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薄基岩浅埋深矿区地表开采沉降预测及影响因素分析 被引量:16
作者 郭启琛 李文平 +1 位作者 王启庆 杨东东 《金属矿山》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第12期161-164,共4页
目前我国西北部地区浅埋深薄基岩开采区地表沉降现象日益严重。以鄂尔多斯某矿区为例,基于该矿区覆岩性质、地质条件、开采技术条件、地表沉降点观测数据,运用概率积分法对首采区的地表开采沉降规律进行了分析预测,并对该矿区典型的薄... 目前我国西北部地区浅埋深薄基岩开采区地表沉降现象日益严重。以鄂尔多斯某矿区为例,基于该矿区覆岩性质、地质条件、开采技术条件、地表沉降点观测数据,运用概率积分法对首采区的地表开采沉降规律进行了分析预测,并对该矿区典型的薄基岩浅埋深开采地表沉降的主要影响因素进行了分析。结果表明:1概率积分法的矿区开采沉降预测结果与实测数据基本吻合,表明采用该方法预测矿区地表移动参数是可行的;2由于矿区整体构造简单,且工作面内煤层基本呈水平分布,煤厚、采深、倾角等因素变化较小,综合分析认为顶板松散层基岩厚度比(HS/HJ)、开采强度(工作面推进速度)是该矿区地表沉降的主要影响因素;3对工作面走向的顶板松散层基岩厚度比(HS/HJ)曲线、开采强度(工作面推进速度)曲线与地表沉降量曲线进行了对比分析,认为松散层基岩厚度比(HS/HJ)、开采强度(工作面推进速度)对矿区开采沉降具有相反的作用,且开采强度(工作面推进速度)对矿区开采沉降的影响较大。上述分析结论对于地质构造稳定的鄂尔多斯地区矿区开采沉降分析预测有一定的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 地表开采沉降 概率积分法 影响因素 基岩厚度 松散层厚度 开采强度
前常铜铁矿岩层移动规律与矿山浅地表开采方案的探讨 被引量:1
作者 朱彻 周王贞 《矿业快报》 2008年第2期62-63,共2页
前常铜铁矿目前原矿生产能力350 t/d,为满足生产需要,研究设计水平浅部零星小矿体开采方案。结合前常铜铁矿实例,探讨岩层移动规律与矿山浅地表开采方案的确定,为矿山浅地表开采提供新思路和新资料。
关键词 岩层移动 规律 地表开采
作者 张明天 龚原 +4 位作者 董法 王廷飞 冷智高 安东亮 王稷晗 《黄金》 CAS 2021年第8期42-47,共6页
为了对某矿区近地表开采可能出现的地质灾害进行评估,采用离散元数值模拟方法,研究了近地表开采不断深入可能造成的地表扰动和地质灾害。结果表明:在开采过程中应采取切顶、护顶、留点柱等方法控制顶板冒落,且随着矿体倾角的增大,顶板... 为了对某矿区近地表开采可能出现的地质灾害进行评估,采用离散元数值模拟方法,研究了近地表开采不断深入可能造成的地表扰动和地质灾害。结果表明:在开采过程中应采取切顶、护顶、留点柱等方法控制顶板冒落,且随着矿体倾角的增大,顶板冒落范围也将随之增大。开采过程中应注意矿体倾角的变化,加强顶板管理。研究为后续矿山选择合理的采矿方案提供了一定的理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 地表开采 离散元 2D-BLOCK 地质灾害 数值模拟 采空区
作者 胡永江 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)工程技术》 2022年第6期76-79,共4页
近几年我国城市化进程逐渐加快,很多资源被不断开采,尤其是煤炭采掘工作也在不断深入,从而造成煤炭资源的开采工作强度逐渐增加,而这种高强度的采掘工作也对我国环境以及地表都造成了一定影响,例如地表沉降问题越来越严重,这对周围的公... 近几年我国城市化进程逐渐加快,很多资源被不断开采,尤其是煤炭采掘工作也在不断深入,从而造成煤炭资源的开采工作强度逐渐增加,而这种高强度的采掘工作也对我国环境以及地表都造成了一定影响,例如地表沉降问题越来越严重,这对周围的公路、建筑物、人民群众以及铁路设施等都具有严重影响,对人们的生活以及健康都具有重大威胁,为此我国为了降低地表沉降所带来的损伤,开始对其进行观测研究,从而最大限度的保证人们生活、周围水质、建筑以及交通工具,因此要想该项工作能够顺利开展就必须对地表开采沉降数据进行观测,通过观察数据从而达到一定目标。就目前情况来看,动态测量技术在煤矿开采地表沉降观测工作过程当中被广泛应用,具有数据更加精准、工作效率更快、成本更低等优势,为煤矿开采工作提供了更多科学的参考。基于此现象,本文主要分析了动态测量理论的基本定义以及基本特征,并对蒋家河煤矿地下开采所引起的地表变形给予简要概述,同时阐述了当前我国动态测量的主要方法以及针对本次实验所选地区的具体情况分析,主要包括交通位置、气候气象特点、地形地貌以及经济状况等,最后对动态测量的蒋家河煤矿地表开采沉降观测工作进行详细论述,以表格的方式得出结果,并对该项工作的未来展望给予一定建议,以供读者参考。 展开更多
关键词 动态测量 蒋家河煤矿 地表开采 沉降观测 理论 方法选择 概述
大平煤矿水库下开采库水运移模拟技术研究 被引量:2
作者 孙臣良 孙冰 题正义 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期692-697,709,共7页
大平矿水库下煤炭储量占井田工业储量的49.5%,水库下安全开采是矿井亟待解决的问题。基于ArcGIS Engine应用技术和概率积分法地表移动变形预计模型,以库区地理信息系统和开采沉陷预计系统为基础平台,采用高精度的不规则三角网建模方法... 大平矿水库下煤炭储量占井田工业储量的49.5%,水库下安全开采是矿井亟待解决的问题。基于ArcGIS Engine应用技术和概率积分法地表移动变形预计模型,以库区地理信息系统和开采沉陷预计系统为基础平台,采用高精度的不规则三角网建模方法建立了库区地形数字高程模型,利用回采工作面地表移动和变形预计结果提出了下沉盆地在库区地形数字高程模型中的无缝嵌入技术,实现了库区地理数据库的动态修正和库区三维地表的实时重构,通过库区地表的三维分析功能精确模拟了库水的移动和分布规律,为水库下煤炭协调开采计划优化和矿井安全开采提供了科学的决策支持。 展开更多
关键词 水库下开采 ArcGISEngine应用技术 库区地形数字高程模型 地表开采沉陷预计
条带开采沉陷预测分析与工程应用 被引量:6
作者 谢飞鸿 罗冠炜 +1 位作者 刘京学 王锦山 《辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第6期825-828,共4页
为了合理确定条带开采留宽长度,模拟条带开采引起的地表变形,开挖环境的工程措施要求、保护对象的空间位置和开采岩层的情况,选用相应的条带开采沉陷机理、计算模型和计算方法,用以预测设计开采区的地表变形以及采后数据整理。全部工作... 为了合理确定条带开采留宽长度,模拟条带开采引起的地表变形,开挖环境的工程措施要求、保护对象的空间位置和开采岩层的情况,选用相应的条带开采沉陷机理、计算模型和计算方法,用以预测设计开采区的地表变形以及采后数据整理。全部工作是在自行研发的软件包的基础上完成,实现了地表变形计算的可视化分析系统。依据马蹄沟煤矿地面观测资料及采区的地质开采条件为基础,应用该系统,指导该矿成功的在河流及建筑物下开采,做到了准确预测预报。 展开更多
关键词 条带开采:地表变形 数值模拟计算 试验开采
作者 樊燕 《山西建筑》 2014年第10期88-89,共2页
关键词 煤矿开采 地表变形 建筑物的损坏程度
甘沟铅锌矿地压显现成因分析技术研究 被引量:1
作者 翟鑫 赵文奇 +1 位作者 张亭 崔耀 《甘肃冶金》 2023年第3期118-121,126,共5页
