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岩溶地区地下水污染风险评价方法探究——以地苏地下河系流域为例 被引量:16
作者 崔亚丰 何江涛 +2 位作者 王曼丽 赵阅坤 王菲 《中国岩溶》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期372-383,共12页
岩溶地下水污染风险评价对岩溶地下水的保护、管理和合理利用具有重要意义。文章总结了近年来国内外地下水污染风险评价方面的研究进展,针对目前评价体系存在的不足,构建了适合岩溶区地下水污染风险评价体系。该方法基于欧洲模式,实现... 岩溶地下水污染风险评价对岩溶地下水的保护、管理和合理利用具有重要意义。文章总结了近年来国内外地下水污染风险评价方面的研究进展,针对目前评价体系存在的不足,构建了适合岩溶区地下水污染风险评价体系。该方法基于欧洲模式,实现地下水防污性能评价;污染负荷评价则考虑污染物在覆盖层中的衰减过程,利用折减系数实现污染负荷量化;最后,基于GIS空间叠加分析耦合防污性能与污染负荷评价,实现区域地下水污染风险评价。文章以地苏地下河系流域为例,开展岩溶区域地下水污染风险评价,结果表明:区域整体地下水污染风险偏低,地下水中等及以上污染风险区域面积424.41km^2,占研究区总面积的39.03%,主要分布在研究区中东部地苏乡、东庙乡、六也乡局部等人类活动频繁与地苏地下河干流中下游段。地下水污染风险空间分布特征不仅显示了岩性、坡度、岩溶网络发育等自然条件对评价结果的影响,同时也反映了人类活动的影响。地势平缓,岩溶发育程度强烈,加之人类活动频繁是导致区域地下水污染风险较高的原因所在。 展开更多
关键词 地下水防污性能 污染负荷 折减系数 地下水污染风险评价 地苏地下河流域
2种方法在典型岩溶区地下水质量评价中的对比——以地苏地下河为例 被引量:7
作者 乔肖翠 李雪 刘琰 《环境工程技术学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期291-297,共7页
选择合适的地下水质量评价方法是保证评价结果科学合理的关键。以典型西南岩溶区地苏地下河系为研究对象,运用水质指数法和模糊综合指数法对该地下河系具有代表性的采样点水质进行评价。结果表明:地苏地下河系水质总体较好,2种方法评价... 选择合适的地下水质量评价方法是保证评价结果科学合理的关键。以典型西南岩溶区地苏地下河系为研究对象,运用水质指数法和模糊综合指数法对该地下河系具有代表性的采样点水质进行评价。结果表明:地苏地下河系水质总体较好,2种方法评价得到的水质劣于GB/T 14848—2017《地下水质量标准》Ⅲ类水质的点位分别占全部水样的21.43%和32.14%,主要超标指标为NO-3,其最高检出浓度是Ⅲ类水质限值的2.3倍,超标点位主要集中于人类活动较强烈的地苏乡。在28个点位中,2种方法评价结果一致的点位有15个,存在差异点位的评价结果仅相差一个水质级别。水质指数法能够满足水质类别划分及水质定量评价的要求,但是对于超标指标不同的水样可比性较差;模糊综合指数法可精确地反映指标实际浓度与水质分级界限的接近程度,量化了所有评价指标对地下水水质的影响权重,使结果更精确,但是计算比较复杂,可操作性较差,且不能识别主要超标指标,在量化所有参评指标时有可能掩盖对人体健康和生态环境威胁较大的指标的影响。因此在实际应用中,应根据监测数据和评价目的选择合适的评价方法,使评价结果既能反映水体的实际情况,又能满足管理需要。 展开更多
关键词 岩溶地下水 水质评价 模糊综合指数法 水质指数法 地苏地下河
广西都安地下河地质公园喀斯特景观特征及其形成演化 被引量:12
作者 韦跃龙 陈伟海 罗劬侃 《热带地理》 北大核心 2018年第1期34-47,共14页
在对都安地下河公园区域地质背景及喀斯特景观特征进行分析和研究的基础上,系统探讨了都安喀斯特及地苏地下河系、都安天窗群、峰丛峰林等典型喀斯特景观的形成演化过程,认为都安喀斯特正处于地下和地表喀斯特彼此制约,却又相互协调、... 在对都安地下河公园区域地质背景及喀斯特景观特征进行分析和研究的基础上,系统探讨了都安喀斯特及地苏地下河系、都安天窗群、峰丛峰林等典型喀斯特景观的形成演化过程,认为都安喀斯特正处于地下和地表喀斯特彼此制约,却又相互协调、同步共生的特殊发育时期;揭示了古近纪以来,暂时性地表流水、地表河等各种地表流水与地下河间,历经独立、袭夺、改道、相连等阶段,对应地下与地表喀斯特间,由地表地下各向分散独立成景→地表地下各向单一网络式成景→地表地下统一网络式成景,并逐渐形成彼此对应喀斯特景观的演化序列和过程。其中,地表喀斯特作用,由强→弱,由主角→配角,并从西北侧至东南侧逐渐演化、分异,形成高峰丛深洼地→中峰丛洼地→低峰丛洼地→高峰林谷地→低峰林谷地5种不同且依次过渡的地表喀斯特地貌;地下喀斯特作用,则由弱→强,配角→主角,逐渐形成庞大、复杂的地下河喀斯特地貌——地苏地下河系;地下与地表间,由彼此独立→整体相互制约、协同共生,并形成由500多个天窗组成的天窗群。因此,公园既是全球展现地下河喀斯特景观美景的杰出代表地之一,又是全球地下河喀斯特地貌演化的杰出范例,还是展示地下与地表喀斯间彼此制约,却又协同共生发育的典型参照地。 展开更多
关键词 地苏地下河系 喀斯特景观 地质公园 广西都安
The State of Geological Sciences in the USSR by the Mid-Twentieth Century
作者 Ivan Petrovich VTOROV 《Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology》 2024年第1期125-130,共6页
The November 1948 open session of the Institute of Geological Sciences AS USSR was previously unknown,in contrast to the August 1948 session of VASKhNIL.The publication of the transcript of the session of geologists i... The November 1948 open session of the Institute of Geological Sciences AS USSR was previously unknown,in contrast to the August 1948 session of VASKhNIL.The publication of the transcript of the session of geologists is based on the original verified transcript from the Geological Institute and the Archive RAS.It presented reports on the main scientific directions of geology:stratigraphy,the Quaternary geology,lithology,geotectonics,petrography and petrology,mineralogy and geochemistry,and the geology of ore and coal deposits.This thick book details all the Q&A sessions,discussions of theories,methods,and practice among the leading Soviet geoscientists.The session and its resolution describe the situation and development of geology in the USSR in the mid-twentieth century as well as the collateral impact of the Lysenko affair on the earth sciences in the USSR. 展开更多
关键词 history of geology geological sciences book review 1948 session VASKhNIL 1948 session of the Institute of Geological Sciences AS USSR
Low-carbon Agriculture Development Models in Southern Jiangsu Province
作者 万玉山 李娜 +2 位作者 丁庆忠 张平 王明新 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第4期867-871,共5页
