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作者 胡志丁 黄艺丹 张喆 《热带地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期1146-1159,共14页
在借鉴哈特向对国家内部向心力-离心力思想的基础上,以地缘环境评估框架为指导,从影响世界上不同地缘政治区聚合-分离情况的要素进行考量,搭建了具有全球普遍适用性的国家及地缘政治区2个尺度的聚合-分离指数评价体系,以期从国家和地缘... 在借鉴哈特向对国家内部向心力-离心力思想的基础上,以地缘环境评估框架为指导,从影响世界上不同地缘政治区聚合-分离情况的要素进行考量,搭建了具有全球普遍适用性的国家及地缘政治区2个尺度的聚合-分离指数评价体系,以期从国家和地缘政治区2个尺度定量衡量向心凝聚或离心分裂的倾向,并以东南亚区域为例,进行实证分析。研究表明:(1)东南亚地区整体的向心凝聚力较高,但随年际变化呈现跌宕下行的态势;(2)老挝、泰国、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、新加坡、柬埔寨、缅甸聚合-分离指数较高,为强聚合型国家;越南、文莱、菲律宾3国的聚合倾向较低,为弱聚合型国家;而东帝汶长期处于与东南亚地区游离的状态,属于弱分离型国家。总体上,东南亚呈现大多数国家聚合且数值较为接近、少部分国家出现断层型分离趋势的特征,属聚合-分离兼备型地区。 展开更多
关键词 聚合-分离指数 地缘政治 地缘环境 主义 东南亚
甘肃民族聚居区地缘文化安全问题刍议 被引量:5
作者 张宏莉 《甘肃理论学刊》 2008年第6期42-47,共6页
民族地缘文化安全问题,是指一个民族文化区的文化价值体系,特别是其主流文化价值体系受到来自内部和外部(异文化区)的各种文化因素的侵蚀而产生的问题。当前,全球化和市场经济、生态移民、国外思潮等内外因素都对甘肃民族聚居区的地缘... 民族地缘文化安全问题,是指一个民族文化区的文化价值体系,特别是其主流文化价值体系受到来自内部和外部(异文化区)的各种文化因素的侵蚀而产生的问题。当前,全球化和市场经济、生态移民、国外思潮等内外因素都对甘肃民族聚居区的地缘文化安全带来了负面影响。为了减少和避免当前民族文化安全中所存在的问题,必须大力保护民族文化遗产,加强民族文化产业建设,重视少数民族各类人才的培养,鼓励少数民族学习和使用本民族语言,建立民族文化安全管理机制。 展开更多
关键词 甘肃 少数民族 文化安全 地缘文化 文化建设
地缘地理学学科构建探析 被引量:8
作者 于国政 樊华 《世界地理研究》 北大核心 2009年第3期146-153,共8页
随着世界一体化、全球化及多极化的趋势加强,国际社会对地缘关系与地缘化等问题的关注愈发明显。地缘的思想已经引入政治、经济等各个领域,但是从地理学角度对地缘问题作出总体、全面的把握尚属罕见。在国内外对地缘关系问题的研究已具... 随着世界一体化、全球化及多极化的趋势加强,国际社会对地缘关系与地缘化等问题的关注愈发明显。地缘的思想已经引入政治、经济等各个领域,但是从地理学角度对地缘问题作出总体、全面的把握尚属罕见。在国内外对地缘关系问题的研究已具规模的前提下,笔者在近年对地缘学的探讨与研究的基础上,首次从地理学思想出发,提出构建研究地缘相关问题的新学科——地缘地理学。地缘地理学的构建不仅在理论上有其现实意义,而且有其重大实践价值,这一新学科对于地理学及其相关分支学科的发展将产生深远影响。本文对地缘地理学做出了初步的界定,并探讨了研究对象、研究内容、研究领域及学科框架体系等相关问题。 展开更多
关键词 地缘地理学 地缘区 地缘区 地缘
地缘战略交汇区地理环境的介质属性及其地缘环境效应--以乌克兰为例 被引量:2
作者 叶帅 李永宁 +3 位作者 胡志丁 葛岳静 王淑芳 刘玉立 《热带地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期1121-1131,共11页
文章将理论建构与案例分析相结合,首先提出地缘介质概念,论证了地理环境的介质属性及其传导权力的效率差异,并阐明不同地缘介质的地缘功能,然后以乌克兰为案例,揭示地缘行为体挖掘并利用地理环境的介质属性进行权力施动的空间实践及其... 文章将理论建构与案例分析相结合,首先提出地缘介质概念,论证了地理环境的介质属性及其传导权力的效率差异,并阐明不同地缘介质的地缘功能,然后以乌克兰为案例,揭示地缘行为体挖掘并利用地理环境的介质属性进行权力施动的空间实践及其产生的地缘环境效应。结果表明:1)地处地缘战略交汇区的乌克兰,其地理环境的介质属性显著,这为地缘行为体在乌克兰进行权力施动提供了空间中介。2)乌克兰地理环境中各介质要素的地缘功能及其对地缘行为体权力传导的效率差异明显。地理位置和地形地貌具有地缘安全功能,自然资源的地缘经济功能强大,政党和民族的地缘政治功能较强,语言和宗教的地缘文化功能较为凸显。自然资源、政党、民族、宗教的介质属性较强,地理位置、地形地貌的介质属性在逐渐减弱。3)不同地缘行为体(利益集团)争相利用地理环境的介质属性进行权力的空间施动,使其在乌克兰的地缘位势此消彼长,致使乌克兰地缘环境激烈震荡。从地缘介质的视角探索权力施动的空间实践及其效应,对提升中国在周边的地缘影响力具有一定启示意义。 展开更多
关键词 地缘战略交汇 地理环境 地缘介质 地缘环境 乌克兰
南海诸岛海域地名国别地缘环境解析 被引量:4
作者 王涛 武友德 +2 位作者 李君 叶帅 崔红茶 《热带地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第7期1050-1060,共11页
