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川滇活动构造区地震层析成像 被引量:33
作者 黄金莉 赵大鹏 郑斯华 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第z1期127-135,共10页
应用一种新的地震体波层析成像方法确定川滇活动构造区(98°-105°E,22°-32°N)详细的三维P波速度结构.反演得到研究区0-85 km深度内几个截面上的P波速度图像.结果表明:(1)该地区地壳和上地幔的速度存在明显的横向不... 应用一种新的地震体波层析成像方法确定川滇活动构造区(98°-105°E,22°-32°N)详细的三维P波速度结构.反演得到研究区0-85 km深度内几个截面上的P波速度图像.结果表明:(1)该地区地壳和上地幔的速度存在明显的横向不均匀性;(2)上地壳速度图像与地表地质特征明显相关,四川盆地呈现低速,高原地带为明显的高速区,沿康滇地轴为显著的高速条带;(3)10-85 km深度的速度图上腾冲火山附近形成一低速柱;(4)中地壳内存在一个大范围的低速层,这与区内人工地震测深所得到的结果基本吻合;(5)大型活动断裂带两侧存在明显的速度差异,而红河断裂带的影像在40 km的速度图上仍十分清楚,甚至到60 km深度还隐约可见,这也许说明红河断裂是切穿地壳的深大断裂;(6)强震位置与活动断裂及速度结构三者之间存在一定的关联性,大部分构造型强震发生在由大的活动断裂勾画的块体边界上,而那些发生在非大断裂附近的强震几乎都集中在下部中地壳存在低速带或由低速带向高速带过渡的位置.下部低速层的存在可能是上部中强地震活动的构造背景. 展开更多
关键词 地震层析成像 川滇活动构造 地震活动.
沂沭带形变、重磁场时空变化特征与地震活动 被引量:8
作者 燕乃玲 潘纪顺 +2 位作者 郭玉莲 李建奎 唐廷梅 《地震研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第2期126-130,共5页
综合利用流动水准和流动重磁复测资料 ,分析沂沭断裂带上地壳形变场和地球物理场的时空强变化特征 ,揭示沂沭断裂带活动特征是以鲁中隆起的继承性活动为主 ,沂沭带北端的双山—李家庄断裂两盘的垂直形变受区域断裂控制并与区域地震活动... 综合利用流动水准和流动重磁复测资料 ,分析沂沭断裂带上地壳形变场和地球物理场的时空强变化特征 ,揭示沂沭断裂带活动特征是以鲁中隆起的继承性活动为主 ,沂沭带北端的双山—李家庄断裂两盘的垂直形变受区域断裂控制并与区域地震活动有关 ,与 1983年菏泽地震和 1995年苍山地震有较好对应关系 ;沂水附近地磁场有“窗口效应” ,尤其与南黄海地震活动及沂沭断裂带上的小震活动有关。 展开更多
关键词 沂沭断裂带 地球物理场 区域地震构造活动 窗口效应 形变场 重磁场 地震活动
新西兰2016年凯库拉M_W7.8地震地表破裂带特征初析 被引量:6
作者 韩竹军 Nicola Litchfield +4 位作者 冉洪流 袁仁茂 郭鹏 Robert M Langridge Russ J Van Dissen 《地震地质》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期675-688,共14页
新西兰2016年凯库拉M_W7.8地震地表破裂带分布在1个长约170km、宽35km的范围内,总体呈NE-SW走向,至少有12条断裂产生了m量级的地表位错,跨过了2个活动方式与活动强度存在明显差异的地震构造区。地震地表断裂大致可分为NE—NEE向和NNW—... 新西兰2016年凯库拉M_W7.8地震地表破裂带分布在1个长约170km、宽35km的范围内,总体呈NE-SW走向,至少有12条断裂产生了m量级的地表位错,跨过了2个活动方式与活动强度存在明显差异的地震构造区。地震地表断裂大致可分为NE—NEE向和NNW—近SN向2组,NE—NEE向断裂之间的贯通性差,最大相隔距离为25~30km,即使首尾相连,走向上也有约30°的差异,运动性质以右旋走滑为主,最大位错量10~12m;NNW—近SN向断裂近于平行分布,相距可达40~50km,以逆断裂活动性质为主,最大垂直位错量5~6m。走滑类地表破裂带的组合特征非常复杂,主要表现为3种形式:雁列、分叉和平行分布。其中,雁列地表破裂(段)既可以表现为数m至数十m尺度上的张剪性破裂与鼓包、挤压剪切破裂组合,也可表现为百余m长的左阶斜列张剪性破裂组合;地表破裂段之间阶区规模差异明显,可以是数十m、数百m到数km不等。平行的地表破裂(段)可以相距数m、数十m至数km。凯库拉地震地表破裂带对已知活动断裂分布格局的突破也是1种比较显著的特点,既可以是在原先认为不活动的断裂上或没有活动断裂的位置上产生了地表破裂带,也可以是在走向或横向上突破了先前认识到的活动断裂分布范围。对凯库拉地震地表破裂带发育特征的初步分析结果,对于理解地表活动断裂与深部发震构造之间复杂的对应关系,以及跨活动断裂的抗震设防等问题具有一定的借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 凯库拉MW7.8地震 地表破裂带 地震构造活动 断裂避让带
山西数字测震台网监测能力及其构造意义 被引量:3
作者 张玲 梁向军 +2 位作者 赵晋泉 董春丽 张蕙 《山西地震》 2011年第4期21-24,共4页
通过对山西数字测震台网不同时期的监测能力进行对比,发现,台网的监测能力在不断地提高。对山西省地区的监控能力达到2.0级,大同盆地、太原盆地的监控能力达到1.5级,忻定、临汾、运城盆地的监控能力达到1.5~2.0级。说明山西数字测震台... 通过对山西数字测震台网不同时期的监测能力进行对比,发现,台网的监测能力在不断地提高。对山西省地区的监控能力达到2.0级,大同盆地、太原盆地的监控能力达到1.5级,忻定、临汾、运城盆地的监控能力达到1.5~2.0级。说明山西数字测震台网的建设从布局上侧重了对山西活动构造的监测,目前对山西大部分活动断裂带的监测能力都在1.5级,对今后的地震监测预报研究和防震减灾工作有着重要的意义。 展开更多
关键词 山西数字测震台网 地震构造活动小区 监测能力
新疆数字测震台网的监测能力及其构造意义 被引量:18
作者 尹光华 段天山 +3 位作者 刘平仁 吴国栋 上官文明 袁顺 《内陆地震》 2010年第2期97-106,共10页
新疆地震监测台网从1970年前的4个台发展到2008年数字测震台网建设完成以后,共有测震台站63个,结合邻省的15个地震台站的实时数据,地震监测能力得到极大的提高。阿勒泰构造小区、西准噶尔小区、北天山西段、南天山东段和西段现今的... 新疆地震监测台网从1970年前的4个台发展到2008年数字测震台网建设完成以后,共有测震台站63个,结合邻省的15个地震台站的实时数据,地震监测能力得到极大的提高。阿勒泰构造小区、西准噶尔小区、北天山西段、南天山东段和西段现今的地震监测能力为1.5~2.0级,东天山为2.0~2.5级,西昆仑、阿尔金和交汇区为2.5—3.0级,乌鲁木齐和喀什附近地区的现今监测能力为0.5—1级。新疆数字测震台网的建设着重考虑了对新疆活动构造的监测,目前对新疆大部分活动断裂带的监测能力都在1.0~1.5级,这对今后的地震监测预报和防震减灾工作有十分重要的意义。 展开更多