[Objective] To investigate the appropriate low-carbon agriculture model in Southern Jiangsu Province. [Method] Through the analysis of regional features in Southern Jiangsu and several matured low-carbon agriculture d... [Objective] To investigate the appropriate low-carbon agriculture model in Southern Jiangsu Province. [Method] Through the analysis of regional features in Southern Jiangsu and several matured low-carbon agriculture development models at present, the low-carbon agriculture development modes suitable for Southern Jiangsu were investigated, and corresponding supporting measures for the development of the models were put forward. [Result] Low-carbon agriculture is the environment- friendly agriculture which achieves low emissions, low pollution, high efficiency and high-yield through efficient recycling of energy and resources and continuous im- provements on ecological environment. With a variety of development models, the specific development model for practical use should be determined according to the local conditions, and supported by corresponding supporting measures, to achieve the rapid development of low-carbon agriculture. [Conclusion] This study laid the foundation for the development of low-carbon agriculture model in Southern Jiangsu. 展开更多
关键词 Southern Jiangsu Province Low-carbon agriculture Low-carbon technol- ogy Development model
作者 卢云虎 王玉昆 《中小学管理》 北大核心 1994年第2期39-39,共1页
是爱还是害卢云虎,王玉昆广西都安瑶族自治县地苏乡福常初级中学某中学有位班主任,实施了这样一种“管理”学生的方式;凡课累计10节者,罚款10元;凡操行成绩被扣去10分者,罚款20元。该班有两名学生因抽烟等违纪行为操行成... 是爱还是害卢云虎,王玉昆广西都安瑶族自治县地苏乡福常初级中学某中学有位班主任,实施了这样一种“管理”学生的方式;凡课累计10节者,罚款10元;凡操行成绩被扣去10分者,罚款20元。该班有两名学生因抽烟等违纪行为操行成绩被扣去了10分,每人被罚款20元... 展开更多
关键词 苦学生 都安瑶族自治县 违纪行为 一个问题 地苏 用义 无力支付 违法犯罪 教育方法 方洁
Family Farm Development in Southern Jiangsu and Countermeasures with a Case Study
作者 丁奎敏 陈海霞 马建霞 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第6期1493-1497,共5页
The research reviewed the concept of family farm and analyzed family farm types including unified, facility rental-oriented, employment-oriented, circular and grain&oil based family farms, as well as corresponding de... The research reviewed the concept of family farm and analyzed family farm types including unified, facility rental-oriented, employment-oriented, circular and grain&oil based family farms, as well as corresponding demands in technology and policies. Based on the analysis, the research proposed countermeasures and suggestions. It is necessary to define the range and scale on family farm before giving policy supports. It is important to establish access system of industry and commerce capital to rural areas to guarantee the operators in need be benefited from national preferential policies. Meanwhile, new system on land transfer should be established to guarantee security system for family farm, improve socialized service system and promote government-built production facilities operated by farmers. 展开更多
关键词 Southern Jiangsu Family farm Case study Development strategies
作者 唐毓利 黄仁朗 《广西畜牧兽医》 1993年第1期32-33,共2页
大牲畜破伤风在我县时有发生,1988年8月至1990年6月,仅地苏、澄江、安阳三个乡镇部份病畜来我站门诊治疗就有25例。经治疗,治愈21头;治愈率84%,现将诊疗要点及体会报告如下;一、病畜初期症状及诊断要点:1、在四十天内有外伤或化脓伤者(... 大牲畜破伤风在我县时有发生,1988年8月至1990年6月,仅地苏、澄江、安阳三个乡镇部份病畜来我站门诊治疗就有25例。经治疗,治愈21头;治愈率84%,现将诊疗要点及体会报告如下;一、病畜初期症状及诊断要点:1、在四十天内有外伤或化脓伤者(包括已愈合的伤口),运步稍强拘,行走跨步比平时小,咀嚼缓慢,喘气,口腔流涎,口内有异臭, 展开更多
关键词 初期症状 异臭 跨步 门诊治疗 地苏 口穴 高锰酸钾液 肌痉挛 牵引运动 转圈运动
Pattern Change and Regional Disparity Tendency of Cultivated Land Use in Jiangsu Province
作者 金涛 徐舟 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第10期1517-1520,1525,共5页
The study has examined the tempo-spatial patterns of cultivated land use change in Jiangsu province. A principal component analysis (PCA) of 18 selected indicators of cultivated land use during the period 1970-2010 ... The study has examined the tempo-spatial patterns of cultivated land use change in Jiangsu province. A principal component analysis (PCA) of 18 selected indicators of cultivated land use during the period 1970-2010 identified 2 main pat- terns of change in planting productivity and economic efficiency. A major shift from production-centered pattern to profit-oriented one occurred in 1984, the time of grain yield surplus and the mitigation of population pressure. In response to the impending Opened Market System, there was a notable tendency of higher efficiency and less productivity since 1997, as well as remarkable regional disparity of cultivated land use change spatially. It revealed a relative decrease in grain cropping share, crop- ping scale and cultivation intensity in South Jiangsu, especially in Tai-Lake region, and the reverse in North Jiangsu. Some suggestions for the future were finally dis- cussed from the above findings. 展开更多