“人类世”以来,南海海域因周边或域外大国等地缘行为体的介入,使地缘环境变得错综复杂,中国海洋权益不断遭受限制、挤压和挑战。文章从自然和社会基因子系统的地理环境、地缘关系和地缘结构出发,以地名为逻辑起点划分古代-遗传形地名DN... “人类世”以来,南海海域因周边或域外大国等地缘行为体的介入,使地缘环境变得错综复杂,中国海洋权益不断遭受限制、挤压和挑战。文章从自然和社会基因子系统的地理环境、地缘关系和地缘结构出发,以地名为逻辑起点划分古代-遗传形地名DNA、近代-变异形地名DNA和现代-复合形地名DNA三种类型,构建南海诸岛海域地名国别地缘环境分析框架。结果表明:1)南海诸岛海域地名是在自然基因子系统和社会基因子系统交互耦合作用下形成的。2)因果关联作用下,南海诸岛海域地名遵从“主人―他人―主人”的历史演变规律,导致地名基因在转录和表达上呈现遗传、变异和复合的过程;建构作用下,周边或域外大国以非法手段构建多边争夺南海海洋资源和海洋权益的新型地缘关系。3)南海诸岛海域地名基因在转录与表达上是空间与物质显性基因和理念与历史演变隐性基因的交互耦合过程。 展开更多
关键词 地缘战略交汇 国别地缘环境 地名 南海诸岛
中老缅交界区2005-2017年土地利用/覆被变化及其生态状况 被引量:1
作者 张磊 武友德 李君 《水土保持通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期245-251,共7页
[目的]以中老缅(中国-老挝-缅甸)3国接壤地带为例,通过对其土地利用/覆被的演变过程及生态状况的评估,为该区土地资源的合理利用与生态风险的降低防控提供依据。[方法]基于研究区土地利用/覆被遥感影像数据,通过构建土地利用/覆被变化... [目的]以中老缅(中国-老挝-缅甸)3国接壤地带为例,通过对其土地利用/覆被的演变过程及生态状况的评估,为该区土地资源的合理利用与生态风险的降低防控提供依据。[方法]基于研究区土地利用/覆被遥感影像数据,通过构建土地利用/覆被变化趋势与状态指数等模型,对其2005-2017年的演变过程及生态状况进行测度。[结果]①研究区以林地、耕地为主导,土地利用组合的一致性较强,但作为多国接壤地带,该区土地利用程度存在一定的国别分异;②随时间演进,研究区土地利用的结构及变化幅度均发生了显著的时空及地类分异,其中林地扩张显著,耕地大幅减少而草地及水体的面积变化相对平稳,后6 a的土地利用变化幅度整体高于前6 a;③12 a间,研究区土地利用变化整体呈不平衡状态,各地类间的变化趋势与状态差异较为显著。随时间演进,受林地外延扩张态势减弱等影响,研究区土地利用变化的稳定性有所增强,但各地类间的变化趋势与状态差异略显增加;④2005-2017年,研究区生态状况整体改善,且国别与空间分异有所减小,12 a间,老挝段生态状况整体较优,缅甸段次之,而中国段的生态状况相对较差,生态综合功能高值区与3国交界处间的距离整体减小。[结论]研究区土地利用/覆被的演变过程及生态状况存在一定的国别分异及阶段性变动特征,中老缅3国对其接壤地带生态本底功能的修复与提升工作正不断增强。 展开更多
关键词 土地利用/覆被变化 演变过程 生态状况 多国地缘交界 中老缅接壤地带
Analysis to the Driving Force Model and Driving Factor on the Utilized Changes of Cultivated Land in Gonghe County 被引量:14
作者 俞文政 刘丹 +1 位作者 祁英香 史军 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第4期178-182,共5页
Using gradually regression analysis to establish the driving force model of utilized change of cultivated land in Gonghe County, and using path analysis, correlation analysis, partial correlation analysis and system d... Using gradually regression analysis to establish the driving force model of utilized change of cultivated land in Gonghe County, and using path analysis, correlation analysis, partial correlation analysis and system dynamics method to inspect the effect of driving changing on cultivated land change under different change situations. Driving factors, action mechanism and process of utilized change of cultivated land were analyzed from the county territory scale level. At last, some corresponding policies and measures were put forward. 展开更多
关键词 Gonghe County Utilized Change of cultivated land Driving force model Driving factors
中美贸易摩擦的演绎:一个政治经济学的视角 被引量:4
作者 智艳 罗长远 《东南大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2020年第1期49-59,147,共12页
