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司法地缘化对独立行使审判权之影响——行政诉讼价值取向应实现与行政审判体制改革相契合的法治效果 被引量:1
作者 孙山 易利娟 《天津法学》 2013年第4期5-12,共8页
当下,受地缘化影响司法依然存在有法不依、执法不严、违法不究现象,并成为实现公正特别是行政诉讼公平正义的主要障碍。司法不能独立导致的后果是以行政意志为中心的立案难、审理难、求正难、执行难。实践证明,解决"四难"只... 当下,受地缘化影响司法依然存在有法不依、执法不严、违法不究现象,并成为实现公正特别是行政诉讼公平正义的主要障碍。司法不能独立导致的后果是以行政意志为中心的立案难、审理难、求正难、执行难。实践证明,解决"四难"只靠修改行政诉讼法本身无法达到法治预期,还须启动与之相适应的司法体制改革抑或行政审判制度改革。因为,"四难"现象虽发生在法院内部但其症结却植根于权力外部,表现在体制结构的外部环境长期得不到有效地治理和改善的结果。权力可以使法律荡然无存,并形成凌驾于法律之上的法外特权,故此,中国法治建设的重心应当从立法向执法监督的制度构建上移转。 展开更多
关键词 司法地缘化 行政审判 诉讼价值 审判独立 错案追究
作者 陈倩 《社会科学辑刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第4期165-171,共7页
随着世界近代体系的形成,西方学界普遍兴起运用民族国家等概念和地方性经验来分析社会构成和历史发展特色。尤其20世纪60年代以来,美国汉学界提出了"中国中心观",反对以往的"欧洲中心论",尝试进入中国的细部,从而... 随着世界近代体系的形成,西方学界普遍兴起运用民族国家等概念和地方性经验来分析社会构成和历史发展特色。尤其20世纪60年代以来,美国汉学界提出了"中国中心观",反对以往的"欧洲中心论",尝试进入中国的细部,从而使区域史、地方史研究开始流行。从比较文化的视角来看,普世性原则与文化相对论一直是纠缠不清的两极,而海外汉学始终不得不在这两极间寻求危险的平衡,毕竟西方的理论框架进入中国研究中既有它可资借鉴之处,又可能会产生隔靴搔痒、挂一漏万的尴尬。"学术地缘化研究"现象在思想文化研究中的利弊得失,清晰地展现了中国研究的复杂性并促使我们对引进海外汉学成果时的态度进行深刻反思。 展开更多
关键词 区域研究 地方史 地缘化 美国汉学 中国中心观
作者 陈倩 《湖北社会科学》 2007年第6期124-126,共3页
关键词 地方史 区域史 地缘化 美国汉学
地缘化景观的演变和意义 被引量:1
作者 苏肖更 《中国园林》 北大核心 2009年第1期46-48,共3页
地理学意义上的景观,毫无疑问和地缘相关。人造景观早期也带有强烈的地缘化特征。随着人类改造世界能力的提高,景观中与地域相关的难题在技术之下越来越容易解决——以满足一种主观化景观的实现。如此推论,技术进步会不会促使景观逐渐... 地理学意义上的景观,毫无疑问和地缘相关。人造景观早期也带有强烈的地缘化特征。随着人类改造世界能力的提高,景观中与地域相关的难题在技术之下越来越容易解决——以满足一种主观化景观的实现。如此推论,技术进步会不会促使景观逐渐摆脱地缘的引力?其本应有的地域特征是不是不再具有意义?异域的和新奇的是不是美的和好的?在简要总结地缘化景观各阶段特点及表现形式的基础上,廓清景观和地域的关系,鼓励实践因地制宜和真实的景观,提出:保持地域景观差异,塑造地缘化景观是全球景观多样性的基础,是对可持续原则的最佳实践。同时,对于如何在基地踏查过程中挖掘和倾听地缘化景观的语言提出了一些易于操作的建议。 展开更多
关键词 风景园林 地缘化景观 差异 多样性
温暖现实主义的美学基调、地缘叙事与民族精神表达 被引量:1
作者 韩丽娇 张琳 《电影文学》 北大核心 2024年第1期111-114,共4页
温暖现实主义作为现实主义在新时代的创作倾向,延续了现实主义本身的真实性和对矛盾批判的尖锐性,同时又表现出适合当前审美的独特话语。通过多元化的题材、化解矛盾的“中和”之道以及群像化的人物形象奠定了温暖现实主义的美学基调;... 温暖现实主义作为现实主义在新时代的创作倾向,延续了现实主义本身的真实性和对矛盾批判的尖锐性,同时又表现出适合当前审美的独特话语。通过多元化的题材、化解矛盾的“中和”之道以及群像化的人物形象奠定了温暖现实主义的美学基调;基于地缘的“在地化”叙事既呼应了大众的集体记忆,又凸显了新时代独特的空间叙事理念;中国民族精神的视觉化表达呼唤观众的身份认同和情感共鸣。以上三点构成了新时代温暖现实主义的创作倾向和美学价值。 展开更多
关键词 温暖现实主义 地缘化 记忆之场 民族精神
沿边城商行在“一带一路”战略中的地缘化发展路径 被引量:1
作者 夏蜀 《银行家》 北大核心 2017年第1期32-35,共4页
沿边城商行在“一带一路”倡议中的差异化发展机遇当前,全国城市商业银行均都存在着战略雷同的问题,沿边城商行位于中国经济发展的末梢区域,更在竞争中处于不利之隅,但国家“一带一路”倡议实施为其转型发展提供重大机遇。我国大陆沿边... 沿边城商行在“一带一路”倡议中的差异化发展机遇当前,全国城市商业银行均都存在着战略雷同的问题,沿边城商行位于中国经济发展的末梢区域,更在竞争中处于不利之隅,但国家“一带一路”倡议实施为其转型发展提供重大机遇。我国大陆沿边省区共有九个,包括黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、内蒙古、新疆、西藏、甘肃、广西、云南。 展开更多
关键词 边城 地缘化 路径 城市商业银行 中国经济发展 差异发展 转型发展 黑龙江
地缘地理学学科构建探析 被引量:8
作者 于国政 樊华 《世界地理研究》 北大核心 2009年第3期146-153,共8页
随着世界一体化、全球化及多极化的趋势加强,国际社会对地缘关系与地缘化等问题的关注愈发明显。地缘的思想已经引入政治、经济等各个领域,但是从地理学角度对地缘问题作出总体、全面的把握尚属罕见。在国内外对地缘关系问题的研究已具... 随着世界一体化、全球化及多极化的趋势加强,国际社会对地缘关系与地缘化等问题的关注愈发明显。地缘的思想已经引入政治、经济等各个领域,但是从地理学角度对地缘问题作出总体、全面的把握尚属罕见。在国内外对地缘关系问题的研究已具规模的前提下,笔者在近年对地缘学的探讨与研究的基础上,首次从地理学思想出发,提出构建研究地缘相关问题的新学科——地缘地理学。地缘地理学的构建不仅在理论上有其现实意义,而且有其重大实践价值,这一新学科对于地理学及其相关分支学科的发展将产生深远影响。本文对地缘地理学做出了初步的界定,并探讨了研究对象、研究内容、研究领域及学科框架体系等相关问题。 展开更多
关键词 地缘地理学 地缘区位 地缘 地缘化
关于建立地缘学新学科的构想 被引量:12
作者 于国政 《世界地理研究》 2005年第2期106-112,共7页