关键词 Cultivated land use Pattern change Regional disparity PCA Jiangsu Province
Anomozamites(Bennettitales) from Middle Jurassic Haifanggou Formation,western Liaoning,China 被引量:3
作者 ZHAO Miao SUN Chunlin +2 位作者 David L.Dilcher ZHAO Zhe NA Yuling 《Global Geology》 2015年第2期75-87,共13页
The Middle Jurassic Hangfanggou Formation is well exposed in Shangsanjiao and Xiasanjiao villages area,Baimashi town of Huludao,western Liaoning,China.Recently,abundant fossil plants were collected from the Hangfanggo... The Middle Jurassic Hangfanggou Formation is well exposed in Shangsanjiao and Xiasanjiao villages area,Baimashi town of Huludao,western Liaoning,China.Recently,abundant fossil plants were collected from the Hangfanggou Formation.One new species,Anomozamites sanjiaocunensis sp.nov.(Bennettitales),is described in this study.This is the first report of the genus Anomozamites from the Haifanggou Formation based upon the leaf morphology and epidermal structures.The discovery of the new species extends significantly the stratigraphic and geographic distribution of Anomozamites in the Middle Jurassic.It also shows that Anomozamites was a common member of Bennettitales once lived in the Middle Jurassic warm temperate region.The new species also improves the knowledge on understanding the leaf morphology,epidermal features and the diversity of Anomozamites during the Middle Jurassic.The epidermal characters of the new species and its associated plants reveal that the plants grew in a warm and moderately humid environment in the warm temperate zone.The presence of some deciduous plants,such as ginkgoaleans,czekanowskialeans and conifers,indicate the climate with seasonal fluctuations in temperature. 展开更多
关键词 Anomozamites BENNETTITALES Middle Jurassic Haifanggou Formation western Liaoning
Spatial Distribution and Changes of Heavy Metals of Agricultural Lands in Typical Pregrading Coast in Dongtai City,Jiangsu Province,China 被引量:4
作者 LIAO Fuqiang ZHOU Shenglu +2 位作者 ZHANG Hongfu WU Shaohua ZHAO Qiguo 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第3期276-283,共8页
According to the historical changes of coastal lines, seven soil sampling districts, from land to sea, were arranged in Dongtai City, Jiangsu Province to sample soils from surface and profile. Concentrations of seven ... According to the historical changes of coastal lines, seven soil sampling districts, from land to sea, were arranged in Dongtai City, Jiangsu Province to sample soils from surface and profile. Concentrations of seven major heavy metals (HMs), granularity, pH, organic matters and C/N of the soil samples were analyzed. Results show that concentrations of heavy metals in agricultural land present a certain spatial variance, decreasing from land to sea. Pollution assessment indicates that the agricultural soils were not polluted by HMs, but the potential pollution of Cu and Hg needs to be alerted. Different HMs accumulate in the surface and sub-surface of the soil profiles, and concentrations of Hg and Pb decrease significantly with the increment of soil depth. Concentrations of HMs exhibit a significantly negative correlation to pH, but have no significant relation with organic matters in soil. Principle component analysis show that the concentrations of HMs relate to the land use history. Concentrations of Hg, Ni and Cr in soil are closely related with land use history, and concentrations of Pb, Cu and Cr are affected by land use history as well as other factors. However, there is no significant relation between concentration of As and land use history. 展开更多
关键词 coastal zone agriculture land heavy metal land use history
A redescription of grey pomfret Pampus cinereus (Bloch, 1795) with the designation of a neotype (Teleostei: Stromateidae) 被引量:1