国际经济格局的变化,尤其是中国国力的上升,是美国借助贸易遏制中国的深层次考量。在此背景之下,不难理解中美贸易摩擦不是第一次,也不是最后一次。奥巴马时期美中贸易摩擦是"暗战",美方借助TPP等构筑了一个排除中国在外的&qu... 国际经济格局的变化,尤其是中国国力的上升,是美国借助贸易遏制中国的深层次考量。在此背景之下,不难理解中美贸易摩擦不是第一次,也不是最后一次。奥巴马时期美中贸易摩擦是"暗战",美方借助TPP等构筑了一个排除中国在外的"朋友圈",中方则通过升级和签订自由贸易协定,特别是推出自贸区来应对。伴随美方施加的地缘政治压力,中方提出了"一带一路"倡议。特朗普时期美中贸易摩擦是"明战",美方在"搞定"盟友之后,开始对中国火力全开。中方积极加以应对,召开进口博览会、出台新的外资法、推出海南自贸区、开辟上海自贸区新片区,以及再新建6个自贸区。然而,地缘政治博弈可能再次加剧,要避免自贸区建设受到干扰。中美贸易摩擦是持久战,要坚持"以我为主"继续改革开放,在此基础上,追求世界共赢。 展开更多
关键词 国际经济格局 贸易摩擦 地缘政治自贸 政治经济学
地缘战略交汇区类属的国别地缘环境解析——以乌克兰为例 被引量:12
作者 叶帅 胡志丁 +2 位作者 葛岳静 黄宇 胡伟 《地理研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第9期2591-2605,共15页
地缘环境是"一带一路"倡议背景下加强世界地理研究的现实需求及国内地缘政治学复兴的创新转型。当前地缘环境研究聚焦在普遍属性分析的规范化指导层面,空间异质性的客观存在要求对其进行分类讨论和解析。论文基于地缘战略实... 地缘环境是"一带一路"倡议背景下加强世界地理研究的现实需求及国内地缘政治学复兴的创新转型。当前地缘环境研究聚焦在普遍属性分析的规范化指导层面,空间异质性的客观存在要求对其进行分类讨论和解析。论文基于地缘战略实践的空间视角,尝试划分出单一战略型、战略交汇型及永久中立国型3种类属的国别地缘环境,构建了以国家危机事件为问题导向的战略交汇型国别地缘环境解析思路和分析框架,并以乌克兰为例进行实证研究,结果表明:(1)无论是自然地理还是社会经济文化,乌克兰都呈现出显著的地域分异,为外部势力的介入提供了可能性和可操作性。(2)因果关联作用下,共同的斯拉夫历史渊源导致乌克兰在社会文化领域对俄罗斯的依赖程度较高。主观建构作用下,出于对乌克兰特殊的战略位置及优越资源条件的觊觎,俄罗斯和欧美都在积极建构与乌克兰的地缘关系,但这种基于国别利益而主观建构的关系波动较为剧烈。同时,双边互构的地缘关系维系时间明显长于单边建构的。(3)俄罗斯、欧美和乌克兰之间不仅形成了空间和物质上的显性结构,还有隐性的主观理念结构以及历史演变的过程结构。显著分异的地理环境、高度依赖的地缘关系及主体间的地缘结构综合作用下的乌克兰,国家危机事件频繁出现。在中国国家崛起的关键时期,深化对地缘战略交汇区国别地缘环境的研究对处理周边地缘危机事件具有一定的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 地缘政治 地缘战略交汇 国别地缘环境 乌克兰 俄罗斯
地缘战略交汇区地缘环境演变评估模型构建及其应用——以乌克兰为例 被引量:12
作者 叶帅 胡志丁 +2 位作者 葛岳静 胡伟 黄宇 《地理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期1000-1011,共12页
地缘环境研究是当前国内政治地理研究的重点和热点,在概念、内涵、分析框架、空间分异、系统模拟等领域已取得较大进展,但对于地缘战略交汇区这一特殊地缘政治区域的地缘环境研究鲜有涉及。论文基于地缘战略的空间和权力属性,融合政治... 地缘环境研究是当前国内政治地理研究的重点和热点,在概念、内涵、分析框架、空间分异、系统模拟等领域已取得较大进展,但对于地缘战略交汇区这一特殊地缘政治区域的地缘环境研究鲜有涉及。论文基于地缘战略的空间和权力属性,融合政治地理学的地缘环境、地缘位势,国际关系学的现实主义、自由主义和建构主义等理论,兼顾主体间性的哲学思想,构建了地缘战略交汇区地缘环境的评价模型,并以乌克兰为例进行了实证研究以验证模型的可靠性。结果表明:(1)整体上,乌克兰的地缘环境演变态势趋好,但波动剧烈,未来其地缘环境还会出现间歇式动荡;(2)受历史文化渊源、军事物质权力、战略投入意愿、经济相互依赖、地理空间距离等因素的影响,俄罗斯在乌克兰一直保持较大的地缘位势优势;(3)德国在乌克兰的地缘位势年际起伏较大,近年来主要受地缘经济因素的影响呈升高的趋势。法国和美国在乌克兰的地缘位势一直低于俄罗斯和德国,未来法国地缘位势会小幅升高,美国将会降低。论文提出的地缘战略交汇区地缘环境评价模型,经历史验证,评估结果与乌克兰国内政局演变态势拟合度较高,模型可靠性好,可为其他地缘战略交汇区的地缘环境评价提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 地缘战略交汇 地缘环境 主体间性 地缘位势 乌克兰
Influencing Factors for Formation of Urban and Rural Spatial Structure in Metropolis Fringe Area——Taking Shuangliu County of Chengdu in China as a Case 被引量:3
作者 WANG Kaiyong GAO Xiaolu CHEN Tian 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第3期224-234,共11页