以甘沟铅锌矿地压显现为背景,通过岩石力学测试、地压显现调查、采空区面积估算和地表移动带圈定等综合方法初步分析了矿山井巷工程破坏和地表山体滑坡的原因,利用“三带”理论和爆破振动安全允许距离分别计算并确定了近地表安全开采深... 以甘沟铅锌矿地压显现为背景,通过岩石力学测试、地压显现调查、采空区面积估算和地表移动带圈定等综合方法初步分析了矿山井巷工程破坏和地表山体滑坡的原因,利用“三带”理论和爆破振动安全允许距离分别计算并确定了近地表安全开采深度为41.21 m,可为类似矿山缓倾斜薄矿体近地表开采安全提供经验借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 缓倾斜 薄矿体 井巷工程 地表开采 地压显现 安全开采深度
作者 何军 《铜业工程》 CAS 2012年第6期69-71,80,共4页
2011年10月19日,国际财务报告准则解释委员会发布了《国际财务报告解释公告第20号———地表采矿生产阶段的剥采成本》。该解释针对在地表(也称露天)采矿中,采掘单位清理表层废料的活动,即进行"剥采"(也称剥离)的会计处理问题... 2011年10月19日,国际财务报告准则解释委员会发布了《国际财务报告解释公告第20号———地表采矿生产阶段的剥采成本》。该解释针对在地表(也称露天)采矿中,采掘单位清理表层废料的活动,即进行"剥采"(也称剥离)的会计处理问题,做出了新的解释。解释第20号将在2013年1月1日生效,适用国际财务报告准则的实体产生影响。X集团(假设该集团为H股上市公司,在境外公告要适用国际会计准则),有必要对该公告进行研究,因此,力图从理论和实务两方面,就该解释公告对X集团的废料清除成本的会计处理进行讨论,同时为更加接近国际财务报告解释公告第20号,基本采用公告所用术语,如"地表"、"剥采"等。 展开更多
关键词 生产阶段 剥采 地表开采 废料清除 会计处理
“三带”理论在确定金属矿山安全回采上限中的应用 被引量:6
作者 周王贞 《采矿技术》 2008年第5期47-48,共2页
关键词 岩层移动规律 三带理论 地表开采 安全回采上限
作者 郭峰 《现代矿业》 CAS 2015年第4期34-36,共3页
济南张马屯铁矿使用浅孔留矿采矿法开采,虽然有效消除爆破振动对地表建筑物的影响,但在采准施工及回采过程中无法保证施工人员的人身安全。为提高施工作业的安全性,并且控制爆破振动对居民的影响,采用垂直平行中深孔布置方式,可灵活控... 济南张马屯铁矿使用浅孔留矿采矿法开采,虽然有效消除爆破振动对地表建筑物的影响,但在采准施工及回采过程中无法保证施工人员的人身安全。为提高施工作业的安全性,并且控制爆破振动对居民的影响,采用垂直平行中深孔布置方式,可灵活控制每次爆破的装药量,方便在回采效率与爆破振动之间找到平衡点,并且施工安全性高。通过实际应用,取得了预期效果。 展开更多
关键词 垂直平行中深孔 地表开采 爆破振动
Assessment of potential impacts to surface and subsurface water bodies due to longwall mining 被引量:6
作者 Christopher Newman Zacharias Agioutantis Gabriel Boede Jimenez Leon 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第1期57-64,共8页
Ground movements due to longwall mining operations have the potential to damage the hydrological balance within as well as outside the mine permit area in the form of increased surface ponding and changes to hydrogeol... Ground movements due to longwall mining operations have the potential to damage the hydrological balance within as well as outside the mine permit area in the form of increased surface ponding and changes to hydrogeological properties. Recently, the Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Enforcement(OSMRE) in the USA, has completed a public comment period on a newly proposed rule for the protection of streams and groundwater from adverse impacts of surface and underground mining operations(80 FR 44435). With increased community and regulatory focus on mining operations and their potential to adversely affect streams and groundwater, now there is a greater need for better prediction of the possible effects mining has on both surface and subsurface bodies of water. With mining induced stress and strain within the overburden correlated to changes in the hydrogeological properties of rock and soil, this paper investigates the evaluation of the hydrogeological system within the vicinity of an underground mining operation based on strain values calculated through a surface deformation prediction model. Through accurate modeling of the pre- and post-mining hydrogeological system, industry personnel can better depict mining induced effects on surface and subsurface bodies of water aiding in the optimization of underground extraction sequences while maintaining the integrity of water resources. 展开更多
关键词 STREAMS Aquifers Ground strain Coal mining
作者 吴立新 王金庄 +1 位作者 赵学胜 李邦三 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 1994年第2期74-85,共12页