关键词 新疆地震台站 数字测震台网 地震活动构造小区 小震分区监测能力
作者 A.Peresan V.Kossobokov +9 位作者 L.Romashkova G.F.Panza 韩立波(译/校) 来贵娟(译) 尹凤玲(译) 李艳娥(译) 郭祥云(译) 毕金孟(译) 王亚文(译) 吴建平(校) 《世界地震译丛》 2017年第5期377-411,共35页
意大利本土一直是一些致力于地震活动性分析和地震前兆研究的目标区域。尽管有声称大地震之前有过一些观测结果,但仅开展过极少数系统研究,并且迄今为止几乎没有对其效果进行测试。本文我们回顾总结了意大利本土两个正式定义过的中期尺... 意大利本土一直是一些致力于地震活动性分析和地震前兆研究的目标区域。尽管有声称大地震之前有过一些观测结果,但仅开展过极少数系统研究,并且迄今为止几乎没有对其效果进行测试。本文我们回顾总结了意大利本土两个正式定义过的中期尺度—中等区域范围地震预报方法,即CN和M8S在意大利的应用情况。这两个不同方法的共同之处在于它们都应用了模式识别的概念,允许处理多个地震前兆集合,对地震活动进行全面系统监测以及对其预报效能进行广泛测试。意大利是针对中等地震活动同时使用M8S和CN两种方法开展例行监测的唯一地区。为使预测固有的空间不确定性和前兆识别区域定义的主观性最小化,进行了大量的努力。针对数据中不可避免的不确定性,开展了很多试验用以评估方法的稳定性。基于这些已有结果,2003年7月发起了M8S和CN预测方法的实时测试。 展开更多
关键词 地震预测 模式识别 预报方法 地震活动性和地震构造 意大利
作者 J.L.Li H.J.Zhang +4 位作者 H.S.Kuleli M.N.Toksoz 许鑫(译) 李振月(译) 万永革(校) 《世界地震译丛》 2020年第5期494-508,共15页
本文给出了一种利用稀疏地表台阵记录的高频全波形信息得到近震小震震源机制解的方法。波形反演中,除同时使观测波形与模拟波形之间震相和振幅的匹配度最大外,还利用了P波初动及平均S/P振幅比来更好地约束模拟和观测波形之间的匹配度。... 本文给出了一种利用稀疏地表台阵记录的高频全波形信息得到近震小震震源机制解的方法。波形反演中,除同时使观测波形与模拟波形之间震相和振幅的匹配度最大外,还利用了P波初动及平均S/P振幅比来更好地约束模拟和观测波形之间的匹配度。本文构建了一个包含四种约束的目标函数,并利用优化的网格搜索法在震源参数(走向、倾角和滑动角)的可能取值范围内搜索。为加快计算速度,预先计算了所有可能的震源位置上各地震矩张量分量对应的格林函数,形成一个格林函数库。另外对滤波和互相关部分进行了优化,以进一步加快网格搜索法。本文用由5个地表台站组成的用于监测油田诱发地震活动的台网对新方法进行了测试。人工实验的结果表明,仅使用3~9Hz频率范围的垂直向地震波分量来确定震源机制解时,新方法具有有效性和稳健性。将新方法应用于确定多个诱发地震事件的震源机制解,显示出观测和模拟地震波形之间较为满意的匹配度,并且大多数地震的走向与区域内NE-SW向的主断层平行。正断型震源机制占主要比例,表明垂直向应力大于水平向应力。 展开更多
关键词 震源观测 地震活动构造 体波 波的传播
作者 Franjo umanovac Endre Hegedüs +5 位作者 Jasna Oreskovi Sasa Kolar Attila C.Kovcs Darko Dudjak Istvn J.Kovcs 王林 《世界地震译丛》 2017年第1期74-96,共23页
通过在迪纳拉山脉和潘诺尼亚盆地西南交界带进行被动源地震实验,确定了地壳结构和波速不连续面。实验目的是确定亚得里亚海微板块与作为欧洲板块一部分的潘诺尼亚地块的关系。大部分流动台站沿着Alp07剖面(主动源ALP 2002项目的一部分)... 通过在迪纳拉山脉和潘诺尼亚盆地西南交界带进行被动源地震实验,确定了地壳结构和波速不连续面。实验目的是确定亚得里亚海微板块与作为欧洲板块一部分的潘诺尼亚地块的关系。大部分流动台站沿着Alp07剖面(主动源ALP 2002项目的一部分)布设在克罗地亚。该剖面从伊斯特拉半岛到德拉瓦河沿线呈西西南-东东南向延伸约300km。利用P波接收函数方法分析测线上13个临时地震台站的远震记录。Alp07剖面得到了两种特征接收函数(RF),分属于迪纳拉和潘诺尼亚地壳,交界带则包含两种类型。迪纳拉型地壳主要包含三组地壳不连续面:沉积基底、壳内不连续面和莫霍不连续面,而潘诺尼亚类型地壳仅包含两组不连续界面。在潘诺尼亚型地壳中并未观测到壳内不连续面,因此认为潘诺尼亚盆地为单层地壳结构。应用接收函数正演模拟和H-κ叠加两种分析方法开展了地壳结构研究,并将该结果与Alp07剖面主动源折射地震结果进行了比较。接收函数模拟得到了可靠的莫霍面深度结果,与Alp07剖面的地震折射结果相一致,即潘诺尼亚区域地壳特征为简单地壳结构,波速较低(VP在5.9~6.2km/s)。迪纳拉及其周缘,由于地壳结构更为复杂,接收函数模拟得到莫霍面深度较Alp07剖面更大,高达15%。受短周期台站数据频带限制,利用H-κ叠加方法计算得到的莫霍面深度在较大范围内(±13km)变化。通过与先前所有结果进行对比,排除了差异较大的5个台站的结果,而与Alp07剖面附近的莫霍不连续面相比,其他7个台站莫霍面深度差异在15%内变化。 展开更多
关键词 大陆地壳组成 地震活动性和地质构造 体波 地壳结构 欧洲
作者 招洁兰 任亮 +5 位作者 赵玉玲 沈今川 朱念麟 罗新 耿庆国 高建国 《价值工程》 2020年第35期244-247,共4页
本文系统阐述星体运动-行星对应区-五运六气与人体感应四维耦合全球强震预测的原理、方法和实践,探讨人耳能听到地震前兆的“耳鸣”信号问题,分析地震发生前蓝光与气体关系,论述全球大陆板内强震的地球系统动力学机理及其立体监测分析系... 本文系统阐述星体运动-行星对应区-五运六气与人体感应四维耦合全球强震预测的原理、方法和实践,探讨人耳能听到地震前兆的“耳鸣”信号问题,分析地震发生前蓝光与气体关系,论述全球大陆板内强震的地球系统动力学机理及其立体监测分析系统,系统分析中国西南地区构造应力场与地震活动及人体感应地震预测的机遇与挑战,中国西南地区大陆大地构造环境及其动力学背景。 展开更多
关键词 星体运动-行星对应区-五运六气与人体感应四维耦合 地球系统动力学机理 构造应力场与地震活动 人体感应地震预测
作者 M.Ickrath M.Bohnhoff +4 位作者 F.Bulut G.Dresen 佟薇(译) 杜微(译) 唐光伟(译) 《世界地震译丛》 2013年第5期85-91,共7页