With rapid urbanization process, the pace of urban sprawl has been quickened and most metropolises have ex-perienced expansions in leaps and bounds in suburbanization, which has greatly changed the urban and rural spa... With rapid urbanization process, the pace of urban sprawl has been quickened and most metropolises have ex-perienced expansions in leaps and bounds in suburbanization, which has greatly changed the urban and rural spatial struc-ture of the metropolis fringe area. In this paper, Shuangliu County is taken as a case, since it is a typical fringe area of Chengdu Metropolis. Based on Landsat TM images of Chengdu City and Shuangliu County obtained in 1985, 2000 and 2004, characteristics of urban and rural spatial structure in Shuangliu County were analyzed, such as core-periphery spa-tial structure and some obvious integration trends. Then the influencing factors for the formation of urban and rural spatial structure were identified, including some natural, social, economic and political factors. According to the discussion of this paper, Shuangliu County is undergoing a key transition and reform period. Its formation of urban and rural spatial structure was affected not only by such common factors as the location, natural background, industrial transition, migra-tion, etc., but also by some unique factors such as city planning and policy guidance, which played an important role in accelerating its uneven spatial structure. The understanding of the role of the influencing factors would be useful for car-rying out spatial management and development planning of metropolis fringe area. 展开更多
关键词 URBANIZATION urban and rural spatial structure metropolis fi'inge area China
Relationship of hydrocarbon and source-rock in Nos.3-5 tectonic belts of the Lenghu area,northern Qaidam Basin 被引量:2
作者 WANG Chao-yong ZHANG Ming +2 位作者 YIN Cheng-ming JIANG Bo BAO Yuan 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第6期796-799,共4页
Based on analyses of the components of crude oil hydrocarbons and carbon isotopes,the content of normal alkane decreased from 49.00% to 20.10% when moving from the No.3 to No.5 tectonic belt of the Lenghu area of the ... Based on analyses of the components of crude oil hydrocarbons and carbon isotopes,the content of normal alkane decreased from 49.00% to 20.10% when moving from the No.3 to No.5 tectonic belt of the Lenghu area of the Qaidam Basin,while cycloalkanes increased from 30.00% to 52.20% and aromatic and branch chain