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作者 F.St-Laurent 张俊伟 《世界地震译丛》 2002年第4期63-78,共16页
引言 1988年11月至1989年1月底,加拿大魁北克省的萨格奈地区先后共发生了67次地震(M>0)。11月23日凌晨4点12分发生了一次震级为4.8 m_(bLg)的前震(本文中的时间都是东部时间)。两天后,也就是11月25日的下午6点46分,出乎意料地又发生... 引言 1988年11月至1989年1月底,加拿大魁北克省的萨格奈地区先后共发生了67次地震(M>0)。11月23日凌晨4点12分发生了一次震级为4.8 m_(bLg)的前震(本文中的时间都是东部时间)。两天后,也就是11月25日的下午6点46分,出乎意料地又发生了一次震级为6.5 m_(bLg)(5.9m_b)的地震。 展开更多
关键词 1988年 11月 1989年 1月 地震光 地球大气 分类 加拿大 魁北克省 地震前兆
作者 郑仲友 《海峡科技》 2001年第2期35-36,共2页
关键词 飞碟 地震光 地磁现象 空间探索
作者 陈宏德 《地震科技情报》 1999年第11期26-29,共4页
关键词 放电模型 地震光 地震前兆 地震预报
《大自然探索》 2014年第4期4-5,共2页
几百年来,问或有目击者报告说在地震之前、过程中或之后看见神秘之光(例如白色闪光、浮动光球或彩虹色光芒等)点亮天空。这些说法直到20世纪60年代才被地震中的影像记录证实。那么,地震光究竟是怎样产生的呢?过去几十年来科学家对... 几百年来,问或有目击者报告说在地震之前、过程中或之后看见神秘之光(例如白色闪光、浮动光球或彩虹色光芒等)点亮天空。这些说法直到20世纪60年代才被地震中的影像记录证实。那么,地震光究竟是怎样产生的呢?过去几十年来科学家对此提出了多种假设。 展开更多
关键词 地震光 影像记录 目击者 科学家
作者 陈健生 《地球》 2006年第6期11-11,共1页
2004年12月26日,印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛附近海域发生强烈地震引发的海啸,波及南亚、东南亚和非洲多个国家。在这场地震发生之前有没有预兆呢?一般来说,强地震之前都有预兆。如我国唐山,1976年的一个夜晚,人们被天空的火球和闪光惊... 2004年12月26日,印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛附近海域发生强烈地震引发的海啸,波及南亚、东南亚和非洲多个国家。在这场地震发生之前有没有预兆呢?一般来说,强地震之前都有预兆。如我国唐山,1976年的一个夜晚,人们被天空的火球和闪光惊醒了,第二天凌晨,就发生了里氏7.8级大地震,24万多人死于非命,整个城市被夷为平地。有关这种神秘闪光的故事在当地流传开了,但这些神秘的闪光跟地震有关吗?或只是惊恐的人们编造的谣言? 展开更多
关键词 地震光 苏门答腊岛 印度尼西亚 强烈地震 东南亚 近海域 地震
《地理教学》 2013年第9期63-63,共1页
从空中飘过的发光天体;蓝白相间的巨光;火花、闪光以及吞噬地面的火焰……凡此种种可能是灾难将临的征兆。数千年来,一直有人报告在地震前夕和期间出现的诡异离奇、凶险不祥的光。例如在1746年,秘鲁圣洛伦索岛上摇曳闪烁的火焰令典狱长... 从空中飘过的发光天体;蓝白相间的巨光;火花、闪光以及吞噬地面的火焰……凡此种种可能是灾难将临的征兆。数千年来,一直有人报告在地震前夕和期间出现的诡异离奇、凶险不祥的光。例如在1746年,秘鲁圣洛伦索岛上摇曳闪烁的火焰令典狱长曼纽尔●罗梅洛印象十分深刻,他当即释放了在押犯人,好让他们一起留神察看。三星期后,一场大地震袭击了附近的利马,海啸洗劫了方圆5公里的小岛。有关地震光的影像佐证就更为丰富了。它们往往伴随有以相当浅表的地壳点为中心、 展开更多
关键词 地震 地震 地震光 火焰 天体 海啸 影像 地壳
作者 孙晓翠 《新发现》 2014年第4期17-17,共1页
近期一个地震学家团队在Seismological Research Letters发表的一项研究认为:大陆裂谷接近垂直的断层在被震断时,释放压力至地面形成电流而会产生亮光。
关键词 地震学家 断层 地震光 电流
作者 武斌 陈宁 +2 位作者 刘和 杨勇 邹俊 《四川地质学报》 2016年第4期663-666,共4页
汶川"5·12"地震,破坏之大,死亡人数之多,让世界震惊,所以人们重新把眼光投向地震预报。地震预报的确是艰难的,中国的海城地震是一个成功的典范,但唐山、松潘和汶川地震依然让人们陷入迷茫。地震发生前有许多先兆(包括前... 汶川"5·12"地震,破坏之大,死亡人数之多,让世界震惊,所以人们重新把眼光投向地震预报。地震预报的确是艰难的,中国的海城地震是一个成功的典范,但唐山、松潘和汶川地震依然让人们陷入迷茫。地震发生前有许多先兆(包括前震),通过仪器接收,表现为一些地球物理场异常。引起这些地球物理场的异常有诸多的原因,不可能在短时间内分辨出那些是因为即将地震而引起的。目前地球物理预测地震理论已经日趋完善,可进行多方位的数据分析,并在实践中验证,下逐渐走向相对科学地、精确地对地震进行预测。 展开更多
关键词 地震 预测 地球物理异常 地震光
华北地区地震异常前兆信息场演化特征及其与地震关系的研究 被引量:10
作者 平建军 罗兰格 曹肃朝 《中国地震》 CSCD 北大核心 2000年第3期223-232,共10页
在对地震异常前兆信息量先前研究的基础上 ,进一步给出了描述各种地震异常前兆信息量的普适性综合数学表达式。从大量震例资料入手 ,再次研究了地震异常延续有效性的问题 ,进而建立了地震异常持续有效时间与延续有效时间的数学关系式。... 在对地震异常前兆信息量先前研究的基础上 ,进一步给出了描述各种地震异常前兆信息量的普适性综合数学表达式。从大量震例资料入手 ,再次研究了地震异常延续有效性的问题 ,进而建立了地震异常持续有效时间与延续有效时间的数学关系式。收集整理了 1980~ 1997年华北地区水化、形变、地磁、应力、水位、地电等 371个观测项目、上百万个前兆观测数据 ,对每一观测项目逐一计算了它们的地震异常前兆信息量。研究了华北地区近 2 0年的地震异常前兆信息场的演化特征及其与地震的关系 ,建立了华北地区MS≥ 5地震的中短期综合预报指标体系 ,经R值评分检验 。 展开更多
关键词 地震异常 演化特征 地震预报 地震信息量
1996年北京顺义M_S4.0地震的前兆特征及解释 被引量:1
作者 徐平 宋治平 +2 位作者 薛艳 吴培稚 兰从欣 《中国地震》 CSCD 北大核心 2000年第3期273-282,共10页
通过对顺义地震的序列特征、地震活动与加卸载响应比等前兆异常的时空演化等方面的研究 ,认为顺义地震为一次非前兆性震群 ;震前存在地震条带、3级以上地震东移、南北向小震条带、响应比异常等地震活动异常以及以顺义板桥水位为主的破... 通过对顺义地震的序列特征、地震活动与加卸载响应比等前兆异常的时空演化等方面的研究 ,认为顺义地震为一次非前兆性震群 ;震前存在地震条带、3级以上地震东移、南北向小震条带、响应比异常等地震活动异常以及以顺义板桥水位为主的破年变等前兆异常 ,这些前兆异常的时空演化过程表现出与中强地震类似的具有一定力学基础的三阶段特征 。 展开更多
关键词 地震序列 地震活动 地震活动 加卸载响应比 地震 北京
UFO 与地震预报
作者 谢湘雄 《飞碟探索》 1997年第1期34-34,共1页
UFO与地震预报●谢湘雄半个世纪以来,神奇的UFO———飞碟事件在全球各地,层出不穷,目击者成千上万。事实证明UFO现象确有其事,勿容置疑。一味否定而“不屑一顾”者貌似“正统”,实非科学态度。当今的关键问题是调查研究... UFO与地震预报●谢湘雄半个世纪以来,神奇的UFO———飞碟事件在全球各地,层出不穷,目击者成千上万。事实证明UFO现象确有其事,勿容置疑。一味否定而“不屑一顾”者貌似“正统”,实非科学态度。当今的关键问题是调查研究,探索其来源或成因机制,造福于人类... 展开更多