在地震周期中,应力场的局部旋转也许可以作为表征各个断层段物理性质的一个指标。本文我们主要研究1999年土耳其西北部伊兹米特MW7.4地震的震前、两个月的余震期和震后阶段。使用震源机制数据的汇编资料,我们研究了应力场取向的时空变... 在地震周期中,应力场的局部旋转也许可以作为表征各个断层段物理性质的一个指标。本文我们主要研究1999年土耳其西北部伊兹米特MW7.4地震的震前、两个月的余震期和震后阶段。使用震源机制数据的汇编资料,我们研究了应力场取向的时空变化特征,发现沿各个断层段存在明显变化。尽管伊兹米特主震前及其后两个月的余震序列反映出稳定的走滑状态,然而在阿克亚泽盆地之下余震期的早期主要为东西向扩张。在两个月的余震期中,我们发现主震期间有从走滑性质转换到正断层作用的明显变化,之后发生系统的回转,回到主震前的应力状态。这一应力回转首先开始于阿克亚泽盆地,产生了≤3m的同震滑动缺失,然后向东传播到87天后发生迪兹杰MW7.1地震的卡拉代雷和迪兹杰断层。我们的研究结果证实,地震周期中的应力场旋转时空变化是地震构造背景变化的一个有用指标。 展开更多
关键词 空间分析 地震周期 地震动力学 地震活动性与地震构造 转换断层
根据震源机制迭代联合反演应力和断层取向 被引量:4
作者 V.Vavryuk 高熹微 宋程 《世界地震译丛》 2014年第4期21-33,共13页
根据震源机制反演应力张量需要知道哪个节面是断层。如果这类信息缺失,而且断层面和辅助节面有交换,应力反演就可导致不精确的结果。众所周知,Michael研制的线性反演方法即使震源机制的断层面选择错误时得到的主应力方向也相当准确。然... 根据震源机制反演应力张量需要知道哪个节面是断层。如果这类信息缺失,而且断层面和辅助节面有交换,应力反演就可导致不精确的结果。众所周知,Michael研制的线性反演方法即使震源机制的断层面选择错误时得到的主应力方向也相当准确。然而,形状比对于断层面的选择更为敏感,用辅助节面替代断层会导致明显误差。通过修改Michael的方法并联合反演应力和断层取向克服了这种困难。断层取向通过对断层不稳定性施加约束来确定,迭代计算得到应力。作为副产品,断层上的总体摩擦系数也能同时确定。数值试验表明,新的迭代应力反演方法快速、准确,表现明显优于标准线性反演方法。该方法通过克里特岛中部和捷克共和国的波希米亚西部震群区的实际数据为例进行说明。在克里特岛中部数据中,联合迭代反演法正确识别了38个断层中的36个。在波希米亚西部数据中,反演识别的断层接近震源丛集描绘的主断层面。总体摩擦系数在克里特岛中部和波希米亚西部分别为0.75和0.85。 展开更多
关键词 地震震源观测 地震活动性和构造 理论地震
A Preliminary Study on a Seismotectonic Model for the Active Faults in the Xining Urban Area 被引量:2
作者 Tian Qinjian Li Zhimin +1 位作者 Zhang Junlong Ren Zhikun 《Earthquake Research in China》 2008年第1期15-23,共9页
On the basis of the Xining active urban fault survey, we studied the relationship between the active urban fault and fold deformation. The result of this research shows that the Huangshuihe fault and the NW-striking f... On the basis of the Xining active urban fault survey, we studied the relationship between the active urban fault and fold deformation. The result of this research shows that the Huangshuihe fault and the NW-striking fault on the northern bank of the Huangshulbe River are tensional faults on top of an anticline, the Nanchuanhe fault is a transverse tear fault resulting from differential folding on two sides of the fault, the east bank of the Beichuanhe River fault is a compressional fault developed on the core or climb of a syncline. By balance profile analysis of fold deformation and inversion of gravity anomaly data, we obtained the depth of the detachment plane and established the seismotectonic model of the )fining urban area. Based on the seismotectonic model, we analyzed the earthquake potential of the active urban fault. 展开更多
关键词 Urban active fault Weak active fault Seismotectonic model Earthquake risk Xining
Active Fault Exploration and Seismic Hazard Assessment in Fuzhou City 被引量:8
作者 Zhu Jinfang Huang Zonglin +7 位作者 Xu Xiwei Zheng Rongzhang Fang Shengmin Bai Denghai Wang Guangcai Min Wei Wen Xueze Han Zhujun 《Earthquake Research in China》 2005年第3期224-239,共16页