alkanes increased gradually as well. The maturity of sterane in crude oil is higher than that of its source-rock,which shows that the hydrocarbons were generated from a deep source-rock of high maturity around the tectonic belts of the Lenghu area. The analysis of the characteristics of carbon isotopes also shows that these isotopes of hydrocarbon compounds in the No.4 and No.5 tectonic belt are apparently heavier than those in the No.3 belt. The results of our research show that the hydrocarbons in the No.3 tectonic belt are mainly from a relatively rich sapropelic substance,while the hydrocarbons in the No.4 and No.5 tectonic belt originated mainly from organic matter of a relatively rich humic type substance. 展开更多
关键词 Qaidam Basin JURASSIC carbon isotope SAPROPEL HUMUS
The Scramble for LandmSaving the Remains of Rural Space in Switzerland
作者 Walter Leimgruber 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2014年第10期612-626,共15页
In 2012 and 2013, the Swiss population voted on two separate yet related issues concerning spatial planning. In 2012 a restriction on second homes was introduced into the Constitution, in 2013 referendum the planning ... In 2012 and 2013, the Swiss population voted on two separate yet related issues concerning spatial planning. In 2012 a restriction on second homes was introduced into the Constitution, in 2013 referendum the planning law was revised. Both issues wanted to restrict disproportionate building activities, and were accepted after a heated debate. This outcome mirrors a change in popular attitude towards constructions in the countryside and so-called "cold beds" (second homes used for a short time only), but also towards the disfiguration of the (rural) landscape in general. At the same time it revealed two social rifts: between urban populations (that are increasingly migrating towards rural landscapes) and rural regions that want to obtain a similar level of living as the urban majority, and between lowland and mountain regions. The results of the referenda show that the population is very much concerned about the future of our landscape and environment. The paper discusses the two referenda and their implications for Switzerland in general and for regions that are considered marginal. Its focus lies on the political aspects of the two issues, which not only concern marginality but also are a challenge for national cohesion and direct democracy. 展开更多
关键词 Rural areas landscape transformation democracy.
