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区域地震范围的宽频带理论地震图算法研究 被引量:4
作者 纪晨 姚振兴 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CSCD 北大核心 1995年第4期460-468,共9页
本文研究一种计算区域地震范围宽频带理论地震图的快速算法.对于层状地球介质模型,使用广义反射、透射系数矩阵和离散波数积分方法计算理论地震图.为了减少计算时间,改进了Filon波数积分方法,并用它来计算波数积分.数值模拟... 本文研究一种计算区域地震范围宽频带理论地震图的快速算法.对于层状地球介质模型,使用广义反射、透射系数矩阵和离散波数积分方法计算理论地震图.为了减少计算时间,改进了Filon波数积分方法,并用它来计算波数积分.数值模拟表明,在计算震中距为300km的理论地震图时,计算速度提高了1倍. 展开更多
关键词 区域地震 宽频带理论 地震 地震范围
基于互联网信息快速估计汶川地震有感范围 被引量:5
作者 帅向华 胡素平 郑向向 《地震地质》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期1094-1105,共12页
通过搜索和分析互联网上有关汶川地震的信息得出,汶川地震后3h为有感信息密集发布时段,信息总量为4 515条。分析信息的发布时间、地域和有感强度分布特征,对信息按照无感、有感和强有感进行分类,提取分布于199个地区的2 289条有感信息... 通过搜索和分析互联网上有关汶川地震的信息得出,汶川地震后3h为有感信息密集发布时段,信息总量为4 515条。分析信息的发布时间、地域和有感强度分布特征,对信息按照无感、有感和强有感进行分类,提取分布于199个地区的2 289条有感信息作为数据源进行有感范围的空间插值拟合处理。空间插值选用反距离权插值、径向基函数插值和克里格插值3种方法,通过对不同插值结果的比较分析发现,克里格插值方法在一定的插值模型和参数下对有感范围的拟合效果与汶川地震实际影响范围基本吻合,尤其是强有感范围基本反映了地震灾区范围。该项研究为震后快速获取地震有感范围提供了有效途径,同时也为地震灾害速判提供了动态修正依据,为地震应急提供第一时间的灾情信息。 展开更多
关键词 汶川地震 互联网 灾情获取 地震应急 地震有感范围 空间插值 GIS
不同地形地质下岩质边坡的场地效应与地表地震影响范围的初步确定 被引量:7
作者 周英博 周秋鹏 +2 位作者 段志强 高晓晶 李智威 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2019年第7期200-208,共9页
为有效减轻建在西部山区用地受限的地面建筑的震害,选定了具有代表性的4种岩质边坡作为研究对象,开展了不同地形、地质的地震动传播特性研究。分别从边坡的场地效应、空间非一致性等方面初步确定了不同地形地质条件下边坡的地表地震影... 为有效减轻建在西部山区用地受限的地面建筑的震害,选定了具有代表性的4种岩质边坡作为研究对象,开展了不同地形、地质的地震动传播特性研究。分别从边坡的场地效应、空间非一致性等方面初步确定了不同地形地质条件下边坡的地表地震影响范围,得到了以下结果:均质岩质边坡地表各监测点的放大系数基本呈现离边坡边缘的距离越大其值就越小的趋势;随着坡高的增长,这种趋势就越明显。对于非均质成层岩质边坡,岩性相差越大,空间非一致性表现得越明显。覆盖土层岩质边坡各个监测点放大系数的差距在低坡高时和高坡高时比较大,在坡高为80 m时则最小;软弱夹层岩质边坡各个监测点放大系数大小与均质岩质边坡类似。非均质岩质边坡和覆盖土层岩质边坡下缘地表地震影响范围基本上都大于均质岩质边坡和软弱夹层岩质边坡;而均质岩质边坡和软弱夹层岩质边坡则基本相同。对于不同坡高,后两种边坡的地震影响范围基本变化不大,但是对于前两种边坡,坡高越大,影响范围就越大。4种岩质边坡上缘地表地震影响范围在中低坡高时相差不大,基本上都在300 m范围内;但坡高为80 m的覆盖土层岩质边坡影响范围明显大于其他类型边坡情况。 展开更多
关键词 不同地形地质 场地效应 空间非一致性 岩质边坡 地表地震影响范围
高速铁路地震预警系统紧急处置信息快速生成算法 被引量:11
作者 杨林 《中国铁道科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期125-130,共6页
基于高速铁路地震预警监测系统的结构和功能,提出1种高速铁路地震预警系统紧急处置信息快速生成算法。该算法采用曲线拟合方法建立平面坐标系下高速铁路线路的曲线方程,基于地震动能量衰减方程建立平面坐标系下地震影响范围的圆曲线方程... 基于高速铁路地震预警监测系统的结构和功能,提出1种高速铁路地震预警系统紧急处置信息快速生成算法。该算法采用曲线拟合方法建立平面坐标系下高速铁路线路的曲线方程,基于地震动能量衰减方程建立平面坐标系下地震影响范围的圆曲线方程,联立2个方程并求解,得到2条曲线2个交点的坐标值;将坐标值转换为经纬度,再转换为公里标,得到地震对高速铁路线路的影响范围;再依据高速铁路预警地震紧急处置原则,生成高速铁路地震预警紧急处置信息。将该算法应用于高速铁路地震预警监测铁路局中心系统的测试和现场地震试验中,紧急处置信息生成时间的最大值均为40ms,平均值分别为18和27ms,可见其远远小于《高速铁路地震预警监测系统暂行技术条件》中对路局中心系统紧急处置时间100ms的要求,从而验证了该算法的合理性和有效性。 展开更多
关键词 高速铁路 地震预警系统 地震影响范围 紧急处置信息 信息生成时间
用平均可视分辨法估算山西大同数字遥测地震台网的监测能力 被引量:5
作者 王焱 赵淑珍 金文臣 《山西地震》 2001年第4期8-10,共3页
为对由近震震级公式反推出的地震监测范围进行验证 ,用平均可视分辨法对山西大同数字遥测地震台网的地震观测资料进行了估算 ,结果表明 ,用近震震级公式及平均可视分辨法确定的地震监测范围具有较强的可比性 。
关键词 数字化地震台网 遥测台网 台网监测能力 地震监测范围 平均可视分辨法
作者 Lars Zuhlsdorff Volkhard Spie 梁蓓雯(译) 徐华宁(校) 《海洋地质》 2006年第3期71-80,共10页
早期的刚果盆地位于南纬5°刚果峡谷北部,其中的麻坑是气体水合物大量存在且有明显的流体渗漏的典型。麻坑位于刚果离岸的大陆边缘处,以近海沉积为特征。德国R/VMeteor调查船在M47/3与M56航次中,为使每一深度的横向与垂向分辨... 早期的刚果盆地位于南纬5°刚果峡谷北部,其中的麻坑是气体水合物大量存在且有明显的流体渗漏的典型。麻坑位于刚果离岸的大陆边缘处,以近海沉积为特征。德国R/VMeteor调查船在M47/3与M56航次中,为使每一深度的横向与垂向分辨率最优化并将较深部的处理与表面表现相联系,采集了地震、声学与海表面测绘等系列数据。数据上可观察到不同规模的海底塌陷与反相散射振幅,以及地震反射振幅的局部变化,包括柱状空白带与断层和其它潜在的流体通道附近的强振幅带:大多数的观测结果可能与流体活动出口有关,海底录像与取样结果也证实这些观测结果。由于此位置与渗流相关的过程叠合了一个非常确定的地质背景,因此刚果盆地的麻坑为气体水合物基本控制参数的研究提供了一个天然的试验条件。 展开更多
关键词 范围地震与声学研究 海底麻坑 气体水合物 浅层气流体运移 近海沉积 被动大陆边缘
作者 丛丽萍 《科技创新与应用》 2016年第9期147-147,共1页
为了满足当下煤矿工作的要求,进行煤田勘探方案的优化是必要的。在文章中,作者就煤田勘探的断层控制环节进行分析,旨在从勘探网型设计环节、断层追踪控制环节进行分析,详细陈述煤田勘探过程中的问题,实现勘探工作及钻探工作的正常开展,... 为了满足当下煤矿工作的要求,进行煤田勘探方案的优化是必要的。在文章中,作者就煤田勘探的断层控制环节进行分析,旨在从勘探网型设计环节、断层追踪控制环节进行分析,详细陈述煤田勘探过程中的问题,实现勘探工作及钻探工作的正常开展,从而解决现实问题,提升勘探的精度,提高钻探工作的效益,保证钻探工程体系的健全。 展开更多
关键词 煤田勘探 断层控制 勘探网型 断煤交点 数学模型 三维地震范围
Seismic reliability analysis of shield tunnel faces under multiple failure modes by pseudo-dynamic method and response surface method 被引量:3
作者 ZHANG Jia-hua XU Peng +1 位作者 SUN Wang-cheng LI Bo 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第5期1553-1564,共12页
