他,韩国国内公认的李明博总统最信任的政策顾问之一;他,曾受聘担任韩国总统咨询21世纪委员会委员、韩国总统咨询政策企划委员会干事委员、韩国总统室室长;他,2004年以来,一直担任国际地理学联合会(IGU)副会长、秘书长;他,曾在美国Berkeley大学和巴黎Sorbonne大学担任聘请教授和客座教授;他,长期担任韩国首尔大学地理学系教授、首尔大学社会科学大学副院长、首尔大学教务处长,是国际著名人文地理学家;他,是曾与中国明朝进行外交交涉的大学者柳成龙的后代;他,中国红十字会荣誉会员,始终密切关注中国的公益慈善事业;他,就是韩国新任驻华大使柳佑益先生。他花了一辈子的努力在研究如何处理好环境和开发之间的关系,为改善人类的生活方式和生存环境一直努力着。 展开更多
关键词 驻华大使 地理学系 首尔大学 人文地理学 公益慈善事业 绿色增长 绿色发展 荣誉会员 政策顾问 Be
锲而不舍 锐意进取——记侯仁之教授的治学清神
作者 尹钧科 韩光辉 《历史地理》 1992年第1期1-11,共11页
关键词 中国科学院学部 侯仁之 知识分子家庭 历史地理学 地理学系 武城县 锲而不舍 枣强县
作者 MICHAELGallagher NIUHui-en +3 位作者 LUOPing DUQing-yun HESu-fang LISen 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2002年第4期359-365,共7页
This paper presents a development o f the extended Cellular Automata9CA),based on relational databases(RDB),to model dynamic interactions amon g spatial objects.The integration o f Geographical Information System(GIS)... This paper presents a development o f the extended Cellular Automata9CA),based on relational databases(RDB),to model dynamic interactions amon g spatial objects.The integration o f Geographical Information System(GIS)and CA has the great advantage of simu lationg geographical processes.But standard CA has some restrictions i n cellular shape and neighbourhood and neighbour rules,which restrict the CA’ s ability to simulate complex,real world environ-ments.This paper discusses a cell’ s spatialrelationbasedonthe spatialobject’ s geometricalandmon -geometricalc haracter-istics,and extends the cell’ s neighbour definition,and considers that the cell’ s neighbour lies in the forms of not on ly spa-tial adjacency but also attribute co rrelation.This paper then puts forw ard that spatial relations between t wo different cells can be divided into three types,including spatial adjacency,neighbour hood and complicated separation.Ba sed on tradition-al ideas,it is impossible to settle CA’ s restrictions completely.RDB -based CA is an academic experiment,in which some fields ard desighed to describe the essential information needed to define and select a cell’ s neighbour.The culture innovation diffusion system has mul tiple forms of space diffusion and in herited characteristics that the RD B -based CA is capable of simulating more effectiv ely.Finally this paper details a successful case study on the diffusion o f fashion wear trends.Compared to the original CA,the RDB -based CA is a more natural and efficient representation of human k nowl-edge over space,and is an effective t ol in simulation complex systems that have multiple forms of spatial diff usion. 展开更多
关键词 spatial relationship ce llular automata relational database culture diffusion spatio -temp oral simulation
An Approach to Computer Modeling of Geological Faults in 3D and an Application 被引量:10
作者 ZHU Liang-feng HE Zheng PAN Xin WU Xin-cai 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 2006年第4期461-465,共5页
3D geological modeling, one of the most important applications in geosciences of 3D GIS, forms the basis and is a prerequisite for visualized representation and analysis of 3D geological data. Computer modeling of geo... 3D geological modeling, one of the most important applications in geosciences of 3D GIS, forms the basis and is a prerequisite for visualized representation and analysis of 3D geological data. Computer modeling of geological faults in 3D is currently a topical research area. Structural modeling techniques of complex geological entities contain- ing reverse faults are discussed and a series of approaches are proposed. The geological concepts involved in computer modeling and visualization of geological fault in 3D are explained, the type of data of geological faults based on geo- logical exploration is analyzed, and a normative database format for geological faults is designed. Two kinds of model- ing approaches for faults are compared: a modeling technique of faults based on stratum recovery and a modeling tech- nique of faults based on interpolation in subareas. A novel approach, called the Unified Modeling Technique for stratum and fault, is presented to solve the puzzling problems of reverse faults, syn-sedimentary faults and faults terminated within geological models. A case study of a fault model of bed rock in the Beijing Olympic Green District is presented in order to show the practical result of this method. The principle and the process of computer modeling of geological faults in 3D are discussed and a series of applied technical proposals established. It strengthens our profound compre- hension of geological phenomena and the modeling approach, and establishes the basic techniques of 3D geological modeling for practical applications in the field of geosciences. 展开更多
关键词 3D geological modeling geological faults STRATUM fault data visualization Beijing Olympic Green District
Phylogeography of Batrachospermum arcuatum in North China based on ITS sequence data 被引量:1
作者 吉莉 谢树莲 +1 位作者 陈乐 冯佳 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第2期372-376,共5页
Batrachospermum arcuatum Kylin is typically dioecious,although some monoecious specimens have been collected from four locations in North China.In this study,B.arcuatum populations,including monoecious and dioecious t... Batrachospermum arcuatum Kylin is typically dioecious,although some monoecious specimens have been collected from four locations in North China.In this study,B.arcuatum populations,including monoecious and dioecious thalli,were collected from seven stream segments.The nuclear DNA internal transcribed spacer(ITS)region was sequenced for the seven populations,and a phylogenetic tree was constructed using Bayesian inference to assess intraspecifi c relationships.A haplotype network was also created.The ITS region in B.arcuatum from North China comprised 822–853 bp,with 10 haplotypes detected from the seven locations.The results of this study support the inclusion of monoecious individuals in the species B.arcuatum. 展开更多