It has been proven by a number of earthquake case studies that an active fault-induced earthquake beneath a city can be devastating. It is an urgent issue for seismic hazard reduction to explore the distribution of ac... It has been proven by a number of earthquake case studies that an active fault-induced earthquake beneath a city can be devastating. It is an urgent issue for seismic hazard reduction to explore the distribution of active faults beneath the urban area and identify the seismic source and the risks underneath. As a pilot project of active fault exploration in China, the project, entitled “Active fault exploration and seismic hazard assessment in Fuzhou City”, started in early 2001 and passed the check before acceptance of China Earthquake Administration in August 2004. The project was aimed to solve a series of scientific issues such as fault location, dating, movement nature, deep settings, seismic risk and hazard, preparedness of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction, and etc. by means of exploration and assessment of active faults by stages, i.e., the preliminary survey and identification of active faults in target area, the exploration of deep seismotectonic settings, the risk evaluation of active seismogenic faults, the construction of geographic information system of active faults, and so on. A lot of exploration methods were employed in the project such as the detection of absorbed mercury, free mercury and radon in soil, the geological radar, multi-channel DC electrical method, tsansient electromagnetic method, shallow seismic refraction and reflection, effect contrast of explored sources, and various sounding experiments, to establish the buried Quaternary standard section of the Fuzhou basin. By summing up, the above explorations and experiments have achieved the following results and conclusions : 展开更多
关键词 fuzhou city active fault exploration seismic hazard assessment SEISMOTECTONICS
Effect of Aftershocks on Assessment of Seismic Hazard for Hebei Seismic Zone,China 被引量:1
作者 LiuZhihui FuZhengxiang 《Earthquake Research in China》 2002年第2期160-166,共7页
In this paper, the earthquake hazard parameters (λ m,b and M max) from the maximum likelihood method for the raw catalogue and declustered catalogues have been used to discuss the effect of the aftershocks on the ear... In this paper, the earthquake hazard parameters (λ m,b and M max) from the maximum likelihood method for the raw catalogue and declustered catalogues have been used to discuss the effect of the aftershocks on the earthquake hazard estimation. The declustered catalogues have been compiled from the raw catalogues by deleting the aftershocks in different time interval after main shock according to the criteria for the aftershock activity period. As an example, Hebei seismic zone is taken to show the effect of the aftershock on the earthquake hazard assessment because three strong earthquakes with the aftershocks occurred from 1966 to 1976. The results have been shown that the effect of the aftershocks on the parameters λ m,b is significant. The difference between the clustered and declustered catalogues has reached in seismic activity rate and recurrence period, at most, 45% and 90%, respectively. But the difference in M max is smaller. Based on this, the suggestion that the aftershocks should be omitted in the estimation of the earthquake hazard could be made, but how long the aftershocks activity duration is still left to the future research. 展开更多