An Analysis of the Indian Modi Administration's Policy on the South China Sea Issue
作者 Lou Chunhao 《Contemporary International Relations》 2017年第4期48-71,共24页
Geographically, India is not a country in the region of the South China Sea, nor is it a country concerned in the issue on a geopolitical level or a US ally in the Asia-Pacific region. It has been very cautious to avo... Geographically, India is not a country in the region of the South China Sea, nor is it a country concerned in the issue on a geopolitical level or a US ally in the Asia-Pacific region. It has been very cautious to avoid taking sides in the South China Sea issue. However, since Modi took office in 2014, changes have taken place in the external environment that India faces, in maritime safety strategy, as well as in India's policies toward the US and China. India is becoming increasingly active in the issue of the South China Sea, voicing criticism and taking precautions against China. While India's policy on the South China Sea will not be completely the same as that of the United States and Japan, due to concerns for its own interests in the future, it is quite possible that India will take advantage of the issue of the South China Sea and will adopt more comprehensive ways to get involved in the issue. 展开更多
关键词 The Modi administration policy on the South China Sea Sino-Indian relations
Reasons for a Cultural Renovation of the Road Infrastructure Design
作者 Alfonso Annunziata Francesco Annunziata 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第8期961-969,共9页
Built environments are undergoing a state of crisis, due to fragmentation and obsolescence: consolidated urban areas, suburbs and fringe areas require to be restored so as to recover a sense of vivid places and to av... Built environments are undergoing a state of crisis, due to fragmentation and obsolescence: consolidated urban areas, suburbs and fringe areas require to be restored so as to recover a sense of vivid places and to avoid segregation. Fabric of routes and voids can be considered as a medium in order to structure a landscape, to manage and govern a region, to nurture its unique subculture. A structure of bonds is to be designed to promote a rapid and safe movement of resources, of people, of ideas, even from and to most remote sites. Infrastructure can foster a vast economic development, and also, a profound social and cultural development. 展开更多
关键词 ADAPTATION INFRASTRUCTURE LANDSCAPE management public space interactions.
New Geopolitics and India in Central Asia
作者 Ajay Patnaik 《History Research》 2012年第7期429-439,共11页
During the 1990s India did not show much of an interest in Central Asia and its response to join multilateral organisations in the region had been lukewarm. However, in the last decade or so India's approach towards ... During the 1990s India did not show much of an interest in Central Asia and its response to join multilateral organisations in the region had been lukewarm. However, in the last decade or so India's approach towards the region has changed substantially and some important landmarks signify this shift. As a scholar interested in the region, the author looks at the reasons for India's changing approach to the Central Asian region. With this objective, this paper seeks to highlight the significance of Central Asia for India and defines the strategic interests of India in this region. It also discusses the changing geopolitics of Central Asia from India's perspective, various phases in India's engagement with the region, including the key dynamics and changing approaches. A proactive Central Asia policy also represents another instance of India's shift from being an idealist to a realist power. This paper enables us to understand the extent to which India as an emerging power is prepared to pursue its strategic objectives in the region. At the same time, India's willingness in recent years to participate in a multilateral regional organization such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) demonstrates that it is willing to work in a cooperative framework with other key players in the region--Russia and China. 展开更多
关键词 strategic depth TERRORISM extended neighborhood energy security proactive policy MULTILATERALISM
Holocene Climate Cycles in Northwest Margin of Asian Monsoon 被引量:1
作者 LI Yu WANG Nai'ang +2 位作者 LI Zhuolun ZHOU Xuehua ZHANG Chengqi 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第4期450-461,共12页
In the mid-latitude regions of the Asian continent, Zhuye Lake is located in the northwest margin of the Asian monsoon, where the modem climate is affected by the Asian monsoon and Westerlies. In this study, we invest... In the mid-latitude regions of the Asian continent, Zhuye Lake is located in the northwest margin of the Asian monsoon, where the modem climate is affected by the Asian monsoon and Westerlies. In this study, we investi- gated the absolutely dated Holocene records in Zhuye Lake for detecting the Holocene climate cycles. Totally, 14 14C dates and 6 optically simulated luminescence (OSL) dates are obtained from the QTH01 and QTH02 sections. The proxies of grain-size, total organic carbon content (TOC), C/N and 813C are used for wavelet analysis, and the results show obvious -256, -512 and -1024-year climate cycles, which are consistent with the Holocene millennial and cen- tennial scale climate cycles in the typical Asian summer monsoon domain. In different parts of the Zhuye Lake, the Holocene sediments show variable climate cycles that are affected by the lake basin topography. In the Zhuye Lake, the Holocene climate cycles are mainly correlated with the solar-related Asian summer monsoon variability and the North Atlantic ice-rafting events. 展开更多