关键词 地震预测 地震预报 地震光 地学成因 科学研究 地震事件 成因机制 地球物理学家 飞碟研究 地质构造
A new type of fiber Bragg grating based seismic geophone 被引量:6
作者 陶果 张向林 +2 位作者 刘新茹 陈少华 刘统玉 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第1期84-92,104,共10页
Aimed at the poor performance of conventional geophones in exploration for deeper and complex targets, we present the principle and theoretical design of a new geophone based on the optical fiber Bragg grating (FBG)... Aimed at the poor performance of conventional geophones in exploration for deeper and complex targets, we present the principle and theoretical design of a new geophone based on the optical fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensing technology. The important parameters such as response functions are calculated theoretically. Because of the advantages of FBG sensing technology, the new FBG geophone has a high dynamic range of 94dB at (10-200 Hz). This new generation of geophones will have wide use in seismic prospecting due to its higher sensitivity, lighter weight, and lower cost. 展开更多
关键词 oil exploration fiber optical sensor seismic data acquisition
《河北农机》 1994年第4期28-29,共2页
您听说过飞碟吗?在茫茫的夜空中,在无际的天宇内,经常产生着各种自然现象,灿烂的云霞,美丽的极光,瞬息而过的流星,震慑心弦的闪电雷鸣……这些都是人们经常看到的,习以为常的并且已能做出科学解释的自然现象。但有时人们也会发... 您听说过飞碟吗?在茫茫的夜空中,在无际的天宇内,经常产生着各种自然现象,灿烂的云霞,美丽的极光,瞬息而过的流星,震慑心弦的闪电雷鸣……这些都是人们经常看到的,习以为常的并且已能做出科学解释的自然现象。但有时人们也会发现一种还无法用现代科学知识进行解释... 展开更多
关键词 不明飞行物体 听说过 飞碟 自然现象 地震光 等离子体 吴友如 运载火箭 东偏南 珍珠贝
Study on the applicability of frequency spectrum of micro-tremor and dynamic characteristics of surface ground in Asia area 被引量:5
作者 CHE Ai-lan IWATATE Takahiro +1 位作者 ODA Yoshiya GE Xiu-run 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第11期1856-1863,共8页
The dynamic characteristics of ground soil using micro-tremor observation in Asia (Zushi and Ogasawara (Japan), Xi’an (China), Manila (Philippines), and Gujarat (India)) are studied. Ground micro-tremor signals were ... The dynamic characteristics of ground soil using micro-tremor observation in Asia (Zushi and Ogasawara (Japan), Xi’an (China), Manila (Philippines), and Gujarat (India)) are studied. Ground micro-tremor signals were observed and analyzed by fast Fourier transform method (FFT). The response of ground soil to frequency of ground micro-tremor is revealed, and func- tions with frequency-dependence and frequency-selection of micro-tremor for different foundation soil strata are also researched. The horizontal to vertical spectral ratio (H/V, Nakamura technique) of micro-tremor observed at the surface ground was used to evaluate the site’s predominant period. This paper also discusses the application of micro-tremor on site safety evaluation, and gives the observed calculation results obtained at multiple points. The experimental foundation and the deduction process of the method are described in detail. Some problems of the method are pointed out. Potential use of the technique’s good expandable nature makes it a useable means for preventing and reducing disaster’s harmful effects. 展开更多
关键词 Micro-tremor observation Nakamura method Predominant period Earthquake observation Spectral analysis
Near-surface absorption compensation technology and its application in the Daqing Oilfields 被引量:5