关键词 EFFECT AFTERSHOCK Seismic hazard ASSESSMENT Hebei seismic zone
Study on Active Faults in Quaternary Unconsolidated Sediments by Microstructural Method 被引量:2
作者 ChaoHongtai DengQidong 《Earthquake Research in China》 2002年第2期120-126,共7页
Active faults in Quaternary unconsolidated sediments are important indicators to determine paleoearthquake events. They can be studied by macroscopic geological survey, but some problems have been encountered, such as... Active faults in Quaternary unconsolidated sediments are important indicators to determine paleoearthquake events. They can be studied by macroscopic geological survey, but some problems have been encountered, such as invisible active faults. The authors found an approach to solve these problems by microstructural observation. Firstly, oriented original-state samples of Quaternary unconsolidated sediments in active fault zones are collected. Secondly, the samples are consolidated in laboratory. Thirdly, microstructural slides are ground in three-dimension coordinate system. Lastly, microstructures are observed in the microscopic field. By this method, the movement properties of active faults can be determined in lack of the support of macroscopic data. The invisible faults in Quaternary unconsolidated sediments can be found and described. The mechanisms of die-out faults can be also studied. Moreover, the boundaries between different unconsolidated sediments in engineering sites can be studied to judge whether they are active faults or not. 展开更多
关键词 MICROSTRUCTURE Quaternary unconsolidated sediment Active faults
The Deformation of Active Tectonic Blocks on the Chinese Mainland and Its Relationship with Seismic Activity 被引量:1
作者 WangHui ZhangGuomin +1 位作者 WuYun MaHongsheng 《Earthquake Research in China》 2004年第1期54-66,共13页
Based on the hypothesis of the active tectonic blocks on the Chinese continent and its adjacent regions (both the method of the DDA on a spherical surface and the GPS survey results observed from 1991 to 2001 are used... Based on the hypothesis of the active tectonic blocks on the Chinese continent and its adjacent regions (both the method of the DDA on a spherical surface and the GPS survey results observed from 1991 to 2001 are used), the movements and deformations of each active tectonic block are calculated. The calculation results show that although the movements and deformations of active tectonic blocks in the eastern region and in the western region of China are different, active tectonic blocks in the same active tectonic block region are coherent. Then, the relative velocities of the active tectonic blocks’ boundary zones are calculated, and the relationship between current crustal motion and strong seismic activities is discussed. Earthquakes ( M S≥7 0) on the Chinese continent since 1988 all occurred on boundary zones of active tectonic blocks with high slipping speed. 展开更多
关键词 Active tectonic blocks DDA on spherical surface GPS survey results Seismic activity
