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第四纪地质定年与地质年表 被引量:32
作者 刘嘉麒 王文远 《第四纪研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1997年第3期193-202,共10页
时、空、质(物质)、能(动力)是研究地质过程、环境演变的基本要素,其中时间是关键.任何一个自然事件、任何一个地质过程,都与时间相关联,时间的重要性需要通过年龄的精确测量来体现。本文综述了第四纪定年的基本方法和特点以及... 时、空、质(物质)、能(动力)是研究地质过程、环境演变的基本要素,其中时间是关键.任何一个自然事件、任何一个地质过程,都与时间相关联,时间的重要性需要通过年龄的精确测量来体现。本文综述了第四纪定年的基本方法和特点以及近年来年代地层学所获得的进展,提出了中国第四纪的划分简表。 展开更多
关键词 第四纪 地质定年 地质年表 地层
米兰柯维奇地质定年方法的数学表达及其意义 被引量:2
作者 陈清华 刘池阳 李琴 《西北大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期599-602,共4页
重点讨论了米兰柯维奇理论地质定年若干问题的数学表达及其意义。结果表明:利用米兰柯维奇理论进行地质定年的理论依据是充分的;加强对沉积速率及其分布特征的统计和研究是改进米兰柯维奇理论地质定年效果的重要途径之一,另一重要途径... 重点讨论了米兰柯维奇理论地质定年若干问题的数学表达及其意义。结果表明:利用米兰柯维奇理论进行地质定年的理论依据是充分的;加强对沉积速率及其分布特征的统计和研究是改进米兰柯维奇理论地质定年效果的重要途径之一,另一重要途径则是提高被处理层段地质持续时间的确定精度;被处理井段所对应的地质持续时间,应不小于米兰柯维奇理论地质定年方法的分辨率;当被处理井段厚度较大时,应当注意米兰柯维奇旋回对应频率成分的能量大小,是否能保证旋回识别的有效性。该方法是一种新的定年方法,其数学表达式易于计算机运算的实现,为自动化定年提供了可能。 展开更多
关键词 米兰柯维奇理论 地质定年方法 数学表达
热分析方法测定α粒子径迹密度及其在地质定年中的应用 被引量:2
作者 张建祥 杨铜锁 《信阳师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第2期274-278,共5页
将热分析法测定α粒子径迹密度应用于地质定年.用中子活化分析的方法测量了安徽马鞍山磷灰石样品中^(238)U、^(232)Th和^(147)Sm的含量.另外以Dorango磷灰石作为参考标准,用热分析方法测量了样品中α粒子的径迹含量,最后经计算得到安徽... 将热分析法测定α粒子径迹密度应用于地质定年.用中子活化分析的方法测量了安徽马鞍山磷灰石样品中^(238)U、^(232)Th和^(147)Sm的含量.另外以Dorango磷灰石作为参考标准,用热分析方法测量了样品中α粒子的径迹含量,最后经计算得到安徽马鞍山磷灰石样品的地质年代为3.63×10~7 a.与其他地质资料比较,认为其地质年龄在3000万年左右是可信的. 展开更多
关键词 α粒子核径迹 热分析法 DSC曲线 磷灰石 地质定年
黑龙江科洛晚新生代火山岩K-Ar定年和地球化学 被引量:8
作者 穆治国 刘驰 +4 位作者 黄宝玲 侯贵廷 郑庆道 崔建伟 刘世炜 《北京大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1992年第6期733-744,共12页
对采自8个火山锥和其它产状的15个火山岩样品和一个幔源包体样品进行了系统的岩石薄片观察,常量元素、微量元素和稀土元素的化学分析,K-Ar定年及氧、锶和钕同位素测定。显微镜下首次发现了贵橄榄石的贯穿双晶,包括四角星状和六角星状双... 对采自8个火山锥和其它产状的15个火山岩样品和一个幔源包体样品进行了系统的岩石薄片观察,常量元素、微量元素和稀土元素的化学分析,K-Ar定年及氧、锶和钕同位素测定。显微镜下首次发现了贵橄榄石的贯穿双晶,包括四角星状和六角星状双晶。化学分析表明这是一套SiO_2不饱和、高K、Mg而贫Ca,同时特别富集LREE、不相容元素和地幔元素的岩浆。全岩的δ^(18)O值略高于初始地幔,Sr和Nd同位素组成在^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr-^(143)Nd/^(144)Nd图解上,落在第Ⅳ象限地幔排布的延长线上,并且靠近坐标原点,显示初始地幔的特征,K-Ar表现年龄值域在0.03Ma和2.98Ma之间,大多数落在晚更新世。地幔包体表现年龄约为70Ma,中生代的玄武岩年龄在93.3Ma和95.5Ma之间。趋势分析表明年青火山仍有喷发的可能性、显微镜下挑除橄榄石捕虏晶后的对比定年实验给出了有益的提示:我国东北和东部大面积分布的晚新生代橄榄玄武岩过去的定年可能都偏老了。 展开更多
关键词 地球化学 火山岩 新生代 地质定年
大气^(129)I水平对超低^(129)I含量地质样品分析中流程空白的影响(英文) 被引量:3
作者 张路远 陈宁 +3 位作者 侯小琳 刘起 范煜坤 邢闪 《地球环境学报》 2016年第5期529-536,共8页
为了采用^(129)I进行地质定年研究,该类样品中的^(129)I/^(127)I原子比值通常低于10^(-12),因此低的^(129)I流程空白是分析地质定年样品的前提条件之一。在全球范围内,大气中^(129)I的水平呈现显著变化趋势,^(129)I/^(127)I原子比值范围... 为了采用^(129)I进行地质定年研究,该类样品中的^(129)I/^(127)I原子比值通常低于10^(-12),因此低的^(129)I流程空白是分析地质定年样品的前提条件之一。在全球范围内,大气中^(129)I的水平呈现显著变化趋势,^(129)I/^(127)I原子比值范围在10^(-10)到10^(-6)。然而,在样品制备过程中,是否大气中的^(129)I会影响流程空白尚未可知。本研究调查了三种常用的^(129)I分析方法,包括直接沉淀法、溶剂萃取法和管式燃烧法(分别以压缩空气和氧气作为载气)来比较流程空白中的^(129)I/^(127)I比值。研究结果表明:在最佳实验室条件下,流程空白均被控制在较低的水平,可用于分析各种环境和地质样品。另外,通过研究溶液的长时间储存,发现当0.4 mol?L^(-1)Na OH溶液储存一年以上时,^(129)I/^(127)I比值比新配制的Na OH溶液有所提高,但基本在实验室正常本底2×10^(-13)以内。采用压缩空气作为载气的管式燃烧法比氧气为载气时具有明显提高的^(129)I/^(127)I比值。研究表明样品和试剂的储存,以及制样过程中与大气的交换程度均会影响流程空白中^(129)I的水平。因此在分析超低^(129)I含量的地质样品时,固体样品中碘的分离应采用低本底的分析方法(如以纯气体作为载体的管式燃烧法),如有必要还可在低大气^(129)I水平的实验室进行实验。 展开更多