作者 刘静 李春生 宁平 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第1期140-145,共6页
Pampus cinereus (Bloch, 1795) (Stromateidae), a species believed to be widely distributed throughout the Indo-Western Pacific region, was redescribed and a neotype was designated. The designation of a neotype was ... Pampus cinereus (Bloch, 1795) (Stromateidae), a species believed to be widely distributed throughout the Indo-Western Pacific region, was redescribed and a neotype was designated. The designation of a neotype was necessary because of ambiguous data in Bloch's original description and the loss of the original type specimen. Morphological data indicated that 10 recently-collected specimens from the coasts of southem China agreed well with Bloch's original description and figure ofP. cinereus. A neotype for this species was selected from among the 10 specimens, and a detailed description is presented in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 Pampus cinereus NEOTYPE China seas
Neoproterozoic stratigraphic correlation of Subei-Huainan in China 被引量:1
作者 刘为付 刘双龙 +3 位作者 孙立新 白文爽 丁振坤 王泽宇 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第6期1449-1458,共10页
Subei-Huainan in the southeastern margin of the North China platform is a key area of convergence of China’s north-south stratigraphic correlation of Neoproterozoic.Due to the lack of fossils,the Neoproterozoic strat... Subei-Huainan in the southeastern margin of the North China platform is a key area of convergence of China’s north-south stratigraphic correlation of Neoproterozoic.Due to the lack of fossils,the Neoproterozoic stratigraphic correlation is still a difficulty in this area.The division of Neoproterozoic strata and the establishment of the correlation framework of the stratigraphic sequences have been done through recognizing the regularity of meter-scale cycles by measuring the outcrop of Neoproterozoic strata and using the Fischer diagram and the sea-level curve of transgressive-regressive by the maximum flooding sedimentary and molar teeth carbonate sedimentary.The maximum flooding sedimentary which becomes cycle sequence comparison of sign is isochronous in the same basin and is a key of cycle sequence comparison although paleogeographic environment and sedimentary sequence may be different in the sedimentary strata of the same geologic time.Molars carbonates,having specific geological distrution time and depositional environment and mainly developing in the ramp environment of the platform edge in the 1500-650 Ma,are the new symbol of the stratigraphic correlation in the Neoproterozoic.Because of the missing of the fossil record,the maximum flooding and the molar-teeth carbonate sedimentary,as the new research ideas,are used in stratigraphic division and correlation. 展开更多
关键词 Fischer diagram sea-level change molar-teeth carbonate maximum flooding sedimentary NEOPROTEROZOIC Subei-Huainan
Detailed sedimentary facies of a sandstone reservoir in the eastern zone of the Sulige gas field, Ordos Basin 被引量:10
作者 LI Yijun ZHAO Yong +2 位作者 YANG Renchao FAN Aiping LI Fuping 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第6期891-897,903,共8页
Given sustaining exploration, the eastern zone of the Sulige gas field may soon become a key area of exploitation. In order to explore its genesis, types and distribution of the reservoir sandstones in the eastern zon... Given sustaining exploration, the eastern zone of the Sulige gas field may soon become a key area of exploitation. In order to explore its genesis, types and distribution of the reservoir sandstones in the eastern zone of this gas field, we focused in our study on the provenance and detailed sedimentary facies of sandstone of the He8 (the eighth part of the Shihezi formation, Permian system) and Shanxil (the first part of the Shanxi formation, Permian system) members, based on core observations, analyses in petrography, granularity and logging. The results show that: 1) the sandstone provenance of Shanxil and He8 in the eastern zone of the Sulige gas field is from the north of the Ordos Basin, characterized by dual directions from the north and northeast. 