作者基于多年对中国与周边国家的地缘经济合作的研究,深入探讨了地缘关系的相关领域、机制与模式问题。首次提出了地缘学和地缘体的概念,并提出构建地缘学一级学科的思想。阐述了构建地缘学的科学依据及其基础,提出了地缘学的定义、研... 作者基于多年对中国与周边国家的地缘经济合作的研究,深入探讨了地缘关系的相关领域、机制与模式问题。首次提出了地缘学和地缘体的概念,并提出构建地缘学一级学科的思想。阐述了构建地缘学的科学依据及其基础,提出了地缘学的定义、研究对象、研究内容及其框架体系。 展开更多
关键词 地缘 地缘 地缘 地缘化
关于构建地缘学的理论探究 被引量:2
作者 于国政 《东北师大学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期111-116,共6页
 基于多年对中国与周边国家的地缘经济合作的研究,深入探讨了地缘关系的相关领域、机制与模式问题.首次提出了地缘学和地缘体的概念,并提出构建地缘学一级学科的思想.阐述了构建地缘学的科学依据及其基础,提出了地缘学的定义、研究对...  基于多年对中国与周边国家的地缘经济合作的研究,深入探讨了地缘关系的相关领域、机制与模式问题.首次提出了地缘学和地缘体的概念,并提出构建地缘学一级学科的思想.阐述了构建地缘学的科学依据及其基础,提出了地缘学的定义、研究对象、研究内容及其框架体系. 展开更多
关键词 地缘 地缘 地缘 地缘化
作者 陈倩 《南通大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第3期91-96,共6页
关键词 区域研究 地方史 地缘化 美国汉学
印度洋安全治理制度的发展变迁与重构 被引量:14
作者 刘思伟 《国际安全研究》 CSSCI 2017年第5期79-94,共16页
21世纪以来,印度洋安全治理制度进入了一个新发展阶段,在此过程中,既创建了新的制度,也有一些旧的制度被改建或者重建。例如,在海盗问题治理领域,就形成了一系列"多层次、多主体"的新制度安排。尽管这些层次不同、范围各异的... 21世纪以来,印度洋安全治理制度进入了一个新发展阶段,在此过程中,既创建了新的制度,也有一些旧的制度被改建或者重建。例如,在海盗问题治理领域,就形成了一系列"多层次、多主体"的新制度安排。尽管这些层次不同、范围各异的制度安排大多是非正式的,但新制度安排的出现在某种程度上反映了印度洋安全治理方式的演变。印度洋安全治理制度的发展变迁受到多重因素驱动,包括外部环境变迁、制度学习和不同制度间的竞争、重要的利益攸关国家对制度建设的重视与推动以及非国家行为体积极参与相关治理实践等。由于各种原因,目前制度发展依然面临诸多困境。未来,相关治理主体在制度发展与重构过程中应该继续发挥能动性,在参与治理实践过程中从观念层面和具体操作层面不断推动制度优化发展。 展开更多
关键词 印度洋安全治理 制度发展 制度重构 地缘碎片
江陵九店东周墓地分析 被引量:1
作者 尚如春 《考古与文物》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第5期84-90,共7页
江陵九店墓地是东周时期一处由多个人群(或家族)共同埋葬的公共墓地。甲组墓中多随葬磨光黑陶器不见陶鬲,墓主为春秋早中期楚势力进入以前当地土著人群,内部包含若干分支,春秋晚期以后完全楚化或为楚所灭。乙组墓中可见相同的楚文化传统... 江陵九店墓地是东周时期一处由多个人群(或家族)共同埋葬的公共墓地。甲组墓中多随葬磨光黑陶器不见陶鬲,墓主为春秋早中期楚势力进入以前当地土著人群,内部包含若干分支,春秋晚期以后完全楚化或为楚所灭。乙组墓中可见相同的楚文化传统,春秋晚期开始出现在九店墓地。根据空白地带、墓向、墓位排列方式可将其划分为若干小区。社会基层组织以血缘关系为主导,但亦呈现出地缘化趋势。此外九店墓地甲、乙组人群不同的发展脉络亦反映出东周时期楚国势力在江汉地区的兴衰变迁历程。 展开更多
关键词 九店墓地 布局 磨光黑陶器 族葬制 地缘化
Influencing Factors for Formation of Urban and Rural Spatial Structure in Metropolis Fringe Area——Taking Shuangliu County of Chengdu in China as a Case 被引量:3
作者 WANG Kaiyong GAO Xiaolu CHEN Tian 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第3期224-234,共11页
With rapid urbanization process, the pace of urban sprawl has been quickened and most metropolises have ex-perienced expansions in leaps and bounds in suburbanization, which has greatly changed the urban and rural spa... With rapid urbanization process, the pace of urban sprawl has been quickened and most metropolises have ex-perienced expansions in leaps and bounds in suburbanization, which has greatly changed the urban and rural spatial struc-ture of the metropolis fringe area. In this paper, Shuangliu County is taken as a case, since it is a typical fringe area of Chengdu Metropolis. Based on Landsat TM images of Chengdu City and Shuangliu County obtained in 1985, 2000 and 2004, characteristics of urban and rural spatial structure in Shuangliu County were analyzed, such as core-periphery spa-tial structure and some obvious integration trends. Then the influencing factors for the formation of urban and rural spatial structure were identified, including some natural, social, economic and political factors. According to the discussion of this paper, Shuangliu County is undergoing a key transition and reform