The Activity of Liaocheng-Lankao Buried Fault During the Quaternary —An Important Buried Active Fault in the Eastern China Plain 被引量:1
作者 XiangHongfa WangXuechao 《Earthquake Research in China》 2001年第2期124-133,共10页
On the basis of locating by the geochemical prospecting, shallow seismic sounding, drilling, geological profiling, and neogeochronological dating, we first found out the dislocation amount along the Liaocheng-Lankao b... On the basis of locating by the geochemical prospecting, shallow seismic sounding, drilling, geological profiling, and neogeochronological dating, we first found out the dislocation amount along the Liaocheng-Lankao buried fault since the Quaternary and the age of its latest activity phase and determined that the upper break point by the fault dislocation reaches 20 m below the surface. The latest activity phase was in the early Holocene and the fault is a shallow-buried active fault. An average dislocation rate along the fault is 0.12 nun/a since the Quaternary. Thus, it is a buried active fault with intermediate to strong movement strength in the eastern China. 展开更多
关键词 Liaocheng-Lankao buried fault Quaternary activity Integrated investigation
Research on the Distribution Features of the Benioff Strain Ratio in the North-South Seismic Belt after the Two Yutian M_S7.3 Earthquakes
作者 Yang Wen Zhou Longquan +1 位作者 Liu Jie Cheng Jia 《Earthquake Research in China》 2014年第4期475-482,共8页
In view of the correlation between tectonic activity and seismicity,the strong earthquake risk in the North-South Seismic Belt aroused wide concern after the 2014 Yutian M_S7.3 earthquake. Using the seismic catalog of... In view of the correlation between tectonic activity and seismicity,the strong earthquake risk in the North-South Seismic Belt aroused wide concern after the 2014 Yutian M_S7.3 earthquake. Using the seismic catalog of the China Earthquake Networks Center,the Benioff strain ratio in the North-South Seismic Belt is calculated in 30 days before and after the March 21,2008 and February 12,2014 Yutian M_S7.3 earthquakes. Results show that in a year after the 2008 Yutian M_S7.3 earthquake,M > 5. 0 earthquakes all occurred near the high strain ratio area or the junction between the low and high strain ratio areas,the activity of strong earthquakes obviously coincides with the high strain ratio area,which indicates that these areas have a higher stress level. The Yutian earthquakes promoted the release of small earthquakes in the high stress areas. This research is of certain indicating significance to the study of subsequent strong earthquakes of this region. 展开更多
关键词 Two Yutian earthquakes Benioff strain ratio Seismic activity North-South Seismic Belt
Tectonic Mechanism of the Suining(Ms5.0) Earthquake,Center of Sichuan Basin,China 被引量:1
作者 ZHOU Rong-jun LI Yong +11 位作者 Laurence SVIRCHEV ZHANG Yong-jiu HE Deng-fa HE Yu-lin ZHAO Pei-lin WANG Zan-jun LONG Feng SU Jin-rong WANG Shi-yuan LIANG Ming-jian LIU Yu-fa KANG Chuan-chuan 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第1期84-94,共11页