关键词 碘-129 流程空白 129I的地质定年
藏东三江构造带云南段α石英热活化ESR定年与新生代构造事件 被引量:9
作者 钟康惠 梁兴中 +4 位作者 刘肇昌 舒良树 李凡友 施央申 唐菊兴 《地质通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第12期1231-1237,共7页
运用α石英热活化ESR定年法(HAESRDQ)对三江构造带云南段49件样品定年结果的分析发现,该方法所获测年数据与地质事实及其他测年方法定年结果吻合,表明是一种普遍适用于中—新生代地质事件定年的方法。同时,证实三江构造带云南段是新生... 运用α石英热活化ESR定年法(HAESRDQ)对三江构造带云南段49件样品定年结果的分析发现,该方法所获测年数据与地质事实及其他测年方法定年结果吻合,表明是一种普遍适用于中—新生代地质事件定年的方法。同时,证实三江构造带云南段是新生代陆内褶皱造山带,大量具“层控”特征的有色贵金属矿床的成矿时代也是新生代。 展开更多
关键词 α石英热活化ESR定年法(HAESRDQ) 中—新生代地质事件定年 三江构造带云南段
作者 范煜坤 周卫健 侯小琳 《地球环境学报》 CSCD 2017年第4期285-291,共7页
^(129)I由于具有较长半衰期,为2 Ma—80 Ma的地质定年提供了可能,因此,近几十年来,^(129)I定年的关键参数"初始值"受到了学术界关注。海洋系统中^(129)I初始值研究已较为成熟,并得到广泛认可和应用。陆地环境的认知有限,但一... ^(129)I由于具有较长半衰期,为2 Ma—80 Ma的地质定年提供了可能,因此,近几十年来,^(129)I定年的关键参数"初始值"受到了学术界关注。海洋系统中^(129)I初始值研究已较为成熟,并得到广泛认可和应用。陆地环境的认知有限,但一定程度上暗示了海陆间可能存在差异。由于环境中天然^(129)I和^(127)I来源的不同,影响地表碘同位素混合过程的环境因素是讨论陆地^(129)I初始值水平的关键,将为以后确定陆地环境的^(129)I初始值提供思路。 展开更多
关键词 129I 初始值 地质定年
Review on Dating Methods:Numerical Dating in the Quaternary Geology of High Asia 被引量:2
作者 Matthias Kuhle Sabine Kuhle 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第2期105-122,共18页
Over the past few years, OSL and TCN datings of glacial material from High Asia have come into fashion. To this day, however, these techniques do not permit safe calibration. The intensity of the cosmic ray flux is be... Over the past few years, OSL and TCN datings of glacial material from High Asia have come into fashion. To this day, however, these techniques do not permit safe calibration. The intensity of the cosmic ray flux is being modulated by the solar and terrestrial magnetic fields and their secular fluctuations in the past. So far, these variations cannot be converted into the respective local TCN production rates for High Asia. We have reason to believe that the ages that are being calculated despite these uneertainties are generally overestimated. This assessment is supported by eonventional radiocarbon dates and above" all by the glacial chronology developed independently on the basis of the Quaternary geological method. The strongly emerging evidence for a much more extensive LGM glaciation of High Asia is, however, either being ignored or rejected by many authors, solely on the basis of the above-mentioned uncalibrated datings. This self-conceit based on the "dating fallacy", as we call it, should be avoided since it goes decidedly against the standards of the scientific method established in Quaternary geology and makes a fundamental scientific discussion impossible. 展开更多
关键词 Calibration of numerical dating Geomagnetic field excursions Solar activity Interface problem Tibetan ice sheet Dating fallacy