关键词 Batrachospermum arcuatum nrDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) IDENTIFICATION PHYLOGENY
Urban Green Space, Uneven Development and Accessibility: A Case of Dalian′s Xigang District 被引量:3
作者 YANG Jun LI Chuang +3 位作者 LI Yuechen XI Jianhao GE Quansheng LI Xueming 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第5期644-656,共13页
This study examines the socio-spatial context of uneven development and the residential accessibility of green space in Dalian of Liaoning Province, China. The social fairness was analyzed with a community scale as th... This study examines the socio-spatial context of uneven development and the residential accessibility of green space in Dalian of Liaoning Province, China. The social fairness was analyzed with a community scale as the basis. We combined social scientific methods with a GIS method using a behavior accessibility model from the perspectives of fairness of urban green space allocation based on social geography, geographic information science, management science and many other related discipline theories. The results show that: 1) Most of the urban green space distribution presents an unbalanced phenomenon, and it does not match with the population distribution; 2) We found some differences in the accessibility of the population with different attributes and opportunities to use and enjoy the urban green spaces, mainly due to: the dual social and spatial attributes of the residents and the serious stratum differentiation generated were the internal causes; the residential space differentiation and the pursuit of economic and real estate development were the direct causes; and unreasonable planning, in regard to the fact that government policies did not give consideration to efficiency and fairness, was also an important factor. 展开更多
关键词 behavior accessibility fairness of green space behavior accessibility model Xigang District of Dalian GIS
A RBF classification method of remote sensing image based on genetic algorithm 被引量:1
作者 万鲁河 张思冲 +1 位作者 刘万宇 臧淑英 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2006年第6期711-714,共4页
The remote sensing image classification has stimulated considerable interest as an effective method for better retrieving information from the rapidly increasing large volume, complex and distributed satellite remote ... The remote sensing image classification has stimulated considerable interest as an effective method for better retrieving information from the rapidly increasing large volume, complex and distributed satellite remote imaging data of large scale and cross-time, due to the increase of remote image quantities and image resolutions. In the paper, the genetic algorithms were employed to solve the weighting of the radial basis faction networks in order to improve the precision of remote sensing image classification. The remote sensing image classification was also introduced for the GIS spatial analysis and the spatial online analytical processing (OLAP), and the resulted effectiveness was demonstrated in the analysis of land utilization variation of Daqing city. 展开更多
关键词 genetic algorithm radial basis function networks remote sensing image classification spatial online analytical processing GIS
Entropy Error Model of Planar Geometry Features in GIS 被引量:1
作者 LI Dajun GUAN Yunlan GONG Jianya DU Daosheng LI Dajun,Ph.D candidate, National Laboratory for Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing, Wuhan University,129 Luoyu Road, Wuhan 430079,China. 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2003年第2期20-24,共5页
Positional error of line segments is usually described by using "g-band", however, its band width is in relation to the confidence level choice. In fact, given different confidence levels, a series of concen... Positional error of line segments is usually described by using "g-band", however, its band width is in relation to the confidence level choice. In fact, given different confidence levels, a series of concentric bands can be obtained. To overcome the effect of confidence level on the error indicator, by introducing the union entropy theory, we propose an entropy error ellipse index of point, then extend it to line segment and polygon, and establish an entropy error band of line segment and an entropy error donut of polygon. The research shows that the entropy error index can be determined uniquely and is not influenced by confidence level, and that they are suitable for positional uncertainty of planar geometry features. 展开更多
关键词 union entropy entropy error ellipse entropy error band entropy error donut
Research on the Best Routing Algorithm of Terminal Distribution Based on the Random Factor of Road Hustling Degree 被引量:1
作者 陈子侠 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2007年第3期416-420,426,共6页