On Jan.31 of 2010,the Suining earthquake occurred at Suining City whch is located the center of Sichuan Basin.It is unusual for the strong earthquake to occur at the center of Sichuan Basin with a stable geotectonic e... On Jan.31 of 2010,the Suining earthquake occurred at Suining City whch is located the center of Sichuan Basin.It is unusual for the strong earthquake to occur at the center of Sichuan Basin with a stable geotectonic environment and a low-level historical seismicity.The macro-epicenter of the earthquake is located at Moxi town of Suining city,Sichuan province,China.The earthquake intensity of the epicenter area is degree VII,and the long axis of the isoseismal line trends in NE orientation.The Suining earthquake caused the collapse or destruction of 460 family houses.The earthquake focal mechanism solution and records of the near-field seismographic stations showed the earthquake occurred at the reverse fault at a depth 34 km.Based on the waveform and focal mechanism,we consider the Suning earthquake is triggered by the reverse fault and not by the gravitational collapse or man-made explosive sources.Basing on seismic refraction profile and borehole,we consider that the earthquake is triggered by the backthrust fault of Moxi anticline rooted in detachments at a depth 3-4 km.Furthermore,we infer that tectonic mechanism of the Suining(Ms5.0) Earthquake is driven by the horizontal crustal shortening and stress adjustment on a shallow detachment after the Wenchuan(Ms 8.0) earthquake. 展开更多
关键词 Suining(Ms5.0) earthquake Disaster Tectonic mechanism Horizontal crustal shortening Backthrust fault Shallow detachment Sichuan Basin
Research on the Seismotectonic Setting in Beibu Gulf Waters 被引量:1
作者 Li Jinchen Pan Hua Chen Wenbin 《Earthquake Research in China》 2010年第2期263-271,共9页
In this paper we discuss the seismogenic structures of the two earthquakes occurring in the Beibu Gulf waters,based on the investigation of geological structure,faults,geophysical fields,seismicity and earthquake foca... In this paper we discuss the seismogenic structures of the two earthquakes occurring in the Beibu Gulf waters,based on the investigation of geological structure,faults,geophysical fields,seismicity and earthquake focal mechanism.The results show that the NEE trending faults along the boundary of the Wushi depression are the dominating seismogenic structures,and the NW trending faults are the key factors of stress concentration.The results also show that high seismicity has a significant relationship with the late Cenozoic deposition center in the Beibu Gulf,and their NE-NEE trending boundary faults are important to the identification of seismogenic structures.The special arcuate fault segment or the intersection point of the NW trending faults and NE-NEE trending boundary faults is a possible location of future earthquakes. 展开更多
关键词 Beibu Gulf Double-shock type earthquake Seismogenic structure Wushi depression Haizhong depression
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