period. Its formation of urban and rural spatial structure was affected not only by such common factors as the location, natural background, industrial transition, migra-tion, etc., but also by some unique factors such as city planning and policy guidance, which played an important role in accelerating its uneven spatial structure. The understanding of the role of the influencing factors would be useful for car-rying out spatial management and development planning of metropolis fringe area. 展开更多
关键词 URBANIZATION urban and rural spatial structure metropolis fi'inge area China
On the Three Themes of Heart of Darkness
作者 ZHANG Song-cun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2017年第2期116-119,共4页
Heart of Darkness is one of the masterpieces of Joseph Conrad (1857-1924), which shows the author's great humanity and his unreserved horror at the crimes committed by the colonists and imperialists all over the wo... Heart of Darkness is one of the masterpieces of Joseph Conrad (1857-1924), which shows the author's great humanity and his unreserved horror at the crimes committed by the colonists and imperialists all over the world. This thesis tries to analyze its three themes: the Colonists' material essence, the dark side of human nature, and the disillusionment of civilization. Kurtz, the main character in the novel, is characterized by his greed for material gain and power. The dark side of human nature is reflected in Kurtz's cruel behavior towards the natives, his sense of superiority to the marginalized, and his dominance in discourse over the colonial people. Along with the colonists' crazy behaviors, there is disillusion with the modem civilization. 展开更多
关键词 Heart of Darkness colonists human nature disillusionment of civilization
作者 LILin-yi LIChun-lin 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2002年第2期182-185,共4页
In this paper,spatial correlation of crop yield in the middle and west of Jilin Province is analyzed by us-ing the method of geostatistics semivariogram,taking the NDVI of NOAA/AVHRR spectrum data as the regionalized ... In this paper,spatial correlation of crop yield in the middle and west of Jilin Province is analyzed by us-ing the method of geostatistics semivariogram,taking the NDVI of NOAA/AVHRR spectrum data as the regionalized vari-able,aiming to provide theory and practical basis for field sampling of crop yield estimation using remote sensing.The ratio of nugget variance and sill of semivariograms are 21.1% and 9.7% in the west and middle regions in Jilin Province respectively.This shows that the crop yields are spatially correlated.The degree and range of correlation are far different in the different situations.In the west test region,the range is 49.9 km and the sill is 0.00019.In the middle testre-gion,the range is 16.5 km and the sill is0.00453.The dissimilarity in the western test region is larger than that in the middle one.The range in which the correlation existed of the former is far larger than the later.Different character is tics of spatial correlation of crop yield are decided by the environmental factors.Samples for crop yield estimation should be extracted according to the characteristic of spatial distribution of crop yield to promote the efficiency of sampling. 展开更多