作者 Shi Zhanjie Tian Gang +1 位作者 Wang Bangbing Chert Shumin 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第2期184-191,共8页
High-frequency seismic data components can be seriously attenuated during seismic wave propagation in unconsolidated (low-velocity) layers, resulting in reduced seismic resolution and signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio. ... High-frequency seismic data components can be seriously attenuated during seismic wave propagation in unconsolidated (low-velocity) layers, resulting in reduced seismic resolution and signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio. In this paper, first, based on Wiener filter theory, inverse filter calculations for near-surface absorption attenuation compensation were accomplished by analysis of the direct wave spectral components from different distances near the surface. The direct waves were generated by detonators in uphole shots and were acquired by receivers on the surface. The spatially varying inverse filters were designed to compensate for the frequency attenuation of 3D pre-stack CRG (common receiver-gather) data. After applying the filter to CRG data, the high frequency components were compensated with the low frequencies maintained. The seismic resolution and S/N ratio are enhanced and match better with synthetic seismograms and better meet the needs of geological interpretation. 展开更多
关键词 3D pre-stack seismic uphole shooting near-surface absorption inverse filter space-varying compensation
Seismic ray-tracing calculation based on parabolic travel-time interpolation 被引量:2
作者 周竹生 张赛民 陈灵君 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 2004年第2期199-205,共7页
A new seismic ray-tracing method is put forward based on parabolic travel-time interpolation(PTI) method, which is more accurate than the linear travel-time interpolation (LTI) method. Both PTI method and LTI method a... A new seismic ray-tracing method is put forward based on parabolic travel-time interpolation(PTI) method, which is more accurate than the linear travel-time interpolation (LTI) method. Both PTI method and LTI method are used to compute seismic travel-time and ray-path in a 2-D grid cell model. Firstly, some basic concepts are introduced. The calculations of travel-time and ray-path are carried out only at cell boundaries. So, the ray-path is always straight in the same cells with uniform velocity. Two steps are applied in PTI and LTI method, step 1 computes travel-time and step 2 traces ray-path. Then, the derivation of LTI formulas is described. Because of the presence of refraction wave in shot cell, the formula aiming at shot cell is also derived. Finally, PTI method is presented. The calculation of PTI method is more complex than that of LTI method, but the error is limited. The results of numerical model show that PTI method can trace ray-path more accurately and efficiently than LTI method does. 展开更多
关键词 RAY-TRACING parabolic travel-time interpolation method linear travel-time interpolation method (travel-time ) ray-path grid cell
Fast ray tracing method in 3-D structure and its proof of positive definiteness 被引量:2
作者 高尔根 Uk HAN 滕吉文 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2007年第1期100-103,共4页