This paper systematiedy expounds the history and present situation of tbe research &application of strip-parttal mining at home and abroad. Tbe prospect of using strip-parttal miningmcthod to mine under balldings ... This paper systematiedy expounds the history and present situation of tbe research &application of strip-parttal mining at home and abroad. Tbe prospect of using strip-parttal miningmcthod to mine under balldings (structures) at the present situation of market economy is also expounded here Strata & surface subsidence mechanism of atrip-partni mining the optimization ofthe width of unit goaf & coal pillar as well as the calculation method of surface subsidence pridictionbased on Holding-Ptate Control Theory and Coal Pillar Long-term Stability, which are our researchachivements in recent years about strata & surface subsidence control in strip-partial mining, arethe main points introdued bere. 展开更多
关键词 strip-partial mining Holding-Plate Theory coal pillar subsidence mechanism subsidence control dimension optimization
Aspects of surface and environment protection in German mining areas 被引量:8
作者 FRANK Otto 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第5期615-619,共5页
Hard coal mining in the German Ruhr district has a tradition of more than 200 years. Starting in the south near the river Ruhr with mining of seams near to the surface, mining wandered to the north with coal seams dee... Hard coal mining in the German Ruhr district has a tradition of more than 200 years. Starting in the south near the river Ruhr with mining of seams near to the surface, mining wandered to the north with coal seams deeper and deeper. In the same way all environmental effects of mining wandered from south to north, as there are abandoned mining sites, contaminated areas, burning mining dumps, subsided areas and gas accesses at day ground. This all happened in a very high populated area with more than four million inhabitants. Therefore Germany has a long tradition in solving environmental problems of mining activities. The very good interaction of mine authority, mining companies and the mine workers’ union is the main reason why the problems of decreasing mining activities in Germany were solved without economic, environmental or social hazards. 展开更多
关键词 abandoned mining sites contaminated areas SUBSIDENCE burning mining dumps gas accesses at day ground
Design concerns of room and pillar retreat panels 被引量:4
作者 Klemetti Ted M. Sears Morgan M. Tulu Ihsan B. 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第1期29-35,共7页
Why do some room and pillar retreat panels encounter abnormal conditions? What factors deserve the most consideration during the planning and execution phases of mining and what can be done to mitigate those abnormal... Why do some room and pillar retreat panels encounter abnormal conditions? What factors deserve the most consideration during the planning and execution phases of mining and what can be done to mitigate those abnormal conditions when they are encountered7 To help answer these questions, and to determine some of the relevant factors influencing the conditions of room and pillar (R & P) retreat min- ing entries, four consecutive R & P retreat panels were evaluated. This evaluation was intended to rein- force the influence of topographic changes, depth of cover, multiple-seam interactions, geological conditions, and mining geometry. This paper details observations were made in four consecutive R & P retreat panels and the data were collected from an instrumentation site during retreat mining. The pri- mary focus was on the differences observed among the four panels and within the panels themselves. The instrumentation study was initially planned to evaluate the