关键词 spatial correlation crop yield SEMIVARIOGRAM GEOSTATISTICS
The New Challenges on the Silk Road
作者 Bogdana Todorova 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第10期911-916,共6页
In his book Out of Control, Brzezinski speaks about a vacuum in Eurasia, with important geopolitical consequences. Which are the new challenges and risks on the Silk Road in the time of globalization, radicalization, ... In his book Out of Control, Brzezinski speaks about a vacuum in Eurasia, with important geopolitical consequences. Which are the new challenges and risks on the Silk Road in the time of globalization, radicalization, and freedom of movement? The paper will stress three challenges: the project "Economic zone on the Silk Road" (the leadership in economic performance is held by China and therefore the eastern political cultures have the necessary economic basis for asserting their independence), the influence of ETIM and IMU on the region and the role and place of Xinjiang, as a bridge between Central and South Asia; how they reflected on this way of old traditions and cultures and whether there is a "clash" between the Eastern religions on the "Silk Road" and Islam with its multi dimensions, between the thick black chador and the silk veil, called "tissue of wind", between spiritual, transcendental cognition (Daoism) and pragmatic mundane faith of Islam. I will conclude that the new challenges on the Silk Road create new borders between people--religious, linguistic, ethnical, and new identities. The main question is as follows: Shall we keep the cultural plurality and authenticity of the region? 展开更多
关键词 Silk Road CHALLENGES radical Islam IDENTITY
Reasons for a Cultural Renovation of the Road Infrastructure Design
作者 Alfonso Annunziata Francesco Annunziata 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第8期961-969,共9页
Built environments are undergoing a state of crisis, due to fragmentation and obsolescence: consolidated urban areas, suburbs and fringe areas require to be restored so as to recover a sense of vivid places and to av... Built environments are undergoing a state of crisis, due to fragmentation and obsolescence: consolidated urban areas, suburbs and fringe areas require to be restored so as to recover a sense of vivid places and to avoid segregation. Fabric of routes and voids can be considered as a medium in order to structure a landscape, to manage and govern a region, to nurture its unique subculture. A structure of bonds is to be designed to promote a rapid and safe movement of resources, of people, of ideas, even from and to most remote sites. Infrastructure can foster a vast economic development, and also, a profound social and cultural development. 展开更多
关键词 ADAPTATION INFRASTRUCTURE LANDSCAPE management public space interactions.