关键词 HOLOCENE climate cycle Asian monsoon wavelet analysis Zhuye Lake
Japan's Promotion Policy toward ASEAN Interconnections
作者 Zhang Jiye 《Contemporary International Relations》 2017年第3期124-137,共14页
In Japan's support for ASEAN countries' connection building can be seen its policy visions in functional positioning, geographical layout and connotation constitution. As part of a systematic policy framework,... In Japan's support for ASEAN countries' connection building can be seen its policy visions in functional positioning, geographical layout and connotation constitution. As part of a systematic policy framework, Japan supports ASEAN transregional and outside-regional connections with the Mekong subregion as focal point, pushes forward metropolitan interconnection of ASEAN countries with Jakarta a priority,promotes building infrastructure, develops rules, and constructs better external environments for connectivity, all while advancing its Partnership for Quality Infrastructure to attract ASEAN countries' cooperation.Because of Japan's economic interests and geopolitical strategy toward ASEAN countries, Japan's policy influences China's Belt and Road Initiative and China should properly respond to Japan's actions. 展开更多
关键词 JAPAN ASEAN Southeast Asia development Sino-Japanese relations
Chinese Experiences in Addressing Rural Extreme Poverty and Marginalization
作者 朱玲 《China Economist》 2011年第6期30-42,共13页
Seeking to alleviate and eradicate Bao (the minimum livelihood guarantee system) extreme povertY, the Chinese government has extended Di to the entire rural sector. It has also enhanced agricultural policies and str... Seeking to alleviate and eradicate Bao (the minimum livelihood guarantee system) extreme povertY, the Chinese government has extended Di to the entire rural sector. It has also enhanced agricultural policies and strengthened its promotion of rural socioeconomic development. In more-developed regions of the country, the Di Bao program-in combination with integrated urban and rural social insurance and public services-has significantly reduced rates of poverty and financial vulnerability, and additional employment-promotion policies have created opportunities for Di Bao recipients to achieve incomes above the poverty-line. However, because of the high number of extremely poor households in disproportionately poor areas and the paucity of locally-available financial resources there, the intensity of intervention is still insufficient. Inadequate coordination of policies and shortcomings in the targeting of subsidies have resulted in both under-coverage and welfare-leakage as well. Consequently, in China's efforts to eradicate extreme poverty, increasing the effectiveness of poverty-reduction strategies in poor areas remains a key prioritY. 展开更多
关键词 rural social protection extreme poverty
Geodynamic characteristics of tectonic extension in the northern margin of South China Sea 被引量:6
作者 张健 汪集旸 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2001年第5期437-445,共9页
Based on the geothermal and gravitation methods, this paper investigated the rheological and thermal structure of the lithosphere under the northern margin of South China Sea. The result shows that the temperature of ... Based on the geothermal and gravitation methods, this paper investigated the rheological and thermal structure of the lithosphere under the northern margin of South China Sea. The result shows that the temperature of the upper crust is 150–300°C lower than that of the lower crust, and the viscous coefficient of the upper crust is 2–3 orders of magnitude larger than that of the lower crust. It reveals that the upper crust is characterized by brittle deformation while the lower crust by ductile deformation. A channel of lower-viscosity should be formed between the upper and lower crust when the lithosphere is scattered and spreads out toward ocean from northwest to southeast along the northern margin of South China Sea. And, a brittle deformation takes place in the upper part of the lithosphere while a ductile deformation takes place in the lower part of the lithosphere due to different viscous coefficients and temperature. The layered deformation leads the faulted blocks to rotate along the faulting and the marginal grabens to appear in the northern margin of South China Sea in Cenozoic tectonic expansion. 展开更多
关键词 the northern margin of South China Sea the zone of continental margin thermal and rheological structure layered deformation of lithosphere
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