Based on Fermat’s principle, two-point ray tracing method was studied in three-dimensional structure. By means of first order Taylor’s incomplete series expansion (i.e. no expansion to the length of the ray), a symm... Based on Fermat’s principle, two-point ray tracing method was studied in three-dimensional structure. By means of first order Taylor’s incomplete series expansion (i.e. no expansion to the length of the ray), a symmetry block tridiagonal matrix equation set was deduced. Further, the positive definiteness of coefficient matrix was discussed, and the positive definiteness was accurately proved in a mathematical way. It assured that the algorithm was well-posed. Associated with iterative method, the solution to ray tracing can be got through step-by-step linearized iteration of the nonlinear problem. An algorithm of the whole path iterative ray tracing method in three-dimensional velocity structure was obtained. This method shows a clear and simple as well as explicit computation formula, which makes ray tracing computation easily applicable in practice. The correction vector is obtained through finding the solution to the positive definite block tridiagonal equation set, which ensures the method is robust convergence. This study offers a new kind of feasible and efficient ray tracing method for three dimensional seismic migration and tomography. Meanwhile, it also provides the prerequisite guarantee to design a fast algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 Fermat's principle ray tracing ray path POSITIVITY seismic migration TOMOGRAPHY
Time difference correlation between earthquake lights and seismic ground accelerations
作者 Juan Antonio Lira Maurizio Mulas 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2021年第1期9-16,128,共9页
Although earthquake lights have been known since ancient times,it has not been easy to study them.It was not until the 60s that the first photographs of them were taken.During the Peruvian earthquake in 2007,it was po... Although earthquake lights have been known since ancient times,it has not been easy to study them.It was not until the 60s that the first photographs of them were taken.During the Peruvian earthquake in 2007,it was possible to obtain the fi rst fi lm recording on earthquake lights.Likewise,during the earthquakes in Ecuador in 2016 and in Mexico in 2017,two fi lms of the earthquake lights were recorded.These fi lm recordings have helped in the study of earthquake lights,both for their objectivity and for their informational content.Several causal mechanisms have been proposed to explain earthquake lights:piezoelectricity,radon emanation,fluid diffusion,friction-vaporization,positive holes and dipole currents,among others.In this work a time difference correlation between earthquake lights and seismic ground accelerations was found and we use both seismic data and fi lm recordings of earthquake lights to explain its origin.In the discussion section it is suggested that fracturing of rocks manifest itself to some extent in the form of static electricity producing earthquake lights through induction The induction model proposed is new and it can explain the formation of EQL,even if the earth’s crust has layers of large electrical resistivity.The model also explains the formation of seismic lights without the need for special conditions on the earth’s surface or in the atmosphere.A better understanding of the earthquake lights generation process can improve our understanding of seismicity and help in the prediction of earthquakes. 展开更多