interactions between primary and secondary support, but produced rather interesting results relating to the loading encountered under the current mining conditions. In addition to the obse^ation and |ll^trumentation, numerical modeling was per- formed to evaluate the stress condi~!ons. Both the LaModel 3.0 and Rocscience Phase 2 programs were used to evaluate these four panels, The results of both models indicated a drastic reduction in the vertical stresses experienced in these panels due to the full extraction mining in overlying seams when compared to the full overburden load. Both models showed a higher level of stress associated with the outside entries of the panels. These results agree quite well with the observations and instrumentation studies performed at the mine. These efforts provided two overarching conclusions concerning R & P retreat mine planning and execution. The first was that there are four areas that should not be overlooked during R & P retreat mining: topographic relief, multiple^seaPa stress relief, stress concentrations near the gob edge, and geologic changes in the immediate roof. The second is that in order to successfully retreat an R & P panel, a three-phased approach to the design and analysis of the panel should be conducted: the planning phase, evaluation phase, and monitoring phase. 展开更多
关键词 Room and pillar Retreat mining Deep coverSafety Multiple seam
Study on water loss of the surface stream affected by iongwali mining
作者 郭文兵 Syd S. Peng 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2007年第1期22-27,共6页
In order to study the effect of Iongwall mining on surface stream water, monitoring stations of water flow rate was established. A lot of water flowing data were collected before, during and after Iongwall mining. Bas... In order to study the effect of Iongwall mining on surface stream water, monitoring stations of water flow rate was established. A lot of water flowing data were collected before, during and after Iongwall mining. Based on monitoring data, the effects of Iongwall mining on surface stream water were analyzed. The results demonstrate that Iongwall mining has effects on the surface stream water; and the stream water would be lost and decrease due to Iongwall mining but never go into underground through fractured zone. Also, the mechanism of water loss due to Iongwall mining was presented. The stream water can go into the surface cracks in the intersection of stream and surface cracks, longwall mining subsidence can change the surface stream slope and the downstream water flowing status. The results also show the effects of Iongwall mining on stream water are temporary and about one or two years later, surface stream water can be recovered. 展开更多
关键词 longwall mining surface water STREAM mining under water bodies
作者 郭彦威 《水文地质工程地质技术方法动态》 2001年第1期10-12,共3页
关键词 开采沉陷 环境 采矿区 地表开采 碳酸盐 采矿程度
作者 王悦汉 缪协兴 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 1997年第2期1-5,共5页
The results of experimentaI studies about the characteristics of broken rock expansion and reconsolidation were briefly introduced in this paper, and the surface subsidence coefficient under critical mining conditions... The results of experimentaI studies about the characteristics of broken rock expansion and reconsolidation were briefly introduced in this paper, and the surface subsidence coefficient under critical mining conditions was also analysed based on the principle of expansion and reconsolidation of the broken rock strata, a equation to calculate the corresponding surface subsidence was finally produced. This calculation method can be used to calculate more accurately the convergence quantity of consolidated rocks in the broken zone of the working face. In addition, case analyses by using the introduced calculation method were conducted and satisfactory results were obtained. 展开更多