2) The He8 and Shanxil members were deposited in a fluvial-delta sedimentary system. The He8 was mainly deposited in braided rivers, in- cluding braided channels, channel bars, levee and floodplain sub-environments, whereas the Shanxil Member was deposited in braided rivers and deltas, including braided channels, channel bars, floodplains, tributaries and inter-tributary sub-environments. 3) Sedimentary facies bands migrated in drastic fashion towards the basin from the Shanxil to the He8 Member. Base levels of sedi- mentation generally present a trend of small increases in-amplitude, large decreasing amplitudes and slow and gradual Increases. 4) The continuity of the reservoir sandbodies along the source direction is better than that perpendicular to the direction. Compared with Shanxil, both dimensions and continuity of the sandbodies in He8 are better from which we conclude that it is the most fa- vorable part of the reservoir. 展开更多
关键词 Ordos Basin Sulige gas field PERMIAN sandstone reservoir detailed sedimentary facies
Diagenesis and porosity evolution of sandstone reservoirs in the East II part of Sulige gas field, Ordos Basin 被引量:21
作者 Yang Renchao Fan Aiping Han Zuozhen Wang Xiuping 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2012年第3期311-316,共6页
It is becoming an important controlling factor of gas exploration and exploitation in the east part of Sulige gas field in the Ordos Basin where the reservoir of main gas formations is tight sandstones. Employing expe... It is becoming an important controlling factor of gas exploration and exploitation in the east part of Sulige gas field in the Ordos Basin where the reservoir of main gas formations is tight sandstones. Employing experimental methods of slice identification, casting slice, scan electron microscope, and X-ray diffrac- tions, we studied the characteristics of petrology and diagenesis on reservoirs in Shanl section of Shanxi formation and He8 section of Shihezi formation of the Permian system in the East II part of Sulige gas field. The results include: (1) the main sandstones in these areas are dominated by lithic sandstone and litbic silicarenite with low grade of maturity; (2) the diagenesis of sandstone in these areas mainly include compaction, cementation, corrosion and alteration. Conclusions are as follows: (1) the diagenetic stage reached period B of the middle diagenetic stage; (2) the early diagenetic compaction is one of the main factors to decreasing porosity; (3) the secondary pores formed by corrosion in acidity medium con- ditions in period A of the middle diagenetic stage can distinctly ameliorate the poor reservoir capability of sandstone and, (4) cementation in period B of the middle diagenetic stage is the most important factor leading; to poor physical property of sandstone reservoirs. 展开更多
关键词 Ordos BasinPermianSandstone reservoirsDiagenesisPorosity evolution
Relationship between Earth’s Rotation and Several Strong Earthquakes and Moderate-small Earthquakes Occurring around the Epicenter Regions Prior to Strong Earthquakes 被引量:2
作者 Wang Hengxin Zhao Xiaoyan +1 位作者 Li Yan'e Chen Xuezhong 《Earthquake Research in China》 2011年第4期444-455,共12页
The relationships between Earth's rotation and the 1975 Haicheng, Liaoning Ms7.3 earthquake, 2008 Wenchuan, Sichuan Ms8.0 earthquake and the 2004 Sumatra Msg. 0 earthquake, as well as moderate-small earthquakes occur... The relationships between Earth's rotation and the 1975 Haicheng, Liaoning Ms7.3 earthquake, 2008 Wenchuan, Sichuan Ms8.0 earthquake and the 2004 Sumatra Msg. 0 earthquake, as well as moderate-small earthquakes occurring around the epicenter regions prior to them are investigated in this study. The obtained results could benefit the further understanding of the relationship between the Earth's rotation and earthquakes. 展开更多
关键词 Strong earthquake Moderate-small earthquake Earth's rotation
Evaluation on Ideal Test Sites and Regional Characteristics of Cotton Fiber Quality in Jiangsu Province 被引量:1