Dijkstra algorithm is a basic algorithm to analyze the vehicle routing problem (VRP) in the terminal distribution of logistics center. According to the actual client demands of service speed and quality, the conceptio... Dijkstra algorithm is a basic algorithm to analyze the vehicle routing problem (VRP) in the terminal distribution of logistics center. According to the actual client demands of service speed and quality, the conceptions of economical distance of delivery and the best routing algorithm were given on the base of the Dijkstra algorithm with consideration of a coefficient of the road hustle degree. Economical distance of delivery is the shortest physical distance between two customers. It is the value of goods delivery in shortest distance when concerning factors such as the road length, the hustle degree, the driveway quantity, and the type of the road. The improved algorithm is being used in the development and application of a distribution path information system in the terminal distribution of logistics center. The simulation and practical case prove that the algorithm is effective and reasonable. 展开更多
关键词 logistics and distribution system best routing algorithm road hustling degree geography informationsystem (GIS)
作者 BELEJMiroslaw ZROBEKSabina LIANGLiu-ke 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2002年第4期366-372,共7页
The conception of an efficient cadastral system is an important element in the development of each coun-try.It is crucial for the efficient operation of the real estate market-the security and liberty of making tr ans... The conception of an efficient cadastral system is an important element in the development of each coun-try.It is crucial for the efficient operation of the real estate market-the security and liberty of making tr ansactions,register-ing a property,planning operations,the introduction of an ad valorem tax on property and more rational use of space.In Europe there are different types of c adastral systems,because the count ries in Europe have different cultur al back-grounds,different economical and s ocial backgrounds.Through the cent uries,many types of cadastral syste ms evolved and their differences often depend u pon local cultural heritage,physic al geography,land use,technology,etc.Compara-tive analyses of cadastral systems h ave been the subjects of many publica tions and studies in world literatur e.It was as-sessed that the useful tools in conducting comparative analyses of vario us cadastral systems include the pro cedures of statisti-cal inference.This paper presents t he results of a project to compare the performance of ten cadastral system s international-ly by creating appropriate integrated indicators of a cadastral system u sing statistical technique.Such in dicators will make it possible to compare differen t cadastral systems and present them hierarchically in relation to their quality,struc-ture,as well as legal,organization al and technological solutions.Fro m a good number of methods available,techniques originating from two spheres of statistic inference were selected:distribution free methods and multivariate analysis meth-ods.For analyses with the distribut ion free methods,FRIEDMAN’s test(FRIENDMAN’s non-parametric varian ce analy-sis)as well as KENDALL’s test(KENDALL’s compatibility ratio)were selected.For analyses with the multivariate analy-sis methods,factor analysis was selected. 展开更多
关键词 cadastral system comparative analyses statistical techniques INDICATORS PROPERTY
Phylogeography and Characteristics of Phosphorus Efficiency of Secondary Core Collection for Rice Landraces in Yunnan Province 被引量:3
作者 ZENG Ya-wen DU Juan +5 位作者 PU Xiao-ying YANG Shu-ming YANG Tao WEI Ming-liang ZHANG Hao ZHOU Guo-hua 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第4期592-596,共5页
[Objective] The paper was to explore the causes of phosphorus(P)efficiency of rice in Yunnan Province,and to provide strategy for ecological and environmental protection.[Method]Using 703 accessions of secondary core ... [Objective] The paper was to explore the causes of phosphorus(P)efficiency of rice in Yunnan Province,and to provide strategy for ecological and environmental protection.[Method]Using 703 accessions of secondary core collections from 16 prefectures of five regions in Yunnan Province,two treatments of low available P(6.26mg/kg)versus normal P(available P 40mg/kg),and invalid P(available P 0.02 mg/kg)versus normal P(available P 70 mg/kg)were set,and zonal characteristics of phosphorus efficiency and the activation characteristics of invalid P of rice landraces were investigated.[Result] Phosphorus efficiency and the activation characteristics of invalid P in soils from rice landraces of Yunnan Province had the similar identification indexes,viz.the relative indexes of four traits(tillering ability or effective panicle,root weight,biomass,and straw weight)could be the screening indexes of gene type of secondary core collection with phosphorus efficiency,which also reflected the zonal characteristics of phosphorus efficiency and the activation characteristics of invalid P in soils of 16 prefectures among five regions.On the contrary,the relative panicle length,node length under panicle,leaf length,leaf width and plant height could only be the assistant indexes of identification for phosphorus efficiency.There were similar zonal characteristics between phosphorus efficiency and the activation characteristics of invalid P in soils of rice landraces in Yunnan Province.[Conclusion] The study had great importance to the conservation and utilization of biological diversity,which would make contribution to second green revolution of "less input,multiple output,promote health,and protect the environment". 展开更多
关键词 Phosphorus efficiency PHYLOGEOGRAPHY CHARACTERISTICS Secondary core collection Rice landraces
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