Experimental Research on Microscopic Indicators of Temperature's Returning-to-Zero in Deformation of Calcite and Discussions of Correlation Problem
作者 YaoDaquan ZhaiHongtao 《Earthquake Research in China》 2005年第1期35-42,共8页
In order to determine the degree of returning_to_zero of temperatures of deformed calcite, a series of rock-breaking experiments were designed to test calcite-rich limestone samples under fixed confining pressures and... In order to determine the degree of returning_to_zero of temperatures of deformed calcite, a series of rock-breaking experiments were designed to test calcite-rich limestone samples under fixed confining pressures and different temperatures. The consolidated deformed samples in their initial state were observed under a microscope and the microscopic indicators in different zero-returning states were put forward, thus providing a microscopic foundation for evaluation of reliability of dating values of deformation in calcite. At last, the correction of dating values of deformation for samples whose temperature has not yet returned to zero is discussed. 展开更多
关键词 CALCITE Returning-to-zero Age Experiment Microscopic indictor CORRECTION
Uplift differential of active fold zones during the late Quaternary, northern piedmonts of the Tianshan Mountains, China 被引量:5
作者 YANG XiaoPing LI An HUNAG WeiLiang 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第5期794-805,共12页
On the north piedmont of Tianshan Mountains, China, the Kuytun River and Manas River transverse the Dushanzi and Manas folds, resulted in 7-level and 6-level pedestal terraces, respectively, which are the tectonomorph... On the north piedmont of Tianshan Mountains, China, the Kuytun River and Manas River transverse the Dushanzi and Manas folds, resulted in 7-level and 6-level pedestal terraces, respectively, which are the tectonomorphic marks of folding and uplift of the Dushanzi and Manas anticlines since the late Quaternary. We have collected samples from deposits of all terraces for OSL (optically stimulated luminescence) geological dating using the SMAR (single-multiple-aliquot-regeneration) method on fine grains. We have also performed dating using the ~4C method on the samples from the deposit of terrace T1 along the Kuy- tun River. The results show that all these deposits are of the later phase of the late Pleistocene. Comparison of terrace dating and climate change since 200 ka suggests that the terraces TI, T2, T3, T4 and T5 along the Manas River formed in 6, 8.5, 10, 14 and 32 ka, respectively. The incision time of Kuitun River's T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6 and T7 terraces were 1.7, 14, 20, 25, 32 50 and 100 ka years ago, respectively. The terrace T4 along the Manas River and T2 along the Kuytun