In order to investigate the stability problem of shield tunnel faces subjected to seismic loading,the pseudodynamic method(P-DM)was employed to analyze the seismic effect on the face.Two kinds of failure mechanisms of... In order to investigate the stability problem of shield tunnel faces subjected to seismic loading,the pseudodynamic method(P-DM)was employed to analyze the seismic effect on the face.Two kinds of failure mechanisms of active collapse and passive extrusion were considered,and a seismic reliability model of shield tunnel faces under multifailure mode was established.The limit analysis method and the response surface method(RSM)were used together to solve the reliability of shield tunnel faces subjected to seismic action.Comparing with existing results,the results of this work are effective.The effects of seismic load and rock mass strength on the collapse pressure,extrusion pressure and reliability index were discussed,and reasonable ranges of support pressure of shield tunnel faces under seismic action were presented.This method can provide a new idea for solving the shield thrust parameter under the seismic loading. 展开更多
关键词 shield tunnel face pseudo-dynamic method seismic effect multi-failure mode support pressure range
Study on Site Specific Design Earthquake Ground Motion of Nuclear Power Plants in China
作者 Zhou Bochang Li Xiaojun Li Yaqi 《Earthquake Research in China》 2008年第4期410-415,共6页
The main technical backgrounds and requirements are introduced with regard to earthquake ground motion design parameters in several domestic and American standards,codes and guides involved in the seismic analysis and... The main technical backgrounds and requirements are introduced with regard to earthquake ground motion design parameters in several domestic and American standards,codes and guides involved in the seismic analysis and design activities of nuclear power plants in China.Based on the research results from site seismic safety evaluation of domestic nuclear power plant projects in the last years,characteristics and differences of site specific design spectra are analyzed in comparison with standard response spectra,and the suitability of standard response spectra for domestic nuclear power plant projects is discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Nuclear power plant Design earthquake ground motion Standard response spectra Site specific design spectra
Characteristic Period Value of the Seismic Design Response Spectrum of UHV Electrical Equipment
作者 You Hongbing Zhao Fengxin You He 《Earthquake Research in China》 CSCD 2015年第1期117-127,共11页
Characteristic period is an important parameter of the seismic design response spectrum. There is important theoretical significance and engineering application value to the study of the characteristic period of seism... Characteristic period is an important parameter of the seismic design response spectrum. There is important theoretical significance and engineering application value to the study of the characteristic period of seismic design response spectrum of ultra high voltage (UHV) electrical equipment. In this paper, 1448 horizontal earthquake records within the world scope including the United States and Japan for Site Class m were analyzed. Results show that both magnitude and epicentral distance have great influence on the characteristic period. About 80 % of characteristic periods of strong earthquake records are about 0. 9s. Statistical analysis was conducted on the seismic hazard assessment results of 312 projects of China in recent years, and it is found that about 70 % of characteristic periods are about 0. 9s. Combined with the related code comparison and analysis, it is suggested that the characteristic period of the seismic design response spectrmn of UHV electrical equipment should select 0. 9s in order to effectively guarantee the seismic safety of UHV electrical equipment. 展开更多