关键词 surface subsidence expansion on breaking rock CONSOLIDATION coefficient of surface subsidence
Numerical simulation of overburden and surface movements for Wongawilli strip pillar mining 被引量:18
作者 Guo Wenbing Xu Feiya 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第1期71-76,共6页
The Wongawilli strip pillar mining technique,which combines the strip pillar mining layout and Wongawilli mining technology,is a new high efficient mining technology for mining under surface structures. The Wongawilli... The Wongawilli strip pillar mining technique,which combines the strip pillar mining layout and Wongawilli mining technology,is a new high efficient mining technology for mining under surface structures. The Wongawilli strip pillar mining technique was studied in this paper using theoretical analysis and numerical simulation. As an example,the geological and mining conditions of a coal mine were used to design the Wongawilli strip pillar plans,including the support parameters of the entries and the mining technology. In order to control the surrounding rocks and manage the roof effectively during coal mining,the stress fields,displacement fields and plastic zones were studied by numerical simulation. The stress fields,displacement fields,and plastic zones generated by Wongawilli strip pillar mining were obtained. And the surface movement and deformation were also determined after mining was completed and its effects on surface structures were analyzed and evaluated. The results demonstrate that it is feasible to mine under surface structures with the Wongawilli strip pillar mining technique. This mining method can protect the surface structures from damages. 展开更多
关键词 Strip pillar miningWongawilliSurrounding rockMining under structuresNumerical simulation
Mountain ground movement prediction caused by mining based on BP-neural network 被引量:3
作者 ZHANG He-sheng LIU Li-juan LIU Hong-fu 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2011年第1期12-15,共4页
Six main influencing factors: slope, aspect, distance, angle, angle of coal seam, and the ratio of depth and thickness, were selected by Grey correlation theory and Grey relational analysis procedure programmed by th... Six main influencing factors: slope, aspect, distance, angle, angle of coal seam, and the ratio of depth and thickness, were selected by Grey correlation theory and Grey relational analysis procedure programmed by the MATLAB software package to select the surface movement and deformation parameters. On this basis, the paper built a BP neural network model that takes the six main influencing factors as input data and corresponding value of ground subsidence as output data. Ground subsidence of the 3406 mining face in Haoyu Coal was predicted by the trained BP neural network. By comparing the prediction and the practices, the research shows that it is feasible to use the 13P neural network to predict mountain mining subsidence. 展开更多
关键词 BP neural network mountain regions mining subsidence Grey theory
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