River were formed dur- ing the late part of the late Pleistocene, i.e., 14 ka. Since 14 ka, the incision of the Manas River has generated three levels of pedestal terraces, while that of the Kuytun River has only produced one level of such terraces. The latest folding and uplift of the Dushanzi anticline took place in 1.7 ka, while that of the Manas anticline occurred in 5 ka. Since 14ka or the later time of the late Pleistocene, the Dushanzi and Manas anticlines have risen by 40 and 95 m, respectively, implying uplift rates 2.7 and 6.8 mm/a for each. 展开更多
关键词 MOUNTAINS river terrace OSL dating late Quaternary fold uplift
Early Ordovician strongly peraluminous granite in the middle section of the Yarlung Zangbo junction zone and its geological significance 被引量:12
作者 ZHANG ShiZhen LI FenQi +2 位作者 LI Yong LIU Wei QIN YaDong 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第4期630-643,共14页
LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb isotopic dating and rock geochemical analysis were done of the Xarru granite in the middle section of the Yarlung Zangbo junction zone. Zircon 2-6pb/Z38u weighted mean ages of 474.9±2.3 and ... LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb isotopic dating and rock geochemical analysis were done of the Xarru granite in the middle section of the Yarlung Zangbo junction zone. Zircon 2-6pb/Z38u weighted mean ages of 474.9±2.3 and 478.3±1.7 Ma have been obtained for two gneiss granite samples respectively, which represent the formation age of the granite. This is the first discovery of the Early Ordovician magmatism in the Yarlung Zangbo junction zone. The rocks are high-K calcic-alkalic granite, contain tour- maline but not hornblende, with aluminum saturation index (ASI) of A/CNK〉I.1 (1.10-1.20), and are enriched in Rb, Th and U and relatively depleted in Ba, Nb, Sr, Zr, Ti and Eu. They are strongly peraluminous S-type granite, resulting from partial melting of argillaceous components in the crust in a syn-collisional setting. According to previous studies as well as the analy- sis in this paper, the formation of the Xarru granite is probably related to the Andean-type orogeny in the process of subduction of the Proto-Tethys Ocean towards the Gondwanaland, and it is a product of partial melting of the thickened upper crust as a result of collision between blocks or micro-blocks in the northern margin of the Gondwana supercontinent in the process of oceanic subduction. The Xarru granite is identified as the Early Ordovician granite, indicating that the wall rocks had probably formed in the Cambrian or Precambrian. 展开更多
关键词 A crustal basement may exist in the Xarru region. Yarlung Zangbo Junction Zone Early Ordovician strongly peraluminous granite collisional setting crustal basement
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