关键词 UHV electrical equipment Seismic design response spectrum Characteristicperiod Statistical analysis
Earthquake-Affected Time-Space Domain, Recurrence Interval and Effective Preparation Time of Earthquakes
作者 Wang Shengzu and Zhang ZongchunInstitute of Geology & Laboratory of Tectonophysics, China Seismological Bureau, Beijing 100029, China 《Earthquake Research in China》 2002年第4期380-395,共16页
The study shows that earthquake-affected time-space domain (ETSD), i.e. a time-space range in which strong earthquakes are unable to occur owing to the influence of a prior earthquake occurring, shows a hyperbolic mar... The study shows that earthquake-affected time-space domain (ETSD), i.e. a time-space range in which strong earthquakes are unable to occur owing to the influence of a prior earthquake occurring, shows a hyperbolic margin curve in the t(time)-r(distance) coordinate plane, which has a maximum affected radius r 0 at t=0 and a maximum influence time t 0 (i.e. the in-situ recurrence interval of earthquakes) at r=0. Based on the time-distance distributions of posterior earthquakes relative to prior ones in the regions of North China, Northwest China, Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) plateau and Southwest China, the optimized and 90%-confidence margin curves are estimated using optimization and statistical analysis methods. This indicates that the concept and method of ETSD with 3-dimension (time-distance-magnitudes) instead of those of “recurrence interval" with 1-dimension (time) or 2-dimension (time-magnitude) provides a new approach to understanding the fluctuation of seismic activities, estimating the effective earthquake-preparation time of potential hypocenters, and therefore improving the medium- and long-term prediction of strong earthquakes. 展开更多
关键词 Earthquake-affected time-space domain Recurrence interval Affected radius Effective earthquake-preparation time
A New Upsurge in Global Seismicity
作者 Deng Qidong 《Earthquake Research in China》 2013年第3期282-287,共6页
This paper studies the temporal and spatial distribution of great global earthquakes (Mw i〉 8.0) since 1900. We compare the two periods of upsurges of great earthquakes occurring in the middle of last century and b... This paper studies the temporal and spatial distribution of great global earthquakes (Mw i〉 8.0) since 1900. We compare the two periods of upsurges of great earthquakes occurring in the middle of last century and beginning of this century. The former period took place between 1950 and 1965 during which 13 great earthquakes (Mw I〉 8.0) occurred, including three events with moment magnitude greater than 9. 0. The largest magnitude in this period reached 9.6. The latter period starts from the beginning of this century. In less than 12 years, 15 great earthquakes have attacked the world with the largest magnitude being Mw 9. 1. On the basis of comparison between these two upsurges of global earthquake activity, we infer that the ongoing high level of earthquake activity may continue for another five years or so. Numerous great earthquakes (Mw I〉8. 0) and many large earthquakes (Mw6.0 ~ 7. 0) will occur globally in these five years. In addition, this paper also discusses the relationships between earthquake activity along the Sumatra segment of the Indian-Australia plate boundary and that in the Bayankala block in the middle of Qinghai-Tibetan plateau as well as in the blocks of the southern plateau. The results indicate that the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau, in particular its middle and southern parts, is a likely place for future earthquakes of magnitude over 7.0. 展开更多
关键词 Global seismicity Upsurge Seismic risk
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