作者 Jian LI Naiyin XU 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第10期2126-2129,2293,共5页
[Objective] The aim of this study was to explore the dominant fiber quality traits of test sites in cotton regional trials, by analyzing the regional characteristics of cotton fiber quality in Jiangsu province, in ord... [Objective] The aim of this study was to explore the dominant fiber quality traits of test sites in cotton regional trials, by analyzing the regional characteristics of cotton fiber quality in Jiangsu province, in order to provide the theory background for cotton fiber quality improvement. [Method] The dominant fiber quality traits of test locations were analyzed with eight main fiber quality indexes of hybrid cotton regional trials during 2009-2013 in Jiangsu province by use of the "ideal test site" view of GGE biplot. [Result] The test locations with the best integrative fiber quality were proved to be Yanliang, and followed by Dongxin and Guanyun; The better test locations in terms of the major fiber quality indexes, including fiber strength, fiber Length and micronaire value, were Guanyun, Xinyang and Yanliang; To sum up, the best test location with balanced fiber quality was Yanliang. The test locations with specialties in fiber quality index were listed as bellow: Dafeng, Xinghua and Dongtai performance better in fiber length; Qidong, Liuhe and Yanhai locations were of better fiber length uniformity; Sheyang and Dongxin were better in micronaire value;while Sheyang along was better in fiber elongation and reflectance. Moreover, the correlation between fiber yellowness and other traits was significant(P<0.01). [Conclusion] The regional characteristic of cotton fiber quality index in Jiangsu province was obvious and fiber yellowness was worthy an indicator trait to assist the comprehensive improvement of cotton fiber quality. 展开更多
关键词 Cotton cotton Jiangsu elongation reflectance integrative worthy listed length Ideal
作者 LIU Zhong-gang LI Man-chun +1 位作者 SUN Yan MA Wen-bo 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第2期160-164,共5页
This paper uses a spatial statistics method based on the calculation of spatial autocorrelation as a possible approach for modeling and quantifying the distribution of urban land price in Changzhou City, Jiangsu Provi... This paper uses a spatial statistics method based on the calculation of spatial autocorrelation as a possible approach for modeling and quantifying the distribution of urban land price in Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province. GIS and spatial statistics provide a useful way for describing the distribution of urban land price both spatially and temporally, and have proved to be useful for understanding land price distribution pattern better. In this paper, we apply the statistical analysis method to 8379 urban land price samples collected from Changzhou Land Market, and it is turned out that the proposed approach can effectively identify the spatial clusters and local point patterns in dataset and forms a general method for conceptualizing the land price structure. The results show that land price structure in Changzhou City is very complex and that even where there is a high spatial autocorrelation, the land price is still relatively heterogeneous. Furthermore, lands for different uses have different degrees of spatial autocorrelation. Spatial autocorrelation of commercial lands is more intense than that of residential and industrial lands in regional central district. This means that treating land price as integration of homogeneous units can limit analysis of pattern, over-simplifying the structure of land price, but the methods, just as the autocorrelation approaches, are useful tools for quantifying the variables of land price. 展开更多
关键词 spatial autocorrelation land price Moran's I GIS Changzhou
The Characteristics of Seismic Activity Before the Devastating Earthquake with M_W9.0 Off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra 被引量:1
作者 Xue Yan Song Zhiping +1 位作者 Mei Shirong Liu Jie 《Earthquake Research in China》 2006年第2期118-126,共9页