Geological factors associated with unsuccessful exploration wells in the northern margin of the Qaidam basin 被引量:1
作者 ZENG Chun-lin JIANG Bo +2 位作者 ZHANG Min YIN Cheng-ming MA Li-xie 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第2期241-244,共4页
We investigated the geological factors associated with unsuccessful exploration wells in the northern margin of the Qaidam basin to better understand their cause.The structural situation,the hydrocarbon accumulation m... We investigated the geological factors associated with unsuccessful exploration wells in the northern margin of the Qaidam basin to better understand their cause.The structural situation,the hydrocarbon accumulation mechanism and unsuccessful well data collected from 1996 to 2005 were studied.The results show that the main geological factors associated with unsuccessful exploration wells are a lack of effective source rocks and a lack of effective traps,as well as the migration-accumulation conditions that exist in this area.The basin was reformed by Meso-Cenozoic tectonic evolution.Multi-stage tectonic activities have both positive and negative effects on hydrocarbon accumulation.Source rocks distribution,effective migration channels,effective traps and the tectonic evolution effects on hydrocarbons should be the key objects for further studies. 展开更多
关键词 northern margin of the Qaidam basin oil and gas exploration exploration wells unsuccessful reasons geologicalfactors TECTONICS
Spatio-temporal distribution of dissolved sulfide in China marginal seas
作者 吴晓丹 吴斌 +1 位作者 宋金明 李学刚 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第5期1145-1156,共12页
With sulfide increasingly recognized as an important parameter to assess the oxidation-reduction level in aqueous enviromnent, research on its geochemical behavior is becoming important. Water samples collected in Boh... With sulfide increasingly recognized as an important parameter to assess the oxidation-reduction level in aqueous enviromnent, research on its geochemical behavior is becoming important. Water samples collected in Bohai Sea (1-19 August, 2010), Yellow Sea (20-30 November, 2010) and East China Sea (3-17 June, 2010 and 1-10 November, 2010) were used to determine the occurrence and distribution of dissolved sulfide by methylene blue spectrophotometric method. Results show that: (1) horizontally, concentration of dissolved sulfide significantly varied from the coastal region to the open sea and profoundly influenced by physical processes. High values occurred in the river-sea boundary zone "marginal filter" due to rich riverine input, frequent upwelling and active exchange in shelf edge. Terrestrial input from adjacent rivers and the current cycling contributed to the high sulfide appeared in western Bohai Sea, eastern Shandong Peninsula, and northeast of Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary. Especially, relative higher sulfide values occurred in Yellow Sea, which is consistent with the variation of salinity largely due to the hydrodynamic feature; (2) vertically, measurement of dissolved sulfide in bottom water was higher and more variable than that in surface water caused by the wind-induced resuspension and dissimilatory sulfate reduction. Moreover, nutrient-type profile clearly identified that oxidation plays a major role in the biogeochemistry cycle of sulfide in water; (3) seasonally, investigation for East China Sea in June and November reflected seasonal variation of Changjiang River Diluted Water, Kuroshio Current, and Taiwan Warm Current. Concentration in June was much higher than that sampled in November at most stations. Mean concentration of dissolved sulfide varied seasonally from 2.26 μg/L (June) to 1.16 μg/L (November) in surface and 3.00 μg/L (June) to 1.56 μg/L (November) in bottom. Progress in the field is slow and more effort is needed to ensure the accuracy and reliability of determination and estimate the natural or anthropogenic contribution of dissolved sulfide in ecosystems. 展开更多
关键词 dissolved sulfide geochemical behavior China marginal seas CURRENT RESUSPENSION NUTRIENT
Developing Secondary Industry to Drive China's Future Growth
作者 金碚 《China Economist》 2012年第4期4-19,共16页
Since the second half of the 20th century and especially during the 21st century, world industrialization has experienced a series of historic changes. Although geopolitical changes triggered by political incidents su... Since the second half of the 20th century and especially during the 21st century, world industrialization has experienced a series of historic changes. Although geopolitical changes triggered by political incidents such as the USSR's disintegration have played a significant role, the geographical shift of world industrialization has first and foremost been caused by the tipping of the balance of international economic and industrial development. China's rise has become a massive engine driving this Eastward transition. Due to its impressive rapidity, China's industrialization is often referred to as "compressed industrialization ": completion of a long journey in a very short period of time. Chinese industrialization also features many distinctive characteristics that contrast with those of many other countries. Currently, China is in a critical stage of industrial development, moving towards world-class advanced manufacturing. Industrialization is a historic period of economic and social restructuring that is often accompanied by various structural imbalances. It is essentially a process of civilization's progress. China's industrialization is in many ways consistent with Western industrial and technological development, but remains subject to the profound influence of Chinese civilization. China's industrialization features unique differences that are deeply rooted in its institutional systems. After 30years of brilliant achievements, reform of China's economic andpolitical systems has once again come into the spotlight of public attention. 展开更多
关键词 INDUSTRIALIZATION GLOBALIZATION global competition pattern China'sindustrial development.
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