关键词 time diff erence correlation earthquake lights seismic ground accelerations rock fracturing
Study on the Source Parameters of Earthquakes in the Middle Eastern Area of North Tianshan in Xinjiang 被引量:1
作者 Zhao Cuiping Xia Aiguo +1 位作者 Zheng Sihua Chen Zhangli 《Earthquake Research in China》 2005年第4期381-390,共10页
By applying the empirical Green's function method, we first proved that the source spectra in the middle eastern area of North Tianshan follow the ω^-2 Brune model, and then, on this basis, obtained the source spect... By applying the empirical Green's function method, we first proved that the source spectra in the middle eastern area of North Tianshan follow the ω^-2 Brune model, and then, on this basis, obtained the source spectra for 105 earthquakes of ML 2.5 - 5.7 in the studied area upon removing the noise, instrument, propagation and site effects in the observational seismic S waveforms. Finally, we determined the source parameters such as the seismic moment, stress drop, source dimension, etc., based on the Brune model. The results show that there is a good linear correlation between scalar seismic moment, M0, and ML, which is Log10 M0 = 1.10 ML + 17.20; The source radii range between 100- 1500m; the stress drop, 1-16MPa with a predominant range of 1 - 10MPa. The relationship of the seismic moment versus corner frequencies indicates that there may exist two source scaling, that is, when M0 〈 4×10^21 dyne. cm (equal to an ML4.0 event), stress drop is weakly dependent on M0: whereas, when M0 〉 4×10^21 dyne·cm, stress drop is independent of M0. 展开更多
关键词 North Tianshan in Xinjiang Source spectrum Source model Source parameter Source scaling
Application of the Wavelet Packet Method in Discrimination Between Nuclear Explosion and Earthquake 被引量:1
作者 YangXuanhu ShenPing +1 位作者 LiuXiqiang ZhengZhizhen 《Earthquake Research in China》 2004年第1期88-96,共9页
Although the CTBT (Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty) was passed in 1996, it is still necessary to develop new and highly efficient methods (Wu Zhongliang, Chen Yuntai, et al., 1993; Xu Shaoxie, et al.1994; Richar... Although the CTBT (Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty) was passed in 1996, it is still necessary to develop new and highly efficient methods (Wu Zhongliang, Chen Yuntai, et al., 1993; Xu Shaoxie, et al.1994; Richard L. Garwin, 1994) to monitor possible events. Many discrimination criteria (Xu Shaoxie, et al.,1994; Institute of Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1976; Richard L. Garwin, 1994) have been put forward since the 1950s. The results show that each of the existing criteria has its own limitation, but the seismological method is an important and efficient method in the discrimination between nuclear explosion and earthquake. Especially in recent years, because of the little and little equivalent as well as the increasing hiding steps used in the test, a number of more efficient seismological methods have been worked out. In this paper, a new discrimination method, the Wavelet Packet Component Ratio (WPCR) method, is put forward. This method makes full use of the difference in variation with time between the spectra of nuclear explosions and earthquakes. Its discrimination efficiency is rather high. 展开更多
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