The characteristics of seismic activity in different time-spatial domain before the M_W9.0 earthquake were studied. The results are as follows:The activity of the deep earthquakes in the north boundary zone of the Aus... The characteristics of seismic activity in different time-spatial domain before the M_W9.0 earthquake were studied. The results are as follows:The activity of the deep earthquakes in the north boundary zone of the Australian plate had been evidently strengthened since 1994, showing an increased frequency, magnitude and depth, especially in regards to the heterogeneous distribution of the earthquake depth (namely between 500km and 689km). Meanwhile the shallow earthquakes of M≥7.0 in the Sumatra island and its vicinity had been obviously strengthened too, and formed a strengthening area with a length of about 1000 km and width 300 km. ②The time distribution of global strong earthquakes with M≥7.0 shows that the character of anomalous seismic quiescence-activity one year before the M_W9.0 earthquake and during its active period, the strong earthquakes formed a seismic belt striking in NWW direction. At the same time, there is a seismic gap formed by earthquakes of M≥5.0 in the epicenter and its neighboring region. ③Two deep earthquakes of M≥7.0 occurred in the west and in the east of the north boundary zone of the Australian plate half year ago. It is notable that one of them occurred in the Sumatra island where no deep earthquake with M≥6.0 has occurred in the past thirty years. ④The space distribution of moderate shocks occurring three days ago exhibited a NWW-strike seismic belt along the north boundary zone of the Australian plate. ⑤The activity of volcanoes distributed in the north boundary zone of the Australian plate had been strengthened in the past 4 years, especially several months before the occurrence of the M_W9.0 earthquake. 展开更多
关键词 The Australian plate Sumatra island Sunda trench Seismic gap Strengthened seismic activity Seismic belt Deep earthquake activity Volcano activity
Impact of climatic change on sea surface temperature variation in Subei coastal waters,East China 被引量:2
作者 王然 于非 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第6期1406-1413,共8页
Sea surface temperature (SST) variation in the Subei coastal waters, East China, which is important for the ecological environment of the Yellow Sea where Enteromorphaprolifera blooms frequently, is affected by the ... Sea surface temperature (SST) variation in the Subei coastal waters, East China, which is important for the ecological environment of the Yellow Sea where Enteromorphaprolifera blooms frequently, is affected by the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM), El Nifio-Southem Oscillation (ENSO), and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). In this study, correlations between climatic events and SST anomalies (SSTA) around the Subei (North Jiangsu Province, East China) Coast from 1981-2012 are analyzed, using empirical orthogonal function (EOF) and correlation analyses. First, a key region was determined by EOF analysis to represent the Subei coastal waters. Then, coherency analyses were performed on this key region. According to the correlation analysis, the EAWM index has a positive correlation with the spring and summer SSTA of the key region. Furthermore, the Nifio3.4 index is negatively correlated with the spring and summer SSTA of the key region 1 year ahead, and the PDO has significant negative coherency with spring SSTA and negative coherency with summer SSTA in the key region 1 year ahead. Overall, PDO exhibits the most significant impact on SSTA of the key region. In the key region, all these factors are correlated more significantly with SSTA in spring than in summer. This suggests that outbreaks ofEnteromorpha prolifera in the Yellow Sea are affected by global climatic changes, especially the PDO. 展开更多
关键词 sea surface temperature (SST) Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) El Nifio-Southem Oscillation(ENSO) East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) Subei coastal waters
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